Warung Bebas

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

An Expensive Healthcare Computing Mistake: $1.5 Million

At my June 2011 post "Babies' deaths spotlight safety risks linked to computerized systems" I reported on a case (case #2) of an infant death in part attributed to HIT (PACS) interference in otherwise simple care processes.

In "Allen-Blake vs. Abington Memorial Hospital", a critical x-ray of a PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) line placement allegedly was never read due to misdating.

The Allen-Blake case was settled 2/29/12 for $1.5 million, according to the public docket count 78 (link):

2/29/2012OrderOF 2/28/12 OTT, J PROPOSED SETTLEMENT OF $1,500,000.00 APPROVED CC

That $1.5 million might have paid for a lot of other things, such as provision of better medical care through hiring/retention of more staff. The legal fees for defense incurred must also have been substantial, representing yet more precious healthcare capital down the proverbial drain.

Add cases like this to the "total cost of ownership" of health IT.

-- SS

Longevity isn't Paleo!

At the end of a recent post, I cited the following study:  Fitness cost of extended lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans.  
Abstract:  An insulin/IGF-I-like signalling pathway determines the rate of aging of the adult nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans. Mutations in genes encoding this pathway can result in a doubling of lifespan. While such mutations may appear to have little effect on development or fertility, evolutionary theory predicts that large increases in lifespan will not be optimal for fitness. We demonstrate by laboratory natural selection that partial loss of function of the insulin receptor-like protein DAF-2 results in dramatically reduced fitness even under laboratory conditions. Despite long-lived mutants appearing healthy, they exhibit a heavy fitness cost consistent with an evolutionary theory of aging.
Read more »

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Don't Worry, Your Electronic Medical Records Are Getting Safer With Every Passing Day

At my Oct. 2011 post "Still More Electronic Medical Data Chaos, Pandemonium, Bedlam, Tumult and Maelstrom: But Don't Worry, Your Data is Secure" and others in this query link on medical record privacy, http://hcrenewal.blogspot.com/search/label/medical%20record%20privacy I wrote:

"Don't worry, your medical data's safe."

In Jan 2012 I then posted about Joseph Conn of ModernHealthcare.com's article "2011 Closes on a Note of Electronic Medical Record Privacy Breach Shame."

Don't worry, though; the IT industry's leader, finance, to which medicine is always compared, has gotten closer to getting the situation under control:


MasterCard, Visa confirm credit card data theft described as 'massive'
March 30, 2012
By Bob Sullivan

Law enforcement officials are investigating what appears to be a massive theft of U.S. consumers' credit card data, MasterCard and Visa confirmed Friday. The computer security expert who first reported the theft said it might involve as many as 10 million MasterCard and Visa accounts, making it one of the largest known credit card heists.

"MasterCard is currently investigating a potential account data compromise event of a U.S.-based entity and, as a result, we have alerted payment card issuers regarding certain MasterCard accounts that are potentially at risk," that association said in a statement. "Law enforcement has been notified of this matter and the incident is currently the subject of an ongoing forensic review by an independent data security organization."

The theft was first reported by well-known computer security journalist Brian Krebs on his blog, KrebsonSecurity.com. Krebs said the crime involves compromise of a credit card payment processor — a "middle man" that handles transactions between retailers and banks [like these middlemen in medicine? - ed.]

The name of that institution is unknown, but processors have long been a target of identity thieves because of the enormous amounts of data they control. In 2008, Princeton, N.J.,-based Heartland Systems was hacked, exposing tens of millions of credit card account numbers to theft.

Krebs reported that hackers had access to the unknown processors data from Jan 21 through Feb 25, and were able to siphon off enough data to easily create counterfeit cards. His sources called the leak "massive."

Gartner security expert Avivah Litan said she's been told that the stolen data is already being used on the street by identity thieves.

"I’ve spoken with folks in the card business who are seeing signs of this breach mushroom. Looks like the hackers have started using the stolen card data more recently," she said.

Read the whole article at the link.

Don't let this trouble you, however. The problem is getting closer to a solution with each mega-break in.

They'll have it fixed any day now, so have no fear telling your EHR-equipped doctor all your private and most sensitive medical business.

-- SS

The Insulin Paradox

One of the more difficult things to sort out from the enormous amount of information out there is the actual effect, if any, of dietary composition on resulting body composition.  This is complicated from the get-go by many rodent studies that are done on reproductively mature animals that are still growing.  How to compare this to humans who cease growing vertically once they reach adulthood?  Next we have to sort through the studies that are done, and the implications of them, in the context of weight loss/underfeeding vs. those in the context of weight gain/overfeeding.  Clearly there are compensatory mechanisms at play in both situations that are drastically different.  Lastly, and here's where we probably have the least amount of information, and practically nothing in humans, what role does one's dietary composition have on their body composition over the long haul for a "normal" weight stable adult?    Verifiable science basically fails us on this last point, and we're left mostly to the "wolves" of the diet/fitness industry -- e.g. body builders,  trainers and nutritionists for elite athletes, etc. -- for their anecdotal reports.  I don't mean to disparage these folks with the term wolves (hence the quotes), but we can never separate the reports from the reality when there's money on the line in a world where ads are required to include "results not typical" disclaimers.  While I'm not saying all of these folks, or even a majority, are of the 2am infomercial variety, the claims remain largely unverifiable.  It would sure be cool if there was a privacy-sparing way to collect verifiable body composition, dietary and activity data for a large population of free-living humans, eh?
Read more »

10 Hewan Yang Memiliki Kecerdasan Tinggi

Unik Informatika - Hewan juga termasuk makhluk hidup, dia juga butuh hidup layak nya manusia dan dia juga termasuk salah satu kingdom yang ada di planet bumi yang kecil ini jika dibandingkan dengan matahari siiii...:D
Hewan itu disebut juga dengan binatang..:D (yang ga tau bego), nahh kali ini saya akan membeberkan sebuah postingan tentang Hewan yang tergolong pandai dan cerdas menutut Animal Planet, hewan-hewan berikut mungkin ada yang sudah pada ngeliat mereka sebelumnya,
Berikut adalah cuplikan ke 10 binatang ter'sukses' ini..:D cekidot gan..:D :

1. Simpanse.

Simpanse rentan terhadap banyak penyakit manusia, seperti campak, influenza, hepatitis B, kurap dan luka dingin. Simpanse memiliki pengetahuan tentang bekerja dengan alat. Simpanse hidup dalam komunitas sosial dari beberapa lusin hewan, yang dikenal sebagai pasukan. Hierarki dibentuk oleh laki-laki dewasa dari sebuah komunitas, yang dipimpin oleh Alpha Male. Simpanse berbagi lebih dari 98 persen dari DNA manusia.

