Warung Bebas

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Hebat! Pria Makassar Ini Raih 19 Gelar Sarjana Dalam 13 Tahun

Pria Makassar Raih 19 Gelar Sarjana Dalam 13 Tahun, sebuah prestasi hebat dan membanggakan diraih oleh seorang pria dari Makassar berumur 33 tahun, Welin Kusuma lah namanya. Berkat prestasinya yaitu meraih 19 titel sarjana dalam waktu hanya 13 tahun ia berhasil menjadi sorotan media internasional.

Hebat! Pria Makassar Ini Raih 19 Gelar Sarjana Dalam 13 Tahun

Atas pencapaiannya tersebut, Welin masuk dalam pemberitaan Weird Asia News. Foto dan kisahnya dalam mendapatkan gelar pendidikan dan profesi tersebut dipampang dalam berita media Asia tersebut edisi 19 Juli 2013.

Banyak orang yang heran dan tidak percaya, termasuk Espilen Blog sendiri, bagaimana Welin bisa mendapatkan gelar itu dalam waktu singkat. 

Berikut ini daftar lengkap pendidikan yang pernah ditempuh Welin, seperti dimuat blog pribadi Welin, welinkusuma.blogspot.com.

Gelar pendidikan meliputi:
1. Lulusan SMAN 1 Kendari
2. Sarjana Manajemen Ekonomi (S.E.) besar di STIE Urip Sumoharjo, 2001
3. Sarjana Teknik (S.T.) Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya), 2004
4. Sarjana Hukum (S.H.) Universitas Airlangga 2002
5. Sarjana Administrasi Publik (S.Sos.) Universitas Terbuka (UT) Surabaya, 2002
5. Sarjana Teknik Informatika (S.Kom.) Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya (STTS), 2002
6. Sastra Inggris (S.S.) Universitas Kristen Petra, 2003
7. Sarjana Administrasi Publik (S.AP.)
8. Sarjana Statistik (S.Stat.)
9. Magister Teknik Industri (M.T.) Insitut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS), 2004
10. Master Ilmu Manajemen (M.S.M.) Universitas Airlangga (Unair)
11. Magister Notaris (M.Kn.) Universitas Airlangga (Unair)

Gelar Professional Meliupti:
1. Perencana Keuangan Terdaftar, Indonesia (RFP-I)
2. Pengembang Merek Profesional Bersertifikat(CPBD)
3. Manajemen Produk Profesional Bersertifikat(CPPM)
4. Perencana Keuangan Bersertifikat (CFP)
5. Afiliasi manajer kekayaan (AffWM)
6. Konsultan Perpajakan Bersertifikat (BKP)
7. Perencana Keuangan Berkualitas (QWP)
8. Sumber Daya Manusia Profesional Bersertifikat (CPHR)

Hebat! Pria Makassar Ini Raih 19 Gelar Sarjana Dalam 13 Tahun

Hebat, satu kata yang bisa diucapkan untuk Welin. Ini menjadi sebuah kebanggaan bagi masyarakat Makassar juga Indonesia serta menjadi inspirasi bagi pemuda lainnya untuk bisa menggapai prestasi yang gemilang.

Games Merawat Bayi

Games Merawat Bayi - Merawat bayi memanglah hal yang menyenangkan. Tidak hanya merawat bayi sungguhan yang menyenagkan, bahkan merawat bayi di sebuah games online juga cukup menyenenangkan, games merawat bayi ini cocok untuk Anda yang sedang hamin dan menanti kelahiran sang buah hati. Tak ada salahnya, sebelum Anda merawat bayi Anda yang sebanarnya, Anda coba dulu merawat bayi di game online

Apa Artikel Original Selalu Di Posisi satu Google?

