Warung Bebas

Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Bayi Bayi

Bayi Bayi - Seperti apakah rambut bayi yang baru lahir? Sejumlah bayi dapat
mempunyai rambut dengan bentuk yang unik ketika Ia lahir. Hal inilah yang jadi inspirasi seorang ibu yang mengadakan kontes The Most Epic Head of Baby
Hair. Kontes ini langsung diserbu oleh ratusan orang tua yang merasa
memiliki bayi dengan rambut yang unik. Dari ratusan foto yang terkumpul, berikut sejumlah

AHS Talk This Saturday

For those who are attending the Ancestral Health Symposium this year, my talk will be at 9:00 AM on Saturday.  The title is "Insulin and Obesity: Reconciling Conflicting Evidence", and it will focus on the following two questions:
  1. Does elevated insulin cause obesity; does obesity cause elevated insulin; or both?
  2. Is there a unifying hypothesis that's able to explain all of the seemingly conflicting evidence cited by each side of the debate?
I'll approach the matter in true scientific fashion: stating hypotheses, making rational predictions based on those hypotheses, and seeing how well the evidence matches the predictions.  I'll explore the evidence in a way that has never been done before (to my knowledge), even on this blog.

Why am I giving this talk?  Two reasons.  First, it's an important question that has implications for the prevention and treatment of obesity, and it has received a lot of interest in the ancestral health community and to some extent among obesity researchers.  Second, I study the mechanisms of obesity professionally, I'm wrapping up a postdoc in a lab that has focused on the role of insulin in body fatness (lab of Dr. Michael W. Schwartz), and I've thought about this question a lot over the years-- so I'm in a good position to speak about it.

The talk will be accessible and informative to almost all knowledge levels, including researchers, physicians, and anyone who knows a little bit about insulin.  I'll cover most of the basics as we go.  I guarantee you'll learn something, whatever your knowledge level.

Ibu Hamil Melahirkan

Ibu Hamil Melahirkan - Melahirkan adalah saat-saat yang paling mendembarkan bagi seorang Ibu hamil. Memasuki minggu terakhir masa kehamilan, Ibu hamil akan mengalami sejumlah
perubahan fisik maupun psikologis, seperti emosi tak stabil, gejolak
energi berlebih, atau ingin menyendiri. Secara fisik, hormon
kehamilan akan membuat tulang kemaluan melebar dan melunakkan dasar panggul
Ibu supaya

Lima Pantangan Ibu Hamil yang Sebaiknya Dihindari

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Pantangan Ibu
Hamil harus dihindari tentu bertujuan untuk menjaga kesehatan ibu hamil itu
sendiri dan bayi didalam kandungan. Beberapa aktivitas, makanan dan minuman
harus diperhatikan karena berdampak pada kesehatan Ibu hamil yang tentu berdampak tidak baik terhadap janin.
Adapun lima pantangan yang
harus dilakukan ibu hamil, adalah
sebagai berikut:

1. Mandi dengan air

Puisi Cinta Romantis untuk yang Tersayang

Puisi Cinta Romantis untuk yang Tersayang - yoshiwafa - Kembali lagi membahas tentang cinta yang tak kan pernah ada habisnya jika di bicarakan, kali ini saya ingin membuat sebuah puisi cinta untuk mantan kekasih saya yang masih sangat saya sayangi dari awal bertemu sampai sekarang. Langsung saja tanpa banyak basa - basi galau lainnya saya akan membuat sebuah puisi untuk yang tersayang.


Daily Blog #51: Understanding the artifacts USNJrnl

Hello Reader,
        I'm going to change tracks this week and focus on a deeper understanding of the USNJrnl and its associated artifacts to prove usage from our challenge two weeks ago. To prepare for this series I want to take a bit to explain what each of the artifacts we rely on for proof of usage were created for. When we are complete I hope you will look at your cases in a different way.

Today we are going to talk about the USNJrnl. The USN Jrnl or Update Sequence Number Journal aka the Change Journal was first introduced in Windows 2000 but didn't get enabled by default until Windows Vista (that I know of, please leave a comment if you have evidence of other default states/os's). I have seen it enabled for EFS encrypted drives on XP but I can't say if that's a default setting.The concept of the change journal was simple, many programs need to know when files are changed so they can be backed up, compressed, scanned, replicated, etc...

Prior to the change journal a developer would have to register hooks or shims into the operating system for all reads and writes to be able to be notified that a file is being created/modified/deleted and to process it. The Change Journal gave the developer a central api to monitor that covered all subscribing functions and prevented  a lot of unnecessary overhead. You can read more about the basics of the Change Journal here on wikipedia. The original announcement of it was made in September 1999 and can be found here its interesting that it took as long as it did for it to be enabled by default. You can see that it was being marketed to developers as a way to centrally monitor file system changes and improve performance.

The current change journal development documents are here and if you relying on change journal evidence in your cases you should be familiar with the use case scenario because things are not as black and white as they appear. What do I mean by that? In our testing we've found that a file left open overnight and accessed at different times will create multiple USN open/close/delete events. You cannot rely on the file open and file close times of a file to determine total time of access, it may only be showing you the times of activity against a file that was open the entire time. In addition we've found file close/file delete being used to close a file handle but not to delete the file itself.

I'm going to into more detail of how individual Change Journal operations work and get logged as we move forward so I don't want to get ahead of myself. So in summary remember that the Change Journal keeps track of file system changes for the benefit of those subscribing services. If you are unsure of a pattern of records your seeing the best thing you can do is build a virtual machine and try to recreate those actions to validate your assumptions. The Change Journal is not as simple as we all though it to be! Tomorrow I'm going to continue talking about Usage artifacts and then go into depth on the Change Journal and the rest of them. 

Video Ibu Hamil

Video Ibu Hamil - Proses Terjadinya kehamilan dimulai ketika seorang wanita melakukan hubungan badan dengan seorang pria, maka wanita tersebut berpeluang untuk hamil. Kehamilan terjadi saat sel sperma yang
masuk rahim seorang wanita membuahi sel telur yang sudah
matang. seorang pria rata-rata mengeluarkan mani sebanyak 3 cc, dengan setiap 1 cc mani normal mengandung kurang lebih 100 juta sampai

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