Warung Bebas

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

Daily Blog #18: End of the milestones - 13 and 14 detailed

Hello Reader,
           The DFIR Summit has come and gone and I've learned a lot. This post marks the end of the milestones series and I think the first series I've ever actually completed on this blog. I'll be honest when I first wrote out the milestone blog I wasn't sure what the reaction would be from you. I wasn't sure if you would be upset that I was trying to define your career progression or be happy to see a way forward that you may not have seen to continue to grow your skills and knowledge. I'm happy to say that all the feedback I've gotten so far has been very positive, so if you are upset with me, you have at least not let me know.

    These are the final two milestones that I know of from my 14 years of experience in the field, if you can think of what comes next I'd love to hear it. Otherwise, I hope that in another year I'll look back and see what I need to add and just keep expanding this list as I also continue to progress and learn. There is no end to our journey, only the point where we decide to stop taking it.

Milestone 13 - You've developed your own data structures parsers and you begin looking into new data structures to make new tools.
    This is a great time in your career. You have matured so far as an examiner that you are expanding the field of knowledge now to help the community at large, and possibly release a product that could lead to a better future. If you are thinking forward to when you hit this milestone with the idea that nothing new will be left to be discovered then I'm happy to say this is the last of your worries. Every new application, version, service pack, operating system version, file system, service, device, etc... that gets introduced into the market and is used by a custodian becomes ripe for new artifact discovery. There is still so much we don't know about the internals and data left behind through normal system usage both in cutting edge OS releases as well as historical OS artifacts that if you find the motivation to do so I believe you will find a new artifact that will set the community a buzz.

    Now having said this, you don't have to find a new artifact to make a useful tool. Many times being able to take your perspective as a seasoned examiner and apply that knowledge to program logic will allow you to create powerful programs that let newcomers have a small portion of your wisdom encapsulated in a utility. Every time an experienced examiner becomes a developer the tools available for other developers become that much better because we know what we want and need. So if you've reached milestone 13, well done. I look forward to seeing your tools and hope you will let me know if I can help you in testing and validating your output.

Milestone 14 - You get the artifact bug and spend your free time thinking of what else might exist and start creating testing environments solely to find new artifacts.

    This is where I am. I have the artifact itch, when I hear people talk about things that exist/don't exist/are capable of doing within the operating system I think of what parts of the OS are involved and what should exist. I then expand that thinking to what systems and artifacts relate to those parts of the OS and begin making a mental checklist of things to check to validate my theory. If my theory appears correct I begin looking into creating a prototype parser and begin testing to validate the results. Once validated I begin to blog about it and release alpha's for testing and suddenly begin to notice and think of other things to go check and test. The cycle just continues and it's very rewarding  as you just continue your understanding and knowledge of why things exist and what you should be able to recover. At the same time you can continue to give back to the community that helped you get to this point. 
    If you've reached milestone 14 I'd like to invite you to email me, dcowen@g-cpartners.com, lets talk about your journey and I'd like to interview you for the blog. In addition I'd love to setup a mailing list of DFIR developers and artifact hunters so we can help each other moving forward.
    That's all for the milestone series, I hope you push yourself forward to achieve everything you want to and ask for help when you need it!

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika - Semboyan Negara - Sejarah

Sejarah Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

Semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika bisa ditemukan dalam Kitab Sutasoma karya Mpu Tantular yang ditulis pada abad XIV pada era Kerajaan Majapahit. Mpu Tantular merupakan seorang penganut Buddha Tantrayana, namun merasakan hidup aman dan tentram dalam kerajaan Majapahit yang lebih bernafaskan agama Hindu (Ma’arif A. Syafii, 2011).