Apa Artikel Original Selalu Di Posisi satu Google? - yoshiwafa - Menurut sobat sekalian bagaimana ? apakan artikel asli hasil karya sendiri akan selalu tetap bertahan di posisi satu google atau tidak? menurut saya tentu saja tidak, bahkan terkadang artikel Copas bisa menang dari artikel yang aslinya, itu berarti yang Copas Artikel, memiliki ilmu SEO yang lebih tinggi di bandingkan dengan pemilik

Siklus Menstruasi tidak Teratur Menjadi Indikasi Awal Kanker Indung Telur

Siklus Menstruasi tidak Teratur biasa terjadi pada semua
wanita, Namun apabila kelainan tersebut disertai dengan rasa sakit dan kram
pada perut, anda sebaiknya lebih waspada. Rasa Nyeri dan periode menstruasi
yang tidak teratur tersebut sebenarnya merupakan dua gejala yang berbeda namun kebetulan
terjadi dalam waktu yang sama. 

Bahkan beberapa rasa nyeri tersebut bisa menjadi indikasi

Why Do People Think US Health Care is Corrupt? - The Examples of Amgen, Mallinckrodt Settling Charges of Giving Kickbacks to Doctors to Induce them to Prescribe Their Products, While No Individual Suffers Negative Consequences

We recently posted a discussion of the results of Transparency International's 2013 corruption barometer, focusing on the US results.  43% of survey respondents thought US health care is corrupt.  Our coverage, apparently the only substantial discussion of the US results published in the US, got star ranking for a while on Reddit.  But many anonymous commentators dismissed the survey results as coming from a naive public who does not understand health care economics.

I submit that one can recognize corruption without a degree in economics.  In fact, as we discussed in the initial post, there is a lot of evidence for the prevalence of health care corruption in the US, other developed countries, and globally.  It is just that such evidence rarely gets discussed in public (the anechoic effect, as we say on this blog), probably because doing so might make those who are profiting from the corruption uncomfortable.

So today let me summarize just the latest evidence about US health care corruption, as defined by Transparency International as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.  (Note that the Transparency International definition of corruption, which is an ethical, not necessarily a legal definition, at least in most jurisdictions.)


An article in the Thousand Oaks [CA] Acorn described the legal settlement,

Amgen Inc. paid the United States more than $15 million this month as part of a settlement agreement to resolve allegations that the biopharmaceutical company used financial kickbacks to persuade doctors to prescribe the cancer drug Xgeva to their patients.

The settlement resolves a qui tam, or 'whistleblower,' lawsuit filed Jan. 20, 2012, in federal court by William Davis and Spencer Miller—two Amgen employees who work at the company’s Thousand Oaks headquarters.

Davis, sales planning director for Amgen’s oncology business unit, and Miller, a senior marketing manager at the company, alleged their employer violated both the Medicare Anti- Kickback Statute and False Claims Act—two laws that aim to prevent Medicare fraud and abuse.

The allegations were that Amgen used a somewhat complex and deceptive strategy to pay doctors who prescribed its drug, using a survey about practice patterns as a cover story,

According to the U.S. attorney’s office, Amgen used what the company called 'Deep Dive' contracts—or data purchase agreements—in an effort to boost sales of Xgeva, which was approved by the FDA in late 2010 for use by certain cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

The drug is most commonly prescribed to prevent bone fractures in patients who have been diagnosed with a certain type of tumor after it has spread to the bones.

Under Amgen’s original Deep Dive program, the company paid doctors to fill out an Internet-based survey, which asked how they were treating patients with bone cancer and which drugs they used.

'That’s not illegal to do,' said Abraham Meltzer, assistant U.S. attorney in the Los Angeles civil fraud section. 'A lot of pharmaceutical companies purchase data legitimately on how various conditions are treated.'

But Amgen altered its Deep Dive program, Meltzer said, by increasing the amount of money it offered to pay the doctors who specifically prescribed Xgeva to their patients.


 The U.S. attorney’s office also alleged that Amgen paid oncologists and urologists to participate in market research surveys, audience response sessions and advisory programs that publicized the benefits of Xgeva.

As is typical in such cases, the settlement did not require any contrition on Amgen's part.  Instead,

In a prepared statement emailed to the Thousand Oaks Acorn on Tuesday, Amgen denied all allegations of wrongful conduct.

'Amgen settled this matter to avoid the delay, uncertainty, inconvenience and expense of protracted litigation,' the statement read.

