Warung Bebas

Kamis, 04 April 2013

5 Penyakit Mematikan pada Anak

Beberapa hal harus kita perhatikan saat mengenalkan jadwal harian kepada anak, mengingat banyak anak usia prasekolah yang masih memiliki sikap egosentris tinggi. Mereka ingin melakukan sesuatu sesuai dengan keinginannya, semaunya, tidak mau diatur, dan sebagainya. Nah, berikut ini 4 hal penting yang harus jadi perhatian orangtua! 

1. Berikan Penjelasan
Anak tak akan paham bila kita tak menjelaskan apa yang ingin kita terapkan kepadanya. Untuk itu, berikan penjelasan secara sederhana mengenai jadwal harian, "Adek lihat, ini adalah jadwal harian kamu!" sambil menunjuk papan jadwal yang bergambar aneka tokoh kartun kesayangannya. "Pagi hari kamu mandi, sarapan terus ke sekolah deh. Nah, siangnya sepulang sekolah kamu makan siang dan tidur siang..... " Dengan penjelasan seperti itu anak akan lebih memahami kalau ada kegiatan-kegiatan yang sudah terjadwal. Berbeda bila anak tak diberikan penjelasan sama sekali, dia akan lebih sulit untuk diarahkan karena memang dia tak tahu hal apa saja yang harus dilakukannya seharian. 

2. Libatkan Anak
Sangat baik bila kita melibatkan anak saat menyusun jadwal hariannya. Selain anak merasa lebih dihargai, pelaksanaan jadwal harian pun dapat diterapkan lebih mudah. Pasalnya, anak merasa ikut dilibatkan sehingga dia merasa lebih bertanggung jawab untuk mematuhinya. Lagi pula, jika anak mangkir kita bisa mengingatkan bahwa ia juga yang menyusun jadwal itu. "Kamu kan sudah ikut membuat jadwal ini, masak tidak mau melaksanakannya!" Dengan pengingatan seperti ini akan lebih mudah membuat anak mematuhinya. 

3. Lakukan Kontrol
Memang di awal agak sulit menerapkan jadwal harian pada anak. Butuh kontrol dari kita dengan selalu mengingatkan apa saja yang harus dilakukan anak saat pagi, siang, sore, dan malam. Dengan kontrol yang baik, anak akan terbantu untuk mematuhi jadwal hariannya.
Setelah anak bisa mengikuti jadwal hariannya, kontrol harus dilepas secara perlahan. Biarkan anak memegang kontrol sendiri terhadap jadwal hariannya, karena dengan kontrol sendiri anak bisa mendapatkan banyak manfaat seperti kedisiplinan dan tanggung jawab. Berbeda ketika kita yang harus terus-menerus mengingatkan anak, manfaatnya tak bisa diperoleh anak secara maksimal. 

4. Bersikap Fleksibel
Agar jadwal harian tak terkesan membatasi aktivitas anak, sebaiknya di saat-saat tertentu kita harus fleksibel. Contoh, saat libur sekolah, hari raya, atau di saat-saat spesial yang sulit menerapkan jadwal harian. Biarkan sesekali jadwal tidur siang anak telat sedikit karena dia sedang asyik bermain dengan sepupunya yang sedang berlibur di rumah, atau biarkan anak tidak belajar karena memang sekolah sedang libur, dan lainnya. Dengan sikap fleksibel ini, anak tidak akan merasa tertekan ataupun stres. 

Sikap fleksibel juga diperlukan terhadap si prasekolah yang egosentrisnya masih sangat tinggi, ataupun terhadap anak yang sudah terbiasa dengan jadwal yang sama sekali tidak teratur sehingga sangat sulit menjadwalkan kegiatan hariannya. Begitu pula bila anak tumbuh di lingkungan yang "hidup" tanpa jadwal. Setiap hari, anak-anak tetangga bermain sepanjang hari sehingga sangat sulit bagi kita meminta anak untuk tidur siang. Contoh, pukul 2 siang kita mengharuskan anak tidur siang padahal anak-anak lingkungan sekitar sedang ramai, hilir mudik, asyik bermain. 