2. Lumba-lumba.

Lumba-lumba menyenangkan dan akrobatik oleh alam, dan satu jenis tertentu dari lumba-lumba, lumba-lumba spinner, memiliki trik tersendiri. Namanya berasal dari kemampuan pemintal untuk melompat jelas air dan berputar pada sumbu longitudinal (dari kepala sampai ekor) hingga empat kali sebelum kembali menyelam ke dalam air. Ini tampilan yang menentang gravitasi dapat menjadi bentuk komunikasi.

3. Orang Utan.

Kecerdasan seperti yang kita pahami, umumnya merupakan atribut sosial. Dengan kata lain, dikembangkan antara spesies yang merepresentasikan interaksi sosial antara mereka dan mempelajari life skill satu sama lain.
Walaupun hewan tersebut merupakan semi-soliter, mereka mengembangkan berbagai bentuk kontak sosial dalam berbagai tahap kehidupan mereka, yang dapat membantu mereka menemukan solusi yang lebih baik untuk tantangan yang mereka hadapi.
Memang, selama beberapa abad terakhir orangutan telah membuat kagum komunitas ilmiah internasional, kemampuan mental yang memungkinkan mereka untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan mereka, belajar keterampilan hidup baru, rencana tindakan mereka ke depan dan memecahkan masalah lainnya. Mari kita lihat kemampuan mental spesifik dikaitkan dengan orangutan.


Untuk gajah, kecepatan berjalan rata-rata sekitar 4 mph (mil per jam). Dan mamalia memiliki kemampuan untuk berenang jarak yang lebih jauh. Ya, gajah merupakan hewan yang kecerdasannya dianggap setara dengan lumba-lumba dan simpanse, kok begitu? so whattt..:D

5. Burung Gagak.

Gagak adalah burung bermigrasi dan berkumpul di kelompok besar untuk bermigrasi selama musim gugur dan musim dingin, karena mereka tidak tahan iklim yang keras. Sekelompok burung gagak disebut sebagai 'pembunuh'! (aaaaarrgggg...atuuuttt..:D).
Mereka tidak terbatas pada habitat tertentu dan dapat dengan mudah berkembang biak dan bertahan hidup di berbagai habitat, yang meliputi pegunungan, hutan, dataran, peternakan, bidang serta daerah perkotaan modern.

6. Babi.

Babi memiliki rasa berkembang dengan baik penciuman yang mereka dapat dengan mudah menemukan hal-hal bawah tanah.
Banyak ahli menganggap babi lebih mudah dilatih daripada anjing atau kucing. walaupun gue sendiri jijik sama babi, emang jijik sih..maen dilumpur..najis pulak..:D.

7. Tupai.

Tupai kebanyakan vegetarian tapi kadang-kadang mereka memakan serangga kecil, burung kecil atau telur burung. Mereka juga suka biji, tunas pohon, buah, dll
Metode mereka dari penyimpanan makanan yang menarik. Mereka mengumpulkan kacang dan menguburkan mereka di dalam tanah sebagai penyisihan musim dingin dan mencari mereka ketika mereka membutuhkan makanan yang paling. Tupai ingat di mana mereka telah dikuburkan ini kacang sebagai memori mereka meningkat sebesar 15% di musim gugur.
Curhat dikit eaa...gue pernah melihara tupai waktu gue masi kecil, lumanyan lucu sih...suka gue, elu gmna? 

8. Merpati.

Selama Perang Dunia Pertama merpati bernama Cher Ami (Dear Friend) menyelamatkan nyawa banyak tentara Prancis dengan membawa pesan di garis musuh dalam panasnya pertempuran. Dulu gue pernah dengar-dengar merpati itu merupakan hewan pengganti 'pak pos' dikarenakan dia bisa begitu...:D pengen..:D.

9. Gurita.
Semua gurita memiliki tiga hati. Mereka tidak memiliki tulang dan tidak akan mampu mempertahankan bentuk mereka keluar dari air.
Warna darah mereka biru. Mereka memiliki penglihatan yang sangat baik tetapi tidak bisa mendengar. Rada-rada takut juga sih pegang sama ngeliat nya, mengerikan...:D.

10. Tikus.

Seekor tikus memiliki memori tajam dan selalu ingat rute navigasi ke tempat.
Hal ini dapat pergi lebih lama tanpa air dari pada unta dan juga bisa bertahan tanpa cedera setelah jatuh dari 15 meter.
Seekor tikus adalah binatang penasaran dan pemalu dan lebih suka melarikan diri jauh penginderaan bahaya daripada menghadapi itu. Jerry gitu...pantesan si Tom ga berhasil ngedapatin dia..:D

Menarik bukan? Pengen melihara gitu juga ga sob? Yang jelas ga babi la..:D
Bukan rasis ya terhadap babi's family, tapi ISLAM emang ngelarang umatnya mamam babi..:D.
Sumber : Kaskus

Ismed Sofyan, 'Andrea Pirlo' nya Indonesia

Unik Informatika - Kenal dengan sosok pesepakbola Ismed Sofyan? dia adalah putra asli Aceh, detailnya dia adalah warga Aceh Tamiang yang kini bertempat tinggal di Jakarta karena dia harus membela panji Persija Jakarta, klub kebanggaan masyarakat ibukota Indonesia ini, mengawali karier nya di Persiraja Banda Aceh pada tahun 1999 hanya setahun bertahan lalu dia hijrah ke persijatim dan bertahan 2 tahun dan kini dia setia dengan si Orange Persija Jakarta.
Berbekal tendangan bola mati yang sangat 'mematikan' dia diposisikan sebagai Bek Kanan, di Timnas Indonesia Pun dia sebagai Bek kanan. Tapi dia mampu bermain di posisi bek kiri, gelandang serang, gelandang bertahan atau striker.
Yang sangat dikenal pada sosok Ismed adalah kemampuannya mengeksekusi bola mati sesuai kehendak hatinya, yang selalu menjadi andalan Persija sampai sekarang, bagi saya dia adalah 'Andrea Pirlo' nya Indonesia.Walaupun Usia nya sudah mencapai usia 32 tapi dia masih sangat Energik sebagai pemain bertahan..:D

Biodata Ismed Sofyan :

