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Rabu, 19 September 2012

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Kota Paling Inovatif di Dunia

Perusahaan asal Australia, 2thinknow memberi peringkat terhadap kota-kota dunia ini berdasarkan jaringan pasar, infrastruktur manusia, dan aset budaya.

Barcelona, Spain

Melbourne, Australia

Stuttgart, Jerman

Sydney, Australia

Jalur Bandara Paling Menakutkan di Dunia

Bandaranya mungkin biasa saja, namun jalur pendaratan pesawatnya akan membuat pilot yang mengantar Anda ke kota/negeri favorit malah deg-degan. Anda yang duduk di bangku penumpang juga bisa ikut gugup, atau bahkan terkagum-kagum atas keunikan jalur bandara ini.

Bandara Internasional Ratu Juliana, Saint Martin - Karibia Timur 
Terkenal dengan jalur pendaratan yang sangat pendek, hanya 2,180 meter dengan pesawat yang harus terbang sangat rendah melintasi Pantai Maho. Pilot, penumpang, dan bahkan mereka yang sedang berjemur akan terpacu adrenalinnya melihat ini.

Majority of the Public Wants Politicians Who Will Root Out Corporate Corruption

Here is a story that makes me unusually optimistic, at least about the wisdom of the people at large. Reuters reported on a new poll,  
With less than two months to go before the U.S. presidential election, a new survey found 61 percent of Americans say a candidate's commitment to rooting out corporate wrongdoing will be key in deciding who gets their vote.

Along with keen interest in knowing each candidate's plans to fix the struggling economy, voters want government to do more to fight corporate misconduct - which they say helped cause the financial crisis.

'In these difficult economic times, Americans are mad as hell about corporate wrongdoing and are going to do something about it in the November elections and beyond,' said Jordan Thomas, a partner at law firm Labaton Sucharow, which commissioned the survey and which represents corporate whistleblowers.

A telephone poll of 1,015 people conducted from August 16-19 found that 64 percent of Americans said corporate misconduct helped bring about the current economic crisis.

And 81 percent of respondents said the government has not done enough to stop corporate wrongdoing.

77 percent of respondents saying they believe politicians favor corporate interests over constituent interests.

Some 63 percent of Americans believe government should make more money available to regulators and law enforcement to eliminate corporate wrongdoing.

This is really amazing in its contrast to the usual received wisdom in all its cynicism.

We on Health Care Renewal have been railing about misbehavior and outright criminal behavior by major health care organizations and their leaders for a long time.  In 2008, the global financial collapse shocked us into awareness that the problems in health care actually parallel perhaps worse problems in finance.  Yet while numerous legal settlements documented the continuing epidemic of bad behavior in health care, the relatively small penalties they entailed, generally limited to corporate fines that could be viewed as costs of doing business, and to toothless corporate integrity agreements seemed to do little to deter future bad behavior.  Again, since 2008 there were parallels in the world of finance.   As Oscar winning producer of Inside Job Charles Ferguson complained, no one went to jail for financial misbehavior either.

In health care, the anechoic effect dampened public discussion of bad leadership, including criminally bad leadership as a major cause of health care dysfunction.  While we have been calling for more serious efforts to deter bad behavior at least since 2008 (look here), our position seemed very lonely.  It took until last week for arguably the most prestigious US medical journal to run an article suggesting that leaders of health care corporations that commit fraud ought to go to jail (look here).

Yet it may be that the general public has been paying attention to this issue even if policy makers and political leaders have not.  The brief Rueters article did not make it clear whether these poll results only apply to wrongdoing by financial corporations and their leaders, or to all corporations and their leaders. Even if it were the former, the results were certainly striking, suggesting a majority of Americans now identify corporate corruption, and its influence on politics as a major, maybe the major problem for this country. That might lead to some interesting election outcomes, especially since very few US politicians seem to have taken any sort of stand against corporate corruption, at least to my knowledge.

