Warung Bebas

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Keajaiban Jabal Magnet Di Madinah

Keajaiban Jabal Magnet Di Madinah - Kali ini Espilen Blog akan memberikan informasi tentang Jabal Magnet, yang berada di Madinah, Arab Saudi. Fenomena alam tak kunjung habis di Madinah dan Mekah. Kini, Jabal (Gunung) Magnet menjadi fenomenal dan banyak dibicarakan jemaah umrah.Kelebihannya, mampu mendorong kendaraan dengan kecepatan 120 km per jam dengan posisi persneling netral.

Namanya memang tak setenar dengan tempat bersejarah lainnya yang ada di kota suci Medinah dan Mekah, seperti

Jabal Uhud, Baqi’ Jabal Rahmah, dan lainnya. Tapi, belakangan ini, Jabal Magnet mengundang jemaah Arab maupun umrah untuk datang merasakan kelebihannya.

Wartawan Fajar mencoba menelusuri gunung ini dengan merental taksi. Tarif untuk ke tempat ini tergantung dari nego dengan sopir. Biasanya 100 hingga 400 riyal. Lokasinya memang cukup lumayan dari Kota Medinah, sekitar 40 km menuju arah Kota Tabuk. Jabal Magnet berada di luar daerah haram, sehingga bebas dikunjungi warga non muslim.

Jika dilihat secara kasat mata, sebetulnya tidak jauh beda dengan daerah lainnya, yakni berupa bukit-bukit batu gersang seperti yang banyak mengelilingi Kota Medinah. Hanya ketika kendaraan sampai di jalan raya di antara perbukitan tersebut, baru akan merasakan ada suatu keanehan.

Persneling Netral, Mobil ‘Didorong’ Menjauhi Jabal Magnet
Sebab jalan sepanjang sekitar 4 km di kawasan perbukitan ini diyakini memiliki daya dorong. Mobil akan berjalan dengan kecepatan tinggi menjauhi Jabal Magnet, meskipun persneling mobil dalam posisi netral.

Hal itu dirasakan penulis bersama dua jemaah lainnya, Nursan dan Rusli Rasyid. Saat taksi yang kami tumpangi menuju arah selatan, Jawahir, 42, sopir taksi asal Kerawang, Jawa Barat ini mengaku kendaraan menjadi sangat berat meskipun medan jalan tidak begitu menanjak.

Makin lama bahkan ia terpaksa memindahkan persneling mobil ke posisi satu, karena kesulitan bergerak hingga kecepatannya hanya 15 hingga 20 km per jam. Padahal, dengan kondisi jalan yang tidak terlalu menanjak, seharusnya dengan persneling dua, taksi masih kuat.

Dengan laju yang berat itu, Jawahir yakin ada pengaruh magnet yang menahan gerakan mobil. Sebaliknya, ketika mobil berbalik arah menuju Medinah, sopir yang sudah enam tahun tinggal di kota ini mengaku taksinya melaju dengan kecepatan tinggi, meskipun persneling dalam posisi netral. Kian lama kecepatan kendaraan makin tinggi. Bahkan, baru sekitar 3 km, kecepatan taksi ini sudah menunjukkan angka 120 km per jam.

1. Bisa Mencapai 120 Km per Jam

Karena penasaran, penulis maupun Nursan, jemaah dari Maros itu bergantian menyetir kendaraan tersebut. “Ternyata benar, ini suatu keajaiban. Masa dalam posisi netral, kecepatan mobil bisa sampai 120 km per jam. Ini pasti ada daya dorong dari gunung tersebut,” tunjuk Nursan ke arah gunung di sekitar jalan tersebut.
Rusli Rasyid juga tak mau ketinggalan. Mantan pembalap drag race di Makassar ini, mengaku banyak tahu tentang kecepatan kendaraan. Saat mobil tersebut disetir ke arah Kota Tabuk, yaitu arah ke Jabal Magnet, dia hanya mampu menginjak gas sampai kecepatan 50 km per jam. “Ini saya injak sudah full, bunyi lagi di bagian bawah.

Berarti kita tidak bisa paksa,” ujarnya. Saat persneling dikembalikan ke posisi netral, perlahan-lahan mobil tersebut berhenti. Sebaliknya, saat Rusli mencoba ke arah Medinah dengan posisi persneling netral, jarum kilometer mobil malah memutar sampai ke titik 120 km per jam.

Memang medan jalan menuju Kota Medinah agak menurun, namun dengan kondisi demikian tidak wajar akselerasi mobil begitu cepat. Bahkan, sebetulnya laju kendaraan bisa lebih tinggi lagi, tapi Nursan maupun Rusli tidak berani lalu mengeremnya karena tidak mampu mengendalikannya.

