Warung Bebas

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

Makanan Pendamping ASI

Makanan pendamping ASI (air susu ibu) adalah makanan atau minuman yang mengandung nutrisi yang sesuai untuk bayi dan cocok diberikan sebagai pelengkap ASI setelah bayi mencapai umur tertentu. Makanan dan minuman pendamping ini biasanya diberikan kepada bayi yang berusia diatas 6 bulan. Pada usia tersebut bayi dipandang sudah siap diperkenalkan dengan makanan selain ASI yang sesuai untuk dirinya.

Makanan pendamping ASI (disingkat MPASI) ini bukanlah makanan pengganti air susu ibunya, sebab walau bagaimanapun ASI masih harus tetap diberikan. Makanan dan minuman tersebut diberikan karena bayi sudah semakin besar dan memerlukan nutrisi lain yang dibutuhkannya, yang tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh ASI. Memberi makanan dan minuman pendamping untuk bayi harus hati-hati dan bertahap karena sistem pencernaan bayi yang belum siap sepenuhnya. Nah, bagaimana cara memberi makanan pendamping asi, yuk simak uraian berikut ini :  

Tanda-tanda bayi siap dengan makanan pendamping ASI
Bayi yang sudah siap menerima makanan pendamping air susu ibu biasanya akan menunjukkan tanda-tanda tertentu, baik secara fisik maupun secara psikologis. Tanda bayi siap secara fisik misalnya : bayi sudah jarang muntah atau berhenti sama sekali, bayi mampu menelan makanan semi padat, mampu memindahkan makanan dari bagian depan mulut ke belakang, bayi sudah bisa menahan kepala agar tetap tegak, sudah bisa duduk dengan atau tanpa bantuan, serta bisa menjaga keseimbangan tubuh.

Sedangkan secara psikologis, tanda bayi siap menerima makanan pendamping asimisalnya : bayi mampu membuka mulutnya sebagai tanda ingin makan, menunjukkan rasa lapar dengan mendekati makanan, jika sudah kenyang bayi akan membuang muka atau menjauh dari makanan, bayi terlihat lebih mandiri dan eksploratif, serta tanda-tanda lain yang menunjukkan ketertarikan pada makanan atau minuman kesukaannya.

Contoh makanan pendamping air susu ibu
Makanan untuk pendamping asi haruslah memiliki tekstur yang lembut. Hal ini untuk menyesuaikan dengan sistem pencernaan bayi yang belum sempurna. Untuk tahap pengenalan makanan tersebut malahan bentuknya harus cair menyerupai ASI, misalnya bubur susu.

Bubur susu adalah makanan campuran yang dibuat dari beras yang ditumbuk halus kemudian dimasak sampai menjadi bubur. Jika sudah dingin dan siap dihidangkan bubur tersebut dicampur dengan ASI, sehingga disebut bubur susu. Bubur susu merupakan contoh makanan pendamping asi yang memiliki tekstur yang lunak atau lembut. Selain tekstur, yang harus diperhatikan saat membuat bubur susu adalah soal  kebersihannya.

Makanan untuk pendamping asi sebaiknya berupa makanan olahan sendiri dan bukan makanan kaleng atau hasil pabrik. Keuntungan makanan olahan sendiri adalah lebih fresh, bebas dari bahan pengawet, serta kebersihannya bisa langsung dikontrol. Selain itu dari segi ekonomi juga lebih murah. Makanan MPASI hasil olahan pabrik hanya diberikan manakala situasinya mendesak seperti bencana alam.

Sebagai selingan, selain bubur susu, makanan atau minuman pendamping yang juga dianjurkan adalah jus buah dan jus sayur. Misalnya pisang, pepaya, apel, wortel dan lain-lain. Setelah 7 bulan bayi bisa diberikan makanan dengan tekstur yang lebih kasar misalnya nasi tim yang disaring halus.

