Warung Bebas

Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Menampilkan Metro UI di Windows 7 dengan Metro 7

Limit Komputer | Windows 8 memang memiliki segudang dayat tarik yang besar dari segi penampilan serta fitur. jadi wajar-wajar saja kalau seseorang tertarik untuk menggunakan windows 8. nah salah satu fitur yang memiliki daya tarik besar ialah Metro UI atau yang sering kita dengar Start Screen. 

Bagi sebagian pengguna windows 7 tentu masih asing di telinga kalau saya sebutkan tentang Metro UI!, tapi untuk pengguna windows 8 saya yakin semuanya sudah pasti mengetahuinya. Lalu pertanyaan apa sih Metro UI itu ? Metro UI adalah elemen penting yang terdapat di windows 8 yang berupa kumpulan-kumpulan program berbentuk Cloud

Fitur Metro UI memang khusus di peruntukan bagi pengguna windows 8 dan tidak untuk windows 7. tetapi kalian tenang saja, sebab fitur Metro UI sudah dapat berfungsi di Windows 7 dengan menggunakan aplikasi Metro 7 berikut ini :

 Fitur yang di tawarkan oleh Metro 7 beragam, di antaranya :

1. Gratis !!
2. Dapat bersosialisasi dengan teman di facebook maupun twitter asalkan komputer terhubung dengan internet
3. Di dukung notifikasi email melalui desktop
4. Dapat menambahkan situs favorit yang nantinya akan memprercepat dalam mengaksesnya 
5. Dapat menginstallnya melalui Metro 7 store secara gratis.

Tunggu apalagi segeralah mendownloadnya dengan mengunjungi situs resminya berikut ini :


Namun untuk menginstallnya harus di perlukan program yang bernama "Net Framework 4". nah bagi yang belum memilikinya, dapat memperolehnya melalui tautan berikut ini :


Mengenal Aktivitas Anak Sehat Dan Cerdas

Menginjak usia sekitar 13-14 bulan, aktivitas si kecil meningkat tajam. Kemampuannya berjalan tanpa dibantu, memberinya kesempatan seluas-luasnya untuk menyalurkan minatnya : mengeksplorasi sekitarnya.

Kedua tangannya sudah sangat baik gerak motorik dan koordinasinya, membuat si kecil bebas mengikuti gerakan yang dilakukan orang di dekatnya. Demikian pula dengan kedua kakinya yang semakin lama semakin mantap, gerakan menendang, melangkah yang sudah dikuasainya kini diperkaya dengan gerakan memanjat, melompat dan akhirnya berlari kian-kemari.

Sehingga pada umumnya, begitu anak menyadari ia memiliki kemampuan untuk bergerak, maka anak yang sehat akan mengisi hari-harinya dengan berbagai aktivitas. Karena pada usia batita rasa ingin tahunya juga sedang berkembang pesat, maka aktivitas gerakannya pun selalu dikaitkan dengan minatnya untuk menjelajah lingkungan, mencoba kemampuan diri, memanfaatkan benda-benda di sekelilingnya atau berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi dengan seluruh penghuni rumah termasuk binatang peliharaan, maupun anak lain.

Aktivitas khas si kecil

Di antara berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan, ada beberapa yang sangat khas. Selain berlari, menendang dan berguling, si kecil tampak gemar sekali naik dan melompat-lompat di kursi atau tempat tidur, naik-turun meja, melempar-lempar barang, buka-tutup laci, membongkar barang tertutup, mengeluarkan isi lemari, menarik-narik kabel atau apapun yang terjuntai, sampai menarik-narik ekor binatang di rumah.

Aktif dan gembira

Namun sekalipun ia tampak begitu aktif, sehingga terkesan sepanjang hari waktunya dihabiskan dengan gerakan yang nyaris tiada henti, anak sehat dan cerdas akan tetap terlihat gembira dan ceria. Bahkan nafsu makan maupun pola tidurnya tidak terganggu.

Cerdas dan kreatif

Mengingat kecerdasan si kecil sudah demikian berkembang, pada usia ini anak yang sehat dan cerdas juga sudah mampu diajak berkomunikasi. Maka ia pun jarang menemukan kesulitan dalam beraktivitas. Dengan sedikit petunjuk yang Anda berikan, ia dapat segera menguasai bentuk aktivitas baru yang diminatinya.