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika mulai menjadi bahan diskusi terbatas antara Muhammad Yamin, I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa, dan Bung Karno di sela-sela sidang BPUPKI sekitar 2,5 bulan sebelum Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia(Kusuma R.M. A.B, 2004). Bahkan Bung Hatta sendiri mengemukakan bahwa Bhinneka Tunggal Ika merupakan ciptaan Bung Karno pasca Indonesia merdeka. Setelah beberapa tahun kemudian ketika mendesain Lambang Negara Republik Indonesia dalam bentuk burung Garuda Pancasila, semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika disisipkan ke dalamnya.
Secara resmi lambang ini digunakan dalam Sidang Kabinet Republik Indonesia Serikat yg dipimpin oleh Bung Hatta pada tanggal 11 Februari 1950 berdasarkan rancangan yang diciptakan oleh Sultan Hamid ke-2 (1913-1978). Pada sidang tersebut mengemuka banyak usulan rancangan lambang negara, selanjutnya yang dipilih adalah usulan yang diciptakan Sultan Hamid ke-2 & Muhammad Yamin, dan kemudian rancangan dari Sultan Hamid yang akhirnya ditetapkan (Yasni, Z, 1979).
Karya Mpu Tantular tersebut oleh para founding fathers diberikan penafsiran baru sebab dianggap sesuai dengan kebutuhan strategis bangunan Indonesia merdeka yang terdiri atas beragam agama, kepercayaan, etnis, ideologi politik, budaya dan  bahasa. Dasar pemikiran tersebut yang menjadikan semboyan “keramat” ini terpajang melengkung dalam cengkeraman kedua cakar Burung Garuda. Burung Garuda dalam mitologi Hindu ialah kendaraanDewa Vishnu (Ma’arif A. Syafii, 2011).

Dalam proses perumusan konstitusi Indonesia, jasa Muh.Yamin harus diingat sebagai orang yang pertama kali mengusulkan kepada Bung Karno agar Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dijadikan semboyan sesanti negara. Muh. Yamin sebagai tokoh kebudayaan dan bahasa memang dikenal sudah lama bersentuhan dengan segala hal yang berkenaan dengan kebesaran Majapahit (Prabaswara, I Made, 2003). Konon, di sela-sela Sidang BPUPKI antara Mei-Juni 1945, Muh. Yamin menyebut-nyebut ungkapan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika itu sendirian. Namun I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa (temannya dari Buleleng) yang duduk di sampingnya sontak menyambut sambungan ungkapan itu dengan “tan hana dharma mangrwa.” Sambungan spontan ini di samping menyenangkan Yamin, sekaligus menunjukkan bahwa di Bali ungkapan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika itu masih hidup dan dipelajari orang (Prabaswara, I Made, 2003). Meksipun Kitab Sutasoma ditulis oleh seorang sastrawan Buddha, pengaruhnya cukup besar di lingkungan masyarakat intelektual Hindu Bali.
Para pendiri bangsa Indonesia yang sebagian besar beragama Islam tampaknya cukup toleran untuk menerima warisan Mpu Tantular tersebut. Sikap toleran ini merupakan watak dasar suku-suku bangsa di Indonesia yang telah mengenal beragam agama, berlapis-lapis kepercayaan dan tradisi, jauh sebelum Islam datang ke Nusantara. Sekalipun dengan runtuhnya Kerajaan Majapahit abad XV, pengaruh Hindu-Budha secara politik sudah sangat melemah, secara kultural pengaruh tersebut tetap lestari sampai hari ini (Ma’arif A. Syafii, 2011).

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika dalam Konteks Indonesia

Indonesia beruntuk telah memiliki falsafah bhinneka tunggal ika sejak dahulu ketika negara barat masih mulai memerhatikan tentang konsep keberagaman.
Indonesia merupakan negara yang sangat kaya akan keberagaman. Jika dilihat dari kondisi alam saja Indonesia sangat kaya akan ragam flora dan fauna, yang tersebar dari ujung timur ke ujung barat serta utara ke selatan di sekitar kurang lebih 17508 pulau. Indonesia juga didiami banyak suku(sekitar kurang lebih 1128 suku) yang menguasai bahasa daerah masing-masing(sekitar 77 bahasa daerah) dan menganut berbagai agama dan kepercayaan. Keberagaman ini adalah ciri bangsa Indonesia. Warisan kebudayaan yang berasal dari masa-masa kerajaan hindu, budha dan islam tetap lestari dan berakar di masyarakat. Atas dasar ini, para pendiri negara sepakat untuk menggunakan bhinneka tunggal ika yang berarti "berbeda-beda tapi tetap satu jua" sebagai semboyan negara.

