Warung Bebas

Jumat, 08 November 2013

Daily Blog #139: Saturday Reading 11/9/13

Hello Reader,
        It's Saturday! Time for another collection of links to make you think. I will most likely be going to go see Thor today but after that I will be back to my forensicy ways. Here is this weeks set of good reads.

1. The Forensic lunch, always free of trans fats, happened again this Friday. This week Sheryl Falk of Winston & Strawn, Jonathan Rajewski of Champlain College, Matt and myself got down to business discussing the legal side of breaches, undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer forensics and big changes coming to the v3 beta of ANJP aka the triforce. Make sure to give it a watch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuUEyZw3hRo&list=PLzO8L5QHW0ME1xEyDBEAjmN_Ew30ewrgX&index=16

2. Over on the Magnet Forensics blog Jad has a nice writeup on his journey into the dark web and his research into recovering bitcoin artifacts, http://www.magnetforensics.com/bitcoin-forensics-a-journey-into-the-dark-web/. You may not currently have a case relating to tor or bitcoin, but its not going away so be prepared.

3. If you are interested in Plaso the python based log2timeline replacement or python DFIR development in general go over to Kristinn's blog and watch his video/follow his links to see what you missed at the Open Source Digital Forensics Conference http://blog.kiddaland.net/2013/11/osdf-conference-links.html.

4. If you watched last weeks forensic lunch then you'll know one of the things we lamented was a lack of an open source tool that would recover deleted data from SQLite databases. Well Mari DeGrazia has stepped up to the challenge and posted a blog entry with her tool, http://az4n6.blogspot.com/2013/11/python-parser-to-recover-deleted-sqlite.html. Well done Mari! Maybe you can come on the lunch and talk about it?

5. Lee Reiber has a good post up going through how to analyze Whats App, a very popular mobile messaging program http://blog.mobileforensicsinc.com/whats-up-with-whatsapp/. Lee works at Accessdata and does a lot work with MPE+ and their mobile training program there.

6. Over on the hexacorn blog there is a good introduction into the forensic implicated of Microsoft SCCM, http://www.hexacorn.com/blog/2013/11/01/sccm-system-center-configuration-manager-and-incident-response/. I'm a big fan of making use of SCCM and I plan to write some blogs regarding how to mine it for last logins and machine discovery.

7. Harlan has a new post up on his experience at OSDFC and OMFW, http://windowsir.blogspot.com/2013/11/conferences.html. I have a different perspective than Harlan does in regards to getting DFIR discussions going at conferences, but that may be because our choice of topics.That or I just keep talking about forensics until someone joins in.

That's all for this week, come back tomorrow for another Sunday Funday!

Tips Mengembalikan Kesuburan Pria Karena Sperma Rusak

Kesuburan Pria sangat penting bagi pasangan suami istri yang
memang ingin segera mempunyai momongan. Karena anda perlu ketahui, terlambatnya
kehamilan pada istri tidak serta merta istri anda tidak subur. Namun kualitas
sperma anda juga mempengaruhi terjadinya kehamilan pada wanita. Kesuburan Pria
hanya bisa diketahui, setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan sperma  di laboratorium.

Ciri Sperma Sehat

Membuka dan Membobol Password WinRAR

Bobol password winrar tanpa basa-basi

Bobol WinRAR - Pernah ngak anda download file RAR yang diprotect dengan password tetapi anda lupa untuk melihat password nya dan celakanya lagi anda lupa di website mana anda mendownload file tersebut lebih parah nya history dari browser anda sudah anda hapus, nah jangan pasrah bro, dunia belum berakhir dengan ketiga hal diatas karena disini saya ada 2 cara, cara pertama sudah sering saya gunakan dan hasilnya untung-untungan dan untuk cara yang kedua saya baru temukan di sebuah forum yang diposting oleh agan kyrie, berikut kedua cara nya :

Cara Pertama :

1. Syaratnya anda harus terhubung dengan jaringan internet lalu buka google.com atau google.co.id.
2. ketikkan nama file rar anda, misalnya : Hear_v1.0.1738.rar
3. lalu tulis di pencarian google dan jangan lupa tambahkan 'password' tanpa tanda kutip dibelakang atau depan file tersebut
4. hasilnya akan seperti ini : Hear_v1.0.1738 password atau password Hear_v1.0.1738
5. jika anda beruntung maka anda akan berhasil menemukan password file rar anda
6. jika belum berhasil jangan marah ke admin karena masih ada cara kedua dibawah ini.

