Warung Bebas

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Mencabut Bulu Hidung Memicu Radang Otak

Mencabut Bulu Hidung memang sering dilakukan bagi banyak orang, dan mungkin anda termasuk di dalamnya. Hal utama yang menjadi alasan mencabut bulu hidung adalah mempengaruhi masalah penampilan. Namun tahukah anda, bahwa mencabut bulu hidung berbahaya bagi kesehatan, baik itu masalah ringan hingga masalah berat bagi tubuh anda.

Bulu hidung memiliki peran penting bagi kesehatan, yaitu

Tempat Wisata Belanja

Dari sekian banyak jenis wisata yang biasa dilakukan wisatawan, wisata belanja tetap memiliki tempat tersendiri di jadwal para wisatawan. Dari mulai berbelanja oleh-oleh makanan, pernak pernik atau cendera mata khas daerah tertentu, maupun berbelanja busana. Khusus untuk busana, orang Indonesia senang sekali bolak – balik Singapore hanya untuk berbelanja dan mengejar sale disana. Padahal sebenarnya, di Indonesia juga bisa belanja brand Singapore yang sedang hits.

Ya, dengan kemajuan teknologi yang sedemikian rupa membuat kita tidak perlu repot mencari dan mendatangi pusat perbelanjaan di Singapore yang penuh sesak dengan pengunjung lain karena sekarang ini sudah banyak tempat berbelanja online yang juga menawarkan barang yang serupa dengan kualitas yang baik seperti brand EZRA, Something Borrowed dan lainnya. Dengan belanja online pun kita bisa menghemat uang tiket pesawat, uang penginapan dan uang jajan tambahan lain selama disana. Jangan khawatir masalah pembayaran, karena sekarang ini sudah banyak toko online yang menawarkan fasilitas cash on delivery atau bayar ditempat, jadi pembeli tidak perlu transfer dengan resiko penipuan. Contoh toko online dengan fasilitas semacam itu, Zalora, Lazaada, Toko Bagus, Berniaga, dll.

Selamat berbelanja!

Daily Blog #95: Webmail artifacts from Sunday Funday 9/15/13

Hello Reader,
         Tomorrow we have a pretty great Forensic Lunch coming together with Harlan Carvey, Zoltan Szabo and us in the lab talking about forensics, you can RSVP here for it. Today we are going to look at what remnants are left from the uploading and attachment of files from the Sunday Funday 9/15/13 image. We will finish this series of how-to next week with the CD Burning detection.

If you haven't already done so, you can download the forensic image that we have been working off of.

 This bit of analysis was probably the most surprising to me because of the lack of what I found.  I normally can fire IEF at an image and recover messages viewed and some attachments, but in this case our suspect image was pretty efficient and within the image we can't find any direct reference to the attachment of files.

Instead our best evidence of uploading via Gmail comes from the LastActive Internet Explorer session cache. Located in the path \users\suspect\appdata\local\microsoft\internet explorer\recovery\last active is a file with the name {6140DFAE-14EE-11E3-B113-080027F68913}.dat that is not a valid index.dat formatted file. This file is a 'Travel Log' and contains a number of appended OLE streams that contain what sites were visited so a crashed session could be restored in the future.

Contained within these steams are evidence of open tabs that show emails being composed as well as the name of the Gmail account being accessed:
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?shva=1 ï¾ #compose\TCompose Mail - ntglty512@gmail.com - Gmail
 There are multiple compose tabs recorded but other than the JavaScript necessary to attach a file no artifacts recording a successful attachment.

In this case our suspect composed a new message on Gmail, attached a file and sent it but never viewed the message he received.  What we can see is the Inbox counter of unread messages increase in the Window title after our suspect has sent themselves a message

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?shva=1 ï¾ #inbox\NInbox (2) - ntglty512@gmail.com - Gmail
 But no proof of what they sent.

