Warung Bebas

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Rokok dan Amarah penyebab Impotensi bagi Lelaki

Bahaya rokok bagi kesehatan
Laki-laki identik dengan Rokok dan Amarah, nah menurut kajian dari sebuah lembaga bernama Action On Smoking And Health (ASH) di Inggris, Merokok adalah  penyebab masalah Impotensi bagi kaum pria, yang merupakan momok menakutkan bagi kaum lelaki tentunya, dan saya juga pastinya sebagai kaum lelaki.

Sebab kepuasan seksual lelaki tergantung pada kemampuan ereksi dari alat genital laki-laki tersebut. Maka jangan heran jika banyak lelaki yang sangat menjaga alat yang satu ini, kalau dikaji secara medis, penyebab Impotensi itu banyak sekali.
Sebenarnya apa penyebabnya, sehingga penyakit menakutkan ini bisa bersarang pada laki-laki ini? Menurut survey di Inggris tadi, lebih dari 12o Ribu pria di Inggris menderita Impotensi akibat dari kegiatan merokok mereka karena kebiasaan buruk ini memicu tersendatnya aliran darah ke alat kelamin laki-laki ini, sehingga tidak adanya kemampuan untuk menegang.

Sedangkan penelitian di negara Rusia yang dilakukan oleh peneliti Gennady Cheuring dan kawan-kawan di Pusat Studi Survival di Kota Yekaterinburg, yang menyatakan terlalu banyak melakukan sumpah serapah dan terlalu banyak marah akan menyebabkan lelaki Impotensi, kebiasaan buruk itu ternyata akan berdampak buru bagi psikologi lelaki tentunya yang berimbas pada kemampuan seksual.

Bahaya bukan? Bagi sobat yang sudah membaca artikel ini, saya sarankan untuk memulai berhenti sedikit demi sedikit melakukan kebiasaan merokok, karena saya tahu bahwa kebiasaan ini sangat sulit dihentikan begitu saja, sangat berbahaya dan Janganlah sering mengeluarkan amarah pada hal yang tidak sepatutnya.

Bagi sobat yang ingin menambah wawasan, bisa join di Fans Page kami disini!

Linux Wallpaper Collections

Unik Informatika - Keindahan akan sesuatu itu tidak bisa disangkal akan luar biasa pengaruhnya, lebih-lebih pada suatu benda yang mereka sayangi, jika anda pengagum berat mesin pintar atau komputer, keindahan dan kerapian isi dalam suatu komputer sangat berpengaruh bagi anda, termasuk saya.

Start OrbWallpaperIconsTheme, dan lain-lain. Kali ini saya mempunyai Linux Wallpaper Collections yang saya bagi menjadi 2 part yang saya kumpulkan dari berbagai sumber yang saya rangkum ke dalam sebuah winrar.
Jika anda ingin menunduh, saya sudah siapkan link pengunduhannya melalui Indowebster.

Jika sobat Unika mempunyai keluhan, bisa di komen di bawah ini atau join ke fans page kami disini!
Tunggu update Wallpaper berikutnya di posting kami berikutnya !

Lessons From Ötzi, the Tyrolean Ice Man. Part II

Otzi's Diet

Otzi's digestive tract contains the remains of three meals.  They were composed of cooked grains (wheat bread and wheat grains), meat, roots, fruit and seeds (1, 2).  The meat came from three different animals-- chamois, red deer and ibex.  The "wheat" was actually not what we would think of as modern wheat, but an ancestral variety called einkorn.

Isotope analysis indicates that Otzi's habitual diet was primarily centered around plant foods, likely heavily dependent on grains but also incorporating a variety of other plants (3).  He died in the spring with a belly full of einkorn wheat.  Since wheat is harvested in the fall, this suggests that his culture stored grain and was dependent on it for most if not all of the year.  However, he also clearly ate meat and used leather made from his prey.  Researchers are still debating the quantity of meat in his diet, but it was probably secondary to grains and other plant foods. It isn't known whether or not he consumed dairy.

