Warung Bebas

Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Pengertian Pendidikan Kesehatan

pengertian pendidikan kesehatan yaitu proses menjadikan orang mampu
untuk meningkatkan kendali dan memperbaiki kesehatan individu. Kesempatan yang
direncanakan bagi orang, kelompok ataupun masyarakat supaya belajar mengenai kesehatan seta melakukan perubahan-peubahan dengan suka rela
dalam tingkah laku setiap individu (Entjang, 1991)

pengertian pendidikan
kesehatan adalah sejumlah

Pengertian Ibu Hamil

Pengertian Ibu Hamil - Kehamilan merupakan masa di mana seorang perempuan membawa embrio atau fetus dalam tubuhnya. Dalam masa kehamilan bisa terjadi banyak gestasi seperti dalam kasus kembar, atau kembar tiga. Kehamilan manusia umunya terjadi selama 40 minggu antara masa terakhr menstruasi hingga kelahiran (38 minggu dari proses pembuahan). Istilah ibu hamil dalam ilmu medis adalah gravida,

Menurunkan Kolesterol dengan Ragi Beras Merah

Menurunkan Kolesterol demi menjaga kesehatan ternyata
bisa dilakukan dengan cara alami dan tentu lebih aman tanpa efek samping jangka
panjang. Salah satu cara alami dan terbukti efektif menurunkan Kolesterol adalah
dengan menggunakan ragi beras merah. Perlu diketahui bahwa Kadar kolesterol
total dalam darah manusia yang dianjurkan adalah kurang dari 200 mg/dL.
Sedangkan kadar LDL adalah

Sistem Pemerintahan Malaysia

Malaysia merupakan negara Asia Tenggara yang berbatasan dengan Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei, dan Singapura. Malaysia merupakan negara Monarki Konstitusional. Sistem Ketatanegaraan Malaysia adalah warisan Jajahan Inggris. 
Sistem pemerintahan yang dianut oleh Malaysia adalah Parlementer(Parlimen Westminster Inggris). Ketua Kerajaan atau Kepala Pemerintahan dipegang oleh perdana menteri sedangkan Ketua Negara atau Kepala negara dijabat oleh Yang diPertuan Agung.

Pembagian Kekuasaan Negara
Terdapat tiga badan/lembaga negara utama dalam pelaksanaan pemerintahan yaitu:
  • Badan Perundangan (Legislatif)
  • Badan Pemerintah(Eksekutif)
  • Badan Kehakiman(Yudikatif)

Badan Perundangan
Badan Perundangan/Legislatif memiliki kewenangan mengubah undang-undang. Parlimen terdiri daripada Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan dua Dewan, iaitu Dewan Negara dan Dewan Rakyat
Yang di-Pertuan Agong
Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong adalah Ketua Negara/Kepala Negara yang mengambil keutamaan mengatasi semua orang dalam persekutuan dan tidak boleh dikenakan dakwaan dalam apa-apa juga perbicaraan dalam mana-mana mahkamah. 
Dewan Negara
Dewan Negara adalah Majlis Tertinggi yang berperanan membahaskan sesuatu rang undang-undang dengan lebih detail. Ia juga bertanggungjawab membincangkan perkara-perkara yang menjadi kepentingan publik. 
Dewan Rakyat

Dewan Rakyat adalah majelis khusus untuk rakyat membawa aspirasi rakyat melalui wakil-wakil mereka di parlemen. Anggota Dewan Rakyat dipilih secara langsung oleh rakyat dalam pilihan raya umum. 


Badan pemerintah atau eksekutif adalah badan yang menjalankan melaksanakan roda pemerintahan dengan sejalan konstitusi.
Jemaah Menteri
Jemaah Menteri adalah badan yang melaksanakan kuasa eksekutif yang dipegang oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong. 

Majlis Raja-Raja

Majlis Raja-Raja mengandungi semua Raja Melayu & Yang di-Pertuan Agong. 
Badan Kehakiman 

Badan Kehakiman merupakan badan ketiga dalam sistem kerajaan Malaysia. Kekuasaan kehakiman ini dipengang oleh Mahkamah Tinggi & Mahkamah Rendah. 

