Warung Bebas

Kamis, 14 November 2013

Tutorial, Modifikasi, Trik dan Tips PES 2013 (Update)

PES 2013 - Masih berlanjut tentang game, kali ini saya akan membuka sebuah posting yang saya jadikan sebagai index dari semua tentang Tutorial, Modifikasi, Trik dan Tips yang saya kumpulkan menjadi satu yang saya comot dari berbagai sumber dan forum, nah untuk itu saya perlu membuat sebuah posting sebagai index dari posting semua itu, disinilah pusat semua posting dari kumpulan posting PES 2013 diatas.

Jadi kita mulai saja ya.

2. Koleksi Ballpack untuk PES 2013 Download
3. Kumpulan Sepatu (Boots) Keren untuk PES 2013
4. Koleksi Logo/Emblem Menarik PES 2013
5. Koleksi ScoreBoard/Papan Skor untuk PES 2013
6. Modifikasi Stadium dan Turf Lengkap untuk PES 2013
7. Kumpulan Tools Populer untuk PES 2013
8. Tutorial Mengganti Welcome Screen untuk PES 2013
9. Cara Mengganti Tema dan Koleksi Tema PES 2013
10. Tutorial dan Kumpulan Berbagai Modifikasi Graphik PES 2013

Jika ada yang akan saya update, maka akan saya index disini jadi untuk anda yang benar-benar gamer sejati boleh meng bookmark halaman ini dengan menekan ctrl + D (bookmark).

Cara Mengganti dan Koleksi Adsboard PES 2013 Populer


Unik Informatika ~ Ini merupakan posting pertama saya untuk tutorial dan modifikasi PES 2013 tentang Cara Mengganti dan Koleksi AdsBoard Populer untuk PES 2013, jadi yang akan saya bahas adalah apa itu AdsBoard PES 2013? AdsBoard adalah papan iklan yang ada pada bagian samping stadion yang biasanya terletak pada pinggiran lapangan untuk menjadi sponsor sebuah club dan ada sedikit tambahan dana dari mereka.

Jadi berikut cara dan koleksi adsboard :

1. PES 2013 AdsBoard Switcher by AYIEP

Cara pakai :
1. Setelah download, ekstract dan copy kan semua isi folder yang anda download ke folder kitserver PES 2013 anda.
2. Lalu buka file config.txt, lalu tambahkan img.dir = "adboard-img" seperti gambar dibawah ini.
3. Jalankan tools dan masuk ke File - Kitserver folder
4. Pilih Kitserver kamu dan klik OK
5. Tools sudah bisa dijalankan

Cara menambah Adsboard :
1. Masuk ke direktori Adsboard di Tools direktori
2. Copy Generic.bin dan rename file tersebut
3. Buka file .bin kamu dengan UDE, dan replace texture (PNG) di unnamed_4.dat
4. Jangan lupa simpan

DOWNLOAD AdsBoard Swicher 1.0.0 by AYIEP

2. Rotating Adsboard by Hicksville and R4m130

Cara Pakai :
1. Buka folder yang sudah di download
2. Copy semua file yang ada di folder tersebut
3. Lalu masuk ke direktori PES 2013 /kitserver13/pesedit/img/dt0f.img dan paste file tadi disini

DOWNLOAD Rotating Adsboard by Hicksville and R4m130

3. PES 2013 Accurate UEFA Champions League Adboards

Fitur :
1. Mengganti tulisan 'Unite Against Racism' dengan tulisan 'Enjoy Responsibly'
2. Menambah adsboard 'Heineken'
3. Update 'UEFA Champions League' pada bagian tengah stadion

Cara Pakai :
1. Copy file dalam folder download
2. Masuk ke direktori PES 2013 di /kitserver13/pesedit/img/dt0f.img lalu paste di folder dt0f.img tersebut

Note : Harus terinstall DLC 2.0 

DOWNLOAD PES 2013 Accurate UEFA Champions League Adboards

Alfaonline.com : Toko Belanja Online Murah, Promo Heboh Jual Barang Hanya Rp 1,-

Alfaonline.com : Toko Belanja Online Murah

PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk, yang lebih dikenal dengan Alfamart, di Tahun ini kembali memberikan gebrakan baru. Dengan mengusung tema Alfaonline.com : Toko Belanja Online Murah, Promo Heboh Jual Barang Hanya Rp 1,- , diharapkan mampu memberikan kesan yang baik untuk menarik perhatian para customer Alfamart yang saat ini sudah merambah ke dunia

Jadwal Bola Hari Ini di TV [Update]

Jadwal Bola Hari Ini, adalah informasi yang akan kami sampaikan mengani jadwal pertandingan bola pada hari ini live di TV Liga Inggris, Liga Spanyol & Italia, serta Liga Champions. Sepakbola merupakan olahraga paling populer di jagat raya, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Hampir semua orang menyukai olahraga di kulit bundar ini, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan. Namun, terlepas dari hal tersebut, berikut adalah informasi lengkap jadwal pertandingan bola pada minggu ini yang akan terus diupdate, jadi jangan lupa untuk menyimpan halaman ini dengan menekan CTRL + D.

