Warung Bebas

Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

Obat Batuk untuk Ibu Hamil yang Aman bagi Janin

Obat Batuk
untuk Ibu Hamil tentu tidak boleh sembarangan, karena tidak boleh membahayakan
ibu terutama janin didalam kandungan. Gejala flu (batuk, hidung tersumbat,
bersin-bersin dan sakit pada tenggorokan) yang disebabkan oleh virus dan
biasanya memang akan sembuh dalam waktu 3-4 hari. Memang gejala batuk sering
sangat mengganggu dan anda ingin meminum obat untuk meredakan batuk.

Minum obat

Over At The Health Care Blog, Aneesh Chopra Distorts IT Failure Reality

I feel sorry for President Obama.  I really do.  He's been deceived by IT hyperenthusiasts who, in addition to their hyperenthusiasm, probably heaped him a big helping of plain old lies.

I warned of this in my Feb. 18, 2009 Letter to the Editor published in the Wall Street Journal (at http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB123492035330205101, third letter):

Dear Wall Street Journal:

You observe that the true political goal is socialized medicine facilitated by health care information technology. You note that the public is being deceived, as the rules behind this takeover were stealthily inserted in the stimulus bill.

I have a different view on who is deceiving whom. In fact, it is the government that has been deceived by the HIT industry and its pundits. Stated directly, the administration is deluded about the true difficulty of making large-scale health IT work. The beneficiaries will largely be the IT industry and IT management consultants.

For £12.7 billion the U.K., which already has socialized medicine, still does not have a working national HIT system, but instead has a major IT quagmire, some of it caused by U.S. HIT vendors. [That project, the National Programme for IT in the NHS or NPfIT, was since abandoned - ed.]

HIT (with a few exceptions) is largely a disaster. I'm far more concerned about a mega-expensive IT misadventure than an IT-empowered takeover of medicine.

The stimulus bill, to its credit, recognizes the need for research on improving HIT. However this is a tool to facilitate clinical care, not a cybernetic miracle to revolutionize medicine. The government has bought the IT magic bullet exuberance hook, line and sinker.

I can only hope patients get something worthwhile for the $20 billion.

Now, more spin and misinformation by Aneesh Chopra, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, and the former U.S. chief technology officer in the Obama Administration over at the Health Care Blog at a piece "What's Next For Healthcare.gov?" (http://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2013/10/25/whats-next-for-healthcare-gov/).

Like a cybernetic Rasputin, Chopra writes:

The launch of HealthCare.gov certainly didn’t go as planned. Due to technical errors, millions of Americans were sent to the functional equivalent of a waiting room before they could enter the shopping portion of the site.

Historically, projects of such complexity and demand have encountered early problems yet still often achieve great success. While much of the commentary has focused on coding problems, the site still has the potential to spur innovation — be it public or private —  that will result in quality improvement and lower costs.

(Note the definitive "will", without evidence.  Mr. Obama's probably been hearing a lot of non-evidence-based wishful thinking about health IT in recent years.)

The statement about future success is belied, for example, by the National Programme for IT in the NHS (NPfIT) failing and going "pfffft" as just one example (http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2011/09/npfit-programme-going-pffft.html and other links).

More generally, there's this article by Shaun Goldfinch, formerly at the U. Otago in New Zealand:

"Pessimism, Computer Failure, and Information Systems Development in the Public Sector."  (Public Administration Review 67;5:917-929, Sept/Oct. 2007, Shaun Goldfinch, University of Otago, New Zealand). 

Unfortunately it's not freely available, but a free first-page preview is at http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/4624644?uid=3739864&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21102828298677:


The majority of information systems developments are unsuccessful. The larger the development, the more likely it will be unsuccessful. Despite the persistence of this problem for decades and the expenditure of vast sums of money, computer failure has received surprisingly little attention in the public administration literature. This article outlines the problems of enthusiasm and the problems of control, as well as the overwhelming complexity, that make the failure of large developments almost inevitable. Rather than the positive view found in much of the public administration literature, the author suggests a pessimism when it comes to information systems development. Aims for information technology should be modest ones, and in many cases, the risks, uncertainties, and probability of failure mean that new investments in technology are not justified. The author argues for a public official as a recalcitrant, suspicious, and skeptical adopter of IT.