Cara Kedua :

Password : coba!^)*!(**jebol**!^^&*passwordinikalaubisaXP
2. Lalu extract dan install software tersebut
3. setelah di install kemudian buka software nya dan klik Open dan buka file rar tadi
4. Pilih metode yang akan di gunakan, misalnya brute-force di mana allowed characternya digits 0-9, min. length 3 dan max. length 5
5. lalu tunggu beberapa menit, mungkin jam kalo password nya panjang
6. kalo berhasil selamat buat anda

Kelemahan : butuh proses yang lama jika password nya panjang dan mengandung character yang aneh-aneh, juga tergantung pada besar RAM dan kecepatan processor nya.

Tips Posisi Duduk Ibu Hamil yang Benar

Posisi Duduk Ibu Hamil yang benar akan
mengatasi beragam permasalahan yang disebabkan Posisi Duduk yang salah untuk
Ibu Hamil. Bagi wanita karier yang lebih sering beraktifitas dengan duduk,
posisi duduk saat hamil harus lebih diperhatikan. Hal tersebut tentu bertujuan agar
terhindar dari efek buruk untuk ibu hamil atau janin di dalam kandungan. 

Posisi Duduk Ibu Hamil bisa membawa

Resep Kue Kering Enak Terbaru

Resep Kue Kering - Siapa yang tidak suka dengan kue kering ? Ya, hampir setiap orang yang memakan kue kering selalu ketagihan. Karena rasanya yang enak dan pas di lidah orang Indonesia. Kue kering biasanya banyak yang menjualnya di pasar-pasar maupun di toko kue, pastinya. Kue kering ramai orang yang membelinya atau membuat nya biasanya pada saat hari raya Idul Fitri, yang merupakan makanan yang tidak boleh ketinggalan bagi masyarakat, karena sudah menjadi tradisi.

Kue Kering merupakan makanan yang enak dan bisa anda nikmati secara santai di berbagai kegiatan atau acara. Kue kering identik denga rasanya yang manis dan garing. Resep kue kering memang sudah ada di Indonesia turun menurun sehingga cara membuat nya pun sangat mudah dan praktis dilakukan oleh siapa saja karena bahannya yang mudah kita dapatkan di pasar. Mungkin Anda sedang mencari resep membuat kue kering ? Mari simak Resep Kue Kering enak dan terbaru di bawah ini.

Resep Kue Kering Puteri Salju

Resep Kue Kering

Bahan-bahan yang digunakan :
  • 175 gram margarin
  • 3 kuning telur
  • 100 gram keju edam parut
  • 1/4 sendok teh garam
  • 175 gram tepung terigu, ayak
  • 30 gram tepung maizena

Untuk taburan :
  • 350 gram gula bubuk

Cara membuat Kue Putri Salju :
  1. Siapkan loyang pipih, olesi dengan margarin, sisihkan
  2. Kocok margarin hingga mengembang, masukkan telur dan terus kocok hingga mengembang
  3. Masukkan tepung terigu, maizena, aduk rata, tambahkan keju edam dan garam, aduk rata hingga menjadi adonan yang dapat dibentuk
  4. Ambil satu sendok teh adonan. bentuk bola, taruh di atas loyang, beri jarak
  5. Panggang dalam oven dengan temperatur 160 derajat celcius selama 15 menit hingga matang
  6. Dinginkan, taburi dan lumuri dengan gula bubuk, hingga seluruh bagian kue tertutup gula, simpan dalam stoples kedap udara.