Laura Dolson on the recent meeting of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians

*** Can you help a girl out?  Where is the traffic coming from?? Thanks! ***

In the past week, I've noticed a sustained trickle of traffic to this post of mine from over a year ago (original publish date 4/28/12) .  Therefore, rather than write another post on a somewhat older topic, I decided to bump this one and add some comments.   For most of this year I have been under attack for posts of this nature and all I can do to counter those is to point out that this post is not a personal attack.  What I've written is as respectful as can be when the subject is someone who, were she promoting veganism or McDougall's diet would be vilified and likely destroyed in the LC community.   Yet I haven't done so even though I believe Laura Dolson is deserved of some criticism for not telling the full story here.

Read more »

Daily Blog #5: Milestones 3 and 4 detailed

Hello Reader,
                     The conversation from these posts is continuing in the comments and I'd like to ask you to consider joining us. While I enjoy sharing my perspectives we would all benefit from hearing yours as well. Whether you are just getting started or you've been doing this longer than I have, I would hope you would consider providing your experiences with these milestones and what is different in your professional achievements.

    That said today's post will focus on milestones 3 and 4 as we continue up the ladder of skill and sophistication as a digital forensic examiner.

Milestone 3 - You look beyond your tool.
    This is a moment of apprehension for many examiners. You've been well trained on your tool of choice and you might have heard some excellent marketing people explain to you the importance of using only tools like theirs which courts welcome with open arms. However, you also now know that other people are starting to find artifacts your tool does not yet support and you are you realizing you are missing evidence because of it. The development cycle for a major forensic suite is long, so it’s not that your tool of choice doesn't want to integrate every artifact that examiners unearth on a daily basis, it just has to be prioritized into their development schedule before they can implement it.

    You also begin finding limits to the efficiency your tool of choice is providing, whether it's how its presenting data for you to review/export, to how it's handling a support artifact you want to get more data out of, or get things done faster and your tool isn't keeping up. Now is the time when you start looking at the ever widening range of other tools out there. Some examiners gravitate to another large suite tool, for instance many users of TCT, FTK and EnCase will use one of the other three to fill in a gap in functionality. Some users will gravitate to the purity of X-ways in a hope to get deeper into guts of forensics, while others will look to augment their tools abilities with tools that fill a gap like IEF. What's not important is what additional tool (commercial or open source) you adopt into your process but the fact that you've opened yourself to doing so and gotten over the fear of non-vendor created tools. This is an important step and one of many decisions you'll make of what tool to use and whose output to trust as you continue to improve.

    Not all tools are made equal and eventually you may end up like me, with a license of almost every tool because each one handles X better than the others. I'm not going to tell you it’s cheap, and don't think I get anything for free (although I am willing to!), but as your case load grows you'll find that the work justifies the expense.

    If you notice I've mentioned a lot of commercial tools in this post, please do not consider that an endorsement of commercial tools only or a slight towards free and open source tools. I'm trying to make sure this post is relevant to the largest segment of readers. Substitute any tool name you want in this post and the point still remains valid. In my work we use everything we can get our hands on that creates reliable, verifiable output.

Milestone 4 - You get certified with a vendor neutral certification.
    Some examiners who have been in the field a long time may deride my focus on certifications for the new examiner, and that's OK. I didn't get a forensic certification until last year and I'm just now in the process of getting a vendor neutral certification (if I ever find the time to finish!). However, we are the exception to the rule as we started doing computer forensics prior to there being any certifications available to non-law enforcement examiners. That being said, for those of you who aren't cynical forensic veterans, certification is something that more employers, attorneys and judges are looking for. We discussed in Milestone 2 vendor certification and what it skills it actually demonstrates. In Milestone 4 we are looking at certifications not tied to a specific product but towards a provable set of skills, processes, and knowledge in your ability to analyze and report your findings.

    There are many vendor neutral certifications out there these days; CCE, GCFE/GCFA, CFCE, etc... and which one is right for you will depend on many things such as;
  • Are you law enforcement? (CFCE)
  • Do you have a good training budget? (GCFE/GCFA)
  • Are you looking to join an accredited lab? (CCE)

    These are not hard rules, you could get all three and more if you choose to, but it's a decent elimination criteria for you. I will tell you that overall in my opinion that the CCE is winning.  Why? They made a partnership with ASCLD to be recognized as a proficiency test for accredited lab operation. (https://www.isfce.com/ASCLD.htm)
    While I and many other people are not looking forward to lab accreditation being forced on us (the day to day paperwork is painful), the partnership bestows a large amount of credibility on the certification and I do plan to obtain it now.

