Warung Bebas

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

Download Lagu One Direction di Soundtrack Iklan Mizone 2013 Terbaru Beserta Liriknya

Limit Komputer | Download Lagu One Direction di Soundtrack Iklan Mizone 2013 Terbaru Beserta Liriknya - Kalian pasti tahukan dengan iklan mizone yang sering muncul dilayar TV anda ? Iklan yang sangat kreativ serta terdapat soundtrack dari lagu One Direction yang berjudul 'Live While We're Young'. 

Lagu yang dibawakan oleh boyband asal inggris tersebut memang sangat menarik untuk didengar terutama bagi muda-mudi diindonesia. kalau bisa dibilang Pihak mizone memang sangat jeli memilih lagu yang pas buat soundtrack mizone, terbukti banyak para pecinta lagu ditanah air berbondong-bondong mencari judul dan penyanyi lagu tersebut. bagi kalian yang tertarik dapat mendownloadnya di bawah ini :


Kalian dapat melihat Cuplikan iklannya di bawah ini :

Berikut Liriknya :

Hey girl, I'm waitin' on ya, I'm waitin' on ya

Come on and let me sneak you out
And have a celebration, a celebration
The music up, the window's down

Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool
And we know it too
Yeah, we'll keep doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool
So tonight

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
And live while we're young
Woahhh oh oh oh
Woahhhh oh oh oh
And live while we're young
Woahhh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some

And live while we're young

Hey girl, it's now or never, it's now or never
Don't over-think, just let it go
And if we get together, yeah, get together
Don't let the pictures leave your phone, ohhhh

Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool
So tonight

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun

I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
And live while we're young
Woahhh oh oh oh
Woahhhh oh oh oh
And live while we're young
Woahhh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some
And live while we're young
And girl, you and I,
We're 'bout to make some memories tonight
I wanna live while we're young
We wanna live while we're young

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
And live while we're young
Crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
And live while we're young
Wanna live, wanna live, wanna live
Come on, younnngg
Wanna live, wanna live, wanna live
While we're young
Wanna live, wanna live, wanna live

Tonight let's get some

And live while we're young

Memahami Siklus Menstruasi dan Menstruasi

Siklus menstruasi diawali setelah seorang wanita mencapai pubertas, biasanya di umur 8-16 tahun. Proses Menstruasi ini melibatkan banyak perubahan fisik,
dan sekaligus sebagai tanda siapnya seorang perempuan mengalami kehamilan. Darah dan jaringan yang
merupakan bagian dari perdarahan menstruasi dibuang melalui vagina berupa
gumpalan atau darah cair. Pendarahan Menstruasi ini disebut periode

Infinity Ward Mengembangkan Teknologi Terbaru yang digunakan Di Call Of Duty: Ghost !

Limit Komputer | Infinity Ward Mengembangkan Teknologi Terbaru yang digunakan Di Call Of Duty: Ghost! - Seri terbaru dari COD yaitu Call Of Duty: Ghost dikabarkan akan dirilis 5 November mendatang dan dilengkapi dengan teknologi terbaru yang dikembangkan oleh Infinity Ward. namun, dari pihak Activision selaku pengembang game ini belum memberikan konfirmasi yang jelas mengenai kapan dirilisnya seri terbaru Game COD Ghost. 

Dalam seri terbaru COD Ghost, pihak Infinity Ward dikarbarkan menggunakan teknologi terbaru, yang tidak terdapat pada seri-seri sebelumnya. teknologi nya dirancang khusus agar menampilkan efek visual yang memukau dalam bermain game shooter seperti Call Of Duty Ghost.

Call of Duty: Ghosts akan menjadi farnchise game berikutnya yang memberikan pengalaman gameplay yang baru dan memukau yang dibangun di atas cerita yang sama sekali baru, pemain baru, setting lokasi baru, dan semua didukung oleh engine Call of Duty terbaru,” keterangan resmi Tesco.