Nama Lengkap : Ismed Sofyan
Tanggal Lahir / Umur : 28 Agustus 1979 / 32 Tahun
Tempat Lahir : Manyak Payed, Aceh Tamiang, Aceh
Tinggi : 169 cm
Posisi : Bek Kanan
Klub : Persija
Nomor Punggung : 14
Tim Nasional : Indonesia

Keren kan? Putra Aceh yang menjadi pemain Indonesia yang bergaji kedua tertinggi setelah Bambang Pamungkas...:D

Google Buka Kantor di Jakarta

Unik Informatika - Kenal Google? kalau anda tidak kenal betul-betul ndesooo anda, yang tinggal di kampung saya aja tau apa itu google, kalau ditanya jawabnya gini gan 'Gugel itu yang di internet itu kan?' nahhh tau kan...
Tidak-tidak saya tidak membahas orang kampung saya, melainkan Google itu sudah buka cabang kantor di Indonesia tepatnya di Ibukota kita Jakarta, melalui siaran pers yang diterima oleh Tempo hari Jum'at tanggal 30 Maret 2012 Google membuka lowongan kerja dan di sejumlah posisi.
Dan anda bisa lihat sendiri dengan lengkap di www.google.co.id/jobs, dan kantor nya yang di Jakarta ini merupakan kantor Google yang keempat di Kawasan Asia Tenggara selain di Singapura, Malaysia dan Thailand tentunya.
Rudy Ramawy ditunjuk sebagai Country Head, dia adalah mantap direktur Programming dan Produksi di RCTI. dan dia juga pernah terlibat dan bekerja untuk Procter & Gamble, Warner Music, Sony Music Entertainment dan Axis Telecom Indonesia.
Berminat? segera lemparkan lamaran anda...:D hehehe..:D
Saya juga berminat lo..:D

sumber : Tribunnews

5 Tipe Pengguna Wi-Fi di Tempat Umum

Unik Informatika - Warung Kopi dan Tempat umum misalnya Taman adalah sebuah tempat yang sudah terlalu canggih di berbagai kota besar bahkan kota kecil, di tempat saya misalnya di Aceh, Warung Kopi sebagian besar sudah dilengkapi dengan fasilitas free wi-fi dalam artian free disini adalah kita pesan dulu secangkir kopi atau extra joss tambah susu misalnya kita bisa duduk 24 jam free atau bahkan sampai mata ini tak sangguk lagi melihat monitor laptop, yah yang pasti sihh berbekal sebuah laptop dan 4 lembar uang bergambar Pahlawan pattimura kita bisa sepuanya disana.
Nah menariknya, tanpa kita sadari pati banyak orang yang datang kesana dan pastinya banyak juga tipe pengguna wi-fi. Nah saya akan beberkan beberapa tipe pengguna wi-fi yang ada dalam pikiran saya dan misalnya ada yang lain bisa anda tambahkan....:D.
Check this out, sobat :

1. Tipe Gamers.
Yahh, tipe seperti ini pasti anda sering melihatnya, saya juga begitu ta jarang kawan saya juga begitu sampai di 'TKP' langsung membuka facebook dan nge-klik 'Texas Holdem Poker' atau 'Mafia Wars' atau sebagainya lah.

2. Tipe Downloader.
Hehehee..tipe yang satu ini membuat saya tertawa kecil dalam hati, tipe satu ini adalah tipe pendiam dan bisa penyendiri, dia akan mencari tempat wi-fi yang bandwitch nya tinggi lalu mencari tempat di pojokan dan akan melancarkan aksinya dengan hati senang, sedangkan orang lain asyik berteriak 'Hoyyy, soe download le??' yang ga tau artinya berarti anda bukan orang Aceh, so pasti ! :D

3. Tipe Semi-Sosial.
Tipe ini asyik juga, dia adalah manusia sosial, maksud sosial dia akan membuka tak lain dan tak bukan 'Facebook' atau 'Twitter', dan akan senang sekali jika ada kawan yang ingin mengobrol atau lebih populernya disebut dengan 'Chat', apalagi yang di 'chat itu adalah wanita cantik bagi seorang pria 'sosial' seperti itu.

4. Tipe Sosial.
Tipe ini akan datang bergerombolan dan akan bertanya kepada pelayan dengan simpel 'Bang, meja boleh gabung digabung?' dan jika kata'Boleh' yang keluar maka akan duduk dan jika kata 'Tidak yang keluar maka mereka akan keluar dengan muka 'kusut'.

5. Tipe Hemat.
Tipe ini adalah tipe yang 'hemat' alias pelit, dia akan datang lalu duduk dan dengan jantannya memanggil sang 'Bell-boy' nya warkop dan meminta menu, setelah melihat lumayan lama dia akan memesan yang 'paling mahal' alias yang daftar menunya paling dibawah. :D menarik bukan? belum berhenti sampai disitu, dia akan duduk yang paling lama, bahkan untuk makan pun dia akan bawa dari rumahnya. hahahaha :D

Anda sering melihat tipe mana?
atau pilih anda tipe mana??
Tanyakan dalam hati...jujur tipe paling saya benci adalah tipe nomor '2' meskipun sekali-kali saya juga begitu..:D hehehehe

Join di Fans Page Unika, disini !

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Conflicts of Interest or Bribes? - Biomet, Smith & Nephew Settle

More justifications of physicians' and other health care professionals' financial arrangements with industry have been appearing in the media and the medical literature (for recent examples, look here and here). Most commonly, the relationships they defended could be characterized as health care professionals consulting or sitting on advisory boards for industry, or receiving royalties from industry for their intellectual property.

In the last two months, two device manufacturers, Biomet and Smith & Nephew, accepted penalties for less defensible financial relationships with physicians. They entered into deferred prosecution agreement and settled charges that they bribed doctors employed by foreign governments. Some of these relationships, especially those involving Biomet, would have been prospectively indistinguishable from the sorts of conflicts of interest that have been so fervently defended.


Starting in 2007, we posted (here, here, here, here and here) about the payments, often huge, that five manufacturers of prosthetic joints, Biomet, DePuy Orthopaedics,a unit of Johnson & Johnson, Stryker Orthopedics,a unit of Stryker Inc, Zimmer Holdings, and Smith & Nephew, revealed they made to orthopedic surgeons and various academic and other organizations in the US. All companies except Stryker were charged with "criminal conspiracy to violate anti-kickback laws," and all were subject to deferred prosecution agreements.  (Stryker entered into a voluntary compliance agreement.)  According to a US Department of Justice news release, the agreements required:
A federal monitor will be in place at each company to review compliance with the DPAs and NPA and all new and existing consulting relationships with the companies;
• Each company is required to conduct a needs assessment to determine the reasonable needs for educational consulting services, and new product-development consultants.
• All new consulting agreements shall require physicians to disclose their financial engagements with any company to their patients and require the companies to disclose the name of each consultant and what they have been paid on the company website.

