Warung Bebas

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

10 Burung Endemik Pulau Jawa

     Pulau Jawa memang terkenal akan keanekaragamanya, termasuk burung-burungnya, berikut ini adalah jenis-jenis burung yang hanya ada di pulau Jawa dan pulau-pulau kecil di sekitarnya.....

1. Cekakak Jawa (Halcyon cyanoventris) 

     Burung ini merupakan jenis burung pemakan serangga yang memiliki habitat di lahan terbuka, pepohonan, dekat air bersih, tersebar sampai ketinggian 1.000 m dpl. Sarangnya berupa saluran lubang dalam tanah. Telurnya berwarna putih dengan jumlah 3-4 butir.

2. Puyuh-gonggong jawa (Arborophila javanica)

     Adalah burung dengan ukuran kecil hingga panjang 28 cm, Burung ini memiliki warna kepala hingga tengkuk emas karat, kaki merah, dada abu-abu, sayap coklat, bagian muka merah dengan corak hitam pada paruh dan tenggorokan. Burung ini adalah burung endemik Indonesia dengan wilayah penyebaran di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur.

3. Gelatik jawa (Padda oryzivora)

     Burung ini endemik dari Indonesia dan di alam ditemukan di hutan padang rumput, sawah dan lahan budidaya di Pulau Jawa dan Pulau Bali. Sekarang, spesies ini dikenali di banyak negara di seluruh dunia sebagai burung hias.

4. Tesia jawa (Tesia superciliaris)

     Tesia jawa adalah jenis Tesia berbadan kecil dengan kaki panjang nyaris tanpa ekor. Makanan Tesia Jawa adalah serangga kecil, tempayak, cacing, siput. Burung ini mempunyai habitat di daerah pegunungan, tersebar pada ketinggian 1.000-3.000 m dpl.

5. Ciung-air jawa (Macronous flavicollis)

     Burung ini merupakan jenis burung pemakan telur kumbang hitam, serangg yang memiliki habitat di semak hutan dataran rendah. Sarangnya berbentuk bola berongga, dekat permukaan tanah. Telur berwarna putih berbintik ungu. Burung ini berkembang biak pada bulan Februari, April.

6. Wergan jawa (Alcippe pyrrhoptera) 

     Burung ini merupakan jenis burung pemakan serangga, beberapa buah-buaha yang memiliki habitat di hutan, pinggir hutan, gunung. tersebar diatas ketinggian 1.000 m dpl.

7. Cerecet jawa (Psaltria exilis) 

     Burung ini memakan serangga kecil, kutu loncat, dan laba-laba, sarangnya berupa kantung menggantung, dari daun, rumput, dilapisi lumut, dengan lubang masuk kecil

8. Elang Jawa (Nisaetus bartelsi) 

     Burung ini dianggap identik dengan lambang negara Republik Indonesia, yaitu Garuda. Dan sejak 1992, burung ini ditetapkan sebagai maskot satwa langka Indonesia

9.Trulek jawa (Vanellus macropterus)

     Trulek jawa adalah salah satu burung langka yang hanya terdapat (endemik) di Jawa. Burung ini pada tahun 1994 pernah dinyatakan punah (Extinct) oleh IUCN, namun sejak tahun 2000 statusnya direvisi menjadi Kritis. Meskipun begitu, hingga kini keberadaan jenis ini masih misterius karena tidak ada bukti fotografi atau spesimen baru yang diperoleh. Hingga saat ini yang dapat dijumpai secara resmi di Indonesia hanyalah spesimen awetannya di Museum Zoologi, Cibinong.

10.Burung cerek jawa (Charadrius javanicus)

     Burung ini merupakan burung pantai yang berukuran kecil. Burung ini biasa ditemukan dalam jumlah yang cukup besar. Adapun burung ini cuma ditemukan di Kepulauan Kangean dan Pulau Jawa. Hidup di pantai berpasir dan lumpur sekitar pantai.