As is also typical, there seemed to be no negative consequences for the human beings who must have engineered the "Deep Dive" contracts and the payments to the oncologists and urologists.  Nor was there any overt consideration of Amgen's sketchy recent ethical record, as described by the Acorn,

This month’s settlement is not the first time the biopharmaceutical giant has been held to answer for kickback allegations or false claims charges.

In December 2012, Amgen pleaded guilty to illegally selling the drug Aranesp, an anti-anemia drug, for uses or doses not approved by the FDA, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

As part of the false claims case, which was also brought on by a whistleblower lawsuit, Amgen agreed to pay a $612-million civil settlement to the U.S. and individual states, as well as $150 million in criminal penalties.

Then in April, the Thousand Oaks-based company paid the U.S. another $24.9 million to settle whistleblower allegations that it gave financial kickbacks to long-term care pharmacy providers in exchange for switching Medicare and Medicaid benefi- ciaries from a competing drug to Aranesp, a DOJ press release states.

We discussed the guilty plea in the cases of Aranesp misbranding and alleged kickbacks to pharmacists.  Also, in 2013, we noted that Amgen settled allegations that it overpriced its products sold to government health programs in 36 states.  We also noted that despite, or perhaps because of all this misbehavior, the current CEO of Amgen received over $13 million in compensation in 2012, while his predecessor walked away with over $9 million that year.


A small news item from the Associated Press, via the Nanaimo (MO) Daily News, outlined this legal settlement,

A St. Louis-based drug maker will pay $3.5 million to settle allegations that it paid doctors to prescribe 'outdated, third rate' antidepressants and sleep aids, the U.S. attorney's office in San Francisco announced.

In particular,

The lawsuit alleged the company targeted doctors who prescribed the type of antidepressants and sleep pills Mallinkrodt manufactured.

Again, the company was allowed to settle without admitting anything.

'While we deny the allegations in this matter, we are glad they are resolved,' company spokeswoman Erica Abbett said in a statement.

Again, although human beings would have had to engineer any payments to the doctors to induce them to prescribe, no human beings suffered any consequences as a result of this settlement.

Mallinckrodt, a storied corporate name, had been acquired by Covidien, and then was spun off again as a separate company in June, 2013 (look here).  It had been acquired in 2000 by Tyco International, which later spun off its health care operations as Covidien.   According to its 2013 proxy statement, Covidien's CEO received over $10 million in total compensation in 2012.

[Note that Tyco was the subject of one of the major scandal stories of the early 21st century.  In 2005, at a time when law enforcement authorities were still pursuing actions against elite corporate executives,  its former CEO and CFO were convicted of stealing millions from it (see USAToday summary)].

Summary - Why do People Think US Health Care is Corrupt?  

Again, the Transparency International definition of corruption is abuse of entrusted power for private gain.  I would argue that pharmaceutical companies are entrusted with the power to honestly sell drugs whose benefits to patients outweigh their harms.  I would further argue that paying physicians, who are entrusted with providing the best possible care to each individual patient, to prescribe drugs which may not be the best treatment for individual patients is an abuse of both the company's and the physicians' entrusted power.  Further, such payments provide private gain to the physicians.  They also may increase revenues for the company who makes these payments, and very likely these increased revenues lead to better compensation for those in the company who authorized, directed or directly provided the payments, that is to private gain for these corporate insiders.  Thus it seems that kickbacks to physicians to prescribe drugs is a form of corruption.

While both cases above were settled without admissions of guilt, such settlements do not refute the contentions that kickbacks were given.  Why would the law enforcement officials have brought the cases in the absence of evidence, and why would the companies have settled if the cases were completely baseless?  So I would argue that these settlements provide evidence, although not legal proof, that kickbacks were given.  People with far more legal knowledge than I possess have remarked on the absurdity of settling cases of alleged wrongdoing without any acknowledgement or statement of the facts (see posts here and here).

We have posted lots of instances of conflicts of interest affecting health care, many of which likely involved payments providing private gain that raised the risk of abuse of entrusted power.  We have also discussed many instances of crime, kickbacks, bribery, fraud other kinds of health care corruption.