Resep Kue Nastar

Resep Kue Kering
Bahan Kue Nastar :
- 175 gram margarin
- 3 kuning telur
- 150 gram keju edam parut
- 1/4 sendok teh garam
- 175 gram tepung terigu, ayak
- 30 gram tepung maizena
- 1 kuning telur untuk olesan (boleh ya boleh tidak, tergantung selera)
- 25 gram keju cheddar, parut untuk taburan (boleh ya boleh tidak, tergantung selera)

Bahan Selai nanas :
- 1 buah nanas, parut
- 125 gram gula pasir
- 5 butir cengkih
- 3 cm kayu manis

Cara membuat :
- Selai nanas : parut nanas, masak bersama gula pasir, cengkih, dan kayu manis hingga mengering, lalu angkat.
- Siapkan loyang pipih, olesi dengan margarin, sisihkan.
- Kocok margarin hingga mengembang, masukkan dan terus kocok hingga mengembang.
- Masukkan tepung terigu dan tepung maizena, aduk rata. Tambahkan keju edam dan garam, aduk rata hingga menjadi adonan yang dapat dibentuk.
- Ambil 1 sendok teh adonan. isi dengan selai nanas, bentuk bulat, taruh di atas loyang, beri jarak, olesi dengan kuning telur dan taburi keju cheddar parut.
- Panggang dalam oven dengan temperatur 160° selama 15 menit hingga matang.
- Dinginkan, setelah dingin simpan dalam stoples kedap udara.

Demikianlah informasi Resep Kue Kering yang bisa Espilen Blog sampaikan. Semoga bermanfaat.

Daily Blog #138: Forensic Lunch 11/8/13

Hello Reader,
         We had a great forensic lunch today! Shery Falk of Winston & Strawn joined us to talk about dealing with the legal side of breaches, Jonathan Rajewski of Champlain College talked to us about their undergraduate and graduate programs and Matthew showed us a demo of the up and coming ANJP v3 and all the cool stuff that awaits you in it. Please give it a watch and let us know what you think! If you want to be on the lunch just shoot me an email dcowen@g-cpartners.com and I'd love to have you on.

Sheryl Falk sfalk@winston.com
Jonathan Rajewski jtrajewski@champlain.edu

"Engaging Excellence" while Engaging Secret Paychecks - The Rise and Fall of the Upstate Medical University President

Yet another leader of a big health care organization seems to have acquired the excessively entitled CEO syndrome.

Another Brilliant, Fearless Leader

When Dr David R Smith was appointed President of Upstate Medical University, a part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system located in Syracuse, he got the usual rave reviews from the school's board of trustees, according to a university press release:

'David Smith rose to national prominence through his leadership ability, experience in children’s medicine, public health policy, and as the chancellor of the Texas Tech University system. We are very pleased to have a one of the country’s foremost educators and health-care professionals lead Upstate Medical University,' said Board Chairman Thomas F. Egan. 'The State University of New York continues to enjoy an excellent record of success in attracting top academic and administrative talent from all over the country.'

'My colleagues and I are very impressed by Dr. Smith’s tremendous record of success and pleased that the Upstate Medical University search committee and University Council have brought Dr. Smith to New York. I am confident that Dr. Smith will excel as the next president of Upstate Medical Center,' said Ryan.

By 2012, Dr Smith's official presidential biography on the university web-site trumpeted,

Since coming to Central New York, Dr. Smith has reenergized the Upstate campus in a time of dwindling State resources with an aggressive program of patient revenue and research growth.

The Upstate campus has emerged as one of the true economic engines of the region. There are now over 9,200 State, research and contract jobs on campus and an all-funds budget that exceeds $1.3 billion. Dr. Smith has built upon a vigorous expansion and renewal of campus facilities with 'The Upstate Initiative' which is achieving $600 million worth of bricks-and-mortar projects. Included in that is a long-awaited repurposing of several neglected properties within the City of Syracuse.