Why Do We Eat? A Neurobiological Perspective. Part III

In the first post, I explained that all voluntary actions are driven by a central action selection system in the mesolimbic area (the reward system).  This is the part of you that makes the decision to act, or not to act.  This system determines your overall motivation to obtain food, based on a variety of internal and external factors, for example hunger, the effort required to obtain food, and the sensory qualities of food/drink.  These factors are recognized and processed by a number of specialized 'modules' in the brain, and forwarded to the reward system where the decision to eat, or not to eat, is made.  Researchers divide food intake into two categories: 1) eating from a true energy need by the body (homeostatic eating), e.g. hunger, and 2) eating for other reasons (non-homeostatic eating), e.g. eating for social reasons or because the food tastes really good.

In the second post of the series, we explored how the brain regulates food intake on a meal-to meal basis based on feedback from the digestive system, and how food properties can influence this process.  The integrated gut-brain system that accomplishes this can be called the satiety system.

In this post, we'll explore the energy homeostasis system, which regulates energy balance (energy in vs. energy out) and body fatness on a long term basis.

The Energy Homeostasis System

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 Cara menghapus file windows tanpa konfirmasi, Bismillah Assalamualaikum sahabat blogger
wah panjang banget judul tips kali ini ya sahabat blogger, Padahal tidak sepanjang caranya loh hehehe.......sahabat blogger, setelah beberapa hari yang lalu ana berbagi tips untuk pengguna blog cara membuat daftar isi di blog

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 Sangat baik sih windows selalu mengingatkan penggunanya, Tetapi kalau saya pribadi sih lebih nyaman tanpa konfirmasi begitu ana click delete langsung ilang tuh filenya..kan lebih cepet.seandainya file ana terhapus secara tidak sengaaja ana tinggal click restore aja gampangkan,....nah bagi sahabat blogger yang ingin apabila sahabat click langsung kabur file nya berikut caranya.

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Kemudian sahabat blogger click apply / ok..sekarang sahabat blogger coba delete file insyallah langsung hilang sangat sederhana kan sahabat blogger.mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan wassalam cara menghapus file di windows tanpa konfirmasi by tips blogger dan computer.

Angelo Coppola comments on LLVLC blog

If Jimmy Moore ran an open and honest ship over at his blog, I would leave a respectful (as I always did) comment there in support of the comments Angelo Coppola of Humans Are Not Broken blog (and Latest in Paleo podcast ).

I guess since he invoked his name in his 10 Critical Issues The Paleo Community Must Address* Jimmy allowed Coppola to respond in what the astute observer would recognize as a rather critical manner.  

In his first response, Angelo corrected Jimmy that his blog has nothing to do with broken metabolisms and such, but then bravely went on to suggest some other things the community really needs to do.  I copy the relevant excerpts here because some of these have been discussed by yours truly numerous times, however flawed the delivery may appear to some in the audience.  I'll bullet point it for ease on the eyes:
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US Senate Subcommittee Asks What the RUC is About

It has been a long time coming, but the issue of how the US Medicare and Medicaid system sets the fees it pays doctors, and hence sets the incentives on doctors that drive their health care decisions, finally got some public attention again.

 The background is complex, and may glaze the eyes of readers hoping for simple solutions to simple problems.  One wonders if the complexity was deliberately created to discourage solutions.  Yet we have created a complex, obscure, opaque health care system.  If we want to meaningfully improve it, we must address its "inside baseball" qualities.  Those already familiar with and interested in the topic, skip the following section.

Background - the Resource Based Relative Value System Update Committee (RUC)

We have frequently posted, first here in 2007, and more recently here,  here, here, and here, about the little-known group that controls how the US Medicare system pays physicians, the RBRVS Update Committee, or RUC.

Since 1991, Medicare has set physicians' payments using the Resource Based Relative Value System (RBRVS), ostensibly based on a rational formula to tie physicians' pay to the time and effort they expend, and the resources they consume on particular patient care activities. Although the RBRVS was meant to level the payment playing field for cognitive services, including primary care vs procedures, over time it has had the opposite effect, as explained by Bodenheimer et al in a 1997 article in the Annals of Internal Medicine.(1) A system that pays a lot for procedures, but much less for diagnosing illnesses, forecasting prognoses, deciding on treatment, and understanding patients' values and preferences when procedures and devices are not involved, is likely to be very expensive, but not necessarily very good for patients.