Infinity Ward juga akan bertanggung jawab atas game COD Ghost. serta diharapkan akan menjadi game yang rumit dan menarik dalam Mode Single Player, dan membuat Mode Multiplayer menjadi lebih baik lagi. 

Karakter yang digunakan dalam game COD Ghost, bernama Ghost yang merupakan karakter Non-Playable yang muncul diseri COD Modern Warfare. namun sampai sejauh ini tidak ada info lebih lanjut mengenai Sinopsis game COD Ghost. 

Mari kita tunggu kabar-kabar selanjutnya, mengenai Game Call Of Duty Ghost !

Tempat Wisata di Bali Pavorit Pantai

Bali atau pulau dewata merupakan salah satu pulau yang indah, oleh karena itu pulau bali menjadi incaran wisatawan domestik dan luar negeri. Jika anda ingin pergi ke Bali ada baiknya anda mengetahui terlebih dahulu daftar  tempat wisata di Bali, agar perjalanan wisata anda lebih terencana dan terarah. Apalagi jika waktu berlibur anda tidak terlalu panjang maka anda perlu merencanakan untuk mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang sangat recommended

Beberapa Tempat Wisata di Bali

tempat wisata di bali

1. Pantai Kuta

Tidak sempurna rasanya jika anda berekreasi ke Bali tidak mengunjungi pantai yang cantik nan rupawan ini. Kuta sangat terkenal sampai ke manca negara, karena begitu terkenalnya tempat pantai ini menyebabkan banyaknya kunjugan wisatawa domestik maupun manca Negara sepanjang tahun. Panorama pantai yang indah dan kondisi pantai yang landai merupakan tujuan utama dari para wisatawan. Ombaknya yang cukup besar banyak diminati oleh para peselancar dari mancanegara.

tempat wisata di bali

Di Pantai Kuta juga terdapat banyak hotel dan penginapan serta restoran. Anda akan dimanjakan dengan berbagai hidangan mulai dari hidangan khas Bali sampai seafood yang segar. Tempat-tempat hiburan malam juga tersedia karena memang tempat hiburan malam ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh para wisatawan dari luar negri.


Jimbaran ini pada awalnya adalah desa nelayan, akan tetapi memiliki keindahan pantai yang sangat menawan. Akhirnya Jimbaran ini dijadikan sebagai objek wisata. Jimbaran Teletak diantara kawasan pariwisata Nusa Dua dan international airport Ngurah Rai. Jimbaran juga memiliki pantai dengan pasir putih dan tempat ini sangat terkenal dengan warung makanan laut atau seafood cafe dengan suasana pantai dan sunset yang bisa anda nikmati.

Pantai Sanur 

tempat wisata di bali

Salah satu tempat pavorit di Bali adalah Pantai Sanur.  Tempat ini letaknya berada persis di sebelah timur kota Denpasar. Berbeda dengan pantai Kuta, Karena memiliki ombak yang cukup tenang, maka pantai Sanur tidak bisa dipakai untuk surfing. Di pantai sanur airnya sangat jernih dan tenang sehingga banyak sangat cocok untuk wisata selam dan snorkling. Jika anda ingin menyelam ga usah takut, karena disana terdapat banyak gide yang siap membantu anda untuk menyelam. Anda tidak usah bawa sendiri peralatan selamnya, karena disana juga banyak jasa  penyewaan alat selam dan snorkel. Pantai Sanur juga dikenal dengan istilah Sunrise beach yang artinya pantai Matahari terbit, dan ini merupakan kebalikan dari Pantai Kuta.

Pantai Dreamland 

Pantai Dreamland terletak di sebelah selatan Bali di daerah bernama Pecatu. Yang menjadi cirri khas dari Pantai Dreamland adalah adanya tebing-tebing yang menjulang tinggi yang mengelilingi dan dikelilingi batu karang yang lumayan besar di sekitar pantai. Lokasi pantai ini berada dalam kompleks Bali Pecatu Graha (Kuta Golf Link Resort) yaitu sekitar 30 menit dari pantai Kuta.

