Warung Bebas

Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

Tahap Perkembangan Bayi

Tahap Perkembangan Bayi adalah saat yang paling krusial bagi seorang anak. Perkembangan anak selanjutnya akan sangat ditentukan oleh perkembangan bayinya.erikut adalah tahap-tahap perkembangan bayi.
1. Tengkurap (3 - 4 bulan)
Saat berusia 3 - 4 bulan, ketika otot lehernya makin kuat, Bayi bisa
berbaring telentang dan memandang lurus ke depan. Lengan serta kakinya
pun lebih bebas bergerak

Fase Perkembangan Bayi

Fase Perkembangan Bayi - Perkembangan bayi memang cukup cepat, terutama dalam satu tahun pertama kelahirannya. Tiap bulan, ada saja perkembangan bayi yang terkadang sangat menarik bagi orang tua. Berikut adalah fase-fase atau tahapan perkembangan bayi setiap bulannya.
1. Usia 0-1 bulan
Di bulan pertamanya, aktivitas bayi masih berjalan secara naluriah. Meski bayi bisa melihat, mendengar,



 “Success is not convenient.  You have to make room for it.  Stop waiting for the ideal or perfect situation to show up in your life before you make your move.  Now is the time to convert your prayers into performance.  

Faith without works is dead.  There will never be a perfect time in life.  If it’s not one thing…it’s another.  So do what you can and do what you must…NOW!  Most people let things happen.  You have the power to make things happen!  You have GREATNESS within you!”

                       ---Les Brown

Can you believe that summer vacation is half over already?  Let’s kick off the rest of summer with some great ideas to “HEALTH UP” your kids and your family. As my friend Les Brown said, "You have the power to make things happen!"  

COOL IDEA NUMBER ONE: Check out this health snack idea to help everyone keep their cool AND take advantage of the great summer sale prices on fresh grapes while they are in season.
STEP ONE:  Wash and gently dry (air dry is fine) purple or green grapes.
STEP TWO:  Place grapes in zip lock bags (15 grapes per bag). 
STEP THREE:  Place bags in freezer.
STEP FOUR:  When kids need a snack, let them take one bag from the freezer for each kid and watch them explode with excitement over the flavor of frozen fruit!
STEP FIVE:  Listen for your kids (and your spouse) to say, “THIS IS BETTER THAN CANDY!” 

Kids teaching other kids in one of our peer education projects at local schools.  Healthy Habit 1:  More fruit, less juice!

Growing Healthy Kids' Peer Educators setting up for one of our parties at Imagine School.  

COOL IDEA NUMBER TWO: Here’s another very cool idea for keeping all the kids (your and the kids in the neighborhood) busy and healthy:  FRUIT PIZZA.  Click here for the step by step instructions for making the best fruit pizza ever!

COOL IDEA NUMBER THREE:   Need to get your kids outside more (and less screen time)?  Start growing your own veggies using this ultra-cool new technology aeroponic personal grow system.  Assign your kids the job of check the water levels every two days and within 28 days you will be harvesting your own fresh, very locally grown greens. Click here to order your personal grow system (use discount code "growhealkids" at checkout).

Enjoy the rest of your summer vacation and send me your favorite healthy kid-friendly recipes at growinghealthykidsnow@gmail.com.  Look for your recipe in a future issue of WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS!

In gratitude,
Nancy Heinrich
Founder, Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.

Note for new readers:  The Growing Healthy Kids movement is dedicated to creating solutions to our national childhood obesity epidemic and to the prevention of obesity-related diseases, such as Type 2 Diabetes, in children.  See the top right corner to order NOURISH AND FLOURISH which provides a road map for parents.  

EHR importance vastly oversold? Community health center battles for electronic patients' records - but patient care goes on anyway

There are two lessons from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story below.

1) Beware outsourcing the ownership of your hospital or clinic's medical records.

2) The value of EHRs has been massively and repeatedly exaggerated.  Milwaukee Health Services have been operating without access to electronic patient charts for almost a month, yet there are no reports of massive casualties.  There are numerous reports on this blog of EHR system downtimes lasting weeks, loss and sabotage of electronic records, and other mishaps, yet patient care is claimed to have not been compromised.  Perhaps those who make such claims need to be taken at face value.

It follows that expenditures of hundreds of billions of dollars for EHR systems is simply unnecessary and the technology's importance vastly oversold.

Excerpts are below; read the full story at the hyperlink.