Bangsa Indonesia sudah berabad-abad hidup dalam kebersamaan dengan keberagaman dan perbedaan. Perbedaan warna kulit, bahasa, adat istiadat, agama, dan berbagai perbedaan lainya. Perbedaan tersebut dijadikan para leluhur sebagai modal untuk membangun bangsa ini menjadi sebuah bangsa yang besar. Sejarah mencatat bahwa seluruh anak bangsa yang berasal dari berbagai suku semua terlibat dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Semua ikut berjuang dengan mengambil peran masing-masing.

Kesadaran terhadap tantangan dan cita-cita untuk membangun sebuah bangsa telah dipikirkan secara mendalam oleh para pendiri bangsa Indonesia. Keberagaman dan kekhasan sebagai sebuah realitas masyarakat dan lingkungan serta cita-cita untuk membangun bangsa dirumuskan dalam semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Ke-bhinneka-an merupakan realitas sosial, sedangkan ke-tunggal-ika-an adalah sebuah cita-cita kebangsaan. Wahana yang digagas sebagai “jembatan emas” untuk menuju pembentukan sebuah ikatan yang merangkul keberagaman dalam sebuah bangsa adalah sebuah negara yang merdeka dan berdaulat, Indonesia.

Para pendiri negara juga mencantumkan banyak sekali pasal-pasal yang mengatur tentang keberagaman. Salah satu pasal tersebut adalah  tentang pentingnya keberagaman dalam pembangunan selanjutnya diperkukuh dengan semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika sebagaimana tercantum dalam ketentuan Pasal 36A Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yang menegaskan bahwa Lambang Negara ialah Garuda Pancasila dengan semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika merupakan semboyan yang mengungkapkan persatuan dan kesatuan yang berasal dari keanekaragaman.

Daftar Perlengkapan Bayi

Daftar Perlengkapan Bayi perlu untuk diketahui Ibu yang akan segera punya bayi, terlebih lagi untuk calon Ibu yang baru pertama memiliki momongan, biasanya Ibu muda akan bingung untuk menyiapkan apa saja yang diperlukan untuk merawat sang buah hati. Nah berikut adalah daftar perlengkapan bayi yang perlu untuk Ibu siapkan menyambut kedatangan sang bayi tercinta.

Kebutuhan Utama

Alat Perlengkapan Bayi

Alat Perlengkapan Bayi harus sudah Ibu pikirkan saat usia kandungan sudah tua, sebaiknya, saat memasuki bulan ketujuh,Ibu hamil sudah menyiapkan alat perlengkapan bayi untuk menyambut sang buah hati yang akan segera hadir. Saat hamil anak pertama, mungkin Ibu akakn kesulitan dalam mengetahui apa saja alat perlengkapan bayi yang dibutuhkan oleh bayi baru lahir, mulai dari pakaiannya, tempat tidur,

Manfaat Kesehatan

Manfaat Kesehatan - Kesehatan adalah hal yang sangat berharga dan adalah hal yang sangat mendasar yang dibutuhkan oleh manusia. Dengan kesehtan, seseorang akan dapat menjalani kehidupan yang lebih baik dan bahagia.

Dengan memiliki tubuh dan pikiran yang sehat, itu berarti adalah orang yang sangat kaya, Anda tentu tahu bukan kalau saat ini biaya  kesehatan dan pengobatan sangatlah mahal. Anda

Cara Mudah Menurunkan Berat Badan dengan Lari ditempat

Menurunkan Berat Badan dengan cara alami yang bisa anda
lakukan, salah satunya yaitu dengan menerapkan pola makan tinggi protein dan
rendah lemak, disertai dengan latihan kardio. Sebagai pendukung latihan
tersebut anda bisa menggunakan treadmill, sepeda stasioner dan peralatan lainnya.
Apabila anda mempunyai banyak waktu luang, bisa juga mencoba lari di alam

Namun apabila anda yang

7 Tempat Wisata di Jogja yang Menarik

7 Tempat Wisata di Jogja yang Menarik - yoshiwafa - Jogja atau Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya memiliki banyak tempat wisata bersejarah, alam, modern, indah, menarik, populer. Tidak kalah populernya dengan tempat wisata di bali ataupun tempat wisata di bandung. Yang saya lihat dari pengamatan blog wisata milik saya yaitu yoshiewafa.blogspot.com. Tujuan wisata yang paling populer di Indonesia dan banyak



