Warung Bebas

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

Cara Stop Firefox Plugin Container

Salah Satu Penyebab internet anda lambat alia lemot adalah  karena  ulah : Firefox Plugin Container

Berikut  Cara Stop Firefox Plugin Container :

Cara Stop Firefox Plugin Container Cara Stop Firefox Plugin ContainerPengguna Mozilla Firefox akan mengalami kendala membuat komputer menjadi lambat bukan karena terjadi sesuatu pada komputer anda melainkan pada Firefox tersebut karena pada Firefox versi terbaru terdapat plugin Container.exe yang secara otomatis akan terinstall bersamaan dengan Firefox yang anda install.Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berikan Cara Stop Firefox Plugin Container.
Plugin container.exe adalah proses baru yang ditambahkan ke Firefox versi 3.6.6  keatas. Dengan plugin versi terbaru yang dalam proses instalasinya dipisahkan dari proses normal browser yang berarti, anda akan mendapatkan gangguan browsing bahkan ketika plugin tertentu berhenti bekerja atau crash dan sebagian dari itu plugin tersebut akan memakan sebagian dari memory PC dan akhirnya PC menjadi lambat.
Mari kita lihat bagaimana Cara Stop Firefox Plugin Container tersebut.

Cara Stop Firefox Plugin Container

Tugas dari plugin Container.exe tersebut adalah untuk mengatur plugin-plugin tambahan untuk menjalankan konten web yang mengandung video, music, game, dan flash dll, jika salah satu plugin tersebut mengalami crash seperti yang disebutkan diatas Firefox akan tetap berjalan tapi dalam keadaan yang tidak semestinya.
Seperti yang saya alami dan tentunya dengan anda juga, sempat berfikir itu adalah karena ada virus atau mungkin karena terlalu banyak membuka program tapi jika saya perbandingkan dengan Firefox sebelumnya tidak masalah, akhirnya saya mencoba menghapus cache dan cookies dan restart Firefox tersebut barulah kembali normal tapi tidak berselang lama kembali dibuat lambat.
Beriku ini adalah Cara Stop Firefox Plugin Container tersebut.
  • Pada adress bar firefox ketik about:config
  • Tekan Enter klik pada “I’ll be careful, I promise!” dan membuka jendela configurasi Firefox.
  • selanjutnya pada filter bar ketik dom.ipc.
  • Rubah tulisan true menjadi false dengan cara klik 2x pada tulisan : dom.ipc.plugins.enabled
  • Restart Firefox anda.
Selesai sudah, plugin container.exe sudah tidak akan berjalan lagi pada komputer teman – teman semuanya.Sekian informasi sederhana saya mengenai Cara Stop Firefox Plugin Container.

FOTO: Wanita Cina Berhati Malaikat

Hidup dalam kondisi yang serba kekurangan rupanya tak menghalangi seorang wanita China bernama Lu Xiaoying bersikap layaknya pahlawan. Wanita berusia 88 tahun ini sehari-hari bekerja sebagai pemulung dan tinggal seorang diri karena suaminya telah meninggal dunia. Aksi kepahlawanan Xiaoying menjadi buah bibir di China sejak diketahui bahwa ia telah menyelamatkan dan membesarkan 30 orang bayi yang ia temukan di tempat pembuangan sampah.

Sejak bertahun-tahun bekerja sebagai pemulung, Xiaoying seringkali menemukan bayi yang dibuang di tempat sampah. Meskipun ia sendiri hidup kesusahan, tapi Xiaoying tetap tak tega jika harus membiarkan bayi tersebut dibuang oleh orang tuanya. Oleh karena itu sejak tahun 70’an, terhitung sudah sekitar 30 bayi yang ia ambil dari tempat sampah dan ia selamatkan.

Xiaoying membesarkan bayi-bayi yang ia temukan seorang diri. Jika bayi tersebut sudah beranjak dewasa, Xiaoying akan mencarikan keluarga asuh bagi anak-anak tersebut, karena ia sadar bahwa ia tak sanggup menyekolahkan dan merawat semua ‘anaknya’ hingga dewasa.

