Warung Bebas

Senin, 23 April 2012

Rahasia Leonardo Da Vinci pada Lukisan Monalisa Terkuak

Unik Informatika - Sobat UniKa pernah melihat lukisan Leonardo Da Vinci? ya nama lukisan itu adalah Mona Lisa, dengan perawakan senyum yang manis, nah ternyata senyum itu penuh teka-teki itu tetap merupakan sebuah misteri, namun ilmuwan Perancis mengatakan mereka telah menemukan beberapa rahasia “Mona Lisa.” Para peneliti Perancis mempelajari tujuh lukisan Leonardo da Vinci yang ada di Museum Louvre, termasuk “Mona Lisa,” untuk menganalisis penggunaan lapisan-lapisan ultrathin secara berturut-turut pada cat dan glasir yang dilakukan oleh si master pelukis tersebut. 

Suatu teknik yang membuat karya-karyanya mempunyai kualitas yang diimpikan banyak orang....memang hebat sekali kemampuan berpikir Leonardo Da Vinci, cocok sekali jika dia menjadi pelukis !

Pakar dari Pusat Penelitian dan Restorasi Museum Perancis tersebut menemukan bahwa da Vinci menyapukan hingga 30 lapisan cat pada karya-karyanya untuk memenuhi standar subtilitas yang sesuai yang diinginkannya. Semua lapisan tersebut mempunyai ketebalan kurang dari 40 mikrometer, atau sekitar setengah ketebalan rambut manusia, kata peneliti Philippe Walter Jumat kemarin.

Teknik, yang disebut “Sfumato,” ini memungkinkan da Vinci untuk membuat outlines dan kontur lukisannya menjadi tersamar dan menciptakan ilusi tentang kedalaman dan bayangan. Soal penggunaan teknik ini oleh da Vinci sudah diketahui umum, tetapi studi ilmiah di tentang hal itu terbatas karena pengujiannya sering memerlukan sampel dari lukisannya.

Para peneliti Perancis menggunakan teknik non-invasif yang disebut spektroskopi fluoresensi sinar X untuk mempelajari lapisan cat dan komposisi kimianya.

Mereka membawa alat khusus berteknologi tinggi ke dalam museum saat museum tersebut sudah tutup dan mengamati lukisan potret wajah Monalisa yang merupakan refleksi dari teknik Sfumato tersebut. Proyek ini dikembangkan melalui kerjasama dengan European Synchrotron Radiation Facility di Grenoble.

Alat ini mempunyai ketepatan tinggi “sekarang kita bisa mengetahui campuran pigmen yang digunakan oleh seniman dalam setiap lapisan cat,” kata Walter pada The Associated Press. “Dan hal itu sangat, sangat penting untuk memahami teknik Sfumato ini.”

Analisis dari berbagai lukisan juga menunjukkan da Vinci terus mencoba metode baru, kata Walter. Dalam “Mona Lisa,” da Vinci menggunakan oksida mangan untuk memberikan efek bayang-bayang pada lukisan tersebut. Pada lukisan lain, dia menggunakan tembaga. Seringkali ia menggunakan glasir, tetapi tidak selalu.

Hasil penelitian ini dipublikasikan hari Rabu kemarin dalam Angewandte Chemie International Edition, sebuah jurnal kimia.

Tradisi mengatakan bahwa “Mona Lisa” adalah lukisan Lisa Gherardini, istri pedagang Florence Francesco del Giocondo, dan bahwa da Vinci mulai mengerjakan lukisan tersebut pada tahun 1503. Giorgio Vasari, pelukis abad ke-16 dan penulis biografi da Vinci dan seniman lainnya, menulis bahwa si perfeksionis da Vinci mengerjakan lukisan tersebut selama empat tahun.

Terima kasih kunjungannya !