Cara memberi makanan pendamping asi
Sistem pencernaan pada bayi usia 6 bulan baru terbentuk dan belum sepenuhnya sempurna. Karena itu dalam memberi makanan pendamping air susu ibu harus ekstra hati-hati dan bertahap. Perhatikan reaksi buah hati anda saat memperkenalkan makanan atau minuman tersebut. Jangan sampai kita terus memberinya makanan sementara bayi sudah menunjukkan tanda-tanda penolakan.

Berikut beberapa cara memberi dan mengenalkan makanan pendamping asi untuk si buah hati :
  1. Karena sifatnya mengenalkan, maka berikan makanan MPASI dalam jumlah sedikit.
  2. Pengenalan makanan untuk mendampingi asi sebaiknya dilakukan secara berulang-ulang.
  3. Coba taruh makanan di dekat bayi namun tidak menawarkannya, biasanya bayi akan mau mencobanya jika ditemani.
  4. Selama masa pengenalan orang tua juga memberi contoh, misalnya pura-pura ikut mencicipi makanan.
  5. Memberi makanan pendamping harus serileks mungkin, sehingga anak menunjukkan minatnya serta tidak takut mencoba.
  6. Secara bertahap tambahkan makanan baru pada makanan kesukaannya.
  7. Segera hentikan jika pendamping asi tersebut menyebabkan bayi anda muntah atau gejala mau muntah. Selanjunya ganti dengan makanan lain yang sejenis.

Efek Samping Bed Rest untuk Kesehatan Ibu Hamil

Bed rest atau sering disebut sebagai Tirah Baring adalah
kondisi yang mengharuskan seseorang untuk Beristirahat secara total. Selama
terapi, pasien harus membatasi aktivitasnya, termasuk bekerja, aktivitas
seksual, bahkan tidak boleh mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah. Satu dari lima Ibu Hamil biasanya mengalami gangguan, sehingga menyebabkan dokter meminta untuk
Bedrest (Istirahat Total). Namun

Gangguan Kesuburan Pria dipengaruhi oleh Kualitas Tidur

Kesuburan Pria berdasarkan berbagai penelitian, diketahui
sangat berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya proses kehamilan. Karena diketahui bahwa
penyebab kemandulan adalah 30% disebabkan oleh pria, 50% disebabkan oleh pihak
wanita dan 20% disebabkan oleh keduanya. Tidur dan seks, adalah dua aktivitas
ranjang yang satu dilakukan setelah yang lainnya. Namun dari penelitian terbaru, kedunya bempunyai

Be your own princess charming

I recently came across this lovely series of photographs from photographer Jaime Moore in Austin. She wanted to take photos of her 5-year-old daughter, Emma, on her birthday. While looking for inspiration on the net, all she could find was how to dress one's daughter like a Disney Princess. So she took matters into her own hands -
It started me thinking about all the REAL women for my daughter to know about and look up too, REAL women who without ever meeting Emma have changed her life for the better. My daughter wasn’t born into royalty, but she was born into a country where she can now vote, become a doctor, a pilot, an astronaut, or even President if she wants and that’s what REALLY matters. I wanted her to know the value of these amazing women who had gone against everything so she can now have everything. We chose 5 women (five amazing and strong women), as it was her 5th birthday but there are thousands of unbelievable women (and girls) who have beat the odds and fought (and still fight) for their equal rights all over the world……..so let’s set aside the Barbie Dolls and the Disney Princesses for just a moment, and let’s show our girls the REAL women they can be.
Here are a few of these remarkable photos:

The rest of the photos are here: http://www.jaimemoorephotography.com/2013/05/09/not-just-a-girl/

I would love to see the marketing industry, toy industry, and Hollywood follow Jaime Moore's lead. K-12 STEM outreach is great and all, but if we want to make a significant impact we need to get ImagesOfGreatness (beyond beauty) into the minds of young women on a daily basis.

That Paleo Study ...

A student, Eric Trexler, at Ohio State did a study on the paleo "lifestyle" for what appears to be an undergraduate honors thesis towards his degree in Exercise Science.  Here is the link to the full text:  Paleolithic Diet is Associated With Unfavorable Changes to Blood Lipids in Healthy Subjects.  So I thought I'd put up a quick blog with some thoughts, because a tweet is just a tweet and I've seen a few comments reading into my supposed motivations for tweeting this.  So ... let's discuss a bit and include some criticisms I've seen elsewhere on the web.

