Warung Bebas

Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013

Klub-klub Eropa Yang Akan Kunjungi Indonesia Tahun 2013

Image by: infojkt

Klub-klub Eropa Yang Akan Kunjungi Indonesia Tahun 2013 - Tahun 2013 ini Indonesia akan dibanjiri klub-klub besar Eropa. Pasalnya, banyak klub yang merekomendasikan untuk mengunjungi Indonesia dan melaksanakan sebuah pertandingan.  PSSI telah merilis beberapa agenda latih tanding dengan beberapa tim Eropa yang akan dimulai dari bulan Mei hingga Juli. 

AC Milan Glorie yang berisikan pemain-pemain legenda AC Milan menjadi tim pertama yang mengunjungi Indonesia yang baru saja berhasil megalahkan Indonesia All Star dengan skor 4-2. Liverpool dan Juventus dikabarkan telah mengkonfirmasi kedatangannya ke Indonesia menyusul sejumlah tim Eropa lainnya.

"Mengenai kota di mana tempat itu berlangsung, nanti kita akan bicarakan lebih detail. Yang pasti, PSSI akan berstatus sebagai tuan rumah. Mereka datang berkunjung ke Indonesia untuk tur pramusim atau menerima undangan kami," ujar Sekretaris Jenderal Persatuan Sepak Bola Seluruh Indonesia (PSSI), Halim Mahfudz seperti dikutip dari Kompas.

Seperti dikutip dari Kompas, selain dengan tim papan atas Eropa, dikabarkan juga Indonesia akan melakoni laga uji coba melawan Belanda pada Mei mendatang. Bahkan, Der Oranje disebut-sebut akan membawa skuad intinya, termasuk bintang Manchester United, Robin van Persie.

Berikut ini adalah Agenda Laga Persahabatan PSSI
23-28 Mei: Hamburg SV, AS Roma, dan Persebaya
27 Mei-1 Juni: Juventus, Malaysia, dan Indonesia Selection
31 Mei: Arsenal dan Indonesia Selection
21 Juli: Liverpool dan Indonesia Selection.

5 Piramida termegah dan terindah di Meksiko

     Tak hanya mesir yang punya piramida, meksiko pun punya banyak piramida yang merupakan peninggalan dari suku asli amerika selatan dan amerika latin seperti aztek, inca, maya, dan masih banyak lagi. Dan berikut ini adalah 5 piramida/kuil yang paling indah di Meksiko..

1. Piramida Agung Cholula

      Yang juga dikenal dengan nama Tlachihualtepetl (dalam bahasa Nahuatl berarti "gunung buatan"), adalah piramida (kuil) terbesar di Dunia Baru (Amerika). Piramida ini berdiri setinggi 55 m dan berukuran 400 x 400. Piramida Agung Cholula dibangun untuk menyembah dewaQuetzalcoatl. Gaya bangunnya mirip dengan Teotihuacan di Lembah Meksiko.

2. Teotihuacan

     Teotihuacan adalah situs arkeologi besar yang terletak di lembah Mexico, Mexico, dan melingkupi beberapa struktur piramida yang didirikan pada zaman pra-Colombus. Selain terdapat banyak bangunan piramida, situs Teotihuacan juga dahulu merupakan kompleks permukiman besar. Di situs ini juga ditemukan makam dengan lukisan-lukisan yang indah. Pembangunan kota Teotihuacan bermula sekitar 300 SM, dan mencapai masa keemasannya sekitar tahun 300-600 M. Pada mulanya, Teotihuacan mencakup 13 km² dan diperkirakan mempunyai penduduk melebihi 150.000 jiwa, kemungkinan hingga mencapai 200.000 jiwa. 

3. Chichen Itza

     Chichen Itza adalah suatu Situs Peradaban Maya di Meksiko pada abad 800 SM. Chichen Itza merupakan peninggalan arkeologi suku Maya yang paling lengkap serta masih terawat dengan baik. Situs peradaban Maya di Meksiko ini, pada 7 Juli 2007, terpilih sebagai salah satu dari tujuh keajaiban dunia hasil pilihan 100 juta orang via email dan sms yang diadakan oleh Swiss Foundation.

4. Palenque

     Palenque (Bàak' dalam Maya Modern) adalah situs arkeologi Maya di dekat Sungai Usumacinta di negara bagian Chiapas, Meksiko, terletak 130 km sebelah selatan Ciudad del Carmen.

5. Uxmal

     Merupakan salah satu situs peninggalan peradaban Maya yang paling penting selain Chichen Itza. Situs ini terletak di wilayah Puuc, Meksiko.

