Warung Bebas

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Inilah 10 Manfaat Berpuasa

Inilah 10 Manfaat Berpuasa - Secara umum, berpuasa merupakan kegiatan menahan diri dari hawa nafsu mulai dari sebelum terbit fajar hingga petang hari atau Maghrib. Dalam Islam, terdapat puasa yang wajib kita laksanakan yaitu puasa Ramadhan, yang dilaksanakan setiap bulan Ramadhan selama satu bulan penuh. Namun, tahukah Anda? Banyak sekali manfaat puasa yang bisa kita peroleh. Berikut inilah rangkumannya yang Espilen Blog dapatkan dari berbagai referensi.

Manfaat Berpuasa

1. Dapat Mengurangi Berat Badan
Puasa adalah cara yang paling cepat dan efektif untuk mengurangi berat badan, detoksifikasi , penyembuhan dan memperpanjang kemungkinan harapan hidup baik dengan cara preventif maupun kuratif.

2. Belajar Menjadi Orang yang Lebih Sabar dan Tenang
Sudah jelas, bahwa bila kita berpuasa dilarang untuk marah, dan melakukan hal-hal lainnya yang mengikuti nafsu sehingga kita dapat membiasakan diri untuk tenang dan sabar.

3. Sebagai terapi nutrisi yang natural
Puasa adalah salah satu cara penyembuhan alami terhebat yang pernah ada. Hampir bisa dikatakan bahwa puasa adalah obat dari semua masalah. Hewan pun secara insting akan berpuasa jika sakit. Puasa bisa mengalirkan kembali energi yang terpendam, lebih kreatif dan lebih merasa hidup. Masalah penyalahgunaan diet, pola makan westernisasi di negara dunia ketiga, telah menumbuhkan berbagai macam penyakit degeneratif seperti atherosklerosis, hipertensi, penyakit jantung, alergi, diabetes dan kanker.

4. Menajamkan fungsi indrawi.

5. Hidup lebih baik
Karena dengan puasa tidak hanya tubuh kita yang menjadi lebih sehat tapi juga hati kita Insya Allah menjadi lebih bersih, sehingga kehidupan kita menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

6. Lebih Mampu Mengendalikan Seks.
Dengan melakukan puasa, Insya Allah hawa nafsu kita terhadap seks dapat lebih terkendali.

7. Membersihkan Badan

8. Berpuasa Dapat Mengistirahatkan Sistem Pencernaan Kita
Mungkin selama kita hidup di dunia ini, hanya puasalah yang dapat membuat istirahat secara fisiologis pada sistem saluran pencernaan kita, perbanyaklah mengonsumsi buah dan sayuran untuk membantu proses ini.

9.  Merasa lebih baik secara fisik dan mental.

10. Memperlambat Proses Penuaan
Penuaan adalah suatu proses menghilangnya secara perlahan-lahan kemampuan jaringan untuk memperbaiki diri dan mempertahankan struktur dan fungsi normalnya sehingga tridak dapat memperbaiki kekurangan yang diderita. Dengan berpuasa, Insya Allah dapat memperlambat penuaan diri kita.

Demikian artikel yang bisa Espilen Blog sampaikan mengenai manfaat puasa ini. Mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan dan kekhilafannya. Semoga memberikan faedah.

Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Ibu Hamil

Laporan Pendahuluhan

Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Ibu Hamil (antenatal care)

Proses Terjadinya Kehamila

Kehamilan adalah.... 

Tanda dan Gejala Kehamilan

Tanda-tanda pasti kehamilan: 
Tanda-tanda kemungkinan 
Tanda-tanda mungkin dibagi
menjadi :

2.2.1. Tanda-tanda objektif

2.2.2. Tanda-tanda subjektif

Perubahan Selama Kehamilan


Imunisasi Pada Ibu Hamil

Imunisasi Pada Ibu Hamil  adalah tindakan preventif demi meningkatkan sistem kekebalan
tubuh ibu hamil dari infeksi bakteri, parasit dan virus. Akan tetapi, dokter
tak akan merekomendasikan pemberian vaksin dari virus hidup.
Alasannya adalah, selama masa kehamilan, daya tahan tubuh ibu hamil akan sedikit menurun sehingga memberikan vaksin hidup dikhawatirkan justru malah mengakibatkan infeksi

Masa Subur Wanita dan apa Yang Harus dilakukan

Masa Subur Wanita penting
untuk diketahui baik itu bertujuan sebagai metode kontrasepsi secara alami
ataupun mendukung keinginan anda untuk segera hamil. Dengan metode kontrasepsi
alami ini, pasangan suami istri bisa merencanakan kehamilan. Caranya yaitu dengan
menentukan waktu terjadinya ovulasi dan memprediksi hari-hari Puncak Masa Subur,
dan menghindari Hubungan Badan dengan pasangan. Agar

Nutrisi Pada Ibu Hamil

Kebutuhan Nutrisi Pada Ibu Hamil sangat dibutuhkan dan penting untuk dipenuhi dengan cukup. Tidak hanya demi menjaga kesehatan sang ibu hamil sendiri, namun juga demi menunjang tumbuh kembang bayi di dalam kandungan sang Ibu. Oleh karena itu, Ibu harus mencukupi kebituhan nutrisi ibu hamil yang cenderung semakin meningkat saat hamil. Berikut adalah beberapa bahan makanan yang memiliki banyak

The Low Carb Diet Meal Delusion

Fat Head had a post up yesterday.  In it he has the picture of the dining cart scene from Silver Streak (loved that movie!)  

