Warung Bebas

Rabu, 27 November 2013

Alat Kontrasepsi Terbaru untuk Wanita

Kontrasepsi adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mencegah pembuahan sehingga memungkinkan
pasangan suami istri untuk mengatur jarak kelahiran keturunannya. Negara
berkembang termasuk Indonesia yang memiliki jumlah penduduk besar, sangat mendukung
Penggunaan Alat Kontrasepsi. Hal tersebut untuk mengendalikan pertumbuhan
jumlah penduduk, sehingga lebih mudah meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga.

Daily Blog #157: Metadiver!

Hello Reader,
            Another tool from our lab has escaped into the light of day. David Dym on his RedRock blog has posted up the first version of Metadiver, http://redrocktx.blogspot.com/2013/11/introducing-metadiver.html. Metadiver was born out of the frustation of most forensic suites inability to display all the relevant metadata embedded with many of the file format available today.

What metadiver does is call shell32 to query all the metadata fields the driver for that file type makes available, recurses through directories in doing so and then writes it all out so you can quickly review for the metadata your interested in. You should give the tool a shot and see if you find some metadata your tools aren't showing you.

Tips Sehat Memasak Mie Instant untuk Wanita Hamil

Konsumsi Mie
Instant untuk wanita hamil atau untuk siapapun (wanita tidak hamil, anak-anak,
pria dewasa atau remaja) sebenarnya tidak berbahaya. Dengan catatan frekuensinya
satu kali dalam beberapa hari, dan tidak dijadikan makanan harian apalagi dijadikan
sebagai makanan pokok.

Kandungan Mie
Instant berupa tepung yang mengandung banyak kalori, garam, dan kurang
mengandung lemak, protein,

10 Artis Korea Paling Seksi Dan Cantik

Unik Informatika - Pria mana sih yang tidak tahu kalau Negara Korea itu penghasil gadis cantik, putih dan mulus. Tak jarang pria terutama pria Indonesia mengagumi artis dari Korea, hal itu bisa kita lihat dari mereka-mereka yang menyukai K-Drama atau K-Pop. Dari ulasan diatas bisa kita simpulkan alasan rata-rata mengapa tertarik dengan wanita korea mungkin alasan utamanya adalah cantik, mulus dan putih.

Tak jarang juga mereka menjawab dengan kategori seksi, tapi jangan tertipu dengan penampilan keartisan mereka karena artis dari negara tersebut banyak yang melakukan operasi plastik atau oplas yang merupakan sebuah tindakan dalam bidang kecantikan yang paling populer di negara tersebut. Terlepas dari itu semua di posting ini akan menampilkan 10 Artis Korea Paling Seksi Dan Cantik.

1. Ha Na Kyung

Nama:Ha Na-Kyung
Tanggal Lahir:6 Mei 1986
Tinggi Badan:168 cm
Golongan Darah:B


Artis Korea Cantik dan Mulus

2. Oh In Hye

Nama:Oh In-Hye
Tanggal Lahir:1984
Tinggi Badan:-
Golongan Darah:-


3. Kwak Ji Min

Nama:Ji-Min Kwak
Tanggal Lahir:13 Februari 1985
Tinggi Badan:165 cm
Golongan Darah:O



4. Nam Gyu Ri

Nama:Gyu Ri
Tanggal Lahir:26 April 1985
Tinggi Badan:165 cm
Golongan Darah:O



5. Kim So Yeon

Nama:Kim So Yeon
Tanggal Lahir:02 November 1980
Tinggi Badan:167 cm
Golongan Darah:A


6. Min-Hyo Rin

Nama:Min Hyo-Rin (Jung Eun-ran)
Tanggal Lahir:28 Februari 1986
Tinggi Badan:-
Golongan Darah:-


7. Lee Chae Young

Nama:Lee Chae-Young
Tanggal Lahir:29 April 1986
Tinggi Badan:170 cm
Golongan Darah:-


8. Bae So Eun

Nama:Bae So Eun
Tanggal Lahir:1989
Tinggi Badan:-
Golongan Darah:-



9. Kim Shi Hyang

Nama:Kim Shi Hyang
Tanggal Lahir:06 September 1982
Tinggi Badan:175 cm
Golongan Darah:B


10. Lee Hyo Ri

Nama:Lee Hyo Ri
Tanggal Lahir:10 Mei 1979
Tinggi Badan:-
Golongan Darah:-





“You think this is just another day in your life.  It is not just another day.  It is the one that is given to you today…It’s the only gift that you have right now. And the only appropriate response is gratefulness.”
                                --Brother David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk

This week's issue of WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS is dedicated to gratefulness.  The fourth Thursday of November is the celebration of Thanksgiving, a special day in American history.  It is a celebration of giving thanks, a historical reminder about the Pilgrims and the American natives breaking bread together, creating family and community traditions, of being grateful. 

