Warung Bebas

Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

Campak Pada Bayi

Campak Pada Bayi pada umunya akan dilakukan tindak pencegahan dengan melakukan imunisasi. Imunisasi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mencegah beragam
jenis penyakit yang dimulai sejak masih dini. Akan tetapi, yang disayangkan masih banyak orang tua yang
seringkali mengabaikan dan melewatkan periode imunisasi pada anak. Masalah
kelalaian inilah yang seringkali akhirnya menjadi penyebab  banyak

Begitu Murah Biaya KB Spiral di Indonesia

Biaya KB Spiral di
Indonesia bagi sebagian orang memang beranggapan masih cukup mahal. Padahal apabila
dibandingkan dengan penggunaan Alat Kontrasepsi yang lain, perhitungan biaya
ini akan jauh lebih murah. Sebagai informasi anda pasangan suami istri di
Indonesia memang memiliki banyak pilihan alat kontrasepsi, seperti; KB suntik 3
bulan dengan biaya Rp 17.000 – Rp 25.000, KB suntik 1 bulan

Kuning Pada Bayi

Kuning Pada Bayi dapat dideteksi saat Ibu melihat terdapat tanda semburat kekuning-kuningan pada kulit serta pada bagian
putih mata bayi. Jika Bayi dalam keadaan demikian, bisa jadi bayi mengalami penyakit kuning. Kondisi seperti ini biasanya dialami oleh bayi pada minggu pertama kelahirannya. Namun jangan terlalu khawatir, karena hal ini lazim terjadi pada bayi, dan bahkan, dialami oleh sekitar

Cookies & Calories

As many of my readers are likely aware, I have attracted the attention of a few true bullies and stalkers who consider it noble to ridicule my every word and move.  In line with this, they have picked apart my interview with Jimmy Moore and made fun of various parts.  Two of the issues both happened to involve cookies, hence the title of this post.

My (long, long ago and one time) Cookie Diet:  

The purpose of my interview with Moore was ostensibly to discuss my issues with the science of Gary Taubes.  It wasn't to discuss my own life, weight, history, etc.  However this was around the time of the Twinkie diet so I guess Jimmy felt compelled to waste time (less for the real issues) discussing that.  In that context, I related a story from long ago.  I don't remember exactly what year that was, but as I recall what apartment I baked in I would have been under 25.  My weight struggles were continuing at that time having began with a crash diet in my late teens and progressed through frank eating disorders to mostly a yo-yo weight cycling.  
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Is ONC's definition of "Significant EHR Risk" when body bags start to accumulate on the steps of the Capitol?

In a June 25, 2013 Bloomberg News article "Digital Health Records’ Risks Emerge as Deaths Blamed on Systems" by technology reporter Jordan Robertson (http://go.bloomberg.com/tech-blog/author/jrobertson40/), an EHR-harms case in which I am (unfortunately) intimately involved as substitute plaintiff is mentioned:

When Scot Silverstein’s 84-year-old mother, Betty, starting mixing up her words, he worried she was having a stroke. So he rushed her to Abington Memorial Hospital in Pennsylvania.

After she was admitted, Silverstein, who is a doctor, looked at his mother’s electronic health records, which are designed to make medical care safer by providing more information on patients than paper files do. He saw that Sotalol, which controls rapid heartbeats, was correctly listed as one of her medications.

Days later, when her heart condition flared up, he re-examined her records and was stunned to see that the drug was no longer listed, he said. His mom later suffered clotting, hemorrhaged and required emergency brain surgery. She died in 2011. Silverstein blames her death on problems with the hospital’s electronic medical records.

“I had the indignity of watching them put her in a body bag and put her in a hearse in my driveway,” said Silverstein, who has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit. “If paper records had been in place, unless someone had been using disappearing ink, this would not have happened.”

How can I say that?  Because I trained in this hospital and worked as resident Admitting Officer in that very ED pre-computer.  The many personnel in 2010 who were given the meds history by my mother and myself directed it not to paper for others to see, but to /dev/null.

