Warung Bebas

Senin, 22 Juni 2009

Of course I had fun...It was a non stop wet T-shirt contest!

Saturday June 20th was the Niagara Series of Races in Niagara on the Lake, and four of our finest went to run and three of us went to swim.
This was the first time in my recollection that the race did not start in temperatures in the high 20's and so humid you would be gasping for air just standing at the start line.
For those who have not done this race in the OUS series, you miss out on a well run and scenic course.
Yes, I know that the race is on pavement, and it eats up those expensive trail runners, but it is worth it in the end.
Distances of 10K, 1/2 Marathon, Marathon and 50K, you should have no problem selecting one that fits your schedule.
Early entries are eligible for either a sweat shirt or hoodie, depending on distance, a finishers memento with your name engraved and beer and pizza.
The turn out this year was huge, so much so the race organizers may put a cap on it next year. (so enter early)
For those who look for a Boston Qualifier, I am told this is a good pick since it is flat and fast.
Congratulations to Betty who took home the hardware in the 10K.
My first wife Karen along with Alita and James did our group proud in the 1/2 Marathon, while Bill, Louise and myself stood in the pouring rain proving that Gortex is not 100% water proof.
Next race in the OUS series is Creemore Vertical Challenge 25 & 50K on July 4th.

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

A Little Tidbit

I'm gearing up for a new series of posts based on some fascinating reading I've been doing lately. I'm not going to spill the beans, but I will give you a little hint, from a paper written by Dr. Robert S. Corruccini, professor of anthropology at Southern Illinois university. I just came across this quote and it blew me away. It's so full of wisdom I can't even believe I just read it. The term "occlusion" refers to the way the upper and lower teeth come together, as in overbite or underbite.
Similar to heart disease and diabetes which are "diseases of civilization" or "Western diseases" (Trowell and Burkitt, 1981) that have attained high prevalence in urban society because of environmental factors rather than "genetic deterioration," an epidemiological transition (Omran, 1971) in occlusal health accompanies urbanization.

Western society has completely crossed this transition and now exists in a state of industrially buffered environmental homogeneity. The relatively constant environment both raises genetic variance estimates (since environmental variance is lessened) and renders epidemiological surveys largely meaningless because etiological factors are largely uniform. Nevertheless most occlusal epidemiology and heritability surveys are conducted in this population rather than in developing countries currently traversing the epidemiological transition.
In other words, the reason observational studies in affluent nations haven't been able to get to the bottom of dental/orthodontic problems and chronic disease is that everyone in their study population is doing the same thing! There isn't enough variability in the diets and lifestyles of modern populations to be able to determine what's causing the problem. So we study the genetics of problems that are not genetic in origin, and overestimate genetic contributions because we're studying populations whose diet and lifestyle are homogeneous. It's a wild goose chase.

That's why you have to study modernizing populations that are transitioning from good to poor health, which is exactly what Dr. Weston Price and many others have done. Only then can you see the true, non-genetic, nature of the problem.

Rambut Jagung Luruhkan Batu Empedu

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009 | 13:12 WIB

KOMPAS.com - Selama ini Anda mungkin mencari solusi alami untuk mengatasi masalah batu empedu. Bisa jadi rambut jagung adalah pilihannya. Pasalnya, sebagai terapi awal, rambut jagung ternyata memiliki potensi besar untuk meluruhkan batu empedu. Beberapa uji laboratorium telah menguatkan dugaan itu.

Rambut jagung dalam kehidupan sehari-hari lebih dilihat sebagai limbah dari industri pangan maupun rumah tangga. Padahal, seperti diungkapkan ahli tanaman obat Dr.Setiawan Dalimartha, sebagian besar masyrakat sudah memanfaatkan air rebusan rambut jagung sebagai obat tradisional untuk peluruh air seni dan penurun tekanan darah.

Penelitian mengenai kandungan rambut jagung sayangnya masih terbatas dan belum banyak dipublikasi. Namun, beberapa penilitan menunjukan ditemukan adanya kandungan flavonoid yang bermanfaat sebagai peluruh batu empedu.

Sebelum Anda mengonsumsi, pastikan memilih rambut jagung yang masih segar. Maksudnya, pilih jagung yang segar dan ambil rambut jagung yang sebagian masih terbungkus pelepah jagung.

"Jadi bukan yang di luar. Karena rambut jagung bagian dalam jauh lebih bersih dan banyak mengandung zat yang bermanfaat," kata Setiawan.

Tertarik untuk mencoba? Cara meramunya mudah kok.

Peluruh batu empedu
Siapkan 30 gram rambut jagung, rebus dengan air secukupnya. Setelah mendidih, saring airnya lalu dinginkan. Saring kembali, dan setelah dingin dapat diminum. Minum ramuan ini sehari sekali.

Pereda panas dalam
Siapkan 30-40 gram rambut jagung dan irisan daun pandan. Rambut jagung dan daun pandan direbus dengan air secukupnya. Setelah dingin, saring lalu diminum.

