Warung Bebas

Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

Anak Bayi Lucu

Anak Bayi Lucu - Siapa yang tidak gemas saat melihat wajah dan tingkah polah bayi yang memang lucu dan menggemaskan. Bayi memang punya sejuta pesona. Ia lucu, polos, menggemaskan,
dan masih banyak lagi pujian lain yang disasarkan pada anak bayi. Mungkin itu karena mereka masih polos dan tak berdosa. Anak bayi memang
terlihat lucu karena kepolosannya, anak bayi memang lucu sebab masih imut-imut.

Masalah Kesehatan saat Mudik Lebaran dan saat arus Balik

Masalah Kesehatan saat Mudik Lebaran harus
dicegah agar ketika anda berada di kampung halaman, benar-benar menikmati
kebersamaan dengan keluarga besar yang tentu sangat jarang bisa anda rasakan.
Saat akan kembali ke tempat perantauan pun kesehatan juga harus dijaga, agar anda
tidak sakit dan bisa masuk kerja sesuai jadwal. Masalah Kesehatan tersebut adalah
infeksi saluran pencernaan, infeksi

Game Anak Bayi

Game Anak Bayi - Meskipun masih bayi, anak bisa Bunda berikan game anak bayi atau mengajaknya bermain dengan permainan-permainan yang dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan dan kekreatian anak bayi. Nah, berikut adalah sejumlah game anak bayi yang bisa membantu untuk mencerdaskan otak anak.


Usia 6 hingga 9 bulan.

• Gunung Bantal. 

Manfaatnya adalah untuk melatih anak bayi dalam memadukan gerakan

11 Tokoh Keturunan Jawa yang berpengaruh di Suriname

     Woow! kita sebagai masyarakat jawa patut berbangga nih, pertanyaanya bagaimana bisa ada masyarakat jawa di Suriname? Di Suriname tinggal sekitar 75.000 orang Jawa dan dibawa ke sana dari Hindia-Belanda antara tahun 1890-1939. Mereka dikirim ke suriname untuk menjadi pekerja maupun buruh. Kini, keturunan dari mereka masih menetap di suriname dan bahkan menjadi orang-orang berpengaruh dan terkenal disana. Dan inilah 11 tokoh berikut..

1. Sonny Wagirin Kertoidjojo

Karir Jabatan = Menteri Dalam Negeri, Menteri Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Suriname

2. Martinus Soekeng Sastroredjo


Karir Jabatan = Menteri Perencanaan Tanah dan Kehutanan Suriname

3. Samuel Pawironadi


Karir Jabatan = Menteri Urusan Sosial dan Perumahan Rakyat, Duta besar Suriname untuk Venezuela.

4. Hendrik Soerat Setrowidjojo


Karir Jabatan = Menteri Sosial dan Perumahan Rakyat, Menteri Pertanian, Peternakan, dan Perikanan Suriname.

5. Paul Slamet Somohardjo 

Karir Jabatan = Menteri Urusan Sosial dan Ekonomi Kerakyatan, Menteri Perdagangan dan Perindustrian, Ketua Parlemen Suriname, dan juga pemimpin partai politik Pertjaja Luhur (kadangkala dieja sebagai Pertjajah Luwur atau Perdjaja Luhur)

6. Soewarto Moestadja


Karir Jabatan = Menteri Sosial dan Perumahan Rakyat, Menteri Buruh, Menteri Kesehatan, dan Menteri Dalam Negeri Suriname

7. Johannes Toepon Kasantaroeno

Karir Jabatan = Menteri Pertanian, Peternakan, dan Perikanan Suriname

8. Jan K. Sariman

Karir Jabatan = Menteri Pertanian, Peternakan, dan Perikanan Suriname

9. Saimin Redjosentono


Karir Jabatan = Menteri Pertanian, Peternakan, dan Perikanan Suriname, Dosen Fakultas Teknik Universitas Suriname

10. Soejadin André Soeperman

Karir Jabatan = Menteri Ekonomi, Menteri Sosial Suriname

11. William Soemita

Karir Jabatan = Menteri Sosial dan Perumahan Rakyat, Pendiri Kerukunan Tulodo Prenatan Inggil (KTPI) yaitu partai berbasisi masyarakat Jawa di Suriname.

