Warung Bebas

Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Why Do We Eat? A Neurobiological Perspective. Part VI

In previous posts in this series, I explained that the brain (primarily the mesolimbic system) integrates various factors to decide whether or not to drive food seeking and consumption behaviors.  These include homeostatic factors such as hunger, and non-homeostatic factors such as palatability and the social environment.

In this post, I'll examine the reward system more closely.  This is the system that governs the motivation for food, and behavioral reinforcement (a form of learning).  It does this by receiving information from other parts of the brain that it uses to determine if it's appropriate to drive (motivate) food seeking behavior.  I covered its role in motivation in the first post of the series, so in this post I'll address reinforcement.

Behavioral Reinforcement

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Not the Story of CPRIT - Part 3: A Tangentially-Related Detour

I take a brief hiatus from relating the story of CPRIT to tell another story. This one is about a company that – please note – has no connection to CPRIT: Celltex Therapeutics. The tangential connection is that they are both in Texas and both are related to the mindset of some business folk and of our governor, Rick Perry, the man who recently stated that
[CPRIT was] . . . intended . . . to get cures into the public's arena as soon as possible and at the same time create economic avenues (from) which wealth can be created. Basic research takes a long time and may or may not ever create wealth.
A recent and excellent article in Bloomberg Businessweek discusses the Houston company and its founders, investor/businessman David Eller and orthopedic surgeon Stanley Jones, one of whose patients is Governor Perry. Celltex reached agreement with a South Korean company active in stem cell production and for a while, with the permission of the Texas Medical Board, charged a number of people large sums of money for treatment with stem cells produced in a lab from adult stem cells earlier removed from their bodies. These treatments were supposedly part of a clinical trial, but one without a placebo arm. Governor Perry himself received the treatment after his back operation, done by Dr. Jones, in summer 2011.

A leader of the South Korean company stated:
The reason we started in this way is that adult stem cells are not considered a drug in Texas. We had the expectation that treatment in Texas was possible without FDA approval.
However, Celltex ran into objections from the FDA to this. The FDA holds that the cultured and expanded cells are indeed a drug. As well, the FDA has had objections to the way both the IRB (for the clinical trial Celltex was supposed to be conducting) and the lab (to produce the cells) were operating. Last fall, treatment shut down for now. Governor Perry strongly disagrees with this shutdown:
Hopefully, the FDA will realize that what’s going on in Texas is good medicine and good economics.
Although this intermission is not technically related to CPRIT, I think it is nonetheless illuminating. We need to understand the mental model of people who want to rush stuff to patients. In this mental model, companies like Celltex are wonderful, inspiring examples. Like it or not, this is the brave new world of rapid commercialization Perry visualizes and advocates – and understanding that vision does have relevance to the CPRIT controversies.

The Story of CPRIT, Part 2: A Problematic Grant

The grant that upset Dr. Gilman so much that he chose to resign was an award of $22 million dollars for one year.

The award had been presented to the Oversight Committeee and approved without going through any scientific review. It was a combination award to Rice and to an organization, IACS (Institute for Applied Cancer Science), associated with Lynda Chin, a scientist and wife of the president of M.D. Anderson, Ronald DePinho. Remarkably, the IACS portion of the award had not been reviewed by the provost of either Rice or M.D. Anderson, and after reaching CPRIT, it was rushed through the CPRIT approval process in a very short timeframe in March 2012, and not at all in the regular way of electronic submission and a review process mentioned in yesterday’s post.

Apparently, this had been in the works for some time. CPRIT memos show discussion of this between Jerry Cobbs, the Chief Commercialization Officer, and the IACS people as early as January. And Charles Sherr, a member of the Scientific Review Council, recounted in a May email that he had run into DePinho in October at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

Over cocktails, I ran into Ron who immediately told me that he was in direct touch with ‘the higher-ups’ who run CPRIT and that the program and Al would soon be under pressure to change the current approach. . . . [I suggested] he might speak directly to Al. Well appreciating Ron’s malignant ambition . . . , I was not blind-sided later by the proposal to mount ‘a Lynda Chin Institute’ under the auspices of Ron and MDACC. It is  my firm belief that Ron has played a direct and important role in helping to orchestrate what is, in effect, a coup d’etat.