So were the people who answered the Transparency International survey naive and foolish about health care corruption?  Or did they have reasonable beliefs about a topic that the powers that be really do not want to discuss?

Merawat Bayi

Merawat Bayi tentu merupakan hal yang menyenangkan, tiap Ibu tentu ingin melakukannya. Namun seringkali, Ibu masih tidak berani untuk merawat bayi nya sendiri, karena tidak bisa atau takut melukai bayi. Namun sebenarnya, dengan sedikit latihan, Ibu bisa merawat bayi sendiri yang tentunya akan mendekatkan hubungan Ibu dengan bayi. Meskipun Anda Ibu baru, Ibu tetap harus berani dalam merawat

Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Dengan Buah Tomat

Cara Menghilangkan jerawat memang sudah tidak kali ini saja di bahas di blog ini, pasalnya di artikel sebelumnya Info kesehatan memberikan sedikit tips dan cara menghilangkan jerawat secara alami, serta tips mengatasi jerawat dengan menggunakan air garam. 
Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Dengan Tomat
Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Dengan Buah Tomat
Namun karena dengan banyaknya cara alami untuk mengatasi masalah ini (jerawat), kali ini saya akan mencoba membahas lagi cara menghilangkan jerawat dengan cara yang alami namun berbeda dengan cara-cara sebelumnya.

INFO KESEHATAN akan mencoba mengulas cara alami manghilangkan jerawat dengan mengunakan salah satu bahan alami yaitu dengan buah tomat. Lohhh apa bisa tomat untuk menghilangkan jerawat??????  Jika anda masih belum familiar cara ini, maka anda dapat melanjutkan membaca artikel dibawah ini.

Pasti dari anda semua sudah taulah buah yang satu ini (tomat), ya!!! buah tomat selain digunakan untuk bahan makanan (terutama sambal), ternyata juga bisa anda gunakan untuk mengatasi jerawat membandel di wajah, tak berhenti disitu saja buah ini juga kaya akan manfaat untuk kesehatan juga loo.

Rasa buah tomat memiliki ciri has yaitu segar dan sedikit asam, Hal inilah yang membuat buah tomat sangat digandrungi oleh sebagian orang untuk digunkan sebagai bahan pelengkap salad, lalapan, ataupun sambal.

Namun taukah anda bahwa selain meliiki rasa segar dan sedikit asam, buah yang satu ini ternyata bermanfaat juga untuk perawatan wajah, hal ini tentu tidak hanya isu belaka pasalnya tomat memiliki kandungan vitamin C dan A yang sangat amatlah banyak.

Oke setelah tadi diatas ngalor ngidul kesana kemari hehehe, langsung saja masuk kepembahasan utama yaitu Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat dengan buah tomat, yang bisa anda praktrkan sendiri dirumah.

Adapun cara pengaplikasiannya pertama adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Haluskan 2 buah tomat dengan menggunakan blander
  • Setelah buah halus seperti bubur, bubuhkan ke area wajah anda (baik area wajah yang terdapat jerawat maupun yang tidak)
  • Jangan dibasuh dulu (biarkan sampai masker tomat menempel kurang lebih 1 jam,an sehingga nutrisi yang terkandung dalam buah tomat dapat terserap oleh wajah secara maksimal.
  • Basuh muka menggunkan air hangat
  • Keringkan wajah menggunakan lap atau kain halus, dengan cara menepuk-nepuk saja.
  • Untuk hasil yang maksimal kerjakan cara ini rutin selama kurang lebih satu minggu.
Adapun cara pengaplikasian lainnya adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Siapkan satu buah tomat dan satu buah mentimun
  • Blender kedua bahan hingga berbentuk bubur
  • Oleskan tomat dan mentimun yang sudah kita haluskan ke area wajah anda
  • Diamkan sebentar sekitar 10-15 menit
  • Kemudian cuci wajah menggunakan air hangat/ air bersih dan keringkan dengan handuk halus dengan cara ditepuk-tepuk sampai air hilang semua.
Itulah sedikit tips cara menghilangkan jerawat dengan bantuan buah tomat yang bisa anda coba, dan semoga jerawat anda lekas hilang dari muka kesayangan kita heheh. Jika terdapat kesalahan saya mohon maaf, pumpung bulan puasa mari saling memaafkan ^_^.