At the start of his presidency, Dr. Smith launched the Engaging Excellence campaign as his invitation to the entire SUNY Upstate community to achieve and recognize work of the highest standard. The centerpiece of Engaging Excellence was the development of a 10-year strategic plan for purposeful campus growth.
They must have used a thesaurus to generate all those superlatives.

As we have mentioned in discussions of the outsize compensation now routinely given to the leaders of big health care organizations, the boards of trustees or directors that govern such institutions almost always seem to think their presidents and CEOs are brilliant, or at least, like the children of Lake Woebegone, above average (look here for recent example).  Such leaders usually command public relations teams whose job is to continually reinforce impressions of their brilliance.  Of course, anyone who starts an "excellence" campaign has to be excellent, doesn't he?

Yet not every leader can be above average, much less excellent or brilliant.  In fact, the need for such leaders to have public relations apparati constantly touting their excellence suggests the opposite.  

Secret Paychecks

In any case, Dr Smith thus seemed to be collecting all the usual accolades acquired by top health care leaders, and appeared poised to take on an even bigger position when it all came to a crashing halt. As reported first by the Albany (NY) Times-Union,

The president of the State University of New York's upstate medical campus ruined his chance to become the 18th president of Pennsylvania State University and has been placed on leave after SUNY leaders learned he has been padding his state pay without authorization, two state officials familiar with the matter said.

SUNY headquarters is reviewing all sources of compensation for SUNY Upstate Medical University President David R. Smith and is threatening more severe measures, according to a letter obtained by the Times Union on Tuesday.

Smith, who is based in Syracuse, was put on paid leave Tuesday.

Penn State trustees were close to announcing that Smith would be the next president at the home of the Nittany Lions, according to the people familiar with the search.

Instead, the public announcement planned for last Friday was canceled after questions about Smith's compensation in New York arose.

A search firm working for Penn State, which also works for SUNY, found out about extra pay Smith arranged through outside companies linked to his school, the people familiar with the situation said. The search firm contacted SUNY officials about Smith's additional income.

Several members of his executive team at Upstate Medical — the biggest employer in the Syracuse region — may also have been receiving unapproved extra pay from the outside companies, according to the sources.

Smith, a pediatrician, became president of Upstate Medical in 2006 after five years as chancellor of Texas Tech University. SUNY pays Smith $625,000, including $315,000 in salary plus a $60,000 housing stipend approved by the SUNY trustees, plus $250,000 from the SUNY Research Foundation. Smith is a member of the Research Foundation's board of directors.

However, in addition to that

Smith's outside money has been coming from two companies during recent years that are linked to SUNY Upstate: Medbest Medical Management Inc. and Pediatrics Service Group LLP.

Officials with the companies did not respond to emails and calls on Tuesday.

Smith's unapproved arrangements added substantially to his pay, according to a Nov. 1 letter to Smith from SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher. In the letter, she alerts Smith to a recent review of his income and says he accepted $349,295 from the outside sources without Zimpher's approval.

I could not find a web-page for the Pediatric Services Group LLC. Medbest did not list Dr Smith as a member of its administrative team.

A Conflict of Interest?

As reported by the Syracuse Post-Standard, it does not appear that the interests of Upstate are precisely aligned with those of at least one of the companies that was paying Dr Smith on the side, Medbest.

Susan Kent, president of the New York State Public Employees Federation, which represents 1,430 workers at Upstate, said Upstate has been hiring non-union nurses employed by MedBest to fill jobs traditionally filled by union nurses. 'It's being done in a very sneaky backdoor fashion,' Kent said. 'We see it as their (Upstate's) way of trying to drive down wages and not use public sector workers.'

MedBest, headquartered at 251 Salina Meadows Parkway in Liverpool, provides billing and other practice management services for doctors affiliated with Upstate. It also provides staffing. On its website, the company says it employs more than 500 people.


Bobbi Stafford, a registered nurse and PEF representative at Upstate, said Upstate has been filling positions formerly held by union nurses with MedBest nurses in outpatient clinics to save money on retirement costs and other benefits. 'It's just a matter of time before they (MedBest employees) weasel their way into the hospital,' she said.

