Warung Bebas

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Max-product optimization methods and software

I hoped I would never post a sorry-for-not-posting message, but I do (and now I feel like I owe you a long post =). In fact, I have been being really busy, particularly with putting my masters thesis down to paper. However, it has a positive outcome: I systematized my knowledge about inference techniques in MRFs, and I'd like to share them here.

Please don't consider it a survey. While it claims to be quite comprehensive, it is not enough deep and verbose. You are not gonna see a lot of formulas, but the links to papers and implementations along with the recommendations on applicability of the methods and the software. It could be useful for anybody who wants to quickly try energy minimization in her task, but don't wanna spend a lot of time digging into the literature and implementing algorithms. So let's call this form of posting unsurvey. You can always find more details on the topic in Stan Li's book (not to be confused with Stan Lee recently appeared in The Big Bang Theory).

Max-product energy minimization problem arises in a number of fields such as statistical physics, social network analysis, and, of course, computer vision, where the problems like image denoising, dense stereo reconstruction, semantic segmentation lead to the single discrete optimization problem: maximize the product of some functions defined over nodes and edges of the graph G=(N,E), typically a grid over image pixels in low-level vision. Due to using logarithms, it is equivalent to maximizing the sum

where each Yi corresponds to a node of the graph and takes on a value from a fixed discrete range. It could be a class label in semantic segmentation, or a disparity value in the pixel in dense stereo. So-called potential functions φ (unary in the first term and pairwise in the second one) define possibility of the assignment given class labels to the nodes and edges correspondingly. They could be conditioned by the data. For example, unary potentials could reflect colour information in the pixel, and pairwise potentials could enforce assignment of the similar labels to the ends of an edge to provide smoothness in the resulting labelling. If the graph contains cliques of the order 3 and greater, one should consider more terms (as I explained earlier), but in practice higher order cliques are often ignored. Also, an important particular case, 4-connected grid, contains only second order cliques, that's why the research community focused on this "pairwise" problem.

In general, this maximization problem is NP-hard. That's why in the 1980s they solved it using genetic algorithms or simulated annealing. Fortunately, specific methods have been developed.

First of all, there are two cases when the exact global optimum could be found in polynomial time. The first is when the graph has a tree structure. Actually, I don't know application where this case is useful. Probably, it is good for analysis of parsing trees in natural language processing. In this case the maximum is found using the dynamic programming based belief propagation algorithm. One node is selected as the root, and messages are passed from the root and then back to the root. The optimal assignment is thus found.

Another polynomial case allows an arbitrary graph topology, but restricts the number of labels and the form of pairwise potentials. Only one of the two labels could be assigned to each node. Pairwise potentials should be submodular, i.e. φ(0,0) + φ(1,1) >= φ(0,1) + φ(1,0). Thus, the binary assignment implies that all the nodes should be divided into the two groups according to their labels. This division is found using the algorithm for finding minimum cut on the supplementary graph. Two fake nodes are added to the graph and declared as the source and the sink. Both fake nodes are adjacent to all the nodes of the "old" graph. Using your favourite min-cut/max-flow algorithm you can separate the nodes into two sets, which gives you the resulting labelling.

Unfortunately, the binary labelling problem is not so common too. In practice people want to choose one of the multiple labels for the nodes. This problem is NP-hard, but the iterative procedures of α-expansion and αβ-swap give good approximations with certain theoretical guarantees. [Boykov et al., 2001] During each iteration the min-cut algorithm is run, so there is an important constraint. Each projection to any two variables of pairwise potentials should be submodular. If it is hold for your energy, I recommend you to use this method since it is really fast and accurate. The implementation by Olga Veksler is available.

What should we do if the energy is not submodular and the graph contains cycles? There are some methods too, but they are not so fast and typically not so effective. First of all, the stated integer programming problem could be relaxed to linear programming. You can use any LP solver, but it will eventually take days to find the optimum. Moreover, it won't be exact, because the relaxed problem solution could be rounded back in multiple ways. No surprise here, because the possibility of getting the global optimum would prove that P = NP.

One of the methods for approaching the general problem is Loopy Belief Propagation [Kschischang, 2001]. No doubt, it is really loopy. Dynamic programming is used on the graph with loops, and it can eventually fall into the endless loop passing some messages along the loop. It is now considered outdated, but you can still try it, it is implemented in libDAI. The input is a factor graph, which is inconvenient in most cases, but really flexible (you could create cliques of arbitrary order).