Thank you to farmers like Lisa Brenneman.

Thank you to the children who come and learn at our programs.

Thank you for family (that's my brother Bill, on the left, with some of the kids)

Thank you for family (my brother, Rob, on the left with his son, Robbie at the new family farm).

Thank you to the volunteers who
provide the fuel for our programs.

Thank you for the staff who assist in our
Growing Healthy Kids in the Kitchen programs.

Thank you to our volunteers at our
annual Hummus at Humiston events,
where we connect kids with the local farmers. 

Thank you to the farmers who grow what we need.

Thank you to friends.

The mission of Growing Healthy Kids, Inc. is to improve the health – and lives – of America’s children by focusing on good foods and physical fun.  Our programs educate parents and children about the “how” and “why” of eating locally grown vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and creating plant-based meals that are easy and economical to prepare.  Because of this mission, we get to play with the people who are growing good foods, take farm trips with kids, and create healthy recipes in our Growing Healthy Kids Test Kitchen.  In our work to improve health literacy and reverse childhood obesity and obesity-related diseases, there are many things for which I am grateful.

To watch an inspirational video and listen to the words of Brother David Steindl-Rast, including the music of my friend, Gary Malkin, click here.

Here are some of the things I am grateful for today and every day:

The local farmers who grow the Swiss chard, Tuscan kale, Purple Cherokee tomatoes, spinach, pumpkins, watermelon, navel oranges, Ruby Red grapefruits, pecans, Shitake and Portobello mushrooms, basil, parsnips, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and other beautiful vegetables, fruits, and nuts that fill the recipes we create with and for Growing Healthy Kids.  Several of the local farmers who partner with the Growing Healthy Kids project and to whom I am grateful include Louis Schacht (Schacht Groves), Kevin O’Dare (Osceola Organics), Linda Hart (Crazy Hart Ranch), Lisa and Dan Brenneman (Florida Veggies and More), and Brenda and Jim Gibbons (Gibbons Organics).  For a link to some amazing recipes featuring the foods we highlight in the Growing Healthy Kids Test Kitchen, click here.

The local chefs who are using foods grown by our local farmers instead of vegetables grown 2,000 miles away.
The parents who are seeking better foods for our children who eat two of their three meals through the free and reduced school meal program.

The volunteers who make our educational programs so much fun.

The children who have attended and those who will attend our educational programs, because they are the true leaders of Growing Healthy Kids.

Most of all, I am grateful for family.  We are all family in this adventure called life! What are YOU grateful for?

In gratitude to each and every one of you,
Nancy Heinrich
Growing Healthy Kids, Inc.


Pertanyaan cara menghapus tema facebook

Cara mengembalikan tema facebook seperti semula,

  Assalamualaykum sobat, Alhamdulillah Admin bisa update artikel tentang menghapus tema facebook di mozilla firefox, Artikel ini, Sebagai jawaban sobat kita, yang bertanya kepada admin bagaimana cara sih cara mengahapus tema facebook yang sudah terinstall.

  Ok langsung ketema saja ya? Berikut ini, cara mengembalikan tema facebook seperti semula,
Untuk caranya sederhana sobat hanya perlu menghapus/remove stylish yang terinstall di browser mozilla sobat, Untuk lebih jelasnya sebagai berikut:

Bagaimana cara kembalikan tema facebook seperti semula

  1. Pertama sobat klik menu tool mozilla firefox sobat
  2. Selanjutnya klik add-ons, atau tekan tombol keyboard sobat (ctrl+shift+a)
  3. Selanjutnya klik extensions
  4. Selanjutnya pilih stylish dan klik remove
  5. dan yang terakhir restart selesai.
  Sekarang sobat buka facebook sobat Insyallah, Tema facebook sobat sudah kembali ketema default facebok sobat, Mungkin itu saja, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat cara mengembalikan tema facebook seperti semula, selamat mencoba dan ahir kata wassalam.

Cara mengobati Diare Secara Alami

Salah satu penyakit yang dapat menggerogoti daya tahan tubuh seseorang dan yang sangat berbahaya untuk tubuh adalah penyakit Diare, bahkan kasus kematian balita yang terjadi di salah satu daerah terpencil Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara Timur) disebabkan oleh penyakit ini (diare) berbahaya bukan???.
Cara mengobati Diare
Cara mengobati Diare Secara Alami
Seseorang  yang terserang diare akan merasakan tubuhnya yang sangat lemas dan tak ada tenaga lagi, hal ini dikarenakan tidak ada suplai makanan yang bisa diproduksi oleh tubuh. Serta jika hal ini dibiarkan begitu saja akan menimbulkan kemrosotan berat badan dan bisa mengakibatkan kematian juga.