Berbicara mengenai sepakbola itu sendiri, saat ini memang sepakbola tidak hanya sebagai sarana berolahraga, profesi atau hiburan melainkan juga saran industri yang cukup menggiurkan. Hal itu ditenggarai karena sepakbola adalah olahraga terpopuler dan sangat banyak yang menyukainya, wajar saja kini banyak para pengusaha yang membeli klub sepakbola, seperti Erick Tohir yang membeli klu asal Italia, Inter Milan.

Jadwal Bola

Siaran langsung sepakbola di Indonesia pun sangat disukai oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat penggemar sepakbola. Hal ini terbukti dengan jumlah fans klub-klub Eropa di Indonesia yang sangat banyak, contohnya Liverpool fans di Indonesia merupakan yang terbanyak di dunia, bahkan mengalahkan negara asalnya sendiri, yaitu Inggris.

Dan sekedar informasi, berikut beberapa stasiun televisi yang memegang hak siar atau menayangkan acara live sepakbola :

  • SCTV, Indosiar, Nexmedia = Barclays Premier League (EPL)
  • RCTI = La Liga Spanyol
  • ANTV dan TVOne = Indonesia Super League (ISL)
  • SCTV = UEFA Champions League
  • TVRI = Liga Serie-A Italia

Jadwal Bola Hari Ini di TV

Diatas adalah daftar jadwal lengkap pertandingan sepakbola dari seluruh dunia yang akan terus di-update secara berkala. Demikianlah informasi Jadwal Bola hari ini di TV yang mudah-mudahan dapat bermanfaat. Semoga tim favorit Anda berhasil meraih kemenangan.

Kata Kata Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Romantis

Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun - seiring waktu berjalan tampa terasa berbagai kata terucap dari mulut kemulut, dari pena ke pena banyak sekali yang diungkapkan dalam mengutarakan kepantingan apalagi menyangkut isi hati, hmm banyak juga ya hehe. Apalagi saat moment yang penting seperti  ulang tahun sering sekali menjadikan hari tersebut menjadi hari yang special & romantis. Biasanya di utarakan untuk

10 Cara Cepat Menurunkan Berat Badan

Sebuah tips Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan pastinya dibutuhkan bagi seseorang yang ingin melakukan diet. Berat badan yang tak kunjung turun terkadang bisa membuat seseorang frustasi, yang tentunya harus melakukan diet agar dapat menurunkan berat badannya secara alami. Melakukan aktivitas diet tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang banyak, yang penting Anda dapat melakukan langkah-langkah alami dibawah ini.

Banyak orang yang menginginkan berat badannya mengecil tanpa olahraga, dan itu juga akan Espilen Blog bagikan tips nya dibawah ini. Hanya saran, lebih baik Anda lakukan aktivitas diet yang alami, biarpun waktunya lebih lama namun efektif dan tidak menimbulkan efek samping. Bagi Anda yang ingin cepat berhasil melakukan diet, lakukanlah tips dibawah ini secara rutin dan teratur.

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan

1. Rutin Minum Air Putih untuk Diet
Diet ini melibatkan minum total harian sekitar 64 ons cairan (8 gelas) dingin (sebaiknya didinginkan) air, secara berkala.
  • Minum segelas air sebelum makan dan sebelum setiap makanan ringan untuk menekan nafsu makan Anda dengan membuat Anda merasa lebih kenyang.
  • Jangan menambahkan pemanis atau penyedap untuk air minum Anda.
  • Jangan mengganti makanan dengan air.
  • Mengambil multivitamin harian untuk mengisi nutrisi yang hilang melalui lebih sering buang air kecil.

2. Tingkatkan Waktu Olahraga
Semua orang pasti tahu, olahraga adalah cara terbaik untuk diet dan tubuh sehat. Maka, bila Anda memiliki jadwal olahraga rutin, sudah saatnya menambahkan porsi dan waktu berolahraga lebih banyak lagi. Bagi Anda yang tidak memiliki jadwal rutin, segeralah datang ke gym. Cobalah menggunakan elliptical trainer selama 40 menit dalam 5 hari, ini akan membantu Anda mengurangi berat badan, serta badan akan terasa lebih bugar.

3. Hindari Minuman Bersoda
Di dalam sebotol kecil minuman bersoda terdapat 250 kalori yang semuanya berasal dari gula. Selain itu, di dalam minuman soda tidak terdapat sebuah vitamin. Perempuan yang terlalu sering minum minuman bersoda akan lebih besar kemungkinannya terkena penyakit obesitas, diabetes atau osteoporosis.

4. Ganti Nasi Putih dengan Nasi Merah
Solusi jika ingin langsing atau menurunkan berat badan dalam waktu yang cepat ialah dengan mengganti karbohidrat putih dengan karbohidrat yang kompleks. Karbohidrat ini memerlukan waktu lama untuk dicerna oleh tubuh, sehingga perut terasa kenyang lebih lama. Ditambah lagi karena sulit dicerna, tubuh jadi menggunakan banyak energi yang berguna mengurangi kalori. Nasi merah, kentang (rebus), kacang-kacangan dan roti gandum termasuk dalam kelompok karbohidrat kompleks yang kaya akan serat.

