Warung Bebas

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Makanan Sehat Bayi

Makanan Sehat Bayi - Makanan sehat untuk bayi tentunya berbeda dengan orang dewasa. Makanan yang sehat bagi orang dewasa belum tentu cocok sebagai makanan bayi karena bayi mempunyai perut yang masih kecil serta masih belum terlalu kuat. Tiap makanan yang masuk ke perut bayi haruslah diatur dengan baik. Ada hal-hal yang perlu untuk dipertimbangkan saat Ibu menyiapkan serta mengatur makanan sehat

Gangguan Kesehatan saat Puasa Ramadhan

GangguanKesehatan saat Puasa biasanya terjadi karena ketidaksiapan tubuh dengan pola
hidup yang berbeda ketika bulan Ramadhan. Namun sebenarnya puasa adalah salah
satu ibadah yang menyehatkan badan. Hal ini bisa dibuktikan dengan berkurangnya
jumlah pasien di klinik pengobatan atau rumah sakit. Sedangkan Gangguan
Kesehatan saat Puasa juga bisa terjadi pada orang-orang tertentu dikarenakan

Bayi Sehat

Bayi Sehat
- Memiliki bayi sehat tentu adalah dambaan setiap Ibu, tidak hanya saat
dia sudah lahir, naumn juga saat Ia masih di dlama kandungan.
Memastikan bayi dalam kandungan dalam keadaan sehat adalah hal yang
ingin dilakukan oleh setiap Ibu hamil. Bayi yang biasanya suka menendang
dalam rahim Ibu memang dapat menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman
pada ibu hamil. Akan tetapi, gerakan bayi

Guest Post: Incompetent Management Breeds Demoralized Physicians

Health Care Renewal presents a guest post by Dr Howard Brody, John P McGovern Centennial Chair of Family Medicine, Director of the Institute for Medical Humanities at University of Texas - Medical Branch at Galveston, and blogger at Hooked: Ethics, Medicine and Pharma

Danielle Ofri, a prominent internist/author at Bellevue in New York, started a recent op-ed piece, “Last week I was ready to quit medicine."

She described an encounter most physicians can relate to—a 15-minute appointment slot, a new patient who spoke only Bengali, a long and complicated problem list, a bag containing 18 different medicines, two forms that had to be filled out by the doctor on this day’s visit, and a computer that froze while she was trying to keep up with the electronic charting. She described how, 45 minutes into the supposedly 15-minute visit, she had a phone in one ear with the Bengali translator and tech support on hold in the other ear.

Ofri’s plaint caught my attention because I had recently put up a guest post on Health Care Renewal about another highly skilled, caring physician who was seriously considering quitting practice. This led me to write a column for some of our local newspapers about demoralized doctors

In the space allowed in an op-ed column, you can’t go into great depth in analyzing a complicated situation. So here’s what I would have wanted to say.

We can list all the management failures that this encounter represents. I won’t even start with the electronic record as that’s such a frequent theme in this blog. Who scheduled such a patient for a 15-minute visit? Where is the pharmacist who could have done a better job of going through all the lady’s medicines? Where is the staffer who could have filled out the forms for Dr. Ofri to sign? This is just to scratch the surface.

There are two things worrisome about this long list of management failures. If the goal of the health care system is actually to take good care of patients, then it seems obvious that Dr. Ofri, who wanted to try to provide high-quality care, had roadblock after roadblock thrown in her way.

Cynics will protest that this system obviously has no interest in quality patient care and seeks only to maximize revenue. If that’s so, is it really true that a board-certified MD is the most efficient labor source for keyboarding data into a computer, filling out paper forms, and doing all the other busy-work tasks that Dr. Ofri had to juggle? Can anyone really believe that this management structure supports either quality care orefficient resource use?

If the management of U.S. hospitals was severely understaffed or underpaid, then we could perhaps forgive such lapses. But we know that while the growth of physicians in the U.S. has been slow, the number of administrators has grown by leaps and bounds [The number of health care managers increased by 726% from 1983-2000 while physician numbers increased by 39%, look here - Ed]  . And we know that at least at the high end, these managers are paid munificent sums, and are lauded for their supposed genius (look here for example). 

