Warung Bebas

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Screen Saver Api

Unik Informatika - Halo bloger,
anda suka ngoprek tampilan kompi anda?
saya punya style baru ne, screen saver api !
keren kawan, monitor laptop anda nyaris asli terbakar.
suka ini?
Anda bisa mengunduhnya di Link di bawah ini !

Bootable dengan ISO to USB

Unik Informatika - ISO to USB adalah sebuah aplikasi untuk mengurai file yang berbentuk atau berekstensi .iso ke dalam usb atau flash disk anda,
aplikasi ini bagus untuk anda yang suka mendownload file berekstensi .iso karena kerja aplikasi ini sangat cepat, juga bisa membuat bootable dengan flash disk, sehingga anda tidak membutuhkan sebuah CD atau VCD yang harus diganti setelah pembakaran.

Unduh saja, Klik Link dibawah ini !

Firefox 10.0, Browser Fast dan Safety

Unik Informatika - Internet itu kebutuhan, sudah menjadi semi primer karena saking pentingnya.
Nah, internet itu butuh alat untuk menjalankan nya, saya punya yang terbaru untuk anda, sudah banyak bug yang diperbaiki, jadi tenang saja kawa.
Yang saya maksud alat diatas adalah sebuah browser yang sudah tidak asing lagi untuk penjelajah dunia maya, dia adalah Mozilla Firefox.
browser ini sudah banyak dipakai oleh penjelajah dan dijadikan default browser mereka.

Browser ini banyak di gunakan karena safety, bisa mencegah phising facebook dan twitter, maupun phising lainnya.

Browser itu bisa anda unduh melalui link dibawah !

Password : ibalmilan

Folder Protect, si Penjaga Privasi Anda

Unik Informatika - Bicara soal protek memprotek folder, saya ada sebuah aplikasi yang memiliki daya protek yang tinggi, namanya Folder Protect.
aplikasi ini memiliki fitur sebagai berikut :

- no read
- no visible
- no write
- no access

No read, berarti folder yang kita lindungi itu tidak bisa di baca, sedangkan no write tidak bisa di ubah cuma bisa dilihat saja.
No visible membuat foder itu tidak bisa dilihat, sedangkan No access membuat folder itu tidak bisa dibuka atau diakses,
bayangkan saja jika keempat fitur itu di gabungkan, maka tidak bisa diragukan lagi akan kedahsyatan perlindungan folder dari aplikasi ini.
Satu lagi fitur yang ada dalam aplikasi ini adalah bisa diakses dengan shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + [Terserah anda, sesuai tombol yang anda atur, tapi biasanya memakai tombol F].

Anda suka aplikasi itu?
silahkan Klik tulisan dibawah untuk mendownload.

Health IT: Ddulites and Irrational Exuberance

The title is not a typo.

I've often tried to explain the phenomenon of irrational exuberance where computers are concerned, especially in the domain of health IT.

In face of the literature references provided throughout this blog, including at posts such as this reading list and at sites such as here, one would think rational people would temper their exuberance somewhat, at the very least towards rapid national rollouts - as opposed to constrained, controlled experiments until the industry learns how to get the technology "right."

However, more than a decade of writing has had little effect.

I've also attempted to explain the phenomenon of irrational exuberance on a belief in technological determinism, on industry propaganda, on unquestioning IT faith being a quasi-"religion", and on profiteering or other quid pro quo. (The latter, I'm certain, is operative to an extent.)

I have now come across a term, though, that I believe accurately encapsulates the phenomenon of unquestioning beliefs that health IT + clinician automagically --> a "revolution" in medicine.

It may be a character trait. The trait has been described by the term "Ddulite." (Pronounced, I would say, 'da-dew-light'.) It is obviously a play on "Luddite" with the fist four characters backwards.

Apart from its historical meaning, a Luddite is "one who is opposed to change, especially technological change" (Merriam-Webster).

A Ddulite, on the other hand, is the opposite of a Luddite. A Ddulite is:

A person who prefers new tech to old tech even when the old tech is better--more functional

or alternately:

A person with a preference for higher tech solutions even in cases where lower tech alternatives have greater and more appropriate functionality.

My own definition, especially in healthcare:

Hyper-enthusiastic technophiles who either deliberately ignore or are blinded to technology's downsides, ethical issues, and repeated local and mass failures. [1]

Such people ignore the downsides, even if the downsides are deadly - in which case I believe it justified to describe Ddulites as "radical technophiles."