These agreements ended in 2009.

The Latest Settlements

As we noted, in 2011, Johnson and Johnson admitted its subsidiaries, including DePuy, had been bribing doctors in Europe through 2007, and agreed to yet another deferred prosecution agreement.

Smith & Nephew

Last month, Bloomberg reported:
Smith & Nephew Plc, Europe’s biggest maker of artificial hips and knees, agreed to pay $22.2 million to settle allegations by the U.S. Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission that it engaged in a scheme to pay bribes in Greece.

Smith & Nephew admitted in filings today in federal court in Washington that two of its units were involved in a scheme for more than a decade to make 'illicit payments' to doctors employed by government hospitals or agencies in Greece in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

The London-based company, which entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the U.S., agreed to pay a $16.8 million fine to settle the criminal allegations and another $5.4 million to settle a civil suit filed by the SEC.

The colorful specifics were:
Smith & Nephew admitted that from 1997 until June 2008, its U.S. and German units bribed public doctors in Greece to win business. The bribes were paid through a person described in court documents as a 'Greek distributor.' This person used shell companies that masked bribes as 'marketing services,' according to the statement of facts filed in the criminal case.

The document cites a March 2002 e-mail from the Greek distributor to a Smith & Nephew vice president in Memphis, Tennessee, complaining that the 'marketing services' payments weren’t enough, noting that competitors were paying 30 percent to 40 percent more.

'I absolutely need this fund to promote my sales with surgeons,' the distributor said in the e-mail, according to prosecutors.

Reforming a corrupt and dysfunctional public health system was one of the conditions of Greece’s acceptance of a European Union and International Monetary Fund bailout package in 2010. Doctors also supplement their income with payments from patients, called 'fakelaki,' small envelopes with cash for prompt treatment.
In the SEC complaint, the payments made to the physicians were described as "commissions."
Note that the company made the usual sort of statement,
'We have what I believe to be a world-class compliance program, having enhanced it significantly since this investigation began in 2007,' Olivier Bohuon, Smith & Nephew’s chief executive officer, said in a statement. 'These legacy issues do not reflect Smith & Nephew today.'

He did not mention why the payments were continuing at a time when the company was already supposedly operating under the previous deferred prosecution agreement that arose out of the charges in the US discussed above.


This week, the Indianapolis Star reported,
To sell its products abroad, medical device maker Biomet at times bribed doctors with cash, travel and meals, the federal government says.

The Warsaw, Ind.-based company agreed Monday to pay nearly $23 million to settle allegations that its payments to doctors violated the federal Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The Securities and Exchange Commission alleges that Biomet, acting through four subsidiaries and its distributors, paid bribes from 2000 to 2008 to doctors in Argentina, Brazil and China in order to win business.

The settlement includes a $17.3 million criminal fine and $5.6 million to the SEC, the government and company said in separate news releases.

The details were,
he SEC accused Biomet of writing phony invoices to cover kickbacks as high as 20 percent of sales to push its products.

In other instances, Biomet provided doctors with money and travel in exchange for implanting artificial joints and other Biomet products in their patients, says the SEC complaint, which was filed in federal court in Washington. In China, Biomet vendors gave doctors cash upon completion of surgeries using Biomet implants, the lawsuit says.

'I've got to send him to Switzerland to visit his daughter,' a Biomet distributor wrote in a 2001 email to the company, describing a trip given as a reward to a Chinese doctor who implanted 10 Biomet hips and knees a month in patients.

The SEC said Biomet's compliance and internal audit functions failed to stop the practices even after determining they were illegal.

Note how Biomet accounted for the payments,
The payments were falsely recorded on company books as 'commissions,' 'royalties' and 'scientific incentives,' the Justice Department said.

Furthermore, the Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette added,
With the settlement announced Monday, the Justice Department found that Biomet and its subsidiaries covered up bribery payments by officially recording them as 'consulting fees' or 'commissions.'

Note that Biomet's official response was similar to Smith & Nephew's, as reported in another article from the Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette,
Jeffrey Binder, Biomet’s president and CEO, didn’t address the company’s guilt or innocence in a written statement released Monday.

Biomet has 'significantly enhanced' its procedures worldwide in recent years to ensure employees’ conduct is legal and ethical, he said.

'Moving forward, we intend to continue to adhere to our enhanced global compliance procedures, and to promote the company’s commitment to the highest ethical standards in all the markets that we serve,' Binder said.

Again, he did not explain why this time the enhanced compliance procedures are likely to work, given that the questionable conduct was still going on after the company had already entered into the 2007 deferred prosecution agreement.


Some Apparent Conflicts of Interest are Actually Bribes

In these cases, two medical device corporations paid doctors in several countries for implanting their products into patients. The resulting legal proceedings allow us to characterize these actions as bribes. Clearly both the companies' and the physicians' actions were unethical, since they lead to decisions that put the enrichment of the decision makers and those bribing them ahead of the patients' interests.

Some of the most common financial arrangements between health care professionals and industry that are thought of as conflicts of interest are paid consulting and payment of royalties for intellectual property. As we have discussed, e.g. here, conflicts of interest in medicine and health care are generally thought to raise the likelihood of corruption, but not necessarily to indicate corruption in specific instances. In the cases above, bribes were sometimes called "consulting payments or royalties." This suggests that some consulting payments and royalties which may commonly be thought of as conflicts of interest are outright bribes, that is, outright health care corruption.

Those who fervently defend conflicts of interest as inevitable, and necessary for collaboration and hence innovation (e.g., look here), often minimize the adverse effects of these conflicts (e.g., look here). In fact, any putative benefits of such conflicts ought to be contrasted with their possible harms. These cases make it clear that these harms include outright corruption which may be disguised as mere conflicts of interest.

This adds strength to arguments that conflicts of interest ought to be minimized or eliminated, not tolerated and "managed."

Current Measures to Enforce Laws Against Bribes and Kickbacks are More Theatre than Deterrent

The current cases are just the latest members in the march of legal settlements. We have noted that misbehavior in large health care organizations rarely leads to any negative consequences for the people who authorized, directed or implemented the offending actions. Instead, the penalties are, at most, fines paid by the organizations, not the people involved, and variants of deferred prosecution and/or corporate integrity agreements. We and others have previously argued without negative consequences affecting the people who authorize, direct or implement unethical actions, such actions will continue.