Lokasi Dreamland memang sangat terpencil akan tetapi pantainya lebih bersih daripada pantai Kuta. Wisatawan yang datang juga kebanyakan wisatawan asing, karena di sini ombaknya sangat besar dan sangat cocok untuk berselancar. Pasir putih dan celah karang yang terjal menjadi pemandangan yang begitu memikat mata untuk dipandang. Lokasi berpasir putih bersih di pantai sempit tepat di bawah dinding karang curam cocok untuk menikmati matahari tenggelam atau sekedar menyaksikan atraksi para peselancar. Bahkan Dreamland sudah dijadikan semacam surfing spot baru untuk kawasan Bali.

Pantai Nusa Dua 

Tempat wisata di Bali pavorit lainnya adalah Pantai Nusa Dua. Pantai ini memiliki pasir putih yang luas. Yang menjadi ciri khasnya adalah adanya  resor / hotel elit berbintang lima yang megah. Posisi pantai Nusa Dua terletak di sebelah Tenggara Bali. 

Di tempat ini para pengunjung terbilang seimbang antara wisatawan domestik dan wisatawan asing. Liburan di Bali dan menikmati keindahan Pantai Nusa Dua yang bersih dan indah serta memiliki air yang jernih, akan menambah suasana romantis untuk anda. Karena banyaknya hotel berkelas, maka Nusa Dua juga sering menjadi tempat penyelenggaraan event-event dan konfrensi nasioanal dan international, seperti pertemuaan kepala negara, konfrensi partai, konfrensi sepak bola dan lain-lain.

Pantai Tanjung Benoa 

Tempat wisata di Bali selanjutnya adalah Pantai Tanung Benoa. Pantai ini lokasinya bersebelahan dengan pantai Nusa Dua. Panti ini terkenal dengan wahana Water Sport. Hal ini dikarenakan kondisi pantai yang ombaknya relatif kecil sehingga sangat cocok untuk berbagai wahana water sport seperti :jetski, para sailing, banana boat, scuba diving, snorkeling, water walking, flying fish, water ski, rolling donuts dan lain-lain.

Jika anda ingin mengajak keluarga anda termasuk anak-anak, tidak usah khawatir karena wahana water sport juga ada beberapa yang aman untuk anak-anak. Para penyedia wahana ini sudah dilengkapi juga dengan alat pengaman dan guide untuk keselamatan para wisatawan. Untuk tips memilih wahana water sport, anda harus memilih kru yang berkualitas, jangan tergiur oleh iming-iming harga murah, karena biasanya yang harganya murah secara kualitas kurang baik.

Penutup Tempat Wisata di Bali

Nah itulah beberapa tempat wisata di bali yang pavorit dan berupa wisata pantai. Semoga informasi ini bisa bermanfaat. Jika anda ingin menikmati suasana yang lebih tenang, maka berkunjunglah pada saat hari-hari kerja biasanya wisatawan lebih sedikit.

UnitedHealth CEO Continues to Prosper While His Company's Behavior Appears to Contradict its Mission Statement

Tis spring, the season in the US for legal settlements, government findings, and proxy statements revealing executive compensation.  Therefore, maybe there should be no surprise that we are seeing a series of cases in which health care corporate leaders continue to enrich themselves while their organizations' behavior raises ethical questions.

Following on the Amgen example, we now present the latest UnitedHealth example (in a post organized similarly.)

The CEO Gets Richer

Last week, the Associated Press (via the Washington Post) summarized UnitedHealth CEO Stephen J Hemsley's growing pile of money:

UnitedHealth Group Inc. kept CEO Stephen J. Hemsley’s salary stable in 2012 but bumped up his total compensation for a year in which the nation’s largest health insurer grew earnings and enrollment and launched a major acquisition.

The Minnetonka, Minn., insurer gave its top executive a compensation package valued at about $13.9 million last year, according to the company’s proxy statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. That’s up 4 percent from the $13.4 million total he received last year.

