Warung Bebas

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Gigi Anak

Mengajarkan anak-anak tentang pentingnya menyikat gigi dan flossing setiap hari akan menghindari mereka dari penyakit gigi di masa mendatang. Perawatan gigi yang baik sangat penting untuk semua orang terlepas dari usia, menanamkan kebiasaan baik pada tahap awal kehidupan anak-anak akan membantu mencegah mereka menderita penyakit yang berhubungan dengan gigi.  ketakutan yang sering dikaitkan dengan kunjungan kantor dokter gigi sering itu. 
 Berikut adalah beberapa tips yang dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan gigi yang baik pada anak-anak:
1. Menjaga kebiasaan membersihkan gigi sedini mungkin:
Menjaga kebiasaan membersihkan gigi harus dimulai sedini mungkin. Gusi bayi serta gigi yang baru muncul harus benar-benar dibersihkan dengan air pada kaain basah setelah mereka makan.
2. Gunakan pasta gigi fluoride:
Pasta gigi fluoride harus digunakan segera setelah gigi susu muncul (biasanya sekitar 6 bulan) yang membantu mencegah dan mengendalikan kerusakan gigi. Untuk anak di bawah usia 3, gunakan pasta gigi fluoride yang mengandung setidaknya 1000 ppm fluoride dan untuk anak-anak antara 3 sampai 6, mengandung flouride 1350-1500 ppm. Namun, harus dipastikan bahwa anak-anak tidak menjilat atau makan pasta gigi.
3. Teknik menyikat gigi yang tepat:
Penting untuk memastikan bahwa anak-anak menyikat gigi dengan benar. Mengetahui cara menyikat yang benar dapat membantu mengembangkan kebiasaan kesehatan mulut yang baik dari tahap awal. Namun, tidak perlu menjelaskan cara menyikat gigi yang benar dengan teknik yang rumit. Cobalah menggunakan langkah sederhana untuk menjelaskan bagaimana cara memegang sikat gigi dan gerakan menyikat  yang .
4. Flossing:
Flossing penting untuk kesehatan gigi, flossing yang baik dapat menghilangkan sisa makanan disela-sela gigi.  Meskipun sangat sulit, dapat membantu mencegah kerusakan gigi dan bau mulut. Flossing gigi pada anak-anak dimulai pada saat  merekamempunyai dua gigi geraham , yang biasanya terjadi antara usia 2,5 hingga 3 tahun.
5. Makanan bergizi:
penting untuk memastikan bahwa anak makan makanan yang bergizi untuk menjaga kesehatan gigi yang baik. Gula yang tersembunyi dalam makanan dan minuman mungkin menyebabkan gigi berlubang. Sebaliknya,  jus buah tidak hanya bergizi, tetapi juga dapat mengurangi kemungkinan gigi berlubang. Makan buah-buahan dan sayuran mentah, keju non-olahan , susu dan yogurt, adalah pilihan makanan sehat yang dapat dimasukkan dalam menu anak-anak untuk kesehatan mulut yang baik.
Batasi makanan lengket yang melekat pada gigi dan menyebabkan gigi berlubang. Menyuruh anak-anak untuk minum atau membersihkan gigi setelah makan makanan manis atau lengket dapat mengurangi potensi kerusakan gigi.
6. Rutin periksa ke dokter gigi:
Anak harus dibawa ke dokter gigi setidaknya satu kali saat dia berusia 2 tahun. Hal ini membantu anak-anak untuk membiasakan diri dengan lingkungan dan mengidentifikasi serta mencegah masalah gigi sedini mungkin tanpa melakukan pengobatan rumit.

Dr. Richard Cook on the Health IT Sector's Ills

This explanation of the health IT sector's ills comes from Dr. Richard Cook, a physician, educator, researcher, and patient safety expert formerly at the University of Chicago and now Professor of Healthcare System Safety at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Dr. Cook was also a member of the U.S. Institute of Medicine panel that studied health IT safety, leading to the 2012 IOM report ("Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care").

He was also co-author of an article I consider a must-read for anyone in the health IT sector, Hiding in plain sight: What Koppel et al. Tell Us About Healthcare IT, Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 38 (4): 262-3.

Reproduced with his permission:

My views are already on record. [This links to his IOM report dissent where he made the case that health IT is a Class 3 medical device and should be regulated - ed.]

Politically important activities (cynically, things that cost >10B$) are never neutral. HIT techno-fantasies are common and easily commandeered. Claims about the present and future efficacy of HIT have been altered in bewildering patterns to fit the circumstances of the moment.  This is not uncommon for expensive technologies with a few dominant producers and strong government ties (cf. Mackenzie's Inventing Accuracy, MIT Press, 1993). 

The recent history of HIT is dominated by the social construction of several myths.  Although there are technical threads in the history, they are exceptionally frail. There have been myths of safety, of productivity, of economic efficiency, of clarity, of precision, of reliability.  

The truth is that the Obama administration depended, in part, on savings to be obtained from HIT for claims it made prior to the election of 2008 about the savings to be derived from the plan to "reform" healthcare. These interests aligned with those of the industry and a faction from academic medicine and the result was the usual sausage.

A central problem with techno-fantasies is that they are impossible to disprove. They are claims about the future. HIT's cornucopia has been promised repeatedly since the 1960's. Nothing like the promises has materialized.  Indeed, the IOM committee that was commissioned to evaluate the best evidence on this subject found no persuasive evidence that HIT improved patient safety. I know because I was there.

But this is not the point and never has been. Privileged entities marshall arguments in favor of their purposes. The devil can cite scripture to his purpose. The result is what matters to them and the goal here was to get the government to fund private HIT installation in private healthcare facilities by offering first a carrot and then a stick. They steamrollered the opposition -- which was much more nuanced and thoughtful than the attacks on you [Scot Silverstein] make it appear -- and made it happen.

To be clear, there was no conspiracy here. This is not deal done in back rooms by a few executives and cigar smoking pols. Instead it is the entirely predictable result of a confluence of interest among powerful stakeholders to advance their agendas. There is nothing shocking about an inferior, ill-conceived product getting government support, viz. Solyndra. Ultimately, the technical issues serve to the socio-political ones.

It's no better over here.  [That is, in Sweden - ed.] We face the same problems in Sweden that you do in the U.S. We have the advantage of paying about 1/3 of what you do for healthcare and getting, objectively, better medical care and a better life than you do in the U.S.  But we have the same fractionated approach that you do and the same age bulge looming in the next 2 decades and there are plenty of problems with safety and humaneness, just like in your country. 

I present this without any changes that might have occurred when unpleasant truths or opinions undergo peer review in a specialized, non-transparent and highly profitable sector.

-- SS

Measuring Insulin Levels, Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin Resistance

A slight detour in my current endeavors to put forth some information regarding the etiology of diabetes, insulin resistance and β-cell function, before I get to the two major reviews that prompted this.

To review, in my last post, discussing this paper, a seminal observation/conclusion can be summed up as follows:   Insulin is formed in stepwise fashion from a larger protein (preproinsulin) that has a terminal signaling chain cleaved forming proinsulin that is then folded, cross-linked and has one of the three main chains cleaved in the last step(s) resulting in a protein with two parallel chains, insulin.  I like this newer representation I found below because it provides the numbers in the amino acid sequence at which the cuts are made.  This is important to better understanding the papers I'm going to discuss here.
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it's friday and this girl couldn't be happier b/c i have a date w/ my main man and this movie on the sofa tonight.  cheers to the weekend......

*images courtesy of Colleen C. Nathanson, emerson fry, martha stewart, simplified bee

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