The current cases corroborate this. Corporations that had already paid fines and accepted deferred prosecution agreements for bribes to physicians continued to bribe other physicians. The failure of the offending corporations to admit any wrongdoing, or the need for specific changes of behavior in the future, suggests that the current fines and deferred prosecution agreements will not be any more effective than the previous ones. The current fashion of punishing behavior within health care organization with fines and agreements to behave better in the future appears to be more law enforcement theatre than serious deterrent.  

As we have said before, true health care reform would make leaders of health care organization accountable for their organizations' bad behavior.

Button Collections Download for Blog/Website

Unik Informatika - Salam sejahtera kawan, pernahkah anda berhasrat membuat tombol button di Photoshop? itulah yang terjadi pada saya sekarang, saya ingin membuat tombol button di blog saya sendiri sesuka hati saya, 
menikmati hasil kerja sendiri itu jauh lebih asik daripada menikmati hasil buatan sendiri, saya merasakannya. tapi kali ini saya tidak membahas masalah cara membuatnya, khusus kali ini saya membuat nya khusus untuk anda dalam 10 warna yang biasa dipakai untuk sebuah button di website atau blog dengan latar yang transparan.
Cara pemakaian nya cukup gampang, begini :

1. Install aplikasi Photoshop versi berapapun, namun rekomendasi saya pakailah CS3, kalau tidak download lalu Install

2. Buka file .psd yang telah anda download.

3. Pilih menu 'File' dan klik 'New'.

4. Drag salah satu button yang anda sukai lalu crop dan tinggal 'save as' dengan format '.png' atau '.gif'.

5. Selesai.

Cukup gampang bukan?
Lain kali saya akan memposting tutorial membuat button menggunakan Photoshop.
sekian postingan ini dan terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog sederhana ini, jangan sungkan untuk kembali lagi...:D
Link download ada pada link di bawah ini..:D

An elegans argument in insulin's favor

No, that's not a typo in the post title.  I'm referring to the nematode (aka worm) known as Caenorhabditis elegans, or C. elegans  for short.   More recently the topic of longevity has been introduced into discussions regarding diet and health, and when one looks into aging research, they will inevitably be inundated with studies involving these worms.  The caption of the picture at right is "adult and two juveniles".  Apparently there are some similarities between some genes in this worm and insulin receptor genes in humans.  I'm always intrigued when the "I am not a mouse (or rat)" crowd starts citing worm longevity research to support their theories on metabolism and endocrinology.  Surely they see that where there are differences in rodent and human physiology, these differences are dwarfed many times over when one tries to extrapolate worm physiology to humans!   
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Program Kabisat di C

Unik Informatika - Banyak universitas di Indonesia sekarang khususnya yang dibidang It, baik itu Informatika atau Ilmu Komputer belajar bahasa pemograman menggunakan C atau C++, nah tak jarang pula mahasiswa diberikan tugas oleh dosennya membuat program, nah ini yang terjadi pada saya, pengalaman saya adalah membuat program tahun kabisat menggunakan C, 
apakah anda bernasib sama seperti saya, membuat program itu gampang-gampang susah sebenarnya, tapi jika kita benar-benar sungguh-sungguh InsyaAllah akan bisa melakukannya, percaya atau tidak, buktikan saja sendiri, nah program ini murni hasil lahan logika saya sendiri bermodal menggunakan Gedit di Ubuntu 11.10, hehehe maklum belum terlalu bisa menggunakan Vim (semacam Gedit juga), yah terpaksa menggunakan gedit.
jika anda membutuhkan nya boleh diunduh, karena saya sudah meng upload program nya di hostingan favorit saya, silahkan klik tulisan biru di bawah ini..! :D

Terima Kasih atas kunjungan anda sobat..:D
kapan2 mampir lagi ya..:D

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Rencong, Senjata Tradisional Aceh

Unik Informatika - Rencong...pernah anda mendengar kata nama benda itu? tahukah anda benda apa itu? berasal dari mana? ya..rencong adalah senjata tradisional yang sangat barharga semacam belati atau keris tepatnya berasal dari provinsi ACEH, menarik bukan?
maka sari itu ACEH memiliki sebutan 'Tanah Rencong', Rencongitu berbentuk seperti huruf 'L', yang memiliki sarung dan mata yang sangat tajam, yang menariknya mata 'pisau' ini berbentuk lengkung-lengkung dan bisa juga lurus seperti pedang, jadi rencong memiliki 2 bentuk mata.
Sarung Rencong sendiri bisa terbuat dari kayu, gading gajah, tanduk binatang, bahkan bisa saja dari perak dan emas. Rencong sendiri memiliki tingkatannya, yang dipakai oleh raja, sarung nya terbuat dari emas, perak atau gading gajah serta bermata emas dan bertulisan sekutip ayat suci Al-Qur'an.
Diriwayatkan, rencong itu dihubungkan dengan kekuatan mistik sehinggga masih dihubung-hubungkan dengan upacara adat tradisional Aceh sendiri dan rencong mewakili simbol basmallah yang berasal dari kepercayaan agama Islam sebagai agama Islam.
Rencong sendiri biasa dipakai di bagian perut yang diselipkan pada sabuk atau bagian yang melilit dipinggang...sehingga pemakai terlihat berkharisma tinggi.
Sungguh senjata yang unik..:D Jadi bangga jadi Orang Aceh...:D

do you own a pair of mint jeans??  they are totally on my radar for spring!!  hope y'all have a wonderful wednesday!  i know i will b/c my parents have arrived to help me out while warren is traveling!! 

*images can be found here

Tulane/BRG Resident Sues The Hospital: Former Medical Resident Sues for Abuses

My own medical internship was needlessly abusive in terms of sleep deprivation, treatment of interns as chattel by the Chief and some particularly nasty attendings, and the behaviors of some residents who were determined to return the hazing they'd received to the new intern 'plebes.' The abuses ultimately led to high levels of risk to patients. I wrote about my training experiences in my Sept. 2007 post "Metric myopia: does reducing exploitation of medical trainees have 'little effect' on patients?" [1]

However, in those days medical trainees were generally helpless to do anything about it. Most sucked the abuse up without complaining. In some cases they became victims of a form of the Stockholm Syndrome.

(In my case, I picked up and left the hospital after the PGY-1 internship year and went to other hospitals to complete my residency which were, at the time, of better quality and far less abusive. The jarring PGY-1 experience in part informs my writing on healthcare abuses in general at this blog. The original hospital went bankrupt a few years ago; this was no surprise to me.)