If there is so much public awareness of the problem of bad corporate leadership, corporate misdeeds, and corporate corruption of politics, I can only hope that it will translate into awareness of these problems as they affect health care. As I wrote in 2009, not long after Pfizer's mere $2.3 billion settlement,...   "Until the people responsible for the bad behavior experience negative consequences from that behavior, they will continue to perform, direct, and condone bad behavior. We will not achieve real health care reform in the US until we effectively deter unethical, self-serving behavior by leaders of health care organizations."  We can start realistically anticipating real health care reform once we get some politicians in office who are committed to "rooting out corporate wrongdoing." 

"The Syndrome of Useless Information" Revisited

At a time when the press seems to be starting to "get it" regarding health IT myths, and expecting significant pushback, I thought it useful to repost a link to a post I authored in Jan. 2010 entitled "The Syndrome of Useless Information."

The post is here:  http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2010/01/syndrome-of-useless-information.html

The IT culture of late stinks to high heaven of that phenomenon.

-- SS

NuSI ... or Just Do It!

Imagine if you will, that a decade or more ago someone told you that if you really wanted to build your journalism career tearing down scientists, you needed to look at diet and nutrition research.  You picked up a copy of Atkins and lost a couple of pounds.  You began cultivating your schtick that simple obesity (the kind of the epidemic) was not about overeating or sedentary behavior, it was something else.  And you received three-quarters of a million dollars to research and write a book.  The book was a best seller and garnered you a cult following in certain circles and you were off to the races giving talks around the globe.  

There were doctors and others who bought into your hypothesis, spreading the word as fact and growing the movement.  But a following from one segment of the population remained elusive:  scientists.   Rather than address the reasons why (serious holes in your hypothesis), you double down and trash scientists more openly and frequently.  You also publish a second book with a dumbed down, even less scientific, hypothesis.  By all indications, this book falls far short of expectations ... and still the scientists are not coming around.  Worse still, many who had believed your hypothesis was plausible, at least worthy of investigation, were abandoning it.
Read more »

Obito di Selamatkan Madara Berkat di Tancapkannya Tubuh Hokage Ke 1 (Manga 602)

Limit Komputer | Sebuah kejutan yang tak terduga bahwa seorang Uchiha Madara menyelamatkan Obito dengan menancapkan Tubuh Hokage Ke 1 (Hashirama) ke dalam tubuh obito. sebelum Episode ini muncul, banyak yang memprediksi bahwa Obito selamat karena di Gabungkan dengan tubuh zetsu. namun setelah keluarnya episode ini semua prediksi yang mengatakan begitu semuanya SALAH.

Saat terbangun dari Pingsan, Obito terkejut melihat mata kakek tua itu sama seperti dirinya. lalu Obito bertanya "apakah kau seorang uchiha juga", kakek tua itu menjawab "Siapa tahu?".   

Namun obito masih penasaran siapa kakek tua ini. lalu obito pun bertanya "Siapa kau?", kakek tua itu menjawab "Aku hantu dari Uchiha yaitu Uchiha Madara". di situ terlihat bahwa obito tidak percaya bahwa nenek moyang uchiha (uchiha madara) masih hidup padahal zaman-nya sudah cukup jauh tertinggal.

Lalu pada saat obito ingin pulang ke konoha madara mengatakan "jika kau bergerak tubuh hashirama buatan yang ku tancapkan kepadamu (obito) akan robek?"

Lalu pertanyaannya, Apakah benar yang sering di katakan orang bahwa Uchiha Madara di bunuh oleh Hokage Ke 1?, namun kenapa di episode ini Madara mengatakan "jika kau bergerak tubuh hashirama buatan yang ku tancapkan kepadamu (obito) akan robek?".  

kemungkinan besar prediksi yang mengatakan bahwa Hokage ke 1 telah membunuh Madara, itu SALAH!. l

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