Warung Bebas

Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

How to Eat Grains

Our story begins in East Africa in 1935, with two Bantu tribes called the Kikuyu and the Wakamba. Their traditional diets were mostly vegetarian and consisted of sweet potatoes, corn, beans, plantains, millet, sorghum, wild mushrooms and small amounts of dairy, small animals and insects. Their food was agricultural, high in carbohydrate and low in fat.

Dr. Weston Price found them in good health, with well-formed faces and dental arches, and a dental cavity rate of roughly 6% of teeth. Although not as robust or as resistant to tooth decay as their more carnivorous neighbors, the "diseases of civilization" such as cardiovascular disease and obesity were nevertheless rare among them. South African Bantu eating a similar diet have a low prevalence of atherosclerosis, and a measurable but low incidence of death from coronary heart disease, even in old age.

How do we reconcile this with the archaeological data showing a general decline in human health upon the adoption of agriculture? Humans did not evolve to tolerate the toxins, anti-nutrients and large amounts of fiber in grains and legumes. Our digestive system is designed to handle a high-quality omnivorous diet. By high-quality, I mean one that has a high ratio of calories to indigestible material (fiber). Our species is very good at skimming off the highest quality food in nearly any ecological niche. Animals that are accustomed to high-fiber diets, such as cows and gorillas, have much larger, more robust and more fermentative digestive systems.

One factor that reconciles the Bantu data with the archaeological data is that much of the Kikuyu and Wakamba diet came from non-grain sources. Sweet potatoes and plantains are similar to the starchy wild plants our ancestors have been eating for nearly two million years, since the invention of fire (the time frame is debated but I think everyone agrees it's been a long time). Root vegetables and starchy fruit ted to have a higher nutrient bioavailibility than grains and legumes due to their lower content of anti-nutrients.

The second factor that's often overlooked is food preparation techniques. These tribes did not eat their grains and legumes haphazardly! This is a factor that was overlooked by Dr. Price himself, but has been emphasized by Sally Fallon. Healthy grain-based African cultures often soaked, ground and fermented their grains before cooking, creating a porridge that's nutritionally superior to unfermented grains. The bran was removed from corn and millet during processing, if possible. Legumes were always soaked prior to cooking.

These traditional food processing techniques have a very important effect on grains and legumes that brings them closer in line with the "paleolithic" foods our bodies are designed to digest. They reduce or eliminate toxins such as lectins and tannins, greatly reduce anti-nutrients such as phytic acid and protease inhibitors, and improve vitamin content and amino acid profile. Fermentation is particularly effective in this regard. One has to wonder how long it took the first agriculturalists to discover fermentation, and whether poor food preparation techniques or the exclusion of animal foods could account for their poor health.

I recently discovered a paper that illustrates these principles: "Influence of Germination and Fermentation on Bioaccessibility of Zinc and Iron from Food Grains". It's published by Indian researchers who wanted to study the nutritional qualities of traditional fermented foods. One of the foods they studied was idli, a South Indian steamed "muffin" made from rice and beans. 

The amount of minerals your digestive system can extract from a food depends in part on the food's phytic acid content. Phytic acid is a molecule that traps certain minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium), preventing their absorption. Raw grains and legumes contain a lot of it, meaning you can only absorb a fraction of the minerals present in them.

In this study, soaking had a modest effect on the phytic acid content of the grains and legumes examined. Fermentation, on the other hand, completely broke down the phytic acid in the idli batter, resulting in 71% more bioavailable zinc and 277% more bioavailable iron. It's safe to assume that fermentation also increased the bioavailability of magnesium, calcium and other phytic acid-bound minerals.

Fermenting the idli batter also completely eliminated its tannin content. Tannins are a class of molecules found in many plants that are sometimes toxins and anti-nutrients. In sufficient quantity, they reduce feed efficiency and growth rate in a variety of species.