-- SS

Community health center battles for patients' records
By Guy Boulton of the Journal Sentinel
July 20, 2013

Doctors at Milwaukee Health Services have not had access to the medical records of 40,000 patients since June 30, when an Atlanta company cut off the community health center's access to its electronic medical records after their contract ended.

Milwaukee Health Services sued Business Computer Applications Inc., the Atlanta company, last week in federal court and is seeking a court order to restore access to patients' medical records.

The records include patients' medications, problem lists, allergies, immunization records, treatment plans and other clinical information.

The doctors and other health care providers at the community health center can get key information, such as medication lists and lab results, from pharmacies and other sources, said Tito Izard, a physician and chief executive of Milwaukee Health Services.

But access to patients' medical records is "obviously important," Izard said.

Milwaukee Health Services sought a court order last week to require Business Computer Applications, known as BCA, to restore access to the medical records, contending that the safety of patients was at serious risk.

The court denied the request for a temporary restraining order.

... Milwaukee Health Services, which provides care to about 30,000 people a year and has medical records for about 40,000 people, entered into a five-year agreement with BCA on July 1, 2008.

The community health center contends that BCA's system was not fully functional after paying the company $3.1 million over the past five years.

"There was a never-ending request for more money to fix the system," Izard said.

... In its complaint, Milwaukee Health Services alleges BCA violated the Wisconsin law that requires health care records to be released upon the request of a health care provider in the care of patients.

The community health center plans to seek a court order in the next several weeks that requires BCA to provide access to the medical records of its patients.

More here:  http://www.courthousenews.com/2013/07/17/59431.htm.  Looks like the patients affected are predominantly poor and/or minorities:

... A computer firm is "jeopardizing the health and safety of about 40,000 people" - many of them uninsured or underinsured - by freezing a hospital out of access to its own medical records because of a billing dispute, the hospital claims in court ...  Milwaukee Health Services Inc. "specializ(es) in the care of underserved populations," the hospital says in its complaint. It says it "serves everyone regardless of income or third party coverage."

-- SS

Electronic siloing: An unintended consequence of the electronic health record - Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine

EHR systems have largely been designed by those of a manufacturing, mercantile, and management computing background, largely due to abdication of responsibility and acquiescence by medical professionals, and political impotence of organized medicine and medical informatics organizations.

The results were predictable - a toxic effect on healthcare.  One such toxic effect is an impairment of essential communications between caregiving personnel - exactly the opposite effect the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on today's health IT was intended to improve.

From the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine:

Electronic siloing: An unintended consequence of the electronic health record
July 2013
Chair, Education Institute; Staff, Department of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Cleveland Clinic; Jean Wall Bennett Professor of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Cleveland, OH

For all the purported benefits of the electronic health record (EHR), an unintended adverse effect is “electronic siloing.”

I define electronic siloing as the isolating effect of the EHR on clinical workflow that drives caregivers to work in silos, ie, alone at their workstations, thereby discouraging spontaneous interaction. To the extent that increasing evidence supports the importance of interaction among clinical colleagues and of teamwork to optimize clinical outcomes, electronic siloing threatens optimal practice and quality.

Not only does it "threaten" optimal quality, it causes that quality to deteriorate to the point where a recent volunteer study at 36 hospitals by the renowned ECRI Institute (http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2013/02/peering-underneath-icebergs-water-level.html) found more than 170 health IT-related mishaps in a mere 9 weeks, 8 of those incidents resulting in patient harm and 3 possibly contributory towards patient death.

... THE EHR BRINGS CHANGES, GOOD AND BAD [the latter especially from bad health IT - ed.]

The EHR represents a major change in health care, with reported benefits that include standardized ordering, reduced medical errors, embedded protocols for guideline-based care, data access to analyze clinical practice patterns and outcomes, and enhanced communication among colleagues who are geographically separated (eg, virtual consults). On the basis of these benefits and the federal Medicare and Medicaid financial incentives associated with “meaningful use,” the EHR is being increasingly adopted.

The literature supporting those benefits is scarce, of poor quality, and refuted by other literature by credible authors - not the optimal environment to justify spending hundreds of billions of dollars (e.g., see http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2011/02/updated-reading-list-on-health-it.html).

Yet for all these benefits and the promise that technology can enhance interaction among health care providers, unintended risks of the EHR paradoxically threaten optimal clinical care.6Recognized risks include the threat to care should the EHR fail, the time and inefficiency costs of typing and multiple log-ons, and the perpetuation of errors in the medical record caused by the cutting and pasting of clinical notes.