"We can make a commitment to promote vegetables and fruits and whole grains on every part of every menu.  We can make portion sizes smaller and emphasize quality over quantity.  And we can help create a culture – imagine this – where our kids ask for healthy options instead of resisting them."
                              --Michelle Obama, First Lady

Jason told me that he is having problems with his eyes and his feet.  I asked him, “When was the last time you were screened for diabetes?” and he replied that it was more than 7 years ago.  Then he talked about his kids.  He said his son was “almost as big as I am.”  Then, his voice dropped and he added that his 15 year old daughter is also almost as big as he is.  He asked me how to help them.  I said, “Lead by example and help yourself first.  Act as if you are at a healthy weight yourself.  Let them know that you are changing what you eat and are going to eat 2 more cups of in season and locally grown vegetables this week.  Start changing one thing each week to get on the path to better health and a healthier life.” 

Can you guess what this is?

How do parents help their kids who are obese?  Health starts at home, in the discussions we have at the dinner table, in our attitude towards exercise and fitness.  Health starts in the kitchen, in the foods we prepare for and with our families. 

Childhood obesity is a problem because:
  • Kids who are obese are more likely to be bullied
  • Kids who are obese are more likely to be obese as adults
  • Being obese increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, joint problems, high blood pressure and certain cancers
  • Kids who are obese are more likely to suffer from poor self-image throughout their entire lives
  • Kids diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can be expected to have a shorter lifespan of about 17 years than kids without diabetes

How do I help my kids get back to a healthier weight?

  • Commit to making one change a week in your eating or fitness habits. 
  • Write down your own health goal.  Be specific.  Use S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-specific).

How do I know if I am at a healthy weight or not? 

Start by looking at yourself in the mirror.  Do you like how your body looks?  How do your clothes fit?  Are they tight?  Do you have to buy new clothes every few months because you need a bigger size?

For most of us, we know if we need to lose some weight and some inches.  A good reference point is to determine your Body Mass Index (BMI).  For adults it is simply based on the relationship between our height and our weight.  BMI for kids (ages 2-19) is based on their height, weight, plus their age and their gender (male or female).  The BMI is not a perfect tool but it is a useful tool.  Find out your BMI number by clicking here.  

Click here for some great, kid-friendly foods and ideas that kids of all ages will love!

Let’s do something meaningful about our children’s health by showing them that we can about our own health.  Children need good role models and it is up to each of us to be that role model.  The consequences of ignoring obesity in America's children are too high and too extreme to ignore.   Act as if…..

A picture from my 4th of July vacation on St. Simons Island, Georgia last weekend!

The Growing Healthy Kids movement is about inspiring, educating, and improving the health literacy of Americans so we can reverse, halt, and prevent childhood obesity and obesity-related diseases in children.  Together, we can improve the health – and lives – of America’s children, one child at a time.

In gratitude,
Nancy Heinrich

Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.

the other day i went to dinner w/ some girlfriends and we were talking about design and how hard it is to make decisions.  it's so true....everyday, i think "ok i'm going with this for the house, no more analyzing" and then i'll hop on pinterest and bam, there's something else that completely changes my mind.  do y'all have this problem?!!  i can't commit to save my life.

*images courtesy of mode de vie, weekly day carnival, house and home, home inc

43% Believe that US Health Care is Corrupt, 64% that Government is Run by a Few Big Interests, Media Shrug

We have noted  (most recently here),  that health care corruption, particularly its global nature and its presence in developed countries like the US, is a taboo topic and thus remains anechoic.  

Transparency International just released its yearly massive survey on corruption worldwide.  The results are not pretty for health care and related sectors world wide and in the US.  As expected, these results appear to be causing few echoes. 

Global Results

Some useful summary statements found in the written version of the report:

Governments are not thought to be doing enough to hold the corrupt to account.  The majority of people around the world believe that their government is ineffective at fighting corruption and corruption in their country is getting worse.

The democratic pillars of societies are viewed as the most corrupt.  Around the world, political parties, the driving force of democracies, are perceived to be the most corrupt institution.

