Warung Bebas

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Kumpulan Kata Baku dan Tidak Baku Lengkap

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Baku-Tidak Baku

Daily Blog #55: Saturday Reading 8/16/13

Hello Reader,
      Wait, It's Saturday? Where did the week go? It's time for another Saturday Reading where I list out what I've been reading this week and what tools we've been trying out. Let's get started.

1. We had another Forensic Lunch yesterday, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOHG_pwHyRo, Brian Lockery came on to talk about the crimes against children conference and his products. We talked about our efforts to get TSK's api to bind to perl and Matthew talked about his formal education towards a bachelor in computer forensics.

2. If you watched the forensic lunch you heard me talk about SWIG, http://swig.org/, which is a pretty neat project. If you want to bind a C/C++ API to your choice of language (C#, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, etc..) it will auto generate code to wrap the functions and make them available. It takes some work to learn but it does work!

3. I finally got the website for the book done , http://www.learndfir.com, and the links are all up for the new book. Just click on the cover to be taken to it! Next we need to upload the images we made for the analysis chapters so you can solve the cases at home.

4. Are you a perl monk like I am? If so you should check out Inline C, http://search.cpan.org/~sisyphus/Inline-0.53/C/C-Cookbook.pod#The_Main_Course, which allows you to embed C and call out to C libraries within perl. The code gets compiled at run time and then cached allowing for C speed with perl execution.

5. For those of you who heard Matthew talking about his college experience getting a degree in computer forensics here are the programs he is graduating from. He is getting his Bacehlors in Information Assurance and Forensics from OSU IT http://www.osuit.edu/academics/information_technologies/ba_about.html and got his associates in forensics from Richland https://www1.dcccd.edu/catalog/programs/degree.cfm?degree=digi_forensics_aas&loc=8

6. James Webb has proferred a maturity model for organizations to measure their incident reponse capabiltiies against, I thought it was a good write up, http://blog.jameswebb.me/2013/08/modeling-ir-program-maturity.html

7. Over on the SANS blog Ira Victor has a nice writeup on his experience at Blackhat and Defcon, http://computer-forensics.sans.org/blog/2013/08/11/case-leads-a-forensicators-take-on-blackhatdefconbsides. These are traditionally very infosec focused conferences so Ira has found those takeaways that are most relevant to forensics.

8. If you watched last week's forensic lunch we talked about extended mapi parsing in Outlook. David Nides was nice enough to share a free package that parses this data, http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/home.htm, called Outlook Redemption. Check it out!

That's all this week, make sure you come back tomorrow for Sunday Funday! Another challenge and another prize for those that are ready to flex their forensic mental muscles!

Cara Buat Kartu Kuning, SKCK, SKBN, SKD + Syarat-syarat, Terbaru

Ketika kita hendak mencari/melamar pekerjaan banyak dokumen-dokumen yang harus dipersiapkan. Dokumen-dokumen tersebut antara lain Kartu Kuning/AK1(Kartu Pencari Kerja), Surat Keterangan Cakap Kepolisian(SKCK), Surat Keterangan Dokter(SKD), dan Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba(SKBN).

Berikut adalah persyaratan dan mekanisme pembuatan dokumen-dokumen tersebut.
1. Kartu Kuning/AK1

  • Foto kopi KTP
  • Foto Kopi Ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus pendidikan terakhir
  • Pas foto ukuran 2x3 sebanyak 2 buah(sebaiknya bawa lebih)
  • Datang ke Disnakertrans setempat dengan membawa persyaratan diatas
  • Lebih baik membawa dokumen asli(KTP dan Ijazah asli) untuk mencocokan data
  • Mengisi formulir untuk keperluan pembuatan kartu kuning
  • Setelah kartu kuning jadi, fotokopi kartu tersebut untuk dimintakan legalisasi

2. Surat Keterangan Cakap Kepolisian
SCKC dapat dibuat Polsek, Polres, ataupun Polda tergantung kebutuhan. Berikut persyaratan untuk membuat SKCK di Polres.

  • Fotokopi KTP
  • Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga
  • Fotokopi Akta Kelahiran
  • Foto ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 10 buah
  • Surat Pengantar ( dari Desa, Kecamatan, dan Polsek)
  • Membuat Surat Pengantar Desa/Kelurahan di Kelurahan
  • Membuat Surat Pengantar Kecamatan di Kantor Kecamatan dengan membawa Surat Pengantar dari Desa
  • Membuat surat pengantar dari polsek dengan membawa surat pengantar sebelumnya
  • Membuat SKCK di Polres
    • Menyerahkan surat pengantar
    • menyerahkan persyaratan lainnya dan membayar biaya administrasi
    • mengisi formulir
    • cap sidik jari
    • setelah SKCK dicetak, kemudian Fotokopi SKCK untuk dilegalisasi
Untuk membuat kedua surat ini langsung saja datang ke Rumah sakit. kemudian tanyakan ke Bagian Informasi.