Nah, menghadapi kondisi-kondisi tersebut, kita tak perlu menuntut anak untuk 100% mematuhi jadwal hariannya. Bila memang hanya 50% yang bisa diikutinya, itu pun sudah merupakan keberhasilan mengingat memang sangat sulit menerapkannya secara penuh. Ingat, jadwal harian dibuat tidak untuk mengungkung anak tetapi butuh fleksibilitas sehingga kebutuhan anak tetap terpenuhi. Yang penting, kita tetap berusaha memenuhi jadwal yang sudah dibuat.

Waktu Tepat Berhubungan Suami Istri Untuk Promil

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Cara Merawat Rambut Agar Cepat Panjang

Cara Merawat Rambut Agar Cepat Panjang

Halo sobat, kali ini saya ingin berbagi tentang cara merawat rambut agar cepat panjang. Tentunya anda mendambakan rambut panjang dan indah. Sebetulnya tidak ada jalan pintas untuk mendapatkan rambut indah dan panjang. Perlu kedisiplinan untuk merawat rambut anda supaya sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Di bawah ini ada beberapa cara merawat rambut agar cepat panjang.

cara merawat rambut agar cepat panjang

Makanlah Makanan Bernutrisi

Dalam cara merawat rambut agar cepat panjang, makanan yang diamakan haruslah makanan sehat, karena pertumbuhan rambut memiliki hubungan langsung dengan asupan nutrisi Anda. Oleh karena itu, pastikan Anda mengkonsumsi makanan yang kaya serat dan protein sehingga folikel rambut Anda mendapatkan semua nutrisi yang mereka butuhkan. Contoh makanan yang mengandung protein tinggi adalah ikan, telur, daging, dan susu. Selain itu, cara merawat rambut agar cepat panjang adalah  konsumsi vitamin yang kaya akan kandungan biotin seperti halnya vitamin B7 tiap harinya. Biotin ini bisa mencegah rambut kita dari rambut rontok. Jangan lupa untuk minum banyak air serta hindari stress.

Gunakan Kondisioner

Masalah yang paling sering dihadapi oleh rambut panjang yaitu ujungnya yang seringkali pecah-pecah ataupun kering. Guna memperbaiki rambut yang sudah rusak seperti itu, maka tiap kali kita berkeramas hendaknya memakai kondisioner sekalipun rambut kita adalah tipe rambut berminyak. Rambut berminyak juga tetap memerlukan kondisioner untuk mempertahankan kelembaban alami rambut. Banyak yang menyepelekan manfaat kondisioner. Padahal, kondisioner akan menjaga kelembapan yang diperlukan rambut Anda. Sehingga membantu rambut Anda tumbuh lebih cepat.

Pakailah kondisioner dari bagian tengah hingga ke ujung rambut saja. Sebaiknya jangan mengenai kulit kepala kita, sebab bisa membuat rambut jadi lebih lepek dan juga cepat kotor, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan ketombe.

Bila anda ingin kondisioner alami anda bisa coba dengan Minyak zaitun dan madu. Minyak zaitun merupakan kondisioner alami yang kaya akan kandungan vitamin E dan berguna untuk mengatasi ketombe. Sedangkan madu mempunyai kandungan mineral seperti kalsium, magnesium, dan juga vitamin B yang bisa membuat rambut lebih sehat.

Pijatlah Kepala Secara Rutin

Cara merawat rambut agar cepat panjang berikutnya adalah melakukan pemijatan pada kulit kepala kita paling tidak tiga kali dalam satu minggu selama 2 menit tiap kali kita berkeramas. Sehebat apapun pijatan di salon, memijat secara rutin pada kepala anda itu lebih baik. Dengan pemijatan ini maka akan melancarkan peredaran darah di kulit kepala dan akar rambut, selain itu menghilangkan kotoran, sel kulit mati dan juga kotoran yang ada di kepala kita. Anda bisa menambahkan minyak zaitun atau minyak kemiri untuk memijat. Dampaknya, minyak tadi akan meresap di kulit kepala dan merangsang pertumbuhan rambut.

Hal-hal yang sebaiknya jangan anda lakukan

Jangan Memanaskan Rambut

Peralatan rambut seperti pelurus, curling dan hair dryer banyak digunakan oleh wanita untuk memperindah rambutnya. Hati-hati dengan penggunaan alat-alat tersebut, jika anda sampai kecanduan dengan alat tersebut, maka  akan membuat rambut Anda kusam dan rapuh. Jika terpaksa harus memanaskan rambut upayakan jangan terlalu lama. Menghindari rambut dari tekanan panas akan sangat baik untuk pertumbuhan rambut dalam jangka panjang.