Personal connections are seen as corrupting the public administration.  People surveyed regard corruption in their country as more than just paying bribes: almost two out of three people believe that personal contacts and relationships help to get things done in the public sector in their country.

Powerful groups rather than the public good are judged to be driving government action.  More than one in two people (54 per cent) think their government is largely, or entirely run by groups acting in their own interests rather than for the benefit of the citizens. 

The survey included questions about corruption in the health care sector.  Globally, respondents perceived it was a major problem.  On average, 17% said they or their family members had to pay bribes in connection with medical and health care.  The average perception of corruption in medicine and health care across all countries was 3.2, where 1 = not at all corrupt, and 5 = extremely corrupt.  (Scores for the media were 3.1, business sector, 3.3, education system, 3.1, public officials, 3.6, political parties, 3.8, and NGOs, 2.7)

US Results

While the US did not have the worst results, our numbers were not very good (see US specific results here). More than one-third (43%) of respondents thought that US health care is corrupt.  Large numbers of people also thought that related sectors were corrupt (53% thought business in general was corrupt, 34% education, 58% the media, 55% public officials, 61% the legislature, 78% political parties.)

For comparison, the proportions of people who thought the health care sector is corrupt were 24% in Canada, 28% in France, 48% in Germany, 47% in Japan, and 19% in the United Kingdom

Also, more than half (60%) of respondents said corruption in the US has increased over the last 2 years, almost two-thirds (64%) thought that the US government is run by a few big interests. 

Thus, this survey confirmed that health care corruption is a global problem, and that a large proportion of people in the US believe it is a major problem here. 

The Media Shrug

This would seem to be major news.  However, so far the Transparency International survey results have received little  media attention in the US.  Moreover, what attention they have received in the US makes corruption appear to be some other countries' problem.  .

Most of the US media reports avoided mentioning any results that relate directly to the country.  In particular, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, CNN, NBC, and Reuters coverage said nothing about the US.  Businessweek provided reports from Malaysia and Russia that focused on those countries' results.  A brief report in the Los Angeles Times only noted a single US statistic, about the bribery rate, one area in which the US had relatively favorable results.  Only a lonely Forbes blogger alluded to the US results in slightly more detail,  (and then went on to summarize those from Brazil, Russia, India, and Mexico in detail).

In contrast, media reports from some other countries, like India, Ghana, and Israel, noted their own countries' poor results.


So once again we see how anechoic are the notions that health care corruption is a severe global problem, and that it affects all countries, including the most supposedly developed.  Of course, the unwillingness to discuss global health care corruption, health care corruption in the US, and the relationship of health care corruption in the US to corruption in other sectors may arise from the fear, as stated by one person interviewed in Charles Ferguson's documentary Inside Job, that discussion could lead to investigation, and investigation could "find the culprits".

On Health Care Renewal, we try to discuss global health care corruption,.  We were first inspired by the 2006 publication of Transparency International's Global Corruption Report which focused on health care, and documented how health care corruption is global, severe, and not restricted to the poorest countries  (see post here).

This blog focuses on the US, and we  now have in our archives some amazing stories that document various forms of health care corruption in the US, including numerous allegations of misbehavior by large health care organizations ending in legal settlements, and examples of outright fraud, bribery, kickbacks and other crimes. On the other hand, we have demonstrated again and again that bad  and corrupt behavior by large health care organizations is a taboo topic.  For example, we could find  very few significant efforts to discuss, teach about, or research ways to fight corruption, or to promote accountability, integrity, transparency, honesty and ethics by academic health care institutions. (See this post for how difficult it was to find academic institutions' initiatives to resist conflicts of interest.) One can count the conferences, meetings, symposia, and courses on such topics on one's fingers. When I last looked, I could count only a single course on fighting corruption at any US medical or public health school (at Boston University, by Prof Taryn Vian).

Of course, if we really want to reform health care, in the little time we may have before our health care bubble bursts, we will need to take strong action against health care corruption.  Such action will really disturb the insiders within large health care organizations who have gotten rich from their organizations' misbehavior, and thus taking such action will require some courage.

ADDENDUM (16 July, 2013) - See comments by Dr Howard Brody on the Hooked: Ethics, Medicine and Pharma blog.

