Warung Bebas

Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Wallpaper Motivasi:Sulitnya Melawan Kesombongan Diri Sendiri

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Wallpaper Motivasi pagi ini adalah

"Lebih mudah untuk melawan ribuan orang bersenjata lengkap dibandingkan melawan kesombongan diri sendiri"

Memang sulit untuk melawan rasa sombong yang berada dalam diri kita.
Seringkali saat sedikit saja kita unggul dari orang lain, maka sifat sombong itu akan muncul entah kita sadari atau tidak, karena memang hakikat manusia adalah selalu memiliki rasa lebih unggul dari orang lain.
Jadi, mari kita lawan kesombongan diri sendiri, buang jauh anggapan bahwa kita adalah yang paling unggul, paling hebat,karena kesempurnaan dan keunggulan hanya milik Allah SWT semata.

Kata Bijak,Kata Motivasi,Wallpaper Motivasi,Motivasi Hidup,Motivasi Islami
Motivasi Hidup,Kata Bijak,Kata Mutiara,Kata Inspiratif

Itulah kata bijak motivasi pada pagi ini,yaitu "Lebih mudah untuk melawan ribuan orang bersenjata lengkap dibandingkan melawan kesombongan diri sendiri"
Jangan lupa, terus kunjungi blog wallpapermotivasi.blogspot.com untuk wallpaper motivasi,kata bijak,video motivasi,artikel motivasi,cerita motivasi terbaru.

Gambar kata mutiara bijak motivasi hidup islami : Jangan Mau Karena Bisa, Tapi Bisalah Karena Mau

Wallpaper motivasi kali ini adalah

"Janganlah mau karena bisa, tapi Bisalah karena mau."

Kita pasti pernah mendengar kata-kata orang bijak bahwa, "Jika ada kemauan pasti ada Jalan".
Seseorang mampu melakukan sesuatu karena ia memiliki Kemauan, berani mencoba dan memikul resiko.
Memang kita seringkali merasa bahwa diri kita tidak mampu, tidak memiliki kemampuan yang cukup.
Tetapi, jika kita yakin, kita pasti bisa.
So...mulailah untuk melangkah menuju kesuksesan!
Stop dreaming, start action!

Kata Bijak,Kata Motivasi,Wallpaper Motivasi,Motivasi Hidup,Motivasi Islami
Motivasi Hidup,Kata Bijak,Kata Mutiara

Jangan kupa, terus kunjungi blog wallpapermotivasi.blogspot.com untuk wallpaper motivasi,kata bijak,video motivasi,artikel motivasi,cerita motivasi terbaru.

Time to find a fancy hat, I'm speaking at Derbycon

Hello Reader,
                      I've been trying to find more conferences to speak at lately (If you are running a conference let me know) to let more people know about fun forensic artifacts. I've been selected to speak at Derbycon 2.0 but not for a forensic topic this time (though I did submit one). Instead the fine folks at Derbycon like my topic titled 'How to run a successful redteam'. If you've been following the blog you'd know that once a year I lead the national red team for the national collegiate cyber defense competition and have been doing so for 5 years now. We've learned alot on how to build and succeed as a competition red team and I thought it would be a good idea to share what we've learned.

So if you are going to at Derbycon and want to either:
 a) have a beer with me and talk forensics or
b) find out how to be a lethal red team full of 'i love it when a plan comes together' moments

Then I'll see you there! Let me know you read the blog if you don't mind it's always nice to know someone is one the other side of the screen.

Thoughts on #AHS12

One of those posts I need to apologize in advance for the length of ...

A goodly portion of this post was written around a week ago, and I was conflicted on whether or not to hit the publish button.  I'm not sure the wisdom of posting this ... but in the end I decided to, and I've interspersed some additional thoughts now that AHS12 is over.  I apologize for the various awkward wordings, typos and case changes that resulted that I just don't have the time or patience to correct.

Let me start by saying that I am amused by the predictable reactions of some about the web to my not going to AHS12.  If I had a dollar for every time I've been accused of  "not having a life" I'd be rich, but when my life outside this blog actually gets in the way?  Well then, now there's really got to be some other reason, ulterior motivation or nefarious cause for my "backing out" of attending the paleo event of the year.  Well folks, it really is as simple as my husband starting a new job, this throwing a monkey wrench in my travel plans, and all sorts of things that now need to get done in August before my own job starts back up.    I have far more scheduling flexibility than most, like my husband who has a "real job" and not a whole heckuvalot of vacation time.  I'm glad I forgot to purchase his ticket to the Barefoot Ball which would have been our only "us" time.  We planned to take a friend of his along so he would have someone to hang out with about Boston while I was doing my thing.  I also wanted to stay at least through Monday as it's been a long time since I've been, and I dunno about y'all, but if I'm spending like $1000 for 4 days and 3 nights that don't include relaxing with my husband, I'm wanting to spend just a bit more to make a true vacation of sorts out of it.  Maybe that's just me, but I'm thinking not. 
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