Read more »

Biografi Iwan Fals, Legenda Hidup Indonesia Berjiwa Pemberani

Siapa yang tak kenal Iwan Fals, Penyanyi yang bernama Lengkap Virgiawan Listanto adalah seorang penyanyi yang beraliran Musik Country dan Balada, Ia dinobatkan menjadi legenda hidup Indonesia. Betapa tidak, lagu-lagu ciptaannya banyak yang bertemakan Kehidupan Sosial dan tidak sedikit lagunya yang bertemakan sindiran kepada tokoh besar yang sudah tidak ingat lagi bagaimana hidup menjadi orang kecil.
Iwan Fals mempunyai kharisma yang sangatlah besar, ia banyak dipuji-puji oleh kaum kecil, ia adalah tokoh yang sangat sederhana dalam hidupnya, ia terkenal sebagai tokoh yang sosialis.
Masa kecil Iwan Fals banyak dihabiskan di Bandung dan Jeddah Arab Saudi, ketika berumur 13 tahun ia menjadi seorang pengamen jalan yang kemudian membuka jalannya bermain musik dan semakin mahir dalam hal satu ini, Gitar sudah dikuasainya dimasa mudanya, sehingga menciptakan sebuah lagu menjadi hal yang tidak menyulitkan nya, dia bahkan pernah menjadi gitaris di sekolahnya pada saat dia mengecap bangku Sekolah Menengah Pertama.
Setelah itu, dia menerima ajakan dari seorang produser untuk mengadu nasib di Jakarta, dan Rekaman pertama Iwan Fals bersama Toto Gunarto, Helmi, Bambang Bule gagal dalam album perdananya, tapi sekarang album Amburadul ini dikejar-kejar oleh kolektor dan pencinta Iwan Fals.
Ia pernah memenangi Festival Musik Country, setelah itu dia ikut Festival Lagu Humor, yang kemudian diproduksi oleh Arwah Setiawan di ABC Records, dan lagi-lagi gagal.
Setelah itu Iwan hijrah ke Musica Studio, tapi sebelumnya Iwan sudah membuat 4-5 Album, dan disinilah keseriusan menggarab album Iwan dikerjakan, semisal Album Sarjana Muda, ditangani oleh Willy Soemantri. Tapi, Iwan tetap menjalani profesi nya sebagai pengamen rumahan. Selama Orde Baru, jadwal-jadwal konser Iwan Fals banyak yang terpaksa dibatalkan karena dilarang oleh aparat pemerintahan, karena lagu-lagunya mengundang perpecahan.Pada Tahun 1984 Iwan Fals, harus mendekam di jeruji besi selama dua minggu karena menyanyikan lagu Demokrasi Nasi, Pola Sederhana dan Mbak Tini. 
Sejak saat itulah keluarga Iwan banyak mendapat teror dan ancaman dari pihak-pihak tertentu.
Tahun 1989, nama Iwan Fals meroket berkat hits Bento dan Bongkar yang sangat fenomenal dan ia bergabung dengan kelompok SWAMI, dan perjalanan karier Iwan terus mendaki saat dia bergabung dengan Kantata Takwa di tahun 1990, tindakan ini juga mendapat dukungan dari seorang pengusaha bernama Setiawan Djodi. Konser-konser Kantata Takwa sampai saat ini masih dianggap menjadi konser terbesar dan termegah di Indonesia, sungguh prestasi yang luar biasa bukan? Kagum sama oom Iwan....!
Album Dalbo pun dikerjakannya dengan mantan personil SWAMI, setelah kontraknya selesai dengan SWAMI dan Kantata Takwa, Album Suara Hati pun mulai terdengar pada tahun 2002, Iwan als telah mempunyai kelompok musisi pengiring yang konstan.  
Tahun 2007, Lagu 'Pulanglah' didekasikannya kepada almarhum Munir, yang berpulang ke Rahmatulah ketika menuju ke Belanda.

Biodata Iwan Fals :

  • Nama Lengkap : Virgiawan Listanto
  • Tanggal Lahir : 3 September 1961
  • Tempat Lahir : Jakarta
  • Ayah : Sucipto (Kolonel Anumerta)
  • Ibu : Lies
  • Istri : Rosana atau Mbak Yos
  • Anak
                  1. Galang Rambu Anarki (alm)
                  2. Annisa Cikal Rambu Bassae
                  3. Raya Rambu Rabbani
  • Pendidikan
                  1. SMPN 5 Bandung
                  2. SMAK BPK Bandung
                  3. STP (Sekolah Tinggi Publisistik) atau IISIP
                  4. Institut Kesenian Jakarta
  • Website : http://iwanfals.co.id/

Lindungi Mata Anda dengan Eye Pro

Eye Pro Mata Sehat
Unik Informatika - Mata adalah sebuah elemen penting bagi kelangsungan hidup seorang manusia, baik itu bagi anda, bagi saya atau bagi kita semua, ketergantungan kita kepada sebuah PC dan Laptop membuat mata kita ke arah negatif atau kerusakan perlahan demi perlahan, mungkin sobat sudah mengalami nya karena hal ini.
Nah posting Unika kali ini akan membahas sebuah software yang mungkin bisa mengurangi kesalahan kita saat 'melototi' sebuah layar monitor tiap harinya, nama sofware itu adalah Eye Pro, mungkin sobat pernah dengar atau pernah memakai nya, siapa tahu..:D !.
Eye Pro adalah sebuah software yang dibuat untuk mengurangi kesalahan kita dalam penggunaan komputer khususnya dalam perlindungan kepada mata kita, dengan segala tips-tips yang masuk akal didalamnya. Software ini sudah mendapat rekomendasi dari para dokter spesialis mata terkemuka dan juga bisa mengingatkan kita pada penggunaan komputer diluar kemampuan mata untuk terus 'berjuang' didepan monitor. Kita bisa mensetting nya pada level Low, Medium dan High. Penasaran?

