Warung Bebas

Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Membuat Virus Agar CD/DVD ROM Terbuka Terus-Menerus

Limit Komputer - Dari tadi mondar-mandir di internet, untuk mencari refrensi buat postingan, dan ternyata setelah 1/2 jam mencari refrensi buat postingan, dan akhirnya dapat juga. Postingan kali ini saya mau membagikan sedikit trik untuk membuat virus jail untuk kalian semua. mungkin salah satu dari kalian ingin mengerjai seseorang, boleh-boleh saja mencoba trik ini. lalu apakah trik ini berbahaya? berbahaya sih, tidak cuman mungkin di deteksi sebagai virus, namun tidak akan sampai merusak system komputer sobat.

Berikut Scriptnya

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

 Caranya memasukan Scripnya :
  1. Buka Notepad
  2. Copy dan Paste script di atas di Notepad 
  3. Lalu simpanlah dalam format .VBS (selain format .VBS, script di atas tidak berfungsi)

Maka virus jail yang sobat buat berhasil. Untuk Tes, anda tinggal klik 2 kali di file notepad tadi, maka CD/DVD ROM sobat akan terbuka tanpa berhenti.

Lalu bagaiman cara menghentikan script tersebut ?
Anda tinggal Restart Laptop/Komputer sobat, maka script tersebut akan berhenti.

sergio kun aguero

sergio kun aguero

shinji kagawa

shinji kagawa

Exercise & Fat Mobilization ... and starving cells & hunger

There's no denying it, TWICHOO is down to a broken toothpick where the science is concerned.  (See here for the toothpick reference if you're a newer reader.)   The remaining claim supporting TWICHOO rests on the action of insulin on the fat cell.  Insulin does indeed act to stimulate esterification and suppress lipolysis, favoring deposition and accumulation of triglycerides in fat cells.  They even teach this stuff in some medical schools I'm told!  So these days it's all about how carbs make you hungry and overeat (although overeating is so inane) because they stimulate insulin which traps all your fat calories in your fat starving the rest of your cells of energy.  Now, that part's not true, but let's for the sake of argument assume it is.  What, then, would cause you to lose weight and not be hungry?  Why anything that favors net mobilization of fat stores -- that is stimulates lipolysis and fatty acid release from fat cells.  This will raise the circulating free fatty acid, NEFA, levels and make them available in abundance to your cells.  Hunger be gone!  It's all about the balance of the TAG/FFA cycle.

Well, if that is the case, then exercise would be THE most effective means of preventing or reversing fat accumulation.  Hands down.  No argument.  Oh ... and it wouldn't make you hungry, quite the opposite, because your body is awash in fatty acids.  Work with me here TWICHOOB's.  If you have your hypothesis, you must fit it or apply it to all situations.  Exercise is the ultimate TWICHOOB miracle weight loss dream.   Because if anything that works to put fat into fat cells is fattening, then anything that works to get fat out of fat cells is de-fattening.
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