Kini Xiaoying sudah berumur 88 tahun dan menderita gagal ginjal, namun hal tersebut rupanya tak menghalanginya merawat ‘anak bungsunya’ yang ia temukan sekitar 6 tahun yang lalu di tempat pembuangan sampah..

Ini Bukti Doa Ibu Didengar Tuhan

beritadotcom Seorang pria yang sudah dinyatakan meningga; dunia telah kembali ke desa asalnya di Bangladesh setelah 23 tahun. Selama 15 tahun terakhir mendekam di penjara Pakistan. Sejak dia hilang, ibunya selalu berdoa agar dia pulang dalam keadaan selamat.

Anggota keluarganya selama ini yakin tidak akan pernah melihatnya lagi, tercengang ketika Moslemuddin Sarkar kembali ke rumah untuk pertama kalinya sejak hilang tahun 1989.

Sarkar dibantu rumah oleh Komite Palang Merah Internasional setelah ia dipenjarakan di Pakistan selama 15 tahun.

Ratusan simpatisan baik berjajar di jalan-jalan desa Bishnurampur, di Bangladesh Utara, Kabupaten Mymensingh, untuk melihat sekilas tentang dia dan mengucapkan selamat. Keluarganya menangis dan gembira.

Dalam sebuah wawancara telepon, seperti disiarkan dailymail 2 Agustus 2012, Sarkar mengatakan ia telah memasuki India tanpa dokumen yang sah pada tahun 1989, tanpa memberitahu keluarganya.

Dia kemudian tertangkap saat berusaha menyeberang ke Pakistan pada tahun 1997 di mana ia dipenjara karena mencoba memasuki negara itu secara ilegal.

Berbicara dalam kombinasi bahasa Urdu dan Bangali, ia menambahkan: "Saya pergi ke Pakistan percaya bahwa saya akan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih baik di sana. Tapi mereka menangkap saya di perbatasan. Saya dipukuli dan disiksa di penjara.

"Saya menulis puluhan surat ke alamat desa saya, tapi tidak memiliki petunjuk bahwa surat-surat itu disampaikan. Akhirnya saya putus asa, kehilangan semua harapan kembali ke rumah." Dia menambahkan bahwa dia senang ketika melihat ibunya masih hidup.

Palang Merah memfasilitasi kembalinya Sarkar setelah keluarganya menerima informasi bahwa dia dikurung di Pakistan. Menurut juru bicara Onchita Shadman, yang menggambarkan bahwa dia 'lemah dan kewalahan'.

Julhas Uddin, saudara Sarkar, kata sebagian besar keluarga itu mengkhawatirkan yang terburuk. "Kami mencarinya selama bertahun-tahun dan akhirnya menyerah berharap percaya ia mungkin telah tenggelam di laut. Tapi ibu kami selalu berdoa dan percaya bahwa anaknya akan pulang suatu hari, "katanya.

Ibunya pingsan saat ia memeluknya setelah kembali. Itu adalah pemandangan yang memilukan. Wanita tua itu tidak bisa membendung air matanya selama berjam-jam.


Ini Dia 3 Sungai Paling Tercemar di Dunia

Industrialisasi dan pencemaran lingkungan mengubah wajah beberapa sungai di dunia. Tiga sungai ini misalnya, disebut-sebut sebagai yang paling tercemar di antara semuanya.

Sungai adalah bagian dari alam yang punya peran krusial. Sungai-sungai di dunia jadi habitat bagi ratusan bahkan ribuan ekosistem. Sungai menjadi sumber kehidupan manusia, dari aspek pertanian hingga PLTA. Bagi para traveler, sungai juga menjadi ajang wisata bertualang lewat rafting dan body rafting.

