Warung Bebas

Selasa, 05 November 2013

10 Taman Nasional yang Indah dan Cantik di Pulau Sumatera

1. Taman Nasional Batang Gadis

     Taman Nasional Batang Gadis (TNBG) adalah sebuah taman nasional di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal (Madina), Sumatera Utara dan secara administrasi wilayah ini dikelilingi 68 desa di 13 kecamatan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal. Nama taman nasional ini berasal dari dari nama sungai utama yang mengalir dan membelah Kabupaten Madina, Sungai Batang Gadis. Pembentukan ini juga sangat penting mengingat bahwa laju kerusakan hutan alam di provinsi ini sudah pada tingkat yang sangat memprihatinkan. Berdasarkan data Departemen Kehutanan pada tahun 2003, kerusakan hutan di kawasan ini mencapai 3,8 juta ha per tahun. Kerusakan hutan di Sumatera Utara sendiri mencapai 76 ribu ha per tahun dalam kurun waktu 1985 – 1998.

2. Taman Nasional Berbak

     Taman Nasional Berbak merupakan kawasan pelestarian alam untuk konservasi hutan rawa terluas di Asia Tenggara yang belum terjamah oleh eksploitasi manusia. Keunikannya berupa gabungan yang menarik antara hutan rawa gambut dan hutan rawa air tawar yang terbentang luas di pesisir Timur Sumatera.

3. Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan

     Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan adalah sebuah taman nasional yang ditujukan untuk melindungi hutan hujan tropis pulau Sumatra beserta kekayaan alam hayati yang dimilikinya. UNESCO menjadikan Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan sebagai Warisan Dunia[1]. Bukit Barisan Selatan dinyatakan sebagai Cagar Alam Suaka Margasatwa pada tahun 1935 dan menjadi Taman Nasional pada tahun 1982. Pada awalnya ukuran taman adalah seluas 356.800 hektare . Tetapi luas taman saat ini yang dihitung dengan menggunakan GIS kurang-lebih sebesar 324.000 Ha.

4. Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas

     Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas adalah taman nasional yang terletak di Provinsi Jambi. Taman ini merupakan taman nasional yang relatif kecil, meliputi wilayah seluas 605 km². Di kawasan hutan lindung ini berdiam Suku Anak Dalam atau Suku Kubu atau Orang Rimba.

     Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas merupakan perwakilan bagi hutan hujan tropis di provinsi Jambi. Bagian utara taman nasional ini terdiri dari hutan hujan primer, sementara sisanya merupakan hutan sekunder, sebagai akibat dari penebangan hutan

5. Taman Nasional Bukit Tiga Puluh

     Taman Nasional Bukit Tiga Puluh (juga disebut Bukit Tigapulah) adalah taman nasional yang terletak di provinsi Riau dan Jambi. Taman seluas 143.143 hektare ini terdiri dari hutan hujan tropis dan terkenal sebagai tempat terakhir spesies terancam seperti orangutan sumatera, harimau Sumatera, gajah sumatera, badak sumatera, tapir Asia, beruang madu dan berbagai spesies burung yang terancam. Taman Nasional Bukit Tiga Puluh juga merupakan tempat tinggal bagi Orang Rimba dan Talang Mamak. Taman Nasional Bukit Tiga Puluh kini mendapat ancaman serius dari penebangan hutan ilegal dan penanaman minyak sawit.

6. Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat

     Taman nasional terbesar di Sumatera ini memiliki luas wilayah sebesar 13,750 km² dan membentang ke empat provinsi yaitu Sumatera Barat, Jambi, Bengkulu dan Sumatera Selatan.

7. Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser

     Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser biasa disingkat TNGL adalah salah satu Kawasan Pelestarian Alam di Indonesia seluas 1.094.692 Hektar yang secara administrasi pemerintahan terletak di dua Provinsi Aceh dan Sumatera Utara. Provinsi Aceh yang terdeliniasi TNGL meliputi Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya,Aceh Selatan, Aceh Singkil, Aceh Tenggara, Gayo Lues, Aceh Tamiang, sedangkan Provinsi Sumatera Utara yang terdeliniasi TNGL meliputi Kabupaten Dairi, Karo dan Langkat.