Cara Mengubah Tampilan Kaskus Livebeta ke Tampilan Kaskus Lama

kaskus unik logo informatika
Unik Informatika - Selamat siang sobat, nah berhubung postingan saya kali ini saya akan menyapa sobat semua dengan panggilan khas facebook "agan", hehehe bagaimana ga? postingan saya kali ini akan membahas tentang kaskus, tepatnya adalah Cara Mengembalikan Tampilan Livebeta ke Tampilan Lama, apakah agan-agan tidak puas dengan tampilan Livebeta?, kalau iya saya sarankan anda melanjutkan membaca artikel ini, karena anda berada ditempat yang tepat, nah tanpa banyak basa-basi lagi saya akan memberikan 2 screen shoot dimana disana, jika agan melihatnya agan akan langsung bisa mempraktekkan nya langsung dengan 2 tombol berbeda yang ada di Livebeta dengan Kaskus lama. Berikut screen shoot nya :

Tampilan Livebeta Kaskus :

cara mengembalikan tampilan livebeta ke old kaskus
Tampilan Livebeta 

Tampilan Lama Kaskus :

cara mengembalikan tampilan livebeta ke old kaskus
Old Kaskus

Nah. mudah bukan?, tinggal klik saja pada tombol "Switch to Livebeta" atau "Switch to Old Kaskus" !
Terima kasih kunjungan nya !

NCCDC 2012 Wrap up post

Hello Friends,
                        This post is here to give links to the two presentations I gave at NCCDC for those interested and contacts to red team members for those interested in known more about what happened to them.

Red Team Debrief PPT: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=c252230f74663370&resid=C252230F74663370!848&parid=C252230F74663370!126&authkey=!AEdgB9WG-fF3pd0

Responding to the incident: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=c252230f74663370&resid=C252230F74663370!849&parid=C252230F74663370!126&authkey=!ADnYRFJV9VCMK08

Red Teamers:
Mubix @mubix on twitter
Chris Nickers: @indi303 on twitter
Ryan Jones: @lizborden on twitter

i'll get more email addresses and twitter names and update this post as I hear back from them.

If you would like to watch the red team debrief, albeit with some bad audio, you can watch it here:

#communitysport blog: Dot Davies

Our latest post in a series of blogs on Community Sport comes from Dot Davies. Dot is an S4C and BBC presenter – she’s a huge sports fan and mother of two young boys.

Someone told me recently that New Zealand kids believe they can walk on water, whereas Welsh kids will ask for their wellies. True? Not sure. But it made me think. Putting aside ideas of an inferiority complex as a nation, where can we begin to instill that 'anything is possible' attitude in our children?

Community Sport. Perhaps I feel even more strongly about this since becoming a parent. Almost without even thinking about it, we have imagined from the day they were born how sport would and should shape them as people with individuals from within our community becoming their mentors, their confidantes, their friends.  My children are only four and three yet already involved in rugby and gymnastics allowing them to make friends, teaching them communication and social skills, not to mention the social benefits for myself and the other parents we've met.

A passion for sport is what I truly want for my boys. To want to do their best and to enjoy what comes with that. All this in the hope that sport and the community it thrives within, will help shape mine and all our children as individuals providing not only health, but social benefits.

Who's to say that mine or next door's children aren't capable of being world class footballers, athletes, rowers, cyclists? Anything they want to be. They do however need to be given the opportunity and the encouragement to strive to be the best they can be.

I look around my peers and each one has a story of how this running club and that netball team helped them through their teens. I took it for granted. I'd like to think there will be a wider community who will look out for my children and want the best for them. Sport helps us to achieve that. Community Sport can only be a good thing. Wouldn't it be great if our children feared nothing and left their wellies by the door.

Follow Dot on Twitter @dotdavies1

This blog was written in conjunction with the launch of a strategy for Community Sport in Wales.  If you’d like your say, get involved in the debate on twitter – using the hashtag #communitysport and you can mention us @sport_wales

Top tips for setting up your sports business

Our latest Community Sport blog is written by Becky Johnson, General Manager and Head Gymnastics Coach of Planet Gymnastics. She set up her private, family-run enterprise in 2008 and here shares her top tips for setting up a new sports business.

•             Be prepared for long hours and late nights

When I first set up Planet Gymnastics, I was working 14 hour days – coming in at 8am and often not leaving before 10pm. But it is all worth it. Get a good support team behind you – staff, partners, parents, whoever – and remember that it will be worth those sleepless nights!

•             Persevere even when things get tough

Lots of things happen all the time with a new business. In the first year we were burgled twice, had the loos flooded several times and came up against several expenses which we did not account for. At times it felt that it wasnt worth it but with the support of family, friends staff and even customers we cleaned up and carried on.

•             If your business involves something you love its easier to work hard

•             Be prepared to keep adapting to your customer base

We send our customers regular feedback forms (especially for the after school club) and newsletters. We hold open days for parents to view classes and give us their feedback. We look at numbers in all classes and change classes if numbers are low for something new. The aim is to make every hour of the timetable work. We have a Facebook page where we share news with members. When we started we thought mother and toddler sessions would generate income for us in the day but there was too much competition in the local area. We now offer after school club and a nursery wraparound service instead to utilise the space in the day.

