Warung Bebas

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Sebuah Nama, Sebuah Cerita dari Peterpan


Cikal Bakal Peterpan

Peterpan dibentuk pada tahun 1997, awalnya bernamaTopi ketika Andhika (kibor) membentuk band Topi dengan mengajak adik kelasnya di SMU 2 Bandung, Uki (gitar), serta teman mainnya, Abel (bas) dan Ari (drum). Uki pun mengajak teman SMP-nya Ariel yang mengisi posisi vokal. Dengan formasi seperti itulah, mereka mulai manggung dan memainkan musik beraliran Brits alternatif. Kemudian Ari mengundurkan diri dan Topi pun bubar tanpa sebab yang pasti.

Andika mengumpulkan kembali personel Topi di tahun 2000. Namun kali ini, posisi drum dipegang oleh Reza. Untuk memberi warna musik yang lebih dewasa dan lebih kaya melody, maka diajaklahLoekman, teman kakak Indra, yang akhirnya jadi lead guitar (gitar utama). Setelah terbentuk dengan formasi enam orang, mereka pun mengambil nama peterpan. Tanggal 1 September 2000 secara resmi peterpan terbentuk.

Perjalanan profesional peterpan dimulai tahun 2001 dengan merambah dari café ke café di Bandung. Mereka bermain di café O'Hara dan Sapu Lidi dengan membawakan lagu-lagu top 40, serta alternative rock seperti Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Cold play, U2, Creed, dll. Saat di café Sapu Lidi-lah potensi mereka terlihat oleh Kang Noey (basis Java Jive) yang sedang mencari band untuk mengisi album kompilasi. Dari tiga lagu yang dikirim untuk demo, "Sahabat", "Mimpi Yang Sempurna", dan "Taman Langit", terpilih lagu "Mimpi Yang Sempurna" untuk dimasukan ke album kompilasi Kisah 2002 Malam yang dirilis Juli 2002. Tak disangka lagu tersebut menjadi jagoan album ini dan mendongkrak penjualan sampai di atas 150.000 kopi.

Perusahaan rekaman Musica Studios pun tak melewatkan potensi peterpan. Musica mempercepat pengajuan kontrak untuk debut album peterpan. Akhirnya debut album peterpan bertajuk Taman Langitdirilis bulan Juni 2003. Tak disangka, album itu mampu terjual di atas angka 650.000 kopi. Atas prestasi tersebut, mereka menerima Multi Platinum untuk album Taman Langit.

Di awal tahun 2005, PeterDi awal tahun 2005, Peterpan meraih penghargaan sebagai artis favorit Indonesia di MTV Asia Aid pada tanggal 9 Februari 2005 di Bangkok. Dalam Anugerah Musik Indonesia (AMI) 2005, Peterpan menempati urutan teratas nominasi dengan memperoleh 11 nominasi. Empat di antaranya dicetak lewat lagu "Ada Apa Denganmu". Dari 11 nominasi itu, Peterpan mendapat 7 penghargaan, antara lain untuk "band terbaik", "album terbaik", "grafis desain album terbaik" dan "karya produksi terbaik", karena album Bintang di Surga. Pada ajang SCTV Music Awards 2005, Peterpan mendapat penghargaan di kategori "Album Pop Group Ngetop"' dan "Lagu Paling Ngetop". Di tahun 2005, Peterpan kembali merilis 2 album yaitu : VCD Untuk Sahabat Peterpan yang berisi Orginal VCD Karaoke termasuk video klip serta dokumentasi saat mereka melakukan pemecahan rekor konser selama 24 jam di 6 kota, dan album jalur suara film Alexandria.

Pada tanggal 4 November 2006, Andika dan Indra, resmi keluar dari anggota band. Kedua mantan personil ini pada akhirnya membentuk kelompok lainnya yang diberi nama The Titans. Pasca keluarnya Andika dan Indra, posisi mereka ditempati oleh dua pemusik tambahan, yaitu Lucky dan David. Dengan formasi tambahan ini, Peterpan merilis, Hari yang Cerah. Acara launching album ini juga dibuat lain karena dilakukan di dua negara. Di RUUMS Kuala Lumpur pada 25 Mei 2007 setelah itu di Bandung di Monumen Pahlawan Gazebo dan disiarkan secara live di 6 stasiun televisi.

