Warung Bebas

Jumat, 09 November 2012

Sinopsis Film 'Merah Putih 3'

Produser: Conor Allyn, Jeremy Stewart, Gary L Hayes
Sutradara: Yadi Sugandi, Conor Allyn
Penulis: Conor Allyn, Rob Allyn
Pemeran: Donny Alamsyah, Rahayu Saraswati, T Rifnu Wikana, Atiqah Hasiholan, Lukman Sardi, Astri Nurdin, Darius Sinathrya, Rudy Wowor, Ario Bayu, Michael Bell, dll.
Tanggal edar (perdana): Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Sinopsis Film

Dengan latar belakang masa revolusi di awal tahun 1948, sekelompok kadet menjadi pasukan gerilya elit setelah kejadian pembunuhan massal para calon prajurit di tahun 1947. Setelah menyelesaikan misi yang berakhir tragis dengan kehilangan anggota, kesetiaan kelompok ini kembali diuji dengan mundurnya pimpinan mereka, Amir (Lukman Sardi) dari Angkatan Darat.

Para kadet membawa dendam mereka dalam perjalanan misi mereka ke Bali tempat Dayan yang bisu (T Rifnu Wikana) tinggal, untuk membalas dendam kepada Belanda.

Mereka dikirim ke Bali untuk membunuh Kolonel Raymer (Michael Bell), yang telah membunuh keluarga Tomas (Donny Alamsyah) di awal trilogi ini. Tomas dipilih sebagai pemimpin baru dari kelompok kadet ini.

Menghadapi meriam kapal perang Belanda, Marius yang playboy dan peminum (Darius Sinathrya) harus mengatasi rasa takutnya karena persaingannya dengan Tomas untuk memperebutkan Senja, seorang gadis berdarah biru (Rahayu Saraswati).

Sesampainya di Bali, kelompok taruna ini menyelamatkan Dayu (Ranggani Puspandya) dari kekejaman Kolonel Raymer. Salah satu dari kelompok kadet hampir mati terbunuh. Saat teman mereka sedang berjuang antara hidup dan mati, kelompok kadet bertemu dengan pemimpin pemberontak bawah tanah Wayan Suta (Nugie). Tomas bentrok dengan pimpinan mereka terdahulu, Amir (Lukman Sardi) saat mereka merencanakan serangan terakhir untuk melawan Raymer.

Why It's Crazy to Want Your Most Confidential Information Put into An Electronic Medical Records System

Besides the reasons I outlined in posts retrievable by these query links (link, link), there's this from ZDNet.com:

Microsoft warns of first critical Windows 8, RT security flaws

It's been less than a month since Windows 8 and Windows RT-powered Surface tablets were launched and went on sale, but Microsoft is already warning that the two next-generation operating systems contain critical security vulnerabilities that are due to be patched this coming Tuesday.

Among the various flaws, versions from Windows XP (Service Pack 3) all the way through to Windows 8 are affected, including versions of the Office suite, and versions of Windows Server. Released only in September, Windows Server 2012 requires patching to maintain maximum security.

The latest vulnerabilities include three critical security vulnerabilities for Windows 8, and one critical security vulnerability for the Surface-based Windows RT operating system. These flaws are considered "critical" and could allow remote code execution on vulnerable systems.

I note that Windows XP was released worldwide for retail sale on October 25, 2001, which was more than eleven years ago.  That security vulnerabilities are still being patched in 2012 is stunning.  Also, many enterprise information systems and most hospital clients (workstations) run on Windows-based servers and Windows installed local machines (UNIX, MacOS and other OS's are very rare on general-purpose hospital workstations).

From a Microsoft website here:

This partial list includes many very large HIT sellers.  There are many others as well.

By simple reckoning, it's likely we'll be seeing critical security vulnerabilities in Windows 8 - in 2023.

It goes without saying that these security problems will continue to be exploited by identity thieves, medical information merchants, and others with no rights to "protected" information.

