Warung Bebas

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Install Instagram di PC

Unik Informatika - Instagram adalah aplikasi untuk berbagi foto yang populer dimobile ataupun gadget iPhone, iPad, dan pengguna iPod Touch, dengan aplikasi ini, pengguna dapat mengambil foto dari iPhone dan dikirim langsung ke website Instagram atau sosial media website. Instagram juga sukses di seluruh pengguna platform Android

Install Instagram di PC

Pada hari pertama peluncuran, di-download lebih dari satu juta dalam satu hari. Dan info terbaru dari Instagram adalah Anda dapat menggunakan Instagram langsung dari PC / Windows komputer anda. Instagram aplikasi untuk pengguna PC disebut Instagrille. Nah software Instagrille ini diciptakan oleh SweetLabs. Sebuah startup yang didukung oleh Google dan Intel yang telah bekerja pada Pokki, sebuah platform yang membantu para pengembang untuk membuat aplikasi yang terhubung ke aplikasi standar web seperti HTML 5. Saat ini ada lebih dari 150 aplikasi yang berbeda di Pokki, ini termasuk Instagrille sebagai aplikasi Instagram untuk Windows.

Contoh :

Install Instagram di PC

Install Instagram di PC

Install Instagram di PC

Install Instagram di PC

Copy Paste Cepat Dengan New TeraCopy

Unik Informatika - TeraCopy adalah sebuah program yang dirancang kompak untuk menyalin dan memindahkan file pada kecepatan maksimum yang mungkin, memberikan pengguna banyak fitur. Dapat melanjutkan transfer file rusak. TeraCopy melompati file buruk selama copy dan bahkan menampilkan file yang dilewati pada akhir transfer file. TeraCopy akan menghitung CRC checksum file pada terbang untuk mempercepat sumber dan target comparsion file. Seamless integrasi dengan Windows Explorer memungkinkan anda untuk tetap bekerja dengan file seperti biasa. Menyalin atau memindahkan file menggunakan mouse tarik tombol kiri atau 'Copy' dan 'Paste' perintah.

Fitur utama dari TeraCopy :

Salin file lebih cepat. 

TeraCopy menggunakan buffer yang disesuaikan secara dinamis untuk mengurangi mencari kali. Asynchronous copy mempercepat transfer file antara dua fisik hard drive.
Pause dan melanjutkan transfer. 
Jeda proses salinan setiap saat untuk membebaskan sumber daya sistem dan lanjutkan dengan satu klik.

Kesalahan pemulihan. 

Dalam kasus copy error, TeraCopy akan mencoba beberapa kali dan dalam kasus lebih buruk hanya melompat file, tidak mengakhiri seluruh transfer.

Interaktif daftar file. 

TeraCopy menunjukkan gagal transfer file dan memungkinkan Anda memperbaiki masalah dan hanya masalah recopy file.

Shell integrasi. 

TeraCopy dapat sepenuhnya menggantikan Explorer menyalin dan fungsi bergerak, yang memungkinkan Anda bekerja dengan file seperti biasa.

Penuh dukungan Unicode.

Download Link : Here...

Download CorelDraw X6 + CorelDraw X5 Full

Unik Informatika - Cerita sedikit ya kawan, kemarin ketika ada acara di organisasi saya kebagian bagian PubDoc, jadi kepikiran untuk membuat spanduk sendiri untuk menghemat biaya lah, tetapi rupanya membuat satu desain spanduk itu tidak semudah yang saya bayangkan dan membuatnya itu harus mempuyai keahlian khusus, khususnya di bidang mengolah CorelDraw, nah dari situ saya kepikiran untuk mengepos tentang software coreldraw untuk di sedot oleh kawan2 semua, cekidot saja.

CorelDraw X6

1. Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32-bit or 64-bit Editions) , Windows Vista® (32-bit or 64-bit Editions), or Windows® XP (32-bit), all with latest service packs installed

2. Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD Athlon™ 64 or AMD Opteron™
3. 1GB RAM

4. 1.5GB hard disk space (for typical installation without content - additional disk space is required during installation)

5. Mouse or tablet

6. 1024 x 768 screen resolution

7. DVD drive

8. Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7 or higher

Tutorial Install CorelDraw Graphics Suite X6 :

1. Klik Instal "CorelDRAWGraphicsSuiteX6Installer_EN".

2. Pilih tulisan "I have a serial number".

3. Buka Key Generator di Program pilih Corel Draw Graphic Suite X6 v 16.0 dan masukkan serial number yang di dapat di Key Generator (copy) Ctrl+C dan Paste Ctrl+V ke serial number CorelDRAW X6, perhatian! jangan di close dulu (Key Generator)!