State-of-the-art approach in general case, tree-reweighted message passing (TRW), has been developed by Wainwright and Kolmogorov. [Kolmogorov, 2006] It is based on the decomposition of the original graph to some graphs where exact message-passing inference is possible, i.e. trees. Message passing is done iteratively on the trees, and trees are enforced to assign the same values in particular nodes. The procedure is guaranteed to converge, but unfortunately not always to the global maximum. However, it is better than Loopy BP. Kolmogorov's implementation contains LBP and TRW-S under a common interface, so you can compare their performance. To understand the decomposition technique better, you could read Komodakis's paper [2007]. It describes a general decomposition framework.

Once a company of the world-leading MRF researchers gathered and implemented LBP, graph-cuts and TRW-S under common interface, investigated performance and even shared their code on a Middlebury college page. It would be great to use those implementations interchangeably, but unfortunately the interface is tailored for the stereo problem, i.e. it is impossible to use the general form of potentials. My latest research is about usage MRFs for laser scan classification, where the topology of the graph is far from a rectangular grid, and the potentials are more complex than the ones in the Potts model. So I ended up in writing my own wrappers.

Another interesting method was re-discovered by Kolmogorov and Rother [2007]. It is known as quadratic pseudo-boolean optimization (QPBO). This graph-cut based method can either assign a label to a node, or reject to classify it. The consistency property is guaranteed: if the label has been assigned, this exact label is assigned in the global optimum. The equivalent solution could be obtained using a specific LP relaxation with 1/2 probabilities for class labels allowed. I have not used the technique, so I cannot recommend an implementation.

To summarize, the algorithm for choosing an optimization method is the following. If your graph is actually a tree, use belief propagation. Otherwise, if your energy is submodular, use graph-cut based inference; it is both effective and efficient (even exact in the binary case). If not, use TRW-S, it often yields a good approximation.

Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Does Red Wine Protect the Cardiovascular System?

The 'French paradox' rears its ugly head again. The reasoning goes something like this: French people eat more saturated animal fat than any other affluent nation, and have the second-lowest rate of coronary heart disease (only after Japan, which has a much higher stroke rate than France). French people drink red wine. Therefore, red wine must be protecting them against the artery-clogging yogurt, beef and butter.

The latest study to fall into this myth was published in the AJCN recently (1). Investigators showed that 1/3 bottle of red wine per day for 21 days increased blood flow in forearm vessels of healthy volunteers, which they interpreted as "enhanced vascular endothelial function". The novel finding in this paper is that red wine consumption increases the migration of certain cells into blood vessels that are thought to maintain and repair the vessels. There were no control groups for comparison, neither abstainers nor a group drinking a different type of alcohol.

The investigators then went on to speculate that the various antioxidant polyphenols in red wine, such as the molecule resveratrol, could be involved. This could be true, but there's another possible mechanism here...

Ethanol-- plain old alcohol. You could drink a 40 oz bottle of malt liquor every night and it might do the same thing.

No matter what the source, alcohol consumption is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease out to about 3-4 drinks per day, after which the risk goes back up (2, 3)*. The association is not trivial-- up to a 62% lower risk associated with alcohol use. Controlled trials have shown that alcohol, regardless of the source, increases HDL cholesterol and reduces the tendency to clot (4).

Should we all start downing three drinks a day? Not so fast. Although alcohol does probably decrease heart attack risk, the effect on total mortality is equivocal. That's because it increases the risk of cancers and accidents. Alcohol is a drug, and my opinion is that like all drugs, overall it will not benefit the health of a person with an otherwise good diet and lifestyle. That being said, it's enjoyable, so I have no problem with drinking it in moderation. Just don't think you're doing it for your health.

So does red wine decrease the risk of having a heart attack? Probably, yes, just like malt liquor does. I do think it's interesting to speculate about why alcohol (probably) reduces heart attack risk. Could it be because it relaxes us? I'm going to ponder that over a glass of whiskey...

* The first study is really interesting. For once, I see no evidence of "healthy user bias". Rates of healthy behaviors were virtually identical across quintiles of alcohol intake. This gives me a higher degree of confidence in the results.