Baca juga : Cara Menghilangkan Flek Hitam

5. Tidur yang Cukup
Sebuah penelitian yang dipublish Annals of Internal Medicine pada tahun 2010, menemukan bahwa orang gemuk yang kehilangan berat badan karena dengan cara mengkombinasi diet dengan tidur yang cukup, sekitar tujuh jam atau lebih. Oleh karena itu, jangan sampai Anda kurang tidur.

6. Hindari Makanan yang Digoreng
Makanan yang digoreng sangat berpotensi menyimpan lemak trans yang bisa meningkatkan kolesterol dan menyebabkan penimbunan lemak berlebihan di dalam tubuh, seperti gorengan, dan lain sebagainya. Maka dari itu sebaiknya konsumsilah makanan yang diolah dengan cara direbus, panggang, pepes, kukus atau sup agar dapat menurunkan atau melangsingkan berat badan Anda secara cepat.

7. Berenang
Salah satu latihan diet berat badan terbaik  dan efektif adalah dengan berenang. Olahraga ini bisa membakar kalori lebih jika dibandingkan latihan atau olahraga lainnya. Hal ini disebabkan karena berenang bekerja terhadap ketahanan air. Ini membuat latihan lebih efisien dan seluruh tubuh ikut bekerja.

8. Kurangi Stress
Orang yang sibuk dengan pekerjaan, terkadang mengalami stress, dan bahkan menderita stres berlebihan atau biasa kita sebut depresi, hal itu dianggap salah satu penyebab naiknya berat badan seseorang. Sehingga mengurangi stres dalam kehidupan kita dapat membantu menurunkan berat badan. Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa selama 6 bulan melakukan penelitian terhadap sejumlah wanita gemuk. Saat mereka tak mengalami stress, mereka mampu menurunkan berat badan mereka sekitar lima persen.

9. Jangan Memandangi Makanan
Mungkin salah satu cara diet yang unik. Meski begitu, penelitian menyebutkan bahwa kontrol nafsu makan juga bisa dilakukan dengan mengabaikan objek makanan berlemak. Jadi jangan siksa diri Anda saat melihat iklan makanan di layar televisi. Segera matikan atau ganti channel sebelum Anda tidak mampu mengontrol nafsu Anda untuk makan. Dengan begitu, Anda mulai bisa menurunkan berat secara efektif serta alami.

10. Konsumsi Protein
Konsumsilah sebanyak mungkin protein setiap hari. Dengan mengonsumsi protein saat sarapan, makan siang dan makan malam. Tentu saja tanpa melupakan asupan gizi dari karbohidrat dan lemak yang baik. Protein dapat kita peroleh dari daging, ayam, ikan, telur, susu, kacang-kacangan, termasuk tempe juga kacang.

Cara cepat diet secara alami diatas alangkah baiknya jika Anda lakukan secara rutin dan teratur. Dengan begitu usaha Anda untuk diet, bisa cepat berhasil. Terima kasih telah membaca artikel tips menurunkan berat badan ini. Semoga bermanfaat.

Koleksi Foto Dan Gambar Bayi Lucu Serta Unik

Foto Dan Gambar - Pada kesempatan hari ini setelah sekian lama admin seomaxz disibukan dengan tugas kuliah, pada hari ini saatnya untuk update situs sederhana ini dengan koleksi gambar lucu serta unik untuk anda. Untuk mengawali hari di pagi yang cerah ini dengan beberapa foto bayi yang bikin gemes, dan uniknya beberapa foto ini sengaja di share di dunia maya oleh sebagian banyak orang, dan

No Dogs to Bark - Failure to Connect the Events Foreshadowing the Fall of the Upstate President

In Silver Blaze, Sherlock Holmes noted the important clue of the watchdog that did not bark.  In health care, nowadays watchdogs are absent, so who is expected to bark?  So, when cases of failed leadership of health care organizations appear, in retrospect they often appear to have been foreshadowed by various events which caused no reaction.. 

Last week we posted about the president of the State University of New York (SUNY) - Upstate Medical University who resigned his job after revelations that he was receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in income from outside organizations which he had not properly disclosed, and which could have constituted conflicts of interest. 

Only days later, on November 20, 2013, James T Mulder, the Syracuse Post-Standard journalist who had done much of the relevant reporting, published an article summarizing previous events that in retrospect should have suggested that there were serious ongoing problems within SUNY - Upstate leadership. 

Claims that the University Fired Physician Whistle-blowers - the Case of Dr Stewart

According to the summary article,

Critics of [SUNYH - Upstate Medical University President Dr David R] Smith ... [said]  he ruled with an iron first and did not tolerate opposing views.

'It became clear once he knew who dissenters were, things would happen,' said Dr. James Holsapple, a former Upstate neurosurgeon who now practices and teaches in Boston, Mass.'Dissidents would not be tolerated.'