Album ini diklaim sebagai album terakhir mereka dengan nama "Peterpan". Ariel mengklaim bahwa pada akhirnya mereka akan melepaskan nama Peterpan dan menggunakan nama lainnya. Meski tanpa foramsi utuh seperti dulu, peterpan masih mampu memperlihatkan 'taring'nya. Di bulan September 2007, mereka mendapat kehormatan untuk mengikuti acara "Song Festival" di Korea Selatan. Sebelumnnya, peterpan juga masih mampu mengantongi penghargaan sebagai Best Favorite Artis Indonesia MTV Asia Award 2006 dan Album Pop Group Ngetop SCTV Music Award 2006.

Setelah diguncang oleh perpecahan di antara para personilnya, band ini sekali lagi ditimpa musibah, yaitu dengan munculnya kasus video adegan mesum seseorang yang mirip Ariel Peterpan. Kasus ini mengakibatkan ditangkapnya Ariel pada tanggal 22 Juni 2010. Namun kasus ini tidak menyurutkan semangat penggemar Peterpan. Dan untuk menjawab kerinduan penggemar mereka, Ariel dan kawan-kawan beberapa kali mengadakan pertunjukan di dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan.

Album studio
  • Kisah 2002 Malam (2002)
  • Taman Langit (2003)
  • Bintang di Surga (2004)
  • Ost. Alexandria (2005)
  • Hari yang Cerah (2007)
  • Sebuah Nama Sebuah Cerita (2008)
  • Single Ariel (2011)

Album lainnya
  • Untuk Sahabat Peterpan (2005)

How Should Science be Done?

Lately I keep running into the idea that the proper way to do science is to continually strive to disprove a hypothesis, rather than support it*.  According to these writers, this is what scientists are supposed to aspire to, but I've never actually heard a scientist say this.  The latest example was recently published in the Wall Street Journal (1).  This evokes an image of the Super Scientist, one who is so skeptical that he never believes his own ideas and is constantly trying to tear them down.  I'm no philosopher of science, but this idea never sat well with me, and it's contrary to how science is practiced. 
Read more »

Rhythmic Gymnastics - So you want to be the next Frankie Jones?

Jo Coombs, Head of Performance and Excellence at Welsh Gymnastics is coach and mentor to TeamGB rhythmic gymnast Frankie Jones. In this blog she tells us about Frankie's early years in the sport and explains why rhythmic gymnastics is a great sport to be involved in.

Wales' Frankie Jones: TeamGB's soul individual
rhythmic gymnast at London 2012
The flawless beauty of Rhythmic Gymnastics lies in the complex combination and technique in handling the apparatus.

On 4 July Francesca Jones was officially announced as Team GB's sole individual representative for Rhythmic Gymnastics at the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Frankie, who is from Wellingborough in Northampton, surprisingly started training in Artistic Gymnastics when she was ten years old and then came to rhythmic aged 12.

“In the early days of coaching Frankie she was quiet, methodical and hard working. She was very receptive to improving and generally a lovely gymnast to coach," says Jo Coombs, Frankie’s Welsh Coach and mentor.

“Frankie was potential talent from the word go. She was very capable of doing the elements of a high degree of difficulty, which would show that she actually had the talent,  as well as having a good range of movement and skill ability.

“I remember teaching Frankie a back flexion pirouette when she was younger - an element most gymnasts find nigh on impossible to learn - but Frankie had the natural capabiltities to get into that position.

“It has been those natural skills that have allowed her to progress onto more difficult skills,” adds Jo.

As a competitive discipline Rhythmic Gymnastics evolved toward the 1920s in the USSR. However it wasn’t until the late 1950s that it received the International Federation of Gymnastics (FIG) recognition. The individual competition premiered in Budapest in 1963 at the World Championships and Rhythmic Gymnastics was fully included in the Olympics in 1984 at the Los Angeles Games.