We will be experimenting in the lab to determine what condition needs to occur for the inbox and attachment confirmations to be swapped to the pagefile as well as what images are requested when an attachment is uploaded in the hopes of firming up this analysis. Until then, those are the facts as we see them!

Did you find something else? Let me know in the comments and lets all learn from each other!

Download versi terbaru Skype dan cara installnya

Download versi terbaru Skype dan cara installnya,

  Assalamualaykum sobat, Bagamana kabrnya nih? Insyallah sehat ya? Alhamdulillah. Oh iya sob untuk tema pembahasan yang akan admin usung pada kesempatan kali ini, tentang versi terbaru Skype dan cara installnya.

  Sedikit penjelasan tentang Skype, Skype adalah perangkat lunak (software) untuk melakukan panggilan melalui pc maupun laptop secara gratis,salah satu keunggulan perangkat lunak Skype ialah kualitas suara yang baik dan masih banyak keungulan-keunggulan lainya seperti yang di jelaskan wikipedia.org.
Bagi sobat yang belum mempunyai perangkat lunak Skype dengan versi terbaru sobat bisa download di situs resmi Skype.com. dan untuk cara installnya sebagai berikut:

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Mungkin itu saja yang bisa Admin share pada kesempatan kali ini mudah mudahan bermanfaat dan ahir wassalam. By tips blogger dan computer,

Vested Interests and Their Influence on Physicians- New Understanding from Cognitive and Social Psychology

Evidence-based medicine proposes patient care decisions based on the best evidence from critically reviewed clinical research, knowledge of biology and the biopsychosocial context, and patients' values and preferences.  Yet physicians often fail to make evidence-based decisions, despite many efforts to educate, or incentivize them to do so.  We used to think that the main reason was physicians' lack of knowledge and understanding of EBM, and human cognitive limitations that make such evidence-based thinking difficult.  However, now we realize that physicians are deluged by  attempts to influence their decisions so as to favor vested interests, whether or not that is good for patients.

We have discussed various kinds of deception used in marketing meant to increase physicians' prescriptions for drugs, and recommendations for devices and health care services.  Physicians have not proved to be very resistant to these methods.

Now a new article provides a different perspective on how marketers use cognitive and social psychology to manipulate physicians.(1)  Sunita Sah's and Adriane Fugh-Berman's introduction stated,

Physicians often believe that a conscious commitment to ethical behavior and professionalism will protect them from industry influence.  Despite increasing concern over the extent of physician-industry relationships, physicians usually fail to recognize the nature and impact of subconscious and unintentional biases on therapeutic decision-making. Pharmaceutical and medical device companies, however, routinely demonstrate their knowledge of social psychology processes on behavior and apply these principles to their marketing. 

The article then listed a number of findings from social (and cognitive) psychology that marketers may use to their advantage on naive physicians.

Psychological Mechanisms Promoting Acceptance of Conflicts of Interest and Dubious Marketing Ploys

First, marketers may take advantage of cognitive biases and psychological mechanisms that allow physicians to accept marketing maneuvers while denying the effect of marketing on their decision making.

Confidence and Over-Confidence

People are strongly influenced by messages delivered with confidence and do not take the trouble to ascertain the accuracy of these messages if doing so requires effort or money.

I would add that many humans, including physicians, are also over-confident in the accuracy of their own judgments.  (In 1989 we showed  that physicians often were excessively confident in their judgments of patients' outcomes, in particular, about survival of critically ill patients.)(2)

Of course, marketers often state their messages with great confidence regardless of their accuracy.

So physicians need to try to restrain their own over-confidence, and be more skeptical of the confidence of others. Maybe this would just be an exercise in simple humility.

Self-Serving (or Ego) Biases

People tend to believe that the results of their decisions, or of their groups' decisions, are better than average.  This can be called the Lake Wobegon effect (from Garrison Keilor's fictional town in which all the children are above average.)