Kent said using MedBest may not be a savings to Upstate if the intent of the arrangement is to increase the pay of Upstate administrators.

The implication is that while outsourcing nursing services may cut how much the university pays nurses, the financial gain may be used as a rationale to increase payments to administrators, and not, for example, to decrease costs to patients..

Thus the revelations about the Upstate Medical University President's sources of income raise not only questions about his honesty, since he did not see fit to reveal these payments until the search firm found them, and about whether they are conflicts of interest.

Ending the "Distraction"

Supposedly to end the "distraction" causes by pondering such questions, Dr Smith just announced he will resign his executive position, according to the Albany Times-Union,

To avoid further distraction for the University from its important mission, I intend to submit my resignation as president of SUNY Upstate Medical Center, so that this great institution can move on to even greater success.


This case provides another reason to be very skeptical of the hype now that constantly emerges from health care organizations' public relations and communications departments about their managements', particularly their top managements' brilliance. Consider waiting for real results before believing in the next Excellent program to Excellently Promote Excellence.  

Furthermore, I wonder if Dr Smith had come to believe all the hype about him.  Top leaders of big organizations often seem to exist in a bubble created by people who keep telling them what they want to hear, and protect them from anything that might discomfit them.  Many of the bubble keepers are dependent on the leaders for their own exalted administrative pay.  Other bubble keepers who are members of governing boards supposedly entrusted with stewardship of the organization may want to bask in the reflected glory of a brilliant leader renowned for encouraging "excellence," and also certainly to do not want to be seen as supporting an average or mediocre leader.

In this bubble, it must be very hard not to take on a sense of entitlement.  I can only speculate that such a sense of entitlement may lead to feeling entitled to receive enough money from whatever the source to get close to the magic $1 million a year figure that CEOs now seem to regard as the minimum acceptable.

How many more examples do we need of the currently "toxic" culture that surround the leadership of health care organizations  (to borrow a term from Prof Alan Sager, look here) to motivate action to change this culture, and how such organizations are lead.  Breaking up market dominant organizations, and thus dispersing the power of their leadership, and finding ways to make leaders accountable for putting patients' and the public's health first would be true health care reform. 

Hat tip to University Diaries.

(Game) FIFA 2014 Download Full

FIFA 2014 - Rasakan emosi mencetak gol di sebuah game yang baru saja dirilis dan akan menjelma sebagai game yang akan populer dikalangan remaja dunia yaitu FIFA 2014. Dengan inovasi baru diciptakan oleh EA Sports, yang berusaha membuat penikmatnya akan senantiasa mengatur strategi dan tempo permainan yang bisa mengalahkan sebuah fantasi dalam pikirannya.


Rasakan juga ketegangan menciptakan sebuah peluang dalam suatu pertandingan dan rasakan juga getaran memukul pemain lawan. Fitur baru yang diciptakan antara lain adalah tembakan murni atau pure shot yang membuat setiap tembakan kita akan terasa lebih nyata.

FIFA 2014 akan memberikan fitur Online yang menarik dan layanan yang menghubungkan penggemar dengan situasi game FIFA 2014.

Apa saja fitur unggulannya, ini dia yaitu Pure Shot, Precision Movement, Real Ball Physics, Protect The Ball, Teammate Intelligance, Ultimate Team, Coop Seasons dan Global Transfer Network. Apa saja pengerrtian kata diatas? cari sendiri di Google ya.

Game Info

Judul : FIFA 14
Tanggal Rilis : 24 September 2013
Jenis : Sport
Pengembang : EA Sports
Penerbit : EA Sports
Tersedia untuk : PC, Android, iOS, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Playstation Portable, Playstation Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One.