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Silahkan di download dan di coba kebenarannya....:D
Jika sobat ingin lebih mengetahui banyak wawasan, gabung dengan fans page kami disini ... ! 

Will the UC-Davis Chancellor be Held Accountable for "Systemic and Repeated Failures?"

During the brief Occupy Wall Street etc campaign last year, the pepper spraying of unarmed protesters on the University of California - Davis campus became a symbol for some of what the powers that be thought of those who challenge the political economic status quo.  We discussed this incident (here and here) on Health Care Renewal as an example of how the privileged hired leaders of big organizations, including health care organizations, may put their own interests ahead of the organizations' missions.  Note that this case is relevant to Health Care Renewal since UC- Davis has a medical school and academic medical center.

The Task Force Report

Now, five months later, an internal investigation of the case has been made public, and it seems to support our concerns about the leadership of large organizations.  The AP described the resulting report (via the Seattle Post-Intelligencer).  In summary,
a UC Davis task force said the decision to douse seated Occupy protesters with the eye-stinging chemical was 'objectively unreasonable' and not authorized by campus policy.

'The pepper-spraying incident that took place on Nov. 18, 2011, should and could have been prevented,' concluded the task force created to investigate the confrontation.

The report concluded that the Chancellor (functionally, the CEO) of UC-Davis, Linda Katehi had substantial responsibility for the incident:
The task force blamed the the incident on poor planning, communication and decision-making at all levels of the school administration, from Katehi to Police Chief Annette Spicuzza to Lt. John Pike, the main officer seen in the online videos.

The task force blamed the chancellor for not clearly communicating to her subordinates that police should avoid physical force on the protesters. It also said she was responsible for the decision to deploy police on a Friday afternoon, rather than wait until early morning as Spicuzza recommended.

An editorial in the Merced Sun-Star focused more vividly on Katehi's poor leadership.
The independent assessment of events leading up to the infamous Nov. 18 pepper-spraying incident at the University of California at Davis provides a devastating indictment of the leadership of Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi and key vice chancellors -- and of the operations of the campus Police Department.

Katehi showed either extreme naivete or incompetence in weighing a response to protesters camping in the Quad. The report of the task force, led by former California Supreme Court Associate Justice Cruz Reynoso, revealed a deeply flawed structure for decision-making. Little or no consideration of alternatives. Failing to record and adequately communicate key decisions, so that ambiguity and uncertainty ruled.

The command and leadership structure of the campus Police Department, the report concluded, is 'very dysfunctional.' Lieutenants, the report stated, don't 'follow directives of the Chief.' This department needs a top-to-bottom review to bring it into line with best practices in policing for a university campus.

Campus leaders had been dealing with protests since 2009 and were well aware of events that November in Oakland and at UC Berkeley.

But instead of deliberate preparations, those events, according to the report, sparked alarmist fears among Katehi and other administrators that if any encampment was not removed immediately, older non-students might assault young female students.

Katehi said she was worried about 'the use of drugs and sex and other things, and you know here we have very young students ... we were worried especially about having very young girls and other students with older people who come from the outside without any knowledge of their record ... .'

But the report suggests Katehi and her leadership team did little or nothing to verify whether these fears were well-founded, ignoring evidence from student affairs staff that protesters were students and faculty. The report concludes that Katehi's fears were 'not supported by any evidence' obtained by the Kroll Inc. investigators.

Worse, even if the concerns were real, Katehi and her leadership team did not consider alternatives to immediate removal of the encampment -- or learn anything from the experience of other places. This rush to action resulted in ad hoc decision-making, apparently with no one having a clear understanding of what was supposed to happen.

Katehi did make one thing clear: She wanted the tents removed at 3 p.m. -- though it was never certain what legal authority police had to remove tents during the day in order to implement a policy against overnight camping. Subordinates, the report says, took her statement as an executive order and tactical decision.

The report also notes that Katehi 'failed to express in any meaningful way her expectation' that campus police would use no force. There is no indication what Katehi thought police should do if protesters refused a request to take down tents.