We and others have shown that physicians may be overly optimistic about the outcomes of their own (versus others') patients, or their clinical units' (versus others') outcomes, again in the context of predicting survival of critically ill patients.(3)  We have also posted about how corporate boards of directors seem to almost always think that their hired executives are better than average, at least when determining their executive compensation.

Similarly, Sah and Fugh-Berman wrote,

Physicians believe that their own prescribing behavior is unaffected by industry influence, although they concede that other physicians are susceptible to such influence.


Social psychology research confirms that people have a 'bias blind spot,' namely, they are more likely to identify the existence of cognitive and motivational biases in other than in themselves.
But, as Dana and Lowenstein wrote,

It cannot both be true that most physicians are unbiased and that most other physicians are biased.

So, to put it bluntly, physicians ought to be more humble about their own ability to resist outside influences and the resulting biases. Again, some simple humility might help.

Cognitive Dissonance

Sah and Fugh-Berman pointed out that

While articulating and believing in the importance of scientific objectivity, physicians' biases to accept industry gifts create cognitive dissonance; that is, discomfort that arises from discrepancy between conflicting beliefs, or between beliefs and behaviors.


Cognitive dissonance theory specifies three methods - not mutually exclusive - by which people manage or reduce dissonance.  Changing one of the dissonant beliefs, opinions or behaviors (possibly a difficult or painful process that requires sacrificing a pleasurable behavior or treasured belief); Lowering the importance of one of the discordant factors which can be accomplished by denial - forgetting or rejecting the significance of one or more of the conflicting cognitions; and adding consonant elements that resolve or lessen the dissonance (this may involve rationalizations to buffer the dissonance between conflicting cognitions.)

Physicians may use denial and rationalization to reduce cognitive dissonance caused by their concurrent desire for relationships with marketers and others with vested interests on one hand, and their professionalism and its obligation to put patients' needs first on the other hand.  Sah and Fugh-Berman cited Chimonas and colleagues,

Denial included (a) avoiding thinking about the conflict of interest; (b) rejecting the notion that industry relationships affect physician behavior, and (c) disavowing or universalizing responsibility for problems that arose from conflicts of interest ('there's always a conflict of interest...').  Rationalizations included (a) asserting techniques that would help maintain impartiality and (b) reasoning that meetings with drug reps were educational and benefited patients.

We have discussed various public justifications for accepting conflicts of interest by physicians and other health care decision makers that employed a variety of logical fallacies along these lines.

So physicians need to re-examine their treasured beliefs and the gratification they get from relationships with industry (as opposed to those with patients, colleagues, friends and families).  They could remember the advice that no one can serve two masters.

Sense of Entitlement

Physicians' sense of entitlement, especially given the increasing stress upon them, may be used to rationalize relationships with drug, device and biotechnology companies since these corporations seem to be among their few friends (versus insurance companies, government agencies, and sometimes hospital administrations whom physicians feel may be more burdensome.).  So, in one study,

Implicitly reminding physicians of the burdens of medical training and their working conditions more than doubled reported willingness to accept gifts....
So physicians need to reconsider that to which they feel entitled.  This is the third instance in which some humility might help. 

Principles of Influence Used by Marketers

Markets seem to also be well acquainted with the six principles of influence and persuasion identified by Cialdini and colleagues.


The norm of reciprocity - the obligation to help those who have helped you - is one of the guiding principles of human interaction

This is the foundation of the effect of relatively small conflicts of interest, such as giving of small gifts.

Physicians pay off industry gifts through changes in their practice


Gifts associated with a subtle implicit request may be more likely to achieve compliance than gifts that call for explicit reciprocation. 
So physicians need to be wary of Greeks, or anyone else bearing gifts, even those less conspicuous than wheeled horses.

Commitment and Consistence

Consistency is highly valued in our society and associated with rationality and stability.  After committing to a decision or opinion, people justify that choice or opinion by remaining consistent with it.

