Warung Bebas

Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

Daftar 50 Web 2.0 Terbaik untuk Mencari Backlink

Daftar 50 Web 2.0 Terbaik untuk Mencari Backlink - yoshiwafa - Akhir-akhir ini, Web 2.0 sudah menjadi solusi online yang konvensional untuk industri pemasaran online. Ini merupakan jenis teknologi yang baru-baru ini sudah menambahkan pilar baru di dalam dunia pemasaran online.

Hal ini sudah merevolusi berbagi macam informasi, desain yang user-oriented, interoperabilitas di internet. Ini sudah

Daily Blog #69: Saturday Reading 8/31/13

Hello Reader,
        It's Saturday!

1. We had another Forensic Lunch on Friday, watch it here. We talked about legitimate uses for Tor, the CryptoParty movement, our new Plist parser and much more! Give it a watch and tune in live next week and get involved!

2. Over on Mari DeGrazia's 'Another Forensic Blog' there is a new tool for parsing Safari binary cookies, http://az4n6.blogspot.com/2013/08/safari-binary-cookies-now-with-more.html, Mari has written and put up for download a tool that will parse an entire directory of binary cookies at once as well as decoding the Google analytics values! Well done Mari!

3. On the Ride the Lighting blog there is an interesting write up on a news article that is making the rounds, http://ridethelightning.senseient.com/2013/08/insurance-company-refuses-to-pay-for-data-breach-will-yours.html. The midwestern grocery chain Schnucks had a data breach back in March and had to disclose the loss of 2.4 million credit card numbers. Like most companies dealing with the legal and operating expenses of dealing with a breach, remediation and notification Schnucks filed a claim on their insurance for it. The insurance company is has denied their claim and the resulting lawsuit (I'm guessing one is coming) will make for interesting case law on what an insurance company has to cover for breached companies.

4. I enjoy the cyb3rcrim3 blog as its one of the few legal blogs out there that focuses on the evolving case law of digital evidence. This week an interesting post went up http://cyb3rcrim3.blogspot.com/2013/08/staples-laptop-and-4th-amendment.html describing an individual who was prosecuted for posession for child porn after bringing in the computer to Staples to have a virus removed and the technician found the child porn and reported it. If you are in a corporate environment and want to understand more about your obligations and the law regarding what to do when child porn is located on a system in your possession, read on.

5. On the Mandiant M-unition blog there is a good first post in a series on determining proof of program execution https://www.mandiant.com/blog/execute/. I watched Mary and her co-worker at Mandiant give a great presentation at the DFIR summit on the Application Compatibility Cache aka shimcache and learned some interesting caveats to shimcache evidence on a per OS version.

6. Chad Tilbury has posted an hour long video with SANS on an introduction to Windows Memory Analysis. While its not something you can read it is worth you time to watch if you are unfamiliar with it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SjDH_vTuefM

7. Lastly two new SANS courses are coming out that I plan to finagle my way into sitting though. The first is FOR 572 which is the new advanced network forensics class. The concept behind FOR 572 is really neat, they took all the network captures from the attacks you discover in FOR 508 and built a class showing how to do the same level of response on the network level. Very cool stuff.

The second class FOR 585 is all about mobile forensics. In the course of my investigations I do mobile phones on a regular basis and I am always looking for new ways to get more data. Heather Mahalik and Cindy Murphy have worked hard to build quite a course and I'm waiting to see what new tricks they have up their sleeves.

That's all for today! Tomorrow is Sunday Funday, I hope your ready for a challenge!

Perbedaan Sistem Pemerintahan Presidensial dan Parlementer

Terdapat dua sistem pemerintahan yang diterapkan diseluruh dunia yaitu sistem pemerintahan presidensial dan sistem pemerintahan parlementer. Kedua sistem pemerintahan ini memiliki karakteristik, kelebihan dan kekuranngan masing-masing
Sebelum membaca lebih lanjut tentang perbedaan kedua sistem pemerintahan ini anda bisa membaca terlebih dahulu:

Perbedaan Sistem Pemerintahan Parlementer dan Presidensial
Perbedaan-perbedaan dibawah adalah perbedaan yang umum di negara yang memiliki bentuk pemerintahan Republik

PerbedaanSistem Pemerintahan Presidensial Sistem Pemerintahan Parlementer
Kepala NegaraPresidenPresiden
Kepala Pemerintahan PresidenPerdana Menteri
Masa Jabatan Kepala Pemerintahanditentukan Jangka WaktuTidak ditentukan Jangka Waktu
Hak Prerogatif EksekutifPresidenPerdana Menteri
Hak Prerogatif LegislatifPresidenPerdana Menteri
Hak Pendapat Menurut UUD/diberlakukan/dicabutPresidenPErdana Menteri
Eksekutif bertanggungjawab kepada legislatiftidakYa
Eksekutif dijatuhkan oleh legislatiftidakYa
Posisi EksekutifParpol dan ProfesionalHanya partai berkuasa
Pembubaran legislatif oleh eksekutiftidakya
Pengusulan/Pengubah/Pengganti/Perbaikan UUD/UU/peraturan
bersama dengan legislatif
PresidenPerdana Menteri
Hukuman kepada Kepala PemerintahanPemakzulanMosi Tidak Percaya

Faktor Penyebab Kehamilan Kembar

Cara Mudah Membuat Blog Gratis 100%

Belajar Komputer | Sesuai dengan judul diatas, maka pembahasan kali ini adalah bagaimana membuat blog dengan mudah tanpa membayar biaya sepeserpun alias GRATIS. Mungkin sudah banyak website atau blog-blog yang membahas tentang bagaimana cara membuat blog, salah satunya adalah blog ini. Semoga dengan tahapan demi tahapan yang dijelaskan pada tulisan ini, bisa menginspirasi rekan-rekan semuanya.

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