To name just a few, all covered on this blog in various posts.

... Niazkhani et al noted that computerized ordering can change communication channels and collaboration mechanisms. More specifically, they point out that these systems can “replace interpersonal contacts that may result in fewer opportunities for team-wide negotiations."

This is, in fact, obvious to any practicing physician or nurse and requires no academic "proof."

Similarly, Ash et al cited the unintended consequences of patient care information systems, especially increased overreliance on the system to communicate, which can undermine direct communication between healthcare providers ... Taken together, these observations suggest that the EHR and computerized order entry in particular can disrupt interaction between physicians and other health care providers, such as nurses and pharmacists.

Similarly, that this needs to be stated in 2013 is akin to stating that it's a good idea to use sterile technique in surgery.

...  the EHR can inadvertently lessen spontaneous interaction between physicians as they care for outpatients. I have proposed the term electronic siloing to reflect the isolating impact of the EHR on clinical workflow that drives caregivers to work alone at their workstations, thereby discouraging spontaneous interaction between colleagues (eg, between primary care physicians and subspecialists, and between subspecialists in different disciplines). Because spontaneous face-to-face encounters and conversations among clinicians can encourage clinical insights that benefit patient care, electronic siloing can undermine optimal care. My thesis here is that the EHR predisposes to electronic siloing and that the solution is to first recognize and then to design care to prevent this effect.

The solution is first to force the industry and its pundits to admit the problem is poor design and hyper-enthusiasm that resulted in a premature national program for health IT diffusion, and abandon claims that clinicians are "Luddites" (see "Doctors and EHRs: Reframing the 'Modernists v. Luddites' Canard to The Accurate 'Ardent Technophiles vs. Pragmatists' Reality" at http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2012/03/doctors-and-ehrs-reframing-modernists-v.html).

Defenders of the EHR will point out that the EHR does not preclude such face-to-face encounters.

"Defenders of the EHR" will frequently default to fictitious and often ad hominem "blame the user" canards, since their scientific rationale for the proliferation of today's very poor systems is very weak.

While technically this is correct, it is also equally true that such encounters are less likely because they no longer flow naturally from the workflow of writing a note side-by-side with colleagues with the films displayed nearby. Pressured for time, clinicians learn efficiency of motion and are simply less likely to leave their workstations to seek another colleague who, in turn, may be tethered to a workstation and absorbed in keyboarding and monitor-watching. The net effect is that such spontaneous face-to-face encounters are clearly less common in the EHR era.

Again, this thinking will be countered by the hyper-enthusiasts by blaming users.  My response is that good health IT never depends on users to compensate for poor design or implementation, and there's nothing else to debate on that point.

... So, given the many clear benefits of the EHR and its current wave of adoption in health care, how can we maximize the benefits of the EHR while minimizing the adverse effects of electronic siloing?

Reasonable suggestions follow; see the article at the link above. 

The problem is that the reasonable suggestions are being proffered in an unreasonable, industry-dominated environment.

The first step is political action and activism by clinicians to take charge of the clinical information technology playing field.  Until and unless that occurs, even thoughtful articles from Cleveland Clinic, Harvard, Yale etc. will simply be shelved.

-- SS

Resep Makanan Semur Ayam Gurih Populer Khas Indonesia Tahun 2013

Resep Makanan Semur Ayam Gurih yang banyak di minati di antara masakan indonesia, langkah resep mebuat semur daging ayam sangat banyak bila kita dapat masak semur- semur, ada semur ayam, sapi dll. meskipun ada banyak semur yang lain, namun sekurang - kurangnya kita dapat memasak semur yang sangat banyak disukai umum terutama anak-anak, apa lagi bila bukan hanya semur ayam  khusus yang lezat,

Daily Blog #31: Go Bag Part 6

Hello Reader,
                     Have I mentioned how good Civ 5 brave new world is? It's really good, and the reason I'm writing this blog post this morning instead of last night again. Tip, playing Venice is hard on king. I realized I missed a couple scenarios we should go over so I'm continuing the go bag series a little longer before we begin our discussion on 'Web 2.0' forensics. We focused on the NAS's in the last post and now we are going to talk about how to deal with embedded devices and a quick look a memory storage devices.

The system is an embedded storage device - You won't see this very often, but every so often you'll be told that there is an embedded device that contains logs you need.