Peluruh kencing (diuretik)
Siapkan 30-50 gram rambut jagung dan satu rimpang jahe ukuran sedang. Rebus bahan-bahan dengan air secukupnya. Setelah dingin, saring. Boleh ditambah madu.


Kamis, 11 Juni 2009


CORBISSEHAT: Jika Anda ingin hidup sehat dan terhindar dari stroke, penelitian membuktikan dua cangkir teh hijau per hari merupakan pilihan yang terbaik.

Minum dua cangkir teh hijau per hari, dapat menghindari serangan stroke yang paling banyak terjadi. Demikian diungkap peneliti asal Australia.

Salah seorang peneliti Profesor Colin Bins dari Schol of Public Health, Curtin University di Australia Barat mengatakan, penelitian yang merek alakukan menunjukkan, orang yang minum minimal satu cangkir teh hijau per hari akan menurunkan risiko terkena stroke ischemic seperti dilansir ABC.net.au, baru-baru ini.

Sementara itu orang yang biasa meminum dua cangkir teh hijau setiap hari dapat menekan risiko hingga 60%. "Dapat dikatakan, jika Anda ingin mengonsumsi secangkir minuman, maka teh merupakan pilihan yang lebh sehat," terangnya.

Jika Anda tidak terlalu menyukai rasa teh hijau, maka teh hitam juga dapat diminum untuk mengurangi risiko stroke. Hanya saja manfaatnya tidak sebanyak yang diperoleh dari teh hijau.

"Kami meyakini teh jenis lain efektivitasnya hanya setengah jika dibandingkan dengan teh hijau untuk mengurangi risiko stroke," tutur Binns.

Dia mengatakan, hasil penelitian ini dapat mmbantu mengurangi kasus stroke yang mengakibatkan kematian sekitar 5 juta orang di seluruh dunia setiap tahun.

Selain itu, penelitian terhadap konsumsi teh hijau diantara para pasien stroke ischemic di Cina selatan, provinsi Guangdong. Ishemic stroke yaitu disebabkan oleh gumpalan lemak yang menghalangi darah ke otak. Stroke jenis ini paling banyak terjadi, sekitar 70% dari seluruh kasus stroke.

Penelitian itu dilakukan dengan dukungan berbagai instansi termasuk Curtin Health Innovation Research Institure dan tiga rumah sakit di Cina yang dilakukan tahun 2007-2008. Studi itu melibatkan 400 pasein yang didiagnosa mengalami stroke dan 400 orang sehat.

Binns mengatakan, penelitian yang dilakukan di Selatan Cina itu sangat penting karena pola makan di kawasan tersebut tidak banyak berubah selama 10-20 tahun terakhir. Populasi daerah itu juga homogen dan minum teh adalah kebiasaan tradisional.

Dia menambahkan, selera orang di Australia seringkali berubah. Sehingga sulit untuk melakukan studi yang serupa. Meskipun demikian, para peneliti meyakini teh hikau akan memiliki manfaat yang serupa jika diterapkan pada pola makan barat. (rin)sumber :http://republika.co.id/berita/55998/Dua_Cangkir_Teh_Hijau_Halau_Stroke

NB: SehatHerbal.com menyediakan Ixora Green Tea- Teh hijua berkualias, harga Rp. 65.000/kotak utk 50 kali pakai.

Info pemesanan : budiprakoso98@gmail.com / 081310343598

Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

Click Here For Shocking Photo's

I am pleased to announce that I suck almost as much at kayaking as I do at trail running.
Our trail kicker friend from Alberta, Willy Bill, came to South-Western Ontario to whip LuLu into shape for our upcoming hike in the wilds of the Yukon.
This included a kayaking trip down the Grand River from Cambridge to Paris.
Normally a slow paddle, the recent deluge of rain caused for a pretty fast current. So much so, that the outfitter we rented some of the kayaks & canoe from, sent along a guide.
( I think he was there to recover the equipment rather than the person.)

All went well until Ken & Jeniffer decided that when coming to a bridge column located in the centre of the river, about at the halfway point, the front paddler wanted to go left of the massive stone structure while the rear paddler wanted the right.
Well the river decided neither and they collided the structure and capsized, causing the guide to earn his keep. He did recover the canoe but Jen & Ken were lost.
Kidding about the last part, they swam ashore and others down river captured their gear as it floated by.

This was a fun way to spend a day since upon 'Two Beer Nancy's' demand, we then proceeded to a licensed establishment to sample some beverages and chicken wings.

The evening concluded with a BBQ back in London to solve the worlds problems.

On a Trail Running note, our motley crew took home the hardware at Sulphur Springs Trail Races.
And I can't wait till Alita comes out to Saturday morning trail runs wearing her Sulphur Springs shirt.
Coming up in the OUS is Niagara Ultra on June 20th.
Sorry no trails here, but a fast course for a 10k,25k, marathon and 50K
Great prizes that come from local wineries and early entries get a warm hoodie.
And rumour has it that there may be some beer to be had at the end.
And speaking of beer.. Creemore Vertical Challenge is on July 4th. If you like scenery and hills..never ending freaking hills.. then this is the race to do.
The only thing that compels me to do this race is that the kegs of Creemore are at the finish line.

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