The gist, grandma (and his high school wresting coach) knew it was carbs that were fattening and the diet plates were LC.  I would point out that wrestlers employing various dietary schemes to make weight for competition are probably not a good advertising point for any diet.  Meeting a number on the scale, or in the case of body builders looking ripped for competitions, is not necessarily equivalent to consuming a healthful diet (especially for the long term).  Wrestlers are prevalent among the growing numbers of men with eating disorders.

Read more »

Shut Up and Sell - the Corporate Physician's New Motto?

Evidence has been seeping into public view about the extent physicians who sign up to take care of patients as corporate employees give up their professionalism.

Shut Up...

In April, 2013, Medscape published an article whose striking title was "Can You Speak Out Without Getting Fired or Being Labeled a Troublemaker?"  The answer was basically "no."

Physicians often see problems at their workplaces relating to patient quality of care, financial practices, mistreatment of staff, and other issues. But as more doctors take jobs as employees of hospitals, medical groups, and other large organizations, they increasingly face the same dilemmas as millions of other working stiffs. When they come across actions or policies that they don't think are right, they have to decide whether it's worth it to speak out and get labeled as a troublemaker -- or perhaps even get fired.

 Across the country, a growing number of physicians are indeed losing their jobs -- and often their hospital staff privileges -- after protesting employment conditions. Such complaints may involve patient quality-of-care problems, short staffing, misallocation of funds, improper financial incentives, fraud and abuse, discrimination, overuse or withholding of medical services, or other misconduct, say organized medical groups, employment attorneys, and physician recruiters.

Of course, physicians swear oaths to put the needs of their individual patients first, and doing so within a large organization might well involve protesting conditions and practices that may affect the quality of care or even endanger patients.  But woe unto physicians who try to fulfill their professional responsibility when doing so goes up against the top executives to whom the physicians must now report.

'We were naive when we went into this,' says Maria Rivero, MD, who with her professional colleague and significant other Derek Kerr, MD, filed administrative complaints against their long-time hospital employer in 2010. 'We thought if we just brought it to people's attention, they would fix the problem and leave us alone. But if you blow the whistle on high-level executives, you need to prepare to be harassed and lose your job.'

Even working within the system to fix problems can lead to big trouble,

Still, the formal professional approach doesn't always work either. Cloyd Gatrell, MD, an emergency physician who was employed by EmCare, says that he and his wife Kathryn, a nurse, voiced concerns and presented data to executives at Carlisle Regional Medical Center in Pennsylvania in 2008 and 2009 on what they saw as inadequate nurse staffing levels that endangered patients.

After getting no results, Dr. Gatrell contacted the state health department, prompting a state inspection that found insufficient staffing. In 2010, he was fired by EmCare at the request of the hospital, according to his 2011 lawsuit against the hospital and EmCare claiming violation of whistleblower protection laws. His wife was fired earlier, and she sued separately. The hospital issued a statement declining comment on the litigation.

'We're supposed to be advocates for patients, but being employed puts us in a precarious position in taking a position on patient interests that's against what the hospital administration favors,' says Dr. Gatrell, whose suit is in the discovery stage. 'I think a physician still has that responsibility.'

Physicians who sign contracts with corporate employers, perhaps thinking that they will have less bureaucracy with which to contend and a more certain salary than they did in private practice, seem blissfully, or willfully unaware that those contracts may take away their ability to control their practices and stand up for their patients.

Still, federal and state whistleblower laws only provide protection from retaliation for physicians in certain situations, such as those employed by public entities or those who complain about civil rights violations or Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse. Otherwise doctors may have to rely on contract provisions or on state employment law, which may not offer much protection.

[An anesthesiologist on the AMA Board of Trustees and his hospital system's board,] Dr. Annis says that the AMA's new statement of principles for physician employment -- which asserts that physicians should not be retaliated against by their employers for speaking out on patient care issues -- provides support for doctors when they raise legitimate professional concerns with their employers. He says it's best for physicians to work through their medical staff organization.