Sayangnya, beberapa sungai di dunia menjadi tempat bersemayamnya limbah industri atau beralih fungsi jadi tempat pembuangan sampah. Sungai-sungai ini tak layak untuk didatangi, apalagi jadi habitat berbagai flora dan fauna!

Berikut 3 sungai paling tercemar di dunia berdasarkan situs Best Reviewer, Selasa (31/7):

1. Sungai Citarum, Indonesia

Citarum adalah sungai terpanjang dan terbesar di Jawa Barat. Perannya krusial bagi masyarakat di provinsi ini. Selain pertanian, air Sungai Citarum juga digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan industri dan PLTA. Sayangnya, industri ini pula yang jadi salah satu penyebab tercemarnya Sungai Citarum.

Hampir tiap jengkal permukaan sungai ini penuh oleh sampah dan limbah. Setiap hari, masyarakat membuang ratusan ton limbah ternak ke sungai tersebut.Tak heran Citarum menyandang sebagai sungai paling tercemar di dunia.

Parahnya lagi, Citarum jadi sumber air bagi 15 juta orang yang tinggal di bantaran sungainya. Sungai ini jadi sumber kehidupan bagi berbagai daerah seperti Kabupaten Bandung dan Kabupaten Cianjur. Mereka menggunakan air dari Sungai Citarum untuk beragam keperluan mulai dari mencuci hingga memasak.

2. Sungai Yamuna, India

Sungai Yamuna terletak di sebelah utara India. Pada 1909, air sungai ini tergolong sebagai "biru jernih" bila dibandingkan dengan Sungai Gangga yang berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Namun, akibat pertumbuhan populasi dan industrialisasi, Yamuna menjadi salah satu sungai paling tercemar di dunia.

Bayangkan saja, sungai ini jadi 'tong' bagi 58% sampah di New Delhi! Pemerintah kota tersebut sudah berupaya melakukan berbagai hal untuk membuat Yamuna kembali bersih. Namun, 'tradisi' pembuangan sampah itu tampak sulit berhenti.

3. Sungai Buriganga, Bangladesh

Buriganga adalah sungai yang berada di Kota Dhaka. Sungai ini berfungsi sebagai jalur transportasi air antar kota di Bangladesh. Waktu bangsa Mughal menjadikan Dhaka sebagai ibukota negara pada 1610, Buriganga telah menjadi jalur utama untuk perdagangan. Sungai ini juga menjadi sumber air minum untuk seluruh kota.

Namun, sekarang Sungai Buriganga tercemar parah. Penyebab utamanya adalah polusi yang terdiri dari limbah kimia, plastik, minyak, sampai limbah rumah tangga. Kota Dhaka mengeluarkan ribuan ton sampah per harinya, dan mayoritas sampah dibuang ke Buriganga!

Menurut Departemen Lingkungan setempat, setiap hari Kota Dhaka membuang 20.000 ton sampah termasuk sampah beracun. Ada sembilan pabrik di sekitar Dhaka yang jadi sumber polusi ini. Akhirnya, 4 juta penduduk Dhaka terkena dampak polusi itu setiap harinya.

Gambar Lucu Kompetisi Nasional Sumo Anak-anak di Jepang

Anda tidak harus menjadi orang dewasa yang berat badan mencapai ratusan Kg, terbukti olahraga gulat sumo asli Jepang ini digemari anak-anak sekolah, bahkan mereka sangat kompetitif membuktikan ketangguhan mereka di setiap kompetisi.

Berikut ini adalah foto-foto anak laki-laki dari segala bentuk dan ukuran pada kompetisi gulat sumo di turnamen Sumo Anak Nasional di Tokyo.

• Salah satu pesaing di turnamen Sumo Anak Nasional di Tokyo bereaksi dengan wajah ekspresif setelah pertarungan

• Hayato Matsunaga berjalan kembali melintasi cincin sumo setelah ia mengalahkan lawan yang lebih besar dari dia

Orang Jepang menganggap Sumo adalah seni bela diri modern, meskipun olahraga ini mempunyai sejarah yang membentang dari beberapa abad.