4. Tunggu hingga proses instalasi selesai.

5. Setelah selesai instalasi, buka CorelDRAW X6, terus muncul kotak permintaan aktivasi, klik tombol "Other Activation Options", Phone corel.

6. Disitu ada 3 kotak, Serial Number (sudah terisi), Installation Code (sudah terisi), Activation Code (kosong).

7. Kembali ke Key Generator tadi, isi kotak "Installation Code" (kotak ke 2), ketik kodenya di Key Generator, tanpa tanda (-).

8. Setelah Installation Code di Key Generator terisi, terus klik tombol Activation Codenya dan akan muncul kode aktivasinya (kotak ke 3), copy dan paste lagi di kotak Activation Code di CorelDRAW X6 nya, klik next.

9. Selesai!

Download Link :

32 Bit : Download Disini atau Disini !
64 Bit : Download Disini atau Disini !

Keygen Download :

UPDATE : Spesial tambahan untuk versi sebelumnya yaitu CorelDraw X5 :

Terima Kasih telah berkunjung dan credit to uploader !

The Rise of the Corporate Physician, and the "Metastasis of Big Corporations"

Public discussion has raised more questions over the last few months about physicians taking care of patients as corporate employees. 

More Physician Practices Taken over by Large Corporations

This year, more stories have appeared about large corporations taking over physician practices.  In February, there was an account of efforts by competing nominally non-profit health insurance company Highmark and nominally non-profit hospital system UPMC in Pittsburgh in a "race to gobble up private physician practices," per the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.  In March, the Washington Post featured a first-person account of what it is like for a physician in a private practice to try to hold out against the trend towards corporate practice.  In May, the Los Angeles Times noted how for-profit dialysis provider Da Vita purchased a large, but already for-profit operator of physician groups.  In October, Reuters reported how the recently announced acquisition by giant for-profit insurance company UnitedHealth of the biggest Brazilian for-profit managed care company will result in UnitedHealth owning an operating a Brazilian network of hospitals and clinics.

Concerns about Concentration of Market Power and Prices

In an increasingly financialized country, the media has featured concerns that the trend towards corporate physician practice might result in increasing market power for a few large corporations, and hence increased prices.  For example, in August, Anna Wilde Matthews reporting for the Wall Street Journal, noted
 Hospitals say the acquisitions will make health care more efficient. But the phenomenon, in some cases, also is having another effect: higher prices. 

As physicians are subsumed into hospital systems, they can get paid for services at the systems' rates, which are typically more generous than what insurers pay independent doctors. What's more, some services that physicians previously performed at independent facilities, such as imaging scans, may start to be billed as hospital outpatient procedures, sometimes more than doubling the cost.
The result is that the same service, even sometimes provided in the same location, can cost more once a practice signs on with a hospital.

Major health insurers say a growing number of rate increases are tied to physician-practice acquisitions. 

As Ms Matthews also reported for the Wall Street Journal, state regulators are beginning to worry about acquisitions of doctors' practices by hospital systems may drive up prices.
California's attorney general has launched a broad investigation into whether growing consolidation among hospitals and doctor groups is pushing up the price of medical care, reflecting increasing scrutiny by antitrust regulators of medical-provider deals.
Concerns about Care Quality

Concerns about whether physicians who must practice under the command of corporate executives will be able to put patient care ahead of corporate interests are also appearing, but not yet as prominently.

For example, Steve Twedt, writing for the Pittsburg Post-Gazette in September, looked into whether the multiple practice acquisitions by the area's two biggest ostensibly non-profit health care corporations might affect patient care.  He first noted "competition between Highmark and UPMC for doctors, and health care overhaul that is steering doctors into larger systems...."  Then he suggested that this has lead to marked discontinuities in patient care when physicians switch employment,
Out of the blue, people will learn their doctor has left a practice with little or no explanation, and without a forwarding address. When a physician effectively disappears, the cause usually is tied to the physician's employment contract, says a local health care attorney.
These cases of apparently vanishing physicians may be due to the contracting practices of physician employers, particularly large health care corporations.  The lawyer Mr Twedt interviewed explained,
most physician contracts now contain clauses that prohibit doctors from soliciting patients if they leave a practice.