But Dr. Gatrell points out that the AMA statement explicitly accepts that physician employment contracts may allow hospitals to strip doctors of their medical staff membership and clinical privileges at the same time they are terminated, known as a 'clean sweep' clause. 'If that's accepted by the AMA, the rest of the principles protecting physicians are meaningless," he argues. "If physicians can be fired without cause and then automatically lose their medical staff membership and its due process protection, how many will dare be a patient advocate?'

Some experts advise physicians not to sign employment agreements with such onerous provisions. But others say that physicians often have little leverage to remove them. 'It's not an equal negotiating table,' says Dr. Gatrell, who's now working for a small urgent care practice.

A May, 2013 article again in Medscape about the "4 Top Complaints of Employed Doctors," explained why physicians often see a lot they could or should protest to assure the quality of their patients' care,

 Some doctors report that hospital administrators treat them with a lack of respect. One female doctor said, also on condition of anonymity, that her biggest challenge on her job was 'how to handle nonphysician high school grads bossing you around when they function as your 'superiors' in your employer's organization. They manage their insecurities by bullying physicians and through passive aggressiveness, but always seem to gain the upper hand with those at the top.'

These are the sorts of brilliant administrators often hired by brilliant top executives, maybe at a cheap price to keep the bottom line and executive compensation healthy..  Furthermore, given that as we have discussed, "financialization" of hospital management often puts a bigger priority on short-term revenue than on quality care, as per one senior physician,

 'physicians are being increasingly targeted when they get in the way' of hospitals' agendas

To make more money faster, many hospital systems now seem to want physicians to only make referrals for lucrative tests and treatments within the system, even if some patients might be better served elsewhere,

The AMA recently issued guidelines for physician employment stating that 'a physician's paramount responsibility is to his or her patients.' Employers should not retaliate against physicians for asserting their patients' interests, according to these guidelines. 'In any situation where the economic or other interests of the employer are in conflict with patient welfare, patient welfare must take priority,' the AMA says.

The guidelines also call for employers and employed physicians to disclose to patients any agreements or understandings they have that restrict, discourage, or encourage particular treatment or referral options.

Nevertheless, employed physicians are often expected to refer patients within their own groups and send tests to a hospital laboratory or imaging center. Hospitals may tell employed surgeons which kinds of joint implants to use, and according to a New York Times article even whether to implant defibrillators in Medicaid patients. It's unclear how often any of this is disclosed to patients.

'What we doctors say is that we're ethically bound to our patients because we took an oath, and that's what our license is based on,' says Linda Brodsky. 'But many hospitals say, 'No, you're employed here, and what we say goes.'

Note that so far there seems to be little evidence that the AMA guidelines about physician employment are being honored other than in the breach.  It is also disappointing that the leadership of the medical society that represents internists seems so unworried,

 David L. Bronson, MD, President of the American College of Physicians, disputes Brodsky's assertion that hospitals tend to squelch doctors who criticize leadership for policies that they believe harm patient care. In fact, he says, healthcare organizations may identify outspoken physicians as potential leaders, 'as long as they're collaborative and trying to solve problems, and not just be a thorn in the side of everyone they know. Organizations are looking for physician leaders, and physicians who can collaborate and not just be adversarial can go far inside organizations.'

I would guess, having seen so many examples of generic management, mission-hostile management, management that seems more focused on the money than patient care, and management that seems to be able to make itself rich without evidence that it has done anything noteworthy to uphold hospitals' clinical missions, that hospital systems that promote physicians who are willing to speak out against hired executives are vanishingly rare.

And Sell

In June, 2013, Beckers Hospital Review published an article suggesting that now hospitals are going beyond just pressuring employed physicians to refer potentially profitable patients within the system, and now are pressuring physicians to act as salespeople to their colleagues,

 A few hospitals are beginning to train their employed physicians to "sell" the hospital, which involves asking referring doctors in the community to send patients their way....  the pressure to bring doctors into sales is mounting.

The author, the former publisher of Modern Healthcare, made a remarkable argument based on a definition that seems wildly optimistic,

 Customer service lies at the core of salesmanship. The Business Dictionary defines salesmanship as satisfying customer needs through a sincere and mutually beneficial process aimed at a long-term relationship.

Of course, skeptical physicians used to exposure to the sales tactics pharmaceutical and device companies use (look here, here, and here,  for example) might wonder why the author did not discuss such marketing tactics as the employment of half-truths and biased information, and the use of emotional appeals to trump reason and logic.

That the author was serious was shown by his list of seven pointers for hospitals seeking to transform its employed physicians into marketers.

Of course, physicians who are already "key opinion leaders" employed by drug and device companies, whose marketing executives may think. that "key opinion leaders were sales people for us," (see this post), might not be fazed by now being asked to market their own hospital.  Never mind about Principle II of the AMA Code of Ethics

II. A physician shall uphold the standards of professionalism, be honest in all professional interactions, and strive to report physicians deficient in character or competence, or engaging in fraud or deception, to appropriate entities.