Jangan keramas setiap hari

 Shampo bisa mengurangi minyak alami yang dihasilkan oleh rambut, dan berguna untuk menutrisi rambut. Kurangi kebiasaan ini menjadi beberapa kali seminggu, missal 3 kali seminggu dengan jeda waktu selang satu hari. Jika anda terpakasa harus keramas setiap hari karena anda bekerja di lapangan, maka bisa dibantu dengan kondisioner, agar kelembaban rambut bisa terjaga.

Jangan sering-sering mewarnai rambut

Tidak apa-apa mewarnai rambut Anda sekali atau mungkin dua kali sebulan. Tapi jika sering berubah warna dan memberi bahan kimia pada kulit kepala Anda, akan menghambat tumbuhnya rambut. 

demikian lah cara merawat rambut agar cepat panjang

semoga bermanfaat

Another Sign of Resistance? - Doctors Sue Hospital Systems Alleged to Put Money Ahead of Mission

In two recent instances, physician groups have filed lawsuits against hospital systems alleging that managers were directly putting revenue ahead of patient welfare.  Although so far this is all about allegations, and nothing has been decided in courts of law, the details provided in the current news coverage are disturbing.

We will present the cases in the order that news reports were published.

Prime Healthcare Services

California Watch reported on a lawsuit filed against Prime Healthcare Services, a California based for-profit hospital system that has got its share of unfavorable media coverage.  In summary,

A dozen Southern California doctors are accusing the leadership of a Prime Healthcare Services hospital of refusing to notify them about their patients because they won’t engage in profit-driven practices, according to a request for a restraining order filed this week.

The San Bernardino County physician group suing Chino Valley Medical Center and its director say it has been asked to needlessly admit patients from the emergency room into hospital beds, according to the lawsuit filed Wednesday in San Bernardino County Superior Court. The group’s doctors also have been urged to document patient conditions as more complex or severe than they are, the filing says.

The doctors suing the hospital maintain that both practices are meant to drive up hospital bills. The result of their refusal to go along, they say, is that they’re not receiving what they characterize as legally mandated notifications when their patients land in the hospital.

 The physicians have asked the judge to lift the alleged freeze in communication, saying it puts fragile patients in danger. 

The article described one particularly concerning incident

[The lawsuit] ... claims one patient with a serious breathing condition was admitted without her doctor’s knowledge. During her stay, Chino Valley staff operated to remove her gallbladder.

'Because (Inland) was not contacted, no doctor gave the required pulmonary clearance nor did the patient receive proper respiratory treatment prior to surgery,' the lawsuit says.

The suit alleges that such practices put patients 'at serious risk of injury and even death.'

The article also described allegations that at the root of the problem was the hospital system's management's insistence on revenue ahead of all other concerns:

The physician group suing Chino Valley holds contracts with about a dozen managed care firms that expect group doctors to handle local members’ care in the case of a hospitalization.

The Inland doctors say that instead, they’ve been stonewalled. In their lawsuit, they say the silence is a result of their refusal to follow the direction of the hospital’s president and chief medical officer, Dr. James Lally, a defendant in the case.

Lally suggested that the physicians document serious medical conditions, such as a certain type of pneumonia that Medicare pays hospitals a premium to treat, the suit says.

Lally also discouraged doctors from putting patients on 'observation' status, according to the suit. That means a doctor will monitor a patient’s condition, rather than sending him or her home or admitting the patient to a hospital bed.

The lawsuit alleges that Lally prefers doctors to admit patients into the hospital so the hospital can receive 'significantly higher Medicare reimbursements.'

This is not the first time that Prime has been accused of mischief:

A yearlong California Watch series documented high rates of lucrative and severe medical conditions at Prime hospitals, as well as an aggressive approach to admitting ER patients into hospitals, rather than treating them in the ER and sending them home.

State hospital data analyzed by California Watch showed that Prime hospitals admitted about 63 percent of Medicare-funded ER patients into hospitals in 2009, compared with 39 percent at the state’s other leading for-profit chain, Tenet Healthcare Corp. In response, Prime said the analysis 'utterly fails to consider the medical basis for admissions.'