Article start:

The majority of information systems (IS) developments are unsuccessfu1. The larger the development, the more likely it will be unsuccessful.

Though the exact numbers are uncertain and depend to some extent on how success is measured, something like 20 percent to 30 percent of all developments are total failures in which projects are abandoned. Around 30 percent to 60 percent are partial failures in which there are time and cost overruns or other problems. The minority are those counted as successes (Collins and Bicknell 1997; Corner and Hinton 2002; Georgiadou 2003; Heeks and Bhatnagar 1999; Heeks 2002, 2004 ; Iacovou 1999; James 1997; Korac-Boisvert and Kouzmin 1995 ; Standish Group 2001, 2004).

A U.S. survey of IS projects conducted by the Standish Group in 2001 found that success rates varied from 59 percent in the retail sector to 32 percent in the financial sector, 27 percent in manufacturing, and 18 percent in government. Overall, the success rate was 26 percent. In all, 46 percent of projects had problems, including being over budget and behind schedule or being delivered with fewer functions and features than originally specified. Another 28 percent failed altogether or were cancelled. Cost overruns averaged nearly 200 percent. Th is success rate varied dramatically by total project budget: For projects under US$750,000 the success rate was 55 percent; for those with budgets over US$10 million, no projects were successful (SIMPL/NZIER 2000).

More recent Standish Group (2004) estimates saw a success rate of 29 percent, but 53 percent of projects had problems and 18 percent failed. A New Zealand government study judged 38 percent of government projects a success, while 59 percent involved problems and 3 percent were a complete failure or were cancelled. Government success rates, at 31 percent, were slightly higher than private sector success rates. Above the NZ$10 million mark, however, the success rate for both was zero (SIMPL/ NZIER 2000). One study of hundreds of corporate software developments found that five out of six projects were considered unsuccessful, with one-third cancelled outright. Of the two-thirds that were not cancelled, price and completion times were almost twice what had originally been planned (Georgiadou 2003). The Royal Academy of Engineering and the British Computer Society (2004) found that 84 percent of public sector projects resulted in failure of some sort.

The sums involved in such projects can be staggering.  A study of IS developments in the British public sector estimated that 20 percent of expenditures were wasted, and a further 30 percent to 40 percent led to no perceivable benefits (Wilcocks 1994). In 1994, the U.S. General Accounting Office reported that spending of more than US$200 billion in the previous 12 years had led to few meaningful returns.

The article is extensively referenced, and nothing has changed since it was published.  While the article's cost from the jstor.org site is $25 (US I think), it is well worth reading for anyone involved in large public sector IT projects.

Especially, the President of the United States and his staff.

It is my belief the same actors who've misled him about health IT and the supposed ease of building a national insurance portal for 300 million+ people are going to mislead him about remediation of the latter, resulting in yet more embarrassment, and perhaps eventually patient harm and death when someone, somewhere, is denied care or has delayed care due to insurance loss.

Finally, I note this in Chopra's bio at the Health Care Blog Piece:

Aneesh Chopra is a senior advisor at The Advisory Board Company

The Advisory Board Company (http://www.advisory.com/About-Us) is:

... a performance improvement partner for 165,000+ leaders in 4,100+ organizations across health care and higher education.

The Advisory Board Company has been an advisor on hospital management and technology for decades.

Perhaps they're another piece in the puzzle as to why hospital executives are implementing bad health IT (http://cci.drexel.edu/faculty/ssilverstein/cases/) technology in droves, such as in the ED where many underprivileged people get primary and emergency care.  (See "Quality and Safety Implications of Emergency Department Information Systems: ED EHR Systems Pose Serious Concerns, Report Says" at http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2013/10/quality-and-safety-implications-of.html, for example.)

After all, with senior advisors to a major healthcare organization consultant in denialist roles, if the IT's bad now, it will be just great in ver. 2.0.

(See "The Denialists' Deck of Cards: An Illustrated Taxonomy of Rhetoric Used to Frustrate Consumer Protection Efforts" by Chris Jay Hoofnagle, available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=962462.)