The Moral of the Story

We have previously discussed various aspects of the travails of the brave new world of the corporate physician.  Physicians and other health professionals who sign on as full-time employees of large corporate entities have to realize that they are now beholden to managers and executives who may be hostile to their professional values, and who are subject to perverse incentives that support such hostility, including the potential for huge executive compensation.  Physicians seem to be willing to sign contracts that underline their new subservience to their corporate overlords, and likely trap them within confidentiality clauses that make blowing the whistle likely to lead to extreme unpleasantness.

It is disappointing that even medical societies that ostensibly support physicians' professional values have been afraid to warn against such employment, or do much to help physicians trapped within it.

Physicians who go to work for big corporations have to realize that they may be forced to put corporate executives' vested interests ahead of their patients.  Patients whose physicians work for big corporations must realize that their health care will now be corporate, with all that entails.

  As I have said before, we need to challenge the notion that direct health care should ever be provided, or that medicine ought to be practiced by for-profit corporations. I submit that we will not be able to have good quality, accessible health care at an affordable price until we restore physicians as independent, ethical health care professionals, and until we restore small, independent, community responsible, non-profit hospitals as the locus for inpatient care.

Daily Blog #3: The progession of the digital forensic examiner

Hello Reader,
    I've been asked these questions many times; "What does it take to become a 'real' digital forensic examiner?", and "What will it take for me to achieve a higher level of understanding and ability?" If you can create verifiable results in any tool that another examiner can recreate and successfully defend your findings I consider you to be a real digital forensic examiner. If you want to know what it takes to grow and become a better digital forensic examiner I decided to make the following list of milestones and optional achievements that an examiner can use to judge their place in their own digital forensic knowledge progression.

    Now this list is just for digital forensics, I don't know enough about the IR world to make a similar list. The list of milestones is not a linear path either, its met as a series of goalposts you can achieve in any order. The purpose of this post is not be judged on what you have not done, but rather to help you see what you can do in your continuing career as a digital forensic examiner. There is truly no ending point as the amount of data we can continue to research and understand grows on a daily basis! My plan is to expand this list into a series of posts that explain each milestone, what it takes to achieve it and how it benefits you. For those of you who want to join me in the overachiever club feel free to do all of them! Otherwise, pick the milestones that mean the most to you and your current needs and make a plan to succeed.

Milestone 1 - Your tool defines your workflow.
    This is where most examiners start, they get access to one tool (it doesn't matter what tool TCT/Encase/FTK/Xways/Prodiscover/SMART/etc..), they get some kind of training and their abilities are defined by what their tool suite can do.

Milestone 2 - You get certified on your tool.
    You've learned enough about your tool and the artifacts it parses to show competency through certification.

Milestone 3 - You look beyond your tool.
    You've found the limits of your tool and discovered there are additional artifacts that would help your investigation, you start using other tools in your investigations to augment your main suite.

Milestone 4 - You get certified with a vendor neutral certification.
    You realize that your vendor certification is great for showing competency in using their tool, but it does not represent your skills of the overall forensic process.

Milestone 5 - You become less about the tool and more about the artifact.
    You start memorizing where all your favorite artifacts are that you use in your investigations, you start comparing tools to see which gives you output you like the most.

Milestone 6 - You understand what's normal and what's missing for multiple versions of the same operating system.
    You've done enough investigations and testing now to be able to spot what's missing and let the users attempts to hide their actions guide your investigation.

Milestone 7 - You master re-creation testing.
    You are a virtual machine master easily testing new artifacts and hypothesis to create defensible results.

Milestone 8 - Your processes and workflow become not only understandable but accepted by 3rd parties.
    You've moved your ideas away from tools and to operating system versions, states and artifacts to the point that any other examiner can replicate your work with any tool.

Milestone 9 - You master more than one operating system's artifacts.
    You've moved beyond the first operating system you learned about and started the quest to learn more about other operating systems artifacts.

Milestone 10 - You understand how file systems store data and can run tests to determine behavior.
    You've moved beyond the artifact to the underlying operating system and file system for a deeper understanding.

Milestone 11 - You've realized that to optimize your workflow you need to learn some basic programming.
    Frustrated by how many separate tools you have to run and combine, you start to write your own scripts to stitch them together.

Milestone 12 - You've found enough deficiencies in the tools you use, you begin to write your own.
    You've learned the artifacts, you've read the white papers, now your ready to get the output in just the way you want it by writing your own version.

Milestone 13 - You've developed your own data structures parsers and you begin looking into new data structures to make new tools.
    You have moved beyond just recreating other peoples tools into creating your own! The digital world is your forensic oyster!

Milestone 14 - You get the artifact bug and spend your free time thinking of what else might exist and start creating testing environments solely to find new artifacts.
    The sheer number of possibilities has taken hold of you and you realize you've found a career for life.

The following are listed as Optional Achievements.