Holsapple cited the case of Dr. William Stewart, a neurosurgeon fired by Upstate in 2011. Stewart contends he was fired because he filed a complaint with the state Health Department, alleging misconduct by two other Upstate doctors. That complaint led to an investigation by the state which issued a report critical of Upstate.

Upstate contends Stewart was let go because he refused to cooperate with an investigation into a breach of confidential information, including patient records.

Holsapple calls the incident a ' ... clear example of Smith taking out a critic.'

In a pending lawsuit in federal court, Holsapple has accused Upstate of retaliating against him for speaking out against what he calls dangerous medical practices and other unethical activities at the Syracuse teaching hospital. Upstate has denied his accusations and called them 'baseless.'

In fact, Mr Mulder's article from April, 2011 about Dr Stewart's case noted that Dr Stewart

said his complaint ' ... made me an enemy of the regime.'

Although Upstate accused Dr Stewart,

 ... because he refused Upstate’s request that he cooperate in an investigation into an intentional breach of confidential information, including private patient care records.

Dr Stewart contended that he knew how to handle confidential information,

Stewart served 20 years as a member of the state Board for Professional Medical Conduct, which takes disciplinary action — including license revocation and suspension — against doctors. He chaired that board for three years in the late 1980s.

Stewart said he never disclosed any private patient information. 'I took the Hippocratic oath when I graduated from medical school,' he said.

Stewart said physicians are required by state law to report suspected cases of medical misconduct. Failure to do so is considered misconduct under the law.

Stewart said that’s why he filed a complaint with the Health Department, alleging that a resident neurosurgeon training at Upstate was allowed to perform complex spine surgery without proper supervision because the neurosurgeon who was supposed to be doing the operation was in another operating room with a different patient.

Furthermore, Dr Stewart alleged that Upstate sought to intimidate him,

Stewart said two private investigators hired by Upstate visited his office in December, but he refused to talk to them.

Claims that the University Fired Physician Whistle-blowers - the Case of Dr Holsapple

The case that caused Dr Holsapple to file a lawsuit against Upstate had some interesting similarities, but also some uniquely colorful aspects, as documented in an article from February, 2011, by Mr Mulder.  Dr Holsapple also alleged a major quality of care problem at Upstate,

 The suit charges Holsapple’s problems began in 2007 when he objected to a plan to have a single neurosurgeon supervise two spine surgeries in separate operating rooms at the same time. Holsapple thought the plan was risky for patients. At the time death rates following spine surgery at Upstate were five times higher than normal, the suit said.

The suit contends Dr. Ross Moquin, a neurosurgeon no longer at Upstate, was overseeing the two surgeries, according to the suit. While Moquin was with one patient, Dr. Walter Hall, then chair of the department of neurosurgery, and a resident doctor in training, began surgery on the second patient, the suit says. Neither Hall nor the resident were qualified to finish the operation, but Hall told the resident to complete the surgery because Moquin was busy with the other patient, according to the suit. Holsapple’s suit contends the patient suffered complications. It also accused the hospital of creating fraudulent documentation about the operation and billing fraud. 

Some of these charges appear to have been independently corroborated, at least,

That same two-room spine surgery case was cited in a recent state Health Department investigation. In a 68-page report issued in August, the Health Department said Upstate did not provide surgical services in a way 'that assures protection of the health, safety and rights of patients ... .'

Nonetheless, Dr Holsapple argued that the hospital punished him for his whistleblowing,

The suit says Hall stripped Holsapple of his job as residency coordinator in 2007 without any explanation, cutting his annual pay by $82,500. Hall also removed Holsapple as the department’s quality officer, according to the suit.

Dr Holsapple also contended that the hospital attempted to harass him after he left, and did so, as Dr Stewart also argued, using private investigators,

Holsapple contends Upstate continued the retaliation after he left. He said Upstate sent two investigators to his home in South Boston in November to intimidate and harass him and his wife.

The lawsuit suggested that Dr Holsapple was qualified to complain about quality issues,

Upstate hired Holsapple as an assistant professor of neurosurgery in 1994 after he completed his residency training there. In his suit he says he served as the quality improvement officer for the neurosurgery department, on the SUNY faculty senate and on the hospital’s medical executive committee alongside top Upstate executives, department chairs and other officials.

It also suggested that perhaps Dr Hall, the chairman of neurosurgery whose conduct figured in Dr Holsapple's complaint, was not so qualified to sit in judgment of Dr Holsapple,

The following year nursing staff discovered images of Nazi artifacts within the computerized medical records of Hall’s patients, the suit says.

Holsapple said in an interview the images were photographs of tank medals and other Nazi paraphernalia displaying the swastika.

The suit says a hospital investigation confirmed the Nazi images belonged to Hall and he was forced to resign as chair of the neurosurgery department.

Holsapple said in an interview Hall told hospital officials he bought and sold the Nazi memorabilia and stored the images on his computer. 'Some of the Jewish faculty were disturbed these icons were finding their way into the computer system,' Holsapple said.