Manfaat Menyusui untuk Mencegah Alzheimer

menyusui yang tentu berdampak baik untuk bayi sudah lama diketahui. Namun,
perlu anda ketahui bahwa menyusui dapat mengurangi resiko Alzheimer (Kepikunan
Dini) pada wanita hingga mencapai 64%. Hal ini diketahui dari sebuah penelitian
yang dilakukan peneliti dari Universitas Cambridge, Inggris.

Ibu yang menyusui bayinya akan mengurangi risiko 2/3 lebih rendah menderita Alzheimer

Cara Membuat Bayi

Cara Membuat Bayi adalah hal yang harus diketahui oleh pasangan suami istri. Membuat bayi diperlukan demi untuk mempertahankan keturunan dan penerus dari manusia. Cara membuat bayi ini berhubungan dengan usaha manusia untuk mempertahankan keturunannya. Membuat anak hanya boleh dilakukan oleh pasangan suami istri yang sah. Jika dilakukan oleh pasangan yang bukan suami yang tidak sah, lantas

A note about comments ...

Last week, or so, there was an issue with a comment that had never shown in my moderation queue jumping back and forth.  It said awaiting moderation when I viewed the post here, then I saw it in Pending, then I'd approve it.  All was well then it jumped back.  Then I whitelisted the ID ... In the end I think it eventually "stuck" ... I think.

For most of the time I've been using Disqus, using the Disqus dashboard has been a mixed blessing.  While new comment notifications appear (sweet!) when I am reading comments on the blog, they do not appear "real time" on the dashboard (not so sweet!)    Therefore I'm left to have to refresh the dashboard from time to time.  Which is OK, but it does not alway refresh properly.

And then there's Feedly which I am using to replace my sorely missed Google Reader.  Perhaps it's time to look for other options there.  I don't like it all that much on its own, but its interaction with Disqus is rather spotty.  I won't see comments sometimes for like 12 hours!  Not good.

Which leaves me with email notifications or Blogger's dashboard.  I do try to check the email and I have notices pop-up, but I have enough clutter in the email as it is so I'd prefer not to go that route.  I used it for a while where you could moderate by email by replying "Approve" and all that.  Eh ... it's glitchy as well.

So I guess this is a long winded way of letting you know that managing Disqus comments has been frustrating to say the least of late and I've probably missed out on replying to more than a few.  Maybe Disqus expanded too quickly.  Maybe they'll work out the bugs.  I hope so, but Disqus has rendered the Blogger feed (preferable for the "latest comments" widget) useless from Anonymous spam.  I think I'll stick with Disqus as on the balance it is preferable to shutting down the doors when a bout of Razwell virus hits, and other plusses.  But it would be nice if it weren't so glitchy ...

Yuk Kita Intip Manfaat Buah Naga Merah Untuk Tubuh Kita

Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang manfaat buah naga merahuntuk kesehatan kita. Tuhan menciptakan banyak tumbuh-tumbuhan dan buah-buahan yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh seperti buah naga merah. Sebelum kita membahas manfaat buah naga merah untuk kesehatan alangkah baiknya kita kenali terlebih dahulu seperti apa sih buah naga merah itu?

Perlu sahabat ketahui bahwa buah naga merah ini berasal dari Amerika Tengah dengan nama latin Hylocereus polyrhizus. Buah naga merah adalah buah musiman artinya tidak tumbuh sepanjang tahun. Sehingga akan melimpah pada saat musim panen. Buah naga merah memiliki bentuk oval dengan warna kulit buah merah sampai merah muda dan dikelilingi sejenis sisik berwarna hijau. Daging buahnya berwarna merah terang dan didominasi oleh biji-biji kecil yang berwarna hitam. Rasanya manis menuju hambar.

Buah naga merupakan buah yang mengandung anti oksidan yang tinggi. Di dalamnya terkandung berbagai zat yang baik bagi tubuh seperti : kalsium, betakaroten, gula sederhana, vitamin, B1, B2, B3 , vitamin C , fosfor dan lycopine. Zat-zat tersebut sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Selanjutnya mari kita bahas manfaat buah naga merah untuk tubuh kita.