The same Denialist Deck of Cards is being played, I fear, to frustrate taxpayer attempts at hemming in waste ... and to frustrate the President of the United States' efforts to leave a good legacy.

-- SS

Daily Blog #127: Sunday Funday 10/27/13 Winner!

Hello Reader,
                       Another Sunday Funday behind us and a another challenger who came with a great writeup full of testing and description. This weeks winner Andy Dove is now a two time Sunday Funday winner and brought some good testing this week. I plan to spend this week delving into the host based artifacts outside of Office that Andy didn't cover.

The Challenge:
An employee has been terminated after a lengthy workplace investigation. After being terminated the employee has come back with a lawyer stating that a word document on their work computer will exonerate them and that they are suing for discrimination.  The document appears to be a memo written by the employee's manager to the ex employee with derogatory language toward their race. The employee's manager has stated that they never wrote the document and they believe it be fraudlent.

If the employee was issued a Windows 7 system with Microsoft Word 2007 what would you do to determine:
  • Which system the document with authored on
  • Who was the author
  • What was the last author
  • If the time stamps have been altered
The Winning Answer:
Two Time Winner Andy Dove!

Nice to be back to Forensics for this week’s challenge.  My first port of call in this particular situation is to look at the Metadata embedded into each Office File.  This can be viewed quite simply using the Windows File Properties dialog.  Of particular interest in this particular case are the internal author and timestamp fields.  These internal timestamps are completely independent of the file system values and are not affected by utilities such as “Touch” which change MAC times.  To illustrate this I have done the following:

  1. Created a file in Word 2007
  2. Copied it onto a FAT32 formatted SD Card.
  3. Copied onto a different user account.
  4. Edited the file on the new account.
  5. Edited the file again and changed the Author using MS Word.

After each step I have displayed the properties and taken screenshots.
Original File

Note that in this document the internal creation time precedes the file system time.  This is because the document was created within word, edited and then saved, rather than generating a new document from the Explorer right click menu.

Copied File (Unedited)

Here the file system times are again quite different to those held internally.  Had this process taken place over hours or days rather than minutes this difference would highlight the document had likely been copied over onto the machine.  Here the Author and Last Saved By fields also reflect the original values.  Possibly of note is also that the the NTFS Modified TimeStamp value has also changed due to having been stored on a FAT32 system where the timestamp is stored with less precision.

Copied and Edited

After editing the Last Saved by field has been updated to show a new user has worked on the document.
Author Changed

Here I have edited the author field to make it look more likely that it was created by the second user.

Where was the Document Created?
In MS Office 97 a GUID based on the MAC address of the computer which created the document is embedded within the file.  This is only added at creation time and is never changed on subsequent saves.  I have examined all the embedded XML files in my test document and have not been able to find a similar artefact within the Word 2007 files.  In this case I would revert to traditional forensic methods such as the examination of Jump Lists, Link Files, Prefetch Files and Volume Shadow Copy analysis to try and find evidence of the original file.
Interestingly the Windows file properties dialog isn’t your friend here.  Although it shows an entry for computer (See below) switching to another machine and then displaying the properties will show the new computer rather than the one on which the document was created.  The document shown below was created on a machine called PIGLET.

Examination on a non-Windows Machine
If examining the files on a non-windows machine it would be possible to view the embedded information by treating the file as a zip, unpacking it and opening the doc\Props\core.xml file.  In the case of my original document this clearly shows the same information as shown previously:

AndyAndy1 2013-10-27T14:56:00Z 2013-10-27T14:57:00Z

Daftar Skuad Timnas U-23 SEA Games 2013

Daftar Skuad Timnas U-23 SEA Games 2013 - Timnas Indonesia U-23 kembali akan bertanding di kompetisi tingkat Asia Tenggara, yakni SEA Games pada Desember 2013. Sebelumnya, coach Rahmad Darmawan telah melakukan seleksi dan ujicoba bagi Timnas U-23 agar dapat menemukan komposisi skuad terbaik, dan akhirnya pada Senin (28/10) pelatih yang biasa disapa RD ini telah mengumumkan 30 pemain yang berhak masuk dalam skuad Timnas U-23.