     Tanggal pendirian situs ini masih belum pasti dan perkiraan jumlah penduduknya, yaitu 15.000 jiwa, merupakan perkiraan yang sangat kasar. Kemungkinan pembangunan gedung-gedung besar dilakukan saat Uxmal menjadi ibukota negeri Maya Klasik Akhir pada tahun 850-925. Menurut kronologi Maya sendiri, Uxmal didirikan pada tahun 500 oleh Hun Uitzil Chac Tutul Xiu.

Alhamdulillah, Diego Michiels Menjadi Muallaf

Image by: liputan6
You'll Never Walk Alone - Diego Michiels telah resmi mengganti namanya dengan Diego Muhammad bin Robbie Michiels setelah mengucap dua kalimat syahadat di ruang sidang Purwoto S Ganda Subrata. Diego resmi menjadi seorang muslim.

Diego membacakan syahadat pada pukul 16.15 WIB, Kamis (7/2/2013), saat menunggu jalannya sidang. Kapitra Ampera, yang juga tim kuasa hukum Diego ditunjuk sebagai yang mengesahkan Diego untuk menjadi mualaf. Sementara Riandi Rusman, Vidi Galenso dan Elza Syarief ditunjuk sebagai saksi.

"Ternyata Diego sudah memendam referensi tentang Islam. Lalu dari situ ia ingin menjadi muslim. Karena Islam itu tidak mengenal tempat dan tidak boleh ditunda-tunda. Alhamdulillah baru saja ia mengucapkan dua kalimat Syahadat," kata Kapitra Ampera.

Diego yang mengenakan kopiah putih mengatakan, tidak ada orang yang memengaruhi dia menjadi seorang mualaf. Menurutnya, keinginannya memeluk agama Islam sudah ia rasakan semenjak masih di Belanda.

"Sebelum saya ke Indonesia, saya sering bermain bersama teman yang beragama Islam, lalu saya mulai mempelajari buku dan akhirnya saya memutuskan masuk Islam," tutur Diego.
Diego pun mengaku sudah berbicara kepada orangtuanya yang berada di Belanda sekitar sebulan yang lalu.

"Saya senang sekarang. Saya masuk Islam bukan karena kekasih saya Islam, tetapi karena saya. Satria (salah satu terdakwa kasus pengeroyokan ini) sering mengajarkan bagaimana cara berdoa dan beribadah," kata Diego.


Sumber: Kompas.com

Jersey Liverpool untuk musim 2013-2014

Boladunia16 - Inilah bocoran jersey yang akan di pakai klub Liverpool untuk musim 2013-2014 mendatang, jersey yang masih di sponsori oleh warrior masih mengedepankan warna merah sebagai warna kebesaran Klub terbesar di ranah inggris tersebut..

Nah berikut adalah foto-foto nya ,,

jersey liverpool untuk musim 2013-2014
Jersey home liverpool untuk musim 2013-2014

jersey liverpool untuk musim 2013-2014
jersey ke 2 liverpool untuk musim 2013-2014

jersey liverpool untuk musim 2013-2014
jersey ke 3 Liverpool untuk musim 2013-2014
Nah sekian dulu, benar atau tidak nya tentang bocoran jersey ini, kita lihat saja musim depan !!

More Hyperinsulinemia, Insulin-Suppressive Drugs & Obesity (and Lustig)

Building on my last post on this topic ...

So far I've spent most of the blogging on a study comparing 3 doses of octreotide, an insulin suppressing drug, vs. placebo in a subset of obese people pre-tested and determined to be insulin hypersecreters as defined by a corrected ratio for insulin to glucose levels.  This post will focus more on two other studies using this drug, perhaps just the first ... let's see how long this gets ;-)    I think it will be easiest to number the 3 studies, all bearing Lustig's name:
I've already discussed the rather unimpressive performance of octreotide in Study 3.  While the highest dose group had the highest "response" rate (20.5% losing ≥5% initial weight), the rates were similar between the placebo group (11.4%) compared to the 40mg octreotide group (12.5%), which is important as this is the dose used in Studies 1&2.   Additionally, mean losses for the entire 40 & 60 mg groups were less than 2%, and even the most promising responders, Caucasian hypersecreters with above median CIR, only lost an average of less than 4% over 6 months.
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Quantum Bullshit

I don't follow Jack Kruse's antics much any more.  Every now and then, however, he comes up in a social media or email note.  He's still at it -- though there is no longer an answer at his practice phone number, so hopefully that means he's no longer actively performing neurosurgery.  From a Krusite on FB:  
Humans are designed to eat an electron dense diet because they have a shortened gut and expanded brain that steepens their energy needs and restricts their sleep needs to 7.5- 8.5 hours. This implies that humans must have evolved around a diet high in electron density from food and their environment.
It is hard to believe Jack has been talking this electron nonsense for going on two years now.  I suppose this is what happens in a community that fails to police itself when it comes to science ... but I digress.