1.  It's not a peer reviewed article or a graduate thesis.  This is true so it hasn't undergone rigorous scrutiny, that shouldn't stop you or I from reviewing it ourselves and seeing if it provides any worthwhile information.

2.  The study is confounded with participation in CrossFit, yet results are attributed to the diet only ... at least this is what the title implies.   Since there is at least a sizeable subset for whom CrossFit and Paleo are synonymous with "being paleo" I might suggest that the "Paleolithic Diet" be replaced with "Popular Paleo Lifestyle".
Read more »

Six Years Later, Ranbaxy - Oops, Daiichi Sankyo - Pleads Guilty to Adulteration, Pays $500 Million

It only took until 2013, but the US Food and Drug Administration finally secured guilty pleas and fines.  The basics are in an Associated Press story (via the Washington Post):

 A subsidiary of India’s largest pharmaceutical company has agreed to pay a record $500 million in fines and penalties for selling adulterated drugs and lying to federal regulators in a case that is part of an ongoing crackdown on the quality of generic drugs flowing into the U.S.

Federal prosecutors say the guilty plea by Ranbaxy USA Inc. represents the largest financial penalty against a generic drug company for violations of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which prohibits the sale of impure drugs.

Note that the company pleaded guilty to criminal charges.

 The subsidiary of Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited pleaded guilty to federal criminal charges and the company separately agreed to resolve civil claims with all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The company had earlier set aside $500 million to cover potential criminal and civil liability stemming from the Justice Department investigation.

It admitted as part of the deal that it sold adulterated batches of drugs — including an antibiotic and generic versions of medications used to treat severe acne, epilepsy and nerve pain — that were developed at two manufacturing sites in India. 


Note that this resolution has certain ironies.


There is a saying that justice delayed is justice denied.  Note that it took six years to obtain the guilty pleas.  As noted by the AP,

 The problems were largely revealed by a whistleblower in a federal lawsuit filed in Maryland in 2007. 

Ambiguities about Responsibility

First, note that while all the headlines are about Ranbaxy, Ranbaxy is not really an independent company.  As reported by Reuters (and only by Reuters so far as I can tell at this time),

Ranbaxy ... [is] majority-owned by Japan's Daiichi Sankyo.

Second, as per the AP, see the comment made by the Ranbaxy CEO,

'While we are disappointed by the conduct of the past that led to this investigation, we strongly believe that settling this matter now is in the best interest of all of Ranbaxy’s stakeholders; the conclusion of the DOJ investigation does not materially impact our current financial situation or performance,' Ranbaxy CEO and managing director Arun Sawhney said in a statement.

Maybe there was something lost in translation, but the CEO certainly spoke as if someone else was responsible for the "conduct of the past."  Incidentally, it does not appear that so far any journalist has even sought comment from the people really in charge, at Daiichi Sankyo.

Third, just like many other cases we have reported before, no individual, especially anyone who authorized, directed, or implemented the bad behavior, was held legally responsible.  The cost of the fines will no doubt be spread among the corporate structures involved.  Since a company pleaded guilty, no individual pays a fine, much less goes to jail.

It does appear that when the settlement was first announced in 2011, a cut in compensation for top executives of Daiichi Sankyo was announced, but the cuts were temporary, and apparently in response to the immediate financial consequences of the settlement, not any larger implications.  See Bloomberg's report:

 Chief Executive Officer Joji Nakayama and board members will receive 5 percent to 30 percent less compensation for six months in response to the cut in the earnings forecast, Daiichi Sankyo said today. The company has lost about half its market value since agreeing to buy a majority stake in Ranbaxy, India's largest drugmaker, in June 2008. 

 The Contrast with the Case of the Adulterated Heparin

Note that in this case, there have been no allegations that patients were harmed by the admitted adulteration,  Per the AP:

 It’s not known whether the problems with the drugs led to any health issues.... The government’s allegations against the company make no claims that the drugs, whose strength, purity or quality differed from the specifications, harmed anyone.