     Taman nasional ini mengambil nama dari Gunung Leuser yang menjulang tinggi dengan ketinggian 3404 meter di atas permukaan laut di Aceh. Taman nasional ini meliputi ekosistem asli dari pantai sampai pegunungan tinggi yang diliputi oleh hutan lebat khas hujan tropis, dikelola dengan sistem zonasi yang dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan penelitian, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, menunjang budidaya,pariwisata, dan rekreasi.

8. Taman Nasional Siberut

     Taman Nasional Siberut terletak di Pulau Siberut, Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai, Sumatera Barat. Taman Nasional dengan luas 190.500 hektar ini ditetapkan melalui Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan Nomor 407/Kpts-II/1993. Sebelumnya tahun 1981 pulau ini sudah ditetapkan sebagai cagar biosfer melalui projek Man and Biosphere UNESCO. Hutan hujan yang merupakan bagian dari TN Siberut menyelimuti hampir 65 % Pulau Siberut. Hutan ini merupakan istana bagi kehidupan flora dan fauna dengan menyediakan sumber makanan dan tempat tinggal serta hutan ini juga berfungsi sebagai pendukung kehidupan tradisional masyarakat Mentawai terutama sebagai obat-obatan tradiosonal.

9. Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo

     Taman Nasional ini terletak di provinsi Riau, Indonesia. Taman nasional ini diresmikan pada 19 Juli 2004 dan mempunyai luas sebesar 38.576 hektare.Terdapat 360 jenis flora yang tergolong dalam 165 marga dan 57 suku, 107 jenis burung, 23 jenis mamalia, tiga jenis primata, 50 jenisikan, 15 jenis reptilia dan 18 jenis amfibia di setiap hektare Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo. Tesso Nillo juga adalah salah satu sisa hutan dataran rendah yang menjadi tempat tinggal 60-80 ekor gajah dan merupakan kawasan konservasi gajah.

10. Taman Nasional Way Kambas

     Taman Nasional Way Kambas adalah taman nasional perlindungan gajah yang terletak di daerah Lampung tepatnya di kecamatan labuhan ratu lampung timur, Indonesia. Selain di Way Kambas, sekolah gajah (Pusat Latihan Gajah) juga bisa ditemui di Minas, Riau. Gajah sumatera (Elephas maximus sumatranus) yang hidup di kawasan ini semakin berkurang jumlahnya. Taman Nasional Way Kambas berdiri pada tahun 1985 merupakan sekolah gajah pertama di Indonesia.

Rumor: BBM for Windows Phone 8 akan Segera Diluncurkan oleh Blackberry?

Limit Komputer | Rumor: BBM for Windows Phone 8 akan Segera Diluncurkan? - Mungkin beberapa minggu ini kabar hangat mengenai BBM for Android dan Iphone masih sering kita dengar. tapi rumor yang beredar diinternet BBM for Windows Phone 8 akan segera diluncurkan oleh pihak blackberry menyusul suksesnya BBM for android dan Iphone.

BBM for Andoroid dan Iphone menuai respon yang positif dari berbagai kalangan ddunia, termasuk indonesia. bahkan BBM for Android dan Iphone sudah didownload 10 Juta kali dalam jangka waktu kurang dari 24 Jam.

Namun, rumor akan diluncurkan BBM for Wndows Phone 8 berasal dari Blackberry Leaks melalui salah satu akun twitter Blackberry Leaks.

"If you are a windows phone 8, #WP* user, don't worry a
native #BBM app is in the works along with tablet
desktop, and web version #BBM4ALL" @BlackberryScoop

Rumor tersebut bisa saja jadi kenyataan, pasalnya pada saaat acara dihongkong blackberry sempat menampilkan penampakan BBM for Windows 7. 

So, mari kita tunggu informasi selanjurnya.

Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Modem Smartfren 2014

Smartfren Anti Lelet

Belajar Komputer - Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Modem Smartfren, hal ini mungkin hanya berlaku bagi Anda pengguna setia Modem Smartfren. Untuk area yang sudah tercover jaringan Smartfren, mungkin koneksi jaringan tidak terlalu menjadi masalah, pasalnya tidak sedikit pengguna Smartfren yang sudah mendapatkan jaringan yang stabil, akan tetapi bagi Anda yang berada di daerah


(and support the Asylum in doing so!)

Want to know more about the product and why I support and promote it?  Here is my original post:

Daily Blog #135: Converting MHT to PDF

Hello Reader,
             I've spent most of day today trying to get data into a format that someone else can review. I'm using a tool called X1 Social Discovery which allows you to download, index and manage social media information from a variety of sources (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, etc...) but its ability to export the data in a form my client actually wants to review but still contain all the data he needs to review appear to be two different things. In the end the best view of the data I could find would create separate MHT files for each of the social media updates I captured. Herein lied today's frustration.

After exporting many a MHT file I hoped that I would be able to convert these with Adobe Acrobat, but it defaulted to opening the documents in Microsoft Word which did not render the MHT correctly. I attempted to combine the documents but MHT is not a supported file type for combining within Acrobat. I tried some programs that claimed to convert MHT to PDF's only to find they didn't embed the images within the MHT pages, just the HTML. I attempted to change the print to association of the file type to find that Opera (the browser that rendered them the best) does not have a print command line option.

After many hours of Google searching and the lament of similar people trying to accomplish the same task I found a blog that talked about a tool called VeryPDF HTML Converter. I grabbed a copy and sure enough, it worked! So now I will be able to deliver consolidated PDFs over numerous MHT files for review and go home.

I wanted to post this blog article, even though its outside the range of what I normally blog about, in the hopes that if you someday get stuck in this situation will find it and be able to solve your problem like I did. VeryPDF HTML Converter has a trial that allows 300 conversions and a license of the GUI only costs $59.

I hope this saves someones day.

A New, and Huge ($2.2 Billion) Settlement for Johnson and Johnson, but "No Individuals were Charged with Wrongdoing"

The march of legal settlements made by big health care organizations has resumed with a bang.  As reported in most major media outlets, giant drug/ device/ biotechnology company Johnson and Johnson has made a big settlement with the US Department of Justice.

The Basics of the Settlement

As reported by Bloomberg / Businessweek,

Johnson & Johnson agreed to resolve criminal and civil probes into the marketing of Risperdal, an antipsychotic drug, and other medicines by paying more than $2.2 billion, one of the largest U.S. health-fraud penalties. 

J&J’s Janssen unit will plead guilty to a misdemeanor criminal charge over misbranding Risperdal for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, including treating elderly patients with dementia. Under a plea agreement announced today, Janssen will pay a $334 million fine and forfeit $66 million.

Janssen also settled civil claims that it marketed Risperdal without approval for the elderly, children and the mentally disabled, and that it paid kickbacks to physicians and to Omnicare Inc., the largest pharmacy for nursing homes. The civil accord covered off-label marketing of Risperdal; Invega, another antipsychotic; and Natrecor, a heart drug.

This settlement covered conduct that health care professionals ought to find particularly disturbing, including marketing Risperdal for elderly people with dementia without an approved indication, despite evidence that it could be particularly harmful to those patients; marketing Risperdal to adolescent boys without an indication, again despite evidence that it could be particularly harmful to those patients; and using kickbacks to market Risperdal.

Promoting Risperdal for Dementia Despite Increased Risk of Death

This issue was best summarized by the Wall Street Journal,

Prosecutors alleged that J&J's Janssen Pharmaceuticals unit promoted Risperdal to elderly patients suffering from dementia, despite no approval for that use. Prosecutors also alleged that J&J's 'ElderCare' sales force pushed Risperdal for use in these elderly patients, and sales representatives' bonus awards failed to distinguish prescriptions for schizophrenia or the unapproved dementia use.

In 2005, the FDA required the label warn that elderly patients suffering from dementia-related psychosis were at a higher risk of death.