Can Digital Disappearing Ink (An EHR "Glitch") Kill Patients? Part 2

At "Another Health IT "Glitch" - Can Digital Disappearing Ink Kill Patients?" just yesterday, on August 5, 2013, I wrote about a Siemens EHR "glitch" worse than any paper records system problem.  Typed order changes in the medication reconciliation process on patient discharge are disappearing into thin air, unknown to the clinicians typing the orders.  This is likely due to an issue such as some programmer forgetting to put in a statement to write the text to disk, complicated by software testing problems that missed the defect.

I noted:
... "Glitch" is a banal term used by health IT extremists (those who have abandoned a rigorous scientific approach to these medical devices as well as basic patient protections, in favor of unwarranted and inappropriate overconfidence and hyper-enthusiasm).  The term is used to represent potentially injurious and lethal problems with health IT, usually related to inadequate software vetting and perhaps even "sweatshop floor in foreign country directly to production for U.S. hospital floors" development processes (this industry is entirely unregulated).
Paper records may have illegible writing that would generally cause the reader to make a phone call or otherwise contact the writer, but those events are one-offs.  EHR defects potentially affect hundreds of installations and thousands of patients, en masse.  (If patients are not dying en masse from such errors, then the whole argument against paper and for IT on the issue of vastly improved safety goes out the windows, but that's an argument for another time.)

Siemens has just released another "glitch" announcement, this time with CPOE (computerized order entry):

(Medication orders "glictch" safety complaint.  Click to enlarge, text below)

Text is as follows:

August 2, 2013

Safety Advisory Notification

Soarian® Clinicals Medication Orders, Safety Complaint ID# EV06643783

Dear Customer:

This notification is to inform you that the Soarian Clinicals Medication Orders may not be operating properly in some cases in Soarian Clinicals 3.3 Service Pack 6 and above.

I note that "glitches" are not uncommon after software patches and upgrades.  See examples at the query link http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/search/label/glitch.   This reflects inadequate vetting of the patches.

I also note that "medication orders not operating properly" is a very, very serious matter.

Although this may affect only some customers, we are taking a conservative approach and are alerting you to this potential problem. As such, please forward this notification to appropriate personnel as soon as possible.

"May only affect some customers?" (I suspect from this double-indefinite that who is affected is not rigorously known).  "Taking a conservative approach?"  I ask:  what would a non-conservative approach entail?

This letter is being sent as a precautionary measure as there have been no adverse events reported from customers.

Again, they mean "yet."

When does this issue occur and what are the potential risks?

The issue occurs while placing medication orders. In certain cases, when users select orders from predefines or personal favorites and make changes on the order detail forms, the changes are correctly saved and displayed on the forms but the Order As Written (OAW) is not refreshed to reflect the changes. The incorrect OAW is displayed in Siemens Pharmacy in the Order As Written window but the discrete order details are correct. As a result dispensing or administering relying solely on the OAW prior to pharmacy validation may result in error.  [Putting patients directly in harm's way, patients who never consented to the use of these experimental and unvetted medical devices - ed.]  Once the order is validated the OAW in Soarian is updated correctly.

This problem - manually changed data apparently not written to disk - seems similar to the "digital disappearing ink" med reconciliation bug in the aforementioned Aug. 5, 2013 post.

Immediate steps you should take to avoid the potential risk of this issue:

To prevent this issue from occurring at your facility, dispensing or administering of unvalidated order should rely on the order details displayed. Secondly, any deviations from the predefined or personal favorites should be phoned in to pharmacy as a verbal order. During validation, if the pharmacist sees a discrepancy between the order detail and the OAW, verbal follow up with the ordering physician is required.

Again, a workaround.  How many times will this workaround be forgotten, compared to issues of illegibility in a paper record resulting in a phone call to the writer?

Steps that Siemens is taking to correct this complaint:

We are diligently working to develop a correction and will test and deliver it as soon as possible.

Perhaps they should have been working more diligently to detect the "glitch" before it went live.

Also, perhaps the touted power of EHRs to reduce medical errors needs to be re-examined.  Considering bugs like these - creating en-masse problems far worse than possible with paper (another en-masse example at http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/2011/11/lifespan-rhode-island-yet-another.html) - then, if the EHRs are so essential to safety, one would expect significant morbidity and mortality from these defects.

If one is to believe patients are not being injured by "glitches", then the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars for these systems on the basis of "error reduction" compared to paper is likely a waste of money and resources.

--  SS

Daily Blog #44: Forensic Tips - Shadow Access

Hello Reader,
              I'm going to take a break today from the web 2.0 series for two reasons. 1. I'm not ready to write up the next post yet until I've reviewed the rest of the javascript that is parsing the message headers and contents we talked about last week. 2. A method I've been using for shadow access apparently isn't well understood and if it saved time in my lab it will save time in yours. Also as a reminder we are doing another Forensic Lunch this friday 8/9/13 where we talk about new updates in our research and answer forensic questions from you guys.