Membuat Scrolling dengan Flash

Belajar Komputer | Pada postingan sebelumnya ,  kita sudah belajar Bagaimana Cara Ngeload File dengan Flash, sekarang kita akan belajar bagaimana cara membuat scrollingnya...langkah pertama adalah buka kembali file project yang sebelumnya sudah pernah buat... bagi yang belom punya silahkan download dulu disini setelah itu buka dengan menggunakan Flash dan ikuti langkah selanjutnya sob...ini

Cara Ngeload File Dengan Flash

Belajar Komputer | Wah.................. udah lama ni g posting-posting..akhirnya sempat juga karang.! kali ini kita akan belajar bagaimana cara Nge-Load file *.txt menggunakan Flash...langsung aja dech sob.....!

Langkah pertama buat dulu lembar kerja baru pada flash seperti gambar dibawah ini...!

Nah............. setelah itu buat textbox baru, kemudian ganti propertynya menjadi Dynamic

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Tortoise and the Hare

Ok, so it was Chuck and not a hare.

But as the photo shows, Chuck is behind the tortoise.
This was taken at the start of Saturday May 22nd's trail run of Gibbons Park Trail.

things that make me happy.

i love cooking in the kitchen w/ my husband....it puts a smile on my face. there is something so fun about trying out a new recipe, listening to music on the ipod, and then sitting on the screen porch to eat it....and lately we have had some great meals! another thing that i am loving are the flowers that are growing outside. i love having flowers from the yard scattered in random bottles throughout the house. it's like instant happiness. and last but not least, i totally want to make one of those herb pots....so easy and such a great idea (putting that on my to-do-list). it pains me to buy herbs at the grocery store when you just need a tiny bit for a recipe. and this is a simple, yet stylish solution. now if i can just remember to water them :)

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

excuse my french...

i just got back from the doctor and i felt like in a round about way, this is what he was trying to tell me. i've dilated (almost 2 cm) in the last week (basically since i have returned to normal activity). so a baby might be in our near future....he suggested that i make it to Monday, i told him i will probably make it to 40 wks. who knows...but i feel like maybe i should pack a bag and put my feet up and watch a movie.

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,JAKARTA--Mendengar kata herbal, apa yang terlintas di benak Anda? Kendati masyarakat telah turun-temurun memanfaatkannya dalam pengobatan, herbal tetap saja lebih inferior ketimbang obat konvensional. Betulkah ia kurang cespleng?

Menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, ahli herbal, Dr dr Amarullah H Siregar FBIHom DIHom DNMed menyodorkan sejumlah argumentasi ilmiah. Belajar naturopati di Inggris dan Amerika, ia mendapati banyak sekali daun, akar, ataupun benalu tumbuhan yang berkhasiat obat. "Di lain sisi, seperti yang diumumkan WHO pada awal 2006 lalu, 1035 obat yang telah disetujui Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (FDA) Amerika Serikat sepanjang tahun 1989 sampai 2000, tiga perempatnya ternyata tak memiliki makna mengobati."

Di Indonesia, obat dari bahan alami mayoritas masih masuk dalam kelas jamu dan obat herbal terstandar. Baru lima saja yang telah berada di golongan fitofarmaka terbukti memiliki khasiat serupa obat konvensional. "Padahal, hampir semua obat bisa disubstitusi dengan bahan alami," komentar dokter yang mendalami naturopati ini.

Sebut saja, antibiotik. Sesuai namanya, antibiotik berarti antibiota. "Saat dikonsumsi, bakteri baik yang hidup di saluran pencernaan juga ikut terbunuh," ungkap Amarullah dalam Media Discussion Sehat dengan Herbal yang digelar Deltomed, Rabu (19/5) lalu, di Jakarta.

Ini berarti penggunaan antibiotik malah memunculkan masalah kesehatan yang baru. Orang yang mendapatkan antibiotik jangka panjang otomatis membutuhkan suplemen yang dapat menyuburkan kembali populasi bakteri sahabat saluran cerna. "Kalau ditunggu, ia baru bisa mencapai jumlah yang cukup setelah 48 sampai 54 hari kemudian," kata Amarullah yang juga konsultan homeopathic medicine.

Lalu, sekarang, mari simak bagaimana meniran menjalankan perannya sebagai antibiotik alami. Amarullah menuturkan, meniran pintar mengenali sumber masalah. "Hanya bakteri jahat saja yang ditumpasnya."

