Warung Bebas

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Manfaat Madu Untuk Kecantikan Wajah Dan Bibir

Madu, hmmm jika denger kata-kata ini pasti yang terlintas dipikiran kita adalah manis dan lezat. Ya, madu memang memiliki rasa yang sangat manis dan lezat, namun dibalik rasanya yang manis, madu ternyata juga menyimpan segudang manfaat bagi tubuh manusia, baik untuk kesehatan maupun untuk kecantikan.
Manfaat Madu Untuk Kecantikan
Manfaat Madu Untuk Kecantikan Wajah Dan Bibir
Nah untuk kali ini Blog info kesehatan akan mencoba mengulas mengenai manfaat madu untuk kecantikan baik untuk perawatan kulit wajah maupun manfaatnya untuk memerahkan bibir.

Manfaat madu murni untuk perawatan kulit memang sudah tidak bisa diragukan lagi, pasalnya bahan alami ini sudah dikenal dalam dunia kecantikan sejak dahulu kala, dan sudah terbukti khasiatnya jika digunakan secara rutin dan benar.

Adapun jika anda tertarik untuk memanfaatkan madu sebagai bahan alami kecantikan anda dapat membacanya dibawah ini, manfaat madu untuk kecantikan dibawah juga disertakan cara pemakaiannya, supaya lebih  mempermudah anda untuk memahaminya, berikut adalah manfaat dan cara pengaplikasian madu untuk kecantikan:

A. Madu dapat Melembabkan Kulit Wajah
Jika anda seorang yang memiliki wajah kering dan kusam, tak ada salahnya mencoba menggunakan madu untuk melembabkan kulit wajah anda. Cara ini bekerja dengan mengikat air dari dalam kulit, sehingga pasokan air di kulit dapat terpenuhi.

Cara pengaplikasian madu untuk wajah adalah dengan menyiapkan madu murni kemudian di oleskan secara merata ke area wajah (untuk masker alami wajah).

B. Memerahkan Bibir Dan Membuat Lembat Bibir
Manfaat lainnya yang bisa kita ambil dari madu adalah untuk perawatan bibir, ternyata madu bisa membantu anda untuk membuat bibir yang kering menjadi lembab, dan merubah warna gelap menjadi merah alami.

Adapun caranya adalah siapkan madu murni, kemudian tuang ke sendok makan, lalu encerkan madu dengan memanaskannya sebentar/madu mengeluarkan busa putih. Oleskanlah madu yang sudah kita panaskan ke area bibir anda secara merata. Lakukanlah cara-cara diatas secara rutin 7 hari sebelum anda tidur.  Maka anda akan melihat hasilnya (bibir tampak merah merona, dan lembab)
Cara pengaplikasian madu untuk jerawat:
  • Siapkan madu kemudian hangatkan terlebih dahulu
  • Oleskan madu yang sudah kita hangatkan tadi ke area wajah yang terdapat jerawat ataupun bekas jerawat
  • Diamkan dahulu jangan dibasuh kira kira 2 – 3 jam,
  • kemudian cuci muka anda menggunakan air hangat.
  • Lakukan cara ini secara rutin agar jerawat anda bisa hilang tanpa bantuan produk kecantikan lainnya.
Baca juga tips menghilangkan jerawat lainnya:
Fungsi madu untuk perawatan wajah terakhir pada artikel kali ini adalah mencerahkan warna wajah menjadi lebih putih, adapun cara kerja madu ialah dengan mengangkat sel kulit mati yang terdapat diwajah dari luar.

Cara pengaplikasiannya:
  • Siapkan satu sendok madu murni, minyak almond, Oatmeal dan air perasan lemon
  • Campur semua bahan hingga merata,
  • Bubuhkan kewajah dan pijit secara perlahan urang lebih 10 menitan
  • Cuci muka menggunakan air dingin.
Itulah sedikit ulasan mengenai manfaat madu untuk kecantikan wajah dan bibir, semoga artikel kali ini bermanfaat, selamat mencoba, dan mohon maaf jika banyak salah kata di artikel ini.

Daily Blog #66: Understanding the artifacts setupapi.log/setupapi.dev.log

Hello Reader,
            Friday is quickly coming up, have you made plans to spend your lunch hour with us? You can eat while we talk and then type your questions so you can be polite and not talk with your mouth full. You can RSVP for the lunch here, https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/ccu3b7246h9sk16jpg79l2co9mo?authkey=CJ3X6u7G6PjlSw, and email me dcowen@g-cpartners.com if you want to be on it!

            Today is a relatively simple post but I think I need to make sure to address it separately to be complete. Today we are going to talk about the setupapi.log (xp/2000/2003) aka the setupapi.dev.log (vista/7/8).