The U.S. Justice Department is investigating Prime’s billing practices, according to a document the chain filed as part of a hospital purchase plan. Dr. Prem Reddy, founder of the Ontario, Calif.-based chain, has overseen rapid growth since Prime’s 2001 start as the company expanded into a coast-to-coast 21-hospital chain.


Prime Healthcare has been criticized for aggressively admitting paying patients since its founding. Reddy once referred to an ER as a 'gold mine,' according to court testimony from the medical director of the first hospital taken over by the Prime founder. The reference, which the medical director said during a 2005 trial, was to numerous Kaiser and Medicare patients who could be admitted for further care.

Another doctor told the Orange County Board of Supervisors in 2006 that when Prime took over Huntington Beach Hospital, doctors were urged to admit insured patients with maladies as minor as a headache.

Yet, Prime Healthcare claims to honor the value of compassion:

 We provide an environment that is caring and conducive to healing the whole person physically, emotionally and spiritually. We respect the individual needs, desires and rights of our patients.

Dignity Health

Our second story comes from Nevada courtesy the Las Vegas Sun.   It involves Dignity Health, a multi-state non-profit health system.  The story basics are:

Two former St. Rose Dominican Hospital emergency room doctors say they were forced to transfer patients from one St. Rose hospital to another so its owners and their boss could profit — at the expense of patient safety.

The doctors allege in similar lawsuits that the frequent patient transfers among the three St. Rose hospital campuses — Rose de Lima and Siena in Henderson and San Martin in the southwest valley — put profit ahead of patient care. When they resisted, they say they were retaliated against and eventually fired.

The 3-year-old ambulance company that was used to shuttle patients was partly owned by both the hospital company and the director of the emergency department at the Siena campus at the time, Dr. Richard Henderson. According to their lawsuits, Henderson pushed hard in emails to ER doctors to promote patient shuttling and authorized bonuses to doctors who transferred the most patients to other St. Rose facilities.

Again, there was one telling incident:

Both lawsuits invoke the case of a gravely sick 16-day-old baby who arrived at St. Rose de Lima hospital, where a doctor determined the child needed pediatric critical care services at the Siena campus and requested a Henderson Fire Department unit for transport.

But according to the lawsuits, Henderson ordered that Community Ambulance transport the child instead. He made the request despite longer wait times for Community Ambulance compared to Henderson Fire Department’s quicker response times of 10 minutes or less, according to the lawsuits.

This article also described how money allegedly came before patient care:

The court papers include email exchanges between Henderson and the other doctors in the ER group. In a November 2010 email, he discusses ways to punish doctors who do fewer patient transfers and reward those who tally more transfers:

'(T)op quarter $1,000, next quarter $500. Bottom quarter up or out talk at annual evaluation.' In other words, according to doctors who received the email, Henderson proposed that doctors would be divided into strata based on who recommended the most transfers, with the top group winning bonus money while those who performed the least would eventually be terminated.

Transferring patients was such a priority that doctors were ordered to fill out non-transfer forms, explaining a decision not to transfer patients.

In another email, Henderson expressed concern that doctors were too quick to rule out transfers: 'How do you weed out the people that call a runny nose ‘unstable for transfer’? The performance we (admin) are looking for are transfers. Suggestions?'

A former member of the medical staff put it this way: There was constant pressure to transfer transfer transfer.'

Note that Dignity Health was until recently called Catholic Healthcare West (look here).  It still claims the mission:

 We are committed to furthering the healing ministry of Jesus. We dedicate our resources to:
  • Delivering compassionate, high-quality, affordable health services;
  • Serving and advocating for our sisters and brothers who are poor and disenfranchised; and
  • Partnering with others in the community to improve the quality of life.
Note also that under its former name, Catholic Healthcare West has received our previous attention, for accusations that it overcharged uninsured patients (look here),  which it later settled (look here), and for settling a lawsuit claiming the system filed false Medicare claims (look here). 


 Just another day at the office....  Here are two more examples of how large health care organizations, in this case, large hospital systems, seem to put short-term revenue ahead of all other concerns, and in particular, ahead of patient welfare.  In both cases, the alleged practices seemed to make a mockery of the hospital systems high-flown mission or values statements.  In both cases, the hospital systems had records of past questionable behavior.  Yet many hospital systems have grown rich and powerful, and made their leaders personally rich, by trading on their reputation for community care and service, and marketing their warm and fuzzy missions and values. 