As we wrote before, to update the system, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) relies almost exclusively on the advice of the RBRVS Update Committee. The RUC is a private committee of the AMA, touted as an "expert panel" that takes advantage of the organization's First Amendment rights to petition the government. Membership on the RUC is allotted to represent specialty societies, so that the vast majority of the members represent specialties that do procedures and focus on expensive, high-technology tests and treatments.

However, the identities of RUC members were opaque for a long time, and the proceedings of the group are secret.  As Goodson(2) noted, RUC "meetings are closed to outside observers except by invitation of the chair." Furthermore, he stated, "proceedings are proprietary and therefore not publicly available for review."

In fact, the fog surrounding the operations of the RUC seems to have affected many who write about it. We have posted (here, here, here, and here) about how previous publications about problems with incentives provided to physicians seemed to have avoided even mentioning the RUC. Up until 2010, after the US recent attempt at health care reform, the RUC seemed to remain the great unmentionable. Even the leading US medical journal seemed reluctant to even print its name.

That changed in October, 2010.  A combined effort by the Wall Street Journal, the Center for Public Integrity, and Kaiser Health News yielded two major articles about the RUC, here in the WSJ (also with two more spin-off articles), and here from the Center for Public Integrity (also reprinted by Kaiser Health News.) The articles covered the main points about the RUC: its de facto control over how physicians are paid, its "secretive" nature (quoting the WSJ article), how it appears to favor procedures over cognitive physician services, etc.

In 2011, after the "Replace the RUC" movement generated some more interest about this secretive group, and its complicated but obscure role in the health care system, the current RUC membership was finally revealed.  It was relatively easy for me to determine that many of the members had conflicts of interest (beyond their specialty or sub-specialty identity and their role in medical societies that might have institutional conflicts of interest, and leaders with conflicts of interest).  

Then that year a lawsuit was filed by a number of primary care physicians that contended that the RUC was functioning illegally as a de facto US government advisory panel.  It appeared that things might change.  However, it was not to be.  A judge dismissed the lawsuit in 2012, based on his contention that the law that set up the RBRVS system prevented any challenges through the legal system to the mechanism used to set payment rates.  The ruling did not address the legality of the relationship between the RUC and the federal government.  And then everything was quiet again, until....

A Senate Committee Takes Up the RUC

Meanwhile, after the attempt at health care reform made by the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare"), which aimed to increase insurance coverage, there has been growing concern that there will not be enough primary care physicians available to manage the larger insured patient population.  So, as reported by the Washington Times, a US Senate committee published a report on this issue:

The United States needs 16,000 more primary care physicians to meet its current health care needs, a problem that will only get worse if nothing is done to accommodate millions of newly-insured residents under President Obama’s health care law in the coming decade, according to a Senate report released Tuesday.

Mirable dictu, the report cited the influence of the RUC as part of the problem:

Mr Sanders said some of the blame appears to rest with a board of 31 physicians who make reimbursement recommendations to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which private insurers frequently adopt as well.

The American Medical Association's Relative Value Scale Update Committee, or RUC, is populated by many more specialists that primary care physicians, multiple witnesses said Tuesday.

'Therefore, it should come as no surprise that it has accelerated higher payments — larger paychecks — to specialists over primary care doctors,' Mr Sanders' report said.

Senator Sanders' subcommittee then held a hearing during which the RUC came up for more criticism, as reported by MedPage Today:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging, criticized the American Medical Association's Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC), which develops annual recommendations on physician pay updates for Medicare.

Sanders noted that the RUC is dominated by specialists, whose opinions are accepted by Medicare more than 90% of the time.

'Specialists sitting on the committee determine reimbursement rates,' he said during the hearing on the physician shortage that is anticipated as more people become insured under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). 'We have to look at that.'

Several witnesses identified problems with the RUC:
Andrew Wilper, MD, acting chief of Medicine at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Boise, Idaho, told the senators that Congress could mandate further oversight of the RUC and create greater separation between physicians and the boards that dictate their payment rates.

