Pesawat eksperimen "Solar Impulse" lepas landas untuk penerbangan antarbenua pertama dari Payerne, Swiss, ke Rabat, Maroko pada 24 Mei. Prototipe pesawat tanpa BBM ini akan transit di Madrid, Spanyol untuk pengecekan teknis dan pergantian pilot. Proyek Solar Impulse bertujuan untuk mengelilingi dunia dengan pesawat hanya bertenaga surya, dengan lebar sayap 63,4 meter.
Jumat, 25 Mei 2012
Hal-hal yang harus dipersiapkan untuk persalinan sang Ibu
Kehamilan dan persalinan adalah suatu peristiwa normal, bukan suatu penyakit yang harus dihindari sehingga menimbulkan ketakutan. Seorang calon ibu perlu mempersiapkan segala sesuatu untuk menghadapi proses persalinan.
Berikut hal-hal yang diperlukan dalam persiapan persalinan :
1. Tempat bersalin
Ini ditentukan oleh nilai resiko kehamilan dan persalinan yang diinginkan, apakah itu di rumah bersalin, atau di PKD
2. Tenaga Kesehatan
Ditentukan oleh ibu hamil, nilai resiko kehamilan, jenis persalinan yang direncanakan
Ini ditentukan oleh nilai resiko kehamilan dan persalinan yang diinginkan, apakah itu di rumah bersalin, atau di PKD
2. Tenaga Kesehatan
Ditentukan oleh ibu hamil, nilai resiko kehamilan, jenis persalinan yang direncanakan
3. Bagaimana menghubungi Tenaga Kesehatan
Ini sangat diperlukan jika ibu mengalami kegawat daruratan, minimal anda tahu alamat dan nomor telepon.
Ini sangat diperlukan jika ibu mengalami kegawat daruratan, minimal anda tahu alamat dan nomor telepon.
4. Siapa yang menemani persalinan
Ini saat penting untuk direncakan agar ibu dapat dukungan moral dan mental. Dukungan yang paling penting ada SUAMI.
Ini saat penting untuk direncakan agar ibu dapat dukungan moral dan mental. Dukungan yang paling penting ada SUAMI.
5. Biaya Persalinan
Dana untuk persalinan harus dipersiapkan jauh-jauh hari sebelum persalinan, Karena biaya persalinan tidak sedikit jumlahnya, apalagi jika terjadi kegawat daruratan. Karena ini nantinya terkait dengan proses persalinan, baik itu persalinan normal maupu persalinan dengan cara operasi / cesar
Dana untuk persalinan harus dipersiapkan jauh-jauh hari sebelum persalinan, Karena biaya persalinan tidak sedikit jumlahnya, apalagi jika terjadi kegawat daruratan. Karena ini nantinya terkait dengan proses persalinan, baik itu persalinan normal maupu persalinan dengan cara operasi / cesar
6. Yang menjaga keluarga jika Ibu tidak ada
Jika persalinan berlangsung, keadaan ibu masih lemah dan kurang sehat, maka ibu perlu orang dekat untuk menjaga keluarganya.
Jika persalinan berlangsung, keadaan ibu masih lemah dan kurang sehat, maka ibu perlu orang dekat untuk menjaga keluarganya.
7. Mempersiapkan Transportasi
Diusahakan sarana transportasi sudah dipersiapkan jauh-jauh sebelum persalinan.
Diusahakan sarana transportasi sudah dipersiapkan jauh-jauh sebelum persalinan.
8. Mempersiapkan peralatan
Kurang lebih satu minggu sebelum proses persalinan berlangsung, anda sudah harus mempersiapkan peralatan yang diperlukan untuk si calon ibu dan si calon bayi untuk dimasukkan didalam tas.
Kurang lebih satu minggu sebelum proses persalinan berlangsung, anda sudah harus mempersiapkan peralatan yang diperlukan untuk si calon ibu dan si calon bayi untuk dimasukkan didalam tas.
9. Memepersiapkan Mental
Apalagi jika ini adalah anak pertama, anda calon ibu dan calon ayah harus mengerti betul apa peran masing-masing setelah bayi tersebut lahir.
Apalagi jika ini adalah anak pertama, anda calon ibu dan calon ayah harus mengerti betul apa peran masing-masing setelah bayi tersebut lahir.
Belajar blogging : 2 Langkah Membuat Slide Show Di Blog
Slide show bisa menyebabkan loading blog sedikit lama. Bagi anda yang ingin memakai slide show di blognya maka bisa melihat tutorial ini. Mungkin jika kecepatan rata-rata internet di indonesia sudah semakin cepat saya sendiri akan mempertimbangkan untuk memasangn di blog ini.