The New York Times added,

 Johnson & Johnson officials tried to expand the market for Risperdal to older dementia patients soon after the drug was approved in 1993 to treat symptoms of psychiatric disorders, according to federal court filings

The drug, whose generic name is risperidone, was primarily tested in schizophrenia patients, and the Federal Drug Administration repeatedly rejected efforts by the company to expand the drug’s use to older dementia patients, according to the filings.

But Johnson & Johnson, federal officials said, actively pursued the market for geriatric patients. The company created a dedicated sales force, ElderCare, to promote the drug and others to doctors who primarily treated older patients.

The drug, the company claimed, could address symptoms that made treating these patients a challenge, especially in a nursing home setting, including agitation, confusion, hostility and impulsiveness. The company’s sales brochures highlighted these symptoms and minimized the fact that the drug was approved to treat schizophrenia, according to federal documents.

 Federal officials said the company knew that Risperdal posed serious health risks for older adults, like an increased risk of strokes, but it played them down. The drug’s label was later updated to warn against the use of the drug in older patients with dementia.

So the allegations were that the company pursued an elaborate and deceptive strategy to promote the drug for elderly dementia patients despite knowledge that the drug was particularly risky for such patients.

Promoting Risperdal for Adolescent Boys Despite Increased Risk of Gynecomastia

Again, per the WSJ,

Prosecutors also alleged that J&J promoted Risperdal for use by boys suffering from mental disabilities despite knowing that use could raise levels of a hormone stimulating breast development.

The NYT added,

Federal prosecutors also say, as part of the civil settlement, that Johnson & Johnson promoted the use of Risperdal in people with mental disabilities and children, even though the company did not receive F.D.A. approval to market to children until 2006. Janssen told its sales representatives to visit child psychologists and mental health facilities that mainly focused on children, promoting the drug as a safe treatment for disorders like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, the government said. 

Johnson & Johnson knew that children were susceptible to certain health risks from taking Risperdal, including the possibility that boys could develop breasts through elevated production of the hormone prolactin, federal officials said. 

Again, the allegations were that the company pursued an elaborate deceptive strategy to market the drug for children despite knowledge that the drug was particularly risky for such patients.  

No Executives were Discomfited by the Disposition of This Case

The company took pains to emphasize that the settlement only required a single guilty plea to a misdemeanor by a company subsidiary, and did not involve any other admissions of guilt, or any penalties to specific human beings.  For example, per Bloomberg/ Business Week,

'Today we reached closure on complex legal matters spanning almost a decade,' Michael Ullmann, J&J’s general counsel, said in a statement. 'This resolution allows us to move forward and continue to focus on delivering innovative solutions that improve and enhance the health and well-being of patients around the world.'

While Janssen 'accepts accountability' for the actions described in the misdemeanor plea, the civil settlement 'is not an admission of any liability or wrongdoing, and the company expressly denies the government’s civil allegations,' J&J said.

So why give up a perfectly good $2.2 billion (minus $400 million fine and forfeiture by the Janssen subsidiary for the single misdemeanor)?  Was "closure" all that valuable?

In addition, in the NY Times we found ,

Ernie Knewitz, a spokesman for Johnson & Johnson, noted that the misdemeanor charge was being entered on behalf of the company and no individuals were charged with wrongdoing. 'Mr. Gorsky [current CEO] has been an outstanding Johnson & Johnson leader for more than 20 years,' he said.
Would you expect someone who works for Mr Gorsky to say otherwise?  Yet it was on Mr Gorsky's watch that much of the alleged bad conduct actually happened. 

Alex Gorsky was promoted to chief executive officer of J&J in April 2012, in part because of his record of generating sales as leader of Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

Furthermore, the Inquirer noted that Mr Gorsky was deposed in one of the many civil lawsuits filed by patients against Johnson and Johnson.

The 60-page transcript of Gorsky's deposition in one of the Philadelphia suits was part of the publicly available court record. In the transcript, McCormick walks Gorsky through discussions from 2001 with Joseph Biederman, a Harvard medical school professor and a Massachusetts General Hospital pediatric psychiatrist who gained fame - and criticism - for advocating the use of pharmaceuticals to treat children with perceived mental illness. That was before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved, in still-limited ways, drugs such as Risperdal for children.