• 300 pegulat anak-anak Jepang mengambil bagian dalam kompetisi tahunan.

Sumo gulat adalah obsesi nasional di Jepang di mana para pesaing raksasa, yang dikenal sebagai rikishis, dipandang sebagai pahlawan nasional dan menjadi simbol seks.

Berukuran penuh pegulat dapat berat lebih dari 250kg dan agar tetap dalam memerangi bentuk yang mereka butuhkan untuk mengkonsumsi 20.000 kalori sehari.

• Kompetitor mencoba untuk menarik satu sama lain dari cincin

• Meskipun wajah mereka penuh dengan konsentrasi dan tenaga selama pertandingan, mereka anak laki-laki tersenyum saat mereka menyaksikan lawan lainnya bersaing

• Kaito Igarashi bereaksi setelah ia kehilangan pertarungan di kompetisi

Tradisi ini sangat penting dan sebelum setiap pertarungan pegulat melakukan ritual yang dikenal sebagai latihan Shiko mana mereka menginjak-injak kaki mereka untuk mengusir roh jahat.

• Anak laki-laki pertama yang menyentuh tanah dengan bagian tubuhnya selain telapak kakinya kehilangan pertarungan, yang biasanya berlangsung kurang dari satu menit

• Para orang tua bersorak dan bertepuk tangan dari pinggir lapangan pada kompetisi ini

Gambar Gereja Kuno Terbuat Dari Kayu

Ukraina memiliki banyak Gereja kuno yang penuh dengan pesona keindahannya. Silahkan perhatikan di beberapa foto dibawah ini yang menggambarkan perbedaan dari beberapa Gereja Katedral yang dibangun pada abad yang berbeda dan di bawah pengaruh yang berbeda.

Nikolskaya Church.

Old Ropsk, Dari Abad ke 17

Pokrovskiy Cathedral.

Jaman dulu Gereja sering dipindahkan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Ketika suatu daerah akan membangun satu gereja yang baru, yang lama tidak dibiarkan hancur begitu saja, melainkan dibeli oleh orang lain. Sekarang sulit dibayangkan siapa yang ingin membeli sekaligus memindahkan gereja tersebut? akam tetapi banyak para sejarahwan yang mengatakan hal itu adalah benar.

6 Macam Style Navigasi Halaman Untuk Blogger

Kali ini saya akan menuliskan tutorial untuk blogger tentang cara membuat navigasi halaman di blogger (navigasi 1 > 2 > 3 > ... Next).

Sebenarnya dulu saya sudah pernah menuliskan caranya yaitu : Cara Membuat Navigasi Halaman Di Blogger (1>2>3>dst...)

Pada tutorial kali ini saya akan menuliskan panduan membuat blogger pagenavi yang berbeda dengan script terdahulu, selain itu di sini saya juga menyertakan 6 macam style (css) yang nantinya bisa kamu pilih sesuai selera.

Ok mari kita mulai ....

Ups ... Hampir lupa, sebaiknya backup dulu template yang kamu gunakan, agar jika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan atau ada eror kamu bisa mengembalikannya seperti semula.