26 nama dari 30 pemain yang sudah bergabung di pelatnas di Yogyakarta juga akan disiapkan untuk ujicoba pertandingan melawan Timnas Timor Leste dan Hongkong pada 12 dan 14 November mendatang.

Skuad Timnas U-23

Syamsir Alam dicoret
Kabar yang mengejutkan datang dari pemain Timnas yang bermain di klub Amerika Serikat, DC United yakni Syamsir Alam. Ia resmi dicoret dari skuad Garuda. Hal tersebut diceritakan langsung oleh coach RD kepada wartawan.

“Benar, sudah ada penyusutan pemain timnas Indonesia U-23. Semula pemain ada 37. Salah satu pemain yang dicoret adalah Syamsir Alam,” kata Rahmad Darmawan seperti dilansir Kompas. Selain Syamsir Alam, ada 11 pemain lain yang dicoret oleh RD (sapaan Rahmad Darmawan). RD mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor dalam penyusutan jumlah pemain, seperti masalah kesehatan, dan kalah bersaing dengan pemain yang lainnya.

Daftar skuad Timnas Indonesia SEA Games Myanmar 2013

1. Kurnia Meiga Hermansyah (Arema Indonesia)
2. Andretani Ardhyasa (Persija Jakarta)
3. Shahar Ginanjar (Persib Bandung)
4. Alfin Ismail Tuasalamony (CS Vise)
5. Andri Ibo (Persidafon)
6. Manahati Lestusen (CS Vise)
7. Diego Robbie Michiels (Sriwijaya FC)
8. Fandry Imbiri (Persipura)
9. Syahrizal (Persija Jakarta)
10. M Syaifuddin (PBR)
11. Roni Esars Feliks Beroperay (Persidafon)
12. Dedi Kusnandar (Arema Indonesia)
13. Risky Ahmad Sanjaya Pellu (PBR)
14. Egi Melgiansyah (Arema Indonesia)
15. Nelson Alom (Persipura)
16. Yohanes Ferinando Pahabol (Persipura)
17. Ramdani Lestaluhu (Sriwijaya FC)
18. Bayu Gatra Sanggiawan (Persisam Samarinda)
19. Andik Vermansah (Persebaya 1927)
20. Dendi Santoso (Arema Indonesia)
21 Oktovianus Maniani (Barito Putera)
22. Syakir Sulaiman (Persiba Balikpapan)
23 Fandi Eko Utomo (Persela Lamongan)
24. Aldaier Makatindu (Persisam Samarinda)
25. Sunarto (Arema Indonesia)
26. Yandi Sofyan Munawar (Arema Indonesia)

Tambahan 4 pemain yang akan didaftarkan di SEA Games 2013

27. Stefano Lilipaly (Almeire)
28. David Laly (Persidafon)
29. Novri Setiawan (Sriwijaya FC)
30. Rasyid Assahid Bakri (PSM Makasar)

just b/c it's monday and sometimes we need something pretty to start our week......
or this had me rolling if you need a good laugh :)

Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Luka Secara Alami

Cara menghilangkan bekas luka secara alami ~  rasanya memang sangat Sedih apabila kulit cantik yang kita punya harus ada bekas lukannya. Kesedihan ini akan sangat terasa khususnya bagi kaum wanita, kebanyakan seseorang wanita ingin tampil lebih terbuka, namun jika kulitnya yang cantik memiliki bekas luka tentunya juga dapat menurunkan rasa PDnya saat bergaul.
Bekas Luka
Sehingga mereka akan melakukan banyak cara agar bekas lukanya bisa hilang dan tentunya nantinya rasa PD itu akan bertambah lagi. Nah cara itu ada yang menghabiskan biaya yang mahal yaitu dengan membeli produk penghilang bekas luka di pasaran. Namun yang miris adalah produk ini hanya sebagai penutup kulit bukan penghilang bekas luka.

Oke bagi anda yang menginginkan menghilangkan bekas lukanya dengan cara yang efectif murah dan sehat anda dapat mencoba cara menghilangkan bekas luka dibwah ini.