While it's not always clear what constitutes 'solicitation,' it generally means departing physicians cannot contact their patients to invite or entice patients to follow them to their new location. They also cannot take their patient list with them, since that is property of the practice.

'I would imagine the doctor wouldn't contact them because he can't, or he doesn't have their address,' said Mr. Cassidy.

Contracts also often require that doctors cannot practice medicine within 10 miles of the previous practice office, and sometimes the required distance is even greater. Nor can they give out information about the practice they're leaving. Violating these contract terms could mean a financial penalty, such as loss of severance pay.
Finally, and most troubling, cardiologist blogger Dr Melissa Walton-Shirley recounted in some much more colorful language some consequences of cardiology practices which were acquired by large hospital systems.  She noted...
Referral Decisions Influenced by Management Edicts, but Maybe Not Patients' Needs
Physicians may be
sweating bullets over whether they are going to hit their benchmarks to retain their salaries. My anxious friends are now calling me for more referrals and more practice support.  They take any transfer I give them....
They may
 morph from human flesh into a Rubik's cube of relative value units (RVUs), the formula through which all future salaries and bonuses are calculated.

Resulting Loss of Continuity
Independent cardiologists opened office doors to find their patients who were anticipating decisions on timing of defibrillators, caths, or medical therapy had undergone testing at other facilities. Those tests were interpreted by cardiologists who were in no way connected to their care, their referrals to unfamiliar testing venues now incentivized by hidden contractual microformulas. They were evaluated far away from the familiar eye of their long-time cardiologists.


Back in the day, most physicians who took direct care of patients did so out of practices they or other physicians ran and owned.  The majority of physicians who took care of physicians as employees worked for the military or the Veterans Administration, or took care of patients only part-time as faculty of medical schools.  In a country increasingly prodded by market fundamentalism, the last few years has seen a major change in health care:  more and more physicians are taking care of patients as employees of large corporations, more often for-profit.

 I should add, though, that the recent push towards corporate practice was not just due to market fundamentalism, but also seems to in part be due to provisions of the recent attempt at US health care reform, the Affordable Care Act, which called for care by large organizations called accountable care organizations (ACOs).   However, like some other major changes in health care in the US over the last few years pushed by the increasing dominance of large corporations, this one happened without any rigorous assessments of whether the benefits for individual patients or public health would outweigh the harms, and justify the costs. 

Justified by the realization, now mostly forgotten, that health care is nothing like an ideal free market (look here), direct health care used to be almost entirely provided by health care professionals, often working in small, non-profit community hospital settings.  In fact, the American Medical Association used to condemn the corporate practice of medicine.  In addition, the corporate practice of medicine used to be illegal in many US states (look here).

We have changed all that, without too much thought, and without any rigorous assessment.  Now it seems increasingly likely that these changes are just increasing health care costs, and probably will cause worsening patient care and will worsen patients' and the public's health. 

As Dr Melissa Walton-Shirley wrote more vividly,
Monopolies never meant to be planted in gardens so small grew like bull thistles, literally overtaking all the good things that small community medicine had to offer. They are now barely recognizable small towns with the crabgrasslike metastasis of big corporations....

Will there be time to rethink this headlong rush before our health care options are restricted to that provided by one of a few huge corporations?  

True health care reform would reverse the trend to organize health care within ever larger, more bureaucratic, more monolithic, more dominant organizations.  Such reform is unlikely to happen until we see the nadir produced by the current bandwagon. 

5 Hal Menarik pada Windows 8

Unik Informatika - Setelah saya memposting tentang Windows 8 dan Link download nya sekarang saya akan membahas tentang salah satu hal yang menarik dari Windows 8

Kelebihan Windows 8

Ada baiknya Anda memahami beberapa hal menarik dari Windows 8 berikut ini:

1. Windows Store
Microsoft sepertinya meminjam halaman dari rival mereka seperti Apple dan Ubuntu dengan menciptakan pasar software online. Nah, Windows Store itu sendiri akan berfungsi sebagai outlet dimana Anda bisa memperoleh/membeli aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk Windows 8. Kabarnya, dengan Windows Store ini, Microsoft akan meningkatkan kualitas dari aplikasi yang ditawarkan dan mengurangi potensi bug dan malware.