To get notified when the Youtube viewing link becomes available click here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c9gklmj2cjhfdou01fjlhskcgkk

If you want to talk about your research on the Forensic Lunch give me an email and I'll invite you to the video chat room, dcowen@g-cpartners.com

Accessing shadow copies in Windows from SIFT:

Now if you have been following Joachim Metz's updates to libvshadow you would see there is now a native version for Windows. There are some steps you have to take to get this to compile that you can find here:

You need to build it in Windows using cygwin or Visual Studio and get a third party package called dokan located here: http://dokan-dev.net/en/

Now this takes a bit of time and some experience with compiling code and if you go the Visual Studio route knowledge of Visual Studio, Joachim has given a great tutorial but I've still met people who have had issues with it. So if you want access to all the system files we talked about that are stored in the shadow volumes that aren't available to you using vssadmin/api routes, such as the $mft, $logfile, $usn journal and more, then I'll give you an easy work around.

Step 1. Download SIFT http://computer-forensics.sans.org/community/downloads
Step 2. If you don't already have vmware workstation/vmware player then download it from www.vmware.com
Step 3. If your image is a multipart e01, aff, etc.. then mount your image using ewmount/affmount first to make it appear as single raw image
Step 4. Use vshadowmount to mount the single raw image, whether whole or virtual and this is where the key step is. When you do this step pass in an extra option: -X allow_other as seen below:
vshadowmount -X allow_other  /mnt/
Step 5. Point FTK Imager to a image file located on \\siftworkstation\ and add each volume shadow you want to extract data from.

You can see Joachim's mounting instruction page here which references this fact:

but what this not clearly spell out is that if you don't clear that option from fuse.conf you will not be able to allow non root users access to the mounted directory. Allowing non root users is necessary for how i'm using SIFT/libvshadow for is exposing the mounted shadows to Windows. Not allowing non root users affects your ability to let CIFS expose the mounted shadow copies to other networked machines. This network share access to mounted volume shadow copies in Linux what I do to speed things along on machines I don't have the native windows libvshadow compiled on, or where dokan fails to compile.

I mount with vshadhowmount -X allow_other and then I point FTK Imager to the \\siftworkstation network shares that it exports by default and access the shadow copies as raw images in FTK Imager to export out the system files not exposed with the native Linux NTFS driver.

Hopefully this is helpful and in the near future all our tools will adapt enough where we don't have to do this, but until then this works 100% of the time for me when all else fails.

August 3, 2013

This is part of the group of 35 runners who showed up on Saturday at Komoka Trails.
One would almost think the turn out was larger than usual because there was Champagne and Mars Bars as we do at the season end run in October, but there wasn't, so I guess its just because we are such a pleasure to be around.
You will note two woman in jeans in the front row who Bill Wheeler picked up on the trail. (one of them was about to go on her ass on the slippery boardwalk portion as the group were attempting to pass and Bill grabbed her and saved her from a bruise or two)
They were from Ohio and were visiting friends in London for a girls weekend and came out to walk the trails and were probably wishing they could have come for coffee with us at Angelo's after the run rather than go back to shopping and drinking wine with 'The Girls'.
OK, I may be wrong.

Games Anak Bayi

Games Anak Bayi - Ketika anak bayi sudah menginjak usia 8 sampai 12 bulan, jenis games anak bayi semakin beragam sesuai dengan perkembangan anak bayi. Berikut adalah beberapa jenis games anak bayi usia 8 hingga 12 bulan beserta manfaatnya, yang semoga bisa membantu Ibu.

Jenis Games
Usia Anak Bayi


Menebak Kotak

8 bulan ke atas


10 Kerajaan/Kekaisaran dengan wilayah terluas di Dunia

1. Imperium Britania 

daerahnya ditunjukkan dengan warna merah muda
Luas : 33.4 juta km²
     Imperium Britania adalah wilayah yang pernah diperintah atau dikuasai oleh Britania Raya. Imperium Britania dimulai pada akhir abad ke-16 dan merupakan imperium yang paling luas dalam sejarah dunia serta pada suatu periode tertentu pernah menjadi kekuatan utama di dunia. Pada tahun 1922, Imperium Britania mencakup populasi sekitar 458 juta orang, kurang lebih seperlima populasi dunia pada waktu itu

2. Imperium Mongolia 

Luas : 33.2 juta km²
     Adalah kekaisaran kedua terbesar dalam sejarah dunia, menguasai sekitar 33 juta km² pada puncak kejayaannya, dengan perkiraan penduduk sebanyak di atas 100 juta orang dan menjadi yang paling kuat di antara semua kekaisaran abad pertengahan. Kerajaan ini terkenal dengan Genghis Khan-nya yang amat ditakuti.