Apa Sih Manfaat Buah Naga Merah Untuk Kesehatan?

khasiat buah naga merah

Menurunkan Gula Darah dan Mencegah Diabetes
Buah naga merah mengandung gula sederhana sehingga sangat bagus untuk dikonsumsi oleh penderita diabetes, bahkan para penderita diabet dianjurkan untuk sering mengkonsumsi buah naga merah. Hal ini karena ada penelitian yang menunjukan bahwa dengan mengkonsumsi buah naga merah maka kadar glukosa dalam darah menjadi turun.

Melancarkan Pencernaan Dan Menyehatkan Jantung
Buah naga merah mengandung serat alami yang tinggi. Serat sangat bagus untuk melancarkan pencernaan yang bermasalah. Sangat dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsinya jika anda sering tidak lancar BAB dan terkena sembelit. Dianjurkan juga untuk yang sedang diet rajin mengkonsumsi  buah naga merah. Fiber atau serat juga berfungsi sebagai zat yang melawan dan mencegah penyakit seperti serangan jantung, stroke dan gangguan kardiovaskular.  Kandungan betakaroten dalam buah naga merah membuat vitamin A bekerja dan memperbaiki penglihatan.

Meningkatkan nafsu makan
Kandungan vitamin B1 dan B2 dalam buah naga merah bisa menyebabkan nafsu makan kita bertambah. Karena di dunia kedokteran vit B1 dan B2 sering digunakan untuk penambah nafsu makan khususnya ketika dalam proses penyembuhan dari sakit.

Meningkatkan Kekebalan Tubuh
Kekebalan tubuh kita akan kuat jika vitamin C dalam tubuh terpenuhi. Nah karena buah naga merah ini mengandung banyak vitamin C maka buah naga bisa dijadikan alternatif sebagai asupan vit. C bagi tubuh kita. Kekebalan tubuh biasanya akan terganggu pada saat musim yang tidak menentu atau musim yang ekstrim yang kadang panas kadang hujan. Mending makan buah naga merah untuk menjaga daya tahan tubuh, enak kan..

Memperkuat tulang dan Gigi
Kandungan fosfor dan kalsium pada buah naga sangat baik untuk memperkuat tulang dan gigi. Sebagaimana kita tahu bahwa tulang dan gigi sangat memerlukan asupan fospor dan kalsium yang cukup agar tulang dan gigi kita sehat. Jadi jika ingin sehat tulang dan gigi alternatifnya adalah rajinlah makan buah naga merah. Tapi jangan lupa tetep sikat gigi ya..

Merawat Kesehatan Kulit
Manfaat buah naga merah berikutnya adalah berguna untuk merawat kesehatan kulit. Vitamin C yang terkandung dalam buah naga merah bisa juga digunakan untuk perawatan kulit. Yaitu dengan cara dibuat menjadi masker. Caranya adalah kupas kulit buah naga dan ambil dagingnya lalu blender sampai halus.  Masukan ke gelas dan ambil airnya lalu dioleskan kewajah. Masker ini bisa menjadi obat herbal untuk menghilangkan jerawat dan bekas jerawat.

Nah itulah beberpa manfaat buah naga merah untuk kesehatan, semoga bermanfaat

Should We Cry for Non-Profit Hospital System CEOs Paid Less than For-Profit CEOs?

Two recent articles (here and here) in Modern Healthcare providing an update on the compensation of CEOs of non-profit hospital systems raised new questions.

The CEOs' Compensation

The first article documented the rich compensation of the top paid CEOs of non-profit US hospital systems.  A summary of their total compensation:

-  Donald Faulk (now retired), Central Georgia Health System - $8 million
-  George Halvorson, Kaiser Permanente - $7.9 million
-  Jeffrey Romoff, UPMC - $6.1 million
 -  Pat Fry, Sutter Health - $5.2 million
-  Gregory Beier (retired), Novant Health  - $5.1 million
-  Dr Steve Safyer, Montefiore Medical Center - $5 million
-  David Bernd, Sentara - $4.6 million

The Usual Talking Points

The articles in combination provided the usual talking points as justification for this compensation.   We have noted that nearly every attempt made to defend the outsize compensation given hospital and health system executives involves the same talking points.   We first listed the talking points here, and then provided additional examples of their use here, here here, here and here.   They are:
- We have to pay competitive rates
- We have to pay enough to retain at least competent executives, given how hard it is to be an executive
- Our executives are not merely competitive, but brilliant.

So true to form, we found in the Modern Healthcare articles these justifications of the executives multimillion dollar pay.


In general,

In interviews, health system directors and executives at the systems where these top-paid executives work defended the compensation packages as necessary to remain competitive....


UPMC spokeswoman Susan Manko described his [that is, Romoff's] pay as competitive for an institution of UPMC's size and complexity. 