“Rhythmic Gymnastics  is very watchable as a spectator sport," Jo explains. "It’s elegant; it incorporates the skills of an acrobat, the dexterity of a juggler and the beauty of a dancer. It maintains the feminine form and stays true to the flexibility elements associated with gymnastics,”

Rhythmic Gymnasts perform to music on a floor area measuring 13x13 metres and they use five pieces of hand apparatus rope, ball, hoop, clubs and ribbon but only four during a competition, (which four, is decided on a rotational basis before the competition begins). Apparatus must be handled with as much variety as possible and must be in constant motion. Routines include specific fundamental groups of body movements and technical groups that incorporate a variety of shape, amplitude, direction plane and speed along with apparatus usage.

The apparatus

The Rope is made of hemp, or other synthetic material, and is proportional to the gymnasts’ height. The fundamental groups of body movement for the rope include; jumps, leaps, skips and hops. The technical elements are jumps and skips. The rope is a very dynamic piece of apparatus requiring agility, jumping ability and co-ordination.

The Hoop is made of plastic or wood. The groups of body movement required for the hoop are; jumps, leaps, pivots, balance and flexibility. Technical groups are rolls over the body on the floor, rotations around the hand or other parts of the body throws and catches. Handling the apparatus includes swings, circle and figure of eights.

The Ball is the elegant piece of apparatus and is made of rubber. Technical groups of body movement include throws, catches, bouncing and rolling over the body or on the floor. Handling elements involved with the ball are ‘thrusts’, swings, circles, figure of eights and flip overs.

The Club are 40-50cm long and are made of wood or a synthetic material. The fundamental body movements for the clubs are balance elements. The technical groups of body movements include mills, small circles, throws, catches and tapping. Handling elements are ‘thrusts’, figure of eights and asymmetrical movements.

The Ribbon was first introduced in 1971 at the World Championships in Cuba. It is made of satin, measures six metres long and 4-6cm wide. The fundamental groups of body movement are pivots. The technical groups are; ‘snakes’, spirals, throws, catches and small tosses. Handling elements include; ‘thrusts’, swings, circles and figure of eights. Movements with the ribbon should be large and free flowing and require strength of shoulders and arm muscles.

“Children should give Rhythmic Gymnastics a try because it improves, like all forms of gymnastics, fundamental skills for life, which can transferable onto other sports and other ways of life. It’s a sociable sport which teaches children discipline and respect, plus it’s a whole lot of fun,” Jo continues.

“Having Frankie at the Olympics will help bring the discipline to life, in-terms of creating a wider exposure for Rhythmic Gymnastics, which will be great for which will be great for existing clubs offering Rhythmic Gymnastics. It also presents an opportunity for other gymnastic clubs to start up Rhythmic sections, which Welsh Gymnastics can help support.”

Currently you can try Rhythmic Gymnastics at Llanelli Gymnastic Club, Phoenix Gymnastic Club and Barry YMCA.

For more information visit Welsh Gymnastics and follow @GymnationWales on Twitter.

Cycling - So you want to be the next Geraint or Nicole?

Ian Jenkins is Director of Cycling Development at Welsh Cycling. With Nicole Cooke and Geraint Thoamas dazzling the nation with their pedal power,  Ian tells us why any budding cyclists out there should take up the sport and how.

Geraint Thomas: Men's Team Pursuit Olympic champion

The ‘whizz’ of wheels, flash of colour and shouts of excitement can be seen at any cycle event, be it the extremes of off-roading at a Mountain Bike race, the speed of sprinting in a Road event or the thrills (and spills!) experienced on the BMX circuit.

Cycle sport is unique in allowing all abilities to compete over similar terrain, enjoying the competition whilst experiencing the ‘buzz’ of professional racing. Fancy the Olympic Mountain Bike Race? Get into the woods and race the trails! Tour de France? Sprint for the road signs! 

Cycling is a fantastic sport where participants on any bike can enjoy the thrill of racing, and where everyone can match their endeavours to the professionals…

Many people have a bike. Gathering dust in the garage – get out the hose pipe! Feeling flat in the shed – pump up the tyres and get pedalling! Cycle sport is often seen as the domain for an elite few, but opportunities exist where all abilities and ages can get involved, pin on a number and head to the start line. 