Namun, sebetulnya, bukan bahan aktif meniran yang berperang secara langsung. Meniran justru mendorong tubuh untuk bisa menyembuhkan diri sendiri. "Meniran mengaktifkan produksi kelenjar timus di paru-paru dan meningkatkan pasokan sel limfosit T yang berkaitan dengan ketangguhan imunitas hingga mampu mematikan bakteri jahat di tubuh," urai dokter naturopati jebolan Clayton College of Natural Health, Birmingham, Amerika Serikat.

Begitu keluhan hilang, konsumsi meniran bisa dihentikan. Tidak seperti antibiotik konvensional yang memang harus diminum sampai habis sesuai jumlah dan dosis yang diresepkan. "Obat herbal andaikan tak dibutuhkan tubuh akan langsung keluar melalui urine, tidak akan menumpuk di dalam tubuh," urai dokter yang memiliki klinik di Ragunan, Jakarta Selatan, ini.

Lebih lanjut, Amarullah mengajak masyarakat agar mengubah paradigmanya. Berobat bukan cuma menghilangkan gejala yang dikeluhkan. "Carilah kesembuhan dengan melacak akar penyakitnya." Amarullah mencontohkan kasus darah tinggi. Tak bijak jika penyakit ini cuma diredakan atau distabilkan dengan obat. "Akar penyakitnya ada di ginjal dan organ itulah yang mesti dikembalikan vitalitasnya."

Persoalannya, spesialis jantung dan kardiovaskular bukan dokter ginjal. Pasien harus ke dokter lain untuk mendapatkan pengobatan. "Sementara itu, dalam naturopati, ilmu kedokteran ini memperlakukan tubuh manusia sebagai satu kesatuan hingga tidak luput merevitalisasi ginjal pasien darah tinggi," kata Amarullah yang dipercaya menyusun kurikulum mata kuliah naturopati di Indonesia.

Obat herbal, lanjut Amarullah, tersedia juga untuk kondisi akut. Contohnya, obat batuk, pilek, serta radang tenggorokan pada anak. "Sudah tersedia dalam bentuk sirup dengan isi ekstrak jahe, cengkeh, lengkuas, kapulaga, dan kunyit yang berefek antiradang lalu dipermanis dengan madu atau gula aren."

Seiring dengan meredanya batuk, pilek, serta radang tenggorokan, Amarullah mengimbau agar sistem imunitas diperkuat. Untuk itu, antibodi harus digenjot. "Bisa dengan mengonsumsi meniran." Untuk pencegahan serangan batuk pilek berulang, Amarullah memberikan tips sederhana.
Minum saja bandrek. "Bisa juga dengan mencampur setengah serbuk bandrek dengan jahe plus lengkuas ketika terasa suara mulai parau dan bindeng."

Red: irf
Rep: Reiny Dwinanda

Sweet Potatoes

We can debate the nutritional qualities of a food until we're blue in the face, but in the end, we still may not have a very accurate prediction of the health effects of that food. The question we need to answer is this one: has this food sustained healthy traditional cultures?

I'm currently reading a great book edited by Drs. Hugh Trowell and Denis Burkitt, titled Western Diseases: Their Emergence and Prevention. It's a compilation of chapters describing the diet and health of traditional populations around the world as they modernize.

The book contains a chapter on Papua New Guinea highlanders. Here's a description of their diet:
A diet survey was undertaken involving 90 subjects, in which all food consumed by each individual was weighed over a period of seven consecutive days. Sweet potato supplied over 90 percent of their total food intake, while non-tuberous vegetables accounted for less than 5 percent of the food consumed and the intake of meat was negligible... Extensive herds of pigs are maintained and, during exchange ceremonies, large amounts of pork are consumed.
They ate no salt. Their calories were almost entirely supplied by sweet potatoes, with occasional feasts on pork.