Re Novant

Novant spokeswoman Kati Everett said Novant follows IRS rules that call for pay to be compared against the market....

Re Sutter

[Sutter Health board of trustees member and chair of the compensation committee Andy] Pansini said the Sutter board set the CEO's salary halfway between the lowest and the highest amount he could earn elsewhere.
He said Sutter's board relies heavily on consultants to compare Fry's compensation against the market.


 Re Sentara

'Mr Bernd's compensation takes into account his 40-year tenure of leadership at Sentara, with nearly 20 serving as the organization's top executives.


Re Novant

[Novant spokeswoman Kati Everett said] 'At Novant Health, we recognize (that) our responsibility to serve our community depends on the caliber of talent in our workforce, our leadership group....'

Re Sentara

[CEO Bernd's] 'pay reflects his experience, expertise....'

Re Sutter

[Pansini] defended [CEO] Fry's compensation as reasonable and necessary to meet Sutter's strategic goals by hiring a skilled executive team. 

Explicit Comparison to For-Profit Corporations

The articles also introduced one new element.  Some defenders of non-profit hospital CEO compensation explicitly argued that should take into account compensation of for-profit CEOs.

This argument was made by "Jill Horwitz, a law professor at the University of California at Los Angeles,' who had "defended paying not-for-profit healthcare executives market rates."

She also noted that not-for-profit systems have to compete with the for-profit sector for top talent. 'This idea that people should be donating their labor is a misunderstanding of charity.'

Defenders of CEO compensation at specific health systems also made similar points.  For example, a Kaiser Permanente spokesman explicitly compared his CEO's pay to that given to CEOs of for-profit health plans,

Kaiser spokesman Won Ha, in a written statement, said Halvorson's pay falls short of the average compensation of $14 million, not including option exercises, earned by CEOs of the 12 largest for-profit healthcare systems, which had average 2011 revenue of $37 billion.

'Compensation paid to senior management is substantially less than that of many for-profit health (plans),...'

Also, re Sutter,

[board committee chair Pansini noted that when comparing his CEO's pay against the market] That comparison includes other executives of similar not-for-profit health systems, and to a lesser degree, of for-profit systems.

 Summary: An Extension, but Still no Clear Justification for the Talking Points

The talking points to explain executive compensation in health care are used again and again.  They never seem to be publicly challenged.  However, they should raise some obvious questions.

The argument about competition raises several obvious questions.  Why should the top hired managers' pay be only compared to other top managers, and not explicitly to other employees?  Even if the comparison is restricted to other top managers, how can they be used for those at the top of the pay scale for non-profit hospital system CEOs?  How these CEOs' compensation could be dubbed merely competitive, much less "halfway between the lowest and highest amount he could earn elsewhere," is not clear.

The retention argument begs the questions of whether any of these managers is really likely to leave, whether they really would be attractive to other organizations at the same or even higher pay, and whether it would really be difficult to find replacements.

The brilliance argument raises the question of how brilliance is defined.  Given that it is almost unheard of for a fan of current compensation practices to dub any top manager anything less than brilliant, the obvious question is how can CEOs, like the children of Lake Woebegone, all be above average? 

 Furthermore, the talking points seem to be in the process of extension, which should raise even more questions.

Defenders of CEO pay, usually "spokespeople" or members of boards of trustees, often cite the need for "competitive" pay.  They usually are not clear about with whom they are competing.  Now it seems to be more popular to say that non-profit health care organizations are competing with for-profit corporations, despite the ostensible difference in their natures.  Non-profits are supposed to have a charitable nature and function, to have some sort of mission that serves the greater good.  To support that apparently benevolent purpose, in the US they are exempt from certain taxes, are are able to receive charitable contributions which in turn earn deductions for their givers.  For-profit corporations are in business ostensibly for their owners. 

In addition, by now asserting that the non-profit CEOs should be likened to the CEOs of for-profit corporations, the expanded talking points highlight questions that have been raised about how these hired managers are paid. We have previously discussed some pithy critiques of American practices of executive compensation (look here and here.)