'At a minimum, the public deserves transparency in decision making from the RUC,' Wilper said. 'We should set a process for rate-setting that is not encumbered by conflicts of interest and is not favoring specialties. A rational observer might conclude that the federal government and AMA are plotting to bring an end to the primary care workforce in the U.S.'

Also Modern Healthcare reported (subscription required) that Dr Wilper

described the RUC as 'a secretive group of physicians that wield tremendous influence.'


Uwe Reinhardt, economics professor at Princeton University, said in addition to adding primary care physicians to the RUC, the panel needs a third party to perform outside audits of the AMA panel's recommendations

However, the AMA was there to provide their usual defense of the RUC, as per Medpage Today,

'The RUC is an independent group of physicians from many specialties, including primary care, who use their expertise on caring for Medicare patients to provide input to CMS [the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services],' RUC chair Barbara Levy, MD, said in a statement. 'More than 300 people participate in a typical RUC meeting and information on the panel is publicly available.'

Levy noted that 'CMS recently adopted RUC recommendations for the creation of codes to recognize the value of the work, often done by primary care providers, in transitioning patients from one care setting to the next.'

The AMA also added two primary care-related seats to the RUC last February: a representative from the American Geriatrics Society and a rotating seat for a practicing primary care physician.

Note that this brief response did not add anything to the more voluminous response the AMA made in 2009 to some of my posts on the RUC, all of which were easily countered (look here).  

 After the hearing, per MedPage Today,

The problems with the RUC are 'one of the more important issues that arose out of this hearing,' Sanders told MedPage Today after it was over. 'I don't think we have the transparency we need.'

Legislation to address the RUC -- as well as other factors exacerbating the PCP shortage -- is expected to come 'quickly' said Sanders.


I salute Senator Sanders and his subcommittee for addressing the obscure and often quite anechoic topic, getting it some public attention, and at least raising the possibility of a legislative solution.

However, this is just a baby step.  The hearing and report generated minimal media coverage (I included links to the most visible above).  Given that Senator Sanders is widely regarded as well to the left of most of his legislative colleagues, the likelihood that any measure he would craft on this would be passed is minimal.

Meanwhile, questions we have raised again and again, most recently here in 2011, remain unanswered.

 - How did the government come to fix the payments physicians receive? Government price-fixing has not been popular in the US, yet this has caused no outcry.
- Why is the process by which they are fixed allowed to be so opaque and unaccountable? Why are there no public hearings on the updates, and why is there no input from practicing physicians or organizations other than those related to the RUC?
- How did the RUC become de facto in charge of this process?
- Why does the AMA [keep the membership of the RUC so opaque, and] give no input into the RUC process to its general membership?
- Why is the RUC membership so dominated by procedural specialists? Why were primary care physicians, who made up at least a sizable minority of physicians when the update process was started, not represented according to their numbers?
- Why has there been so little discussion of the RUC and its responsibility for an extremely expensive health care system dominated by high-technology, expensive, risky and invasive procedures?

Economists have beaten us over the head with idea that incentives matter.  The RUC seems to embody a corporatist approach to fixing prices for medical services to create perverse incentives for physicians to do more procedures, and do less conversing with and examining patients, examining the best clinical research evidence about their problems, and rigorously thinking about how best to help them.  More procedures at higher prices helps physicians who do procedures.  It may help even more the corporations that provide the devices and drugs whose use is necessitated by such procedures, and the hospitals who can charge a lot of money as sites for performance of procedures.  It may even help insurance companies by driving ever more money through the health care system, and thus allow rationalization for higher administrative expenses as a function of overall money flow.

Yet incentives favoring procedures over all else may lead to worse outcomes for patients, and more costs to patients and society.  If we do not figure out how to make incentives given to physicians more rational and fair, expect health care costs to continue to rise, while access and quality continue to suffer.  

ADDENDUM (1 February, 2013) - see also comments by Brian Klepper on the Care and Cost blog.

ADDENDUM (3 February, 2013) - see also comments by Austin Frakt in the Incidental Economist blog.