A Cheating Scandal and Probation by an Accrediting Agency

Mr Mulder' November 10, 2013, summary article also reported,

The medical school was embroiled in a cheating scandal in 2011. An Upstate investigation found more than 100 fourth-year medical students cheated on quizzes in a medical literature course.

Last year the medical school was placed on probation by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, an accrediting group. That group criticized the school for having an erratic learning environment. It also said the medical school's curriculum was out of sync, student complaints were being ignored and the dean was ineffective. Upstate fixed the problems and was taken off probation earlier this year.

Mr Mulder's article jogged by hazy memory into the recollection that I had seen several other examples of problems at SUNY - Upstate, but since the articles that illustrated them seemed to appear in isolation, I had just dumped them into the pile of  documents to be filed. A hurried search then revealed articles on the two whistle-blowers, and the cheating and probation issues above, and...

A Costly Merger?

I found a story from February 21, 2011, also authored by Mr Mulder, that suggested a merger proposed for Upstate University Hospital would lead to a big increase in health care prices,

 The cost to replace a hip, treat a heart attack and provide many other routine hospital services covered by Medicare is about 46 percent higher at Upstate University Hospital than at Community General Hospital.

Some experts fear a proposal to merge Upstate and Community into one hospital with one payment rate will raise Community’s prices to Upstate’s level and increase overall health care costs in Central New York. 


MVP Healthcare, a health insurer, is worried about potential price increases at Community.

'We need to know if the charges for services provided by Community General Hospital would increase as a result of the merger,' said Gary Hughes, a spokesman for the insurer. 'If the rates increase, we would be concerned how the merger would affect health care costs in the region, how that would affect the business community and individuals.'

At a recent public forum on the proposed acquisition, Dr. Douglas Tucker, of MVP, said blending Upstate’s high rates with Community’s could be 'catastrophic,' especially for patients with high-deductible plans who have to pay big upfront costs before their insurance coverage kicks in.

SEIU Local 1199, the union representing Community General workers, shares that concern. The union wants Community General to remain as a lower cost, private sector community hospital. The union also wants to remain at Community to preserve its members pensions and benefits. It does not want to see Community workers become state employees, who are represented by different unions.

Note that although the merger did occur in 2011, I could not find any documentation about its effects on costs since.


In the last two years, SUNY - Upstate Medical University has been accused of seeking a merger mainly to drive up its prices, and of independently driving out and attempting to intimidate two separate physicians for blowing the whistle about health care quality concerns.  The department chairman whose work was criticized by one of the physicians, and who subsequently drove him to leave was himself forced out of his leadership position over allegations of Nazi photographs found within his computerized patient files.  University students were involved in a big cheating scandal, and the university was placed on probation by its accrediting agency.  These stories generated lots of concerned and sarcastic comments online.  However, I could find nothing to suggest that they lead to any official investigations by SUNY leadership, state government, accrediting agencies (other than as listed above), Medicare, medical societies, etc  I could find nothing to suggest that any actions were taken by students or faculty at the school, or by independent watchdogs or other members of civil society. 

Yet in retrospect the sequence of events suggested major problems with the leadership of SUNY - Upstate Medical University.  The existence of these problems seems to have been confirmed by the revelations that the university president was accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars of outside income which he failed to properly disclose to the university, and which could have constituted major conflicts of interest.  The seriousness of the leadership problems was just underscored by the recent decision of the state Comptroller to audit the institution's contracts (look here for AP story), and the sudden resignation of the university senior vice president for administration and finance who apparently was receiving pay, admittedly which he had disclosed, from the same organizations who were paying the president (see story by Mr Mulder here.)

 One obvious conclusion is that bad leadership leads to lots of bad consequences.

Another is that here in these United States we lack any effective watchdogs who can spot major leadership problems at important health care organizations before they lead to bad outcomes. 

  In particular, our the leadership of our academic medical organizations do not seem to get any organized scrutiny from student, faculty or alumni groups, from government agencies, from accrediting organizations, from medical societies, or from community based civil society organizations  or health care watchdog groups.  Hoping that overworked local reporters or volunteer bloggers will not only be able to spot evidence of trouble in a timely way, and then make it visible enough to generate action is whistling past the cemetery. 

 IMHO, concerned citizens, hopefully including those in and in training for the health professions, need to set up organized civil society watchdog groups to hold health care leadership accountable, and to push for involvement by government, accrediting organizations, medical societies, etc. 

Trik, Tips dan Download LINE untuk PC

Unik Informatika Ibal Milan Ibal Marwan

Unik Informatika - Untuk saat ini siapa sih yang tidak kenal sama chat messages LINE? sejak diumumkan pada tanggal 6 Juni 2012 aplikasi ini sangat terkenal pada OS Mobile iOS, Android dan Windows Phone ini sudah sangat populer karena banyak nya iklan hehe, bukan-bukan ! kepopuleran nya bukan hanya karena banyak nya iklan tetapi karena desain GUI nya yang sangat keren dan mudahnya cara pemakaiannya.