    So I've talked about getting a vendor neutral certification and which to get, but why should you get one? This is what I believe is the important point that many miss. Your vendor certification is great for showing your competency and ability to explain the results your tools show you, but as we just discussed in the prior milestone you've grown beyond your tool. You do not have a certification in these other tools and for many tools there is no certification to be had, so beyond your own ability to demonstrate the tools reliability it’s nice to have a third party body that is attesting to your skills and ability through a written and practical test. These certifications focus more on your ability to understand artifacts, analyze evidence, and write concise reports that find and explain what they have left for you to find.

    If you feel some kind of animosity towards certification programs in general I would advise you to swallow your pride and seriously consider it. While some people, Andy Rosen for example, have enough experience, education and documentable achievements/software/tools/reports behind them to be able to escape this type of scrutiny the rest of us do not. I've been doing forensics for 14 years (this December), written books, created tools, spoken at conferences, taught classes, etc... and I will tell you that I still feel that I need certification now as more judges and attorneys are looking for some way to judge an experts base competence. I'm seeing more depositions' transcripts where attorneys are asking for certification as a way to judge the reliability of reports and understanding of processes/artifacts, and this is especially important when the opposing expert has certification and you do not.

    Tomorrow is Saturday and according to Lenny Zelster he would post interesting reading and quotes on weekends. That sounds pretty good to me so I'll follow the same and look to post the next part of this series on Monday.

Mengungkap Misteri dan Keeksotisan Danau Terunik di Dunia (Danau Tiga Warna)

Gunung Kelimutu adalah namanya, merupakan gunung berapi yang terletak di Pulau Flores, Provinsi NTT, Indonesia. Lokasi gunung ini tepatnya di Desa Pemo, Kecamatan Kelimutu, Kabupaten Ende. Gunung ini memiliki tiga buah danau kawah di puncaknya dikenal dengan nama Danau Tiga Warna karena memiliki tiga warna yang berbeda, yaitu merah, biru, dan putih. Walaupun begitu, warna-warna tersebut selalu berubah-ubah seiring dengan perjalanan waktu.

Adapun kelimutu adalah gabungan dari kata “keli” yang artinya gunung dan kata “mutu” yang berarti mendidih. Karena keunikannya penduduk setempat memiliki kepercayaan bahwasanya warna-warna yang ada pada danau Kelimutu memiliki arti masing-masing dan memiliki kekuatan supranatural yang menakjubkan.

Tiga warna dari warna danau tersebut terbagi menjadi tiga bagian. Danau biru atau “Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai” adalah tempat perkumpulan arwah para remaja-remaji yang sudah meninggal dunia. Sedangkan yang warna merah atau “Tiwu Ata Polo” yaitu tempat berkumpulnya arwah-arwah orang yang telah meninggal dunia yang semasa hidupnya selalu berbuat kejahatan dan kerusakan di dunia. Dan danau yang berwarna putih/bening atau “Tiwu Ata Mbupu” merupakan tempat perkumpulan arwah-arwah orang yang berusia lanjut yang telah meninggal dunia.

Danau ini cukup luas, mencapai 1.051.000 meter persegi dengan volume air 1.292 juta, meter kubik. Memiliki batas dinding batu sempit diantara ketiga danau tersebut. Karena dindingnya yang begitu terjal memiliki sudut kemiringan 70 derajat sehingga mudah sekali runtuh jika terjadi longsor. Sedangkan dinding danau memiliki ketinggian berkisar 50 sampai 150 meter.

Penduduk setempat yaitu Kecamatan Kalimutu, Kabupaten Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur sangat meyakini bahwa perubahan yang terjadi pada warna air danau meramalkan akan terjadi bencana besar yang menimpa warga ataupun bangsa ini. Hal ini mungkin karena didasarkan atas ketakjuban dan keeksotisan danau tersebut bila dilihat dari mata telanjang.