The Ddulite simply assumes if it's new technology, it has to be better, no matter the evidence because, well, it's new technology.

In other words, irrational exuberance in IT in general, and HIT specifically, is not merely a belief, it's a character trait, perhaps an ideology.

That could help explain why some otherwise very bright people, even people who promote evidence-based medical practice, seem to become blind and deaf in regard to HIT, as in the recent comment thread on my post "KevinMD: How algorithm driven medicine can affect (make more dangerous, actually) patient care."

When it comes to evidence-based IT practice, a Ddulite is eager to provide extraordinary special accommodation towards IT flaws, ethics, known dangers, etc. Someone of this ideology finds it exceptionally easy to dismiss or ignore any and all evidence that could contradict the technology's powers to "transform" medicine, and perhaps even worse (for patients), that could contradict its infallible beneficence.

Unfortunately, IT is not a magic bullet ... it can be just a bullet, period, unless "done well", an undertaking of almost wicked complexity.

Being a Ddulite can, in fact, lead to recklessness and negligence. A transition to IT must always respect the findings of Social Informatics (PDF): see especially Sec. 3.1 'Key Social Informatics Ideas' starting on pg. 117. The transition must be done - especially in a scientific domain - in a scientific manner.

In medicine, that means applying the rigors of medical research, medical science and medical ethics to the conception, design, implementation and lifecycle of health IT, with all that implies. This is certainly not the state of the HIT enterprise in 2012, which is largely based on a management information systems, i.e. merchant-computing, paradigm.

People who offer unquestioning loyalty to cybernetics, and who reflexively accuse those who are circumspect about commercial health IT of being "Luddites" who proffer "anecdotes", perhaps need to look in the mirror. They then need to think critically as to whether their reflection demonstrates Ddulite characteristics.

Unquestioning loyalty to the Empire: In A Mirror, Darkly

-- SS

Feb. 19, 2012 addendum:

Also see my post "Health IT Ddulites and Disregard for the Rights of Others" that adds another observation about the Ddulite mindset.


[1] On mass IT failures repeatedly ignored, see "Pessimism, Computer Failure, and Information Systems Development in the Public Sector", Shaun Goldfinch, University of Otago, New Zealand, Public Administration Review 67;5:917-929, Sept/Oct. 2007.

Of Mice & Men: My Rodent Study Disclaimer

The purpose of this post is to have a sort-of "disclaimer" to link to (if I can remember) whenever I discuss a rodent study here at the Asylum ... A small manifesto if you will, on my feelings on the utility and limitations of rodent studies in relation to human beings.   Also, I look at this post as a way to remind older readers and/or inform newer readers as to my background.  I spent roughly five years in the company of countless rats and mice, working for Big Pharma, and when I speak of rats, I'm not talking about my colleagues ;-)  My job was half analytical chemistry, half metabolism.  I worked on mostly discovery level drug candidates (a level before development) characterizing the absorption, metabolism and routes of excretion of these drugs, mostly antidepressants.  As such I've chopped the heads off of more rats than I care to recollect, opened up countless abdomens of mice to get maximum blood samples from the vena cava, removed/homogenized and analyzed countless livers, brains and intestines, observed behavior of these animals in their cages when dosed with the drugs I was giving them, etc.etc.etc.   As such, I do take somewhat personal affront to those who issue blanket dismissals of any animal studies.  As far as I'm concerned you're all a bunch of hypocrits unless you have never taken anything more than an aspirin and/or never intend to and plan to die a "natural death" feeling full pain and discomfort from whatever might befall you on this journey we call life.  I'm not going to turn this into a defense of Big Pharma, I have no affiliation, and since the days when I worked there (late 80's) I've felt our country is vastly over-medicated (and it has only gotten so so much worse since).  But I mention this because I believe my perspective is a bit unique in this regard.
Read more »

7 Hewan Megah Penguasa Kutup Utara

Unik Informatika - Dunia penuh dengan keindahan, buktinya di kawasan kutup utara banyak hewan indah yang menghuni daerah sana, berikut ini ada 7 hewan eksotis penguasa kutup utara :

1. Wolverine
Mungkin saya tau apa yang ada di pikiran anda ketika mendengar kata wolverine, mungkine anda kepikiran akan sebuah film hollywood tentang superhero, X-Men itulah sebuah tokoh wolverine yang berhubungan dengan hewan ini, mungkin karena hewan ini memiliki cakar, yang digunakan sebagai alat pendakian dan penggalian konon katanya.