In any case, I have apparently missed the first however many incoherences Jack has created in his EMF series but since he's still on the radar screen, I thought I'd bump this post up.

Folks, all of your food macros contain electrons.  The macros are all converted to acetyl CoA that feeds into Krebs, or they can feed in at various parts along the way and "participate" in the exact same redox reactions in your mitochondria.  The very same.  If there is anyone who has specific questions about Kruse's latest Quantum Bullshit, feel free to ask in comments, but please provide me a Readers' Digest version and/or a short quote.  I simply cannot read this man's blogs.  

Original Publish Date:  3/5/12

Being a science geek, I have no clue what the average Joe really thinks when they hear the term "quantum" thrown around.  I imagine that most folks' eyes glaze over other than to think that it must be something really complicated and all that.   And like Entropy dude's blog, one can't possibly be able to understand all those Σ's and such.  I contend that when talking human physiology and metabolism, use of the word quantum is ... well ... an alert that a load of steamin' pre-coprolites is on its way.  

This may not be the most technically accurate definition of what is meant by quantum phenomenon, but it's certainly a workable one for most people.  All atoms have electrons orbiting their nuclei and these electrons can only occupy certain orbits or energy levels.  The closer to the nucleus an electron is, the lower its energy state.  In their "ground state",  electrons will be in the lowest energy level "shells" possible, only occupying a higher level when all lower ones are filled.  Under certain conditions, electrons can be excited and they "jump" up to the next shell.  All good excitement must come to an end, and in short order the electrons fall back down to the energy level from whence they came emitting a photon.    The whole area of quantum mechanics deals with describing these phenomena.  At this level, electrons sometimes behave like particles, and sometimes like waves, and discussions of the wave-particle duality is something used to torture science students through the ages.   But the good news for you and me is that none of this matters to the basics of human metabolism.  
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Debu Mobil Kaca Paling Indah di Dunia

Debu Mobil Kaca Paling Indah di Dunia


Kebanyakan orang suka geram melihat jendela mobil yang kotor dan akhirnya menuliskan angka lucu atau pesan pintar seperti "Cuci Donk Mobilnya","Mobilmu adalah otakmu" dan lain-lain. Tapi ada satu seniman dari San Marcos Texas, memanfaatkan Kaca mobil yang tertutup debu kanvas ke tingkat seni yang tinggi.

Scott Wade menggunakan jendela mobil kotor seperti kanvas untuk menciptakan karya yang luar biasa tetapi bersifat sementara. Dia bisa menghabiskan sampai empat jam menyempurnakan gambar kotoran nya tapi satu hujan lebat sudah cukup untuk menghancurkan kerja kerasnya.




A New ECRI Institute Study On Health Information Technology-Related Events

As I wrote here, I was a reviewer of the report in the PA-based, ECRI Institute-conducted study "The Role of the Electronic Health Record in Patient Safety Events."  ECRI studied the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Reporting System database for HIT-related errors.   

The ECRI Institute is an independent organization renowned for its safety testing of medical technologies and reporting on same, and that "researches the best approaches to improving the safety, quality, and cost-effectiveness of patient care."  I've mentioned it and its bylaws in this blog in the past as a model for independent, unbiased testing and reporting of healthcare technologies.

The full report in PDF is at this link.  In the report, the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority analyzed reports of EHR-related events from a state database (the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Reporting System or PA-PSRS, pronounced "PAY-sirs") of reported medical errors and identified several major themes.

My review input led to a discrete "limitations" section.  Also, my invited July 2012 presentation to the PA Patient Safety Authority "Asking the Right Questions: Using Known HIT Safety Issues to Improve Risk Reporting and Analysis" with ECRI in attendance (link to PPT here) on the danger of limited datasets due to systematic impediments to information diffusion was apparently taken seriously. 

ECRI decided to do something about the knowledge gap, and they asked the right questions.

They've just released this summary of a new study they conducted.  I have a few comments which follow:
ECRI Institute PSO Uncovers Health Information Technology-Related Events in Deep Dive Analysis

Data transfer, data entry, system configurations, and more identified as serious problem areas
PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa., Feb. 6, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The federal government is spending about $19 billion to encourage hospitals, physician practices, and other healthcare organizations to invest in their health information technology (HIT) infrastructure with the goal of improving patient safety and quality through the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act.

