Warung Bebas

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

6 Produk Kosmetik Asal Jepang yang Terkenal di Dunia

Jepang terkenal dengan kualitas produk kosmetiknya yang baik. Beberapa brand kecantikan Jepang bahkan berhasil membawa produknya terkenal di mancanegara. Berikut ini enam produk terbaik asal negri sakura tersebut yang bisa Anda coba.

Shiseido merupakan salah satu perusahaan kosmetik tertua di dunia, yang di dirikan oleh Arinobu Fukuhara tahun 1872. Produk pertama Shiseido adalah menciptakan produk perawatan wajah seperti lotion dan toner. Kini produk yang sudah masuk ke pasar Amerika dan Eropa itu tidak hanya memiliki produk perawatan, namun juga menciptakan produk make-up seperti bedak, foundation, lipstik, eyeshadow dan lain-lain.

2. SK-II adalah merek kecantikan high-end di Jepang. Brand yang telah berdiri sejak 1980 itu dianggap sebagai produk kosmetik termahal di negri Sakura tersebut. Krim anti-aging dari SK II menjadi produk favorit. Menggunakan bahan alami yangdisebut pitera. Kandungan tersebut berasal dari proses fermentasi ragi. Kandungannya yang kaya nutrisi tersebut dapat memberikan efek kulit lebih awet muda dan halus.

Sehatkah Jus Buah Segar Buat si Kecil?

Detik.com Jakarta - Sejak dini si kecil perlu diperkenalkan pada buah segar. Karena buah segar mengandung vitamin dan sejumlah mineral terbaik yang diperlukan untuk tumbuh kembangnya. Buah apa saja yang baik buat si kecil? Bagaimana porsi pemberiannya?

Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa meminum jus buah yang mengandung 100% buah dalam jumlah sedang tidak akan mempengaruhi berat badan anak. Namun, jus buah tetap saja mengandung kalori. Sama seperti makanan atau minuman yang mengandung kalori, minum jus buah terlalu banyak dapat menyebabkan berat badan naik.

Jika akan memberikan jus buah untuk si kecil, sebaiknya pilih jus buah yang mengandung 100% buah segar asli, bukan jus buah kemasan. Jus buah yang mengandung 100% buah dan minuman buah yang manis mungkin sama-sama memiliki jumlah kalori yang serupa, tetapi nutrisinya berbeda. Jus buah segar asli akan lebih banyak memberi asupan viatamin dan mineral. a

Saat memberikan jus, sebaiknya sajikan dalam gelas, bukan dalam botol. Hal ini untuk menghindari kerusakan gigi. Selain itu sebaiknya jangan membiarkan si kecil minum jus sepanjang hari. Agar tak berlebihan, cobalah ikuti batasan dari American Academy of Pediatrics dan American Heart Association berikut ini:

  • 0 sampai 6 bulan: jangan berikan jus buah, kecuali jika untuk meredakan sembelit.
  • 6 bulan sampai 6 tahun: 120-180 mililiter per hari
  • 7 tahun ke atas: 8 sampai 240-360 mililiter per hari

Setiap 120 ml jus buah yang mengandung 100% buah nutrisinya sama dengan satu porsi buah. Tetapi jus kurang memiliki serat dan nutrisi lain seperti buah utuh. Meminum jus buah dalam jumlah yang wajar setiap hari memang baik bagi anak. Namun, tak ada salahnya mencoba memberikan potongan buah segar kepada anak.

Membuat Virus Jengkelin Dengan Tulisan "Hai Apa Kabar"

Limit Komputer - Tak jauh berbeda seperti postingan saya yang lalu, yaitu Membuat Virus Agar CD/DVD ROM Terbuka Terus-Menerus. kali ini Limit Komputer juga berbagi trik untuk membuat virus yang sangat jengkelin (buka Jengkelin yang sering nongol di tv yah, hehe). kenapa bisa jengkelin coba? karena virus yang kalian buat ini akan terus-menerus memunculkan kata-kata kurang lebih seperti ini "hai apa kabar". lalu apakah kalian mau coba? berikut ulasannya