Windows XP/2000/2003
Starting with Windows 2000 and then continuing with Windows XP and 2003 the underlying installer system (setup) began logging for debug and troubleshooting purposes all of the drivers it loaded for devices. The log was called setupapi.log and located under %systemdrive%\Windows The underlying system and configuration for this logging is detailed on the following MSDN page:

By default the logging level will be:
Log errors and warnings.

So you will capture in this logfile all drivers and devices loaded onto the system with timestamps and which drivers were loaded. This is important to determine:
  • When external devices were plugged in for the first time
  • When a malicious driver was loaded onto a system
  • What drivers were loaded for an unknown device to determine its functionality
  • Proving a device was successfully installed and accessible

If you want to be exact in your interpretation of each logged line refer here:

Windows Vista/7/8
The setup service log was split into two logs in Vista moving forward. There are now two logs both now in %systemdrive%\windows\inf:
setupAPI.dev.log - Device and driver installations 
setupapi.app.log - Application installations

The MSDN specification for these two logs can be found here:

The device log is similar to the prior version but the application log is new and is of interest. In order to interpret the setupapi.app.log you need to refer to the following device install codes:

I want to do some more research into this log as I've finding some interesting entries relating to my use of a network scanner. I'll make a new blog just about this file after we've done some testing.

The same type of data we talked about in the XP and after logs can be found within these logs as well. If you have not been including this data in your analysis make sure to do so! There are several factors about the setupapi logs that are important in your examination:
  • They are created by default and cannot be turned off without a registry change 
  • They do not delete themselves so you should have all devices every plugged in
  • In an OS upgrade they would remain and indicate when the new OS was installed
  • Many system cleaners focus on registry keys and miss the data located here
  • It's the only exact source of first plug in times
  • If the OS is reinstalled the log format is carvable
Tomorrow I'll see if there are any other artifacts I need to include before we talk about stitching it all together.



"I see the lack of access to what we need the most, fresh fruits and veggies.  I'm concerned about what the kids eat in school, all the processed foods.  I'm concerned about the health of the children and what diseases they are going to be growing up with because of poor food choices or the lack of availability of good food choices."

---Nancy Heinrich (from "Lovavores unite to promote local farming" by Stephanie Labaff in Vero Beach Newsweekly, August 28, 2013)

For each adult who parents or mentors a child, we have a responsibility to be a good role model.  With 2 in 3 adults overweight or obese,  teaching children the habits they need for a lifetime of good health means taking a look at ourselves in the mirror first. 

What is something you can do right now?  Eat less of the bad foods.  Look at food labels for the ingredient “high fructose corn syrup”.  By eliminating this highly processed sugar from the foods you buy and bring into your home, you are taking a huge step in the right direction.  Eating less of the bad foods and more of the good foods is a simple strategy that all families can use.  Let your kids become NUTRITION DETECTIVES by checking processed foods for high fructose corn syrup and letting them search for a similar food product that does not contain what we at the Growing Healthy Kids project call the Evil Empire ingredient. 

GHK on the Move:  Teaching kids how to make Healthy Snacks
at a recent Boys and Girls Clubs of Indian River County.

If high fructose corn syrup is something we need to eat less of, then what are the good foods we need to eat more of?  Here are ten good foods to get your family started on the path to wellness:

  1. Wild salmon (full of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids)
  2. Kale (rich in vitamin K)
  3. Avocados (a good source of glutathione, an antioxidant that improves overall hormone function)
  4. Olives and olive oil (containing the “good” fat called unsaturated, olives are known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol)
  5. Walnuts (ounce for ounce, walnuts have almost twice as many antioxidants as any other nut)
  6. Sweet potatoes (loaded with vitamin B6 and potassium, they also help regulate blood pressure)
  7. Dark chocolate (can aid in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels)
  8. Garlic (when garlic is crushed, allicin is released, which wards off heart attacks and strokes)
  9. Blueberries (LOADED with antioxidants, this is a key disease-fighting food)
  10. Asparagus (a natural diuretic, this vegetable is high in vitamin B12 and potassium)

For some affordable breakfast ideas, check out this website I found this week.  Click here.

To read the brand new "F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America's Future 2013" report from the Robert Wood Johnson foundation, click here.

If you have suggestions of topics you would like to covered in a future issue of WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS, we'd love to hear from you.  Please contact us at: growinghealthykids@gmail.com.

In gratitude,
Nancy Heinrich

Growing Healthy Kids, Inc. 

Setback for Sutter after $1B EHR crashes (in followup to post "RNs Say Sutter’s New Electronic System Causing Serious Disruptions to Safe Patient Care at East Bay Hospitals")

At my July 12, 2013 post "RNs Say Sutter’s New Electronic System Causing Serious Disruptions to Safe Patient Care at East Bay Hospitals" (http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2013/07/rns-say-sutters-new-electronic-system.html) I reproduced a California Nurses Association warning about rollout of an EHR at Sutter:

RNs Say Sutter’s New Electronic System Causing Serious Disruptions to Safe Patient Care at East Bay Hospitals

Introduction of a new electronic medical records system at Sutter corporation East Bay hospitals has produced multiple problems with safe care delivery that has put patients at risk, charged the California Nurses Association today.