Hemsley, 60, received a $1.3 million annual salary in 2012, like he has the past several years. He also received $7 million in stock awards, which is the same total as 2011. But his performance-based bonus climbed 7 percent to $5.3 million, and he received $287,443 in other compensation, up from $154,804 in 2011.

Other compensation included savings plan contributions and a $125,000 Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvement Act filing fee payment UnitedHealth made on behalf of the CEO so he could maintain and increase his stock ownership in the company.

At the same time, Hemsley continued to cash in stock options which also added to his riches:
Outside AP’s calculation of his 2012 total compensation, Hemsley also acquired 284,836 shares that had vested with a value of $15.3 million. He also exercised options to acquire 600,000 shares and realized a value of $12.5 million. Those options and stock awards had been previously given to the executive.

The proxy said Hemsley directly owned UnitedHealth shares valued at about $140 million, as of March 1.

The Mission Promises Much but the Company Delivers Less

On one hand, the rate of rise of Hemsley's compensation at least seemed comparable to the company's financial performance:

Overall, UnitedHealth shares climbed 7 percent to close 2012 at $54.24, a smaller gain than the 13.4 percent advance from the Standard & Poor’s 500 index.

On the other hand, the largess given to the CEO ought to be contrasted with the how UnitedHealth failed to deliver what its mission promised.  

Most recently, a jury found the company failed to live up to its legal obligation (in the state of Nevada) to review the quality of the clinicians on its panel.  As reported by Bloomberg,

Two UnitedHealth Group Inc (UNH)  units must pay $24 million in damages for failing to properly monitor a doctor who gave two colonoscopy patients hepatitis C by employing substandard medical practices, a Nevada jury ruled.

Jurors in state court in Las Vegas deliberated about five hours over two days before finding officials of Health Plan of Nevada and Sierra Health Services were negligent in their oversight of Dipek Desai.  The former gastroenterologist has been blamed for infecting patients with hepatitis C by reusing vials of the anesthetic Propofol and failing to sterilize equipment.

The panel ordered the two UnitedHealth units to pay $15 million in compensatory damages to Bonnie Brunson and her husband and $9 million to Helen Meyer. The two women contend they got hepatitis during colonoscopy procedures at Desai’s clinic. Their lawyers said earlier in the case they may ask the jury to award more than $1 billion in punitive damages.

The verdict reflects 'what’s wrong with health insurance companies in the U.S.' Robert Eglet, Brunson’s lawyer, said in an interview after the verdict was announced. 'They put profit before patient safety.'

Note that the state of Nevada does explicitly hold managed care organizations accountable for the clinical quality of its health care professionals' practice,

Meyer and Brunson sued under a Nevada law requiring HMOs to file annual reports showing officials reviewed the quality of health services provided to their members.

The women’s lawyers argued officials of the UnitedHealth units knew Desai had a reputation for sloppy practice before giving him a contract to handle colonoscopies and then didn’t check the quality of his work. At one point, Desai was a member of Nevada's Board of Medical Examiners,  which oversees the licensing of doctors in the state.

The plaintiffs contend the insurer didn’t properly monitor Desai’s practices and procedures even though they received complaints about his practices.

During the trial, witnesses said Desai adopted a cavalier attitude toward patient safety, speeding through procedures so he could see as many as 20 patients in a three-hour period.

The women’s lawyers argued the insurers’ executives had an obligation to insure Desai was providing quality care to their HMO members and were required to vet his practices before hiring him.

Also note that managed care organizations and other health insurers often boast about the quality of their provider panels.
For example, see the UnitedHealth mission statement:

- Our mission is to help people live healthier lives. Our role is to help make health care work for everyone.
 - We seek to enhance the performance of the health system and improve the overall health and well-being of the people we serve and their communities.
- We work with health care professionals and other key partners to expand access to quality health care so people get the care they need at an affordable price.
- We support the physician/patient relationship and empower people with the information, guidance and tools they need to make personal health choices and decisions.