In a one-page letter dated Dec. 7, 2001, Biederman requested $500,000 to start what became the Johnson & Johnson Center for the Study of Pediatric Psychopathology. Gorsky said in the deposition that he approved that payment.

Gorsky was asked whether he had been hoping Biederman and, by extension, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard, would help J&J to get wider diagnosis and treatment for child and adolescent mental disorders.

'I think our goal was to, yes, have better diagnostic criteria for children who are in need of treatment and to have better therapeutic options for children who are in need of treatment,' Gorsky said.

Also in the transcript, McCormick discussed with Gorsky a document called the 'Annual Report 2002: The Johnson & Johnson Center for Pediatric Psychopathology at Massachusetts General Hospital.' Biederman was the director of the center, and one of the goals of its research, according to the report, was that 'it will move forward the commercial goals of J&J.'

Thus this testimony seems to imply that current Johnson and Johnson CEO Gorsky was involved in making large payments to an important key opinion leader (KOL) who was supposed to use his academic gravitas to "move forward the commercial goals" of Johnson and Johnson, specifically by promoting Risperdal for children.

Yet, as we discussed above, neither Mr Gorsky nor any other person at Johnson and Johnson who might have authorized, directed, or implemented the alleged conduct which was the subject of the settlement, conduct which Johnson and Johnson of course denies was misconduct, suffered any negative consequences.

Mr Gorsky's total compensation as CEO in 2012 was $10,977,109 according too the company's 2013 proxy statement. The retiring CEO, William Weldon, on whose overall watch the alleged events occurred, received $29,838,259 that year.  We last discussed their compensation and its contrast with the company's ethical track record here.

These payments also occurred despite all the other settlements Johnson and Johnson has had to make because of allegations about its marketing of Risperdal.  As described by Bloomberg/ Businessweek,

The settlement won’t resolve suits brought by attorneys general in Arkansas, Louisiana and South Carolina, where the company has appealed or has said it will appeal judgments over Risperdal sales.

Judges or juries in those states have ordered J&J to pay a total of about $1.8 billion in damages and fines over Risperdal marketing campaigns that were found to have misled doctors and patients about the drug’s health risks and effectiveness.

In 2012, a judge in Arkansas ordered the drugmaker to pay $1.2 billion in fines over Risperdal marketing. That verdict came three months after J&J decided to end a trial in Texas over the drug’s sales with a $158 million settlement. The Arkansas judge also awarded the state $180 million in attorney fees, J&J said in an August regulatory filing. The company is appealing the judgment.

In June 2011, a judge in South Carolina ordered J&J to pay $327 million in penalties for deceptively marketing the medicine. Ten months earlier, jurors in Louisiana ordered the drugmaker to pay almost $258 million to state officials over J&J’s Risperdal marketing campaign in the state. A Louisiana judge later ordered the drugmaker to pay an additional $73.3 million in attorney fees and costs.

The payments further occurred despite a previous settlement involving another drug whose marketing was at issue in the current settlement, according to Bloomberg / Businessweek,

In October 2011, J&J’s Scios unit pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor violation over Natrecor and paid an $85 million criminal fine.

Finally, the compensation was given despite other legal actions not having to do with Risperdal, Invega or Natrecor, as we most recently summarized,
- A guilty plea for misbranding Topamax in 2010 (look here)
- Guilty pleas to bribery in Europe in 2011 by J+J's DePuy subsidiary (look here)
 - Accusations that the company, which makes smoking cessation products, participated along with tobacco companies in efforts to lobby state legislators (see post here)


The latest settlement in the parade is another marker of the sort of conduct that big health care organizations have exhibited to increase revenue, and to use that revenue as a rationale for making their top insiders very rich.  The particular conduct alleged here could have put patients at risk, partly by deceiving health care professionals.  Yet in their wisdom, top US law enforcement saw fit not to try to hold any individuals accountable for this conduct, and allowed the company to deny any misconduct other than a single misdemeanor by a subsidiary.  This occurred despite the company's history of multiple legal settlements and findings of guilt in various courtrooms.