Problems with technology are not unique to health care ...  [What is unique to healthcare IT is the complete lack of regulation - ed.]

In over 100 reports submitted by RNs at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center facilities in Berkeley and Oakland, nurses cited a variety of serious problems with the new system, known as Epic. The reports are in union forms RNs submit to management documenting assignments they believe to be unsafe.

Patient care concerns included computerized delays in timely administration of medications and contact with physicians, ability to properly monitor patients, and other delays in treatment.  Many noted that the excessive amount of time required to interact with the computer system, inputting and accessing data, sharply cuts down on time they can spend with patients with frequent complaints from patients about not seeing their RN.  [Note: patients are not given the opportunity for informed consent about the risks, nor opt-out of EHR use in their care - ed.]

In related posts I'd observed such concerns being ignored by hospital management.  See header of the aforementioned post.

Now we have this:  a major system crash.

Healthcare IT News
Setback for Sutter after $1B EHR crashes
'No access to medication orders, patient allergies and other information puts patients at serious risk'
Worse, clinicians must now serve their Cybernetic Master to perfection, or be whipped (apparently to improve morale):

... "We have been on Epic for 5 months now, and we can no longer have incorrect orders, missing information or incorrect or missing charges. Starting on September 1st, errors made in any of the above will result in progressive discipline," according to another hospital memo sent to staff.

In the setting of dire warnings by the nurses of EHR dangers several months back that were likely largely ignored, if any patient was harmed or killed as a result of this latest fiasco, the corporate leadership has literally begged to be sued for negligence, in my view.

However I'm sure a press release soon will claim that "patient care has not been compromised."

Of course this includes now and moving forward, even with informational gaps all over the place.

-- SS

Aug. 29, 2013 additional thought:

The punishment for not being a 'perfect' user of this EHR is the ultimate "blame the user" (blame the victim?) game, considering the pressures of patient care in hospitals in lean times - partly due to EHR expense! - and EHRs that have not been formally studied for usability and are poorly designed causing "use error" (that is, a poor user experience promotes even careful users to make errors).  Cf. definition of bad health IT:

Bad Health IT ("BHIT") is defined as IT that is ill-suited to purpose, hard to use, unreliable, loses data or provides incorrect data, causes cognitive overload, slows rather than facilitates users, lacks appropriate alerts, creates the need for hypervigilance (i.e., towards avoiding IT-related mishaps) that increases stress, is lacking in security, compromises patient privacy or otherwise demonstrates suboptimal design and/or implementation.

The study of usability is getting underway only now via NIST but will likely be done in an industry-friendly way due to health IT politics.

-- SS

Aug. 29, 2013 addendum

There have been numerous comments over at HisTalk (at http://histalk2.com/2013/08/27/news-82813/) defending the outage as not EPIC's fault.   From the point of view of clinicians - and more importantly, patients - it doesn't matter what component of the hospital's entire "EHR" (an anachronistic term used for what is now a complex enterprise clinical resource and clinician command-and-control system) went down. 

Aside from all the EPIC issues the nurses have been complaining about (see earlier July 12, 2013 post linked above), the larger problem is that IT malpractice occurred.  The term "malpractice" is used in medical mishaps; I see no reason why it does not apply to major outages of mission critical healthcare information technology systems.

IT malpractice in healthcare kills.

These are the types of nurses I'd want caring for me and mine.  Letting this kind of snafu go "anechoic" does not promote proper management remedial education on Safety 101 and on health IT risk, two areas of education that management appears to desperately need in hospitals.

-- SS

Calling Dr. Moe, Dr. Larry and Dr. Curly: Advocate Medical Breach of Four Million Patient Records, and No Encryption

At my Oct. 2011 post "Still More Electronic Medical Data Chaos, Pandemonium, Bedlam, Tumult and Maelstrom: But Don't Worry, Your Data is Secure" (http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2011/10/still-more-ehr-chaos-pandemonium-bedlam.html) I thought I'd seen the worst.

Yet another post to add to the category of medical record privacy/confidentiality/security (http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/search/label/medical%20record%20privacy), however:

Advocate Medical Breach: No Encryption?
Computer Theft Raises Questions About Unencrypted Devices
By Marianne Kolbasuk McGee, August 27, 2013.

The recent theft of four unencrypted desktop computers from a Chicago area physician group practice may result in the second biggest healthcare breach ever reported to federal regulators. But the bigger issue is: Why do breaches involving unencrypted computer devices still occur?