Berikut langkah-langkahnya :
1. copykan kode berikut diatas </head>
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2. Add new Html/Javascript Widget dan copykan kode berikut :
<ul class="slideshow">
<li><a href="#"><img src="" title="Welcome To Ihsansaidi Weblog" alt="Shaun-The-sheep" /></a></li>
<a href="#"><img src="" title="4 Software Wajib Buat Editing Blogger Template" alt="Beberapa tips yang ingin mengedit template blogger" /></a>
***ubah source image dan tulisan “bewarna merah” sesuai kebutuhan blog anda
3. Done!
Tips Aman Internet : Cara Memblokir Email Spam di Yahoo Mail
Saya pernah atau bahkan sering dapat email seperti ini ....
Barclays Bank PLC
1 Churchill Place
London, E14 5HP,United Kingdom
Dear Customer,
We at this bank wish to congratulate and inform you that after through
review of your Inheritance/Contract funds transfer release documents in
conjunction with the Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund
assessment report, your payment file was forwarded to us for immediate
transfer of a part-payment US$5,800,000.00 to your designated bank account
from their offshore account with us.
The Audit reports given to us shows that you have been going through hard
times by paying a lot of money to see to the release of your funds, which
has been delayed by some dubious officials. We therefore advice that you
stop further communication with any correspondence outside this office
since you do not have to pay any money or fee to receive your funds as you
have met up with the whole funds transfer requirements.
The only thing required from you is to obtain the Non-Residential
Clearance Form to enable us credit your account directly by telegraphic
transfer or through any of our corresponding banks and send copies of the
funds transfer release documents to you and your bankers for confirmation.
Should you follow our directives, your funds will be credited and reflect
in your bank account within five (5) bank working days from the day you
obtain this Non-Residential Clearance Form.
For further details and assistance on this Remittance Notification, kindly
my private E-mail:
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Maureen Frank
Head, International Banking Division.
Barclays Bank PLC, UK.
Email seperti di atas adalah PENIPUAN dari RIA CITRA, RULLY ANUGRAHENI, ISSA KHALAM, MICROSOFT LOTTERY (Plus attachment di word), dll
Nah, pertanyaannya adalah : Bagaimana Caranya agar email-email seperti ini tidak lagi masuk ke kotak SPAM email kita ??
Ikuti saja langkah-langkah berikut ini :
1. Buka email yahoo, lalu klik option/opsi dan pilih opsi lainnya. Selengkapnya lihat gambar dibawah ini.

(Klik gambar untuk memperbesar)
2. Setelah itu masuk spam. Di kolom Add a blocked address, isikan email-email yang akan kalian blok. Saran saja, jika kalian menerima email-email penipuan model di atas.....copy paste saja alamat si pengirim, serta semua alamat email yang tercantum disitu.
Setelah memasukkan emailnya, klik add dan kemudian klik save changes. Berikut gambar tutorialnya.

(Klik gambar untuk memperbesar)
Secara tidak langsung, cara ini bisa kalian gunakan untuk TIDAK MENERIMA email dari orang-orang tertentu yang "mungkin" kalian tidak sukai.
Selamat mencoba.......
Who Cares if The Patients Die? - Apparently Not Some Hospice Marketers
An article in USA Today suggests that marketers for hospices are pushing even more aggressive measures to recruit patients, regardless of the consequences.
Marketing Hospice to Prevent Re-Admission
Per USA Today,
Ignoring the Hospice Mission
Lost in the marketers' thinking seems to be any notion of the hospice mission. Hospices are supposed to provide compassionate palliative care to patients at the end of life who do not want any further aggressive intervention. Good hospice care is likely to make the last days of such patients more tolerable.
However, generally hospices intentionally do not provide any care beyond palliation, such as, for example, antibiotics for acute infections, transfusions in the case of acute blood loss, or surgery for acute trauma. Should a patient who is not at the end of life be erroneously admitted to hospice, and then suffer some new acute problem, that patient is at risk of bad outcomes, including death because of denial of the sort of care available in acute care settings. Thus, admitting patients to hospice who are not at the end of life or have not given truly informed consent for hospice care may lead to patients dying prematurely, or suffering suffering preventable complications of treatable diseases and injuries.
