Warung Bebas

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Scary Professors

When I first started graduate school, I was sometimes scared to talk to my advisor. It wasn't anything in particular about him, it was the role he was in. In pretty much every job I've ever had I've always felt a little weird around my "boss". It's just not someone I tend to feel chummy around. Maybe it's just how I was raised, I don't know.

But toward the middle / end of my PhD, our relationship shifted to being more peer -like instead of student/teacher -like, and I felt much more comfortable with him.

It's been very interesting shifting to the other side of the desk. I met with a graduate student recently, and during our meeting I noticed their hands were shaking. I tried everything I could to put them at ease, but no matter what I tried they still seemed terrified.

Now, it's true I'm mean and uber-scary looking (like Miss Viola Swamp), but I wonder if there's anything I can do to make students feel less scared when they come visit. Maybe I need a gigantic stuffed animal in my office. ("Hug me if you're scared!").

Heck, some days I need one of those...

Back to Internet Marketing

Setelah lebih dari setahun ga posting di blog ini Alhamdulilah sekarang diberi kesempatan tuk posting. Karena hampir setahun ini saya ga punya komputer pribadi...。・゚゚・(>_<;)・゚゚・。 berbekal online cuma lewat hape aja. Untunglah masih punya beberapa blog yang masih menghasilkan dolar tiap harinya walaupun ga banyak.
Melihat temen-temen yang udah berjaya di bisnis internetnya kadang bikin iri... cuma ah rejeki itu sudah ada qodarnya kita cukup menjalani dan berdoa. Cuma setelah bisa beli komputer baru ini timbul hasrat tuk kembali ke dunia Internet Marketing, mencari-cari niche market yang masih blum banyak persaingan hehehe....
Karena walau bisa dibilang gaji saat ini cukup lumayan, cuma yang namanya aktive income itu bakalan lenyap ketika kita sudah ga bekerja lagi... makanya sambil tetep aktif mencari aktive income juga sambil mengusahakan tuk dapet passive income... Yah kalo impian aq sih kalo dah pas tua masih punya penghasilan jadi ga nyusahin anak-anak hihihi... oke deh gitu aja... kapan-kapan disambung lagi.....

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