According to the Department of Health and Human Services' "wall of shame" website listing 646 breaches impacting 500 or more individuals since September 2009, more than half of the incidents involved lost or stolen unencrypted devices. Incidents involving data secured by encryption do not have to be reported to HHS.

... The four unencrypted but password-protected computers [passwords on PC's are bypassable by smart teenagers - ed.] stolen during a burglary in July from an office of Advocate Medical Group in Illinois may have exposed information of about 4 million patients, according to an Advocate spokesman.

4 million is about 1.3 percent of the entire U.S. population (about 313.9 million in 2012) ... on just four desktop computers.

Try that with paper ...

As to the subtitle of the article, "Computer Theft Raises Questions About Unencrypted Devices", I've written on that issue before.  I'd noted questions like that are remarkable considering both MacOS and Windows have built-in, readily available encryption, the latter for a few extra $ for the "deluxe version" (see  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FileVault and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitlocker).  

Perhaps the best explanation in 2013 for unencrypted desktop PC's containing millions of confidential medical records is this picture, symbolic of the apparent attitudes of corporate and IT management on health IT security:

Encryption?  We don't need no encryption.  We got triple protection already!

-- SS

Senam Mengecilkan Perut Dengan Senam Yoga

Senam mengecilkan perut - Yoga saat ini sangat digemari oleh para wanita dengan tujuan untuk merilekskan badan, melepaskan beban kerjaan, membuat tubuh menjadi segar dan bugar dan bahkan ada yang bertujuan untuk merampingkan perut. Senam yoga diketahui memiliki banyak sekali manfaat untuk kesehatan yaitu untuk memperlancar peredaran darah karena dengan lancarnya peredaran darah maka tubuh akan menjadi sehat. Selain itu yoga juga bisa mencegah penuaan dini dan membuat Anda terlihat lebih muda dari usia Anda. Yoga juga bisa menghilangkan lemak dan lipatan-lipatannya.  Nah, kali ini akan dibahas khusus mengenai senam mengecilkan perut melalui senam yoga.

Senam mengecilkan perut melalui yoga

Senam mengecilkan perut

Untuk senam yoga sebaiknya memang memiliki guru senam yang sudah terdidik dan terlatih supaya hasilnya maksimal. Namun jika Anda belum sempat atau belum memiliki dana untuk biaya senam Yoga anda bisa melakukannya di rumah dengan melakukan gerakan yang akan dibahas di bawah ini. Seperti apa sih gerakan senam yoga khusus untuk mengecilkan perut Anda? Berikut ini adalah gerakan-gerakan yang bisa anda lakukan di rumah:

Gerakan 1
Posisikan tubuh anda dalam posisi tidur terlentang di atas matras. Lalu letakan kedua tangan anda di belakang kepala. Kemudian secara perlahan-lahan angat kaki anda keatas dengan posisi kaki lurus. Angakat kepala dan kaki secara bersamaan sehingga kepala mendekati kaki. Ketika melakukan ini atur pernapasan, tarik nafas ketika menaikkan kepala dan kaki lalu kelurakan nafas pelan-pelan ketika menurunkan kepala dan kaki. Lakukan berulang-ulang dan dengan tenang.

Gerakan 2
Dalam gerakan ini anda berada dalam posisi berdiri. Letakkan satu kaki kedepan dan ditekuk dan satu lagi kebelakang lurus. Letakkan tangan ada di belakang dengan posisi kedua tangan dirapatkan lalu ditarik kebelakang. Pandangan mengahadap ke atas. Kemudian secara perlahan-lahan tarik tubuh keatas sehingga perutpun akan terasa tertarik. Tahan selama kurang lebih satu menit dengan mengatur pernafasan yang dalam dan tenang.

Gerakan 3
Gerakan berikutnya psosisi anda sambil duduk dengan kaki diluruskan atau diselonjorkan. Kemudian cobalah untuk mencium lutut anda semaksimal mungkin. Tahan dalam waktu kurang lebih satu menit

Ketiga gerakan tersebut lakukan dengan cara teratur setiap hari. Untuk senam mengecilkan perut cukup minimal 15 menit setiap hari anda lakukan.

Itulah gerakan senam mengecilkan perut semoga bermanfaat

Daftar Harga dan Spesifikasi Samsung Galaxy Terbaru 2013

Daftar Harga dan Spesifikasi Samsung Galaxy Terbaru 2013 - yoshiwafa - Mengikuti perkembangan jaman dengan mengetahui teknologi terbaru yuk? ^_^. Kali ini saya ingin berbagi informasi harga samsung galaxy terbaru untuk beberapa modelnya yang cantik.

Tidak banyak kata lagi langsung saja ke topik utamanya :

Spesifikasi dan Harga Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos S6802

Untuk Sistem Operasi Samsung Galaxy

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