At HC Renewal, the posts on "physician learned helplessness" such as here and here in part focus on the effects of postgraduate medical training abuses.

So, whatever the truth and ultimate outcome, you at least have to admire this Resident (or, I should say, ex-Resident), who both sued and put up his own website about the suit, for his tenacity:

Former Tulane/BRG Resident Sues The Hospital

A whopping 182 million dollar lawsuit against Tulane/Baton Rouge General Medical Center and various local doctors was filed by former Tulane/Baton Rouge General Internal Medicine Resident, Dr. Eid Amer on March 19, 2012 in the 19th Judicial District Court of Louisiana. Among the counts in this enormous fifty page lawsuit are: breach of contract, fraud, forgery, negligence, defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy, violation of the whistleblower statute and violation of due process.

Dr. Amer, a thirty-year old physician was in his first year of a three-year categorical internal medicine residency program when he suffered retaliation from his program superiors after submitting a series of complaints regarding medical negligence, defamation, fraud and forgery that culminated in his retaliatory discharge just over two weeks from his last complaint to the CEO of the hospital William Holman who did nothing about it, the complaint alleges.

Details of the issues are at the website. They focus on Dr. Amer's whistleblowing about violations of the 80-hour-per-week rule instituted after the Libby Zion affair (the "Libby Zion law"), retaliation for complaints about the violations, psychological abuses of the trainees that sound all too familiar, and patient care risks (e.g., as detailed in this long page).

The Complaint docket is available in PDF at this link: Eid Amer, MD vs. Baton Rouge General Medical Center, General Health System, Tulane Univ. School of Medicine, and a host of individual plaintiffs.

This is certainly speaking out against the ingrained abuses of the medical training system.

I cannot comment on the merits of this case, but can say from my own personal experience, and that of many colleagues, that the claims are certainly plausible.

I wish this doctor luck. He will need it.

-- SS

[1] I could not at first locate that old post. However, I remember so vividly being compelled - at explicit threat of career jeopardy - as a PGY-1 to do pelvic exams in the middle of the night on disabled febrile female patients from the Inglis House nursing home in Philadelphia (for the mentally normal but severely physically handicapped) with UTI's, pneumonia and other problems, that a search on "pelvic exam" brought the post right up. One does not easily forget experiences like that.

A Little Publishing Glitch

Two days ago I accidentally hit the "Publish" button on a very early draft of a post.  I deleted it but not fast enough for it to flicker across the feed readers.  I've since published the finished product, and tried to update the timestamp so it would be in chronological order and come across the feeders again.  It didn't.  Since a large portion of my audience keep up with the blog by this means, and Beth had asked via Twitter when it was coming back, I just wanted to do a "bump" of sorts.

Easter Treats!

This Easter our treat to you is a chance to win one of 5 luxury Eggs from Melchior Chocolates worth £14.95 simply like our facebook page! 

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Make Your Camfrog be Pro

Unik Informatika - Good night every body, this time i want to share you about Serial Number Camfrog pro, if you use that software i have the license key. Camfrog is one of send a instanly message, be it througt with a text message, video camera or any else. Camfrog was making by Camshare LLC at 2003.
Many people was used Camfrog to Negaive side, but any people was used that to positive side, no problem...hehhee :D would you like, but i suggest you to use this serial number to positive side, having fun..:D.
Camfrog has a room at his application, 1000 members was accomodated in just one room camfrog. Okey, for the serial number, you can see that at the buttom of that :

1. 2B8A-0004-70BE5C5E478D1B78FA8EDCD18BD07623

2. F8E4-0000-2D734422F56BDEAA22003FBD62DDCBF4

3. 65DE-0000-7320C10F4F1EADAD571B08078C05A27E

4. F744-0003-0A047C5439783FBB5961074606816B8C

Thanks a lot for visit this blog, anytime you can visit again for other topic.
see you again later, bye bye...:D

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012


In upcoming posts, I plan to pursue two main themes.  The first is a more comprehensive exploration of what determines eating behavior in humans, the neurobiology behind it, and the real world implications of this research.  The reward and palatability value of food are major factors, but there are others, and I've spent enough time focusing on them for the time being.  Also, the discussions revolving around food reward seem to be devolving into something that resembles team sports, and I've had my fill.

The second topic I'm going to touch on is human evolutionary history, including amazing recent insights from the field of human genetics.  These findings have implications for the nutrition and health of modern humans. 

I look forward to exploring these topics, and others, with all of you in the coming months.

Gartner: Famous Last Words on National Health IT - "Don't Fear Progress"

From time to time I review old articles about health IT via Google and other search engines.

Found this analysis/prediction/statement of confidence, by a research analyst at IT consultant company Gartner Group. Emphasis mine:

Don’t Fear Progress

by Brian Burke | April 17, 2009 | 1 Comment

In an open letter blog to President Obama, Burton Group Senior Analyst Joe Bugajski opines that President Obama is spewing “delusional visions of a nation-covering, interoperable, secure, private, reliable, accurate, and instantaneous electronic healthcare data network is at best terrifying and at worst pernicious.” OK – I had to look up ‘pernicious’. It’s not good.

Mr. Bugajski goes on to relate a horrifying personal experience in which he ended up in a clinic and then a hospital that both used electronic health records. He relates the story of his stay in which electronic health records hindered rather than helped and concludes that most health care professionals “longed for handwritten charts hanging at the foot of every patient’s bed.” While I don’t doubt his experience, and I disagree that building a national health information network is an unsound idea.

In fact, the National Health Services (NHS) in the UK is several years into its ‘Connecting for Health‘ program and has already built a nation-covering, interoperable, secure, private, reliable, accurate, and instantaneous electronic healthcare data network. The UK is reaping the benefits of improved treatment and cost savings. You can read additional background in my research note, Toolkit: Enterprise Architecture for the U.K.’s National Health Service (Case Study)

Mr. Bugajski is correct that the initiative will be large and costly and I also agree that the US government should approach the program with caution. But the benefits are enormous – it’s about saving lives! While I sympathize with Mr. Bugajski’s unfortunate experience, I believe moving forward on this initiative is truly one of the bright spots in President Obama’s stimulus plan.

Problem is, the NHS program to build a "nation-covering, interoperable, secure, private, reliable, accurate, and instantaneous electronic healthcare data network" failed, as I wrote at my Sept. 2011 post "NPfIT Programme goes PfffT."