It seems reasonable to interpret the italicized parts above as a statement of accountability for the quality of care provided by the health care professionals within the United network.

To reinforce that accountability, a subsequent Bloomberg story added,

Two UnitedHealth Group Inc (UNH) units must pay $500 million in punitive damages for failing to oversee a doctor blamed for giving colonoscopy patients hepatitis C through shoddy medical practices, a Nevada jury found.

Jurors in state court in Las Vegas deliberated more than six hours yesterday before handing down the punitive-damages award against Health Plan of Nevada and Sierra Health Services for turning a blind eye to Dipak Desai's actions. 

Furthermore, the lofty UnitedHealth mission statement should be compared to two recent government findings.

In the state of California, as reported by the Los Angeles Times,

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones said the nation's largest health insurer, UnitedHealth Group Inc., is imposing unreasonable rate hikes on about 5,000 small businesses. 

Jones said Wednesday that UnitedHealth couldn't justify the average annual increase of nearly 8%, which reflects both higher premiums and a reduction in benefits. He said the rate hike, which went into effect Wednesday, affects up to 45,000 small-business employees and dependents and represents $12.5 million in higher costs.

'At a time when small businesses are struggling to survive, UnitedHealthcare's rate increase is just one more unwarranted economic burden on California's small business owners and their employees,' Jones said. 

Such behavior seems to contradict the mission statement's assurance that the company will seek to provide health care at "an affordable price."

Meanwhile, Bloomberg just published a story about how UnitedHealth has been running an insurance program for US military families.

The Pentagon rebuked UnitedHealth (UNH) Group Inc, the nation’s largest insurer, after military families began experiencing long delays getting medical-care referrals from the company. 

The backlogs occurred almost as soon as Minnetonka, Minnesota-based UnitedHealth took over a contract, valued as much as $20.5 billion, from TriWest Healthcare Alliance Corp. It assumed responsibility on April 1 for the western region of the military’s health-care system, known as Tricare.

UnitedHealth’s 'failure to meet contractor requirements' has prevented a large number of beneficiaries in one Tricare health plan from obtaining timely access to specialty care, Jonathan Woodson, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, said in a memo yesterday to other military leaders.

Woodson, calling the situation 'extraordinary,' said the Pentagon stepped in to grant a temporary waiver so the plan’s members in the western region could get specialty care without UnitedHealth’s authorization and not incur penalties.. 

This behavior seemed to contradict the mission statement's assurance that the company seeks to "expand access to quality health care."

The Song Remains the Same 

Of course, UnitedHealth actually has a very long record of preaching about its aspirational mission, while paying its top hired managers extraordinary amounts and contradicting that mission, and at times ethical norms. Our posts on UnitedHealth are here. Recently we wrote,

 UnitedHealth would be the company whose CEO once was worth over a billion dollars due to back dated stock options, some of which he had to give back, but despite all the resulting legal actions, was still the ninth best paid CEO in the US for the first decade of the 21st century (look here). UnitedHealth would be the company whose then CEO made a cool $106 million in 2009 (look here).

Moreover, UnitedHealth would also be the company known for a string of ethical lapses:
- as reported by the Hartford Courant, "UnitedHealth Group Inc., the largest U.S. health insurer, will refund $50 million to small businesses that New York state officials said were overcharged in 2006."
- UnitedHalth promised its investors it would continue to raise premiums, even if that priced increasing numbers of people out of its policies (see post here);
- UnitedHealth's acquisition of Pacificare in California allegedly lead to a "meltdown" of its claims paying mechanisms (see post here);
- UnitedHealth's acquisition of Sierra Health Services allegedly gave it a monopoly in Utah, while the company allegedly was transferring much of its revenue out of the state of Rhode Island, rather than using it to pay claims (see post here)
- UnitedHealth frequently violated Nebraska insurance laws (see post here);
- UnitedHealth settled charges that its Ingenix subsidiaries manipulation of data lead to underpaying patients who received out-of-network care (see post here).
- UnitedHealth was accused of hiding the fact that the physicians it is now employing through its Optum subsidiary in fact work for a for-profit company, not directly for their patients (see post here).