Cara Pasang Navigasi Halaman

  1. Login ke blogger
  2. Klik Rancangan/Design, kemudian klik menu Edit HTML (bagi pengguna blogger tampilan baru langsung ke tab Template saja)
  3. Beri centang pada bagian Expand Template Widget
Cari kode berikut
Jika kamu merasa susah mencari kode tersebut silakan baca dulu Cara Mudah + Cepat Mencari Kode Html di Blogger
Jika kode tersebut sudah dapat silakan pasang kode berikut di atas kode</body> tadi
<script type='text/javascript'>
var home_page=&quot;/&quot;;
var urlactivepage=location.href;
var postperpage=10;
var numshowpage=4;
var upPageWord ='Prev';
var downPageWord ='Next';
<script src='http://scriptabufarhan.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pagenaviv202-min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
atau jika tidak bisa gunakan yang ini
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
var home_page=&quot;/&quot;;
var urlactivepage=location.href;
var postperpage=10;
var numshowpage=4;
var upPageWord ='Prev';
var downPageWord ='Next';
<script src='http://scriptabufarhan.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pagenaviv202-min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
Catatan :
var postperpage=10; = jumlah poting perpage (perhalaman)
var numshowpage=4; = jumlah nomor navigasi yang ditampilkan
Jangan disimpan dulu ya, karena masih ada kode yang haru kamu pasang lagi.
Sekarang cari kode
Kemudian ganti kode tersebut dengan kode ini
'data:label.url + &quot;?&amp;max-results=10&quot;'
Lajut ...

6 Macam Style Navigasi Halaman Untuk Blogger

Sekarang cari kode ]]></b:skin>
Jika sudah dapat silakan pasang kode css berikut tepat di atasnya, kemudian simpan pengaturan template kamu. Silakan pilih salah satu dari 6 Style berikut (Ingat, salah satu saja, urutan gambar di atas sudah saya sesuaikan dengan urutan style):
Style 1
.showpageArea {
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.showpageNum a:hover {
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Style 2
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Nah itulah tutorial membuat navigasi halaman di blogger.

Sumber 6 Macam Style Navigasi Halaman Untuk Blogger :
Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil

Tutorial bikin menu horizontal di blogger

Kali ini saya akan mencoba menulis tutorial / cara mudah bikin menu horizontal di blogger. Sebenarnya ada banyak cara untuk membuat menu horizontal di blogger, sehingga saya bingung mau menuliskan tutorial menu horizontal blogger yang bagaimana.

Akhirnya saya putuskan untuk menuliskan panduan membuat menu horizontal untuk blogger yang menurut saya mudah, dan semoga tutorial ini dapat di fahami dan mudah di praktik kan.

Oke langsung saja.

Panduan membuat menu horizontal blogger
  1. Login ke dashboard blogger
  2. Klik menu Design/Rancangan (Klik menu Tata Letak = untuk blogger tampilan baru menunya ada di sebelah kiri)
  3. Klik Add Gadget / Tambah Gadget.
  4. Pilih/klik opsi HTML/Javascript
  5. Kemudian masukkan kode menu horizontal yang saya tulis diakhir artikel ini.
  6. Klik Save / Simpan
  7. Selesai
Nah itulah tutorial bikin menu horizontal blogger.

Catatan :
Letakkan gadget di tempat yang sesuai (biasanya di bawah gadget header)

Berikut kode menu horizontal yang harus di masukkan pada gadget HTML/JavaScript (no:4 - 5)
#cat-menu { background:none; height:35px;}
/* category navigation */
.nav { background:#f5f5f5;width:100%;z-index:99; float:left; margin:5px 0 10px 0; padding:0px; list-style:none; height:35px;}
.nav a { position:relative; color:#555; display:block; z-index:100; text-decoration:none; }
.nav li { float:left; width:auto; border-right:1px solid #d9d9d9; }
.nav li a { font:bold 11px/15px Arial,serif; padding:10px 12px; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase; }
.nav li a:hover{ background:#333; color:#fff; text-decoration:underline;}</style>
<div id='cat-menu'>
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AHS 2012

Hello all!  I was hoping to hold off on this announcement until tomorrow or Sunday, but
  1. I will be traveling with unknown internet availability this weekend,  and
  2. AHS12 folks changed their refund/transfer policy
So ... it is with some regret (and several other thoughts I will blog on in due time) that I'm informing my readers that I cannot attend AHS12.    The short story of the long is that my husband's recent change in employment leaves me without a travel companion and chauffeur -- again, there'll be a bit more in the long story ;-)   

I have tried to contact any donors who made donations specifically for this purpose, but I may have missed a few.  The PayPal interface isn't that friendly for such things and I had missed quite a few changing accounts back and forth.  If you donated spcifically for AHS12 and are learning of this for the first time just now, please email me and I'm more than happy to make things right. 

