Warung Bebas

Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Cara Membuat Header 2 Kolom

Dalam sebuah blog memang banyak tutorial dan jika bahas satu persatu memang tiada habis-habisnya, tapi dengan ngeblog kita bisa berkreasi semau kita sendiri alhasil kreasikita bagus dan ditawai iklan oleh suatu produk dan banggalah kita, namun saya disini tidak membahas berbangga karena dapet duit tapi saya disini akan berbagi suatu tutorial yaitu membuat header menjadi 2 kolom, dalam kolom header biasanya kita hanya meletakkan logo blog kita dan selesai, namun dengan adanya bantuan 1 kolom lagi mungkin kita bisa gunakan untuk meletakkan iklan

Cara Membuat Header 2 Kolom

Langkah 1
Login ke Blogger
Masuk ke "Rancangan - Edit HTML"
Cheklist "Expand Template Widget"
Langkah 2
Cari kode: ]]></b:skin> dan letakkan kode dibawah ini diatasnya
#header {width:50%;display:inline-block;_float:left;}
#header-right {width:35%;display:inline-block;float:right;padding:15px 15px 15px 15px;}
#header-right .widget {margin:0;}
Langkah 3
Kemudian cari kode yang mirip seperti ini
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Judul Blog Sobat (Header)' type='Header'/>
... merupakan kode yang agak panjang, jadi saya tidak menuliskannya.
Dan dibawahnya kode </b:section> pada kode diatas letakkan kode berikut
<b:section id='header-right' showaddelement='yes'/>
<div style='clear: both;'/>
Contoh Penerapannya
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title=' Judul Blog Sobat  (Header)' type='Header'/> 
<b:section id='header-right' showaddelement='yes'/> 
<div style='clear: both;'/>
Langkah 4
Sekarang cari kode ]]></b:template-skin>  dan letakkan kode dibawah ini diatasnya
#layout #header {width: 50%; float: left;}
#layout #header-right {width: 50%; float: right;}
Langkah 5

Semoga bermanfaat, selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil

Tema Windows 7 RE-DEGETIZED

Limit Komputer | Pertamanya selamat berpuasa bagi yang menunaikannya. kembali lagi saya membagikan sebuah tema window 7 yang keren yaitu RE-DEGETIZED. tema yang satu ini tema DARK yang di dominasi Merah dan Hitam. temanya sangat bagus di gunakan untuk sobat yang gemar dengan kecantikan dektop karena memiliki tampilan yang keren dan elegan. berikut beberapa kelebihanya

    1. Kursor RE-DEGETIZED
    2. Beberapa wallpaper yang terganti otomatis
    3. Start menu keren dan transparan
    4. Toolbar yang keren
    5. Wallpeper buat starting windows
    6. Full Glass



      William Ponissi of Welsh Athletics is our latest guest blogger. He spells out why we should take up athletics! 

      Athletics is considered the king of Olympic sports, and it is not difficult to see why. Who can run the fastest?, jump the highest? or throw the farthest? – these questions have been in mankind’s mind since the beginning of times, and it is no wonder most of the track and field disciplines we know now were part of the original Games taking place in Olympia!

      In addition to their historical significance, athletics disciplines are a great way to get fit and prepare for any other sport you may want to try: running, jumping and throwing are basic skills that can be transferred to every other discipline, from rugby to tennis, from gymnastics to judo. A good athletics base is a great way to build up for success for all sportspeople and it is not unusual to see footballers and others training on a track alongside full time track athletes.

       Joining a club is easy, with more than 75 affiliated to Welsh Athletics all around Wales, and can be done at any age. Clubs offer qualified and experienced coaching staff to assist with athlete development in a safe and healthy way, and by joining you can get access to a wide range of competitions in multiple disciplines such as track and field, cross country running, mountain and trail running and road races – there is something suited to everyone, 12 months a year.

      The London 2012 Olympic Games promise to be a special moment for the sport in Wales, with an incredible five athletes from Wales called up to Team GB. Christian Malcolm, at his fourth Olympics, Brett Morse, Rhys Williams, Gareth Warburton and team captain Dai Greene are all products of the excellent club setup we have in Wales and testament to how our country is preparing for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, where a record medal haul is on the cards.

      Each of our Famous Five athletes was inspired, in their youth, by watching British Olympic stars’ successes at previous Games and we hope they will provide a similar example to all Welsh youngsters watching from home. London 2012’s aim to “inspire a generation” rests in the incredible power of inspiration Olympic success has – and our moment to shine is now.

      Here's a list of your local athletics clubs - or call the Welsh Athletics office at 02920 644870.

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