Oleh karena itu, anak yang sehat dan cerdas memiliki aktivitas yang lebih beragam. Perkayalah si kecil dengan gerak aktif yang lebih positif. Arahkan si kecil pada aktivitas yang dapat merangsang kemampuan daya kreativitasnya.

Denying the Inconvenient Truth About Study 329

On 1BoringOldMan, Mickey, the semi-anonymous retired psychiatrist blogger, has updated the saga of Study 329.  The manipulation of Study 329 was a central part of the US government's case against GlaxoSmithKline that was recently settled for $3 billion and resulted in three guilty pleas by the company (look here and here.)

Mickey's previous voluminous series of posts on this subject are listed here.  He and others, most notably Dr Jon Jureidini, have attempted to get the journal that published the now widely ridiculed Study 329 retracted.  His three recent posts on the subject are:
the lesson of Study 329: an unfinished symphony…
 a response… 

 In the most recent of these, he argued,

In this particular case, there are no facts in question. It was a negative trial, declared negative by the people who did it. The paper was ghost-written and reviewed by the sponsor before any of the twenty two authors ever saw a manuscript. The science was jury-rigged to imply a positive outcome where none was supported using well-documented sleight of hand. None of that is speculative. And the article has been a centerpiece for court settlements worth billions of dollars.

Yet, the  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry refused to retract the article. Mickey's opinion in the second of the posts listed above,

One can only conclude that they found this article to be an inconvenient truth, and that Dr. Andres Martin and his colleagues in the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry believe that acknowledging that truth would do more harm than good [or maybe even found a way not to see the truth at all, though it's hard to imagine how]. Sooner or later, this whole tawdry saga is going to find its way out of the blogs and courtrooms and into the full light of day. And the question that’s going to be asked is why didn’t Medicine itself deal with the problem? Why didn’t the Journal itself retract the misinformation once they knew about it? Why didn’t the industry sponsor itself call for the retraction as part of their settlement with the DOJ? What possible reasonable reason could there be for leaving a paper that is a lie in their journal without even an expression of concern, much less a retraction? And there aren’t going to be any believable answers.

Mickey concluded the most recent post,

The loser in this story is the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and ultimately psychiatry itself…

The longer inconvenient truths are ignored or suppressed, the more inconvenient, and hazardous they will ultimately become. 

ADDENDUM (26 December, 2012) - One more post on 1BoringOldMan: telling the truth as a liability…

Its conclusion

By any criteria, the conclusion to the 2001 Keller et al article is wrong ["Paroxetine is generally well tolerated and effective for major depression in adolescents"]. That’s not the reason that some of us have been so persistent in pushing for retraction. The reason is that it was wrong at the time the article was published, and they knew it was wrong, but published it anyway. We want to make a statement about the integrity of the scientific literature.

ONC's Christmas Confessional on Health IT Safety: "HIT Patient Safety Action & Surveillance Plan for Public Comment"

This time of year is certainly appropriate for a confessional on the health IT industry and hyperenthusiasts' sins.

In the first report I've seen that seems genuinely imbued with a  basic level of recognition of social responsibility incurred by conducting the grand human subjects experiment known as national health IT, ONC has issued a Dec. 21, 2012 report "Health Information Technology Patient Safety Action & Surveillance Plan for Public Comment." It is available at this link in PDF.

Statements are made that have appeared repeatedly since 2004 at this blog, and my health IT difficulties site that went online years before this blog (1998 to be exact); it is possible through my early writing and that of like-minded colleagues that we were the origin of most of these memes.  We wrote them with the result of bringing much scorn upon ourselves. After all, "how could health IT possibly not be a panacea?" was the "you are an apostate" attitude I certainly experienced (e.g., as in my Sept. 2012 post "The Dangers of Critical Thinking in A Politicized, Irrational Culture").

Observations echoed in the new ONC report:

  • "Just as health IT can create new opportunities to improve patient care and safety, it can also create new potentials for harm."
  • Health IT will only fulfill its enormous potential to improve patient safety if the risks associated with its use are identified, if there is a coordinated effort to mitigate those risks, and if it is used to make care safer.
  • Because health IT is so tightly integrated into care delivery today, it is difficult to interpret this initial research [such as the PA Patient Safety Authority study  - ed.], which would seem to suggest that health IT is a modest cause of medical errors. However, it is difficult to say whether a medical error is health IT-related. [Not emphasized, as I wrote here, is the issue of risk when, say, tens of thousands of prescriptions are erroneous due to one software bug, a feat impossible with paper - ed.]
  • The proper steps to improve the safety of health IT can only be taken if there is better information regarding health IT’s risks, harms, and impact on patient safety.