On to the next order of business.  AHS12 used to have a "full refund" policy once the next person on the waiting list purchased the tickets.  This policy changed.  They are now allowing folks such as myself to sell/transfer our tickets outright. 

I currently hold ONE ticket to the Symposium, and ONE ticket to the Barefoot Ball.   

Before I go and do anything crazy like put it on ebay (grin), email me if you're interested and we'll talk.  This symposium is so heavily populated by carbophobes, I would ultimately love for the ticket to go to someone with Carb-Sanity!   So email me (carbsane at gmail dot com) ASAP.

Private Equity, Obfuscatory Advertising, and Making Health Care a Commodity: Lessons from Cerberus Capital Management

The use of advertising by Steward Health Care, currently a regional hospital system here in New England, continues to provide lessons about how public relations and marketing may be used to shape the health care policy debate.  Stand by because the story is convoluted.

Steward Promotes "New Health Care," Whatever That May Be

This week, Commonwealth reported on Steward's latest high profile advertising campaign in the Boston area,
Steward Health Care is using the Olympics to hone its image. The Boston-based chain of 10 community hospitals, many of which were on the verge of going under when Steward acquired them, is running a series of ads on WHDH-TV (Channel 7) during Olympics coverage that cast the company as a delivery system for a new type of world-class health care.

While visible, the advertisements are notably vague. One features
a Steward employee who says she believes 'world class health care is here.' Another of the initial ads features individual doctors and technicians pledging to be stewards of 'the new health care,' which is the tagline for all of the Steward ads.

What the 'new health care' means is never fully explained in the ads

One local health care expert
Paul Levy, the former CEO of Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center, said he thinks the ads are part of a campaign by [Steward Health Care owner] Cerberus [Capital Management] to make Steward more attractive to would-be buyers. 'This has very little to do with anything other than establishing the image and the brand of the Steward hospitals so when the day comes when Cerberus sells the company it will be better received in the public markets,' Levy said.

The article had noted that
Cerberus Capital Management, a New York private equity firm, owns Steward,...

So it is possible that no one at Steward really has any idea what sort of "new health care" the organization is promoting

Steward's CEO Promotes Health Care as a Commodity

However, there is reason to think that the top leadership of Steward, and probably of Cerberus Capital Management, the private equity group that owns it, actually does have a clear idea what new health care they are promoting.

Almost simultaneous with the Commonwealth article and the Olympic advertising campaign an interview appeared with Steward's CEO in Fortune. CEO Dr Ralph de la Torre first pitched medicine as science,
A lot of us physicians went into medicine because we loved the art aspect of it. There wasn't a lot of real hard-core science when many of today's doctors went into medicine. It was your intuition, your abilities, the gestalt of what was going on. But something happened in medicine along the way. It started becoming a real science, and a lot of studies have come out that guide what we do and how we do it. We as a society need to understand that science has to guide our practice of medicine. Not everyone with a headache needs a CAT scan; not everybody with a sprained ankle needs an MRI.

This sounds like it could be an affirmation of evidence-based medicine, the approach that attempts to base medicine on systematic search for and critical review of the best clinical research, among other things. However, De la Torre takes it a big step further, citing:
In deference to those who love the individual hospital, you have to look back at America and the trends in industries that have gone from being art to science, to being commodities. Health care is becoming a commodity. The car industry started off as an art, people hand-shaping the bodies, hand-building the engines. As it became a commodity and was all about making cars accessible to everybody, it became more about standardization. It's not different from the banking industry and other industries as they've matured. Health care is finally maturing as an industry, and part of that maturation process is consolidation. It's getting economies of scale and in many ways making it a commodity.