2. Batas Area Jabal Magnet

Tidak ada batasan yang jelas, mulai dari mana jalan yang memiliki daya magnet itu. Tapi jika dirasakan, pengaruh magnet itu mulai bila kendaraan melaju dari bendungan air yang letaknya tak jauh dari putaran hingga bukit menjelang belokan ke Medinah. Setelah sekitar melaju lima km, kecepatan mobil mulai berkurang sedikit demi sedikit, padahal jalan masih menurun. Akhirnya, mobil memiliki kecepatan lambat saat berada di depan bendungan air.
Hal yang sama dirasakan ketika Koordinator Kopertis Wilayah IX Prof Aminuddin Salle yang juga menyambangi tempat ini. Ia mengaku membayar taksi sampai 400 riyal hanya karena penasaran ingin mengetahui tempat yang unik itu. “Saya hanya pernah dengar, makanya kesempatan ini saya manfaatkan untuk merasakan daya dorong dari gunung magnet itu. Ternyata betul. Subhanallah,” ujar Aminuddin Salle.

Belum diketahui secara jelas apa hubungan antara magnet dengan laju kendaraan. Sampai saat ini juga belum ada penelitian tentang daya dorong magnet itu oleh dari ahli. “Tidak ada penelitian. Ini juga sekadar informasi dari mulut ke mulut hingga banyak orang yang tertarik main ke sini,” cerita Jawahir.

Namun, dari sejumlah informasi yang berkembang di Medinah, menyebutkan, dulunya Jabal Magnet ditemukan secara tidak sengaja oleh seorang Arab Baduy. Saat itu si Arab ini menghentikan mobilnya karena ingin buang air kecil. Namun karena sudah kebelet, ia mematikan mesin mobil, tapi tidak memasang rem tangan.

Ketika sedang enak-enaknya pipis, ia kaget bukan kepalang, mobilnya berjalan sendiri dan makin lama makin kencang. “Ia berusaha mengejar, tapi tentu saja tidak berhasil. Dan menurut kisahnya, mobilnya tersebut baru berhenti setelah melenceng ke tumpukan pasir di samping jalan,” ungkap Jawahir.

3. Obyek Wisata Baru

Sejak itu, cerita tersebut menyebar ke berbagai pelosok dan ramai dikunjungi warga, baik dari Arab sendiri maupun dari negara lain. Bahkan menurut ceritanya, sebagian warga ada yang melakukan berbagai ritual agama di sana. Namun, karena di lokasi ini bukan merupakan tempat untuk melakukan ritual, pemerintah Arab Saudi melarangnya dan menjadikan kawasan ini sebagai objek wisata semata.

Untuk itu, pemerintah Arab Saudi sudah membangun jalan raya yang begitu lebar agar pengunjung bisa merasakan dorongan magnet ketika melaju dengan kendaraannya. Di bagian ujung dibuat jalan melingkar untuk putaran ketika pengaruh medan magnet sudah lemah.

Selain itu, di kedua sisi jalan sudah dibangun tenda-tenda untuk pengunjung dan sudah ditanam pohon-pohon agar kelihatan lebih hijau. Bahkan, di sebuah dataran yang berpasir, terdapat arena bermain mobil-mobilan untuk anak-anak. Kawasan ini juga sudah dilengkapi dengan sejumlah toilet untuk umum.

Jalan dari Kota Madinah menuju kawasan ini juga sudah lebar dan mulus, sehingga untuk sampai ke lokasi tidak sampai 45 menit dengan mobil kecil atau bus. Pemandangan di kedua sisi jalan menuju kawasan ini juga cukup indah dan menakjubkan. Sebelah kanan dan kiri jalan dikelilingi oleh gunung berbatu. Terdapat juga areal peternakan domba, unta, serta kebun kurma yang membuat gurun menjadi agak menghijau.

Kini Jabal Magnet sudah menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi pengunjung untuk melihat dan merasakan adanya fenomena alam yang masih misterius. Bahkan, orang-orang dari negara asing saat berkunjung ke Medinah jarang yang melewatkan peristiwa langka ini.
Sekian informasi dari You'll Never Walk Alone, semoga bermanfaat..

Vulture Bait on You Tube

Click on this link:


Yes its true, Vulture Bait Trail Race 2012 is on You Tube.
A race reporter from Get Out There magazine ran the 25k and had glowing remarks on film about the race.
He also said that out of all the races he has reported on in 2012 the VBTR out classed all the others, road and trail, hands down.
And just a heads up, the VBTR 2013 is now officially 25% sold as of Wednesday and with 5 days left of the early-early bird for the 2012 runners, we hope to be at 50% when we close off registration till February at full rates.