Berikut Scriptnya
WScript.Sleep 18000
WScript.Sleep 1000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "notepad"
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate "Notepad"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "H"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "l"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "o"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ". "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "p"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys " "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "k"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "b"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "r"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "?"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys " "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "K"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "b"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "r"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys " "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "b"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "i"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "k"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "?"
WScript.Sleep 500
wscript.sleep 5000

 Caranya memasukan Scripnya :
  1. Buka Notepad
  2. Copy dan Paste script di atas di Notepad 
  3. Lalu simpanlah dalam format .VBS (selain format .VBS, script di atas tidak berfungsi)
Dan cobalah sobat mengkliknya, maka virus jengkelinnya akan berfungsi dan memunculkan kata-kata seperti yang saya jelaskan di atas

Lalu bagaiman cara menghentikan script tersebut ?
Anda tinggal Restart Laptop/Komputer sobat, maka script tersebut akan berhenti.

Yang Perlu Di Ingat Saya Tidak Bertanggung Jawab

The Sugar Twins step in it ... or almost. Part I: Lustig Eats Crap

The Rock'em Sock'em battle of the gurus in Carblandia continued last week as both Lustig and Taubes took to the media airwaves.  I'll now call them the sugar twins because ultimately both hinge their arguments on sugar/fructose.  Lustig says that because fructose is converted to fat in the liver, sucrose is the one food on the planet that is both fat and carb together and that makes it fattening.  That combo is particularly insulinogenic and insulin blinds your brain to leptin so you don't know when to stop eating cheesecake.  Taubes is making his last stand at TWICHOO Bunker Hill by saying that all the bad things he's been telling you for years about carbs -- fat cells going wild, spontaneous horizontal growth spurts, starving cells, etc. -- you may be spared of this forever and eternity so long as you never bathed your liver in fructose.  Fructose causes insulin resistance and sets the wheels in motion for fat accumulation.  Both (misguided) positions hinge on SUGAR = OBESITY.

So, first up to the plate, Lustig went on Alec Baldwin's radio show.  This excited Andreas Eenfeldt because low carb hacks see only the headline and have no interest in looking any further, so he alerted his readers to a "great interview" with Robert Lustig.  (Transcript HERE)
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Kudos to Margo Seltzer

Margo Seltzer, fellow FCS, profesor at Harvard, and well known in the CS blogosphere, was featured in a great article in Txchnologist about women in CS. You can read the article here.

I love just about everything about the article, in particular Margo's comments on polo shirts:
Txch: The computer science community may not be able to control the way programmers are portrayed in the press, but it can at least control the image it projects. What are the big things they shouldn’t do if they want women to apply?

MS: Here’s my favorite. I was chatting with a group of university reps from a very large high-tech company. The reps were both men and women, and they were bemoaning the fact that they found it very difficult to attract women programmers. I looked at them and I said to one of the women, “Are the company shirts you’re wearing men’s polos or women’s polos?” She said, “Oh, it’s a men’s polo shirt.” I said, “Why? Why don’t you buy women’s polo shirts? They would fit better.” And she says, “Well, there aren’t very many of us and it would cost more.”

Now, this is a multi-billion-dollar corporation. I looked at them and I said, “I run a company of 25 people, and you know what? We buy men’s and women’s polo shirts. You’re sending a message that says men are the norm and women are second-class citizens, so we have to put up with what they give us.” I’m sure not many women look at the polo shirts and say, “This isn’t for me,” but I still think it sends a very strong subliminal message.

The other data point is—look at the big annual events that these companies hold for all their customers. How many of the featured speakers are women? The answer goes from zero to one, amidst twenty or thirty speakers. You see this over and over. I think it sends a message that says, “We’re a guys’ company.” There are little things that a company could do to send a message that says, “We’re gender agnostic. We actually hire both boys and girls.”
And her comments on how sexism is less of a big deal to companies than racism:
Txch: Does it behoove companies to narrow the gender gap?

MS: In the same way that we would not tolerate an environment that was blatantly racist. That would not be tolerated in any company in America. And yet we have these pockets in cultures of companies that really are very hostile towards women. People don’t seem to find that nearly as offensive.
I believe I've written about this topic before, where it's strangely acceptable to be sexist and ableist, but not racist. We really need to work on that if we have any hope of making progress.