Why can I say that?  Because the hospital's Motion for Prior Restraint (censorship) against me was denied outright by the presiding judge just days before the Bloomberg article was published (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prior_restraint):

Prior restraint (also referred to as prior censorship or pre-publication censorship) is censorship imposed, usually by a government, on expression before the expression actually takes place. An alternative to prior restraint is to allow the expression to take place and to take appropriate action afterward, if the expression is found to violate the law, regulations, or other rules.

Prior restraint prevents the censored material from being heard or distributed at all; other measures provide sanctions only after the offending material has been communicated, such as suits for slander or libel. In some countries (e.g., United States, Argentina) prior restraint by the government is forbidden, subject to certain exceptions, by a constitution.

Prior restraint is often considered a particularly oppressive form of censorship in Anglo-American jurisprudence because it prevents the restricted material from being heard or distributed at all. Other forms of restrictions on expression (such as actions for libel or criminal libel, slander, defamation, and contempt of court) implement criminal or civil sanctions only after the offending material has been published. While such sanctions might lead to a chilling effect, legal commentators argue that at least such actions do not directly impoverish the marketplace of ideas. Prior restraint, on the other hand, takes an idea or material completely out of the marketplace. Thus it is often considered to be the most extreme form of censorship.

The First Amendment lives.

(I wonder if it irks the hospital that they cannot perform sham peer review upon me now that the censorship motion is denied.  Sham peer review is a common reaction by hospital executives to "disruptive" physicians, but I have not worked there since 1987 and I no longer practice medicine.)

In the Bloomberg story Mr. Robertson wrote:

... “So far, the evidence we have doesn’t suggest that health information technology is a significant factor in safety events,” said Jodi Daniel (http://www.healthit.gov/newsroom/jodi-daniel-jd-mph), director of ONC’s office of policy and planning. “That said, we’re very interested in understanding where there may be a correlation and how to mitigate risks that do occur.”

In my opinion this statement represents gross negligence by a government official.  Ms. Daniel is unarguably working for a government agency pushing this technology.   She makes the claim that "so far the evidence we have doesn't suggest significant risk" while surely being aware (or having the fiduciary responsibility to be aware) of the impediments to having such evidence.

From my March 2012 post "Doctors and EHRs: Reframing the 'Modernists v. Luddites' Canard to The Accurate 'Ardent Technophiles vs. Pragmatists' Reality" at http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2012/03/doctors-and-ehrs-reframing-modernists-v.html  (yes, this was more than a year ago):

... The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies noted this in their late 2011 study on EHR safety:

... While some studies suggest improvements in patient safety can be made, others have found no effect. Instances of health IT–associated harm have been reported. However, little published evidence could be found quantifying the magnitude of the risk.

Several reasons health IT–related safety data are lacking include the absence of measures and a central repository (or linkages among decentralized repositories) to collect, analyze, and act on information related to safety of this technology. Another impediment to gathering safety data is contractual barriers (e.g., nondisclosure, confidentiality clauses) that can prevent users from sharing information about health IT–related adverse events. These barriers limit users’ abilities to share knowledge of risk-prone user interfaces, for instance through screenshots and descriptions of potentially unsafe processes. In addition, some vendors include language in their sales contracts and escape responsibility for errors or defects in their software (i.e., “hold harmless clauses”). The committee believes these types of contractual restrictions limit transparency, which significantly contributes to the gaps in knowledge of health IT–related patient safety risks. These barriers to generating evidence pose unacceptable risks to safety.[IOM (Institute of Medicine). 2012. Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care (PDF). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, pg. S-2.]

Also in the IOM report:

… “For example, the number of patients who receive the correct medication in hospitals increases when these hospitals implement well-planned, robust computerized prescribing mechanisms and use barcoding systems. But even in these instances, the ability to generalize the results across the health care system may be limited. For other products— including electronic health records, which are being employed with more and more frequency— some studies find improvements in patient safety, while other studies find no effect.

More worrisome, some case reports suggest that poorly designed health IT can create new hazards in the already complex delivery of care. Although the magnitude of the risk associated with health IT is not known, some examples illustrate the concerns. Dosing errors, failure to detect life-threatening illnesses, and delaying treatment due to poor human–computer interactions or loss of data have led to serious injury and death.”