Dr. Gilman, on the other hand, was very much blindsided.
A week before the Oversight Committee meeting, I learned essentially by accident that CPRIT was to make an $18M aware to Lynda Chin to fund the Institute for Applied Cancer Science. The proposal on which this was based was less than 7 pages, was submitted via the back door on March 11, and was presented to the Oversight Committee for funding less than two weeks later.

When he discovered it, he was extremely angry.  Bill Gimson, the executive director of CPRIT, wrote to a member of the Oversight Committee:
Al is very, very upset that the Lynda Chin operation at MD Anderson is coming in as an incubator – he feels that she did that to avoid the research peer review and that it is not an incubator because it is research.

Earlier, Dr. Gilman had bought off on approving a $4 million grant for an incubator sponsored by Rice University, one pushed heavily by Charles Tate, a venture capitalist and commercialization advocate appointed to CPRIT’s Oversight Committee by Dewhurst (Tate had made campaign contributions amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars to Dewhurst). The incubator was to be allowed to chose promising projects without the usual scientific oversight. (My personal thought is that this was possibly a tactical error on Gilman's part that he agreed to it, as this project was designed to be the "foot in the door" for enabling many future projects to evade the regular process of scientific review, judging by the fact that it was later described by a proponent as a commitment "to run a separate line aimed at commercialization that did not rest on scientific review.") Now, the IACS’s short proposal was joined with the Rice incubator project and the grant amount vastly increased under the rubric of describing the whole thing as appropriate for an “incubator.” As Gilman angrily wrote:
An award of $18 million for a research proposal without a research review – based on the administrative act of bolting it to an incubator proposal and the claim that this is an appropriate award for an incubator – is amazingly transparent. Deny it all you want, everyone who has looked at the proposal realizes that it is a joke. Everyone will also wonder why they cannot submit a seven page general description of a modus operandi, free of detail, and receive a multi-million dollar award if they simply say, ‘I hope to commercialize something, sometime.’

In addition, plans going forward by those who wanted to remold CPRIT were for commercialization projects to take around half of remaining monies after administration costs and a statutorily-designated 10% for cancer prevention research and activities. This was very different from what had occurred up to that point. The bulk of over the $700 million already awarded had gone to research. Matt Winkler, a member of CPRIT’s Scientific and Prevention Advisory Council, stated blandly:
We should really get out of the business of copying what the NIH does.
Joined with the idea that many “translational” projects should NOT be subject to scientific review, this was too much for Dr. Gilman – and ultimately for many others – to swallow.

Not science but business was the new order of the day at CPRIT, as its leaders made clear when the news of Dr. Gilman’s resignation was leaked to the press. Bill Gimson, the CPRIT Executive Director, defended CPRIT's increased emphasis on commercialization, stating in June:
We're going to reinvent ourselves on a regular basis.
As to the celerity with which the grant was approved, he said:
We did indeed move quickly with the review of the collaboration between Rice and MD Anderson, just as we have fast tracked other very exciting and potentially lifesaving commercial ventures and research recruitment awards – which can be approved in as little as a couple of weeks.
 Dr. DePinho wrote the Houston Chronicle to contend that: 
ACS is a game-changer - not a traditional research undertaking - that provides a robust pipeline for successful drug development. ... Because it is not a research project, no in-depth science was included. ... With its industry-seasoned professional staff numbering 56, the IACS conducts rigorous, goal-oriented, milestone-driven activities …Some may choose to call our proposal ‘research.’ We call it business, and we are confident Texans will be the beneficiaries. ... The current output of the IACS pipeline will prove its commercial impact in the near future.