1. Bodenheimer T, Berenson RA, Rudolf P. The primary care-specialty income gap: why it matters. Ann Intern Med 2007; 146: 301-306. (Link here.)

2. Goodson JD. Unintended consequences of Resource-Based Relative Value Scale reimbursement. JAMA 2007; 298(19):2308-2310. (Link here.)

Foto-foto Keindahan Sunrise di Gunung Sindoro

     Gunung Sindoro merupakan Gunung yang terletak di Jawa Tengah, tingginya 3153 mdpl , foto-foto ini berhasil ku abadikan sekitar bulan Desember 2012 lalu, saat aku mendaki gunung ini, foto ini kuambil dari depan tenda untuk kami menginap.. pokoknya indah deh, kira-kira di ketinggian 2600 mdpl, suhunya sangat dingin, untung kami masih sempat melihat sunrise, di depan kami kalian bisa lihat sebuah gunung besar yaitu Gunung Sumbing..

4 Jenis Yoghurt yang jarang diketahui

     Yoghurt adalah susu yang dibuat melalui fermentasi bakteri. Yoghurt dapat dibuat dari susu apa saja, termasuk susu kacang kedelai. Tetapi produksi modern saat ini didominasisusu sapi. Fermentasi gula susu (laktosa) menghasilkan asam laktat, yang berperan dalam protein susu untuk menghasilkan tekstur seperti gel dan bau yang unik pada yoghurt. Yoghurt sering dijual apa adanya, bagaimanapun juga rasa buah, vanilla atau coklat juga populer. Dan inilah Jenis-jenisnya yang jarang diketahui:

1. Yoghurt Dahi

     Yoghurt Dahi dari India dikenal dengan rasanya yang unik. Istilah Inggris untuk yoghurt ini di Bangladesh, India, dan Pakistan adalah curd.

2. Dadiah

     Dadiah atau Dadih adalah yoghurt tradisional dari Sumatera Barat yang dibuat dari susu kerbau. Dadiah difermentasi dalam tabung bambu.

3. Labaneh

     Yoghurt Labneh dari Lebanon adalah yoghurt yang telah dipadatkan yang digunakan untuk sandwich. Minyak olive, potongan mentimun, olive, dan berbagai macam herba hijau kadang-kadang ditambahkan. Labneh dapat ditebalkan lagi dan digulung membentuk bola, lalu diawetkan dalam minyak olive, dan difermentasi untuk beberapa minggu. Terkadang digunakan beserta bawang bombay, daging, dan kacang untuk Lebanese pie atau Kebbeh balls.

4. Bulgarian Yogurt

     Yoghurt Bulgaria, umumnya dikonsumsi apa adanya, populer karena rasa, aroma dan kualitasnya. Kualitas muncul dari Lactobacillus bulgaricus danStreptococcus thermophilus strain yang digunakan di Bulgaria dan Macedonia. Produsen yoghurt Bulgaria mengambil langkah untuk melindungi trademark yoghurt Bulgaria di Eropa dan untuk membedakannya dengan produk lain yang tidak mengandung bakteri hidup.

Wanita Cantik Versi Kartun dan Asli ? Anda Suka Yang Mana ?

Limit Komputer | Wanita Cantik Versi Kartun dan Asli ? Anda Suka Yang Mana ? - Melihat screenshot di bawah ini, kalian pasti bingung untuk memilih mana yang lebih bagus untuk kalian sukai, apakah asli atau kartun ? terlepas itu semua itu tergantung selera kalian.

Namun antara yang asli maupun yang kartun tidak terlihat sedikit pun perubahan yang signifikan, sebab mereka-mereka itu adalah model cosplay yang dibuat berdasarkan tokoh-tokoh virtual. persamaan pakaian dan gerak tubuh hampir mendekati seratus persen, sebab yang berubah hanyalah efek kartunnya saja. 

kalau kalian tidak percaya silahkan lihat screenshotnya di bawah ini. yang perlu diingat kalian jangan sampai di membawa salah satu wanita cantik berikut ini dalam mimpi kalian, entar urusannya jadi ribet, heehe, Cekidot!

Diantara wanita di atas mana yang kalian pilih ?

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