Concerned about the unintended consequences of HIT and the potential for errors to cause patient harm, ECRI Institute Patient Safety Organization (PSO) recently conducted a PSO Deep Dive™ analysis on HIT-related safety events. Their just-released 48-page report identified five potential problem areas, which can be assessed with the accompanying toolkit. The report and toolkit are available for purchase [appx. $350 U.S. - ed.] without membership in ECRI Institute PSO.

"Minimizing the unintended consequences of HIT systems and maximizing the potential of HIT to improve patient safety should be an ongoing focus of every healthcare organization," says Karen P. Zimmer , MD, MPH, FAAP, medical director, ECRI Institute PSO.

Based on [voluntary - ed.] reports submitted to the PSO from participating organizations, ECRI Institute PSO experts identified the following key HIT-related problems:

  • inadequate data transfer from one HIT system to another
  • data entry in the wrong patient record
  • incorrect data entry in the patient record
  • failure of the HIT system to function as intended
  • configuration of the system in a way that can lead to mistakes
To collect enough reports for meaningful evaluation, ECRI Institute PSO asked participating organizations to submit standardized data about HIT events during a nine-week period. This enabled ECRI Institute PSO to identify patterns and trends from the aggregated data and share the findings, as well as its recommendations. The data in the PSO Deep Dive represents only that collected using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) HIT Common Formats.  [Not the improved formats developed by AHRQ in their IT Hazards Manager project, still in development - ed.]  ECRI Institute PSO data encompasses over 800 HIT-related events.

According to the report, HIT must be considered in the context of the environment in which it operates during the three phases of any HIT project: planning for new or replacement systems, system implementation, and ongoing use and evaluation of the system. "Shortsighted approaches to HIT can lead to adverse consequences," caution the authors.

"Healthcare organizations should consider the findings and recommendations in the PSO Deep Dive as part of their effort to achieve those goals," adds Zimmer.

The HIT PSO Deep Dive findings were published in a 48-page report and toolkit with self-assessment questionnaire and action plan form available to all ECRI Institute PSO Members and its partner PSO members. The table of contents of the report is available for free viewing/download. Additional information will be presented in ECRI Institute PSO's Monthly Brief free e-newsletter March edition; go to www.ecri.org/psobrief to sign up. The full report and toolkit are also available for purchase.

For questions about this topic, or for information about purchasing the report, please contact ECRI Institute PSO by telephone at (610) 825-6000, ext. 5558; by e-mail at pso@ecri.org; by fax at (610) 834-1275, or by mail at 5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462-1298, USA.

From the free linked TOC document:

Key Recommendations
  • Enlist leaders’ commitment and support for the organization’s health IT projects.
  • Involve health IT users in system planning, design, and selection.
  • Conduct a review of workflow and processes to determine how they must be modified.
  • Evaluate the ability of existing IT systems within the organization to reliably exchange data with any health IT system under consideration.
  • Conduct extensive tests before full implementation to ensure that the health IT system operates as expected.
  • Provide user training and ongoing support; educate users about the capabilities and limitations of the system.
  • Closely monitor the system’s ease of use and promptly address problems encountered by users.
  • Introduce alterations to a health IT system in a controlled manner.
  • Monitor the system’s effectiveness with metrics established by the organization.
  • Require reporting of health IT-related events and near misses.
  • Conduct thorough event analysis and investigation to identify corrective measures.

My comments are these:

  • The ECRI study, report and recommendations are quite welcome.
  • The case reports received were apparently voluntary and probably "conservative" and understated as hospitals are not happy to release data on problems and harms that can lead to, or support, litigation.  
  • The study was just 9 weeks long, and with a limited set of healthcare organizations participating.  800 HIT-related events were identified. 
  •  The relevant issues discovered in the events, as summarized in the bullet points above, are capable of causing clinician distraction, incorrect decisions, "use error" (as opposed to "user error", see here), patient harm, and death.  (I am aware of such issues in the press including harms and deaths, as readers here have read at links such as these and these and these and these, and others about which I am providing expert-witness consultation and cannot share.)
  • I believe ECRI has now begun to peer below the water level, through the muck of industry control of the narrative, of what FDA CDRH leader Jeffrey Shuren MD JD referred to as "the tip of the iceberg" - i.e., the current level of knowledge of health IT difficulties, defects and harms. 
  • The report is yet another red flag for a far more robust (and mandatory, in my view) post-marketing surveillance of health IT.  
  • Those who claim these findings are "anecdotes" (as here) are looking increasingly foolish and cavalier.

Finally, readers of this blog have been reading about these issues for years.  You heard it here first.

-- SS 

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