Over the years, we have documented over and over how leadership of health care organizations have subverted their organizations' missions and the values of health care professionals.  Yet for a long time, many health care professionals just kept their noses to their grindstones, ignoring what was going on or suffered in silence.  Now at least a few have broken the silence.  Health care professionals and society at large needs to hold large health care organizations' leadership accountable for their missions, and push out leaders who put their own pocketbooks and their organizations' revenue ahead of patients' and the public's health. 

Worth, Pride and Ambition, by Keith Towler (Children's Commissioner for Wales)

Keith Towler is the Children’s Commissioner for Wales. His job is to stand up and speak out for children and young people. He works to make sure that children and young people are kept safe and that they know about and can access their rights.

Here, he sets out why the School Sport Survey is such an important tool to empower young people in Wales.

How many of you watched last summer’s Olympics and Paralympics? How many of you were glued to the TV, or even lucky enough to watch an event in person? I don’t think that I’m alone in saying that I was glued to every bit of it. And six months later the events of the summer are still having an effect on children and young people here in Wales. Just this week I met a disabled young person who was feeling inspired by what he had seen in the Summer, telling me that his greatest ambition was to be on Team GB’s wheelchair basketball team at the next Olympics in 2016. 

It just goes to show the power of sport to inspire and unite people – around clubs, communities and countries. It’s this passion that Sport Wales wants us all to harness to create an environment where every child and young person in Wales can live in communities without barriers, without fears, without prejudices. Whilst access to play and recreational activity is a child’s fundamental right, let’s look at this as a wider opportunity to instil a sense of worth, pride and ambition in our children. It provides them with a sense of belonging – perthyn.

This is why I am supporting Sport Wales’ plans to undertake a national School Sport Survey here in Wales almost a year after the Olympics and Paralympics began. In 2011 their survey found out what nearly 40,000 of our children aged between 3 and 11 thought about sport in their schools. And this year they hope to find out the opinions of even more children. It is vital that every child in Wales has the opportunity to tell us what they think about sport, what they like and dislike about different sports, which sports they would like to an opportunity to take part in and what their attitudes are towards health, fitness and well-being.

The survey will help provide vital information to schools, education departments and our policy makers. It will help us to understand the role that physical education and sport plays in contributing to the physical, social and emotional well-being of all pupils. If we are to build on the sporting legacy of 2012 and to achieve Sports Wales’ ambition of “getting every child hooked on sport for life” then we must have a clear picture of what our sporting landscape looks like to children. We have to listen to what they are telling us and then use this information to plan strategically for the future of sport in our schools. 

For more visit www.schoolsportsurvey.org.uk and www.childcom.org.uk 

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A Matter of Control


Original Publication 12/10/2011

It seems to me that many people misinterpret -- at least in their minds -- the meaning of this word when it is used in the scientific context.   While most of those no doubt understand the concept, after hearing the term enough, it just seems it comes to mean something else to them after a while.  I submit as evidence, statements made by two popular bloggers.  

First up, J. Stanton at gnolls.org with How “Heart-Healthy Whole Grains” Make Us Fat.   Wait!!  Did you click that link already?  I forgot to caution you that the post you are about to read contains science, so you might want to proceed with caution.  < / sarcasm > .  Anyway, the study he discusses in that post is:  High Glycemic Index Foods, Overeating, and Obesity.  Stanton prefaces his discussion with the following:
Yes, I admit to a degree of hyperbole—but this study is so well instrumented and controlled, and its results so informative, that I believe it’s important for everyone to read it.
Read more »

Beragam Metode Persalinan Tanpa Rasa Sakit

Rasa nyeri merupakan hal yang biasa dialami wanita saat
menghadapi persalinan, dan rasa sakit yang dialami dapat berbeda di waktu yang
berbeda. Biasanya rawa nyeri itu muncul selama 30 sampai 40 detik setiap puncak
kontraksi. Rasa nyeri itu datang dan hilang secara terus menerus. Dan ini
merupakan hal yang biasa dan dapat diatassi. Rasa nyeri

Mitos Mengenai Rambut saat Hamil dan Setelah Melahirkan


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