The US dysfunctional health care system has produced a long string of big corporations that promise warm and fuzzy health care yet deliver something less, all the while mightily enriching their top hired managers. Given the deadly serious nature of the health care system, these companies' promises, marketing, public relations and mission statements cannot be dismissed as fluff and puffery. Market fundamentalists and executive apologists have touted our system as market based. If patients must act as consumers, they cannot make good consuming decisions if they are awash with deceptive marketing and advertising. It is one thing for Hollywood to advertise blockbuster movies that are duds. It is another for health care corporations to advertise quality care and deliver bad care.

As we have said far too many times, we will not deter unethical behavior by health care organizations until the people who authorize, direct or implement bad behavior fear some meaningfully negative consequences. Real health care reform needs to make health care leaders accountable, and especially accountable for the bad behavior that helped make them rich.

Revisiting Taubes' Four Facts from the Sixties

In Good Calories Bad Calories, Gary Taubes wrote the somewhat shockingly definitive summary paragraph below (I've separated out the numbered statements for clarity):  
By the mid-1960s, four facts had been established beyond reasonable doubt:
(1) carbohydrates are singularly responsible for prompting insulin secretion;
(2) insulin is singularly responsible for inducing fat accumulation;
(3) dietary carbohydrates are required for excess fat accumulation; and
(4) both Type 2 diabetics and the obese have abnormally elevated levels of  circulating insulin and a “greatly exaggerated” insulin response to carbohydrates in the diet, ... (Kindle Locations 8010-8014)

Read more »

Manfaat Telur Ayam Kampung Untuk Kesehatan

Manfaat Telur Ayam Kampung
Manfaat Telur Ayam Kampung
Manfaat Telur Ayam Kampung Didunia ini jenis telur yang bisa dikonsumsi oleh manusia memang sangat banyak sekali dan berasal dari beragam jenis hewan, ada Telur ayam kampung, telur ayam Negeri, telur puyuh, kavilar, telur angsa, telur bebek dan telur ayam kalkun. 

Namun yang sering dimanfaatkan dan diambil khasiatnya untuk campuran jamu dan kesehatan tubuh adalah telur ayam kampung dan telur bebek.

Dikesempatan kali ini saya akan coba membahas mengenai apa sajakah manfaat telur ayam kampung untuk kesehatan tubuh kita. Sebelum masuk kepembahasan utama yaitu manfaat telur ayam kampung,  sedikit refrensi mengenai telur ayam kampung.

Sesuai dari namanya telur ini berasal dari ayam peliharaan sendiri yang biasanya ada dipemukiman warga (kampung), bukan hasil dari ayam petelur ( ayam dalam negeri/ayam ras), telur ini biasa digunakan untuk campuran orang membuat jamu. Dan sebagai contoh STMJ juga berbahan dasar telur ayam kampung.

Telur ayam kampung lebih dipilih ketimbang telur ayam lainnya, karena adanya berbagai alasan selain rasanya yang lebih nikmat tentunya telur jenis ini mempunyai manfaat yang lebih ketimbang jenis telur ayam  lainnya, dan salah satunya pasti sebagai telur yang menyehatkan badan kita.

Mengapa telur ayam kampung bisa menyehatkan badan? Hal ini dikarenakan telur jenis ini mempunyai kaya akan kandungan zat yang cukup komplit, dan diantaaranya adalah: adanya vitamin A, C, D, E, kalori, protein, zat besi, betakaroten, Omega 3, thiamin dan masih banyak lagi yang lainya.

Nah setelah sedikit membahas refrensi tentang telur ayam kampung dan apa saja kandungan zat yang bisa kita dapat jika mengkonsumsi telur ini. Sekarang saya akan mencoba mengulas bahasan utama kita yaitu manfaat telur ayam untuk kesehatan kita.