So marketers try to get physicians to make small commitments to leverage larger ones.  This is

why drug reps, ask, for example, 'will you try my drug on your next five patients?'
So physicians should remember there is no virtue in commitment to erroneous beliefs.  "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Social Proof

This is basically the deliberate deployment of the logical fallacy of the appeal to common practice.

Social proof, also referred to as social validation or conformity, is the practice of deciding what to do by looking at what others are doing.


If accepting industry gifts is a cultural norm in medicine, physicians will continue to do so.  The opinions of colleagues are often used by industry representatives to sway physicians to adopt a particular therapy. 

This may be why industry works so hard to sign up health care academics.

Trainees in an institution, for example, are affected by the institution's stated policies but also - and sometimes more so - by what they see their mentors do.
So physicians, who often pride themselves on independence, need to be skeptical about the need to follow the crowd.

Liking or Rapport

The more you like someone, the more you are apt to follow their advice, even if your feelings towards them have been manipulated.

This is obviously why drug representatives, for example, are so nice to physicians.

Physicians often feel overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated [ed note -  and their is plenty of evidence, some of which we have discussed on this blog, that this is not unreasonable.]  Drug reps dispense sympathy, flattery, food, gifts, services and income-enhancing opportunities and seek to ask nothing in return but scholarly consideration of the benefits of drugs.
So physicians need to reconsider who really are their friends, and be skeptical of "friends" with something to sell. 

Authority and Security

This is basically the deliberate deployment of the logical fallacy of the appeal to authority.  The best example is industry's efforts to recruit key opinion leaders, that is health professionals who are perceived as authority figures, but have really been hired to market.

From an industry perspective, the best KOLs radiate status and authority while successfully convincing their peers (and perhaps themselves) of their illusory independence and lack of bias.

Note that

KOL speakers not only influence audience members' prescribing behavior, but also - as predicted by cognitive dissonance theory - become more convinced themselves of the benefits of the products they endorse.
So physicians need to be skeptical of those claiming to be authorities, especially when they are connected with people who have something to sell.


We used to strongly believe (and Dr Wally Smith and I used to teach a course to the effect that) the major barrier to true evidence-based practice was the cognitive limitations that physicians share with all humans.  We thought in terms of cognitive biases and the inappropriate use of cognitive heuristics leading physicians to inaccurately judge the probabilities of diagnoses and medical outcomes, and thus make less than optimal decisions.

Now it seems apparent that the deliberate influencing of health professionals' judgments and decisions by external actors, mainly those interested in selling more products and services, but sometimes by those with ideological or political motives, is currently a much more important challenge to evidence based practice.  It looks like the influencers may be very knowledgeable about human cognitive limitations and how social psychology influences judgment and decisions, and may use this knowledge to pursue their vested interests, at the financial and physical expense of patients, and ultimately the public.

 True health care reform would encourage professional education designed to increase resistance to external influences that put self-interest ahead of patients' and the public's health, and careful regulation that would decrease some of the more dangerous practices used.  Of course, much more resistance might be achieved if physicians used a little more common sense when dealing with people who are obviously trying to sell them on goods, services, or ideas.  A good proportion of the deceptive methods discussed above could be countered by remembering the usefulness of humility, skepticism, and a few simple aphorisms.   

Again, as we have written repeatedly, not only should all conflicts of interest be disclosed for the sake of honesty, but physicians and other health professionals ought to consider repudiating most of all of them, maybe at some personal expense, but in the interest of re-establishing their commitment to putting the patient, not their own self-interest, or the vested interests of others, first.  


1.  Sah S, Fugh-Berman A. Physicians under the influence: social psychology and industry marketing strategies.  J Law Med Ethics 2013; 14:  . Link here:

2. Poses RM, Bekes C, Copare F, Scott WE.  The answer to "what are my chances, doctor?"  depends on whom is asked: prognostic disagreement and inaccuracy for critically ill patients.  Crit Care Med 1989; 17: 827-833.  Link here.