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements :

OS : Windows XP, Vista, 7 & 8
CPU : 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo or AMD equivalent
RAM : 1 GB
VGA : 256 MB Radeon HD 3600 or GeForce 6800GT
HDD : 8 GB
DirectX : DirectX 9.0c

Recomended Requirements :

OS : Windows XP, Vista, 7 & 8
CPU : Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4g or Athlon II X4 600e 2.2g
RAM : 2 GB
VGA : 512 MB Nvidia 8800 GT or Radeon HD 4650
HDD : 8 GB 
DirectX : DirectX 9.0c

Link Download FIFA 2014 Full

Maknyos : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

Crack : DISINI !, mediafire link (Password Crack : garnetix)

Password : www.pantenginradio.us

Credits to khususgw dan Garnet_IX, sudah saya test download, work ketujuh part nya, jadi selamat mendownload..

Resep Membuat Bubur Sumsum Nangka

Bubur sumsum ialah salah satu makanan yang biasanya dibuat saat ada acara-acara tertentu (selesai acara nikahan, jika didesa-desa), dan pada saat bulan puasa (untuk menu buka puasa). 
Resep Membuat Bubur Sumsum Nangka
Walaupun sebenarnya tidak ada kehususan kapan harus membuatnya makanan yang satu ini (kapan saja boleh asal ada waktu membuat Buburnya heheh)

Makanan ini memang memiliki rasa yang enak dan nikmat, entah itu dalam keadaan hangat maupun dalam keadaan dingin. 

Nah, ayook bun, sist, buat bubur sumsum ini dirumah sendiri, kami (blog INfo kesehatan) akan mencoba memberikan resepnya supaya bisa membantu dalam proses pembuatannya. Dan khusus untuk kali ini, resep bubur sumsung yang akan kami berikan adalah resep bubur sumsum Nangka.

Berikut adalah Resep Lengkap Membuat Bubur Sumsum Nangka:

Bahan yang digunakan:
  • Tepung beras dengan takaran berat 150 g
  • Santan kelapa tua sebanyak 900 ml
  • Garam dapur sebanyak 1 sdt (Sendok teh)
  • Daun pandan sebanyak 1 lembar/helai daun, daun di potong-potong tipis-tipis
  • Buah Nangka matang sebanyak 100 g, potong buah kecil-kecil
  • Air daun suji atau daun pandan sebanyak 100 ml
Bahan Saus Gula Merah:
  • Gula arena tau gula jawa sebanyak 250 gram/iris tipis
  • Gula pasir dengan takaran 2 sdm
  • Garam dapur sebanyak ½ sdt
  • Daun pandan satu lembar, potong daun tipis
  • Air bersih sebanyak 200 ml
  1. Siapkan wadah baskom, masukan tepung beras kedalam wadah tersebut.
  2. Masukan juga sebagian santan dan air dari daun panda, aduk sampai bahan rata.
  3. Masak sisa santan diatas kompor api kecil sampai panas.
  4. Tuangi santan yang dimasak dengan larutan tepung, masak dan aduk terus hingga mendidih.
  5. Tambahkan bahan garam dapur serta buah nangka kedalamnya, masak dan aduk lagi hingga rata sempurna dan adonan berubah kental.
  6. Angkat dan dinginkan adonan yang sudah kental.
Cara membuat Saus gula merah
  • Rebus air bersih lalu tambahkan gula aren yang sudah diiris, tambahkan juga gula pasir, garam dapur serta irisan daun pandan, aduk sampai gula larut dan matang sempurna.
  • Angkat saus gula merah dan saring ampas dengan airnya. Lalu dinginkan
Cara penyajian
  • Masukan adonan bubur sumsum yang sudah matang kedalam gelas saji/mangkok, siram dengan saus gula merah yang sudah kita buat.
  • Sajian bubur sumsum dimeja makan,
  • Bubur ini bisa dinikmati oleh 6 orang/ 6 porsi.
Jika keluarga banyak, lakukan resepnya berkelipatan dengan diatas.

y'all deserve a post....and i promise to give one as soon as things calm down.  right now, the best i can do is unload some iphone pics.  we are officially in our new home and wake up everyday extremely thankful for it.  thank you so much for all of your sweet comments on instagram.  i will do a real post soon (promise).  here are some answers to your questions: the pendents over the island are circa lighting, the lantern is regina andrews, and the table is oly.   i'm really excited b/c my dad is going to come here next week and help with some fun projects.  he built a barn door for our playroom and a swing bed for our porch.  i can't wait to see them (and paint them...he does the wood work but the rest is for me to do).  i'm putting him to work while he's here....he is going to tile our kitchen backsplash and wallpaper my powder room.  i am so grateful to have such a talented dad.  he's a lifesaver...
i hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!  i'm off to unpack boxes.....