Why optional? Not every position where you will be doing computer forensics will put you in the position to be able to do all of these, but they are nice moments in your career that others will notice. 

Optional Achievement 1 - You submit an affidavit/declaration to the court

Optional Achievement 2 - You get appointed as a fact witness

Optional Achievement 3 - You get appointed as an expert witness

Optional Achievement 4 - You submit an expert report to the court

Optional Achievement 5 - You are accepted by a court as an expert

Optional Achievement 6 - You've contributed a plugin to a tool

Optional Achievement 7 - You've written a white paper on a forensic artifact

Optional Achievement 8 - You start a forensic blog

Optional Achievement 9 - You present research at a forensic conference

Optional Achievement 10 - You write a book on forensics

Optional Achievement 11 - You release a tool

Optional Achievement 12 - You find a new forensic artifact!

Disagree with me? Think I missed something? Want to do more with this? Comment below, lets talk.
In the following days I'll be writing a post per milestone to expound on what I mean and how you can determine if you've achieved it.

Cara Menghilangkan Bau Mulut Dengan Jitu dan Alami

Memiliki bau mulut yang tidak sedap tentunya sangat tidak nyaman, apalagi jika kita sedang berbicara dengan orang lain, membuat hilang rasa percaya diri. Nah jika anda memiliki masalah dengan bau mulut, semoga saja artikel tentang cara menghilangkan bau mulut dibawah ini bisa membantu anda menghilangkan bau mulut sehingga anda bisa lebih percaya diri.

Cara Menghilangkan Bau Mulut ? Nanti dulu, Ketahui dulu Sebabnya

Cara Menghilangkan Bau Mulut

Sebelum anda mempraktekan cara menghilangkan bau mulut sebaiknya anda tahu terlebih dahulu apa penyebab bau mulut itu. Beberapa penyebab baunya mulut kita diantaranya :

1. Tidak sarapan Pagi

Coba anda rasakan deh, jika tidak sarapan pagi biasanya mulai agak siang mulut kita menjadi bau. Dalam mulut itu ada bakteri yang bisa menyebabkan bau mulut, dengan sarapan maka produksi air liur dalam mulut akan meningkat dan akan membunuh bakteri penyebab bau mulut. Selain itu sarapan sangat berguna untuk pencernaan.

2. Sariawan

Ketika anda sariawan biasanya terjadi infeksi di mulut dan akan menyebabkan nanah yang bisa berbau tidak sedap di mulut.

3. Bakteri pembusuk

Bakteri yang tersembunyi di rongga mulut bisa menyebabkan bau mulut, dan ini biasanya penyebab paling umum dari bau mulut. Bakteri inilah yang membusukan sisa-sisa makanan yang masih menempel pada sela-sela gigi. Bakteri ini memproduksi senyawa belerang yang sangat mudah untuk menguap.

4. Merokok

Rokok selain menyebabkan berbagai penyakit yang berbahaya juga merupakan penyebab bau mulut yang sangat tidak sedap. Mohon Maaf (buat Anda yang Merokok) sebaiknya mulai sekarang berhentilah merokok demi kesehatan badan anda dan mulut anda.

5. Penyakit tertentu

Bau mulut juga bisa disebabkan oleh sakit tertentu seperti radang tenggorokan, amandel, dan gangguan pencernaan.

5 Cara Menghilangkan Bau Mulut

Nah sekarang mari kita telaah bagaimana sih cara menghilangkan bau mulut itu?

1. Disiplin Menggosok Gigi

Menggosok gigi adalah cara yang sangat mendasar untuk menghilangkan bau mulut. Yang harus anda ingat adalah kedisiplianan dalam menggosok gigi. Terlalu sering juga tidak baik, terlalu jarang juga tidak baik. Gosok gigi sehari dua kali sudah cukup diwaktu pagi dan sebelum tidur. Untuk anda yang masih tidak disiplin, paksakan diri untuk disiplin menggosok gigi, karena penyesalan dari ketidakdisiplinan dalam menggosok gigi akan terasa nanti.

2. Berkumur dengan Moutwash (Antiseptic)

Menggosok gigi saja masih menyisakan bakteri penyebab bau mulut. Memang menggunakan mouth wash juga belum bisa menjamin hilangnya semua bakteri, tapi dengan obat kumur maka akan mengurangi jumlah bakteri sehingga bisa menghilangkan bau mulut. Lakukan berkumur dengan obat kumur setelah anda menggosok gigi. Jika anda tidak memiliki obat kumur, berkumur dengan garam juga bisa menjadi alternatif obat kumur untuk menghilangkan bau mulut.