In 2008, we began blogging about how  US patients started to get sick and die after being infused with heparin, the common anti-coagulant drug. As we have discussed repeatedly  (look here, and see the summary at the end of the post), Baxter International was selling contaminated heparin under its label which was made in unregulated workshops in China, and then transmitted through a complex chain of Chinese and US companies.

The AP article stated,

 The case comes as federal regulators and prosecutors focus attention on the quality of ingredients of generics and other drugs manufactured overseas, said Allan Coukell, an expert on drug safety at The Pew Charitable Trusts. He said the 2008 deaths linked to tainted batches of the blood-thinner heparin that were imported from China served as a 'wake up call' about just how much of the nation’s drug supply comes from overseas.

So perhaps this wake up call helped propel the current case against Ranbaxy, that is, Daiichi Sankyo.  However, since 2008, if there has been a criminal investigation of the tainted heparin, which appears to have been much more consequential, sometimes fatally so, to patients, the results have not been made public.  A cynic might note that the contaminated heparin was sold by a US based manufacturer of branded pharmaceuticals, not a foreign based manufacturer of generic drugs.


The most fundamental obligation of a drug company is to produce pure, unadulterated drugs.  The first attempts to regulate the drug industry in the US were meant to ensure that these companies fulfilled this obligation.  Yet now there is increasing evidence that the contemporary pharmaceutical industry has trouble with this most basic responsibility. 

As we discussed here, the managers of pharmaceutical companies have been swept up in a dominant business management fad, outsourcing, as a means to cut costs to the bone.  (It seems that most health care managers are also caught up in the larger rage for financialization, to emphasize short term revenue over all other concerns, including patients' and the public's health.)  As the New York Times reported  re the Ranbaxy case,

Others say the company’s problems highlight how little oversight federal drug safety officials have of overseas plants. Studies that have shown the F.D.A. inspects foreign generic manufacturing plants about once every seven to 13 years, compared with once every two years for domestic manufacturers. A law passed last year will eventually require the F.D.A. to apply the same standards when inspecting all manufacturing plants, regardless of location. But some worry that federal budget cuts are slowing the adoption of that law. 

'They just happened to stumble across the Ranbaxy problem at those two plants in India,' said Joe Graedon, a pharmacologist who runs a consumer Web site, the People’s Pharmacy, which has raised questions about the safety of generic drugs. 'Ranbaxy was the biggest and one of the best in India. What about all the smaller ones? What does that say about them?'

Again, all pharmaceutical companies, not just generic drug manufacturers, have seen fit to outsource much, if not most of their production.

In our rush to market fundamentalism, we seem to have deregulated, at least de facto, most aspects of health care.  We now cannot trust the drugs we take to have been made by the companies whose labels they bear, or to be pure.  We now cannot trust that regulators will find that out, or having found that out, will do anything about it in a timely manner. 

To repeatedly reiterate, as long as the leaders of health care organizations are not held accountable for the results of their decisions on health care quality, cost, and access (even in such extreme quality violations as those resulting in multiple patient deaths), we can expect continuing decisions that sacrifice quality, increase costs, and worsen access, but that are in the self-interest of the people making them.

To really reform health care, we must hold health care organizations and their leaders accountable (and not blame all the problems on doctors, other health care professionals, patients, and society at large).

- Roy M. Poses MD for Health Care Renewal 

Appendix - Heparin Case Summary

- We have posted several times, recently here about the tragic case of suddenly allergenic heparin. Although heparin, an intravenous biologic anti-coagulant, has been in use for over 70 years, serious allergic reactions to it had heretofore been rare. Starting late in 2007, hundreds of such reactions, and 21 deaths were reported in the US after intravenous heparin infusions.All the heparin related to these events in the US was made by Baxter International.