Danau ini merupakan satu-satunya danau di dunia yang mengalami perubahan warna secara bertahap pada warna permukaan airnya, terkadang dari merah bisa berubah menjadi hijau tua selanjutnya bisa menjadi merah hati, hijau tua berubah menjadi warna hijau muda, sedangkan warna coklat kehitaman bisa berubah menjadi biru langit, suatu fenomena yang tidak dimiliki oleh danau- danau yang ada di Indonesia bahkan dunia.

Karena keajaiban dan kelangkaan akan kehadirannya, danau ini pun kian disebut sebagai salah satu keajaiban dunia yang sangat jarang ditemui. Tidak hanya keunikan yang terjadi pada airnya tetapi ada hal lain yang menarik dari danau Tiga Warna ini, ternyata area danau ini terletak di area taman nasional kelimutu selanjutnya terdapat aneka satwa langka dan unik yang hidup di sana. Salah satunya adalah burung garugiwa (Pachycephala mudigula) seekor burung yang hanya berkicau tergantung pada ketinggian tempat burung ini berkicau.

Burung ini berbeda dengan burung-burung yang lainnya, burung guriguwa tercatat sebagai burung yang hanya berkicau di pagi hari saja. Akibat keanehan yang terjadi dimulai dari danau tiga warna dengan kemistikannya burung yang arena nya dekat dengan lokasi danau pun dijuluki sebagai burung arwah oleh warga sekitar. Selain burung ini juga terdapat punai flores (Theron floris), tesia timor (Tesia everetti), dan lain-lain.

Untuk melihat keelokan dari danau unik ini hanya bisa dinikmati pada saat pagi hari saja karena menjelang siang ke sore maka danau akan tertutup oleh kabut yang tebal.

Potensi wisata yang membuat mata terkagum-kagum akan keindahannya ini sangat disesalkan belum digarap secara maksimal oleh pemerintah. Akibatnya, banyak wisatawan yang mengalami kendala untuk menuju ke danau indah ini.

Oleh : Ade Sundari
Referensi & gambar:

Pfizer May No Longer be Able to Delay Paying Its Asbestos Claims of Nearly $1 Billion

Pfizer, which claims to be the "world's largest research-based pharmaceutical company," is one step closer to paying a nearly one billion dollar settlement of legal claims of harms due to the asbestos products it used to manufacture.

Pfizer Settles - More or Less - Some of its Asbestos Liability

Most people would not think of Pfizer as a producer of asbestos.  However, the back-story, as reported in the Philadelphia Inquirer, and as we discussed here in 2011, is that

Pfizer used to have a minerals, pigments and metals division and, in 1968, it bought Quigley Company Inc., which made insulation for heavy industry.

Quigley's Insulag contained asbestos.


Quigley stopped production at its facility in Old Bridge, N.J., in 1992.  When it filed for bankruptcy in 2004, Quigley faced more than 160,000 lawsuits, most related to asbestos product liability.

By apparently holding out the legal fiction that Quigley was an independent entity, Pfizer seemed to use to use the bankruptcy filing to delay making any payment of these claims, most of which likely involved illnesses due to asbestos exposure.  As the Inquirer article said,

Pfizer has spent the nine years since arguing that bankruptcy law protects it from such lawsuits.

notwithstanding the fact that Pfizer itself is hardly bankrupt.

But now, as Bloomberg reported (via the New London [CT] Day),

 Pfizer Inc.'s non-operating Quigley Co. won permission to end almost nine years in bankruptcy under a plan that resolves most asbestos claims against the former insulation maker and its parent, the world's largest drugmaker.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Stuart Bernstein in Manhattan Wednesday approved a Chapter 11 plan under which Pfizer will contribute assets worth $964 million. He rejected a prior plan almost three years ago, saying Pfizer was improperly using Quigley's bankruptcy to shield itself from asbestos claims.

Note that Pfizer has consistently argued that it should bear no responsibility for the effects of the asbestos made by its subsidiary:

'Pfizer has never been found derivatively or directly liable for injuries allegedly caused by Quigley's asbestos- containing products,' [Pfizer spokesman Christopher] Loder said.

Pfizer used to have a minerals, pigments and metals division and, in 1968, it bought Quigley Company Inc., which made insulation for heavy industry. Quigley's Insulag contained asbestos.
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/business/20130627_Drug-maker_Pfizer_fails_to_escape_costly_asbestos_case.html#AltGBB8oXa8YPkAC.99

Pfizer has said throughout the case that it never made or sold Quigley's products and it doesn't have liability for them. Asbestos, once widely used as an insulator, was later shown to cause cancer.