Suggested steps to be taken include:

  • Make it easier for clinicians to report patient safety events and risks using EHR technology.
  • Engage health IT developers to embrace their shared responsibility for patient safety and promote reporting of patient safety events and risks. [I am frankly amazed to see this admission.  In the past, that sector excused itself entirely on the basis of the "learned intermediary" doctrine and "hold harmless" clauses; where the clinician is an all-knowing Deity between computer and patient.  I've been writing for years, however, that the computer is now the intermediary between clinician and patient since all care 'transactions' have to traverse what is now an enterprise clinical resource and clinician control system - ed.]
  • Provide support to Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs) to identify, aggregate, and analyze health IT safety event and hazard reports.
  • Incorporate health IT safety in post-market surveillance of certified EHR technology
  • Align CMS health and safety standards with the safety of health IT, and train surveyors.
  • Collect data on health IT safety events through the Quality & Safety Review System (QSRS).
  • Monitor health IT adverse event reports to the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database. [I've been promoting the use of MAUDE for just that purpose, and much more regarding documenting and reporting on mission-hostile health IT; see this post - ed.]

These steps are to be taken in order to "Inspire Confidence and Trust in Health IT and Health Information Exchange."

The title of my keynote address to the Health Informatics Society of Australia this summer was, in fact, "Critical Thinking on Building Trusted, Transformative Medical Information:  Improving Health IT as the First Step".

My thoughts on this report:

  • It is at least two decades overdue.
  • It was produced largely if not solely due to the pressure of the "HIT apostates", finally overcoming industry memes and control of information flows through great perseverance.
  • It is indeed a confessional of the sins committed by the health IT industry over those decades.  Creating, implementing and maintaining mission critical software in a safety-cognizant way is not, and was not, a mystery.  It's been done in numerous industries for decades.
  • It is still a bit weak in acknowledging the likely magnitude of under-reporting of medical errors, including HIT-related, in the available data, and the issue of risk vs. 'confirmed body counts' as I wrote at my recent post "A Significant Additional Observation on the PA Patient Safety Authority Report -- Risk".
  • It is unfortunate that this report did not come from the informatics academic community in the United States, i.e., the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA).  AMIA's academics have done well in advancing the theoretical aspects of the technologies, and how to create "good health IT" and not "bad health IT."  However, they have largely abrogated their social responsibilities and obligations, including but not limited to those of physicians, in ensuring the theories were followed in practice by an industry all too eager to ignore academic research (which, in order to follow, utilizes money and resources and reduces margins).
(On the latter point, just last week did the American College of Medical Informatics [ACMI] refuse to permit me to be a speaker at their early 2013 annual retreat despite support from some of its members.)

And this:

  • If the industry and the academics had been doing their job responsibly, I might be spending this Christmas and New Years's holiday with my mother, rather than visiting her in the cemetery.

All that said, the report is welcome.

Finally, it is hoped - and expected - that public comments will indeed be "public", and that any irregularities in such comments (such as appeared in the public comments period for MU2 due to industry ghostwriting as in my Aug. 2012 post "Health IT Vendor EPIC Caught Red-Handed: Ghostwriting And Using Customers as Stealth Lobbyists - Did ONC Ignore This?" and Sept. 2012 post "Was EPIC successful in watering down the Meaningful Use Stage 2 Final Rule?") will be reported and acted upon in an aggressive manner.

And finally, from the Healthcare Renewal blog, Merry Christmas.

-- SS

Tampilan Facebook Dari Awal Sampai Sekarang

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You’ll Never Walk Alone – Facebook merupakan situs jejaring sosial yang paling popular di dunia saat ini. Hampir setiap orang mengetahuinya. Nah, untuk para pengguna setia Facebook, kali ini Saya akan berbagi informasi yang berisi foto-foto tampilan Facebook dari awal hingga sekarang di tahun 2012. Berikuti ini adalah tampilan Facebook dari awal hingga sekarang


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Tampilan Facebook Dari Awal Sampai Sekarang 


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