Cara Meningkatkan Penjualan Online Terbaru

Profit Penjualan Online

Belajar Komputer - Cara Meningkatkan Penjualan Online Terbaru merupakan cara yang paling banyak dicari oleh Online Marketer atau Penjual Online, ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan Pendapatan dari Penjualan Online mereka, dengan menerapkan pengetahuan yang sudah Anda dapatkan mengenai Bagaimana Cara Meningkatkan Penjualan Online baik dari seminar-seminar yang Anda ikuti

Cara Mengetahui Kerusakan Perangat Komputer dan Cara Memperbaikinya

Cara Mengetahui Kerusakan Perangat Komputer dan Cara Memperbaikinya. Permasalahan pertama ketika ingin memperbaiki kerusakan komputer bukanlah terletak pada proses reparasi akan berlangsung melainkan pada tantangan bagaimana mengetahui letak dan memastikan bagian manakah yang mengalami kerusakan.

Secara prosedur gamblang untuk mengetahui kerusakan perangkat komputer dan solusi cara memperbaikinya harus ditempuh proses diagnosis dan analisis. Sebagian dapat dilihat dari gejala yang mencolok, sebagian lagi harus melalui alat sederhana untuk memastikan jenis kerusakan. Barulah proses perbaikan perangkat komputer dimulai dengan peluang dapat diperbaiki secara sempurna. 

Peluang komputer yang rusak masih bisa diperbaiki, hanya saja tidak berlaku pada yang rusak berat yang tentunya membutuhkan beberapa spartpart tambahan (hardware).

Mengingat begitu banyaknya perangkat komputer, maka sangat mustahil bisa saya jabarkan dengan detail, saya pernah membaca Ebook Teknisi Komputer Terlengkap milik Qbonk Media Group yang sangat jelas dan detail membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan perangat komputer. 

Setelah anda mengunjungi situs yang kami rekomendasikan tersebut, anda akan melihat cara memperbaiki perangkat komputer dimulai dari langkah memeriksa kerusakan, menentukan masalah, alat yang dibutuhkan dan proses perbaikan dilengkap dengan gambar dan bahasa yang sangat sederhana. Jadi ketika komputer mengalami keruksakan dan bingung solusi perbaikanya, mari coba baca dan praktekkan ilmu pada Ebook berikut, sebelum mempercayakanya kepada tukang servis yang akan melakukan hal yang sama pada prosedur perbaikan pada ebook ini. Perbaiki sendiri, lebih ekonomis dan lebih aman serta full service.

Memperkenalkan salah satu Ebook tersebut berjudul "Step by Step Panduan Merakit, Merawat dan Memperbaiki Komputer"

Demikianlah rekomendasi Cara Mengetahui Kerusakan Perangat Komputer dan Cara Memperbaikinya. Semoga bermanfaat and Start To Praktek. Salam Teknisi

Terkait :

Posisi Duduk Ibu Hamil yang Berbahaya

Posisi Duduk untuk Ibu Hamil harus dijaga agar tepat, sehingga tidak memberikan efek buruk baik itu
untuk Ibu Hamil sendiri atau Janin di dalam kandungan. Memang ternyata tidak
hanya masalah makanan untuk itu Hamil, posisi tidur untuk itu Hamil dan cara
berjalan untuk untuk itu Hamil yang harus diperhatikan, namun posisi duduk
menjadi hal sepele yang harus diperhatikan.

Adapun posisi

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