Aggressive marketing of hospice, particularly pushing hospice for patients just because they seem likely to be re-admitted to a hospital, especially by having marketers try to go around patients' own physicians, risks admitting patients to hospice who should not be in hospice. Thus such aggressive hospice marketing may lead to needless, and wrongful deaths of, injuries to, and morbidity for patients who should have received more aggressive treatment.
The USA Today article did note:
In addition,
We have previously discussed, most recently here, allegations that specific for-profit hospice corporations were admitting patients who were not at the end of life just to make more money. The current USA Today article suggests that the phenomenon of hospices enrolling inappropriate patients just to enhance revenue could be more widespread than previously appreciated. The more often hospices enroll patients who are not at the end of life, and/or have not given true informed consent for hospice care, the more patients are likely to suffer needless and wrongful morbidity and injuries, and the more patients are likely to needlessly, and wrongfully die prematurely.
It seems to me that unexpected morbidity of, injuries to, or premature death of hospice patients who were not obviously already at the end of life could lead to civil litigation, and even criminal investigation.
Furthermore, the realization that hospices, once considered the most humane of health care institutions, are more frequently run for profit, and may put profit ahead of their mission should provoke re-examination of our haste to encourage more and more patient care to be given by for-profit organizations in an era of "greed is good."
If we really want better health care, we will have to change policies, practices, and laws so that leaders of health care organizations are motivated more by the desire to help patients than by the desire to become rich.
Marketing Hospice to Prevent Re-Admission
Per USA Today,
Hospice marketers, exploring possibilities for new revenue to help continue the industry's remarkable growth, are looking to exploit a provision in the 2010 health care law by persuading hospitals to send Medicare patients into end-of-life hospice care instead of readmitting them to the hospital.
Such a move, the hospice marketers say, will enable hospitals to avoid paying the Medicare penalties required by the new law when hospitals discharge patients and then have to readmit them within 30 days: Instead of readmitting the patients, hospitals should send them to hospice care, which also is covered by Medicare, according to a USA TODAY analysis of marketing materials.
Patients with severe heart problems and pneumonia tend to decline quickly and often move in and out of hospitals, said hospice marketing specialist Rich Chesney, who proposed the idea.
It might be better, Chesney said, if a hospital CEO hired people to talk to family members about hospice, instead of a doctor, who is more focused on not losing a patient. Chesney made his proposal recently at a conference sponsored by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, an industry trade group. [Chesney is apparently the President of Healthcare Market Resources, whose slogan is "growing bottom lines with information." - Ed]
'If (hospices) make that part of their business and their revenue stream, that's sound business,' said Stan Massey, chief marketing officer for Transcend Hospice Marketing in Holland, Ohio. Massey recently wrote a blog recommending hospice marketers talk to hospital CEOs instead of the doctors who usually decide who is eligible for hospice care. Those conversations, he wrote, 'must be framed heavily in terms of financial benefit.'
Ignoring the Hospice Mission
Lost in the marketers' thinking seems to be any notion of the hospice mission. Hospices are supposed to provide compassionate palliative care to patients at the end of life who do not want any further aggressive intervention. Good hospice care is likely to make the last days of such patients more tolerable.
However, generally hospices intentionally do not provide any care beyond palliation, such as, for example, antibiotics for acute infections, transfusions in the case of acute blood loss, or surgery for acute trauma. Should a patient who is not at the end of life be erroneously admitted to hospice, and then suffer some new acute problem, that patient is at risk of bad outcomes, including death because of denial of the sort of care available in acute care settings. Thus, admitting patients to hospice who are not at the end of life or have not given truly informed consent for hospice care may lead to patients dying prematurely, or suffering suffering preventable complications of treatable diseases and injuries.
Aggressive marketing of hospice, particularly pushing hospice for patients just because they seem likely to be re-admitted to a hospital, especially by having marketers try to go around patients' own physicians, risks admitting patients to hospice who should not be in hospice. Thus such aggressive hospice marketing may lead to needless, and wrongful deaths of, injuries to, and morbidity for patients who should have received more aggressive treatment.
The USA Today article did note:
Health care analysts and ethicists, however, say such proposals are contrary to the intent of the health care law, which is to provide better care, not to put more patients into hospice care for which they are not ready.
The proposals warp the 'whole idea behind hospice,' said Josh Perry, a business and ethics professor at Indiana University.
In addition,
Good hospices have been working with hospital CEOs for years, said Carolyn Cassin, president of the National Hospice Work Group, a coalition of the 25 largest not-for-profit hospice organizations. But the goal, she said, was to make sure patients received the care they needed. She said she was surprised to hear it characterized as a marketing approach to cut costs.