How was their health? Like many non-industrial societies, they had a high infant/child mortality rate, such that 43 percent of children died before growing old enough to marry. Surprisingly, protein deficiency was rare. No obvious malnutrition was observed in this population, although iodine-deficiency cretinism occurs in some highlands populations:
Young adults were well built and physically fit and had normal levels of haemoglobin and serum albumin. Further, adult females showed no evidence of malnutrition in spite of the demands by repeated cycles of pregnancy and lactation. On the basis of American standards (Society of Actuaries, 1959), both sexes were close to 100 percent standard weight in their twenties.
The Harvard Pack Test carried out on 152 consecutive subjects demonstrated a high level of physical fitness which was maintained well into middle-age. Use of a bicycle ergometer gave an estimated maximum oxygen uptake of 45.2 ml per kilogram per minute and thus confirmed the high level of cardiopulmonary fitness in this group.
Body weight decreased with age, which is typical of many non-industrial cultures and reflects declining muscle mass but continued leanness.

There was no evidence of coronary heart disease or diabetes. Average blood pressure was on the high side, but did not increase with age. Investigators administered 100 gram glucose tolerance tests and only 3.8 percent of the population had glucose readings above 160 mg/dL, compared to 21 percent of Americans. A study of 7,512 Papuans from several regions with minimal European contact indicated a diabetes prevalence of 0.1 percent, a strikingly low rate. For comparison, in 2007, 10.7 percent of American adults had diabetes (1).

I'm not claiming it's optimal to eat nothing but sweet potatoes. But this is the strongest evidence we're going to come by that sweet potatoes can be eaten in quantity as part of a healthy diet. However, I wish I knew more about the varieties this group ate. Sweet potatoes aren't necessarily sweet. Caribbean 'boniato' sweet potatoes are dry, starchy and off-white. In the US, I prefer the yellow sweet potatoes to the orange variety of sweet potato labeled 'yams', because the former are starchier and less sweet. If I could get my hands on locally grown boniatos here, I'd eat those, but boniatos are decidedly tropical.

Instead, I eat potatoes, but I'm reluctant to recommend them whole-heartedly because I don't know enough about the traditional cultures that consumed them. I believe there are some low-CHD, low-obesity African populations that eat potatoes as part of a starch-based diet, but I haven't looked into it closely enough to make any broad statements. Potatoes have some nutritional advantages over sweet potatoes (higher protein content, better amino acid profile), but also some disadvantages (lower fiber, lower in most micronutrients, toxic glycoalkaloids).


yesterday, my little girl turned 3! it's hard to believe how quickly she has grown up...part of me wants her to stay young forever and part of me gets so excited watching the little personality she is turning into. we celebrated with a pool party. it was her first b'day party w/ friends and she loved it (and it only rained half on the time). on her real b'day, i decided that i would make a second attempt at baking a giant cupcake for her class (for anyone who has followed this blog, my 1st attempt was a disaster). luckily, this time it actually worked...there happens to be a lot of web information on this cupcake and all the trouble it can cause....so beware if you are a beginner like myself- it's not as easy as it looks! luckily, it actually tasted okay too. here are some pictures from the weekend and yesterday....
on a different note, i have to say that taylor's b'day was met w/ a mixture of emotions...one of my best friends was in a horrible car accident w/ her children hours after leaving the party when her car hydroplaned. luckily, we are so blessed that the children were left untouched and she will be able to make a full, but slow recovery. when things like this happen, it makes you want to go around and tell everyone how much they mean to you. i love you B!

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Hidup Selaras dengan Gaya Hidup Herbal
Kompas, Sabtu, 3 April 2010 | 11:42 WIB

Pengobatan dengan herbal menjadi alternatif bagi pasien yang ingin mencari kesembuhan. Ada yang lebih menyukai pendekatan alami agar tubuhnya seminimal mungkin terpapar zat kimia atau demi menghindari efek samping pemakaian obat kimia hingga alasan harga obat herbal yang relatif terjangkau.

"Herbal memang bisa mengobati, tetapi harus disadari karena cara kerjanya tidak instan seperti obat kimia, maka hanya dijadikan alternatif. Untuk penyakit jenis tertentu, seperti penyakit dalam, obat herbal dirasakan lebih cocok bagi sebagian pasien," kata Joko Kristianto BSc of Med, Kamis (1/4).

Joko, pemilik Toko Obat "Ketandan" di Solo, menempuh pendidikan strata 1 selama 5 tahun di Fakultas Kedokteran, Fujian Traditional China Medicine di Fuchou, China, yang khusus mempelajari pengobatan tradisional China.