Convenient Fictions

This case received little notice in 2011 and is receiving little notice now, and mainly for its business implications.  Yet the reporting does suggest  dots to connect to reveal some larger hypocrisies.

Dedicated to improving health and well being?

Pfizer asserts on its website that it

has remained dedicated to discovering and developing new, and better, ways to prevent and treat disease and improve health and well being for people around the world.[italics added]

Yet despite this supposed dedication to health and well-being, it has long delayed any possible compensation to people who may have acquired severe, if not fatal disease from contact with one of its products.

As per Bloomberg, note the examples of

people like Brenda Hagerich, 62, of Hot Springs, Ark., may get payments on their claims. Hagerich, whose father died in 1999 of mesothelioma, said she has been waiting for a second distribution of a $125,000 payment.

Ownership without responsibility

According to current media reports,  Pfizer attorneys repeatedly contended that because Quigley was a subsidiary of Pfizer, Pfizer could not be held accountable for its actions.  Yet Pfizer owned, and presumably thus gained all revenue from and chose the leadership of Quigley.  At best, maintaining this fiction seems heartless given Pfizer's stated interest in peoples' "health and well being."

Who knew asbestos was dangerous?

The current reports seem to imply that Pfizer's accountability should be mitigated because at the time it acquired Quigley, no one knew that asbestos was hazardous.  The Bloomberg report stated,

Quigley made asbestos-containing products from the 1940s to the 1970s, including Insulag, a powdered insulation. Pfizer, based in New York, bought the company in 1968.


Pfizer has said throughout the case that it never made or sold Quigley's products and it doesn't have liability for them. Asbestos, once widely used as an insulator, was later shown to cause cancer.

The last sentence implies that asbestos was only shown to cause cancer after Pfizer acquired Quigley in 1968.  However, this suggests a lack of knowledge of medical history.

In fact, evidence that asbestos was dangerous would have been readily available in 1968. Pulmonary asbestosis was recognized in 1927.(1, noted in 2).  Furthermore, by 1952, as per Dr Richard Doll(3),

The majority of workers (cited by Hueper, 1952) consider that a causal relationship between asbestosis and lung cancer is either proved or is highly probable and the reality of the relationship was agreed at the recent International Symposium on the Epidemiology of Lung Cancer.

Doll reported further data in 1954 and concluded,

lung cancer was a specific industrial hazard of certain asbestos workers....


So while Pfizer officials ought to have known that in 1968 it was acquiring a company that made products that likely caused lung cancer, for more than 40 years, they have managed to stall payments to now mainly the heirs of people who acquired severe disease due to those products.  This clearly suggests that in this matter the company leadership has consistently put its revenue ahead of its ostensible dedication to peoples' health and well being.  Then again, this is hardly the first example of dubious ethical conduct by Pfizer.  See this post for a list of the 14 legal settlements of allegations of misconduct made by Pfizer since 2000, only one of which was related to the current case.

Furthermore, dedication to short-term revenue over everything else has resulted in huge wealth for Pfizer's hired managers.  Per the Wall Street Journal, only the latest example is,

The total 2012 compensation for Pfizer Inc. (PFE) Chief Executive Ian C. Read was valued at $25.6 million, up 2.5% from 2011, as the drug maker hit two out of three key financial objectives last year. 

Mr. Read's compensation was based partly on the company exceeding targets for total revenue and adjusted earnings-per-share, while missing its target for cash flow in 2012, Pfizer said in a proxy statement filed Thursday with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Presumably, the total revenue target would have been a bit lower if Pfizer had managed to set aside assets to pay the asbestos related claims discussed above in 2012 rather than in 2013.

This relatively anechoic example shows how hollow ring most of the claims by leaders of big health care organizations that they value patients' and the public's health.  That may be convenient public relations puffery, but again and again the bottom line seems to matter more to them.  We have shown numerous examples of mission-hostile management, and of leaders compensated outrageously out of proportion to their contributions to patients' and the public's health.  Thus, why should health care professionals, or patients believe that anything they do puts patients ahead of money?