I also noted that the 'impediments to generating evidence' effectively rise to the level of legalized censorship, as observed by Koppel and Kreda regarding gag and hold-harmless clauses in their JAMA article "Health Care Information Technology Vendors' Hold Harmless Clause: Implications for Patients and Clinicians", JAMA 2009;301(12):1276-1278. doi: 10.1001/jama.2009.398.

FDA had similar findings about impediments to knowledge of health IT risks, see my Aug. 2010 post "Internal FDA memorandum of Feb. 23, 2010 to Jeffrey Shuren on HIT risks. Smoking gun?" at http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2010/08/smoking-gun-internal-fda-memorandum-of.html.

I also note this from amednews.com's coverage of the ECRI Deep Dive Study (http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2013/02/peering-underneath-icebergs-water-level.html):

... In spring 2012, a surgeon tried to electronically access a patient’s radiology study in the operating room but the computer would show only a blue screen. The patient’s time under anesthesia was extended while OR staff struggled to get the display to function properly. That is just one example of 171 health information technology-related problems reported [voluntarily] during a nine-week period [from 36 hospitals] to the ECRI Institute PSO, a patient safety organization in Plymouth Meeting, Pa., that works with health systems and hospital associations in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee and elsewhere to analyze and prevent adverse events. Eight of the incidents reported involved patient harm, and three may have contributed to patient deaths, said the institute’s 48-page report, first made privately available to the PSO’s members and partners in December 2012. The report, shared with American Medical News in February, highlights how the health IT systems meant to make care safer and more efficient can sometimes expose patients to harm.

One wonders if Ms. Daniels' definition of "significant" is when body bags start to accumulate on the steps of the Capitol.

I also note she is not a clinician but a JD/MPH.

I am increasingly of the opinion that non-clinicians need to be removed from positions of health IT leadership at regional and national levels.

In large part many just don't seem to have the experience, insights and perhaps ethics necessary to understand the implications of their decisions.

At the very least, such people who never made it to medical school or nursing school need to be kept on a very short leash by those who did.

-- SS

Manfaat Lidah Buaya Untuk Rambut

Manfaat lidah buaya untuk perawatan rambut memang sudah tidak bisa diragukan lagi, pasalnya tumbuhan yang satu ini terkenal sabagai salah satu bahan produk kecantikan, baik perawatan wajah, rambut dan lainnya.
Manfaat Lidah Buaya Untuk Rambut
Manfaat Lidah Buaya Untuk Rambut 
Manfaatlidah buaya untuk rambut bisa anda terapkan pada rambut yang bermasalah karena rontok, berminyak, kebotakan, berketombe dan lainnya, semua bisa diatasi alami dengan menggunakan tumbuhan yang satu ini alias si lidah buaya, namun tentunya sedikit memerlukan kesabaran.

Hal ini diperkuat juga, dengan adanya berbagai kandungan alami seperti: Protein, serat alami, mineral, dan asam amino. Vitamin yang sangat berguna untuk perawatan rambut Vit A, vita C, dan E. ketiga vitamin ini berguna untuk merawat rambut anda. Nah adapun manfaat lidah bauya untuk rambut diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

