Warung Bebas

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

Install Windows 7 Lewat FlashDisk (Updated)

Unik Informatika - Ada banyak cara untuk menginstall Windows 7, dan pasti juga banyak cara untuk menginstall Windows 8 nantinya, tapi untuk sekarang ayo kita bicarakan tentang menginstall Windows 7 lewat Flashdisk atau yang nantinya nya akan saya singkat dengan FD untuk kemudahan dalam menulis, nah tutorial ini sudah dipraktekkan dan berhasil 100%.

Nah, bagaimana caranya dan apa-apa saja bahan yang harus dipersiapkan? Cekidot :

Bahan yang harus dipersiapkan :

1. FD kapasitas 4 GB atau tergantung berapa besar nantinya Windows 7 anda.

2. Master Windows 7 dalam DVD atau Image (ISO, dll).

3. PC ber OS Windows 7.

Nah, ayo kita mulai untuk mengolah FD nya dulu :

1. Colokkan FD ke slot USB PC anda

2. Buka CMD, caranya tekan tombol lambang Windows + R dan ketikkan cmd dan enter atau buka Start dan ketikkan cmd dan enter.

3. Setelah CMD terbuka, tuliskan 'Diskpart' lalu tekan enter, setelah itu ada tulisan yes/no, pilih yes atau tulis yes saja untuk masuk.

4. Setelah itu tulis 'List Disk' lalu enter untuk melihat index Hard Dist kita.

5. Lalu tulis 'Select disk 1' lalu enter atau nomor berapa saja yang di list yang ukurannya setara dengan FD agan.

6. Lalu tulis 'Clean' untuk membersihkan FD anda.

7. Lalu langkah selanjutnya tulis 'Create partition primary' lalu enter untuk menjadikan partisi FD kita menjadi Primary.

8. Lalu tulis 'Format recommended' lalu enter untuk menformat FD kita.

9. Lalu tulis 'active', lalu enter untuk mengaktivkan FD supaya bisa boot.

10. Terus langkah terakhirnya tulis 'exit'.

Nih ada gambarnya :


Untuk langkah selanjutnya kita bermain dengan bahan lain lagi yaitu :

1. Siapkan Master Windows yang tadi udah saya suruh siapain diatas.

2. Copy semua file windows 7 ke FD.

3. Sudah, tunggu langkah selanjutnya.

Langkah selanjutnya kita siap untuk menginstall :

1. Colokkan FD ke tempat PC yang ingin di install ulang.

2. Boot nya diganti ke FD (kalo Laptop saya tekan 'F12').

3. Install Windows 7 nya.

4. Selesai.

Terima kasih sudah berkunjung. dan thanks to agan rejal maghrum.

Just Another Day at the Office: Boehringer Ingelheim Settles Allegations of Deceptive Off-Label Marketing, Kickbacks

Legal settlements by pharmaceutical companies for less than $100 million now seem to barely rate as news in the US. The best report, albeit short, of a by Boehringer Ingelheim for a mere $95 million, seems to be in the Hartford (CT) Courant. The summary was:
Boehringer Ingelheim, a German company with U.S. headquarters in Ridgefield, has agreed to pay $95 million to settle allegations that it promoted four drugs for uses unsupported by research, and that it paid kickbacks to doctors to prescribe the drugs, the U.S. Department of Justice has announced.
It included most of the usual elements.

Off Label Marketing
Two of the drugs in the case are for treating chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and were suggested for children with asthma and coughs from the flu. The drugs had not been tested on children.
'I was concerned that doctors were basing their treatment decisions on false information,' [former Boehringer Ingelheim pharmaceutical representative and whistle blower Ron] Heiden said in the released statement. 'Promoting off-label treatments with potential serious consequences just to increase sales is heinous behavior.'
I note parenthetically that some industry apologists belittle the possible harms of truthful off-label marketing (e.g., look here).  However, at least in this case, the marketing was alleged to be based on falsehoods. 

Furthermore, some industry apologists may also decry the regulation of off-label marketing as a violation of the US Constitutional guarantees of freedom from government infringement on individual free speech.  Note, however, that Boehringer Ingelheim in this case got exclusive rights to market these drugs for many years from the government.  In exchange for these rights, the law restricted their right to market the drugs to approved indications.  

Promotion Beyond the Evidence
The company told doctors Aggrenox was better than Plavis to reduce the risk of heart attacks, but there was no evidence to support that claim, the Justice Department said. The drug had FDA approval to prevent secondary strokes.
Again, the truthfulness of the premises underlying the marketing apparently was questionable, to use charitable phrasing.  

Kickbacks to Physicians

This information came from the AP version of the story, here via the Washington Post:
the settlement resolved allegations that Boehringer Ingelheim paid kickbacks to health care professionals to induce them to prescribe all four of the drugs. These kickbacks included payments for participating in advisory boards, speakers’ training programs, speaker programs and consultant programs.
 Note further that apologists for industry also belittle the importance of the effects of conflicts of interest on health care (e.g., look here).  In this case, activities that are often referred to as species of conflicts of interest, e.g., advisory board membership, speakers board membership, consulting, apparently were meant as vehicles for payments to induce prescribing.  That is, apparently what some might have called conflicts of interests were allegedly kickbacks, or bribes.  As we have discussed before, it is one thing to be paid for legitimate clinical, educational, or scientific activity when such payments might influence professional, educational, or scientific judgments or activities about other matters.  It is entirely another thing to be paid a kickback to favor a drug company's marketing campaign instead of making decisions that put patients first.