3. Poses RM,  McClish DK, Bekes C, Scott WE, Morley JN. Ego bias, reverse ego bias, and physicians' prognostic judgments for critically ill patients. Crit Care Med 1991; 19: 1533-1539.  Link here.

Foto Dan Biodata Jay Chou Terbaru 2013

Biodata Jay Chou sudah tidak asing lagi dengan artis asal taiwan yang satu ini. yang akrab di panggil Jay. Jay  adalah seorang penyanyi sekaligus aktor yang serba bisa, dengan talenta yang dia miliki mendongkrak kepopuleranya, salah satunya dengan menulis banyak lagu untuk artis dan semua album yang di tulis dengan komposerinya sendiri lagu yang di ciptakanya banyak mengkombinasikan elemen

10 Bencana Gempa bumi dengan kekuatan terbesar di Indonesia

     Sebagai negara yang terletak diantara banyat lemeng, patahan, dan cincin api, tak heran jika indonesia menjadi langganan gempa bumi sejak dulu. Dan inilah 10 Bencana Gempa bumi dengan kekuatan terbesar di Indonesia!

1. Gempa Bumi Samudra Hindia 2004

Waktu             = 26 Desember 2004
Kekuata           = 9,1 - 9,3 SR
Jumlah Korban  = 230.000 orang tewas di 8 negara

     Pusat gempa terletak kurang lebih 160 km sebelah barat Aceh sedalam 10 kilometer. Gempa ini berkekuatan 9,3 menurut skala Richter dan dengan ini merupakan gempa Bumi terdahsyat dalam kurun waktu 40 tahun terakhir ini yang menghantam Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Pantai Barat Semenanjung Malaysia, Thailand, Pantai Timur India, dan Sri Lanka, bahkan sampai Pantai Timur Afrika. Ombak tsunami setinggi 9 meter. Bencana ini merupakan kematian terbesar sepanjang sejarah. Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, dan Thailand merupakan negara dengan jumlah kematian terbesar.

2. Gempa bumi Sumatera 1833

Waktu             = 25 November 1833
Kekuatan         = 8,8 - 9,2 SR
Jumlah Korban = tidak diketahui

     Gempa ini disebabkan pecahnya segmen palung Sumatera sepanjang 1.000 km di tenggara area yang mengalami hal yang sama pada Gempa bumi Samudra Hindia 2004. Gempa ini kemudian memicu terjadinya tsunami yang menerjang pesisir barat Sumatera dengan wilayah terdekat dari pusat gempa adalah Pariaman hingga Bengkulu. Tsunami juga menyebabkan kerusakan parah di Maladewa dan Srilanka Selain itu, tsunami juga dilaporkan mencapai Australia bagian utara, Teluk Benggala, dan Thailand meskipun dalam intensitas kecil. Besarnya gempa ini telah diestimasi dengan menggunakan catatan pengangkatan micro atoll karang. Namun bencana ini tidak terdokumentasi dengan baik sehingga tidak diketahui dengan pasti dampak dan korbannya.

3. Gempa bumi Aceh 2012

Waktu             = 11 April 2012
Kekuatan         = 8,6 SR
Jumlah Korban = 10 orang

     Gempa bumi ini tercatat sebagai gempa terbesar yang diakibatkan pergerakan sesar geser (strike-slip fault), mengalahkan gempa serupa di San Francisco tahun 1906 (magnitudo 7,9) dan gempa bumi Wairarapa di Selandia Baru tahun 1855 (magnitudo 8,2)

4. Gempa Bumi Sumatera 2005

Waktu             = 28 Maret 2005
Kekuatan         = 8,6 SR
Jumlah Korban = 1.313 orang

     Segera setelah terjadi, muncul peringatan akan kemungkinan datangnya tsunami yang akhirnya tidak terjadi. Gempa ini kemungkinan terpicu oleh gempa sebelumnya pada bulan Desember 2004, gempa Bumi Samudra Hindia 2004. Getaran juga terasa di Malaysia, Singapura, Sri Lanka, dan Thailand. Tsunami yang kecil juga tercatat terjadi di Pulau Cocos milik Australia.