- We then learned that although the heparin carried the Baxter label, it was not really made by Baxter. The company had outsourced production of the active ingredient to a long, and ultimately mysterious supply chain. Baxter got the active ingredient from a US company, Scientific Protein Laboratories LLC, which in turn obtained it from a factory in China operated by Changzhou SPL, which in turn was owned by Scientific Protein Laboratories and by Changzhou Techpool Pharmaceutical Co. Changzhou SPL, in turn, got it from several consolidators or wholesalers, who in turn got it from numerous small, unidentified "workshops," which seemed to produce the product in often primitive and unsanitary conditions. None of the stops in the Chinese supply chain had apparently been inspected by the US Food and Drug Administration nor its Chinese counterpart. (See posts here and here.)

- We found out that the Baxter International labelled heparin was contaminated with over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate, a substance not found in nature, but which mimics heparin according to the simple laboratory tests used in the Chinese facilities to check incoming heparin. (See post here.) Further testing revealed that the contamination seemed to have taken place in China prior to the provision of the heparin to Changzhou SPL. (See post here.) It is not clear whether Baxter International or Scientific Protein Laboratories had inspected most of the steps in the supply chain, or even knew what went on there.

- The Baxter and Scientific Protein Laboratories CEOs did not seem aware of where they got the heparin on which the Baxter International label was eventually affixed. But one report in the New York Times alleged that Scientific Protein Laboratories would not pay enough for heparin to satisfy any sources other than the small "workshops."

- Leaders of all organizations involved, Baxter International, Scientific Protein Laboratories, Changzhou SPL, the Chinese government, and the US Food and Drug Administration, and the US Congress assigned blame to each other, but none took individual or organizational responsibility. (See post here.)  Note that SPL was recently bought out and taken private, making its current leadership even less transparent (see post here).  A 2010 inspection of an SPL facility by the FDA revealed ongoing manufacturing problems (see post here).

- Researchers (who turned out to have financial ties to a company which is developing an anti-coagulant drug that could compete with the heparin made by Baxter International) investigated the biological mechanisms by which the contamination of the heparin lead to adverse effects, but no one investigated further how the contamination occurred, or who was responsible. (See post here.)

- Hundreds of lawsuits against Baxter have now been filed, so far without resolution. (See post here.)  Efforts to make documents to be used in these cases public so far have not succeeded (see post here).

- A government report which attracted little attention warned of the dangers of pharmaceutical ingredients made in China and subject to virtually no oversight. (See post here.)

-  Despite requests from the US, the Chinese government did not investigate the production of the heparin that lead to the deaths (see post here.)

-  In February, 2011, a congressional investigation of the case was announced, but results are so far unavailable (see post here.)

-  In June, 2011, a jury returned the first verdict in a civil case about the contaminated heparin, awarding money from Baxter International and Scientific Protein Laboratories to the estate of a man who apparently died due to tainted heparin (see post here).

-  If there was a criminal investigation of the case, its results have not yet appeared. 

Cara Merawat Kulit Wajah Berminyak

Cara Merawat Kulit Wajah
Cara Merawat Kulit Wajah
Cara merawat kulit wajah berminyak ~ Anda memiliki masalah pada kulit wajah, kulit wajah anda berminyak? sehingga anda tidak berani tampil percaya diri? Tenang saja, untuk pembahasan kali ini saya sebagai admin ingin memberikan atau berbagi solusi dan tips kepada anda yang mengalami masalah wajah berminyak sehingga anda bisa kembali tampil lebih percaya diri lagi.

Kulit Wajah berminyak sebenarnya tidak hanya menjadi masalah klise bagi kaum hawa, namun kaum adam-pun (laki-laki) juga  banyak yang mengalami masalah seperti ini. Nah bagi anda kaum hawa jangan kuwatir dengan keadaan anda, masalahnya laki laki juga mengalami masalah seperti itu.

Tetapi anda juga tidak boleh berleha-leha dengan membiarkan kulit wajah anda tampak jelek dengan menumpuknya minyak diwajah. Sehingga anda merasa malu untuk bergaul, atau minder dalam bergaul dengan teman. Dan yang lebih parahnya lagi muka anda bisa rusak atau berjerawat jika dibiarkan begitu saja (tidak dirawat).