As we have said so often, health care professionals and society at large needs to hold large health care organizations' leadership accountable for their missions, and push out leaders who put their own pocketbooks and their organizations' revenue ahead of patients' and the public's health. 


1.  Cooke WE.  Pulmonary asbestosis.  Br Med J 1972; 2: 1024.
2.  Hasan FM, Nash G, Kazemi H. Asbestos exposure and related neoplasia: the 28 year experience of a major urban hospital.  Am J Med 1978, 65: 649-654. Link here.
3.  Doll R. Mortality from lung cancer in asbestos workers.  Br J Indust Med 1955; 12: 81-86.  Link here

No. 2-rated player in state commits to Owls

One spring day in 1980, Wayne Hardin was standing on Geasey Field commenting about his strong stable of running backs at Temple University.
"And then we have Jim Brown at tailback," he said. "Jim Brown. I like that name."
That's the same way I felt this morning when I heard the news that Temple landed someone named Anthony Davis.
Anthony Davis' verbal to TU was all over the Pittsburgh papers.
The Anthony Davis I remember was robbed of a  Heisman Trophy at USC as a running back.
The Anthony Davis Temple got this morning is a cornerback at Gateway High in the WPIAL who is the No. 2-rated player in Pennsylvania, as determined by 247sports.com.
When I walk into a room for a purpose, I sometimes don't remember what that purpose was but I have a pretty good long-term memory about Temple football recruiting and I don't ever remember Temple landing a top 1-2 player from Pennsylvania.
Temple has landed top players from New Jersey, like Kevin Harvey (Paulsboro) and P.J. Walker (Elizabeth), but never someone this high from its own state.
Hardin was a rookie coach at Navy when Jim Brown, the greatest ever to have a ball in his hands, was snubbed for the Heisman Trophy.
No. 2-ranked in Pennsylvania.

Someone named Paul Hornung won it instead for a LOSING Notre Dame team. Brown's omission will go down at the biggest Heisman snub ever.
Snubs apparently are a thing of the past for Temple, though. The recruits keep getting better.
The Owls currently have the No. 43-rated recruiting class in the country and Davis' verbal can only move that ranking up a notch or two in the upcoming days.
Davis plays a position the Owls sorely need to upgrade.
No cornerback has ever won the Heisman Trophy, but there's always a first for everything.
Who knows?
If the first Jim Brown and the first Anthony Davis can get snubbed for the Heisman, then maybe this Anthony   Davis can add one of those snubbed names to the trophy.

Dari Laut Kaspia Menjelma Kaviar Terlezat di Dunia

Siapa tidak mengenal Laut Kaspia. Danau terbesar di dunia itu menang unik dan kaya. Dinamai Laut Kaspia juga bukan tanpa alasan. Bentuknya memang danau tetapi mempunyai karakteristik seperti laut juga. Salah satu contohnya adalah airnya yang berasa asin.

Membentang di daratan Asia, Laut Kaspia menunjukkan pesonanya. Luasnya yang 394.299 kilometer itu dikelilingi oleh 5 negara. Sebutlah Azerbaijan, Rusia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan dan Iran. Mempunyai panjang 1119 meter dan kedalaman 946 meter.

Danau ini menyimpan keanekaragaman hayati di dalamnya. Ikannya terutama. Ada sekitar 120 spesies ikan yang bisa dimanfaatkan. Dan secara garis besar ikan-ikan itu dikelompokkan dalam ikan sturgeon dan ikan bertulang. Ikan sturgeon sendiri merupakan spesies ikan purba. Konon tidak melakukan evolusi sejak jaman dinosaurus berada, bahkan sampai masa sekarang.

Bagi kalangan pecinta kuliner dunia, ingat danau Kaspia pasti ingat makanan mewah khas daerah sana. Apalagi kalau bukan kaviar yang terkenal kelezatannya itu. Kaviar adalah sejenis makanan yang terbuat dari telur ikan sturgeon yang diproses dan digarami. Warnanya biasanya coklat atau kehitaman. Harganya super mahal . Makanya hanya kalangan elit saja yang bisa menikmatinya. Itupun biasanya disajikan pada pesta-pesta mewah saja. Sebagai contoh adalah kaviar beluga. Harganya kalau dirupiahkan bisa mencapai 21 sampai 112 juta.