Untuk saat ini LINE Chat sudah bisa dinikmati pada perangkat PC, LINE menggunakann nomor [onsel sebagai account ID tapi kita juga dapat membuat user ID agar mempermudah teman kta untuk menginvite ID LINE kita, elain itun line juga menyediakan personal chat dan group chat seperti halnya BBM. Fitur menarik lainnya adalah Stickers lucu dan emoticon.


Tips Trik LINE untuk PC
Download LINE Terbaru di Unik Informatika

credit : agan vandra





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PFIC 2013 Slides and labs

Hello Reader,
       If you attended my session at PFIC this is the slides that I used today:

This is the link to download the labs I ran through:

This is a link to sign up for the NTFS Parser:

This is a link to sign up for the HFS+ Parser:

Thanks for coming to my session, I hope it was useful!

Daly Bog #144 PFIC Day 1 Afternoon Sessions

Hello Reader,
          I took more notes yesterday and I'm taking more notes this morning. I'm posting these in the hopes that you'll use them with the slides that will be posted so you can get the information presented here that is outside of the slides.

1:30pm Session Social Media Insights

This session was being presented by a woman whose company provide PI services and specifically online research about people and companies.
Websites and techniques for social media investigations
Finding links and images through duckduckgo
Finding discussion posts on omgili
Finding classified ads with searchtempest
Using ixquick to search multiple engines and find hits in the 'private web' with a meta search
I left for a conference call at this point, if you need to do online/social/web investigations of prior post this presentation does give some good links.

2:30pm Session Augmented Reality Forensics

This wasn't a forensic session per se, its more of a futurist looking at the state of upcoming and emerging technology and what that may mean for us in the DFIR field.. Still an interesting talk from a good presenter.
AR isn't perfect yet
will make a new range of forensic tools and forensic possibilities
The internet of things is coming and with it IoT forensics

4:00pm Session Chip Off or Jtag it

This was an interesting session mainly because of Zeke's personality but the tech content was a bit light for a conference that also had a hands on chip off lab taking place a few doors down.
New Zeland accents make presentations more interesting
Good jokes so far, hoping the content is as good
Overview of crimes committed and the evidence that could be found on mobile devices
Terrorists are now shooting their phones before being caught, apparently you should target the number 7 key to kill the sim and possibly the nvram chip.
Starting his review of forensics with Edmond Locard 'every contact leaves a trace'
now comparing computer v cell phone forensics, I'm going to be patient but I'm wondering if he is misjudging his audience.
A little vendor bashing on how they market their logical/physical analysis, always appreciated
'forensic explorer' is now called 'recover my files' which is around $1,000 USD and he has had good success in carving from android unallocated. Not sure how that compares to any other carving tool against the same data.
Flasher boxes are hacker boxes and break into devices? I don't think I agree with the analogy but I understand the meaning.
Discussion on if these procedures from a flasher box, jtag, chip off, and even vendor software tools are forensically sound since many are modifying the original evidence in order to extract the data
The process is what makes something forensically sound not the tool, I agree
He is now going over photographing a phone as a first step before cracking it open.
Now getting into something interesting, a survey of flasher boxes
The comedy here is winning the audience, enjoying this
Now discussing chip off, and discussing heat versus infrared for removing chips
Why would we go to chip off, because the phone isn't supported by any automated forensic software tool
Some phones, especially the off market clone phones (fake blackberry in this example) may appear normal but will actually be encrypted or having multiple sub systems making normal chip off unhelpful or pointless
Next example is a phone that looks like a remote car key fob
moving on to physically damaged phones
The speaker seems to think that Jonathan Rajewski and I are part of a Utah based cell phone forensics lab.  We can't bear to tell him we are not so we are going along with it.
Regardless of content come see Zeke just for the jokes
Sometimes repair is all you need to do instead of a chip off
Now showing generic best practice guidelines for the UK and USA
Discussing how flasher boxes and other types of phone modifications tools don't have forensic hashes as they were not made for this work, suggested putting the evidence in a forensic image afterwords to allow for verification after the fact.
Discussion of dealing with binary dumps from flashers/jtag/chip off dumps. Common methods are just feeding it to cell phone tools that will carve for known cell patterns.
this presentation is now getting a bit trippy with perspective art/illusions
Breaking down binary patterns as a method for determining data structures
discussion on bypassing android lock phones
if usb debugging is on turned on then your standard tools an get access to the file system
if not moving on to chip off and the destructive process
Moving on to JTAG and showing the 'riff' box which supports multiple pin outs
Youtube is the database for learning how to take phones apart and find jtags
Showing how the raw dump of the jtag output is a large hex dump, showing putting it into forensic explorer again
discussing using rainbow tables of possible sha1 gesture keys to determine which pattern locked the phone
Get the pattern lock and then pull the data off the phone using an automated solution to pull the intact file system for you is his recommendation.