So we appear to have a system that is slowly (in some cases rapidly) driving the best doctors out of practice, and yet somehow imagines that everything is going all right and there’s no problem—or if there’s a problem, it’s those whining doctors.

All us medical educators know that when we ask the first-year class how may of them have been told by practicing physicians that they’re making a big mistake coming to medical school, the majority will raise their hands. Yet the managers of America’s health systems apparently believe that they can go on demoralizing good practitioners and nothing bad will happen.

This may sound as if I am saying that health care managers are all evil people, but that’s an unfair characterization. These folks are simply trying to do what our society tells them. As I explained some time ago, most of our popular and political discourse has been captured by a belief system that can be variously called neoliberalism, market fundamentalism, or economism. The ideology can be summarized as a quasi-religious faith in the so-called “free market,” steadfast opposition to government regulation of the market, and opposition to just about any form of taxes (for more on the nature of economism, look here.)

Among other things, this ideology teaches us that everything important in our society can be accurately captured in objective measures of “productivity” and “efficiency.”  [This is akin to the "shareholder value" theory of management (look here), or "financialization." - Ed]  Once one has mastered the basic concepts taught in MBA school, there’s no need to learn anything about health care and what makes it a unique activity; there’s no basic difference between providing health care and flipping burgers at McDonalds or making widgets. [We have called this generic management. - Ed.]. And so we get the crazy style of management well documented on this blog, not because of personal nastiness or ill will, but due to the ideological Kool-Aid everyone has been drinking for several decades now.

Today’s physicians seem to be like the proverbial frog being boiled in the pot of water because the heat was turned up so gradually the frog never figured out it needed to jump. [That is, they are suffering from "learned helplessness." - Ed] Dr. Ofri herself seems to represent a typical frog. Why? Perhaps it’s the style of the blog or op-ed writer to start off with a downer and then try to end on an upbeat note. Or perhaps it’s the natural physician’s tendency to stay away from policy questions. I’m not sure.

After starting us off with this hard-hitting description of a dysfunctional system, Dr. Ofri ends by opining that things are going to be better in the future because more women are entering medicine and because today’s medical students are more tech savvy. She gives herself credit for managing to forge a bond with the patient because they sat together and faced this adversity. She cites an upbeat study, when asked what was the most satisfying aspect of medical practice, the number one answer was relationships with patients. This is what keeps us going on even the most trying of days.”

Dr. Ofri gets full credit for remembering the importance of relationships, and feels that she bonded more firmly with her patient because they went through all this together. How about a word, though, about the people behind the curtain, who are responsible for all that she and her patient had to go through, and who don’t seem to have a clue how bad it is and what it all means? 

Dr Howard Brody

Daily Blog #37: Web 2.0 Forensics Part 2

Hello Reader,
             Sunday Funday is always fun for me for two reasons. One it gets me two blog posts out of one so I get more time to get work done and two I like getting a general feeling of what level of understanding exists on certain artifacts. So while you get a prize, that I strive to make worth your effort, I get to see what I can continue to help you learn by writing additional blog posts to fill those gaps. With that said we are continuing the web 2.0 series today that I realized was needed from the IEF Sunday Funday challenge two weeks ago.

Json Data Structures

Json data structures are fairly easy to find, they are structure name pairs that are exchanged between the web server and the web client, for instance the Gmail server and the Chrome browser. In this example the Chrome browser would then parse the data to generate the view that you see.