Yet none of these actions has resulted in any negative consequences for any individual within the company.  No one who authorized, directed, or implemented bad behavior will pay any penalty, even were the bad behavior to have lead to significant personal enrichment.

As we have said ad infinitum, and on the occasion of a previous Johnson and Johnson settlement, many of largest and once proud health care organizations now have recent records of repeated, egregious ethical lapses. Not only have their leaders have nearly all avoided penalties, but they have become extremely rich while their companies have so misbehaved.

These leaders seem to have become like nobility, able to extract money from lesser folk, while remaining entirely unaccountable for bad results of their reigns. We can see from this case that health care organizations' leadership's nobility overlaps with the supposed "royalty" of the leaders of big financial firms, none of whom have gone to jail after the global financial collapse, great recession, and ongoing international financial disaster (look here). The current fashion of punishing behavior within health care organization with fines and agreements to behave better in the future appears to be more law enforcement theatre than serious deterrent.  As Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick exhorted his fellow Democrats, I exhort state, federal (and international, for that  matter) law enforcement to "grow a backbone" and go after the people who were responsible for and most profited from the ongoing ethical debacle in health care.

As we have said before, true health care reform would make leaders of health care organization accountable for their organizations' bad behavior.

Addendum - Other Comments

See also similar sentiments from 1BoringOldMan,

 J&J closes out the escrow fund set aside for this settlement. Alex Gorsky goes to his West Point Anniversaries and Boy Scout Board meetings an ongoing success story [shoveling…]. And what was this all about?
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper

and in a press release from Public Citizen,

Until more meaningful penalties and the prospect of jail time for company heads who are responsible for such activity become common, companies will continue defrauding the government and putting patients’ lives in danger.

Kenaikan Berat Badan Selama Kehamilan

Kenaikan Berat Badan Ibu Hamil yang satu
dengan yang lain akan berbeda. Hal ini karena dipengaruhi oleh faktor tinggi
dan berat badan sebelum hamil, ukuran bayi dan plasenta, serta kualitas makan
atau minum selama kehamilan. Secara umum, kenaikan Berat Badan tersebut
disebabkan oleh: Berat Bayi (3 - 3,5 kg), plasenta (0,5 kg), rahim (1 kg), air
ketuban (1 kg), pembesaran payudara (0,5 
-  1 kg

Darimanakah Nama "Borobudur" Berasal?

     Asal mula nama Borobudur tidak jelas, meskipun memang nama asli dari kebanyakan candi di Indonesia tidak diketahui. Berikut adalah beberapa pendapat tentang asal mula nama candi yang sangat terkenal di dunia ini..

1. Menurut Raffles 

     Nama Borobudur pertama kali ditulis dalam buku "History of Java" karya Sir Thomas Raffles. Raffles menulis mengenai monumen bernama borobudur, akan tetapi tidak ada dokumen yang lebih tua yang menyebutkan nama yang sama persis. Nama Bore-Budur, yang kemudian ditulis BoroBudur, kemungkinan ditulis Raffles dalam tata bahasa Inggris untuk menyebut desa terdekat dengan candi itu yaitu desa Bore (Boro), kebanyakan candi memang seringkali dinamai berdasarkan desa tempat candi itu berdiri. Raffles juga menduga bahwa istilah 'Budur' mungkin berkaitan dengan istilah Buda dalam bahasa Jawa yang berarti "purba" maka bermakna, "Boro purba". Akan tetapi arkeolog lain beranggapan bahwa nama Budur berasal dari istilah bhudhara yang berarti gunung.

2. Borobudur kemungkinan berasal dari kata Sambharabhudhara, yaitu artinya "gunung" (bhudara) di mana di lereng-lerengnya terletak teras-teras

3. Selain itu terdapat beberapa etimologi rakyat lainnya. Misalkan kata borobudur berasal dari ucapan "para Buddha" yang karena pergeseran bunyi menjadi borobudur.