5. Gempa Bumi Bengkulu 2007 

Waktu             = 12 September 2007 
Kekuatan         = 7,1 - 8,5 SR
Jumlah Korban = 23 orang

     Pusat gempa terletak kira-kira 10 km di bawah tanah, sekitar 105 km lepas pantai Sumatra, atau sekitar 600 km dari ibukota Jakarta. Gempa utama ini diikuti oleh serangkaian gempa susulan, yang berkekuatan sekitar 5 through 6 Mw pada patahan yang sama. Gempa utama tersebut juga disusul dengan gelombang pasang yang kemudian membanjiri sedikitnya 300 rumah penduduk dan bangunan publik di Pulau Pagai, Kepulauan Mentawai sampai setinggi 1 meter.

6. Gempa bumi Sumatera 1861

Waktu             = 16 Februari 1861
Kekuatan         = 8,5 SR
Jumlah Korban = tidak diketahui

Gempa Bumi Sumatera 2005 sangat mirip dengan bencana gempa ini, menyebaban tsunami besar yang terasa dari semenanjung malaya hingga pulau jawa.

7. Gempa bumi Laut Banda 1938

Waktu             = 1 Februari 1938
Kekuatan         = 8,5 SR
Jumlah Korban = tidak ada

     Dengan kekuatan 8,5 SR, gempa ini merupakan gempa bumi terbesar ke-9 pada abad ke-20. Kekuatan gempa bumi ini adalah 8.5Skala Richter, dan menyebabkan tsunami setinggi 1.5 meter, tetapi tidak terdapat korban jiwa pada peristiwa ini.

8. Gempa bumi Sumatera 1797

Waktu             = 10 Februari 1797
Kekuatan         = 8,4 SR
Jumlah Korban = lebih dari 300 orang

     Gempa ini memicu gelombang tsunami yang menyebabkan kerusakan parah di Kota Padang. Kapal-kapal Inggris seberat 150-200 ton didorong hingga sejauh 1 km ke pedalaman Batang Arau. Di Air Manis, seluruh wilayahnya digenangi air dan mayat beberapa warga yang memanjat pohon untuk menghindari gelombang tsunami ditemukan keesokan harinya di cabang-cabang pohon. Hanya dua korban yang dilaporkan tewas di Kota Padang, namun jumlah korban yang tewas di Air Manis lebih banyak. Gelombang tsunami dilaporkan juga mencapai Kepulauan Batu.

9. Gempa Bumi Laut Seram 1965

Waktu              = 24 Januari 1965
Kekuatan           = 8,2 SR
Jumlah Korban   = 71 orang

     Serangkaian tremor dilaporkan selama seminggu sebelum gempa bumi. 71 orang dilaporkan tewas. Tsunami juga dihasilkan, yang menyebabkan kerusakan di Sanana, Buru, dan Mangole. Tiga runups dilaporkan di Pulau Seram. Sebuah gelombang setinggi 4 meter dilaporkan di Pulau Buru.

10. Gempa bumi Biak, Papua 1996

Waktu              = 17 Februari 1996
Kekuatan          = 8,1 SR
Jumlah Korban  = 108 orang

Sumber: id.wikipedia.org

Pantangan Makanan Ibu Hamil dibagi menjadi 3 Tingkatan

Pantangan makanan Ibu Hamil dibedakan menjadi makanan yang
masih boleh dikonsumsi dalam jumlah terbatas (lampu Kuning), dan makanan yang
sangat disarankan untuk tidak dikonsumsi oleh ibu hamil. Hal ini tentu cukup
mengganggu anda, yang suka berwisata kuliner, karena harus berhati-hati dalam
memilih makanan, yang dapat berakibat buruk untuk buah hati di dalam kandungan.
Adapun jenis Makanan

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