Disciplines such as Cyclo Cross are easy to enter and with a reasonable level of general fitness, ideal for those wishing to exercise their competitive spirit in the company of like minded enthusiasts! It also allows for an fun workout whilst enjoying the great outdoors.

The best way to find out where the best competitions, rides and like minded enthusiasts is through your local cycling club.

Finding a club is easy – check the ‘club finder’ link from British Cycling’s website and look for your chosen interest. Clubs are many and varied, so don’t be afraid to make contact and find out which suits you. Most clubs have a focus on specific disciplines, and many split between an interest in ‘true’ competition and personal challenges through popular ‘Sportive’ challenges and rides.

The club finder can be found from www.britishcycling.org.uk/clubfinder  .

Those dusting off their bike, getting active and even making the leap into competition will get a head start on the explosion of enthused new participants expected through the ‘Olympic interest’. Welsh stars and defending Champion’s Nicole Cooke and Geraint Thomas are expected to inspire a new generation of young and old participants to get active and take to the pedals!

Welsh Cycling are particularly keen for youngsters wanting to try the sport to enjoy one of our Go-Ride coaching or competition activities. Full details of your nearest club and competitions can be found on the Welsh Cycling website. Be inspired and try cycle sport – our next Olympian could be you!

Follow @WelshCycling on Twitter.

#2012cymruwales - Sue Maughan, Games Maker (Part 2)

With London 2012 now fully up and running, we hear from Sport Wales staff who are joining the thousands of volunteers who'll be keeping the Games ticking behind the scenes. We caught up with Senior Officer, Sue Maughan who has been chosen as a Games Maker official for athletics at both the Olympics and Paralympics. 

So with selection as a National Technical official in the bag (or so I thought) May saw the start of my journey to London, quite literally.

Every Olympic event had a designated test event, a chance for various aspects of the stadium to be put to the test, whether it’s the security, medal presentations or even how athletes will be led to their event start point. The athletics test event was the BUCS Athletics Championships, held between 4-7 May with the Paralympic test event taking place on 8 May. 

Sue Maughan: London 2012 Games Maker
So, on the train to London I got, with bags packed full of officiating kit, wet weather gear and clothes for a six day stay. I suppose hitting London at rush hour, and dragging my case and bags on the tube across London, will be good practice for July but note to self; try and avoid rush hour trains and tubes next time!

So I arrived at the hotel early evening, checked into my hotel just across the road from the Olympic Park, and joined the throng of other officials in the queue to get our event accreditation. I knew a few faces but I’d know a lot more by the end of the long weekend.

That evening we had a National Technical Officials (NTO) briefing scheduled which would be inside the stadium. For me it was my first visit to the Olympic Park and site of the stadium where I’d be spending several weeks over the summer. Security was minimal at this time of night but was our first taste of things to come. I think it’s fair to say that all the officials were like little kids, all wanting our photo taken, all with big grins on our faces...We were actually here, it was really happening. 

We were given a quick behind the scenes guided tour, avoiding the construction and finishing touches that were still underway, before being briefed. We were told we were selected because we were the best but it was also made clear that we were still under test with final selections being made at the end of the month.  Time to be on best behaviour!
The Olympic Stadium in Stratford

Following technology training the competition kicked off on Friday night. What an experience for those University students who were participating…one to tell their grandkids about.

Duties for me included the pole vault, discus, javelin and the long jump and as the weekend progressed the conviviality between officials grew, we sharpened up on our presentation, marching out to competition sites, sitting smartly at event sites. Our aim was not to be seen and noticed, but to ensure the competition ran as smoothly as possible. 

Five days of completion flew by and I think we even got a bit complacent about where we were, but it still brought a smile to my face when I thought about it. The next time I’d be here would be for the Olympics where things would be on a much bigger scale, with more people, more security and the athletes competing for much higher stakes.

The end of May finally brought the confirmation of ‘official selection as an NTO’ for the Olympics and Paralympics. Emails have since been flying in around arrival times, kit collection and even how much sun-cream we can take into the stadium and what sunglasses we can wear. So now it’s next stop London on 31 July with bags getting packed as we speak.