3. Kekaisaran Rusia 

Luas : 22.8 juta km²
     Kekaisaran Rusia adalah salah satu kerajaan terbesar yang pernah ada dalam sejarah dunia dengan luas daratan yang hanya bisa dilampaui oleh Imperium Britania dan Kekaisaran Mongolia. Pada tahun 1866, wilayah Kekaisaran Rusia membentang dari Eropa Timur ke Asia hinggaAmerika Utara. Pada awal abad ke-19, Rusia adalah kerajaan terbesar di dunia yang membentang dari Samudra Arktik di utara ke Laut Hitam di selatan dan dari Laut Baltik di barat hingga Samudra Pasifik di timur. 

4. Imperium Spanyol

Luas : 19 juta km²
     Pada abad ke-15 dan 16, Spanyol adalah pusat eksplorasi global, ekspansi kolonial, dan pembukaan jalur perdagangan seberang lautan di Eropa, dengan perdagangan melintasi Samudera Atlantik antara Spanyol dan Amerika dan sepanjang Samudera Pasifik antara Asia-Pasifik dan Meksikomelalui Filipina. 

5. Kesultanan Umayyah 

Luas : 15.0 juta km²
     Merupakan kekhalifahan Islam pertama setelah masa Khulafaur Rasyidin yang memerintah dari 661 sampai 750 di Jazirah Arab dan sekitarnya, serta dari 756 sampai 1031 di Kordoba, Spanyol sebagai Kekhalifahan Kordoba. Nama dinasti ini dirujuk kepada Umayyah bin 'Abd asy-Syams, kakek buyut dari khalifah pertama Bani Umayyah, yaitu Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan. Kesultanan ini berhasil menyebarkan kejayaan islam hingga ke tanah Spanyol.

6. Kekaisaran Perancis 

Wilayahnya diandai dengan warna Biru dan Hijau
Luas : 13.5 juta km² 
     Perancis adalah kekaisaran yang dominan di dunia dari tahun 1600-an hingga akhir 1960-an, menjajah banyak koloni di berbagai tempat di dunia. Pada akhir abad ke-19 dan ke-20, kekuasaan global Perancis adalah terbesar kedua setelah Kekaisaran Britania. Kekaisaran kolonial Perancis terbentang seluas 13.000.000 km² pada puncak kekuasaannya.

7. Dinasti Qing (sekarang RRC) 

Luas : 12 juta km² 
     Merupakan satu dari dua dinasti asing yang memerintah di Cina setelah dinasti Yuan Mongol dan juga adalah dinasti yang terakhir di Cina. Asing dalam arti adalah sebuah dinasti pemerintahan non-Han yang dianggap sebagai entitas Cina di zaman dulu. Dinasti ini didirikan oleh orang Manchuria dari klan Aisin Gioro. Wilayahnya meliputi China dan Mongolia di zaman modern ini.

8. Imperium Portugis 

Luas : 10.4 juta km²
     Merupakan imperium kolonial Eropa modern yang berdiri paling awal dan terlama, hampir enam abad, dari penguasaan Ceuta tahun 1415 hingga penyerahan Makau tahun 1999.

9. Imperium Brasil 

Luas : 8.1 juta km²
     Imperium Brasil adalah suatu kerajaan yang meliputi Brasil dibawah kekuasaan Kaisar Pedro I dari Brasil dan putranya Pedro II dari Brasil. Didirikan tahun 1822, kekaisaran ini berubah menjadi republik tahun 1889.

10. Kekaisaran Akhemenid 

Luas : 7.5 juta km²
     Adalah kekaisaran Persia (Iran) di Asia Selatan dan Barat Daya yang didirikan pada abad ke-6 SM oleh Koresh Agung. Tidak ada kekaisaran lain sebelum masa itu yang lebih besar daripada Kekaisaran Akhaimenia. Kekaisaran Akhaimenia pada akhirnya menguasai Mesir juga. Kekaisaran ini dipimpin oleh serangkaian raja yang menyatukan suku-suku dan bangsa-bangsanya yang terpisah-pisah dengan membangun jaringan jalan yang rumit.


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