@Menggunakan Daun mint
Adanya kandungan mineral alami dan vitamin yang terdapat dalam daun ini, membuat daun mint dapat mengatasi masalah kulit anda. Selain sebagai penghilang bekas luka, manfaat daun mint yang dapat anda rasakan adalah dapat membantu kulit untuk selalu segar dan sejuk.

Adapun caranya adalah: dengan menyiapkan beberapa lembar daun mint yang masih segar,kemudian haluskan daun dengan cara ditumbuk, setelah halus oleskan tumbukan ini pada bekas luka yang ada pada kulit anda, lakukan pengobatan ini rutin setiap hari minimal 2 kali, maka bekas luka yang anda dalam kulit anda akan hilang.

@Menggunakan lidah buaya
salah satu kandungan tumbuhan lidah buaya yang baik untuk kulit anda adalah asam amino serta lignin, kedua kandungan ini ternyata tak hanya baik untuk merawat kulit, namun juga dapat membantu menumbuhkan sel sel baru, sel baru inilah yang nantinya akan membuat kulit pengganti bekas luka.

Adapun caranya adalah: ambilah tumbuhan lidah buaya secukupnya, ambil bagian dalamnya saja (gelnya), oleskan Gel ini pada kulit yang ada bekas luka bakarnya. Lakukan cara pengobatan alami ini secara rutin setiap hari. Bekas Luka yang sangat baik untuk diobati dengan lidah buaya adalah bekas luka bakar.

Menggunakan Buah mengkudu
Artikel mengenai manfaat buah menggkudu untuk kesehatanmungkin sudah banyak sekali, dan salah satunya blog ini juga sudah pernah membahas mengenai manfaat buah mengkudu untuk kesehatan. Namun manfaat mengkudu untuk obat alami bekas luka mungkin belum terlalu familiar, 

Adapun cara pemanfaatan buah mengkudu adalah sbb:
  • Siapkan buah mengkudu yang sudah matang secukupnya
  • Haluskan buah menggunakan blender sampai buah benar-benar halus
  • Langkah selanjutnya adalah dengan membubuhkan blenderan ke area kulit yang ada bekas lukanya.
  • Biarkan tertempel kurang lebih 20 menitaan. Dan basuh dengan air bersih
  • Lakukan cara ini rutin sampai bekas luka hilang.
Tak hanya bermanfaat untuk kesehatan, madu juga memiliki segudang manfaat untuk kulit dan salah satunya adalah dapat menghilangkan bekas luka.

Adapun caranya adalah dengan cara mengoleskan rutin setiap hari madu kearea kulit yang terdapat bekas lukanya.

Baca juga:
Oke mungkin sekian dulu pembahasan mengenai cara menghilangkan bekas luka kali ini, jika cara diatas dianggap kurang, Blog info kesehatan sebenarnya juga sudah pernah mengulas artikel tentang menghilangkan bekas luka, tips cara menghilangkan bekas luka, disana ada beberapa cara alami yang berbeda dengan cara alami diatas. Semoga bermanfaat.

Golongan Alat Musik Bedasarkan Fungsinya

Alat musik yang sering dimainkan oleh para musisi dapat digolongkan menjadi tiga yaitu menurut fungsinya,  cara memainkannya serta sumber bunyinya dari penggolongan ini akan terdapat berbagai macam alat musik dari berbagai daerah dengan ke unikan suara yang khas, dan berikut penjelasan detail mengenai alat musik menurut fungsinya.

Alat musik dari jenis ini merupakan jenis instrumen yang berfungsi untuk memainkan melodi dalam sebuah lagu dan biasanya tidak dapat memainkan chord secara sendirian contohnya seperti biola, trupet, flute.

Memainkan harmoni merupakan kegunaan utama dari alat musik harmonis, alat musik dari golongan ini dapat memainkan beberapa nada atau memainkan chord dengan satu alat musik contohnya gitar, piano, keyboard, harpha.

Merupakan golongan alat musik yang berfungsi untuk mengiringi sekaligus mengatur tempo pada sebuah lagu, alat musik dari jenis ritmis memiliki ciri tidak bernada atau bernada tetap contohnya drum, triangle, gendang.

Untuk anak di usia balita disarankan kepada para orang tua untuk memberikan alat musik mainan untuk pengenalan pada anak.

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