Nah bagi anda yang sedang terserang diare tahap awal/belum terlalu parah, anda dapat mencoba beberapa resep herbal yang ada dibawah ini semoga bisa beramfaat:

Cara mengobati diare biasa: Menggunakan  manfaat Buah jambu beserta daun jambu biji
Salah satu buah jambu biji yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan dan pengobatan diare adalah jambu biji berwarna merah. Buah ini juga sudah dikenal sejak dahulu sebelum kita lahir akan manfaatnya untuk mengobati diare secara cepat.

Adapun caranya adalah dengan mengkomsumsi langsung buah jambu merah yang masih muda beberapa buah. Atau bisa juga memanfaatkan daun jambunya dengan cara mengunyah dan memakan air daun jambu biji muda yang dicampur dengan sedikit garam. Cara ini sangat efectif dan sudah terbukti sejak lama.

@ Cara mengatasi masalah kesehatan diare akut
Untuk masalah diare yang satu ini, anda dapat memanfaatkan khasiat yang terkandung dalam daun randu. Kenapa daun randu dapat bermanfaat untuk mengatasi masalah diare akut??? Hal ini dikarenakan daun randu memiliki kandungan senyawa alami bernama hidrat arang dam zat penyamak.

Adapun cara pemanfaatannya adalah dengan menumbuk beberapa lembar daun randu sampai halus sempurna. Beri air matang sekitar setengah gelas dan peras ambil airnya, campur dengan garam dapur setengah sendok teh. Aduk rata, minum ramuan alami ini sehari 3 kali.

Untuk masalah kesehatan si kecil (sakit diare), anda dapat mengobati sikecil dengan menggunakan buah sirsak masak. Adapun caranya adalah: anda hanya harus memeras buah sirsak yang sudah maatang/masak sekitar 2-3 sendok. Kemudian berikan air perasan ini untuk si kecil.

Oke itulah cara alami yang bisa anda coba untuk mengatasimasalah diare anda. Jika diare tak kunjung sembuh, usahakan anda secepatnya pergi ke Puskesmas terdekat agar mendapat pertolongan pertama.

Sekian semoga artikel diatas bermanfaat, terimaksih kunjungannya, tunggu artikel Info kesehatan lainnya yahh. Dan jangan lupa baca artikel kami yang lainnya.

Selain cara alami diatas anda dapat mengobati masalah diare menggunakan obat oralit. Untuk mendapatkan obat ini pergi ke Apotek terdekat atau puskesmas. 

Paleo™ ApprovED ... Enough.

11/29:  Another minor update.  There has been a ton of feedback both here and on Facebook and I'm personally quite touched that the overwhelming response has been positive.  These subjects are never easy to broach.  I will be posting an update as I have had many questions as to why I removed the picture that I did and inserted my sarcastic graphic in its place.  That too is a serious and extremely tenuous/touchy issue to address, but it really needs to be as it goes to the heart of this issue.  

In any case, just so everyone is aware, yesterday the MDA post was updated as follows:

This response is disheartening to say the least.  I think that most would agree that most if not all comments were respectful.  One of the last comments that was allowed was from one guy berating another for saying that she looked better before.  I don't see that as being any less appropriate than comments congratulating her for her after appearance.   Mark could have just closed the comments, but instead he (or whomever really runs that place in his name) attributed the term *trolling* to those who expressed concern.  No, name withheld here should not have to defend herself because someone over at MDA should have had the good sense not to publish this at all.  This is yet another characteristic of this community that is troubling.  I read many expressions of concern for this young lady's well being, concerns I share, and Mark's comments here will only serve to deepen her denial.  Shame on you Mark Sisson.  Shame.


11/28:  I hope all of my readers have a wonderful day today.   I'm uncharacteristically not too busy, as I am not hosting for a rare change.  But I have stumbled upon a bit of bad timing with my last post.  It requires followup and that will be forthcoming sometime this weekend.  But not today.  

Enjoy your self.  Enjoy your family, your friends, your pets, whatever.  The only thing I plan to do today regarding food is to make sure my stuffed mushrooms and shrimp-deviled eggs are perfectly delish, and that I leave room for my sister's amazing, once-a-year-at-T'giving, pecan pie.  I hope you will do similar whatever and whomever you are.



Minor Update 11/28:  You may also wish to read:  When Orthorexia Goes Bad  It fleshes out some background and some additional thoughts on ED in general.

Original post ...

Blogstress note
:  I had not intended to spend time on this until after my "desk clears" of projects in the works and my real life job.   I had to make an exception, as I am genuinely angry, and this is where I can express that anger.  This will read a bit disjointed, but I ask that you give this a full read before responding and bear with this aspect of it.  It's not my most concise or well written effort, for which I apologize but ... time ... or lack thereof is my excuse.  Some of this was written a while ago, the rest yesterday and today.  It got too long so I am publishing it up blemishes and all while it is timely, and hope to post a Part II shortly.

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