When dealing with embedded devices you have a couple types you'll come across

1. SoC (System on a chip) with sdcard storage

If you have this you are lucky, power down the embedded device and remove the sdcard for standard imaging. When you image it you have two options, you can actually get a memory card write blocker or you can use software write blocking. In Windows you can use the registry write block hack and then attach a memory card reader via USB or you can boot off a forensically sound Linux distribution and image the device. In either case this is the best possible scenario.

2. SoC (System on a chip) with a maintenance port

You may come across an embedded device where the memory is soldered to the board and no removable storage options exist, but they may have a maintenance port. Either through ethernet, usb or com port getting access to the underlying maintenance port can also lead to shell access as many of these devices are running embedded unix variants and others are running DOS. Once in this shell, and getting there will very by device, the nice part about embedded systems it that they are rarely multi user systems, meaning every process runs as root or administrator. Once you have the console you can then capture raw logs back to your system through it, sometimes if your lucky there may be older kermit/zmodem transmission programs left on the image or tftp for network connected systems (originally intended for network booting). 

You can in embedded unix systems get full disk images this way by dumping the contents of the physical memory devices, just remember that you need to use a protocol capable to transmit the data without treating it as ascii strings or pipe it through a function to encode it first (base64 works here well). 

3. SoC (System on a chip) with no access

This happens, and it sucks. At this point you can hope that there is some kind of Jtag access or firmware flashing access. If there is no firmware flashing access (which you can use to download the current memory image) then you are stuck with Jtag. Jtag means you are going to have to find the Jtag pads (documented if your lucky) solder a Jtag connection to the board and find a compatible app for the processor to dump the nvram to your system. 

This isn't fun and if you are not experienced with Jtag easy to mess up. At this point you should probably let your client know that you need to send this system off to a specialist shop for extraction. 

4. SoC (System on a chip) locked down for security

This typically is only found in high security embedded devices (ATMs, Lottery terminals, etc...) where they have attempted to remove all internal access to the system and its underlying data. You have one option here and you can't really go back from it. You have to de-solder the memory chips from the board and plug them into a raw reader. From that point its up to you to reconstruct the file system and access the underlying files. If you are on this step you are likely dealing with a pretty serious case and if you are not comfortable with what mobile forensic experts have termed 'Chip Off' forensics I would send this to a lab that is. Once you remove the chip its not likely you'll get it on the board and get the device functioning again so remember this is on way street, no going back. 

That was longer than I thought it would be, as you can see I've dealt with a lot of weird systems over the last 14 years. We should talk about memory cards tomorrow and then on to 'Web 2.0' forensics. Don't forget this sunday you can win tickets to PFIC!

Tips Mudik untuk Ibu Menyusui agar tetap Sehat

Mudik untuk Ibu Menyusui saat akan lebaran bisa menjadi Momen
yang paling ditunggu tunggu, terutama bagi kelahiran anak pertama. Momen tersebut
menjadi satu kesempatan untuk mengenalkan buah hati kepada keluarga besar anda
yang mungkin untuk pertama kalinya. Dan agar kegembiraan tersebut tidak
terganggu dengan keadaan kesehatan Ibu Menyusui dan bayi yang menurun, beberapa
aspek menjaga

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 Ok sedikit yang bisa tips blogger bagikan tentang cara membuat widget tag h4 mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan ahir wassalam.

1001 Kata Mutiara Tentang Cinta

Kata Mutiara Tentang Cinta, sedang mencari kata mutiara cinta sejati yang terbaru? Lanjutkanlah membaca informasi dari artikel ini. Cinta sebaiknya tidak perlu ditafsirkan dengan kata-kata yang romantis, namun seharusnya yang bijaksana tak lupa juga islami, agar kita tetap yakin. Tidak selamanya cinta berhadapan dengan hal yang berhubungan dengan kekasih.

Kata Mutiara Cinta

Karena, love memiliki persepsi yang luas, seperti cinta kita kepada Allah, orang tua, sahabat, dan yang lainnya. Kata motivasi seputar cinta dibawah akan terus diupdate, jadi jangan lupa untuk menyimpan halaman ini dengan menekan tombol CTRL+D.

Kata Mutiara Cinta

Kerjakan apa yang kau cintai dan uang akan mengikuti.