In any case, kudos to Margo. Go read the article and check out her blog!

#2012cymruwales - Sue Maughan, Games Maker

With less than a month to go now until London 2012 bursts into life, we hear from Sport Wales staff who are joining the thousands of volunteers who'll be keeping the Games ticking behind the scenes. Here we hear from Senior Officer, Sue Maughan who has been chosen as a Games Maker official for athletics at both the Olympics and Paralympics. 

Welsh Athletics official, Sue Maughan
From an early age Athletics was in my blood. My mum had competed for Cheshire schools and was a coach but if you’d said to me at the age of eight, when I followed in her footsteps and joined Colwyn Bay Athletics Club, that I’d be going to the 2012 Olympics I wouldn’t  have thought that it would be possible - especially not in the way that it has now worked out. 

I was a pretty good club runner and donned a Welsh vest a few times but in reality was never good enough to make it to the British, never mind the World stage, but my passion for athletics continued. As many people do I got the usual raft of coaching and officiating qualifications when I was at university including for athletics. I’m sure my first officiating duties were at a Midlands athletics fixture at Northwood stadium in Stoke-on-Trent.

My first job took me to Essex where I joined the newly formed Castle Point Athletics Club at the track in Canvey Island. Being a new club, volunteers were few and far between. So rather than resurrecting my athletics career I was soon helping out coaching at the club as well as officiating for the club at league fixtures on weekends. Out of interest, one of the new club members at the time was a certain Dean Macey…didn’t he go on to be quite a good athlete?!

Sue takes officiating in her stride!
A change in jobs took me back to Wales, but this time to the southern end of the country, where I signed up with Welsh Athletics as an athletics official. My mum and dad were also involved in officiating and it became the standing joke: "My parents are down this weekend," I'd say. "Oh, you’re officiating then?" But it was something we could share and continued to share for many years. I got more experience, officiated at different levels, and worked my way onto the UK National list for officials.

So how is it that I’m now off to the Olympics? Well with a once in a lifetime opportunity I signed up in August 2009, via UK Athletics, to be a Games Maker volunteer thinking that it would be great just to be part of this once in a lifetime experience. Then, in April 2011 the email arrived...

“We are delighted to confirm that you have been provisionally selected as a National Technical Official in Athletics for the Olympic Games in 2012.”

Colleagues in the office must have wondered what had happened with the shouts and cheers that came out of my mouth! Those cheers were to be repeated in September when I also received provisional selection for the Paralympic Games.

People often say that time flies. How true. It seemed so far off when I first applied to be a volunteer back in 2009, or even when the email came through in April 2011, but here it is less than a month away. 

I regularly just sit with a smile on my face in the office, or at home because I am going to the Olympics and Paralympics, and that distant dream will now become a reality.  My mum would have been so proud!

Keep track of all our Welsh athletes at London 2012 and follow @sport_wales on Twitter for all the latest news. Remember to use the #2012cymruwales hash tag!

Fish Safety: A Selenium/Mercury resource

Chris Kresser spent quite a bit of time in his Real Food Summit presentation discussing the "inactivation" of mercury by selenium.  The good news about this is that for many of the fish where mercury contamination is of concern -- particularly large coldwater ocean fish -- there is a high level of selenium.  Selenium binds mercury and in essence converts it to a non-toxic form.  Sorta like those amalgam fillings most folks over 35-40 (and younger but less common) have had*.  The good news is if a fish has high selenium, it's a low mercury toxicity risk.  The bad news is if the fish has a high mercury content, there's less of the beneficial "free" selenium you need.   

I went looking for mackerel since it was brought up in comments and found this "pamphlet".  Thought I'd share:  Selenium and Mercury - Fishing for Answers                                                

I feel much better eating my fatty fishies, farmed or otherwise.  Meanwhile Joel Salatin made me feel pretty bad about my real food based diet.  Maybe I'll share some thoughts on his intro video (free download with registration ... unfortunately missed his presentation yesterday).
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lately i feel like i have been drawn to a lot of neutrals colors.....
i'm loving those burlap draperies!!

*all images found here

robin van persie walpaper

robin van persie walpaper

robin van persie

robin van persie

robin van persie

robin van persie


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