Computer Viruses Are "Rampant" on Medical Devices in Hospitals

As if there weren't enough problems with hospitals as computing backwaters, now there's this:

Computer Viruses Are "Rampant" on Medical Devices in Hospitals

A meeting of government officials reveals that medical equipment is becoming riddled with malware.

Technology Review
Published by MIT
David Talbot
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Computerized hospital equipment is increasingly vulnerable to malware infections, according to participants in a recent government panel. These infections can clog patient-monitoring equipment and other software systems, at times rendering the devices temporarily inoperable.

While no injuries have been reported, the malware problem at hospitals is clearly rising nationwide, says Kevin Fu, a leading expert on medical-device security and a computer scientist at the University of Michigan and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, who took part in the panel discussion.

I note the seemingly universal refrain "no injuries have been reported" once more (see this query link to similar statements regarding IT malfunctions), which is irrelevant since reporting mechanisms for medical errors are noted to be deficient.

Software-controlled medical equipment has become increasingly interconnected in recent years, and many systems run on variants of Windows, a common target for hackers elsewhere. The devices are usually connected to an internal network that is itself connected to the Internet, and they are also vulnerable to infections from laptops or other device brought into hospitals.  [I note that it should be impermissible to connect "alien" machines to a hospital's network without authorization, and that attaining that level of security protection is not difficult - ed.]  The problem is exacerbated by the fact that manufacturers often will not allow their equipment to be modified, even to add security features.

In a typical example, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, 664 pieces of medical equipment are running on older Windows operating systems that manufactures will not modify or allow the hospital to change—even to add antivirus software—because of disagreements over whether modifications could run afoul of U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulatory reviews, Fu says.

In other words, let's run at high risk if it avoids the time and expense of FDA reviews that would ensure the equipment is safe and operates as expected with the software updates.

As a result, these computers are frequently infected with malware, and one or two have to be taken offline each week for cleaning, says Mark Olson, chief information security officer at Beth Israel.

It is unclear how the servers running the hospital information system, electronic health records systems, physician order entry systems etc. are immune to spread of the malware.

"I find this mind-boggling," Fu says. "Conventional malware is rampant in hospitals because of medical devices using unpatched operating systems. There's little recourse for hospitals when a manufacturer refuses to allow OS updates or security patches."

The worries over possible consequences for patients were described last Thursday at a meeting of a medical-device panel at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board, of which Fu is a member, in Washington, D.C. At the meeting, Olson described how malware at one point slowed down fetal monitors used on women with high-risk pregnancies being treated in intensive-care wards.

In its face, that is potentially catastrophic depending on the degree of "slowdown" and whether data is lost.

"It's not unusual for those devices, for reasons we don't fully understand, to become compromised to the point where they can't record and track the data," Olson said during the meeting, referring to high-risk pregnancy monitors. "Fortunately, we have a fallback model because they are high-risk [patients]. They are in an IC unit—there's someone physically there to watch. But if they are stepping away to another patient, there is a window of time for things to go in the wrong direction."

The reasons seem obvious to anyone who's had a serious malware infection on their PC.  I've only had one - a computer I bought at a fleamarket for $7 was so severely infected it was unusable for even basic tasks, and was resistant to virus removal.  I solved that problem by installing a fresh copy of the OS, immediately followed by all patches and the latest anti-malware software.

The computer systems at fault in the monitors were replaced several months ago by the manufacturer, Philips; the new systems, based on Windows XP, have better protections and the problem has been solved, Olson said in a subsequent interview.

This implies the older systems were running on Win 98 or earlier or an old version of Win NT.  Amazing.

At the meeting, Olson also said similar problems threatened a wide variety of devices, ranging from compounders, which prepare intravenous drugs and intravenous nutrition, to picture-archiving systems associated with diagnostic equipment, including massive $500,000 magnetic resonance imaging devices.

Olson told the panel that infections have stricken many kinds of equipment, raising fears that someday a patient could be harmed. "We also worry about situations where blood gas analyzers, compounders, radiology equipment, nuclear-medical delivery systems, could become compromised to where they can't be used, or they become compromised to the point where their values are adjusted without the software knowing," he said. He explained that when a machine becomes clogged with malware, it could in theory "miss a couple of readings off of a sensor [and] erroneously report a value, which now can cause harm."

I opine that harm could already have occurred; it just may not been recognized as such nor reported.  Disappearing data and other EHR failure modes known to have caused harm and/or deaths could be related to malware, for example.

