Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013
Dari mana air di bumi berasal?
Darimana air di Bumi berasal?? Asal usul air di Bumi, atau alasan mengapa ada lebih banyak air di Bumi daripada di planet lain di Tata Surya, masih belum dipastikan. Ada beberapa teori yang telah diajukan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana samudra di Bumi terbentuk:
1. Pendinginan Bumi purba hingga ke titik ketika komponen volatil yang terlepas ke atmosfer mencapai tekanan tertentu yang memungkinkan penstabilan dan pemertahanan air.
2. Komet, objek trans-Neptunus, atau meteorit (protoplanet) yang kaya akan air menubruk Bumi. Pengukuran rasio isotop hidrogendeuterium dan protium menunjukkan peran asteroid karena kemiripannya dengan persentase ketidakmurnian dalam kondrit yang kaya akan karbon di samudra Bumi, sementara pengukuran terhadap konsentrasi isotop di komet dan objek trans-Neptunus tidak terlalu mirip dengan yang di Bumi.
3. Secara biokimia melalui mineralisasi dan fotosintesis
4. Perembesan air yang disimpan di mineral hidrat di bebatuan Bumi secara perlahan.
5. Fotolisis: radiasi dapat mengurai ikatan kimia di permukaan.
Senator Stephen H. Martin of Virginia: proposed limitations on use, storage, sharing, & processing of electronic medical record data
Here's a politician who certainly seems concerned with the privacy and confidentiality and flawed-analysis downsides of electronic health records - Senator Stephen H. Martin of Virginia:
Of note, the bill also counters the coercive aspects of the HITECH bill, stealthily sneaked into the Economic Recovery Act (ARRA) without so much as a peep of public comment, thanks to the Health IT lobby (as described by Robert O'Harrow Jr. in the WaPo in May 2009, see here):
The proposal seems authoritarian in terms of use of aggregated, de-identified medical data for public health purposes. In the current environment, however, of health IT hyper-exuberance, misuse of medical data (e.g., putting it up for sale as at link, link) and repeated major security breaches, perhaps a return to sanity requires putting the brakes on - hard - and performing a 'system reset.'
It's clear the hyperenthusiasts will not like this proposed legislation.
-- SS
SB 1275 Medical data in an electronic or digital format; limitations on use, storage, sharing, & processing.
Medical data. Prohibits any person that regularly stores medical data in an electronic or digital format from (i) participating in the establishment or implementation of the Nationwide Health Information Network; (ii) performing any analytic or statistical processing with regard to any medical records from multiple patients for purposes of medical diagnosis or treatment, including population health management; or (iii) processing medical data at a facility within the Commonwealth in any instance where a majority of the patients whose medical data is being processed do not reside in the Commonwealth. A database at which medical data is regularly stored in an electronic or digital format shall not store or maintain in a manner that is accessible by the operator or any other person, in an electronic or digital format, at any one time, medical data regarding more than 10,000 patients.
Of note, the bill also counters the coercive aspects of the HITECH bill, stealthily sneaked into the Economic Recovery Act (ARRA) without so much as a peep of public comment, thanks to the Health IT lobby (as described by Robert O'Harrow Jr. in the WaPo in May 2009, see here):
The measure provides that any health care provider shall not be subject to any penalty, sanction, or other adverse action resulting from its failure or refusal to implement an online computerized medical record system. A patient's consent to the sharing of his health care information shall be presumed not to grant consent to the electronic or digital storing or transmission of the information to any person other than for health care coverage purposes. Finally, the measure prohibits the Commonwealth from authorizing the establishment or operation of a health information exchange.
The proposal seems authoritarian in terms of use of aggregated, de-identified medical data for public health purposes. In the current environment, however, of health IT hyper-exuberance, misuse of medical data (e.g., putting it up for sale as at link, link) and repeated major security breaches, perhaps a return to sanity requires putting the brakes on - hard - and performing a 'system reset.'
It's clear the hyperenthusiasts will not like this proposed legislation.
-- SS
Tema Windows 7 HKS EVO
Limit Komputer | Alhamdulillah, saya bisa kembali lagi untuk memposting artikel mengenai tema windows 7, yang sempat vakum beberapa minggu akibat terlalu sibuk dengan urusan dunia nyata, maklum anak muda, hehe (gk nyambung yah).
Dalam kesempatan ini saya memberika sebuah tema yang sangat keren buat kalian semua yang nantinya digunakan di komputer maupun laptop yang kalian miliki, yang sudah pasti akan mempercantik model tampilan windows 7 kalian.
Gak usah basa-basi silahkan lihat dulu screenshotnya di bawah ini :
Bagaimana Keren bukan ? selain tampilan yang memukau tema ini juga memiliki fitur-fitur utama yaitu :
1. Full Glass
2. Sound pack
3. Kursor
4. Wallpaper keren
5. Start menu transparan
6. Taksbar keren
Dalam kesempatan ini saya memberika sebuah tema yang sangat keren buat kalian semua yang nantinya digunakan di komputer maupun laptop yang kalian miliki, yang sudah pasti akan mempercantik model tampilan windows 7 kalian.
Gak usah basa-basi silahkan lihat dulu screenshotnya di bawah ini :
1. Full Glass
2. Sound pack
3. Kursor
4. Wallpaper keren
5. Start menu transparan
6. Taksbar keren
Will this be NuSI's first experiment?
Watch the first 5 minutes of this video. In it:
- Gary says there's 10% error in doubly labeled water measurements (I don't know if it is that high, but it is interesting that this is the level he puts it at)
- Gary describes an experiment to be done in men (he has stated at other times this is because these diets tend to work better in men, what, insulin doesn't work the same in women?)
- Gary pitched this to Pennington research center before.
- Overfeed by 20% of calories
- Describes ketogenic, Atkins diet, as steaks, chops, eggs and bacon. Gee, I wonder how those misconceptions of the Atkins diet keep getting perpetuated, eh?
- Gary predicts that energy expenditure will increase in keto group so that they will burn the excess calories.
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