In my opinion, the (still not yet realized) convenience of being able to have one doctor transmit your record to another, thus avoiding a FAX machine, the Postal Service or the telephone, and the trillion-dollar "solution" to the nearly non-existent problem of being found unconscious in some foreign land with no ID, no companions, and some hidden, critical medical condition not findable on physical exam and bloodwork, EKG, x-rays etc. that will cause death if not treated in minutes, is not worth the risk of having one's most private information spilled all over the Internet.

EHR's should not be accessible on networks beyond a physician's office or the robustly encrypted network of a hospital, and the information security personnel kept on very short leashes, for the foreseeable future.

I am unwilling to cede my own privacy to cybernetic utopians who ignore alarming evidence - plain to see at the aforementioned query links at the top of this post - nor can I in good faith recommend doing so to the public in 2012.

Considering the information in the many posts at the aforementioned query links (as here: link, link -- be aware you need to hit "older posts" at the bottom of each page to see all of them), that position is straightforward.

-- SS

11/9/2012 Addendum:

Also see my Oct. 2012 post "Computer Viruses Are 'Rampant' on Medical Devices in Hospitals."

-- SS

TGIF!!  warren and i have a little weekend to ourselves while the kiddos go to the mountains with the grandparents!!  i'm pumped!  I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!!  BTW, do you have the new mumford & sons album....lately i have been on the road a lot and i like to sing #7 super loud and i may or may not play the drums (okay so it's not actually a drum in the song but i act like there's one)....go listen to it....it give me chills!!

Mengapa Soekarno & Hatta Baru Dapat Gelar Pahlawan Sekarang?

Hai sobat, kali ini You'll Never Walk Alone akan memberikan informasi tentang Mengapa Soekarno & Hatta Baru Dapat Gelar Pahlawan Sekarang? Presiden Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono hari ini akan menganugerahkan gelar kepahlawanan kepada dua proklamator kemerdekaan RI, Soekarno dan Muhammad Hatta. Hal itu berdasarkan putusan sidang Dewan Gelar, Tanda Jasa, dan Tanda Kehormatan tahun ini.

Sidang yang diketuai oleh Menko Polhukam Djoko Suyanto menyatakan Gelar Tanda Jasa dan Tanda Kehormatan untuk pahlawan nasional saat ini jatuh pada Soekarno dan Hatta. Keputusan tersebut telah tertulis dalam Keputusan Presiden (Keppres) dan Presiden pun telah menandatanganinya semalam. Penganugerahan gelar pahlawan terhadap Mantan Presiden RI dan Wakil Presiden RI itu dalam rangka memperingati Hari Pahlawan tanggal 10 November besok.

Mengapa baru sekarang Soekarno dan Hatta mendapat gelar pahlawan nasional?

Pakar hukum tata negara Jimly Asshiddiqie menyatakan pendapatnya terkait gelar pahlawan yang baru diberikan kepada Soekarno dan Hatta setelah 64 Indonesia merdeka. Kedua orang ini seperti diasingkan saat pemerintahan zaman orde baru.

Menurut Jimly hal tersebut disebabkan pada dampak tercemarnya nama Soekarno dalam pemberontakan G-30-S/PKI. Soekarno diduga terlibat dalam pemberontakan yang menewaskan beberapa Jenderal tersebut. Bahkan, dugaan keterlibatan Soekarno tertulis dalam pertimbangan TAP XXXIII/MPRS/1967 tentang Pencabutan Kekuasaan Pemerintah Negara dari Presiden Soekarno.

"Bahwa ada petunjuk-petunjuk, yang Presiden Sukarno telah melakukan kebijaksanaan yang secara tidak langsung menguntungkan G-30-S/PKI dan melindungi tokoh-tokoh G-30-S/PKI," demikian isi dari ketetapan yang dikeluarkan tanggal 12 Maret 1967.

Meskipun Soeharto telah lengser, namun dampak politik ketetapan TAP XXXIII/MPRS/1967 itu dinilai belum selesai. Menurut Jimly yang merupakan anggota Dewan Gelar Tanda Jasa dan Tanda Kehormatan itu, masih perlu adanya upaya rehabilitasi sesuai UUD NKRI 1945.

"Masih perlu tindakan rehabilitasi sesuai UUD '45," tegas Jimly.

Sumber: berita.yahoo.com

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