3. Mengkonsumsi Buah-Buahan

Penyebab bau mulut diantaranya adalah ketika dalam mulut kekurangan air liur atau mulut dalam keadaan kering. Dengan mengkonsumsi buah-buahan maka air liur dalam mulut akan meningkat karena buah-buahan mengandung banyak air dan vitamin C. Contoh buah-buahan yang bisa digunakan untuk menghilangkan bau mulut adalah, pear, apel, jambu, lemon dan lain-lain. Serat buah yang tinggi juga bisa menjadi pembersih gigi.Selain itu buah-buahan juga sangat baik untuk kesehatan pencernaan.

4. Minum Teh Hijau dan Berkumur  Daun Sirih 

Meminum teh hijau bisa mengatasi bau mulut karena teh hijau mengandung anti oksidan yang sangat tinggi. Teh hijau sangat menyehatkan untuk tubuh dengan cara menangkal radikal bebas penyebab penyakit. Sedangkan untuk daun sirih anda bisa merebeus beberapa helai daun sirih lalu pakailah air rebusannya untuk berkumur. Daun sirih akan memberikan efek hangat dan segar di dalam mulut karena ini merupakan mouth wash alami. Rempah lain seperti kayu putih,kayu manis, ketumbar, tarragon, mint, kapulaga dan rosemary juga dapat menangkal bau pada mulut.

5. Mengunyah Permen Karet

Mengunyah permen karet merupakan cara tambahan untuk menjaga mulut dari bau yang tidak sedap. Dengan bahan dan kualitas yang baik bisa membantu membersihkan gigi kita, anda bisa mengunyah permen karet ketika mulut anda terasa bau. Mengunyah permen karet juga bisa menjadai sarana olah raga otot pipi supaya tetap kencang.

Demikianlah cara menghilangkan bau mulut, semoga bermanfaat

Keputihan Pada Ibu Hamil

Keputihan Pada Ibu Hamil sebenarnya tidaklah terlalu berbahaya. Karena, pada dasarnya keputihan bukanlah sebuah penyakit akan tetapi hanya sebagai gejala penyakit atau adanya kelainan tertent. Dan hal ini normal terjadi.Selama masa kehamilan, tubuh akan mengalami banyak perubahan. Diantaranya
perubahan yang gampang dikenali adalah keluarnya lendir dari miss V.
Biasanya, kadar lendir yang keluar

Eating less .....

Japanese style.  I just had two quotes/sayings to share today.  The first is one you may be familiar with:
Hara hachi bu:  (腹八分), or hara hachi bunme (and sometimes misspelled hari hachi bu), is a Confucian teaching that instructs people to eat until they are 80 percent full.  Roughly, in English the Japanese phrase translates to, "Eat until you are eight parts (out of ten) full", or "belly 80 percent full".
Read more »

Laura’s Conference Highlights

Last week, the fourth Sport Wales Annual Conference took place at Cardiff City Stadium and saw nearly 250 decision makers come together to think innovatively and participate in edgy, challenging dialogues in order to tackle long-standing issues for sport in Wales.

Professor Laura McAllister
Our Chair, Professor Laura McAllister blogs about her conference highlights:

The conference attracted some very high-profile and distinguished guests which was a fantastic reflection on our status as a small, smart, successful, sporting nation. The high-calibre delegates were supported by some fantastic key-note speakers, my highlights being:

1.       Lord Sebastian Coe addresses the sector

London 2012 figurehead Lord Sebastian Coe visited Cardiff as part of a special visit to find out how sport is being developed in Wales. He addressed the delegates as Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Ambassador and reminded us how London 2012 grabbed the attention of young people, creating a legacy for future generations.

The positive effect seen in Wales by the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games has been so successful due to the sector for being ready with ‘legacy plans’ which have already led to some impressive early participation trends.

 His most poignant quote: “the strongest legacy had to be a successful Games but we must keep creating great opportunities to showcase sport and for people to take part in sport.” really hit home with me and the delegates alike. With just over a year to go until Glasgow 2014, this statement has never been so relevant.

Lord Coe then went on to visit Fitzalan High School and along with myself and John Griffiths AM, was introduced to some of the young people inspired by events in London 2012.

Joining the children for a game of wheelchair basketball was a particular highlight for me – it was great to see first-hand how the growing enthusiasm for sport is having a positive impact in Wales, along with discussing tactics of course.


Wheelchair basketball

2.       John Griffiths AM, Minister for Culture and Sport

We welcomed John Griffiths AM to the stage– his debut address as Minister for Culture and Sport. John has a personal love of sport and exercise and he firmly believes in the positive impact that sport and culture can have on the people and the nation of Wales.  He said that by tackling the hard issues, the Government will show leadership and through collective working will create a legacy that we can all be proud of.

“The value of and our collective investment in sport must be looked at in a broader context and we must continue to look for opportunities to be effective.  We must also be better at demonstrating how effective we are and at convincing the people of Wales why sport and physical activity is important.”

I’m particularly pleased that the profile of sport has been raised in the Cabinet reshuffle. This is an important time for sport as we capitalise on events like the Olympics and Paralympics and look in-depth at PE and School Sport.