The success of this program was long in doubt, as expressed by the UK's own House of Commons public accounts (audit) committee as here, published 27 Jan 2009 (four months before the optimistic Gartner piece) entitled "The National Programme for IT in the NHS: Progress since 2006 - Public Accounts Committee."

In fact, I had been writing skeptically about that program for years, including at this query link and at my academic site.

I don't fear progress.

What I fear is cybernetic hyper-enthusiasm masquerading as progress, especially when it wastes money - in this case conservatively estimated at £12.7bn - and harms patients.

-- SS

The First Law of Thermo still doesn't violate The Second Law

Well, I've been meaning to weigh in on the Bray overfeeding study (Effect of Dietary Protein Content on Weight Gain, Energy Expenditure, and Body Composition During Overeating) that made a bit of a splash a little while back. George Bray is especially hated by ardent low carb advocates because he wrote a particularly unfavorable review of GCBC published in Obesity Reviews.   Bray is what Adam Kosloff refers to as a "Calorie Wizard":
Regardless of diet, it is a positive energy balance over months to years that is the sine qua non for obesity. Obese people clearly eat more than do lean ones, and food-intake records are notoriously unreliable, as documented by use of doubly labelled water.  Underreporting of food intake is greater in obese than in normal-weight people and is worse for fat than for other macronutrient groups.  Accepting the concept that obesity results from a positive energy balance does not tell us why energy balance is positive.  This depends on a variety of environmental factors interacting with the genetic susceptibility of certain individuals.  Weight loss is related to adherence to the diet, not to its macronutrient composition.
Read more »

Because you can never have too much fun ...

In honor of Jimmy's podcast with the new leader of the Insurgency, Peter "War on Insulin" Attia, MD, I've gotta introduce the latest in my series of Lego superhero analogies.  Attia is younger and considerably more photogenic than Taubes and puts a fresh face on the movement.  When Taubes introduced Attia on his blog, I just couldn't help but think "Boy Wonder" ... and it all started to fall into place.  

The "Dynamic Duo" of Taubes and Attia will from now on be known as Fatman and Glucagon here at the Asylum!  These two shall patrol Glutton City in their Fatmobile protecting its citizens from the dastardly deeds of team CICO. 

No analogy would be complete without identifying the everyday alter-egos of these two.  In the role of Bruce Wayne, we have none other than Jimmy Moore (has anyone ever seen Taubes and Moore in the same place at the same time?), and in the role of Dick Grayson, we will have Adam Kosloff.

Yours truly, of course, shall play the role of Catwoman ;-)  Nah, let's make that Carbwoman!!

Update:  I went looking for Lego Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson.  Had luck with the first, but not much with the second.  Except that I came up with something even better.  It seems that Dick Grayson got tired of being Batman's sidekick and struck out on his own as Nightwing.  I think this scenario fits Kosloff better ... we'll call him Gateking.  So allow me to introduce you to Jimmy Moore, as himself in Bruce Wayne's role, and Gateking!  Jimmy is holding on to Gateking's black box for him while he fights off the Calorie Wizards with his pool noodles.

Another Cautionary Tale about Conflicts of Interest: the CEO's Stretch Limousine, Golden Parachute, and Slush Fund

It remains fashionable in academic medicine to tolerate, if not celebrate conflicts of interest as necessary to support the "collaboration" needed for "innovation," while minimizing their risks (e.g., look here). 

Recently, another cautionary tale about how conflicts of interest signal the risk of all sorts of unpleasantness has appeared in the media.

A Sentinel Event: the First Conflicts Uncovered

In 2009, we wrote about some conflicts of interest at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center in my hometown of Brooklyn, NY.  The New York Daily News had reported that Dr. Addagada Rao, the hospital's chief of surgery was simultaneously the president and part-owner of a Caribbean medical school that funneled medical students to clerkships at Wyckoff.  The hospital's CEO, Rajiv Garg, was an investor in the same school.  At the time, I wrote,
This story illustrates another twist on conflicts of interest affecting the leaders of not-for-profit health care organizations. Many of the smaller not-for-profit hospitals, of which there are thousands in the US, may have minimal conflict of interest policies, which may be minimally enforced, without much transparency or accountability. The coziness of the leadership culture of such smaller institutions may preclude anyone within the culture from asking tough questions. The results may be total confusion as to whose interests particular leaders are serving. In particular, the interests of each hospital's patients may get lost in the shuffle. In this case, the interests of medical students may also get lost in the shuffle. Although the institutions involved may be small, and hence the conflicts may seem small in terms of their monetary value, they aggregate to contribute to the moral miasma that now is the atmosphere of health care.
You heard it here first.

The CEO's Golden Parachute

Fast forward to 2012. In January, the Daily News again reported that CEO Garg had been ousted, but that
Trustees at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center asked to consider a whopping $875,000 severance payout for its former CEO are balking at the package....

It seems that Garg's attorney claimed
They were on the verge of bankruptcy when he arrived. He reduced the debt by tens of millions of dollars.
the hospital’s financial situation remains grim. According to the work group’s final report, Wyckoff’s liabilities are $91 million greater than its assets and it is saddled with $114 million in long-term debt.
So here is yet another example of a CEO personally profiting while his or her organization's finances fester.

The Chauffeured Cars, the Stretch Limousine

The the Daily News began chipping away at the other ways CEO Garg benefited from his leadership of the fiscally troubled hospital. A notable symbol of these benefits was a stretch limousine:
The ousted CEO of a debt-riddled Brooklyn hospital had his security guards ferry friends to the U.S. Open and his wife around town in a stretch limo, the Daily News has learned.

Rajiv Garg, the disgraced honcho of Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, also enjoyed his own commutes in the hospital-issued ride — a sleek, black $33,000 Lincoln Royale.
Garg rolled in style,
The beleaguered hospital bought the fancy car — equipped with a mini-bar, four champagne flutes and a fridge for chilling Dom Pérignon — last summer for Garg It also owned two other cars for his use, sources said.

Several times a week, the limo was dispatched to take Garg’s wife from her job near the hospital to the couple’s midtown apartment, said an employee.

Sometimes, it picked her up and then swung by the hospital to get Garg and whisk them to dinner before dropping them home, sources said. Two or three times a month, the limo picked her up at home and took her shopping.

'I haven’t had a raise in seven years,' said the employee. 'They always tell us they don’t have any money. They spent it on cars.'

