Link: Dr. Jack Kruse ... Neuuurosurgeon!
Title: Leptin Circadian Cycles
Title: Leptin Circadian Cycles
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Everything you'd expect in thirty minutes with Dr. Jack Kruse, or Leptin Man as we call him in these parts. Ah what the heck, it's my blog. Can we put up that slide Jeeves? Thanks. OK. What you won't get is what's billed. Leptin circadian cycles account for a couple minutes at most of the talk, and although Croxton promises us that Jack "shares how he lost 133 pounds in a single year by correcting the 'biological mismatches' that were once prevalent in his life" there's nothing about the Leptin Reset that comes out of Jack's mouth in this talk. Aside from using the words like evolutionary a few times, and exclaiming that paleo fixes all (no grains, limited dairy), this wasn't really a paleo "talk". The only unifying theme was that there was no unifying theme. Oh ... and leptin!