Here is what a message summary from your Gmail inbox looks like:

Index data for gmail

Email from/subject/message preview and date
,"\u003cspan class\u003d\"yP\" email\u003d\"mail-noreply@google.com\" name\u003d\"Gmail Team\"\u003eGmail Team\u003c/span\u003e","\u0026raquo;\u0026nbsp;","Welcome to the new Gmail inbox","Hi David Meet the new inbox Inbox tabs put you back in control with simple organization so that you",0,"","","10:35 am","Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 10:35 AM",1375198584460000,,[]

Here is what a full message loaded and what the email header looks like:








    Gmail Team





10:35 AM (36 minutes ago)

img class="f T-KT-JX" src="images/cleardot.gif" alt="">

to me 

This is followed by the  body of the message.In addition on each page you have a listing of all the labels, email counts, circles and more data that is preloaded to each page providing you with a large amount of data on your custodians activities but also providing for a large amount of duplicates.

Tomorrow we will go into the important fields and their meanings and I'll provide a regex for carving them out. Recovering webmail used to be simple, just find a javascript library known to the service and carve out the html before and after it, now with JSON/Ajax services like Gmail we get fragments of emails and possibly entire messages but we either have to manually carve them or use a tool like IEF to do it for us.

I start with IEF and let find the fully formed messages and then go back myself to find partials knowing the users email address.

See you tomorrow! Leave comments or questions below if your seeing data differently. I'm going to install fiddler on my system tonight to show how the data looks as its being transmitted.

Teka-Teki Trypophobia, sebagai Penyakit Mental yang Mengerikan

Trypophobia adalah
sebuah ketakutan yang tinggi terhadap lubang kecil yang banyak atau bentuk
asimetris, dan menyebabkan rasa gatal dan geli di seluruh tubuh, perasaan
menjadi tidak nyaman, bahkan beberapa kasus menyebabkan Penderita Trypophobia
dan menurunkan nafsu makan. Penyakit yang dalam bidang
medis sebenarnya tidak ada, jua akan merasa takut ketika melihat sarang lebah
madu, terumbu

cara membuat contact us di blog

cara membuat contack us di blog

  Dua hari yang lalu tips blogger sudah berbagi tips tentang bookmark dofollow terbaik dari google dan masih dalam perbahasan blog tapi kali ini tips blogger akan berbagi tentang cara membuat contact us di bagian laman blog,
Banyak manfaat yang bisa kita ambil dari memasang contact us di blog salah satunya apa bila pengunjung ingin mengirim email bisa lewat contact us. bagaimana cara membuatnya?berikut langkah demi-langkahnya.

menambahkan formulir kontak di sidebar

  Untuk menambahkan di bagian laman, yang pertama sahabat  harus lakukan ialah menambahkan formulir kontak dulu di sidebar dan nantinya kita akan hapus dan tinggal di area laman saja.

bagaimana caranya menambahkan formulir kontak di sidebar?

  Pertama sahabat login di akun blogger kemudian klik tata letak dan pilih gadget lainya kemudian tambahkan formulir kontak baru. Selanjutnya isi judul dengan conact us untuk mempermudah penghapusan di html kemudian klik save.

  sebetulnya di tahap ini sahabat sudah menembahkan kontak di area sidebar tetapi seperti judul di atas bahwa kita memindahkan kontak ke area laman blog bagaimana caranya next di lanjut.

cara menambahkan contact us di laman blog

cara membuat contact us di blog

keterangan gambar di atas

  • Pertama sahabat buka laman selanjutnya pilih laman baru dan pilih laman kosong dan isi entri  dengan contact us atau hubungi kami, Kemudian sahabat copy code di bawah ini dan pastekan di area html bukan are compose, Kemudian klik tafsirkan html yang di ketik,selanjutnya publikasikan.
  • Sebetulnya di tahap ini sahabat sudah mempunyai contact us di area laman, Tetapi masih ada dua di laman dan di sidebar. Dan untuk menghilangkan di area sidebar agar lebih cantik penampilan blog mari simak cara menghilangkan formulir kontak di sidebar.
copy dan pastekan di area html