While hospice care costs less than hospital care, at $151 a day for Medicare patients, it's meant for people who are going to die. In hospice care, patients agree not to seek care to improve their health, such as more surgeries, hospitalizations or chemotherapy. After a doctor certifies that he expects a person to die within six months, Medicare covers hospice care.
Experts say they fear patients will be sent to hospice before their time and miss the proper care that could restore their health. Penalties, Perry said, are a 'good thing' to hold hospitals accountable. 'This isn't about extending hospice.'
We have previously discussed, most recently here, allegations that specific for-profit hospice corporations were admitting patients who were not at the end of life just to make more money. The current USA Today article suggests that the phenomenon of hospices enrolling inappropriate patients just to enhance revenue could be more widespread than previously appreciated. The more often hospices enroll patients who are not at the end of life, and/or have not given true informed consent for hospice care, the more patients are likely to suffer needless and wrongful morbidity and injuries, and the more patients are likely to needlessly, and wrongfully die prematurely.
It seems to me that unexpected morbidity of, injuries to, or premature death of hospice patients who were not obviously already at the end of life could lead to civil litigation, and even criminal investigation.
Furthermore, the realization that hospices, once considered the most humane of health care institutions, are more frequently run for profit, and may put profit ahead of their mission should provoke re-examination of our haste to encourage more and more patient care to be given by for-profit organizations in an era of "greed is good."
If we really want better health care, we will have to change policies, practices, and laws so that leaders of health care organizations are motivated more by the desire to help patients than by the desire to become rich.
It seems to me that arguments over the cost of the Games or whether Wales should be hosting more of the events are for the past. For now and the future it is about what we all make of the Games and the real, tangible legacy for sport in Wales.
Here I outline some of the key sporting benefits….
Marketing campaign
I’ve always been firmly committed to the notion that London 2012 will be the biggest marketing campaign for sport we’ll ever see in Wales and the UK.
But of course we all need to be ready to capture the sporting demand that the Games will create – in our communities and in our schools.
This week, our local authority partners have been working hard to stage sporting come and try sessions and festivals as the Olympic Torch Relay journeys through Wales.
Just to give you some examples, Blaenau Gwent have today been staging an Olympic Village at Blaenycwm School. Opening once the Torch Relay has passed through, community partners are offering a range of sporting activities.
World Sports Day at Pontypool Active Living Centre will see more than 700 children from across Torfaen involved in sporting activity.
Outside Newport Centre, the public will be able to try out various Olympic related sports activities such as basketball, rowing, cycling, boxing and hockey.
And that’s just today (Friday 25 May 2012). Similar activities are being organised right along the Torch Relay route.
I’m delighted that there is a commitment to embrace and accommodate the interest in sport. It’s vital that children turning out to catch a glimpse of the Torch can also be tempted to try out a range of sports.
Community Sport
Of course, we cannot stop once the Torch leaves Wales or once the Games come to a close in September. London 2012 comes at a time when the sports sector in Wales is being very ambitious and is coming together to get every child hooked on sport for life.
Our Community Sport Strategy, launched in April will focus partners on getting every child hooked on sport for life. An extra £9million of National Lottery funding will be channelled through our Community Strategy over the next three years. That takes our annual investment into community sport up to around £32m a year.
The Strategy sets out clear priorities to enable a dramatic shift in the range and number of people involved in local sport. You can find out more here.
We want Wales to be world renowned as a successful sporting nation where winning is expected. The idea is that any child seeing their heroes competing and winning will be able to have a go at the sport themselves.
When Dai Greene won gold at the World Athletics Championships in Daegu last year, his home Swansea Harriers club received countless calls from parents and people wanting to give athletics a try. We need to be ready for this demand.
It is up to everyone to grasp the opportunity to make a lasting change at all levels of participation.
We’ve been funding clubs in a way that helps them to thrive and take advantage of London 2012 while the profile of sport in the run up to the Games has also helped us showcase the benefits of physical literacy alongside reading and writing in school. This will be one of the most important pieces of work in Welsh sport moving forward after the Games.
Young Ambassadors
I’m particularly excited by our London 2012 Young Ambassadors – these are young people in our schools and colleges who are role models and champions of sport for their peers. A direct legacy of the Games.
Central to the Young Ambassador programme is the principle that young people can drive opportunity, engagement and change for all young people to be involved in sport.