4. Penjelasan lain ialah bahwa nama ini berasal dari dua kata "bara" dan "beduhur". Kata bara konon berasal dari kata vihara, sementara ada pula penjelasan lain di mana bara berasal dari bahasa Sanskerta yang artinya kompleks candi atau biara dan beduhur artinya ialah "tinggi", atau mengingatkan dalam bahasa Bali yang berarti "di atas". Jadi maksudnya ialah sebuah biara atau asrama yang berada di tanah tinggi.

5. Menurut J.G. de Casparis

     Sejarawan J.G. de Casparis dalam disertasinya untuk mendapatkan gelar doktor pada 1950 berpendapat bahwa Borobudur adalah tempat pemujaan. Berdasarkan prasasti Karangtengah dan Tri Tepusan, Casparis memperkirakan pendiri Borobudur adalah raja Mataram dari wangsa Syailendra bernama Samaratungga, yang melakukan pembangunan sekitar tahun 824 M. Bangunan raksasa itu baru dapat diselesaikan pada masa putrinya, Ratu Pramudawardhani. Pembangunan Borobudur diperkirakan memakan waktu setengah abad. 

     Dalam prasasti Karangtengah pula disebutkan mengenai penganugerahan tanah sima (tanah bebas pajak) oleh Çrī Kahulunan (Pramudawardhani) untuk memelihara Kamūlān yang disebut Bhūmisambhāra. Istilah Kamūlān sendiri berasal dari kata mula yang berarti tempat asal muasal, bangunan suci untuk memuliakan leluhur, kemungkinan leluhur dari wangsa Sailendra. Casparis memperkirakan bahwa Bhūmi Sambhāra Bhudhāra dalam bahasa Sanskerta yang berarti "Bukit himpunan kebajikan sepuluh tingkatan boddhisattwa", adalah nama asli Borobudur.

Agama-agama Asli Indonesia

     Mungkin banyak di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia sudah tidak lagi mengetahui bahwa sebelum agama-agama yang diakui yaitu Islam, Kristen Katolik, Kristen Protestan, Hindu dan Buddha, kemudian kini Konghucu, masuk ke Nusantara atau Indonesia, di setiap daerah telah ada agama-agama atau kepercayaan asli. Agama-agama asli indonesia ini telah ada sejak zaman dulu dan dianut oleh nenek moyang kita selama beratus-ratus tahun...

1. Sunda Wiwitan

     Sunda Wiwitan adalah agama atau kepercayaan pemujaan terhadap kekuatan alam dan arwah leluhur yang dianut oleh masyarakat tradisional Sunda. Agama Sunda atau agama Sunda Wiwitan ini dikembangkan oleh Pangeran Madrais dari Cigugur, Kuningan. Oleh pemerintah Belanda, Madrais belakangan ditangkap dan dibuang ke Ternate, dan baru kembali sekitar tahun 1920 untuk melanjutkan ajarannya.

     Penganut ajaran ini dapat ditemukan di beberapa desa di provinsi Banten dan Jawa Barat, seperti di Kanekes, Lebak, Banten; Ciptagelar Kasepuhan Banten Kidul, Cisolok, Sukabumi; Kampung Naga; dan Cigugur, Kuningan. Menurut penganutnya, Sunda Wiwitan merupakan kepercayaan yang dianut sejak lama oleh orang Sunda sebelum datangnya ajaran Hindu dan Islam. 

2. Kejawen

     Kata “Kejawen” berasal dari kata Jawa yang memiliki arti dalam bahasa Indonesia yaitu segala yang berhubungan dengan adat dan kepercayaan Jawa (Kejawaan). Penamaan "kejawen" bersifat umum, biasanya karena bahasa pengantar ibadahnya menggunakan bahasa Jawa. Dalam konteks umum, kejawen merupakan bagian dari agama lokal Indonesia. 