Keep track of all our Welsh athletes at London 2012 and follow @sport_wales on Twitter for all the latest news. Remember to use the #2012cymruwales hash tag!

Triathlon - So you want to be the next Helen Jenkins?

Triathlon coach Chris Goulden met Helen Tucker when she was just 15. His daughter was a member of the same swim club as Helen and it was Chris that persuaded her to give triathlon a go.
He coached her for three years, helping her to develop the training, skills and techniques that have gone some way to her becoming the athlete she is now.
In her first year, she made tremendous progress – becoming GB Youth Champion and European Small Nations Champion. Today of course, she can boast that she has competed at an Olympics and has won the World Championships.

Back then I was National Coach for Wales and I was asked to put together a team to compete at the European Youth Challenge event in Hungary. I was struggling for team members so I asked Helen if she’d give it a try and she said yes.
I knew she could swim but then we had half a dozen trial sessions and she really stood out. She is such an aerobic animal and seemed to just effortlessly and efficiently develop her skills.
She is such an unassuming person and doesn’t shout about her herself. So polite and well-mannered as well but with an inner determination to succeed.
As with a lot of the younger triathletes she had some setbacks and quite a few tumbles from the bike. But it didn’t phase her, she’s quite a tough cookie.
At the age of 15, being quite a talented swimmer, Helen had the chance to try something different and lucky for us it was triathlon. Timing is everything as they say.
Triathlon seems to be really growing in popularity and participation at the moment. In the mid 80’s when I started it was quite a niche sport. We’ve seen things like marathon running have a boom but now sports like triathlon are seeing it.
I speak to many people and they like having the chance to tackle the three different disciplines, from the short sprint events up to Ironman.
The pride in seeing Helen develop into the World Class athlete that she is today is hugely satisfying and will remain with me all my life. It’s very difficult to put into words, but it’s been a most worthwhile and rewarding experience.
Triathlon has provided me with superb memories, great friends, kept me fit and provided challenges completely different to those you’d come across in normal working experiences.

Hockey - So you want to be the next Sarah Thomas?

As we enjoy seeing Sarah Thomas in action with the women's TeamGB hockey team at the London 2012 Olympics, Matt Davies, Business and Communication Officer at Hockey Wales tells us exactly why people in Wales should pick up a hockey stick.

TeamGB's 'Welsh Wizard' Sarah Thomas 

Hockey is the perennial outside sport, a competitive game of 11 v 11 that stays agonisingly close to the mainstream, but never finding enough traction to push it into the wider public view, a sport (which to some) conjures up images of cold playgrounds, skimmed knees and angry PE teachers.

With London 2012 now in full swing, Hockey may finally have its chance to shine and throw off these old shackles and show the public what it’s been missing all of these years. A chance to show that the sport, is a vibrant, fun and energetic past time which is as far removed from the freezing cold pitches of years gone by.

The 2012 Olympic Games brings together two GB squads that are both hungrily eyeing up the medal positions. This year we are all delighted to see that the “Welsh Wizard” Sarah Thomas (or Tommo as she is known to the team) gets a second chance at Olympic glory.

Sarah, who started her career at Dowlais Ladies Hockey Club, has gone from strength to strength, including making the massive step of moving from Wales to Holland to play for Rotterdam Hockey Club in Netherlands.

So while Sarah is out on the field in London, we here are Hockey Wales are getting ourselves ready with tons of really exciting events happening across Wales. Our Clubs are the best way of getting involved in Hockey, not only so someone can show you the ropes and get you started but they will also make sure you have a great time.

The #hockeyfamily is one of the friendliest groups in Sport so you will always find a help.
If you’re ready to go we always suggest you bring shin pads and mouth guards (just to be sure) but most clubs can loan you a stick until you’re ready to buy your own!

You can also check http://www.hockeywales.org.uk/ for more information as we will be posting up lots of great activities happening during and after the games themselves!

So get behind Team GB and why not follow @HockeyWales on Twitter. Join in the London 2012 celebrations on twitter and be sure to use the #2012cymruwales hash tag to show your support for our Welsh athletes!