From his address, it was apparent that John will bring a drive and enthusiasm to the clear direction we have set out for the sports sector in Wales, which for me is very exciting.


3.       The Young Ambassadors

The young ambassadors, as always, were on top-form. This year they lead their own breakout session ‘Inspiring a Generation’. Split into two parts, they firstly demonstrated how they are having an impact on our vision of getting ‘Every Child Hooked on Sport for Life’, then they went on to facilitate a panel on the importance of supporting YAs to unlock their full potential.

The feedback we had was fantastic, and I am so proud of their inspirational attitude towards increasing physical participation in young people across Wales. As Young Ambassadors, these young pupils have the opportunity to promote, develop and sell the benefits of sport in their school and community and are making such a positive difference to sport in Wales.

Watch this video made by the Young Ambassadors especially for our conference.


The conference was an overwhelming success and these were just a few of my highlights – there were so many more that could have been mentioned.

I hope each of the delegates left placing a personal pledge to redouble their efforts to help change our nation for the better. After all there is no room for passengers in our vision for sport. Wales' success on the sporting stage has made us a nation known worldwide for its sports stars, and we need to continue this momentum.

We must take what we learned from every conversation, every key-note address and every presentation given to inspire continued conversation on the power of leadership and legacy. We now need to act on these messages – let’s be ambitious and do things we may not have tried before, lets renew our efforts and change the nation for the better.

For more conference highlights, speech overviews and presentations visit our website: http://sportwales.org.uk/news--events/news--events/events/sport-wales-annual-conference-2013.aspx


Yr wythnos ddiwethaf, cynhaliwyd pedwaredd Cynhadledd Flynyddol Chwaraeon Cymru yn Stadiwm Dinas Caerdydd a gwelwyd bron i 250 o lunwyr penderfyniadau’n dod at ei gilydd i feddwl yn arloesol ac i gymryd rhan mewn trafodaethau heriol a chyfoes er mwyn mynd i’r afael â phroblemau tymor hir chwaraeon yng Nghymru.
Blog yw hwn gan ein Cadeirydd ni, yr Athro Laura McAllister, am ei huchafbwyntiau hi o’r gynhadledd:
Denodd y gynhadledd wahoddedigion anrhydeddus ac uchel iawn eu proffil, a oedd yn adlewyrchiad rhagorol o’n statws ni fel cenedl chwaraeon fechan, glyfar a llwyddiannus. Ategwyd y cynadleddwyr o galibr uchel gan rai prif siaradwyr rhagorol. Dyma fy uchafbwyntiau i:
1. Yr Arglwydd Sebastian Coe yn annerch y sector
Daeth pennaeth Llundain 2012, yr Arglwydd Sebastian Coe, i ymweld â Chaerdydd fel rhan o ymweliad arbennig i weld sut mae chwaraeon yn cael eu datblygu yng Nghymru. Aeth ati i annerch y cynadleddwyr fel Llysgennad yr Etifeddiaeth Olympaidd a Pharalympaidd, gan ein hatgoffa o sut bu i Lundain 2012 hoelio sylw pobl ifanc, gan greu etifeddiaeth ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol.
Mae’r effaith gadarnhaol a welwyd yng Nghymru yn sgil Gemau Olympaidd a Pharalympaidd Llundain 2012 wedi bod mor llwyddiannus gan fod y sector wedi bod yn barod gyda ‘chynlluniau etifeddiaeth’, sydd eisoes wedi arwain at dueddiadau cymryd rhan cynnar nodedig tu hwnt.
Fe wnaeth ei ddyfyniad mwyaf teimladwy daro tant gyda mi a’r cynadleddwyr eraill hefyd: “yr etifeddiaeth gryfaf oedd Gemau llwyddiannus, roedd rhaid wrth hynny, ond mae’n rhaid i ni ddal ati i greu cyfleoedd i arddangos chwaraeon ac i bobl gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon”. Gyda dim ond ychydig dros flwyddyn i fynd tan Glasgow 2014, mae’r datganiad yma’n fwy perthnasol nag erioed.
Yna aeth yr Arglwydd Coe yn ei flaen i ymweld ag Ysgol Uwchradd Fitzalan. Yno, yn fy nghwmni i a John Griffiths AC, cafodd ei gyflwyno i rai o’r bobl ifanc a ysbrydolwyd gan ddigwyddiadau Llundain 2012.
Roedd ymuno gyda’r plant mewn gêm o bêl fasged cadair olwyn yn uchafbwynt arbennig i mi – roedd yn grêt cael cyfle i weld yn uniongyrchol sut mae’r brwdfrydedd cynyddol dros chwaraeon yn cael effaith gadarnhaol yng Nghymru, ochr yn ochr â thrafod tactegau wrth gwrs.
2. John Griffiths AC, y Gweinidog Diwylliant a Chwaraeon
Croesawyd John Griffiths AC i’r llwyfan – ei anerchiad cyntaf fel Gweinidog Diwylliant a Chwaraeon. Mae John yn hoff iawn o chwaraeon ac ymarfer ac mae’n credu’n gryf yn yr effaith gadarnhaol y gall chwaraeon a diwylliant ei chael ar bobl a chenedl Cymru. Dywedodd y byddai’r Llywodraeth, drwy fynd i’r afael â phroblemau anodd, yn dangos arweiniad, ac y bydd cydweithio’n arwain at greu etifeddiaeth y gallwn ni i gyd fod yn falch ohoni.
“Mae’n rhaid i werth a’n buddsoddiad ni ar y cyd mewn chwaraeon gael ei ystyried mewn cyd-destun ehangach ac mae’n rhaid i ni ddal ati i chwilio am gyfleoedd i fod yn effeithiol. Hefyd, mae’n rhaid i ni fod yn well am ddangos pa mor effeithiol ydyn ni, ac am ddarbwyllo pobl Cymru pam mae chwaraeon a gweithgarwch corfforol yn bwysig.”
Rydw i’n hynod falch bod gan chwaraeon well proffil wedi ad-drefnu’r Cabinet. Mae hwn yn gyfnod pwysig iawn i chwaraeon, wrth i ni elwa o ddigwyddiadau fel y Gemau Olympaidd a’r Gemau Paralympaidd ac edrych yn fanwl ar AG a Chwaraeon Ysgol.
Roedd yn amlwg oddi wrth ei anerchiad y bydd John yn cyfrannu brwdfrydedd a chymhelliant at y cyfeiriad clir rydyn ni wedi’i bennu ar gyfer y sector chwaraeon yng Nghymru, ac i mi mae hynny’n gyffrous tu hwnt.
3. Y Llysgenhadon Ifanc
Roedd y Llysgenhadon Ifanc ar eu gorau, fel maen nhw bob amser. Eleni, roeddent yn arwain eu sesiwn grŵp eu hunain – ‘Ysbrydoli Cenhedlaeth’. Roedd y sesiwn wedi’i rannu’n ddwy ran. I ddechrau, aethant ati i ddangos sut maent yn cael effaith ar ein gweledigaeth ar gyfer cael ‘Pob Plentyn wedi Gwirioni ar Chwaraeon am Oes’, ac yna aethant ati i hwyluso panel ar bwysigrwydd cefnogi’r Llysgenhadon Ifanc i ddatgloi eu llawn botensial.
Roedd yr adborth a gawsom ni’n rhagorol ac rydw i mor falch o’u hagwedd ysbrydoledig nhw tuag at gynyddu cyfranogiad corfforol ymhlith pobl ifanc ledled Cymru. Fel Llysgenhadon Ifanc, mae’r disgyblion ifanc hyn yn cael cyfle i hybu, datblygu a gwerthu manteision chwaraeon yn eu hysgolion a’u cymunedau ac maent yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mor gadarnhaol i chwaraeon yng Nghymru.
Gwyliwch y fideo yma a wnaed gan y Llysgennad Aur, Michael Kitchen.