     Kejawen dalam opini umum berisikan tentang seni, budaya, tradisi, ritual, sikap serta filosofi orang-orang Jawa. Kejawen juga memiliki arti spiritualistis atau spiritualistis suku Jawa. Penganut ajaran kejawen biasanya tidak menganggap ajarannya sebagai agama dalam pengertian seperti agama monoteistik, seperti Islam atau Kristen, tetapi lebih melihatnya sebagai seperangkat cara pandang dan nilai-nilai yang dibarengi dengan sejumlah laku (mirip dengan "ibadah").

3. Parmalim

     Istilah Parmalim merujuk kepada penganut agama Malim. Agama Malim yang dalam bahasa Batak disebut Ugamo Malim adalah bentuk moderen agama asli suku Batak. Agama asli Batak tidak memiliki nama sendiri, tetapi pada penghujung abad kesembilan belas muncul sebuah gerakan anti kolonial. Pemimpin utama mereka adalah Guru Somalaing Pardede. Agama Malim pada hakikatnya merupakan agama asli Batak, namun terdapat pengaruh agama Kristen, terutama Katolik, dan juga pengaruh agama Islam.

4. Kaharingan

     Kaharingan adalah kepercayaan tradisional suku Dayak di Kalimantan Pemerintah Indonesia mewajibkan penduduk dan warganegara untuk menganut salah satu agama yang diakui oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu, kepercayaan Kaharingan dan religi suku yang lainnya seperti Tollotang (Hindu Tollotang) pada suku Bugis, dimasukkan dalam kategori agama Hindu sejak 20 April 1980.

     Kaharingan ini pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Tjilik Riwut tahun 1944, saat ia menjabat Residen Sampit yang berkedudukan di Banjarmasin. Tahun 1945, pendudukan Jepang mengajukan Kaharingan sebagai penyebutan agama Dayak. Sementara pada masa Orde Baru, para penganutnya berintegrasi dengan Hindu, menjadi Hindu Kaharingan. Pemilihan integrasi ke Hindu ini bukan karena kesamaan ritualnya. Tapi dikarenakan Hindu adalah agama tertua di Kalimantan.

5. Wetu Telu

     Wetu Telu adalah praktik unik sebagian masyarakat suku Sasak yang mendiami pulau Lombok dalam menjalankan agama Islam. Ditengarai bahwa praktik unik ini terjadi karena para penyebar Islam pada masa lampau, yang berusaha mengenalkan Islam ke masyarakat Sasak pada waktu itu secara bertahap, meninggalkan pulau Lombok sebelum mengajarkan ajaran Islam dengan lengkap. Saat ini para penganut Wetu Telu sudah sangat berkurang, dan hanya terbatas pada generasi-generasi tua di daerah tertentu, sebagai akibat gencarnya para pendakwah Islam dalam usahanya meluruskan praktik tersebut.

6. Marapu

     Marapu adalah sebuah agama atau kepercayaan lokal yang dianut oleh masyarakat di Pulau Sumba. Lebih dari setengah penduduk Sumba memeluk agama ini. Agama ini memiliki kepercayaanpemujaan kepada nenek moyang dan leluhur. Pemeluk agama Marapu percaya bahwa kehidupan di dunia ini hanya sementara dan bahwa setelah akhir zaman mereka akan hidup kekal di dunia roh, yaitu di surga Marapu yang dikenal sebagai Prai Marapu.

     Upacara keagamaan marapu seperti upacara kematian dan sebagainya selalu dilengkapi penyembelihan hewan seperti kerbau dan kuda sebagai korban sembelihan. Hal tersebut sudah menjadi tradisi turun-temurun yang terus dijaga di Pulau Sumba.

Mitos Malam Pertama berdasarkan Ilmu Medis

Mitos Malam Pertama di masyarakat banyak yang
berkembang, bahkan beberapa mitos menjadi momok bagi sebagian orang. Hal ini
tentu sebaiknya tidak terjadi, karena malam pertama harusnya  menjadi hal yang tak terlupakan sepanjang
hidup karena rasa bahagia dan suka cita. Mitos yang berkembang tersebut bahkan bisa
menjadi bumerang, bagi mereka yang terlalu mempercayainya, dan menjadikan

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