Sebenarnya apakah penyebab terjadinya kulit wajah berminyak itu? Salah satu penyebab Kulit wajah berminyak terjadi jika tubuh kita memproduksi hormone yang sangat berlebihan, sering mengkonsumsi makanan yang berminyak, gen keturunan, factor kosmetik yang tidak cocok, dan pola hidup yang kurang higenis. kejadian ini biasanya sangat mudah kita jumpai pada masa remaja.

Nah dikarenakan produksi hormon dalam wajah yang tak wajar atau berlebihan, terkadang kita sebagai anak muda akan terganggu atau merasa risih dengan muka kita sendiri. Hal ini juga bisa membuat bingung kita untuk mencari dan menentukan jenis make up yang cocok untuk wajah.

Tidak berhenti disitu saja, kulit wajah yang berminyak merupakan salah satu momok bagi kita, karena dapat menyebabkan dampak yang sangat buruk untuk tampilan wajah, baik itu berjerawat timbul flek hitam dan sbbnya.

Nah untuk menghindari itu semua anda bisa mencoba perawatan alami sehingga anda terhindar dari kulit wajah berminyak, adapun cara-caranya adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Rutin Mencuci Wajah/Muka. Jika anda ingin terhindar dari kulit wajah berminyak alangkah lebih baiknya cuci muka anda minimal 2 kali setiap hari. Waktu yang baik untuk mencuci muka adalah setelah bangun tidur dan sebelum tidur.Kenapa waktu setelah kita bangun tidur lebih baik? Hal ini didasari oleh adanya muka kita yang mengeluarkan toksin/ racun bersama keluarnya keringat yang ada dalam kulit wajah saat kita sedang tertidur lelap, sehingga dengan mencuci wajah anda racun ini akan hilang.Cara cuci muka selain setelah bangun tidur adalah sebelum anda tidur, kenapa bisa gitu yahhh? Nah jika anda bertanya begitu, maka jawaban terbaik adalah jika kita ingin tidur dan mencuci muka kita, maka kotoran yang tertempel dimuka selama seharian akan hilang sudah bersamaan dengan rontoknya sabun cuci muka, sehingga bisa mengurangi resiko terkena jerawat, dan flek hitam.
  • Lakukan sedikit pemijatan pada wajah saat kita mencuci muka. Cara pemijatannya adalah dengan menggunakan pijatan searah jarum jam bergerak, maka anda bisa mendapatkan manfaatnya.
  • Usahakan lembabkan kulit anda dengan cairan lubrikasi. cairan ini bisa anda dapatkan dengan menggunakan pelembab khusus untuk kulit wajah berminyak. Catatan: gunakan pelembab sesuai resep dokter jangan membeli pelembab murahan yang belum tau asal muasalnya. Karena bisa membahayakan muka anda nantinya.
  • Kurangi makanan berminyak. anda harus mengurangi makanan yang banyak mengandung minyak seperti gorengan, dan makanan yang mengandung minyak lainnya.
  • Minum air putih. Untuk penganti dehidrasi usahakan minum air putih sebanyak mungkin atau minimal 2 liter sehari.
Itulah sedikit ulasan mengenai cara merawat kulit wajah  berminyak, jika anda ingin membaca lengkap cara merawat wajah secara alami anda bisa mengikuti trik tips sehat seperti: caramenghilangkan jerawat dengan air garam, cara memutihkan wajah secara alami, manfaat jeruk nipis untuk wajah dan cara menghilangkan flek hitam bekas jerawat, dengan mengklik masing masing. Semoga bermanfaat terimakasih.

Perawatan Payudara dan Mengencangkan Payudara Dari Luar

Perawatan Tubuh Wanita -
Setelah sebelumnya kami membahas mengenai Perawatan Payudara dengan metode mengelola pola makan, pada kesempatan artikel ini kami juga akan menjelaskan
perawatan Payudara dari luar, yang diantaranya adalah:

Payudara Secara Rutin

Perawatan Payudara paling mudah
untuk dilakukan adalah dengan

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