Roedd y gynhadledd yn llwyddiant ysgubol a dim ond rhai o’r uchafbwyntiau i mi ydi’r rhain – roedd cymaint mwy y byddwn i wedi gallu cyfeirio atyn nhw.
Rydw i’n gobeithio bod pob cynadleddwr wedi gadael gan wneud addewid bersonol i ddyblu eto eu hymdrechion i helpu i newid ein cenedl ni er gwell. Wedi’r cwbl, does dim lle i orffwys ar ein rhwyfau gyda’n gweledigaeth ni ar gyfer chwaraeon. Mae llwyddiant Cymru ar y llwyfan chwaraeon wedi golygu ein bod ni’n wlad sy’n cael ei hadnabod ym mhob cwr o’r byd am ei sêr chwaraeon, ac mae’n rhaid i ni gynnal y momentwm yma.
Mae’n rhaid i ni fynd â phopeth a ddysgwyd gennym ni ym mhob sgwrs, pob prif anerchiad a phob cyflwyniad a wnaed i’n hysbrydoli ni i ddal ati i drafod grym arweiniad ac etifeddiaeth. Mae’n rhaid i ni weithredu ar y negeseuon hyn yn awr. Gadewch i ni fod yn uchelgeisiol a rhoi cynnig ar bethau nad ydyn ni wedi rhoi cynnig arnyn nhw o’r blaen efallai. Beth am wneud ymdrech o’r newydd a newid y genedl er gwell.
Am ragor o uchafbwyntiau o’r gynhadledd, crynodebau o’r areithiau a’r cyflwyniadau, ewch i’n gwefan ni: http://sportwales.org.uk/news--events/news--events/events/sport-wales-annual-conference-2013.aspx


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