Apparently Dr De la Torre does not see a distinction any longer between health care, or to use an old-fashioned word, medicine, traditionally considered an art or practice of caring for individual patients, and making automobiles on an assembly line. Dr De la Torre may be deeply misinterpreting evidence-based medicine, which is about evidence from clinical research, but also much more. Consider how the Cochrane Collaboration discusses it:
Evidence-based health care

Evidence-based health care is the conscientious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients or the delivery of health services. Current best evidence is up-to-date information from relevant, valid research about the effects of different forms of health care, the potential for harm from exposure to particular agents, the accuracy of diagnostic tests, and the predictive power of prognostic factors [1].

Evidence-based clinical practice is an approach to decision-making in which the clinician uses the best evidence available, in consultation with the patient, to decide upon the option which suits that patient best [2].

Evidence-based medicine is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence-based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research [3].

[1] Cochrane AL. Effectiveness and Efficiency : Random Reflections on Health Services. London: Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1972. Reprinted in 1989 in association with the BMJ. Reprinted in 1999 for Nuffield Trust by the Royal Society of Medicine Press, London, ISBN 1-85315-394-X.[2] Gray JAM. 1997. Evidence-based healthcare: how to make health policy and management decisions. London: Churchill Livingstone.
[3] Sackett DL, Rosenberg WMC, Gray JAM, Haynes RB, Richardson WS. 1996. Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn't. BMJ 312: 71–2 [3] [Full text]

Note the emphasis on making decisions for individuals based on what is best for each, and the integration of evidence from clinical research with clinical expertise. This is far from commoditization.

Nonetheless, Dr De la Torre seems to envision "new health care" like a 1930s automobile assembly line, with the physicians and other health professionals cast as assembly line workers, and the patients cast as automobiles.

Our next example may provide some explanations for this point of view.

Steward's Advertising Raises Questions of Whose Hands Should be on Health Care

As we discussed earlier, Steward Health Care has been working on acquiring a struggling local Rhode Island hospital system, and in doing so is in a dispute with the statewide non-profit Blue Cross health insurance company. Steward had been putting daily full-page advertisements in the local paper. A recent version (27 July, 2012), had this text:

With 80% of the market under its control, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island thinks it can decide which hospitals survive or fail. The people of Rhode Island beg to differ.

For the past decade, they've watched Blue Cross starve Landmark Medical Center of its funding. And this year, when Blue Cross issued an ultimatum to terminate the hospital, Rhode Islanders heard enough.

In a poll conducted this week by John Marttila, a nationally recognized leader on public attitudes concerning health care, 76% of respondents said that Blue Cross shouldn't be allowed to use their monopoly to dictate the fate of Rhode Island hospitals. They also felt, by a 2-1 margin, that if Landmark did indeed close, Blue Cross would be to blame.

However, soon after, investigative reporting by the Providence Journal's Ms Felice Freyer revealed that maybe the poll should have been interpreted differently. Not unexpectedly, Ms Freyer revealed the poll to have been "commissioned by Steward." Its basic results were really:
Just over half the respondents knew that Landmark was being sold to Steward, and of those, 58 percent did not have an opinion, 29 percent supported the sale, and 13 percent opposed it. However, among those who knew about the sale and also live in northern Rhode Island, the approval rating was higher –– 37 percent support the sale, with 15 percent disapproving and 48 percent having no opinion.

The pollster than provided prompting, perhaps in an attempt to get results more favorable to its client:
One of the questions starts with this statement: 'Blue Cross Blue Shield provides health insurance to 80 percent of Rhode Island. By refusing to negotiate on reimbursement rates, Blue Cross can essentially determine if hospitals in the state stay open or if hospitals close.' Based on that statement, 76 percent of respondents agreed that 'Blue Cross should not be allowed to use its monopoly to dictate which hospitals stay open and which close their doors.'

Unfortunately, it appears that the prompting statement was perhaps not fully accurate:
In 2011, Blue Cross covered 66 percent of Rhode Islanders with private health insurance, not 80 percent, according to a report by the Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner.