•             Our business runs like a family

We treat all customers as individuals whether they come for one hour a week or 20 hours a week.

Providing gymnastics and dance tuition for all ages, from babies to adult, Planet Gymnastics has ensured a sustainable income from CSSIW registered after school club care. After-school care includes school pick ups and a gymnastics lesson in a fully equipped Gymnastics and Dance centre.

Planet Gymnastics’ classes include Teen Gym, Cheerleading, Street Cheer, Tumbling, Parkour, Artistic Gymnastics, Adult Gymnastics and Pre-school and toddler gymnastics.

Find out more at: http://www.planetgymnastics.co.uk/

This blog was written in conjunction with the launch of a strategy for Community Sport in Wales.  If you’d like your say, get involved in the debate on twitter – using the hashtag #communitysport and you can mention us @sport_wales

good morning!!  monday is always a hard day to get started... it's pj's, coffee, and blankets for me...my entire family has a cold that we cannot shake.  heading to the doctor for the second time this month!  hope y'all have a great start to your week.

*images courtesy of houzz, vogue, pinterest

Cara Membuat Tulisan Windows sehalus MAC OS

mac os free download
Unik Informatika - Selamat malam sobat UniKa, kalu kita bicara tentang tampilan, percantik tampilan sampai memodifikasi tampilan pada layar laptop kita memang tidak ada habis nya jika kita mau membahasnya, nah posting saya kali ini adalah tentang Cara Membuat Tulisan di Windows Sehalus MAC, berminatkah anda?
Jika iya teruskan membaca, jika tidak tutup tab browser anda tentang ini dan cari artikel yang menarik hati anda di blog Unik Informatika ini, karena isi-isi nya bagus dan terupdate (hihihihi, promosi !).
Cukup basa basi nya, kalau lama-lama ntar pasti yang bacanya, pengen nonjok layar monitor, santai cuy ! Nah, pernahkah anda melihat tampilan layar MAC? sehalus apa? apakah anda ingin layar windows anda sehalus MAC? nah disini saya akan share kepada anda semua, ikuti langkah dibawah ini jika anda menginginkannya, cekidot :

1. Download aplikasi MacType, link download nya sudah saya sediakan pada button download di bawah ini.

2. Setelah selesai mendownload aplikasi itu anda bisa langsung menginstall nya.

3. Setelah itu anda jalankan aplikasi tersebut, nah jika aplikasi anda terinstal dalam bahasa mandarin, silahkan ganti bahasa anda menjadi English di tab Languange (letaknya di kanan atas).

4. Setelah itu, pada Select your preferred mode anda bisa memilih kolom Registry, kalau sudah tekan Next(N).

5. Selanjutnya, pada kolom Select your preferred profile, anda bisa memilih Default, kalau sudah tekan Finish(F).

6. Setelah langkah 1-5 dilakukan secara benar, selanjutnya Reboot/Restart computer anda.

7. Setelah proses reboot berhasil di lakukan, Tadaaaaaaaa...anda akan terkejut melihat layar laptop anda, sehalus dan segagah MAC lo gan !

8. Dan tertawalah, dengan tertawa anda bisa mengurangi beban dipikiran anda...sekian tutor dari admin UniKa, tunggu tutor lainnya.

Link download MacType (2,98 MB) for Windows :

Jika, anda menemukan masalah dalam proses penginstalannya, anda bisa langsung memberikan pertanyaan anda pada kolom comment di bawah ini !
Terima kasih atas kunjungan anda !

What was the point of Fat Head?

With all the reminiscing over childhood days I was reminded of a scene in Fat Head where Tom Naughton shows cars lined up to drop kids off at school.  He contrasts this to how he used to walk to and from school often twice a day as he went home for lunch.  That scene could have been shot in my neighborhood these days, and is a far cry from my childhood.  I walked to school most days -- I'd like to exaggerate and say uphill both ways, but it was only uphill one way -- 3 hills to be exact.  In milder weather I rode my bike.  And, like Tom, after school spent several hours most days playing all manner of running games.  It definitely seemed that Tom was making a case for less activity contributing to the obesity epidemic.  If not, what am I missing?
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