That was day 1, that evening was casino night which is a lot of fun. One of the best parts of PFIC is that it isn't a huge conference and at things like casino night you have a couple hours of fun to mingle with your peers and make new friends.


here's some updates on things i've been working on around my house....
i painted the inside of the bookcases and had lights installed...

my parent's arrived w/ the barn door for our playroom and bed swing for our porch....
mom and i have been working hard caulking, sanding, and painting.....

a peek of what is going to be the swing's cushion and pillows......

next week, i'm hoping dad will be able to install this wallpaper into my powder room.....
 okay, off to put on yoga pants and start painting again....btw, if you follow me on instagram, those orange bunkbeds are the hardest thing i have ever painted....i'll post pics when they are finally okay to show...(aka when warren helps me finish painting them)....hope y'll have a great weekend!!!!

Profil Biodata Lionel Messi Terbaru

Profil Biodata Lionel Messi - Sedang mencari biografi dari Lionel Messi lengkap ? Langsung saja membaca artikel ini hingga akhir. Lionel Messi adalah seorang pesepakbola berbakat yang lahir di Rosario, Argentina pada 24 Juni 1987. Lionel Messi saat ini bermain untuk klub Barcelona dan menjadi kapten di Timnas Argentina. Lionel Messi adalah pencetak gol terbanyak Barcelona sepanjang sejarah dan telah menerima berbagai penghargaan bergengsi, termasuk gelar pemain terbaik di dunia, Ballon d'Or.

Prestasi nya sebagai seorang striker kelas dunia memang sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Mengapa? Lionel Messi adalah pemain keempat yang menjuarai tiga Ballon d'Or, dan pesepakbola kedua yang memenangi Ballon d`Or dua kali berturut-turut. Ia telah menjuarai lima La Liga, dua Copa del Rey, lima Supercopa de Espana, tiga Liga Champions Eropa, dua Piala Super Eropa dan dua Piala Dunia Klub.

Lionel Messi

Pada 2012, ia mencetak rekor Liga Champions Eropa dengan menjadi pesepakbola pertama yang mencetak lima gol dalam satu pertandingan. Ia juga menyamai rekor 14 gol Jose Altafini di satu musim Liga Champions. Ia juga mencetak rekor untuk gol terbanyak dalam satu musim pada musim 2011-12, dengan 73 gol. Di musim yang sama, ia mencetak rekor pencetak gol terbanyak La Liga dalam satu musim, 50 gol.

Lionel Andres Messi adalah magnet dunia sepakbola. Dirinya bukan hanya piawai mengolah si kulit bundar, tetapi juga sudah menjadi legenda hidup persepakbolaan dunia meneruskan tradisi pemain legendaris Argentina sebelumnya, yakni Dieo Maradona. Sosok Lionel Messi memang sangat erat hubungannya dengan Maradona, mereka berdua sama-sama kecil dan bertendangan kiri namun lincah serta menakutkan bagi bek lawan. Terlebih, ada 2 gol dari Messi yang sangat mirip dengan gol yang pernah dicetak Maradona, yakni ketika melewati 5 pemain Inggris dan gol "Tangan Tuhan".

Biodata Messi

Nama Lengkap                :  Lionel Andress Messi Cuccittini
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir      :  Rosario, Argentina 24 Juni 1987
Tinggi Badan                    :  169 cm
Posisi                               :  Forward/Penyerang
No. Punggung                  :  10

Karier Junior
1995-2000                      :  Newell's Old Boys
2000-2003                      :  Barcelona

Karier Senior
2003-2004                      :  Barcelona C
2004-2005                      :  Barcelona B
2004-......                        :  Barcelona

Karier Tim Nasional
2004-2005                      :  Argentina U-20
2008                                :  Argentina U-23
2005-....                          :  Argentina

Profil Biodata Lionel Messi

Penghargaan & Prestasi Messi

IFA Ballon d'Or: 2 (2010,2011)
Ballon d'Or (Pemain Terbaik Eropa): 1 (2009)
Pemain Terbaik Dunia: 1 (2009)
Pemain Terbaik La Liga: 3 (2009, 2010, 2011)
Pemain Terbaik LFP: 3 (2009, 2010, 2011)
Penyerang Terbaik LFP: 3 (2009, 2010, 2011)
Top skorer La Liga: 1 (2010)
Top skorer Copa del Rey: 1 (2011)
Pemain Asing Terbaik di La Liga: 3 (2007, 2009, 2010)
Pemain Ibero-American Terbaik di La Liga: 4 (2007, 2009, 2010, 2011)
Sepatu Emas Eropa (pencetak gol terbanyak di Eropa): 1 (2010)
Pemain Terbaik UEFA di Eropa: 1 (2011)
Pemain Terbaik Klub UEFA: 1

Top Skorer Liga Champions: 3 (2009, 2010, 2011)
Penyerang Terbaik Liga Champions: 1 (2009)
Man of the Match Final Liga Champions: 1 (2011)
UEFA Team of the Year: 3 (2008, 2009, 2010)
FIFA/FIFPro World XI: 4 (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)
Bola Emas FIFA Club World Cup (Piala Dunia Klub): 2 (2009, 2011)
Pemain Terbaik Piala Dunia U-20: 1 (2005)
Top Skorer Piala Dunia U-20: 1 (2005)
Pemain Muda Terbaik Copa America: 1 (2007)