CEO compensation as a multiple of the pay of the average worker has risen 10-fold since the 1960s (see this chart). As a consequence, the top 1% and 0.1% of the US income distribution is increasingly and disproportionately made up of executives, that is hired managers, (see the recent article by Bivens and Mishel[1] for a summary).  Per the article, the income of top corporate executives has grown even faster than that of other members of the top 0.1%.  It seems evident that these rates of growth cannot be explained by increases in the financial performance of their companies.  Furthermore, while it appears that compensation of US health care corporate executives has grown as fast as their brethren, there is no data that US health care has improved at anything like a similar rate.  It may have hardly improved at all.  A recent JAMA article is just the latest example of studies showing that US health is lagging that of other developed countries, although the US spends far more per capita on health care.(2)     

Furthermore, there is more and more criticism about how the compensation of top hired managers is set.  Steve Denning's blog  post in Forbes summarized a 2012 Harvard Business Review article(3) suggesting that "market-based" compensation schemes mistake top managers for innovative entrepreneurs, when they are mainly simply "bureaucrats"; reward managers for luck rather than skill; and is "inversely related to shareholder returns."

Finally, Elson and Ferrere critiqued the mechanics of how compensation is set.  In particular, while boards of directors may attend to data on compensation of CEOs at other, supposedly comparable corporations, they almost always "choose a package that is in the 50th, 75th, or 90th percentile of their target peer group.  Targeting levels below the 50th percentile is rarely, if ever done."  Thus, boards nearly always act as if their CEO is above average, while by definition, most CEOs cannot be above average.  Why do boards commit this folly?  The authors postulated that suggesting the CEO is less than average "may raise concerns over the executive's position within the company...."  Perhaps boards also fear that labeling the CEO below average may be an admission of below average governance. 

Desai suggested that the perverse incentives created by current schemes to compensate managers were a major cause of the 2008 financial meltdown.  As Dennings wrote,

despite the constraints to change, the overcompensation of the C-suite and the financial sector is not sustainable. It causes serious misallocation of capital and talent, repeated governance crises, rising income inequality and an overall decline of the US economy. It obviously cannot continue, if only because, as Margaret Thatcher used to say in a different context, 'Sooner or later you run out of other people’s money'

Clearly, in the health care context, the results could be even worse.  Perverse executive compensation could not only lead to misallocation of capital and talent in health care, it could lead to bad health care decisions that could harm patients' and the public's health.  However, there seems to be almost no discussion of, much less research about, much less policy changes addressing perverse incentives for health care managers and their likely ruinously bad effects on people and patients.

Such discussion and research is a prerequisite to true health care reform, which would require such policy changes.

Meanwhile, I hope at least the next time huge compensation of some health care managers is announced, someone asks the next set of questions after the usual talking points are made.  

Roy M. Poses MD in Health Care Renewal

1.  Bivens J, Mishel L. The pay of corporate executives and financial professionals as evidence of rents in top 1 percent incomes.  J Econ Perspect 2013; 27: 57-78.
2. US Burden of Disease Collaborative.  The state of US health, 1990-2010 burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors.  JAMA 2013; 310: 591-608.  Link here.
3. Desai M. The incentive bubble.  Harvard Business Review, March 2012. 

Daily Blog #54: Forensic Lunch 8/16/13

Hello Reader!,
    It's Friday and time for another forensic lunch! You can watch it live and ask us questions or the recording later.

See you tomorrow for Saturday Reading!

Rayakan HUT RI, Bule Brazil Ini Nyanyikan 'Indonesia Raya'

Rayakan HUT RI, Bule Brazil Ini Nyanyikan 'Indonesia Raya'

Rayakan HUT RI, Bule Brazil Ini Nyanyikan 'Indonesia Raya' - Ia adalah Felipe Valdes, seorang pemuda asal Brasil yang sangat mencintai negara kita, Indonesia. Bukan hanya lagu Indonesia Raya saja yang pernah dicovernya, beberapa lagu dari musisi Indonesia pun pernah dicovernya, seperti Separuh Aku milik NOAH, Muda dari Agnes Monica, dan masih banyak lagu lainnya. Sebagai warga Indonesia asli, tentunya kita sangat terharu melihat aksinya ini, betapa cintanya Felipe kepada negara kita, semoga ini dapat menginspirasi kita agar lebih mencintai Indonesia. Dan sesuai tema pada kesempatan kali ini, berikut ini adalah video Felipe Valdes menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya yang diunggah olehnya di Youtube beberapa waktu lalu.

Ingin lihat aksi Felipe Valdes lainnya? KLIK : Separuh Aku (Lipe)

Janin Bayi

Janin Bayi mulai terlihat jelas saat janin bayi berusia 3 Bulan. Pada minggu ke-9 jika jenis kelaminnya laki-laki, maka pada usia ini sudah dapat dipastikan, sedangkan jika perempuan masih
sesekali sedikit meragukan. Mulut serta hidung janin sudah tampak dengan jelas.
Tungkai serta lengannya mulai tumbuh. Janin sudah dapat membuka serta menutup
mulutnya, dan Dia mulai berlatih untuk melakukan

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