Blue Cross denies that it has refused to negotiate.

'We have negotiated in good faith and have offered a fair contract to Landmark Hospital that is consistent with our reimbursement arrangements for other independent hospitals,' Blue Cross said in a statement. 'Unfortunately, Steward has been unwilling to enter into a contract under those conditions.'

While they touted probably methodologically biased survey results, Steward's local advertising campaign's headline might prompt some people to think about whose hands should really be on their health care. The advertising tries to limit this question to Blue Cross' influence. However, one might also ask whose hands control Steward Health Care?

Whose Hands are on Steward Health Care?

As the Commonwealth article above pointed out, Steward Health Care is a wholly owned subsidiary of Cerberus Capital Management, a New York based private equity firm.

Cerberus' top leadership includes
- CEO Steven A Feinberg, who, as we noted previously, was listed as number 21 on a list of the 25 most powerful businessmen in 2007 by Fortune, at that time running through Cerberus 50 companies with total revenues of $120 billion.  On Wikipedia, his net worth was estimated as $2 billion in 2008.
- Chairman John W Snow, who, as we noted previously, resigned as Treasury Secretary in the administration of President George W Bush "in 2006 only because it was revealed that he had not paid any taxes on $24 million in income from CSX, which had forgiven Snow's repayment of a gigantic loan that the company had made to him," according to Chareles Ferguson in Predator Nation.
- Chairman, Cereberus Global Investments J Danforth Quayle, the controversial former US Vice President during the George H W Bush administration.

Furthermore, Cerberus Capital Management, which wholly owns Steward Health Care, owns several other businesses.  As we noted here, these include, DynCorp (see their web-site), which has been called one of the "leading mercenary firms," by an article in the Nation.  As reported by Bloomberg, DynCorp, and hence indirectly about Cerberus, and Steward Health Care, in 2011 settled accusations that it overbilled the US government for construction work in Iraq.   Furthermore, as we noted here, Cerberus also owns the biggest manufacturer of firearms and ammunition in the US. As reported by BusinessWeek in 2010, Cerberus owns 13 brands of fire-arms and munitions under the umbrella Freedom Group.

So while Cerberus Capital Management would like us to believe that Rhode Island residents question the hands of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island on a struggling local hospital system, it seems to be trying to avoid questions about whose hands would be on the hospital system were Cerberus Capital Management's subsidiary Steward Health Care to acquire it. 


So, to recapitulate this winding story....   A regional hospital system has been pushing its "new health care" idea.  However, its former surgeon CEO promotes new health care as commoditized health care, assembly line health care, in which doctors become assembly line workers and patients become widgets.  This seems bizarre until one realizes that the CEO actually works for a huge private equity firm whose goal is to make a lot of money in the short-term.  Standardized, commoditized health care is likely to be cheaper to provide than individualized health care.  Private equity firms thrive by cutting their subsidiaries' costs, and then selling them quickly, sometimes before the long-term consequences of these cuts become apparent.  (Look here.)

So there are two lessons.

To repeat the lesson from our earlier post, everybody, doctors, other health care professionals, health policy makers, patients, and the public ought to be extremely skeptical of the marketing and public relations efforts of big health care organizations.  Based on the examples above, they ought to be particularly skeptical of organizations that are overtly for profit, and/or have a clear focus on short-term revenue generation.  As a society we need to think about how to best counter these biased, incomplete, sometimes grossly deceptive efforts to manipulate public psychology and opinions through our rights to free speech and a free press.

To add a lesson, everybody, doctors, other health professionals, health policy makers, patients and the public ought to be extremely wary of the ongoing corporatization of medicine and health care.  Corporate leaders who often get large incentives for maximizing short term revenue are likely to be enthused about turning our health care into a commodity.  Doctors and health care professionals should not want to be assembly line workers, and patients surely should not want to be widgets. 

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