<form name='contact-form'>
<div>Your Name : </div>
<input class='contact-form-name' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-name' name='name' size='30' type='text' value=''/>
<div>Your Email: <em>(required)</em></div>
<input class='contact-form-email' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-email' name='email' size='30' type='text' value=''/>
<div>Your Message: <em>(required)</em></div>
<textarea class='contact-form-email-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-email-message' name='email-message' rows='5'></textarea>
<input class='contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-submit' type='button' value='Send'/>
<div style='text-align: center; max-width: 450px; width: 100%'>
<p class='contact-form-error-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-error-message'></p>
<p class='contact-form-success-message' id='ContactForm1_contact-form-success-message'></p>

menghapus formulir kontak di sidebar

cara membuat contact us di blog

keterangan gambar di atas

  • Untuk menghapus formulir kontak di sidebar sahabat harus masuk di area html,caranya pertama sahabat masuk di area dasbor kemudian klik template,kemudian klik edit html dan klik lompat ke widget

tahap terakhir menghapus formuir kontak

cara membuat contact us di blog

keterangan gambar di atas

  • selanjutnya sahabat cari judul gadget yang sahabat buat tadi contact us selanjutnaya sahabat hapus kode mulai dari
<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
    <h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>

  • sampai dengan code
          <p class='contact-form-success-message' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + &quot;_contact-form-success-message&quot;'/>

  • hingga hasilnya seperti  di bawah ini
<b:section-contents id='sidebar-right-1'>
  <b:widget id='ContactForm1' locked='false' title='Contact Form' type='ContactForm'>
    <b:includable id='main'>
  <b:include name='quickedit'/>

  • dan yang terakhir klik save.
 Beberapa langkah telah kita lewati untuk membuat contact us di blog mudah mudahan bermanfaat dan ahir wassalam.

Bayi Kembar Siam

Bayi Kembar Siam -  Kembar siam merupakan kondisi anak atau bayi kembar yang tubuh kedua bayi menyatu. Hal ini dapat terjadi jika zigot dari bayi kembar identik gagal untuk terpisah dengan sempurna. Munculnya kasus kembar dempet atau kembar siam diperkirakan 1 kemunkinan dalam 200.000 kelahiran. Dan yang dapat bertahan hidup diperkirakan antara 5 persen dan 25 persen, serta kebanyakan (75 persen)

[BodrexJuaranyaCepat] Bodrex, Jawaban Atas Segala Keluhan Sakit Kepala

Espilen Blog - Sakit kepala merupakan penyakit yang sangat umum di kalangan masyarakat, hampir semua orang pasti pernah mengalami yang namanya sakit kepala. Namun, tidak semua orang berhasil mengatasi rasa sakit kepalanya dengan waktu yang cepat. Mengapa? Karena sebagian besar dari mereka salah dalam memilih obat sakit kepala yang tepat.

Ilustrasi: Sakit Kepala

Seharusnya, yang mereka pilih adalah Bodrex, juaranya juaranya cepat dalam mengatasi sakit kepala. Sesuai dengan judul diatas, Bodrex mampu menjawab segala keluhan sakit kepala yang dialami oleh seseorang, baik sakit kepala sebelah (migrain), maupun jenis sakit kepala lainnya.

Pengalamanku Bersama Bodrex
Suatu hari pada saat diriku masih duduk di bangku kelas 1 SMP, Aku sedang bersiap-siap untuk berangkat ke sekolah, namun tiba-tiba saja entah mengapa, kepalaku sangat pusing dan Aku meringis kesakitan. Lalu, Aku meminta tolong kepada ibuku yang ketika itu sedang berada di dapur, "Ibu... Ibu..", teriakku kepada ibuku. "Kenapa kamu..?", jawab ibuku. "Kepalaku pusing bu, tak kuat..."

Lalu, ibuku bergegas pergi ke warung untuk membeli sebuah obat. Dan Aku minumlah obat tersebut yang ternyata bernama Bodrex. Akhirnya, sekitar 5 - 10 menit rasa pusing ku hilang. Alhamdulillah begitu senangnya diriku, Aku pun bisa berangkat ke sekolah dengan nyaman. Sejak itu pula, Aku mulai mempercayai Bodrex sebagai obat yang wajib Aku minum ketika Aku sakit kepala. Terima kasih Bodrex

Jenis-Jenis Bodrex
Nah, setelah membahas tentang pengalamanku bersama Bodrex. Alangkah baiknya sekarang kita mengenal lebih dekat Bodrex dengan mengenal jenis-jenis obat Bodrex yang harus kita minum agar sesuai dengan jenis sakit kepala yang kita alami. Berikut adalah jenis-jenis Bodrex.