Windows 8 Store Phone
Windows Store

2. Ribbon UI
Kontroversi Ribbon UI masih menjadi perdebatan hingga saat ini untuk dibawa ke dalam Windows 8 atau tidak. Ribbon (pita) itu sendiri adalah satu set toolbar yang ditempatkan di tab bar pada tampilan Microsoft Office. Meski ada beberapa pengguna yang kurang setuju dengan penerapan ribbon tersebut, tapi ada juga yang menganggap bahwa ribbon ini justru lebih memudahkan pengguna Microsoft Office karena lebih fleksibel.

Memang perlu juga disadari bahwa traditional drop-down menu’s pada Microsoft Office 2003 lebih familiar sehingga mudah untuk digunkan. Nah, menurut beberapa sumber Ribbon UI ini juga masih akan hadir dalam Windows 8.

3. Internet Explorer 10
Microsoft sepertinya tidak beristirahat setelah peluncuran Internet Explorer 9 (IE9). Ya, Windows 8 dikabarkan akan dilengkapi dengan generasi browser paling anyar yakni Internet Explorer 10 (IE10). Seperti diketahui, IE9 hanya tersedia untuk operating system (OS) seperti Windows Vista dan Windows 7. Begitupun dengan IE10, hanya PC atau notebook dengan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak paling baru yang bisa merasakan pengalaman menggunakan browser tersebut.

Windows 8 Internet Explore 10
IE 10

4. Tablets
Kabar baik bahwa Windows 8 ternyata tidak hanya dikembangkan untuk PC dan notebook, melainkan juga untuk Tablet. Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui, selama ini Tablet belum pernah terjamah oleh Microsoft. Windows 8 akan datang dalam dua varian yang juga bisa beroperasi untuk mikroprosesor ARM tablet, smartphone, dan perangkat lainnya.

5. OS yang Tersedia Pada Thumb Drive
Salah satu fitur favorit yang akan dibawa Windows 8 sejauh ini adalah kemampuannya untuk menyimpan seluruh bootable Windows 8 OS pada USB thumb drive. Dengan begitu, Anda bisa “mengambil” seluruh lingkungan Windows 8 dalam USB dan melakukan boot up jika hardware PC bermasalah.

sumber : http://www.acerid.com/2012/04/lima-alasan-menarik-dari-windows-8/

Kemarahan Obito Melihat Rin Mati ! (Manga 605)

Limit Komputer | Terungkap sudah, kakashi lah yang telah membunuh rin. namun kakashi membunuh rin itu semua ada alasan. alasanya mungkin ingin melindungi tubuh rin dari pencurian oleh ninja Kirigakure.

Saat terjadinya pembunuhan, obito melihat dengan jelas sahabatnya kakashi telah membunuh rin (wanita yang di sukainya). setelah beberapa saat setelah kakashi membunuh rin, tampak mata sharingan kakashi berubah menjadi Mangekyō Sharingan persis seperti mata Obito.

Obito pun tampak begitu murka melihat ninja kirigakure, yang merupakan dalang dari pembunuhan rin. lalu obito pun menyerang ninja kirigakure satu persatu dengan di bantu tubuh mazou. namun hebatnya tubuh obito apabila di sentuh musuh akan mengeluarkan Akar pohon yang merupakan jurus hasirama (hokage ke 1) yang telah di tancapkan ke tubuh obito.

Setelah beberapa saat obito berkelahi, salah satu dari ninja kirigakure mengatakan "setidaknya kita bawa tubuh gadis itu", arti dari gadis itu iyalah Rin.
Timbul sebuah pertanya besar, apakah yang istimewa di tubuh Rin? lalu apakah alasan yang jelas kakashi membunuh Rin?. Nah mungkin chapter-chapter selanjutnya akan menyembuhkan rasa penasaran kita, oleh kejadian-kejadian di Chapter ini.

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