Warung Bebas

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Rabu, 23/02/2011 08:29 WIB

Bawang Putih Mampu Membersihkan Plak di Pembuluh Darah
Vera Farah Bararah - detikHealth

Jakarta, Bawang putih lebih dikenal untuk mengatasi tekanan darah tinggi. Peneliti menemukan mengonsumsi bawang putih bisa berfungsi membersihkan arteri atau pembuluh darah.

Bawang putih bisa memperlambat perkembangan aterosklerosis, yaitu suatu kondisi yang bisa menyebabkan plak dan berbahaya bagi pembuluh darah.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) menuturkan sejak ribuan tahun lalu masyarakat sudah memiliki kebiasaan mengonsumsi bawang putih karena dipercaya bisa menjadi obat.

Berdasarkan laporan dari University of Maryland Medical Center diketahui bahwa bawang putih memiliki kemampuan untuk menghancurkan plak yang terdapat di dalam dinding pembuluh darah, seperti dikutip dari Livestrong, Rabu (23/2/2011).

Beberapa studi yang dilakukan terhadap pasien aterosklerosis menunjukkan jumlah plak yang menurun ketika pasien diminta untuk mengonsumsi bawang putih dalam bentuk suplemen. Meski demikian diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui dengan pasti bagaimana cara bawang putih menghancurkan plak.

Studi lain juga menemukan konsumsi bawang putih bisa membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah total dan juga kadar kolesterol jahat (LDL), sekaligus meningkatkan kadar kolesterol baik (HDL) sehingga mengurangi risiko plak menumpuk di arteri.

Selain itu, hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Linus Pauling Institute menuturkan bahwa bawang putih juga memiliki kemampuan untuk mencegah pembekuan darah di arteri serta mengurangi jumlah trombosit dalam darah yang bergumpal.

Sedangkan bawang putih yang dikonsumsi dalam bentuk bubuk atau minyak tampaknya juga efektif untuk mencegah penggumpalan darah di arteri yang bisa menyebabkan serangan jantung atau stroke.

Bila seseorang ingin mengonsumsi bawang putih untuk membersihkan arteri, UMMC menyarankan untuk konsumsi 2-4 siung bawang putih segar setiap harinya, atau bisa juga bawang putih tersebut dicampurkan dalam makanan.


NB: SehatHerbal menyediakan kapsul bawang putih (GARLIC). harga 50rb/45 kpsul, sdh BPOM, halal. Pemesanan : budiprakoso98@gmail.com / 081310343598

NCCDC is coming - My favorite time of year

Once a year the fine folks at the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition invite a team of people to participate in their event as red or white team members. I'm happy to announce that I've been asked to return as captain of the red team this year again on April 8-10 in San Antonio, Texas. I got my start as a professional in network security and though I speak about computer forensics publicly we at G-C still do network security for select clients.

For those not familiar with CCDC it is a national competition that pits teams of college contestants who have to defend their network while continuing to deploy new business services against a team of people who are looking to ruin their day.While there is always a team who wins the national title I've always felt that it's the red team who always wins since we have the most fun.

Getting involved with CCDC is something I've always enjoyed doing and would recommend others do as well, if you are looking to volunteer as either a good guy or a bad guy you should go here http://www.nationalccdc.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=58&Itemid=70 to get involved at either the national or local levels.

If you are company looking to recruit the best talent emerging out of today's universities you could also benefit by sponsoring, as we have, the event and get access to these students before they can write their own ticket. To sponsor go here:  http://www.nationalccdc.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=59&Itemid=37

dream home

today i am over at la dolce vita sharing my idea of a "dream house"....hope to see you over there! thanks so much paloma for letting me dream...it's kind of nice considering currently i am surrounded by runny noses, laundry, and dirty dishes :)

Sorry, but don't apologize

One of the bits of advice floating around for scientists is, "Don't apologize for your work". Usually this advice is dispensed within the context of giving a presentation - don't start a presentation with, "Sorry", don't apologize for unreadable graphs, etc.

But I think this advice should be extended to all professional scientific communication. If you hurt someone's feelings or spill their coffee, absolutely you should apologize. Of course you should speak considerately and professionally to all people. But when it comes to communicating science don't apologize for yourself. Don't degrade your expertise, don't qualify your statements.1

You can qualify presentations of information, for example, "This work is preliminary" or "This was just a first step to exploring this problem area." But that is very different from saying, "I realize I am only a masters student" or "Sorry, I am a n00b here" or "I know my undergraduate degree is in French literature, but..."

Be bold! Yes, you will probably need to wave the white flag sometimes. But don't start out with your flag waving. Start out strong.

1 Unless you work in a country where apologizing is the norm for professional communication, in which case, I'm sorry for this post. ;-)

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