Pengobatan herbal yang juga banyak dimanfaatkan adalah yang dikembangkan di India yang dikenal dengan Ayurveda atau bahkan dari Amerika Serikat (AS). "Mereka yang memanfaatkan obat herbal kami karena ingin menghindari obat kimia atau sudah berobat medis tetapi belum sembuh juga," kata Vina dari Ratu Veda yang memasarkan obat herbal dari India dan AS.

Sekretaris Perhimpunan Dokter Herbal Medik Indonesia (PDHMI) Jawa Tengah dr Lily Kresnowati, Jumat (2/4), mengatakan, selain dapat memperbaiki kualitas hidup, obat-obatan herbal juga mampu mempercepat penyembuhan pada penyakit tertentu.

"Biasanya, obat-obatan herbal ini diberikan dokter untuk mendampingi obat kimia. Di samping mengurangi rasa perih, obat herbal juga dapat memulihkan kondisi tubuh," kata Lily.


Penggunaan obat herbal terhadap penyakit telah dibuktikan Ketua PDHMI Pusat dr Hardhi Pranata untuk mempercepat penyembuhan penyakit stroke. Penderita stroke dapat lebih cepat pulih karena obat herbal yang digunakan memiliki khasiat antiperadangan, seperti sambiloto dan pegegan, sehingga dapat mengendalikan faktor risiko yang memicu timbulnya penyakit stroke.

Salah satu konsumen obat herbal, Dwi Mahdayanti (21), menderita kanker payudara sejak awal 2009 dan beralih ke obat-obatan herbal sejak empat bulan terakhir setelah hampir putus asa mencoba obat-obatan kimiawi. "Sebenarnya saya pernah diminta dokter untuk operasi agar bisa sembuh, tetapi saya takut," kata Dwi yang masih kuliah di salah satu perguruan tinggi di Kota Semarang.

Kini, Dwi mengakui, kanker yang dideritanya sudah memasuki tahap penyembuhan. Agar dapat sembuh, Dwi menjalani pengobatan herbal tiga kali sehari yang terdiri atas kapsul, ramuan bahan, kompres, dan salep.

Fatah, pengunjung Toko "Ketandan" mengatakan, ia membeli obat untuk ayahnya yang menderita diabetes. Setahun terakhir, ayahnya beralih ke obat herbal buatan pabrikan China karena biayanya lebih murah. "Sekali ke dokter habis Rp 700.000-Rp 1 juta. Kalau pakai obat herbal tidak semahal itu dan kata ayah terasa khasiatnya," katanya. (eki/ilo)

NB: 1. Herbal utk stroke : daun dewa, pegagan dan sambung nyawa
2. Herbal utk diabetes : keladi tikus dan sambiloto
3. Pemesanan herbal 081310343598 atau 021-96120932, herbal sdh registrasi BPOM.

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Pastured Dairy may Prevent Heart Attacks

Not all dairy is created equal. Dairy from grain-fed and pasture-fed cows differs in a number of ways. Pastured dairy contains more fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamin K2, vitamin A, vitamin E, carotenes and omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains more conjugated linoleic acid, a fat-soluble molecule that has been under intense study due to its ability to inhibit obesity and cancer in animals. The findings in human supplementation trials have been mixed, some confirming the animal studies and others not. In feeding experiments in cows, Dr. T. R. Dhiman and colleagues found the following (1):
Cows grazing pasture and receiving no supplemental feed had 500% more conjugated linoleic acid in milk fat than cows fed typical dairy diets.
Fat from ruminants such as cows, sheep and goats is the main source of CLA in the human diet. CLA is fat-soluble. Therefore, skim milk doesn't contain any. It's also present in human body fat in proportion to dietary intake. This can come from dairy or flesh.

In a recent article from the AJCN, Dr. Liesbeth Smit and colleagues examined the level of CLA in the body fat of Costa Rican adults who had suffered a heart attack, and compared it to another group who had not (a case-control study, for the aficionados). People with the highest level of CLA in their body fat were 49% less likely to have had a heart attack, compared to those with the lowest level (2).

Since dairy was the main source of CLA in this population, the association between CLA and heart attack risk is inextricable from the other components in pastured dairy fat. In other words, CLA is simply a marker of pastured dairy fat intake in this population, and the (possible) benefit could just as easily have come from vitamin K2 or something else in the fat.