Manfaat lidah buaya untuk rambut:
  • Mengatasi rambut rontok
    Salah satu manfaat utama dari tumbuhan yang satu ini adalah dapat memberikan perlindungan rambut menjadi lebih kuat, sehingga rambut anda tidak mudah rontok jika sedang disisir atau tidak disisr. Nah bagi anda yang memiliki masalah rambut rontok anda dapat melakukan perawatan dengan mengunakan shampoo yang dicampur dengan ektrax tumbuhan lidah buaya.
  • Perawatan kondisioner alami rambut
    Adanya berbagai kandungan yang terdapat dalam Lidah buaya ternyata juga bisa anda gunakan sebagai salah satu bahan alami untuk sangat bagus sebagai kondisioner alami, jika anda menggunakan lidah buaya sebagai kondisioner alami maka anda akan mendapatkan kesejukan di area kulit rambut anda. Caranya juga cukup mudah hanya mengoleskan bagian daging lidah buaya ke-rambut yang hampir sama dengan pemakaian konsdisioner lainnya.
  • Mengatasi Kebotakan
    Nah jika bermanfaat baik untuk mengatasi rambut rontok, lidah buaya juga bisa mengatasi kebotakan yang diakibatkan oleh terlalu banyak rambut yang rontok lo!, dan lama-kalamaan rambut yang rontok parah akan menyebabkan kebotakan.Jika anda mengalami masalah ini anda dapat melakukan perawatan alami dengan lidah biaya, adapun caranya adalah menggunakan daging lidah buaya yang dihaluskan kemudian dioleskan ke area kulit kepala secara merata kurang lebih 10-15 catatan: karena cara alami maka anda harus melakukan cara ini secara teratur supaya hasilnya maksimal.
  • Dapat mengatasi masalah ketombean
    Ketombe memang salah satu masalah terjengkel yang terjadi pada area kepala, selain rontok bercabang dan rambut pecah, taukah anda bahwa sebenarnya anda dapat melawan ketombe dengan cara alami yaitu dengan bantuan daging lidah buaya yang di oleskan pada kulit rambut sampai merata, dan biarkan selama kurang lebih 30 sampai 60 menit, lalu bilas rambut dengan air bersih deh, mudah bukan, lakukan cara ini secara teratur sampai ketombe hilang.
  • Mengatasi Rambut yang Berminyak
    Rambut berminyak merupakan salah satu masalah yang terjadi pada rambut yang bisa diatasi oleh tumbuhan yang satu ini, adapun caranya hampir sama dengan cara-cara diatas, gel yang dihasilakan dari daging lidah buaya dapat anda gunakan sebagai sampo, sampo ini nantinya mampu mengurangi kelenjar minyak berlebihan pada rambut. Hal ini diperkuat dengan kandungan astrigent alami pada lidah buaya.
Nah banyak bukan manfaat lidah buaya untuk perawatan rambut, cara ini tergolong cukup mudah untuk dikerjakan namun tentunya harus memerlukan ketlatenan dan kesebaran, selain untuk merawat rambut anda bisa membaca lengkap artikel manfaat tumbuhan lidah buaya, sekian dulu artikel kali ini semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua, amiiiin. Salam mencoba heehe.

cara termudah membuat judul blog menjadi kata kunci

 Cara termudah membuat judul blog menjadi kata kunci. Assalamualikum sahabat tips blogger, Kali ini admin ingin berbagi tips tentang cara termudah membuat judul blog menjadi kata kunci,atau lebih tepatnya membuat judul artikel menjadi judul blog, Ada beberapa syarat yang menjadikan artikel kita masuk 10 besar pencarian google salah satunya yang akan admin bahas,kalau menurut analisa selama admin mondar mandir di dunia bloging, salah satu cara artikel kita masuk di 10 besar pencarian google ialah menjadikan judul artikel menjadi judul blog.Bagaimana caranya?Cara ini boleh di bilang sangat mudah sahabat hanya perlu mengganti code berikut
<title><data:blog.title/></title> dan mengantinya dengan code berikut:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>

 Untuk mengganti code <data:blog.title/></title> sahabat harus masuk di menu edit Html blog sahabat untuk lebih detilnya berikut langkah demi langkahnya:
  • Masuk di dasbor
  • Kemudian click template
  • kemudian click Edit HTML

cara termudah membuat judul blog menjadi kata kunci

 Selanjutnya sahabat cari code berikut  <data:blog.title/></title> letak code tersebut, di antara code <head> dan </head> atau beberapa baris dari code <head> selanjutnya sahabat hapus code tersebut kemudian ganti dengan code berikut ini:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>

 Dan yang terakhir click save selesai,Mungkin itu yang bisa admin bagi pada kesempatan kali ini, Apabila ada kekurangan mohon di tambahkan cara termudah membuat judul blog menjadi kata kunci ahir kata wassalam. 