A Corporate Integrity Agreement

[From the Hartford Courant]

Also as part of the settlement, Boehringer agreed to enter into an expansive Corporate Integrity Agreement to avoid such marketing in the future.

 We have noted before that such agreements do not seem to deter future bad behavior, (e.g., look here).

No Admission of Wrongdoing by the Company

[from the AP]

'The pharmaceutical industry as a whole has undergone significant changes over the past decade and continues to be under intense scrutiny,' said Greg Behar, president and chief executive officer of Boehringer Ingelheim. 'Likewise, our internal processes and compliance practices have evolved significantly over the years.' The company said it has been cooperating with the government investigation.
Again, if there is no acknowledgement by the company that it did wrong, do we expect it not to do wrong in the future?


Here was yet another legal settlement that documents the pervasiveness of the influence of marketing and public relations over physicians' professional responsibilities.  This is just one of several recent posts (e.g., here and here) about the malevolent influence of deceptive marketing or public relations on the evidence that health care professionals should be using to make the best possible decisions for individual patients.

Such legal settlements seemingly have had no effect on the bad behavior of big health care organizations, while they continually erode trust in these organizations and their leadership, and trust in physicians to put patients ahead of personal gain. 

Furthermore, these cases seem to be part of a larger social problem.  It seems that nowadays the leadership of large, powerful organizations feels free to promote their own interests using psychologically sophisticated but deceptive marketing and public relations strategies no matter what their effect on the public welfare.

As we have said all too many times before, we will not deter unethical behavior by health care organizations until the people who authorize, direct or implement bad behavior fear some meaningfully negative consequences. Real health care reform needs to make health care leaders accountable, and especially accountable for the bad behavior that helped make them rich.

i don't know about y'all but i am super excited that today is actually halloween b/c i feel like we have been celebrating it for about 10 days now!!  walker is obsessed w/ candy so tonight should be interesting to say the least!

*images courtesy of calder clark, lonny, the glitter guide

Download 10 Lagu Barat Terbaru November 2012

Limit Komputer | Chart musik atau tangga lagu memang selalu jadi perhatian lebih bagi pencinta musik, tak terkecuali Chart Musik Barat yang selalu jadi sorotan dan pembicaraan panas di seluruh belahan dunia. dalam artikel ini saya menyediakan 10 daftar lagunya berserta link untuk mendownloadnya.

Berikut 10 daftar lagu barat periode 1-10 November

1. One More Night <> Maroon 5 | Download
2. Gangnam Style <> Psy | Download
3. Some Night <> Fun | Download
4. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together <> Taylor Swift | Download
5. Die Young <> Ke$ha | Download
6. As Long As You Love Me <> Justin Bieber | Download
7. Too Close <> Alex Clare | Download
8. Diamond <> Rihanna | Download
9. Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself) <> Ne-yo | Download
10. Blow Me (One Last Kiss) <> P!nk | Download

9 Cara Hancurkan Lemak di Tubuh Anda

Unik Informatika - Sampai kapan Anda akan menyimpan kumpulan lemak yang ada di perut itu? Merasa sudah menyerah untuk menghilangkan lemak tersebut? Jangan dulu! Arnav Shankar, pelatih kebugaran di Health Me Up (25/10) akan memberikan beberapa cara untuk menyingkirkan kumpulan lemak di perut Anda, selamanya! Berikut caranya :

1. Lakukan latihan kebugaran dan kekuatan selama tiga kali seminggu. Ini akan meningkatkan metabolisme dan membantu anda membakar lebih banyak kalori, bahkan ketika beristirahat.

2. Hentikan melakukan sit up 500 kali dan lakukan olahraga dasar dengan lebih sering, seperti menggunakan windmill, sit up Turki, dan lainnya.

3. Lakukan 2 - 3 kali olahraga berintensitas tinggi per minggu. Tak harus terlalu lama, cukup 10 - 20 menit jika dilakukan dengan benar.

4. Cobalah lebih aktif dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. meski Anda meluangkan waktu satu jam di gym setiap hari, masih ada banyak waktu yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk tetap aktif. Misalkan bermain dengan anak-anak, beraktivitas bersama teman-teman, dan lainnya.

5. Tidur selama enam sampai delapan jam setiap malam. Percaya atau tidak, kurang tidur memicu hormon yang bisa membuat lemak berkumpul dan membuat Anda susah langsing.

6. Kurangi stres yang Anda rasakan. Cobalah bermeditasi atau teknik lain yang membuat Anda tenang. Stres yang memicu munculnya hormon kortisol akan membuat Anda terus menambah berat badan dan membuat Anda menua lebih cepat.

7. Konsumsi ebih banyak protein, serat, dan lemak sehat. Ini berarti Anda harus sering mengonsumsi daging tanpa lemak, sayuran, dan kacang-kacangan.

8. Kurangi konsumsi makanan cepat saji, makanan manis, dan gula olahan. Makanan tersebut adalah musuh paling besar untuk mengurangi lemak di perut. Selain itu, makanan tersebut juga meningkatkan risiko terkena penyakit lain seperti diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, dan lainnya.

9. Minum lebih banyak air, minimal dua liter sehari. Jika Anda kekurangan cairan, lemak tak akan bisa terbakar dengan efisien.

Itulah beberapa cara yang dianjurkan untuk mengurangi lemak di daerah perut. berhasil atau tidak itu kembali ke komitmen kita masing..

Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil..


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