This study isn't the first one to suggest that pastured dairy fat may be uniquely protective. The Rotterdam and EPIC studies found that a higher vitamin K2 intake is associated with a lower risk of heart attack, cancer and overall mortality (3, 4, 5). In the 1940s, Dr. Weston Price estimated that pastured dairy contains up to 50 times more vitamin K2 than grain-fed dairy. He summarized his findings in the classic book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. This finding has not been repeated in recent times, but I have a little hunch that may change soon...

Vitamin K2
Cardiovascular Disease and Vitamin K2
Can Vitamin K2 Reverse Arterial Calcification?

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

enjoy your weekend....and whatever direction it takes you....

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Malocclusion Posts Translated into German

It's nice to see on my website statistics program that Whole Health Source has a solid international following. As commonly as English is spoken throughout the world however, there are many people who do not have access to this blog due to a language barrier.

A gentleman by the name of Bertram has translated/summarized my series on the causes and prevention of malocclusion (misaligned teeth) into German. His site is OriginalHealth.net, and you can find the first post here, with links to the subsequent 8. It looks like an interesting site-- I wish I could read German. Thanks Bertram!

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Herbal Pegagan

Pegagan (Centella asiatica, (Linn), Urb.) merupakan tanaman asli India, Jepang, Cina, Indonesia, Afrika Selatan, Sri Lanka, dan Pasifik Selatan. Tanaman ini termasuk anggota keluarga peterseli yang memiliki rasa tawar dan tidak berbau. Umumnya tumbuhan ini tumbuh subur di sekitar air. Ciri lain, daun kecil berwarna hijau berbentuk kipas dengan bunga ungu atau putih.

Kandungan utama adalah triterpenoid. Indikasi lain, Pegagan mengandung: asiaticoside, thankuniside, isothankuniside, madecassoside, brahmoside, brahminoside, brahmic acid, madasiatic acid, meso-inositol, centellose, carotenoids, garam-garam mineral seperti garam kalium, natrium, magnesium, kalsium, besi, vellarine, dan zat samak.

Dalam pengobatan, Pegagan dapat menyembuhkan berbagai kondisi serta memiliki beberapa potensi obat. Beberapa contoh dan potensi itu antara lain:
* Insufisiensi vena
Ketika pembuluh darah kehilangan elastisitas mereka, terjadi kebocoran pembuluh darah yang menyebabkan kaki membengkak (insufisiensi vena). Beberapa penelitian kecil menunjukkan pegagan dapat membantumengatasi masalah ini.

Penelitian menunjukkan penderita Insifisiensi vena yang mengkonsumsi Pegagan mengalami peningkatan signifikan dibandingkan dengan mereka yang mengkonsumsi plasebo (istilah untuk obat yang dibuat tanpa bahan kimia yang kadang hanya berisi cairan garam).

Dalam studi lain, pada penderita varises yang mengkonsumsi Pegagan, tes USG menunjukkan perbaikan pada vena (artinya pelebaran vena berkurang).

Selain itu, Pegagan mengandung bahan kimia yang disebut senyawa triterpenoid. Pada hewan dan studi laboratorium, senyawa ini membantu menyembuhkan luka. Sebagai contoh, beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa senyawa triterpenoid memperkuat kulit, meningkatkan antioksidan dalam luka, dan meningkatkan aliran darah ke daerah tersebut. Berdasarkan temuan ini, Pegagan telah digunakan secara topikal (dioleskan pada kulit) untuk luka bakar ringan, psoriasis, mencegah pembentukan bekas luka setelah operasi.

* Kegelisahan
Dalam uji coba laboratorium, senyawa triterpenoid diduga dapat menurunkan kecemasan dan meningkatkan fungsi mental tikus. Penelitian menemukan bahwa orang yang kurang mengkonsumsi Pegagan mudah terkejut oleh kebisingan baru daripada mereka yang mengkonsumsi Pegagan. Respon terkejut karena kebisingan dapat menjadi indikator kecemasan. Peneliti berteori bahwa pegagan bisa membantu mengurangi gejala kecemasan manusia.

* Insomnia
Pegagan juga bisa menjadi penenang ketika diberikan kepada hewan percobaan. Karena pengaruh itu, diduga Pegagan dapat membantu penderita insomnia mengatasi penyakitnya. Namun penelitian tersebut belum diujikan kepada manusia dan belum diketahui efek samping penggunaannya.

Sumber: UMM dan sumber lain sebagai pembanding.