Daily Blog #17: Milestones 11 and 12 detailed

Howdy Reader,
                 It's day 2 of the DFIR Summit and after winning the award for "4:Cast award for Best Forensic Article of the Year" (woo!) it's time to write another blog! Today we will be continuing the milestone series which should be done this week. Yesterday we talked about milestones 9 and 10 and today we continue to Milestones 11 and 12, coming ever closer to the end of my defined career progression.

Milestone 11 - You've realized that to optimize your workflow you need to learn some basic programming.
    Up to this point none of the milestones presented required anything but your knowledge of tools, artifacts, operating systems and file systems to progress. At this point though we have reached the level where you will  have to cross the gap from user to developer. For people who have never programmed before this seems like an insurmountable task, my advice to you is to put your goals into perspective and reduce the scope of the problem you are trying to solve.

    Why do you need to learn how to program? This is usually the most common question I'm asked when I bring up this point and argue its necessity. This is my answer; if you want keep growing as an examiner and become more efficient in your process while reducing frustration you will have to learn how to automate your tool execution. This will start being as simple as batch scripts that kick off a series of one off tools in your process (prefetch, reg ripper, journal parser, lnk parser, etc...), saving you time and allowing more blog reading while things run. Once you've achieved the batch script automation you'll start thinking about how to improve it by adding some basic decision trees allowing the batch script to run additional processes depending how a previous artifact exited or what other files exist in a directory. Once you've made this first progression from "series of commands executed in order", to "commands executed and some program logic decides what will happen next" you've made an important step into becoming a developer.
    It’s that first step that will, over time, drive you towards bridging the gap from scripting to programming as you continue to explore new things you can add to your scripts that will make your life easier. That is what learning to program is about, making your life easier by letting the programming logic you wrote once to perform the same repetitive actions and simple analysis for you one hundred times over. Once you reach the limit of what batch scripting will do for you it's time to expand into more functional programming languages. You might choose to go to a scripting language like perl (clearly the right choice), autoit script (Hi Joakim) or python (also cool) while others will make the jump to C++/C#/Java, etc... There is no wrong answer here on where you start and where you progress to - as long as your transition does not overwhelm you. My advice would be that if the structures necessary to write your program are more complicated than your program code then you might want to take a step back to a simpler language until you need the functionality provided by a more advanced language. 
    The purpose of this milestone is not to make you a developer full time. It is to make you a better examiner by automating parts of your analysis/processing/reporting that don't require you to apply the knowledge you have to make a decision. Instead of just doing repetitive tasks that keep you confined to your keyboard you will be able to switch focus to other tasks and become more productive and informed!
Milestone 12 - You've found enough deficiencies in the tools you use that you begin to write your own.
    At this point you've developed enough automation code to become a decent DFIR developer. You start reading the code in some of the open source tools you use to try to better understand what and how they do what they do. You think about submitting changes to fix problems you find in your work. Over time you may find that if the tool would only work by doing X instead of Y or reported in Z format it would be so much more useful to you, and instead of trying to rewrite someone else's tool you write one from scratch yourself to learn more. 
    What language you write your tool in does not matter, what matters is that you have found a real world problem to solve with your programming abilities that will propel you forward. Nothing helps you become a better developer than having a problem you really care about to solve. The more of these problems you find to solve the better a developer you will become. Your program's needs will continue to define your choice of language and libraries and there is so much example code and data structures out there to help you! It's not important if what you are writing has been solved 100 times before by a multitude of tools, what matters is that you successfully create your own version of that tool which solves your unique need.
    This is a huge step in your progression as you begin to recognize unknown artifacts in your re-creation testing and analysis and can start doing your own analysis to find them, which is covered in the next milestone!

    Tomorrow we finish the milestones series and see which topic from my list looks more appealing to write about.

Puncak Masa Subur Pria di Usia Tertentu

Puncak Masa Subur Pria tentu tidak selalu dalam kondisi
maksimal. Ada periode usia tertentu saat pria akan mengalami masa jaya dengan
kehidupan seksualnya. Dari beberapa penelitian yang pernah dilakukan, diketahui
bahwa puncak masa seksual pria terjadi di usia remaja (sekitar 18 tahun),
sedangkan puncak seksual wanita diusia 30 tahun.

Puncak masa seksual pria dan wanita adalah kondisi

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