Well she said this year she was putting the Badwater 135 off till next year, so she can visit her parents in Switzerland. But she noticed a new ultra event just listed in Switzerland and she will probably do this while making the visit with her family.
The Swiss Iron Trail is a 201 Km trail race, is a new event that takes you over numerous mountains and each aid station has a cut off time you must meet to proceed. With a maximum time allowed of 56 hours.
(pictured above L-R: Monica, Iris and Veronique)
So after finishing Monica's February 20 / 40 Km Fun Run, we headed back to Casa Del Scholz for veggie chili , cold beverages and tall tails.
It was here that Monica, ever to casually said, "you know I think I may just do that Swiss Iron Trail Race".
Now how does a person take in information like: 201km and 56 hour maximum time, let alone the numerous big piles of rock called the Swiss Alps and think this is something to sign up for over a bowl of chili???
I have to do a weeks planning just to get my ass in gear to show up at her 20k fun run for wimps!
But as Bill Wheeler, Danny Murphy and I were driving home, we thought ' hey wouldn't it be neat if we went to crew for them'.
That may be all well and fine for those two, as they are speed demons and would have no problem doing any pacing requirements with either Monica or Iris, but I would be afraid they would kick the sh%t out of me if I tried to pace them as I would be holding them back.
But maybe they need someone to look after a beer cooler or something, then I am all in.