NB: SehatHerbal.Com menyediakan Kapsul Pegagan harga 50rb/45 kpsul. Info pemesanan budiprakoso98@gmail.com atau 081310343598

i'm running out the door (see i can't stay put)....lots to do today but here are some pretty images to keep you company....those stripes have me swooning....

Intervew with Chris Kresser of The Healthy Skeptic

Last week, I did an audio interview with Chris Kresser of The Healthy Skeptic, on the topic of obesity. We put some preparation into it, and I think it's my best interview yet. Chris was a gracious host. We covered some interesting ground, including (list copied from Chris's post):
  • The little known causes of the obesity epidemic
  • Why the common weight loss advice to “eat less and exercise more” isn’t effective
  • The long-term results of various weight loss diets (low-carb, low-fat, etc.)
  • The body-fat setpoint and its relevance to weight regulation
  • The importance of gut flora in weight regulation
  • The role of industrial seed oils in the obesity epidemic
  • Obesity as immunological and inflammatory disease
  • Strategies for preventing weight gain and promoting weight loss
Some of the information we discussed is not yet available on my blog. You can listen to the interview through Chris's post here.

rise and shine

being able to leave the house is the best thing ever!! now i pop out of bed and can't wait to walk out of the door....

*images courtesy of raspberry tart, house and home, renovation style, domino

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010


this weekend warren and i are celebrating 6 yrs of being married! i hope you have a fun weekend celebrating something special as well....
ps. don't you think that airstream is just about the cutest thing ever?! i think it would be the perfect place to celebrate.

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Sometimes You Just Get Lucky

I went fishing last Saturday on Fidalgo island with some friends.

That's a picture of the trophy minnow I caught after a full day of fishing. I'm thinking about having it mounted.

We made out a little better the next day.

Here are two of my other hunter-gatherer adventures for those who are interested:


80 days....

after 80 days of bed rest, 20+ shots, and 34 wks of being pregnant , i was told by my doctor that it was "ok" to start moving around and to drive a car!! my interpretation of the diagnosis: off of bed rest (my husband's interpretation- not exactly the same, but he's conservative). so watch out if you are on the road....this girl is out of here!! first stop- going to all of my favorite junk shops and finding a bathing suit for this big belly!

*images courtesy of beautiful living style

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Saturated Fat and Insulin Sensitivity, Again

A new study was recently published exploring the effect of diet composition on insulin sensitivity and other factors in humans (1). 29 men with metabolic syndrome-- including abdominal obesity, low HDL, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and high fasting glucose-- were fed one of four diets for 12 weeks:
  1. A diet containing 38% fat: 16% saturated (SFA), 12% monounsaturated (MUFA) and 6% polyunsaturated (PUFA)
  2. A diet containing 38% fat: 8% SFA, 20% MUFA and 6% PUFA
  3. A diet high in unrefined carbohydrate, containing 28% fat (8% SFA, 11% MUFA and 6% PUFA)
  4. A diet high in unrefined carbohydrate, containing 28% fat (8% SFA, 11% MUFA and 6% PUFA) and an omega-3 supplement (1.24 g/day EPA and DHA)
After 12 weeks, insulin sensitivity, fasting glucose, glucose tolerance, and blood pressure did not change significantly in any of the four groups. This is consistent with the majority of the studies that have examined this question, although somehow the idea persists that saturated fat impairs insulin sensitivity. I discussed this in more detail in a recent post (2).

One of the questions one could legitimately ask, however, is whether SFA have a different effect on people with metabolic syndrome. Maybe the inflammation and metabolic problems they already have make them more sensitive to the hypothetical damaging effects of SFA? That's the question the first study addressed, and it appears that SFA are not uniquely harmful to insulin signaling in those with metabolic syndrome on the timescale tested.

It also showed that the different diets did not alter the proportion of blood fats being burned in muscle, as opposed to being stored in fat tissue. The human body is a remarkably adaptable biological machine that can make the best of a variety of nutrient inputs, at least over the course of 12 weeks. Metabolic damage takes decades to accumulate, and in my opinion is more dependent on food quantity and quality than macronutrient composition.

things for the wall...

my children's rooms both lack things on the wall. i mean literally, it's sad. we basically moved here and then i went on bed rest so they are bare. they definitely need some personality and these pictures are ones that inspire me....


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