Asalnya, kaviar dibuat di Rusia. Tetapi karena nilai komersialnya tinggi, makanan khas itu kemudian diproduksi pula oleh negara-negara yang ada di sekeliling Laut Kaspia. Kaviar dari Iran misalnya. Makanan itu termasuk yang paling diburu karena rasanya yang sangat lezat. Akhirnya berbagai negara pun ikut-ikutan membuat kaviar. Semisal, kaviar dari Turki yang juga cukup dicari. Orang-orang di sana menamainya telur ikan asin, bukan kaviar lagi.

Ternyata kiprah itu malah semakin mempopulerkan makanan kaviar di dunia. Warga Perancis termasuk yang sangat menggemari makanan itu. Tetapi mereka sangat memperhatikan keaslian kaviar. Malah kaviar bagi mereka lebih spesifik lagi. Bagi orang Perancis, kaviar itu hanya telur dari ikan sturgeon yang hanya berasal dari laut Kaspia.

Penikmat kaviar memang sudah mendunia kini. Jauh di benua lain, tersebutlah Amerika Serikat. Mereka mencoba memproduksi semacam kaviar tapi berasal dari ikan salmon, cod dan salem. Rasanya? Ya, tetap kaviar dari Laut Kaspia yang paling enak di dunia.

Tetapi akibat kepopulerannya itu, geliat bisnis kaviar semakin meraja lela. Permintaan pasar menjadi semakin banyak. Hal itu menyebabkan eksplorasi terus dilakukan. Baik terhadap ikan sturgeon maupun ikan lainnya. Pada akhirnya, keseimbangan hidup-ikan-ikan itu menjadi terganggu. Pasokan pun menjadi berkurang. Ujung-ujungnya, kelangkaan itu membuat kaviar semakin melangit harganya.

Adapun makanan ini disajikan bersama roti kering atau kerupuk tawar. Tetapi sekarang sudah mengalami banyak variasi dengan menambahkan makanan lainnya. Paling enak jika dimakan dalam keadaan dingin. Tetapi tidak dianjurkan mengkonsumsinya dengan menggunakan sendok logam. Hal itu bisa mempengaruhi rasanya. Hm, kaviar memang cukup sensasional. Inginkah Anda juga mencicipi kelezatan kaviar? Hm, sepertinya harus jadi jutawan dulu, baru bisa.

Oleh : Dewi Iriani

Sistem Pemerintahan Inggris

Sebelum membahas tentang Sistem Pemerintahan Inggris terlebih dahulu kita harus tahu pengertian sistem pemerintahan. Baca selengkapnya tentang>> pengertian sistem pemerintahan.
Negara Inggris(United Kingdom) merupakan negara kesatuan atau unitary state yang terdiri dari Skotlandia, Wales, Inggris, dan Irlandia Utara yang memiliki bentuk pemerintahan monarki atau kerajaan. Inggris dikenal sebagai ibu atau pencetus sistem pemerintahan parlementer (the mother of parliament) sebab Inggris lah yang membuat sebuah sistem pemerintahan parlemen yang dapat diterapkan dengan baik untuk pertama kali. Sistem ini memeberikan hak kepada masyarakat untuk memilih wakilnya melalui pemilihan umum yang demokratis untuk dapat mengatasi persoalan sosial ekonomi kemasyarakatan sehingga tercipta kesejahteraan rakyat.

Kostitusi di inggris tidak tertulis(konvensi) dalam bentuk teks namun tersebar dalam bentuk pelbagai hukum, peraturan, dan konvensi.

Pemerintahan Inggris dijalankan oleh Perdana Menteri sebagai kepala pemerintahan dibantu para menteri. Ratu dan Raja Inggris hanyalah kepala negara yang berfungsi sebagai simbol kenegaraan(simbol kedaulatan, keagungan dan persatuan negara).

Parlemen atau Dewan Perwakilan  terdiri dari dua ruang (bikameral), yakni House of Commons & House of Lord. House of Commons atau disebut juga Majelis Rendah adalah badan perwakilan rakyat yang anggota-anggotanya dipilih oleh rakyat di antara calon-calon partai politik. House of Lord atau Mejelis Tinggi adalah perwakilan yang berisi para bangsawan dengan berdasarkan warisan. House of Commons memiliki keuasaan yang lebih besar daripada House of Lord. Inggris menerapkan Parliament Soverengnity, artinya kekuasaan yang sangat besar pada diri parlemen.