The role of a Young Ambassador involves increasing participation in school sport and PE, spreading the word of the Olympic and Paralympic Values - respect, friendship, excellence, courage, determination, inspiration and equality - and promoting the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Working in partnership with Youth Sport Trust and other bodies, this work has been a breath of fresh air. They certainly challenge me and my colleagues at Sport Wales about how we listen to and engage young people in our decision making.
Gemau Cymru
There are other legacy projects such as Gemau Cymru – a multi sport event for young athletes of Wales, organised by the Urdd. This year it is held on the weekend of 13-15 July 2012 in different locations around Cardiff. It captures the inspiration of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
It gives young athletes a fantastic opportunity to compete against their peers. We all know that to succeed on the elite stage, the chance to compete against those who are at a similar level of talent is absolutely vital .
Inspire Mark
More than 100 exceptional projects have been inspired by the Games to do something special in their local communities. They are using the Games as the inspiration to make real and lasting change. You can find out more here.
And there’s more...
From adizones around Wales to Pre Games Training Camps and the Get Set educational programme, there is so much more that is happening. You can find out more about that here...
It comes down to sparking interest among the children of Wales who all have a right to the opportunity to play sport.
And you can’t really put money on that…
Tema Windows 7 NARUTO KYUUBI
Limit Komputer | Dari judulnya udah tahu donk dengan temanya,, hehehe. siapa sih yang gak kenal dengan naruto ?. naruto merupakan sebuah anime populer yang sering tayang di TV maupun di Internet.
Mumpung saya fans beratnya Naruto, maka saya bagikan tema tersebut buat anda sekalian yang nantinya di pakai di komputer maupun laptop yang anda miliki. untuk masalah fitur dan kualitas ? tema ini tidak usah di ragukan lagi.
Dan bagi kalian yang mencap dirinya sebagai fans naruto, maka saya sarankan untuk mendownload temanya di bawah ini :
Mumpung saya fans beratnya Naruto, maka saya bagikan tema tersebut buat anda sekalian yang nantinya di pakai di komputer maupun laptop yang anda miliki. untuk masalah fitur dan kualitas ? tema ini tidak usah di ragukan lagi.
Dan bagi kalian yang mencap dirinya sebagai fans naruto, maka saya sarankan untuk mendownload temanya di bawah ini :
Tutorial Mengganti Skin IDM
Unik Informatika - IDM itu layaknya nyawa bagi seorang downloader sejati, tapi bisakah skin IDM diganti? tentu bisa, pada postingan saya kali ini saya akan membahas tentang bagaimana cara mengganti skin IDM yang biasa nya kita pakai dengan skin IDM lain yang sudah kita download, di postingan saya selanjutnya saya akan memberikan anda beberapa pack skin IDM yang saya koleksi.
Baiklah kita kurangi saja basa-basinya, tutorial Mengganti skin IDM sendiri bisa langsung kita mulai, cekidooot :
1. Download skin IDM dulu.
2. Setelah selesai mendownload, Extract file IDM ke suatu tempat.
3. Lalu copy file .tbi dan file bitmap ke folder C: > Program Files > Internet Download Manager > Toolbar.
4. Setelah selesai mengcopy, restart IDM anda dan buka tab View > Toolbar dan klik nama skin yang sudah anda install tadi.
5. Skin sudah siap dinikmati.
Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda, jika anda mempunyai pertanyaan bisa langsung di koment di bawah ini atau juga bisa ke fans page kami....:D terima kasih..:D
NHANES Data, Obesity & Diabetes
The image below comes from the blog of Dr. Richard Feinman. Free drink and an appetizer at the Asylum Pub & Grill tonight for the first person to point out what's wrong with this picture!
original image direct link |
Liverpool HD Wallpaper Free Download
Unik Informatika - Ngomongin Wallpaper itu kalau di blog UniKa itu emang ga ada habis-habisnya jadi gini sob dikarenakan saya seorang kaskuser dan thread saya bertemakan wallpaper + request gan boleh di cek di Thread Kaskus Wallpaper ! ini gan...jadi mumpung banyak banget yang request sama saya, saya manfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk membuat posting di blog saya bertambah banyak.
Nah pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memposting Link Download Wallpaper, tema kali ini adalah Liverpool Wallpaper yang direquest oleh agan ndra.
Wallpaper High Definition akan terus saya muat dan akan menjadi khas dari blog ini, HD akan dikemas di sebuah winrar berdasarkan tema dari postingan ini dan tentunya sesuai request !
Link Download Liverpool HD Wallpaper :
Terima Kasih atas kunjungannya sobat !
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