... Malware problems on hospital devices are rarely reported to state or federal regulators, both Olson and Fu said. This is partly because hospitals believe they have little recourse. Despite FDA guidance issued in 2009 to hospitals and manufacturers—encouraging them to work together and stressing that eliminating security risks does not always require regulatory review—many manufacturers interpret the fine print in other ways and don't offer updates, Fu says. And such reporting is not required unless a patient is harmed. "Maybe that's a failing on our part, that we aren't trying to raise the visibility of the threat," Olson said. "But I think we all feel the threat gets higher and higher."

I note that health IT related problems are also rarely reported, with only one vendor being the exception (see my post on the FDA MAUDE voluntary reporting database here).  The reasons likely are not because "hospitals believe they have little recourse" - the real reasons may be fear, complacency and/or incompetence.

Speaking at the meeting, Brian Fitzgerald, an FDA deputy director, said that in visiting hospitals around the nation, he has found Beth Israel's problems to be widely shared. "This is a very common profile," he said. The FDA is now reviewing its regulatory stance on software, Fitzgerald told the panel. "This will have to be a gradual process, because it involves changing the culture, changing the technology, bringing in new staff, and making a systematic approach to this," he said.

Changing the culture would be nice, considering we are now entering a national rollout of complex enterprise clinical resource and workflow control systems anachronistically known as "electronic medical records."

In an interview Monday, Tam Woodrum, a software executive at the device maker GE Healthcare, said manufacturers are in a tough spot, and the problems are amplified as hospitals expect more and more interconnectedness. He added that despite the FDA's 2009 guidance, regulations make system changes difficult to accomplish: "In order to go back and update the OS, with updated software to run on the next version, it's an onerous regulatory process."

My comment is, if you can't take the heat of work in the real-world medical setting, if you cannot be part of the medical team, then get out of the clinic.  You're likely to do more harm than good.

John Halamka, Beth Israel's CIO and a Harvard Medical School professor, said he began asking manufacturers for help in isolating their devices from the networks after trouble arose in 2009: the Conficker worm caused problems with a Philips obstetrical care workstation, a GE radiology workstation, and nuclear medical applications that "could not be patched due to [regulatory] restrictions." He said, "No one was harmed, but we had to shut down the systems, clean them, and then isolate them from the Internet/local network."

He added: "Many CTOs [chief technology officers - ed.] are not aware of how to protect their own products with restrictive firewalls. All said they are working to improve security but have not yet produced the necessary enhancements."

Then why are they CTO's?  Is this the phenomenon of generic or underqualified managers rearing its head?

Fu says that medical devices need to stop using insecure, unsupported operating systems. "More hospitals and manufacturers need to speak up about the importance of medical-device security," he said after the meeting. "Executives at a few leading manufacturers are beginning to commit engineering resources to get security right, but there are thousands of software-based medical devices out there."

One can only wonder if others have done a Ford Pinto cost-benefit analysis and decided the costs of settlement from injured and dead patients is less than the cost of remediation.

-- SS

Awal Misi Obito Mengumpulkan Para Bijuu! (Manga 606)

Limit Komputer | Seminggu sudah berlalu setelah chapter 605 (kematian rin). dalam chapter ini obito sudah mulai di pengaruhi oleh madara agar mau meneruskan misinya membangun dunia impian baru, karena tubuh madara yang sudah tua dan tak mampu berbuat apa-apa selain menunggu kematiaanya.

Obito memeluk tubuh rin yang kaku sambil menetaskan air mata kesedihan. lalu selang beberapa saat, madara berkata "Dunia untuk pemenang, dunia untuk kedamaian, dan dunia untuk kasih sayang".

Begitu medengarkan hal tersebut Obito berkata "Aku akan menciptakan dunia di mana kau (rin) hidup" yaitu dunia impian. dari sinilah obito sudah mulai merubah takdirnya.

Setalah itu madara berkata "Apa kau menyesal dengan mantan tim (rin) mu itu" lalu Obito menjawab "Aku tidak peduli", madara lagi berkata "Kakashi akan berada di dunia yang akan kita ciptakan" sambung Obito "Dan juga Rin".

Lalu setelah itu, Madara mengajarkan obito sebuah Genjutsu yang mampu membuat dunia impian sesuai dengan keinginannya.

Tak selang beberapa lama Obito melihat orang berambut merah yang menggunakan Mata Rinnegan madara yang sudah di Transpalasikan madara pada saat orang tersebut masih bocah dan tanpa dia sadari.

Nama orang yang berambut merah tersebut ialah Nagato, yang merupakan keturunan Klan senju dan merupakan orang satu-satunya yang mampu memanggil Gedou Mazou selain Madara.

Lalu Obito mengatakan ingin membantu nagato sesuai perkataan madara lalu mengumpulkan para bijuu serta nanti membangkitkan madara dengan Rinne Tensei Nagato.


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