Catatan Tambahan : cara diatas jika dikerjakan dengan tekun dan rutin akan dirasakan hasilnya secara maksimal, namun karena biasanya faktor jenis kulit dapat mempengaruhi tingkat kesuksesan tersebut, untuk itu jika anda kurang berhasil dengan cara ini, anda bisa membaca cara menghilangkan jerawat secara alami lainnya yaitu dengan menggunakan garam sebagai bahan utamanya.

Blog Post #32: Go Bag part 7 end of series

Guten tag Reader,
          It's time to wrap up this series and move onto to other topics. I hope you've found these scenarios and how I deal with them from my light go bag helpful. Hopefully I can help you lighten your load when you are out in the field, it really is a more pleasant experience. In this post we will cover handling all the assorted storage locations you might receive and how I deal with them.
CDs/DVDs - Imaging these is fairly straight forward as I'm not aware of any operating system that tries to write to a CD/DVD rewritable on insert. Remember not all CDs/DVDs are simple write once media, if the burns are layered in sessions you can recover the prior sessions burned once imaged.

MMC/SD Cards - Many of these actually have switches to make them read only, but otherwise I will either boot into Linux to acquire these read only or enable the usb write block hack and plug in a usb card reader.

External drives - I don't carry a USB write blocker because I haven't found a usb 3.0 one yet and they don't always work with the random drives I encounter. So instead I use the usb write block hack to acquire the drive if I can't easily access the underlying drive and attach it via SATA. This is also why I make sure my acquisition system has eSATA so I can always have a writeable external storage interface available to me and I can leave my USB ports read only when acquiring.

Email accounts on mail servers - Many times i'll be asked to preserve the contents of a mailbox I use a piece of software from transend called transend forensic migrator for this. Transend supports a large variety of mail servers (Exchange, Lotus, Groupwise Imap, etc..) so it makes my life easier to just plug in one or one hundred credentials (via batch mode) and have all the mail stored in your choice of output format (pst, mbox, etc..) with a log of its actions when its done. You can even enable filter options to limit the data your acquiring.

Webmail servers - One of the other types of email we are asked to grab is webmail, I've found the easiest way to deal with grabbing someones webmail is to search for the webmail providers instructions for email access from a smart phone. Through those instructions they will typically identify an Imap or Pop3 server that a phone and your software can connect to and grab the data.

Sharepoint - There are two good ways to deal with sharepoint, neither of which involve grabbing the underlying database. You can access a sharepoint website through webdav and copy down the contents or use a commercial tool like ontrack powercontrols to grab the data if you have the budget.

That's all I can think of right now but I think this capture 99% of what I deal with when out in the field and how I deal with it. Tomorrow we will switch topics to 'web 2.0' forensics and then make time Sunday for the weekly contest where this weeks prize is a free ticket to PFIC!

Penyebab Cacat pada Janin karena Ibu Kekurangan Gizi

Cacat pada Janin atau bayi yang dilahirkan bisa disebabkan karena selama hamil,
ibu kurang mendapatkan asupan gizi dan nutrisi yang cukup. Ibu Hamil yang
kekurangan asam folat biasanya akan melahirkan bayi yang mengalami cacat
selubung saraf yang akhirnya menyebabkan kematian pada bayi, dan apabila hidup,
bayi tersebut akan mengalami cacat yang berat.

folat pada janin berperan

Masa Perkembangan Bayi

Masa Perkembangan Bayi -  Masa perkembangan bayi sanagtlah membutuhkan bantuan Ibu. Ibu perlu untuk menjaganya agar tetap tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik. Tidak hanya tumbuh, namun bayi juga berkembang seiring dengan usianya yang terus bertambah.
Dan, pada tiap tahapan usia yang dilaluinya akan memperlihatkan perkembangan
yang ditandai dengan kemajuan pada aktivitasnya Ibu perlu mengenali

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