Taekwondo: So you want to be the next Jade Jones?

David Baker, Head Coach of Matrix Taekwondo was Olympic taekwondo star Jade Jones' first ever coach during her early years in the sport. In this blog he tells us about those early years and explains why any youngsters feeling inspired by Jade should get involved in taekwondo.

I first met Jade on Saturday 29 January 2005 at the Morgan Llwyd Sports Centre in Wrexham. Paul Green had come to do a Sport Taekwondo seminar for my club Matrix Taekwondo. You might not know the name but Paul Green is a ten time British Champions, multiple European Champion, World Silver medalist and Olympic quarter finalist.

Jade was doing a semi-contact style of Taekwondo with an independent taekwondo group in her home town of Flint so this seminar was her first try at WTF Olympic Taekwondo. I doubt whether Paul Green remembers Jade from that day but he now coaches her full-time at the GB Taekwondo Academy in Manchester.

Jade at the Paul Green Seminar at Morgan Llwyd Sports Hall in Wrexham

The next day on 30 January we held a competition at the Morgan Llwyd Sports Hall called the Anglo Welsh Taekwondo Cup (WTF). Jade’s Granddad, Martin, sent me Jade’s application form for the Paul Green seminar with a covering letter asking if Jade could take part in the competition the next day and if so would I be able to coach her. I agreed and remember her first match quite well. Jade really looked like she was enjoying herself and won the match. I remember saying to Martin afterwards that I thought she would be better suited for the WTF style rather than a semi contact style.

I didn’t see Jade again until 2006. Jade and Martin contacted me saying that Jade wanted to have a serious go at the Olympic style of Taekwondo and she started travelling the 20 mile journey from Flint to Wrexham each week to train with us. A few weeks later Olympic Bronze Medalist, Sarah Stevenson and her fiancé (now husband and another of the GB coaches) Steven Jennings came to the Morgan Llwyd Sports Centre in Wrexham to do a Sport Taekwondo Seminar for Matrix Taekwondo. Jade came to this seminar and I could already see big improvements in her change of style.

As well as training for Sport Taekwondo Jade also had to learn a new martial art with new patterns so that she could get a Kukkiwon WTF Black Belt to enable her to compete at a high level. Jade and my daughter Danielle used to spar together in training and Danielle also taught Jade the new patterns. Jade did not complain about the extra work she had to put in. In fact Jade never complained about anything but I did notice a few times that Jade looked unhappy if the training wasn’t hard enough. She continued learning the new patterns and eventually got her Kukkiwon Black Belt at the UTA Dan Grading in Manchester headed by Grandmaster TW Shin who she had been doing extra training with to get ready for the grading.

2008 British Champions: Danielle Baker and Jade Jones
On the Sport side Jade had started doing well and was catching the eye at Taekwondo Opens in the UK as we travelled regularly to places like County Durham and Barnsley. Then it was time to go to Europe; so we went to the Dutch Open in Eindhoven. Straight away Jade was competing well against some of the best Taekwondo players in the World and Europe. We were very lucky to have Paul Green and his Father Brian Green working with Jade. At the British Championships in September 2008 both Jade and Danielle became Junior British Champions in their weight divisions.

It was time to move up another level so I contacted Sport Wales and arranged a meeting at Sophia Gardens in Cardiff. We discussed Elite level Taekwondo and funding. Jade had now been noticed by the GB Taekwondo team and, with initial funding help from Sport Wales, she got a place at the full time academy in Manchester. Soon after Jade won Silver in the Junior World Championships and qualified for the Youth Olympic Games where she won Gold. In her first Senior World Championships Jade won Silver, which shows how remarkable this teenage fighter from Flintshire truly is. We will see Jade next on 9 September 2012 at the London Olympic Games. Whatever happens I'm so proud of her!

What makes Taekwondo such a great Sport?

Taekwondo is a Sport based on a Korean martial art. It is known for its kicks so with Boxing and Judo already in the Olympics it is the obvious choice to be included. It is very dynamic and energetic and you feel great after a good training session and even better after a good match. The training improves your fitness, stamina, flexibility, and confidence.