ESM Team of the Year: 5 (2005-2006, 2007-2008, 2008-2009 2010, 2010-2011)
Onze d'Or: 2 (2009, 2010)
Pemain Terbaik Dunia: 2 (2009, 2011)
Pemain Muda Terbaik Dunia: 3 (2006, 2007, 2008)
Pemain Muda Terbaik Dunia Versi FIFPro: 3 (2006, 2007, 2008)
Bravo Award: 1 (2007)
Tuttosport Golden Boy: 1 (2005)
Marca Leyenda: 1 (2009)
Pemain Terbaik Argentina: 5 (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)
Top Skorer Dunia versi IFFHS: 1 (2011)
Olimpia de Oro: 1 (2011)

Kesuksesan Lionel Messi yang diraihnya dalam dunia sepakbola saat ini tentunya berkat kerja keras dan keuletannya dalam berlatih. Berbagai penghargaan pernah diraih, berbagai prestasi juga selalu mengirinya. Namun Lionel Messi tetap menjadi pribadi yang rendah hati dan berjiwa sosial tinggi. Yang bisa kita ambil dari sosok Lionel Messi adalah kerja keras membuahkan kesuksesan, kerendahan hati adalah kemenangan yang sejati.

Demikianlah Profil Biodata Lionel Messi Terbaru Lengkap yang bisa Espilen Blog sampaikan. Salam olahraga.

Inilah 7 Tips Tetap Sehat Di Usia Remaja Atau Muda

     Usia remaja merupakan usia emas yang sangat menyenangkan bagi yang pernah mengalaminya. Seseorang bisa lebih produktif dan melakukan berbagai hal pada usia tersebut. Bekerja setiap hari atau bepergian kemanapun tidak akan merasa cepat capek maupun lelah. Mereka seakan sedikit sekali yang peduli tentang kesehatan tubuh yang dimilikinya. Berbagai kebiasaan burukpun seakan menjadi hal yang biasa bagi para remaja pada masa sekarang ini. Mulai sekarang pedulilah tentang tubuh anda. Lalu, apa saja tips tetap sehat di usia remaja atau muda....???

     Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Sebagian besar remaja berpikiran bahwa berbagai penyakit akan datang menyerangnya, jika usia mereka sudah menginjak masa tua. Anggapan tersebut sebenarnya salah besar, karena ada bermacam-macam penyakit bisa mengancam tubuh saat usia remaja sekalipun. Tips kesehatan kali ini akan memberikan beberapa tips tetap sehat saat seseorang menginjak usia remaja. Berikut ini 7 tips tetap sehat di usia remaja atau muda : 
  1. Stop Menjemur Tubuh Di Terik Matahari. Matahari pagi tentu sangat baik untuk kesehatan tulang anda. Namun, jangan membiasakan diri terpapar sinar matahari saat siang hari tanpa tabir surya. Karena penyakit kanker kulit bisa menyerang tubuh anda.
  2. Penuhi Asupan Kalsium Dan Vitamin D Harian Anda. Kedua nutrisi tersebut untuk mencegah pengeroposan tulang atau osteoporosi yang bisa menyerang para remaja. Sumber vitamin D yaitu sinar mentari dipagi hari serta aneka sayuran yang bewarna hijau.
  3. Konsumsi Asam Lemak Omega 3. Stroke maupun penyakit jantung lainnya di usia remaja bisa di cegah dengan mengkonsumsi aneka makanan yang mengandung asam lemak omega 3. Sumber asam lemak omega 3 yaitu pada ikan salmon, tuna maupun makarel.
  4. Mulai Beraktivitas Sehat. Aktivitas sehat yang dimaksud yaitu rajin berolahraga secara teratur serta menjauhi berbagai kebiasaan tidak menyehatkan seperti merokok dan minum minuman beralkohol. Ini untuk menghindarkan para remaja dari berbagai penyakit berbahaya yang bisa menyerang tubuhnya.
  5. Mengolahragakan Otak Anda. Jenis olahraga yang baik untuk kesehatan otak yaitu dengan mengisi teka-teki silang maupun rajim membaca berbagai buku yang anda sukai. Ini unuk mencegah penyakit alzheimer atau kepikunan dini yang melanda para remaja.
  6. Jaga Berat Badan Tetap Ideal. Ini dikarenakan, para remaja selalu mengkonsumsi berbagai makanan tanpa memperdulikan pertambahan berat badannya. Kegemukan atau obesitas dapat memicu tubuh mudah terserang berbagai penyakit mematikan seperti jantung dan lainnya.
  7. Kontrol Pola Makan Anda. Mengkonsumsi berbagai makanan yang mengandung kalori cukup tinggi di tambah kurangnya aktivitas berolahraga yang cukup, dapat berdampak buruk bagi kualitas kesehatan tubuh anda. Penyakit diabetes tipe 2 merupakan jenis penyakit yang bisa menyerang seorang remaja yang tidak mengontrol  pola makan dan jarang berolahraga.
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 Sumber : kesehatan.kompasiana, intips-kesehatan. Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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