Lectins are another toxin that's frequently mentioned in the paleolithic diet community. They are blamed for everything from digestive problems to autoimmune disease. One of the things people like to overlook in this community is that traditional processing techniques such as soaking, sprouting, fermentation and cooking, greatly reduce or eliminate lectins from grains and legumes. One notable exception is gluten, which survives all but the longest fermentation and is not broken down by cooking.

Soaking, sprouting, fermenting, grinding and cooking are the techniques by which traditional cultures have been making the most of grain and legume-based diets for thousands of years. We ignore these time-honored traditions at our own peril.

Sejarah Hacker

Hacker adalah orang yang mempelajari, menganalisa, dan selanjutnya bila menginginkan, bisa membuat, memodifikasi, atau bahkan mengeksploitasi sistem yang terdapat di sebuah perangkat seperti perangkat lunak komputer dan perangkat keras komputer seperti program komputer, administrasi dan hal-hal lainnya , terutama keamanan.

Sejarah Hacker
Terminologi hacker muncul pada awal tahun 1960-an diantara para anggota organisasi mahasiswa Tech Model Railroad Club di Laboratorium Kecerdasan Artifisial Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Kelompok mahasiswa tersebut merupakan salah satu perintis perkembangan teknologi komputer dan mereka berkutat dengan sejumlah komputer mainframe. Kata hacker pertama kalinya muncul dengan arti positif untuk menyebut seorang anggota yang memiliki keahlian dalam bidang komputer dan mampu membuat program komputer yang lebih baik ketimbang yang telah dirancang bersama.

Kemudian pada tahun 1983, istilah hacker berubah menjadi negatif. Pasalnya, pada tahun tersebut untuk pertama kalinya FBI menangkap kelompok kriminal komputer The 414s yang berbasis di Milwaukee AS. 414 merupakan kode area lokal mereka. Kelompok yang kemudian disebut hacker tersebut dinyatakan bersalah atas pembobolan 60 buah komputer, dari komputer milik Pusat Kanker Memorial Sloan-Kettering hingga komputer milik Laboratorium Nasional Los Alamos. Satu dari pelaku tersebut mendapatkan kekebalan karena testimonialnya, sedangkan 5 pelaku lainnya mendapatkan hukuman masa percobaan.

Kemudian pada perkembangan selanjutnya muncul kelompok lain yang menyebut-nyebut diri hacker, padahal bukan. Mereka ini (terutama para pria dewasa) yang mendapat kepuasan lewat membobol komputer dan mengakali telepon (phreaking). Hacker sejati menyebut orang-orang ini 'cracker' dan tidak suka bergaul dengan mereka. Hacker sejati memandang cracker sebagai orang malas, tidak bertanggung jawab, dan tidak terlalu cerdas. Hacker sejati tidak setuju jika dikatakan bahwa dengan menerobos keamanan seseorang telah menjadi hacker.

Para hacker mengadakan pertemuan setiap setahun sekali yaitu diadakan setiap pertengahan bulan Juli di Las Vegas. Ajang pertemuan hacker terbesar di dunia tersebut dinamakan Def Con. Acara Def Con tersebut lebih kepada ajang pertukaran informasi dan teknologi yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas hacking.

Hacker memiliki konotasi negatif karena kesalahpahaman masyarakat akan perbedaan istilah tentang hacker dan cracker. Banyak orang memahami bahwa hackerlah yang mengakibatkan kerugian pihak tertentu seperti mengubah tampilan suatu situs web (defacing), menyisipkan kode-kode virus dsb. Padahal, mereka adalah cracker. Crackerlah menggunakan celah-celah keamanan yang belum diperbaiki oleh pembuat perangkat lunak (bug) untuk menyusup dan merusak suatu sistem. Atas alasan ini biasanya para hacker dipahami dibagi menjadi 2 golongan White Hat Hackers, yakni hacker yang sebenarnya dan cracker yang sering disebut dengan istilah Black Hat Hackers.


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