Why should people give it a try?

Taekwondo is not as well known in Wales, and the UK, as it is in other countries. The Olympics will introduce the Sport to more people in the UK and if Jade does well the Sport will have a bigger profile in Wales.

It has something for everyone; it is not just for people who want to enter competitions. We have the patterns and the traditional side of the art. It is a lot of fun and you get to learn something as well as the self-defense benefits.

Where can they go if they want to join a club?

If you are in North Wales visit Matrix Taekwondo.
For the rest of the UK you can visit the British Taekwondo club finder.

Is it Possible? "Smarter Science" worse than "Good" Science Journalism?

I'm really disgusted folks.  I'm sorry, but I get a whole heckuhlot of criticism for checking the references of one Gary Taubes.  I must be some obsessed, hermit crab stalker type to spend my time and a few dollars to actually look into what he says his references say, vs. what they actually say.  Nah, rather that I just accept what he says at face value.  Taubes' misuse of the Pima as an example of his carbs-make-you-fat-and-diabetic garbage is one where you don't even need to try to understand the science.  He flat out misrepresents this "poster population" for his hypothesis to have people believe their's was a lower carbohydrate diet back when.  But, in fact, it was far higher in carbohydrate than the SAD, to the tune of 80+%.  Still ... no program has approved GCBC for their curricula to the best of my knowledge.

Well, Jonathan Bailor is giving The Master a run for his money when it comes to misinterpreting/misrepresenting studies in his Smarter Science of Slim book.  Only since Taubes explicitly avoided modern peer review research, while Bailor likens his "research" to meta-analysis of same, Bailor is far more insidious.  Even as a "review" of the research it is turning out to be horribly misleading and inaccurate time and again.  How then did this happen?
Read more »

very well said Liz :)

*images courtesy of quietly living, xxxxxx, live.like.you, houzz

Kontingen Indonesia Akhirnya Tiba di London

London: Seluruh
kontingen Indonesia yang akan berlaga di
Olimpiade London 2012, sekitar pukul 13.00 waktu
setempat tiba di Bandara Heathrow Internasional
Inggris, dalam dua penerbangan yang berbeda.
Kontingen dan ofisial berjumlah total 44 orang,
disambut langsung oleh Duta Besar RI untuk
Indonesia, Hamzah Thayeb, dan juga oleh Chef
De Mission untuk Indonesia, Erick Thohir. Selain
itu, sejumlah warga Indonesia di London
termasuk mahasiswa lengkap dengan atribut
bendera Merah Putih turut hadir menyambut
kedatangan para atlet Indonesia.

Indonesia menargetkan emas di cabang
bulutangkis. Kepada koresponden Metro TV, Devi
Trianna, atlet ganda bulutangkis dunia Liliyana
Natsir mengaku siap dengan tantangan ini. Ia
berharap memberikan yang terbaik untuk
Indonesia dalam keikutsertaannya di Olimpiade
yang kedua baginya ini.

Senada dengan Liliyana, Taufik Hidayat juga
menegaskan dirinya tak ingin memasang target
tertentu, dan tetap fokus memberikan penampilan
terbaiknya di laga Olimpiade. Ini adalah
keikutsertaan Taufik yang keemapt kalinya dalam
laga Olimpiade.

Akan tetapi, menurut Erick Thohir yang terutama
dalam misi Olimpiade kali ini para atlet Indonesia
harus fokus dan tetap dalam kondisi fit saat
bertarung. Sementara Hamzah Thayeb
menambahkan, pihak KBRI juga memberikan
dukungan penuh bagi kontingen Indonesia
dengan menyediakan sejumlah ofisial, untuk
mendampingi para atlet sekaligus membuka
Sekretariat Olimpiade di Kantor KBRI London.

Kontingen Indonesia langsung diangkut dengan
bus menuju Olympic Village tempat mereka
tinggal. Rencananya pukul 19.00 waktu London,
seluruh kontingen akan diterima resmi oleh
panitia London Olympic dengan upacara penaikan
bendera Merah Putih, dan dihadiri para atlet offisial
dan Duta Besar Indonesia.

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