Kabinet merupakan menteri-menteri yang dipimpin oleh perdana menteri. Kabinet tersebut yang benar-benar melaksanakan roda pemerintahan. Anggota kabinet pada umumnya berasal dari House of Commons. Perdana menteri merupakan pemimpin dari partai mayoritas di House of Commons. Masa jabatan kabinet sangat tergantung pada kepercayaan dari House of Commons. Parlemen memiliki kekuasaan membubarkan kabinet dengan mosi tidak percaya.
Terdapat oposisi yang dijalankan oleh partai yang kalah dalam pemilu. Para pemimpin oposisisi membuat semacam kabinet tandingan. Jika sewaktu-waktu kabinet runtuh, partai oposisi dapat menggantikan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan.
Inggris menggunakan sistem dwipartai. Di Inggris berdiri 2 partai yang saling bersaing dan memerintah. Partai tersebut adalah Partai Buruh dan Partai Konservatif. Partai yang menang dalam pemilu dan mayoritas di parlemen merupakan partai yang memerintah, sedangkan partai yang kalah menjadi partai oposisi.
Badan Peradilan ditentukan oleh kabinet sehingga tak ada hakim yang dipilih. Meskipun demikian, mereka melaksanakan peradilan yang adil(bebas dan tidak memihak), termasuk juga memutuskan sengketa antara warga dengan pemerintah.
Inggris sebagai negara kesatuan menerapkan sistem desentralisasi. Kekuasaan pemerintah daerah berada pada Council (dewan) yang dipilih oleh rakyat di daerah. Sekarang ini, Inggris terbagi dalam tiga daerah, yaitu England, Wales dan Greater London

Ustadz Indonesia

Berikut adalah ustadz-ustadz terbaik Indonesia dan juga ustadzah Indonesia yang pernah ada.

Abdullah Gymnastiar, KH.
Abdullah Syukri, KH.
Adian Husaini, DR., MA.
Ahmad Al Habsyi, Ust., LC.
Ahmad Lutfi Fathullah, DR., MA.
Ahmad Sarwat, LC., MA.
Ahmad Satori Ismail. Prof., DR.
Ahmad Yani, Ust., Drs.
Ahmad Zain An Njah, DR. MA
Ahzami Samiun Jazuli, DR., MA.
Ali Mustafa Yaqub, Prof., DR.
Amin Suma, Prof., DR.
Amir Faishol, DR. MA.
Antonio Syafi'i, DR., MA.
Anwar Sanusi, KH., DR.
Arief Rachman, Prof. DR.
Arifin Ilham, Ust.
As'ad Syamsul Arifin, KH
Bachtiar Nasir, Ust., LC.
Bobby Herwibowo, Ust., LC.
Daud Rasyid, DR., MA.
Didin Hafidhuddin, Prof., DR.
Felix Siauw, Ust.
Habib Lutfi bin Yahya
Habib Syech Assegaf
Hamka, Buya
Hasan Sahal, KH.
Hasyim Muzadi, KH.
Ihsan Tanjung, Ust.
Jefri Al-Buchori, Ust.
Kholil Ridwan, LC, KH
Komaruddin Hidayat, Prof., DR.
Mahfud MD, Prof., DR.
Maimun Zubair, KH.
Mukhlis Hanafi, DR, MA
Mustafa Bisri, KH.
Nasaruddin Umar, Prof., DR.
Quraisy Syihab, Prof., DR.
Rahmat Abdullah, KH
Saifuddin Amsir, KH.
Subki al-Bughury, Ust.
Syafi'i Hadzami, KH
Syamsul Ma'arif, DR., MA.
Yahya Waloni, DR.
Yusuf Mansur, Ust.
Zainuddin MZ, KH.

Ustadzah Indonesia
Barkah Abd Jalil, Utzh., Hj., LC.
Helda, Hj., DR.
Irene Handono, Hj.
Mamah Dede
Nungke Ibrahim, Ustzh., Hj.
Siti Fathiyah Chatib, LC.
Tuti Alawiyah AS, Prof. DR
Ummi Qurrata'ayun

Food Reward Friday

This week's lucky "winner"... beer!!

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