Bahagialah bagi orang yang mengerti akan arti cinta, karena Cinta itu akan memberikan warna bagi kehidupannya

Rasulullah bersabda, bagaimana untuk dapat merasakan manisnya iman : Menjadikan Allah dan Rasul sebagai yang paling dicintai, tidak mencintai sesuatu selain karena Allah, membenci kembali kepada kekufuran sebagaimaan membenci api neraka. (HR Bukhari)

Syukurilah hidup, karena hidup memberimu kesempatan untuk mencintai, bekerja, bermain dan memandang bintang-bintang

Kesetiaan bukanlah tentang mengikat, melainkan melepaskan nya, dan membiarkan dirinya kembali kepada kamu untuk mengikatkan diri.

Cinta sejati tak akan terpisah karena jarak,. tak akan berubah karena waktu, dan tak akan hilang hanya karena amarah.

Cintai apapun yang ada di dunia dengan sewajarnya. Karena apapun yang ada di dunia tak ada yang abadi, yang kekal adalah kehidupan di akhirat.

Menikah itu lebih baik dari pada sendirian apapun alasannya, karena dengan menikah seseorang bisa belajar bertanggung jawab ketimbang sendirian dengan memaksakan alasan segala macam untuk menunda-nunda pernikahan.

Satu keuntungan dari perkawinan adalah bahwa, ketika Anda berhenti mencintai dia, atau dia berhenti mencintai Anda, pernikahan membuat Anda bersama-sama sampai Anda saling jatuh cinta lagi. --Judith Viorst.

Jangan memulai cinta jika takut terluka. Jangan ucapkan cinta jika tak tulus kata. Jangan katakan cinta jika hati tak merasa.

Mencintai demi dicintai itu sifat manusia, tapi mencintai demi mencintai itu sifat malaikat.

Seorang wanita yang berpura-pura menertawai cinta itu seperti seorang anak kecil yang menangis di malam hari karena ketakutan.

Terkadang cinta yang baru malah datang dari kawan lama. Terkadang kekasih yang baik adalah orang yang selalu ada untuk kita.

Cinta itu adalah perasaan yang mesti ada pada tiap-tiap diri manusia, ia laksana setetes embun yang turun dari langit, bersih dan suci. Cuma tanahnyalah yang berlain-lainan menerimanya. Jika ia jatuh ke tanah yang tandus, tumbuhlah oleh karena embun itu kedurjanaan, kedustaan, penipu, langkah serong dan lain-lain perkara yang tercela. Tetapi jika ia jatuh kepada tanah yang subur, di sana akan tumbuh kesuciaan hati, keikhlasan, setia budi pekerti yang tinggi dan lain-lain perangai yang terpuji. ---Hamka

Tanda cinta kepada Allah adalah banyak mengingat (menyebut) Nya, karena tidaklah engkau menyukai sesuatu kecuali engkau akan banyak mengingatnya. --Ar Rabi’ bin Anas (Jami’ al ulum wal Hikam, Ibnu Rajab).

Nah, mungkin hanya itu yang bisa Espilen Blog sampaikan mengenai 1001 Kata Mutiara Tentang Cinta. Mohon maaf bila terdapat kekurangan. Semoga memberikan manfaat.

Sinopsis & Trailer NOAH Film

Sinopsis & Trailer NOAH Film, band NOAH tidak hanya eksis dalam bidang musik, tetapi juga dalam dunia perfilman. Ya, sekitar bulan November 2013 nanti rencananya Ariel dan kawan-kawan akan meluncurkan sebuah film yang tema nya mengangkat tentang perjalanan karier bermusik mereka, sejak masih bernama Peterpan hingga sekarang NOAH.

Sinopsis & Trailer NOAH Film

Sinopsis Film
Ariel mengatakan, bahwa pada film ini ia berharap semoga masyarakat yang menonton dapat terinspirasi agar bisa bangkit dari keterpurukan, atau lebih tepatnya lagi tidak menyia-nyiakan kesempatan kedua.

Hal ini memang jelas melekat dengan apa yang pernah menimpa vokalis berkharisma ini, Ariel pernah berjaya lalu terpuruk karena kasusnya namun mampu bangkit untuk meriah kembali kejayaanya. Film ini sendiri diproduksi oleh 700 Pictures dan disutradarai oleh Putrama Tuta yang pernah menggarap film Catatan Harian Si Boy.

Trailer NOAH Film

Bagaimana pendapat sahabat tentang trailer NOAH Film diatas? Jangan lupa untuk tinggalkan komentar di bawah..

Baca juga : 5 Hal Inspiratif dari NOAH


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