Keunggulan Blackberry 10 yang Mampu Menandingi Iphone 5 dan Galaxy S3

Limit Komputer | Keunggulan Blackberry 10 yang Mampu Menandingi Iphone 5 dan Galaxy S3 - Euforia blackberry 10 akhir-akhir meningkat pesat, pasalnya beberapa hari yang lalu, RIM (sudah berganti nama Blackberry) selaku pengembang blackberry sudah merilis blackberry type terbaru yaitu Blackberry Z10 dan Q10.

Pihak blackberry juga tidak hanya memperkenalkan perangkat smartphone blackberry 10, tetapi OS baru blackberry 10 juga ikut diperkenalkan oleh Thorsten Heins selaku CEO BlackBerry di New York, AS, Rabu (30/).

Dari segi spesifikasi hardware, blackberry 10 terbilang sangat modern dan baru dengan menggunakan full touchscreen (layar sentuh). selain full touchscreen blackberry 10 juga masih mempertahankan ciri khas mereka yaitu Keypad QWERTY yang sangat fenomenal.

Dengan hadirnya kedua smartphone blackberry 10, diharapkan mampu mengembalikan kejayaan blackberry yang sempat hilang bagaikan ditelan bumi oleh kepopularitasan Iphone serta Smartphone lain yang berbasis Android.

Dari pada berlama-lama, lebih baik kita simak bersama, keunggulan-keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh blackberry 10, Cekidot!

1. Blackberry Hub
Dengan menggunakan ini kalian dapat melihat semua hal yang terjadi dalam blackberry 10, seperi: Email, Facebook, BBM, Twitter dan semua aplikasi yang ada. bahkan yang lebih canggih lagi, pengguna dapat membalas Metion Twitter tanpa harus membuka aplikasinya.

2. Vertual Keyboard
Blackberry Z10 juga ikut dilengkapi dengan Virtual Keyboard yang interaktif, karena dapat memprediksi kata sebelum kata yang diketik selesai.

3. Timeshift Camera
Dengan aplikasi ini kalian bisa dapat mengambil scene hanya dengan satu kali jepret. selain itu aplikasi ini dapat menghindari scene yang tidak diinginkan seperti mata terpejam atau blur.

Bagaimana, kalian tertarik untuk membelinya ?

Restoran Yang Berada di Florida, Makan di Atas Tubuh Model Telanjang

Restoran Yang Berada di Florida, Makan di Atas Tubuh Model Telanjang - Kontroversial! salah satu restoran di Miami memberikan pengunjung kesempatan untuk makan sushi langsung dari tubuh telanjang wanita cantik hanya dengan membayar $ 500 untuk paket istimewa ini.

Pelanggan dapat memesan hingga enam dari sushi dan sashimi di Hotel Catalina & Beach Club Kung Fu, cukup untuk 15 pengunjung dan masakan Jepang ini akan ditata di sepanjang tubuh model.
 Salah satu restoran di Miami memberikan pengunjung kesempatan untuk makan sushi langsung dari tubuh telanjang model

Dengan menggunakan sumpit untuk makan mereka langsung menggambil makanan di atas 'piring tubuh manusia. Mereka bisa menggigit gulungan nori dari puting susu, kesempatan yang kontroversial ini ditawarkan sampai 30 September di salah satu restoran Miami ini.


 wah ternyata pelayan restoran bisa juga disorder untuk menjadi meja tambahan

 Makan makanan langsung dari model ini dilarang di Cina

"Saya memiliki staf yang sangat cantik," katanya kepada stasiun TV. "Mereka berkata, 'Kami ingin uang itu, dan kami ingin menjadi piring telanjang.''


Catalina Hotel & Beach Club Kung Fu dan Dapur restoran Sushi di Miami, menawarkan kesepakatan khusus ini sampai 30 September

 Pengalaman kuliner aneh merupakan gagasan pemilik restoran Nathan Lieberman

Departemen Peraturan Bisnis Profesional Florida tidak punya masalah dengan itu selama restoran masih menyediakannya secara higienis.

Untuk bagian pribadi model ditutupi daun dan selada dan puting mereka ditutupi oleh plastik serta wasabi, katanya.

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