Daily Blog #9: Milestones 5 and 6 detailed

Hello Reader,
      It's day 9 of the Zeltser blog challenge and day 2 of vacation. As I write this I'm looking at the waves roll into the sand so you'll excuse me if I might be brief, the surf is calling (as are my kids).

In today's post we resume explaining the milestones of progression of the digital forensic examiner. We've covered up to milestone 4 in prior posts and we are now approaching a level of maturity in your progression as we explain milestones 5 and 6.

Milestone 5 - You become less about the tool and more about the artifact.

   The more experienced an examiner you become the less dependent on your tools you become. As you get thrown into more time sensitive situations you begin to carry a thumb drive of one off tools that quickly triage artifacts to help you identify facts, actors and threats without the need of the dongle. In some cases you can find and interpret the artifact without a tool at all! That isn't to say that you won't keep your dongle protected tool suite, you just will use it when you need the convenience and additional functionality it provides.

You have come to understand that the underlying magic that you first experienced in milestone 1 was always contained within the artifact and not the tool itself, and the tool was just interpreting the data for you. The most important part of this milestone is how efficient you can become now. Once an investigation is requested you can ascertain which artifacts will contain data that responds to your inquiry, allowing you to get back results faster and with less random keyword searching.

Milestone 6 - You understand what's normal and what's missing for multiple versions of the same operating system.

This milestone may be one of the harder to achieve with so many variants in production and what normal means in your environment. However, the benefits to understanding what's normal in your environment will help you quickly zero in on what was left behind for you to find. Being able to know what's normal includes:
  • Which services should be running.
  • Where those services should be running from.
  • What user the service should be running as.
  • What log errors are normal.
  • What logging is turned on by default.
  • Which artifacts get created by default.
  • What gets created when a user logs in via different methods.
  • Where data created through user activity will exist by default.
  • Knowing the default locations of application artifacts and system logs/registries.
  • What applications are installed by default in your environment.

The benefits are many, but include:
  • The ability to create your own custom white-list of hashes so you can focus only on that data created by your user.
  • The ability to spot what artifacts the user deleted when trying to cover their tracks.
  • Being able to quickly spot malicious processes trying to hide in plain sight.
  • Being able to quickly spot out of place directories or logs, showing the user has a high degree of sophistication and you should no longer trust the system defaults.
  • The ability to quickly bring out relevant data you have committed to heart in the prior section.
  • The ability to find anomalous log ins and accesses to a system.
  • The ability to correctly estimate what data you should expect to exist before you begin your investigation so you can manage the expectations of those requesting work from you.
  • The ability to quickly identify user installed applications that need to be researched before being examined.
This is an important milestone and the mark of a senior examiner, but you still have so much more to learn! Tomorrow we will continue the milestone series while I think up what this week's Sunday Funday will be!

Cara Agar Rambut Cepat Panjang

Rambut adalah mahkota wanita sehingga wanita selalu ingin mahkotanya tersebut terlihat tetap indah dan tergerai dengan panjang. Memiliki rambut yang panjang dan indah adalah impian bagi kebanyakan wanita. Oleh karena itu banyak sekali orang yang mengidamkan untuk memiliki rambut panjang yang indah. Namun biasanya membutuhkan waktu yang agak lama untuk membuat rambut pendek anda menjadi bertambah panjang. Hal ini juga tergantung dari shampoo apa yang anda gunakan. Lalu bagaimana sih cara agar rambut cepat panjang ? simak dibawah ini

Cara Agar Rambut Cepat Panjang Dari Dalam

cara agar rambut cepat panjang


a.  Mengkonsumsi Air Putih. Air putih memiliki banyak sekali khasiat yang sangat bagus untuk tubuh, termasuk untuk rambut kita. Kekurangan cairan tubuh dapat membuat rambut menjadi kering dan cepat rapuh sehingga untuk mencegahnya, kita harus meminum air yang cukup untuk mencegah rambut menjadi kering dan cepat patah.
b. Mengkonsumsi Protein. Mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung banyak protein juga baik untuk membuat rambut kita cepat panjang. Beberapa jenis makanan seperti daging merah, kacang-kacangan, susu, telur, dan ayam adalah makanan sumber protein yang bisa membantu merangsang pertumbuhan rambut anda.