2. Lynx Kanada
Lynx adalah spesies binatang sebangsa kucing tapi keberadaan nya kurang di kenal dunia, begitu indah hewan ini sehingga masuk ke hewan artik indah, yang memiliki cakar untuk berjalan lebih mudah di areal salju kutup.
Lynx Kanada menjadi punah di Colorado pada 1970-an, meskipun makhluk ini berhasil diperkenalkan kembali di daerah tersebut.

3. Angsa Tundra
Angsa Tundra bermigrasi ke Alaska setiap musim semi untuk membangun sarang dan bertelur. Pada musim gugur, spesies ini bermigrasi ke Timur Laut Amerika Serikat, di sepanjang pantai Atlantik dari North Carolina kemudian ke Maryland. Umumnya angsa, hewan ini juga memiliki leher yang panjang, hewan ini memiliki warna yang indah, jika keberadaanya di salju.

4. Kelinci Artik
Kelinci Arktik ini dapat ditemukan di daerah Kutub Utara Alaska, Kanada dan Greenland. Pada bulan-bulan musim dingin, bulu tebal kelinci Arktik berubah menjadi putih, yang memungkinkan untuk berbaur dengan salju, tapi di musim panas, bulu tebalnya cokelat keabu-abuan.Kelinci ini termasuk hewan yang terancam punah menurut orang banyak, tetapi fakta itu salah, karena menurut survey kelinc ini tidak dalam keadaan terancam punah.

5. Paus Beluga atau Paus Putih
Paus Beluga atau Paus Putih (Delphinapterus leucas) adalah jenis cetacean yang terdapat di wilayah perairan laut kutub utara dan sekitarnya. Beluga adalah salah satu dari 2 jenis paus keluarga Monodontidae, bersama dengan Narwhal. Mamalia laut ini dikenal secara umum sebagai Beluga atau kenari laut karena ciri khas dari lengkingan suaranya yang tinggi. Panjang Beluga dapat mencapai 5 meter dengan warna tubuh yang putih, sementara kepalanya berbentuk melon. Paus emang indah bukan?

6. Beruang Kutup
Beruang Kutub (polar bear) atau beruang es atau dalam nama ilmiahnya Ursus maritimus adalah mamalia besar dalam aturan marga keluarga biologi Ursidae. Dia termasuk spesies circumpolar yang terdapat di sekitar benua paling utara bumi, yaitu benua Artik dan termasuk beruang paling karnivora di antara keluarga beruang lainnya. Beruang kutub kadang-kadang juga diklasifikasi sebagai mammalia laut.

7. Rubah Merah
Rubah Merah (Red fox) adalah mamalia pada ordo karnivora. Di Britania Raya dan Irlandia, tempat tidak ada lagi canid liar asli, rubah merah disebut "rubah". Rubah ini habitatnya terletak di Kanada, Alaska, Amerika Serikat, Eropa, Afrika Utara dan Asia, termasuk Jepang. Rubah merah diperkenalkan di Australia pada abad ke-19.Seperti namanya, bulu rubah ini berwarna merah kecoklatan. Dimana-mana rubah itu karnivora.

Valentine’s day is nearly here!

Here’s our Kit Heath favourites that simply say ‘I love you’

Because we love you we’re offering free gift wrap on all orders placed on our website between 8th – 10th Feb inclusive. Simply select gift wrapping when you are at the checkout and write you little love note - even if it is for yourself! .

If you sign up to our newsletter you can be sure to be the first to find out about our offers. To see our latest valentines newsletter click here.

If you want to shop in store to pick your perfect Kit Heath Valentine’s gift use our nearest stockist page on our website.

We’ve also got lots of things going on around the country this weekend to get you in the Valentine’s spirit –

Cole the Jeweller Blackpool will be hosting a Kit Heath English Rose Event on Saturday 11th February. Pop down and say hello for a glass of pink fizz and there is a goody bag with every Kit Heath purchase for the first 20 happy customers. Also there will be the chance to win one of our Kit Heath necklaces worth £90!

In Bluewater, Manchester, Cardiff, Guilford and Birmingham House of Fraser stores you will receive goody bags with every Kit Heath purchase on 10th and 11th February (whilst stocks last).

We hope you have a lovely Valentine’s day and did you know it’s Mr Kit Heaths birthday on 14th February so happy birthday Kit!


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