Furthermore, an article in the Atlantic suggested that Katehi was not truthful in her dealing with the investigation:
at face value ... [the report's] findings are also very damaging to the still-serving Chancellor of UC Davis, Linda Katehi. For instance, the Kroll report says about a letter asking the demonstrators to disperse:
Chancellor Katehi told Kroll investigators that Student Affairs wrote the letter and that she did not review it before it went out. The record contradicts both of these statements, as detailed below. Katehi did review the letter, provided an editorial change and approved it. Student Affairs did not write the letter...

Will Leadership be Held Accountable?
So, in summary, the report on the pepper-spraying incident portrays the Chancellor of UC-Davis as presiding over a dysfunctional police department, hastily responding to rumors rather than evidence, making decisions without considering alternatives, poorly communicating decisions and their rationale, and not always being honest.  This is not the portrait of a capable leader.  This a a portrait of someone totally out of her depth.

So why is she paid the big bucks?  As we have discussed endlessly, the top hired leaders of big health care (and other related) organizations seem to be almost universally lauded by their boards of trustees, not to mention fawning public relations departments, as brilliant.  That brilliance is used as a rationale for the leaders' compensation and benefits, and for deflecting their accountability.

Yet often on close examination top hired leaders prove to be bumblers at best.  Again and again their leadership has been shown to subvert the mission of their own organizations.  Yet the structure that has been erected to protect them, to put them into a "CEO bubble," keeps them unaccountable.

Even after this report, will Chancellor Katehi be held accountable?  Once again, I am not holding my breath.  The strength of her protective bubble was demonstrated in an article in the Sacramento Bee,
Cruz Reynoso, the former state Supreme Court justice whose task force blamed 'systemic and repeated failures' of UC Davis' leadership for the pepper-spraying of students last fall, said Thursday that Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi should stay on the job and enact reforms to prevent a recurrence.

'She should not resign. The balance is that she has done a lot of good despite this drastic poor judgment,' Reynoso said, a day after releasing an investigative report that faulted the chancellor for failing to make clear to campus police she wanted no force used in dispersing protesters and taking down an Occupy encampment on Nov. 18.

Reynoso said he was impressed by the chancellor's response: a written statement Wednesday vowing to protect students' 'safety and free speech' as the university learns 'from the difficult events.'

What an example of cognitive dissonance this was. "Systematic and repeated failures," and "drastic poor judgment," which resulted in injuries to students and clear violation of the university mission is not reason enough to fire a CEO (as long as she writes a contrite letter promising to uphold the mission in the future)? There is no way to understand this other than as a manifestation of belief in the "divine right of CEOs" (look here and here).

So my response is that we will not solve the problem of health care dysfunction, and our society's larger political economic problems until we resolve to hold our leaders accountable for the missions they are supposed to uphold.

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dear easter bunny, next time you come in town don't leave so many reese's cup easter eggs b/c i sneak into my kids' candy jar when they are sleeping and eat them all.  luckily, i finished them up last night.

*images courtesy of breakfast at yurmans, pinterestsouthern grace

What Community Sport Means to Me - Keith Towler

On 100 days to go until the London 2012 Games, Sport Wales is embarking on a series of blogs on Community Sport. Keith Towler is the Children’s Commissioner for Wales.
Most Friday evenings I head to our local comprehensive school not for maths but to pretend for 90 minutes that I can still play with some skill, speed and precision. The reality is I'm not sure I ever really had any skill as I head there with a group of middle-aged men, from all walks of life, to play football.

Children's Commissioner for Wales Keith Towler

We’re not the best, and we’re probably not the worst, but most importantly, we’ve become good friends, and so have our families. It has become part of our community life.

Sport has this magic ability to unite people – around clubs, communities and countries. It’s this ‘pull’ that Sport Wales wants us all to harness to create an environment where every child and young person in Wales can live in communities without barriers, without fears, without prejudices.

This new community strategy is a document with goose-pimples. Odd turn of phrase you might think, but when you read it you can’t help but want to encourage your neighbours, your local businesses, your local schools, your local halls, your community, to create safe, healthy and happy environments for our children. An environment that fosters opportunities for all children and young people.

Whilst access to play and recreational activity is a child’s fundamental right, let’s look at this as a wider opportunity to instil a sense of worth, pride and ambition in our children. And a sense of belonging – perthyn.
Keith Towler is the Children’s Commissioner for Wales. He has also recently been invited to join an international group of experts to advise the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on its General Comment on Article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child on play. You can follow him on twitter @childcomwales

This blog was written in conjunction with the launch of a strategy for Community Sport in Wales.  If you’d like your say, get involved in the debate on twitter – using the hashtag #communitysport and you can mention us @sport_wales

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