Berikut adalah manfaat yang bisa kita dapat jika mengkonsumsi telur ayam:

Manfaat Telur ayam kampung 
  • Telur ayam kampung bisa memperkuat urat syaraf yang ada dalam tubuh kita.
  • Telur ayam kampung bisa memberikan tambahan setamina untuk tubuh anda, hal ini dikarenakan didalam telur ayam kampung terkandung kolestrol yang baik untuk tubuh kita.
  • Sebagai telur yang bisa mempercepat proses penyembuhan penyakit kencing manis, maag serta jantung koroner.
  • Telur yang bermanfaat untuk mengembalikan kecantikan wajah seperti: menghilangkan komedo, mengecilkan pori-pori kulit wajah, mengencangkan kulit, mengurangi radang kulit dan sebagai telur yang dapat menghindarkan diri kita dari kerutan wajah.
  • Dapat Membantu tubuh kita mengurangi kecapean atau kelelahan.
  • Sebagai telur Penghilang adanya kantung mata menonjol
  • Mengecilkan pori-pori kulit, mengencangkan kulit, melembabkan kulit, mengurangi radang kulit.
  • Telur ayam berfungsi mengembalikan kesuburan rambut yang kering
Adapun cara untuk mengobati penyakit tenggorokan, batuk, kencing manis, dan paru paru melalui Bahan telur ayam kampung adalah sebagai berikut:

Cara pembuatan ramuannya : 
  • Siapkan sebutir telur ayam kampung
  • Siapkan juga buah kenari, dan madu
  • Kemudian tumbuk buah kenari dan campurkan sedikit madu
  • Dan tak lupa tambahkan juga Telur ayam.
  • Konsumsi ramuan itu untuk menyembuhkan penyakit yang anda derita
Itulah sedikit ulasan mengenai manfaat telur ayam kampunguntuk kesehatan yang bisa kita peroleh dengan mengkonsumsinya, atau sebagai media pendukung kesehatan. Semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua.

Professor Laura McAllister talks Conference 2013

I’m very excited to announce that our Annual Conference will be held on Monday 17 June at Cardiff City Stadium.

Designed to unite key stakeholders from across sectors for one day to discuss, debate and identify practical ways to deliver our shared agenda, it’s a crucial event in the Sport Wales diary in ensuring that we remain a strong and united sporting nation.

It’s a great opportunity to reach out to different sectors who may be able to use the influence of sport to their advantage – I believe in a multi-agency, multi-partner approach to creating a more active, healthy and confident population. Whether it’s across local authority departments, sectors such as health and education and even in business, we all have a responsibility to shape the future for our next generation.

The programme for this year reflects this view and will focus on a theme of leadership and legacy - we have invited leading professionals from inside and outside of the sector to stimulate important debates and discussions.

As part of the programme, we are thrilled to welcome Lord Sebastian Coe to the stage - not only one of the world’s greatest ever athletes, he also helped lead the way in exceeding our expectations for London 2012. It will be interesting to hear his thoughts on how we can strengthen the connections between the work at UK and home nation level to build on the success of the Olympics and Paralympics to keep the momentum going as we look towards Glasgow 2014.

We also welcome John Griffiths AM – his debut as Minister for Culture and Sport. I know that John is someone who has a personal love of sport and exercise, but more than that I know he will bring a drive and enthusiasm to the clear direction we have set out for the sports sector in Wales. I look forward to hearing his address.

We’ve had a record-breaking year for Wales and for GB sport with the national rugby side defending their RBS 6 Nations crown, Cardiff City FC lifting the Championship trophy, Swansea City winning the League Cup, Becky James winning two cycling World medals and a host of other successes.

This means that more than ever we need to be challenging the sector. I’m very proud of what we in Wales have achieved as a nation but we can always push ourselves further – the conference has an important role to play in this.

This is an event not to be missed - I urge those who have received an invitation to make sure they attend. The day is an undeniably important opportunity to drive sport forward in Wales.

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