Cara Agar Rambut Cepat Panjang Dari Luar

a. Menggunakan Kulit Apel. Kulit apel ternyata juga baik untuk merawat rambut anda setelah diketahui berbagai macam nutrisi yang terkandung di dalamnya yang dapat memperlancar sirkulasi darah ke kulit kepala. Jika sirkulasi darah di kepala lancar, maka pertumbuhan rambut pun akan terangsang. Cara merawat rambut menggunakan kulit apel adalah dengan mengoleskan kulit apel yang sudah dihaluskan. Setelah itu, diamkan rambut selama sekitar 20 menit, lalu bilas dengan air bersih.
b. Menggunakan Minyak Zaitun. Cararnya adalah dengan meneteskan minyak zaitun secukupnya sampai merata ke seluruh kulit kepala lalu pijit kulit kepala secara perlahan. Ulangi cara ini secara rutin setiap pagi dan jangan lupa untuk selalu membilas rambut hingga bersih setelah mengoleskan minyak zaitun ke kulit kepala. 
c.  Menggunakan Jeruk Nipis. Selain terkenal karena kandungan Vitamin C nya yang tinggi, jeruk nipis juga bisa anda gunakan untuk memanjangkan rambut anda secara alami. Caranya adalah dengan mengoleskan air perasan jeruk nipis dari ujung sampai pangkal rambut. Setelah itu pijit pelan kulit kepala selama 15 menit, lalu bilas sampai bersih.
d. Perhatikan Frekuensi Keramas. Keramas memang baik dilakukan, akan tetapi jangan terlalu sering keramas karena akan menimbulkan dampak yang buruk bagi rambut anda. Shampoo memiliki kandungan bahan kimia yang banyak sehingga jika anda sering menggunakan bahan-bahan kimia tersebut untuk rambut anda, bisa membuat keadaan rambut semakin buruk. Itulah kenapa anda dianjurkan untuk keramas paling tidak dua hari sekali. 
e. Creambath. Disarankan untuk melakukan creambath sekali setiap bulannya. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk membuat kepala menjadi sejuk karena anda mendapatkan pijatan saat creambath yang bagus untuk menghilangkan stres. Selain itu, creambath bisa membuat peredaran di kepala menjadi lebih lancar sehingga rambut anda akan tampil lebih indah dan mendorong pertumbuhan rambut. 
f. Hindari Rambut Kering. Usahakan untuk tidak menggunakan blow dry terlalu sering karena membahayakan rambut dan bisa membuatnya mudah rontok, kering, dan juga kusam karena terlalu sering terkena angin yang dihasilkan oleh blow dry. Oleh karena itu sebaiknya anda mengeringkan rambut secara alami saja, yaitu dengan menganginkan diluar rumah sehingga membuat rambut anda tetap sehat.
Nah itulah tips tentang cara agar rambut cepatpanjang, semoga bermanfaat

The Genetics of Obesity, Part II

Rodents Lead the Way

The study of obesity genetics dates back more than half a century.  In 1949, researchers at the Jackson Laboratories identified a remarkably fat mouse, which they determined carried a spontaneous mutation in an unidentified gene.  They named this the "obese" (ob/ob) mouse.  Over the next few decades, researchers identified several other genetically obese mice with spontaneous mutations, including diabetic (db/db) mice, "agouti" (Avy) mice, and "Zucker" (fa/fa) rats.

At the time of discovery, no one knew where the mutations resided in the genome.  All they knew is that the mutations were in single genes, and they resulted in extreme obesity.  Researchers recognized this as a huge opportunity to learn something important about the regulation of body fatness in an unbiased way.  Unbiased because these mutations could be identified with no prior knowledge about their function, therefore the investigators' pre-existing beliefs about the mechanisms of body fat regulation could have no impact on what they learned.  Many different research groups tried to pin down the underlying source of dysfunction: some thought it was elevated insulin and changes in adipose tissue metabolism, others thought it was elevated cortisol, and a variety of other hypotheses.

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