The limo has comfy leather seats with room to spare for six passengers and a stereo system capable of drowning out highway noise when Garg and his wife were driven in it to Washington.
More Conflicts of Interest Discovered

Then the Daily News started to reveal conflicts of interest beyond the ones we discussed in 2009:
Then-trustee Frank Chiarello was in a partnership that loaned money to hospital entities, according to a list of board members’ conflicts the Daily News eyeballed. The $2.5 million loan had an 18% interest rate, sources said, costing the hospital hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Chiarello, a real estate exec, resigned from the board last week.

Another trustee who quit the board last week, attorney John Rucigay, serves as a lawyer for other trustees, owns real estate with other trustees, and rents space to the Polish and Slavic Federal Credit Union — whose head of operations is yet another Wyckoff trustee, Agnieszka Poslednik.

Additional trustees on the conflicts list first reported by Crain’s New York Business, include Andrew Boiselle, whose Cebco Check Cashing Corp. does check-cashing business with hospital employees, and attorney Fred Haller, who provides legal services to Wyckoff employees about issues not related to the hospital.
Slush Funds and Bribes

Last week, the Daily News reported about findings by a judge that the CEO kept slush funds used to pay bribes:
Wyckoff Heights Medical Center kept a secret bank account that a former CEO used to bribe a disgraced state assemblyman, an upstate judge said in a court decision.

Orange County Supreme Court Judge Elaine Slobod’s decisionk brought to light new details about the Bushwick hospital’s alleged dealings with Tony Seminerio (D-Far Rockaway), who died in a North Carolina prison last year.

The bank account used for the Stockholm St. hospital’s payoffs to the corrupt pol belonged to 397 Himrod Corporation.

Former Wyckoff board chairman Emil Rucigay originally set up the company to buy real estate for the hospital to turn into a parking lot, the judge’s order said.

The bank account was kept active — though the corporation was dissolved in 2001. The bank account still had approximately $130,000 in it in 2008.

“[Wyckoff’s] CEO was using monies in the Himrod account to bribe Seminerio,” Slobad wrote in her decision last week, referring to Dominick Gio, who was the hospital’s head honcho at the time.

Gio refused to talk a reporter last week. Wcykoff’s interim CEO Ramon Rodriguez also declined to comment.

Money from the Himrod account was used to make payments totaling $15,000 to Seminerio, other court filings charge.
A Lexus, a Bentley, Oh My

Then the story really hit the big time when the New York Times picked it up yesterday. That report added some colorful details about how magnificently the CEO traveled:
In August 2009, Mr. Garg said, he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed his Lexus into a truck. He then lost his license. Asked why in the interview, he said he was not certain, though he offered several explanations, including unpaid tickets and previous accidents.

He then used the hospital’s cars — a Lincoln Town Car and a Cadillac Escalade — for himself and his family around the clock. They were driven by two security guards on overtime, a hospital official said.

He parked his other car, the $160,000 Bentley, at Wyckoff and had the hospital put the vehicle on its own insurance policy.

The limo only came later,
Mr. Garg said in the interview that he suspected that the drivers of the Town Car and the Escalade were eavesdropping on his conversations. So he had the hospital purchase a used stretch limousine for about $33,000.
Yet More Conflicts of Interest Discovered

The Times story also found more conflicts of interest. Some involved CEO Garg:
Mr. Garg introduced hospital officials to Skyscape, a provider of mobile medical references, in which he had a financial interest. Wyckoff signed a contract with the company worth at least $38,700, hospital records show, though the deal eventually fell through.

Others involved hospital trustees. This example might have affected patient care at the hospital:
Dr. Theophine Abakporo arrived at Wyckoff in 1996 from Harlem Hospital to work in emergency medicine. Originally from Nigeria, he said he found his way to the top blocked by what he believed was a clique of doctors at Wyckoff.

In 2009, according to data provided by MapLight.org, Dr. Abakporo, an American citizen, began donating money to the campaign of Representative Edolphus Towns, the Democrat who represents a nearby area. Mr. Towns, a longtime board member of Wyckoff, had by then been replaced by his chief of staff, Albert Wiltshire, on the board.

Dr. Abakporo gave $1,000 to the Towns campaign, then $750, according to election records.

With Mr. Wiltshire’s support, Dr. Abakporo became chairman of emergency medical services.

This example might also have affected patient care:
With his solicitous manner and tailored sport jackets, Gary Goffner, a pharmacist who serves on Wyckoff’s board, has long endeared himself to customers and doctors alike.

He inherited his pharmacy, Kraupner, from his father, a prominent Bushwick landlord as well as a pharmacist, who died recently. It is an old-fashioned store, crammed with supplies, the opposite of an orderly Rite Aid.

It is also a half-mile walk from Wyckoff, a disadvantage Mr. Goffner overcame through a contract that gave him exclusive access to Wyckoff patients as they were being discharged, and allowed him to keep an employee at the hospital to promote his business.

In summary, the Times found,
According to internal hospital documents, 13 of the hospital’s 22 board members declared at least one conflict of interest.

So, from a single story about conflicts of interest affecting the CEO and a medical leader at the hospital, we have gone to stories about widespread conflicts of interest affecting the hospital's board and leadership, about lavish payments and benefits to the CEO while the hospital's finances suffered, and allegations (by a judge) of bribes and slush funds. 

Recall that the Institute of Medicine's report on conflicts of interest in medicine and health care defined conflicts of interest as “circumstances that create a risk that professional judgments or actions regarding a primary interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest.” While no particular conflict of interest is guaranteed to cause someone to abuse entrusted power, conflicts of interest create the risk of such abuse. The case of the leadership and governance of Wyckoff Heights Medical Center shows how such risks may manifest.

Yet we have noted again and again how leaders of supposedly mission-oriented non-profit medical organizations seem to be ignoring these risks while pursuing ever more money from health care corporations. We noted how the Chancellor of the University of California-San Francisco "has no qualms" about faculty's financial relationships with industry. Just this week at Brown University, my alma mater, while discussing a new conflicts of interest policy, we heard,
'People do have conflicts of interest, and it’s not the end of the world,' said Janet Blume, associate dean of the faculty.
Conflicts of interest may not lead to the apocalypse. However, they certainly may lead to all sorts of unpleasantness. As Joe Collier stated, “people who have conflicts of interest often find giving clear advice (or opinions) particularly difficult." Conflicts of interest clearly lead to conflicted, and confused thinking, and such thinking may lead to bad decisions, and hence bad outcomes for patients' and the public's health. Worse, as the IOM asserted, conflicts of interest are a risk factor for outright corruption.

True health care reform might start with a reasoned discussion, based as much as possible on evidence, about the risks as well as the supposed benefits of conflicts of interest affecting those who make decisions about individual patients' health care, and about public health and health care policy.

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