Bodrex Migra
Bodrex Migra
  • Tiap kaplet Bodrex Migra mengandung Parasetamol 350 mg, Propifenazon 150 mg, dan Kofein 50 mg. Propifenazon dan paracetamol merupakan kombinasi analgetik yang ampuh meringankan rasa sakit kepala.

Bodrex Flu dan Batuk 
Bodrex, Jawaban Atas Segala Keluhan Sakit Kepala
Bodrex Flu dan Batuk
  • Bodrex jenis ini mengandung Paracetamol 500 mg, Pseudoephedrine HCl 30 mg, Glyceryl Guaiacolate 50 mg, dan Bromhexine HCl 8 mg sehingga mampu meredakan gejala flu yang kita alami seperti demam, dan hidung tersumbat.

Bodrex Extra
Bodrex, Jawaban Atas Segala Keluhan Sakit Kepala
Bodrex Extra
  • Tiap tablet bodrex extra mengandung 350 mg parasetamol yang dikombinasikan dengan 200 mg ibuprofen  dan 50 mg kafein. ‘Bodrex extra’ adalah merek obat yang memposisikan diri sebagai obat untuk meredakan sakit kepala. Pemakaian bodrex ekstra berfungsi sebagai pereda sakit, antipiretik atau pereda demam, juga efektif sebagai anti radang, misalnya untuk radang pada nyeri gigi dan nyeri reumatik. 

Bodrex Demam 
Bodrex Demam
  • Tiap tablet lapis dua mengandung  Parasetamol 600 mg, Kofein 50 mg. Kandungan Parasetamol yang bekerja sebagai analgesik dapat meredakan sakit kepala, sakit gigi. Parasetamol juga bekerja sebagai antipiretik untuk menurunkan demam.
Apa Saja Kelebihan Bodrex?

1. Bodrex Memiliki Komposisi Yang Tepat
Bodrex secara nyata memiliki komposisi yang tepat dalam hal mengatasi sakit kepala. Karena, setiap kaplet Bodrex mengandung Parasetamol 350 mg, Propifenazon 150 mg, dan Kofein sebesar 50 mg yang berfungsi sebagai kombinasi analgetik atau meringankan rasa sakit.

2. Bodrex Aman Diminum Kapan Saja
Uniknya dari obat Bodrex adalah aman diminum kapan saja. Jadi, tanpa harus makan terlebih dahulu kita dapat meminum Bodrex dan pastinya aman bagi tubuh. Menyenangkan bukan? Hal ini sangat berguna bagi Anda, bila sedang sakit kepala namun belum makan.

3. Bodrex Berpengalaman Dalam Bidangnya
Bodrex telah bertahun-tahun menemani masyarakart Indonesia dalam mengatasi problema sakit kepala. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa Bodrex telah berpengalaman dalam bidangnya, sehingga tak perlu diragukan lagi kualitas dari obat Bodrex.

Survei Membuktikan, Bodrex No. 1
Bodrex, Jawaban Atas Segala Keluhan Sakit Kepala
Kepercayaan Masyarakat Terhadap Bodrex
Berbicara tentang penghargaan ataupun kepercayaan masyarakat, Bodrex telah beberapa kali mendapatkan award. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan survei yang pernah dilakukan oleh survei Indonesia Original Brand yang dilakukan di 6 kota besar yakni Bandung, Jabodetabek, Medan, Semarang, Surabaya, dan Makassar yang meliputi 5312 koresponden sebagai pemenang Indonesia Original Brand 2013.

Bodrex adalah jawaban atas segala keluhan sakit kepala. Minum Bodrex, sakit kepala hilang, kerjaan lancar...

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